Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé

Page created by Elizabeth Gibson
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church
           Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
“St. Barnabas Roman Catholic parish,                       “La parroquia de la Iglesia Católica Romana de
a welcoming and diverse Eucharistic community              San Bernabé, una comunidad eucarística, aco-
of faith and stewardship, empowered by the                 gedora y diversa de fe y administración, con el
Holy Spirit and in response to Christ’s call to            poder del Espíritu Santo y en respuesta al
love and serve one another, seeks to bring all             llamado de Cristo de amar y servir a los demás,
people to the knowledge of and union with                  busca llevar a todas las personas al conocimien-
God our Father.”                                           to y la unión con Dios nuestro Padre”

          24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - September 12, 2021
 Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church                         New Parishioners are                Los nuevos parroquianos son
 Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé                          welcomed and invited to join in     bienvenidos e invitados a unirse
 109 Crescent Hill Drive                                      our worship and many                a nuestra adoración y otras ac-
 PO Box 39, Arden, NC 28704                                   activities. Please register after   tividades. Por favor regístrense
 Telephone: (828) 684‐6098                                    Sunday Masses or stop by the        después de las misas Dominicales
 Fax: (828) 684‐6152                                          office. Parishioners who move       o pasen por la oficina. Se les
                                                              are asked to notify the office so   pide a los asistentes que se
                                                              we can say a fond farewell and      muden que notifiquen a la ofici-
 Front Office Hours ‐ Horario de recepción:                   assure you of our continued         na para que podamos decirle
 Mon, Fri: 9:30 am ‐ noon and 1 pm ‐ 4 pm                     prayers.                            buena suerte y asegurarles nues-
 Tues, Thur: 9:30 am ‐ 1 pm
                                                                                                  tras continuas oraciones.
 Wed: 2 pm ‐ 6 pm
 Diocese of Charlotte ‐ Diócesis de Charlotte
 Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Bishop
 Father Adrian Porras, Pastor
 Rev. Mr. Frank Moyer, Deacon
 Rev. Mr. Chuck Moss, Deacon

 Confessions times vary. See website and inside bulletin
 for dates and times.

 Saturday Vigil    5:00 pm, Vigil Mass in English
 Vigilia del sabado 7:00 pm, Misa de vigilia en español
 Sunday              8:30 am & 11:00 am in English

 Vigil and Holy Days
 (See inside of bulletin)

 (Check bulletin and web for changes)
 Monday, Thursday, Friday:
 Mass:      9:00 am
 Mass, Spanish:   6:30 pm

 Adoration on Wednesdays: 7 pm to 10 pm
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC

       St. Barnabas Staff & Contact Informa on                                              Commissions and Council Heads
                                                                                Buildings and Facili es                  Gaylon Brooks
              828‐684‐6098 (p) ‐ 828‐684‐6152 (f)                               Community Ministries &
                                                                                Peace and Jus ce                         Susan Chitwood
Name / Posi on            Phone Ext. / Email                                    Ecumenism                                Open
                                                                                Educa on and Forma on                    Open
Fr. Adrian Porras, V.F.   Ext. 1301                                             Evangeliza on/Communica on               Joanne Gregory
Pastor                                   Liturgy and Worship                      Ann Mercer
                                                                                Parish Life                              Kim Owens
De. Frank Moyer           Ext. 1321
                                                                                Finance Council                          Ken Marino
                                                                                Pastoral Council                         Ron Wild
Mrs. Marcia Torres        Ext. 1312                                       THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ‐ Bap sms are celebrated on Sundays
Business Manager                 a er the 11:00 am Mass. Parents must be registered in the Parish and
                                                                          have a ended a Bap smal Prepara on Class, held the 1st Monday of
Mrs. Marilyn Jensen       Ext. 1373                                       each month at 6:00 pm in the Oscar Romero room, D Hall. Pre‐
Administrative Ass’t.                                                     registra on for this class required. Call the church office to register. Bap‐
                                                                           sm should be conferred in the first few weeks a er the birth of a child.
Mr. Simeon Willis         Ext. 1303                                       Godparents must be prac cing Catholics.
Dir. of Religious Ed.                      EL SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO
                                                                          Catalina González. Tel: 828‐551‐2188.
Ms. Tiffany Gallozzi      Ext. 1310
                                                                          Para pla cas prebau zmal. Primer Sabado de cada mes.
Director of Music                    8 am en el Salón San Juan 23.
Mr. John Psychas                                                          Para claces de adultos. Llamar el mísmo numero.
                                                                          Para los sacramentos: Bau zo, Primera Comunion, Confirmacíon, y
Ms. Suzanne Daley         Ext. 1307                                       QUINCEAÑERA
Secretary (Th‐Fr)                Por favor póngase en contacto con Padre Adrian Porras para una cita
                                                                          para discu r información sobre la quinceñera. Recomendar al menos tres
Mrs. Wanda Cruz           Ext. 1311 (Habla Español)                       meses antes de la fecha deseada. La familia ene que estar registrado
Recep onist (M‐F)                  en la iglesia.
Elizabeth Tudela          Ext. 1311 (Habla Español)                       THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST CONFESSION AND FIRST HOLY
Recep onist (Th‐F)        recep              COMMUNION ‐ Second grade is the normal me. One year prior Reli‐
                                                                          gious Educa on is required.
Mrs. Valarie Brooks
                                                                          THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS ‐ Men should call the parish priest
Volunteer Coordinator ‐ ext 1306
             ‐ ext 1306           or the Diocesan Voca on Director to help them discern their call to the
Rel. Ed Ass’t (W)
                                                                          Diaconate or Priesthood.
Tribunal Advocate         (annulments)                                    THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY ‐ Couples should make an appoint‐
Mr. José González         Ext. 1305 ‐     ment with the priest or deacon at the me of engagement and at least
                                                                          six months in advance of any wedding date to begin prepara ons. No
                                                                          date should be set before that mee ng so all canonical requirements are
St. Vincent de Paul       Compassionate Callers ‐ Ext. 1309               met. One party must be registered and an ac ve Catholic. All weddings
Society ‐ Ext. 1308       (for prayers only, not SVdP help)               take place inside the Church.
                                                                          THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF SICK ‐ The anoin ng of the
                                                                          sick can be administered to anyone suffering from a serious or chronic
Knights Corner                                                            illness. Please call the church office to make arrangements to be anoint‐
Esquina caballeros                                                        ed. In an emergency, please use ext. 1, leave a message with your name
                                                                          and phone number. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
Council 8923 / Consejo 8923                                               HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME ‐ Please call the Church office to make
Grand Knight / Gran caballero:                                            arrangements.
Albert Navarro:                                    Saint Barnabas Couples Club
4th Degree / Cuarto grado:                                               The Saint Barnabas Couples Club is a social organiza on that meets the
Zachary Carter, Faithful Navigator                                       first Tuesday of the month between 6:30 and 7:30 pm in the Saint John
                                                                         the XXIII conference room (followed by refreshments in the social hall).
The Knights meet the 4th Monday of each month                            The purpose of the organiza on is for Couples that are members of
Rosary at 6:00 pm, Council Mee ng at 6:30 pm, followed by social         Saint Barnabas to join together socially at different venues. If interested
 me.                                                                     in joining the Club or ge ng more informa on contact Bob & Margie
Los caballeros se reúnen el cuarto lunes de cada mes. Rosario a las      Riffle, this year’s presidents. You can contact them at 828‐702‐0674
6:00 pm, Reunión del Consejo a las 6:30 pm, seguido por el               or email them at
 empo social.                                                            El Club de parejas de San Barnabé
Faith in Ac on. Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your         El Club de parejas de San Barnabé es una organización social que se
life. As a Knight you have the opportunity to support our parish, give   reúne en el primer martes de cada mes. Se reúne a las 6:30 de la tarde
back to our community, grow in your faith and gain exclusive access      hasta las 7:30 en la sala de conferencias de San Juan XXIII, seguida con
to our top rated insurance program.                                      refrigerios y bocadillos en el salón social. El propósito de la organi‐
                                                                         zación es que las parejas que son miembros de San Barnabé se unan
Fe en acción. Conver rse en un caballero de Colón puede transfor‐        socialmente en lugares diferentes. Si usted está interesado en unirse
mar su vida. Como un caballero, usted ene la oportunidad de apoyar       en el club o si quiere obtener más información, puede comunicarse con
a nuestra parroquia, a nuestra comunidad, crecer en su fe y obtener      Bob & Margie Riffle quienes son la pareja presidente este año. Puede
acceso exclusivo a nuestro mejor programa de seguros.                    contactarlos por teléfono 828‐702‐0674 o enviarles un correo
                                                                         electrónico a
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
Saturday, September 11, 2021                   Tuesday, September 14, 2021                    Friday, September 17, 2021
Vigil: 24 Sunday in Ordinary Time              The Exalta on of the Holy Cross                Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doc‐
01:00 PM» Funeral for Joan Del Colliano        06:30 PM» Catholic Theology » JXXIII           tor of the Church; Saint Hildegard of Bing‐
05:00 PM» Vigil Mass in English » CH           06:30 PM» Al‐Anon » B Hall                     en, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
06:00 PM» Bookstore Open A er Mass                                                            08:00 AM» Angelus Homeschool
07:00 PM» Vigil Mass in Spanish » CH                                                          Fellowship » B Hall, PV JXXIII(8‐1:30)
08:00 PM» Bookstore Open A er Mass                                                            09:00 AM» Mass » Church
                                               Wednesday, September 15, 2021                  10:30 AM » Confession » Church
Sunday, September 12, 2021                     Our Lady of Sorrows                            11:00 AM» Yarners Charity Kni ng &
Vigil: 24 Sunday in Ordinary Time              06:30 PM» Mass in Spanish » Church             Crochet Group » LB
08:30 AM» Mass in English » Church             07:00 PM» Adora on in Church
09:30 AM» Bookstore Open A er Mass                                                            Saturday, September 18, 2021
09:45 AM» Religious Educa on (K‐6) » B                                                        Vigil: 25 Sunday in Ordinary Time
Hall, C Hall, D Hall, SH                                                                      03:00 PM» Confession » Church
09:45 AM» Sacred Choir Prac ce » D2                                                           05:00 PM» Vigil Mass in English » CH
11:00 AM» Mass, English » Church
                                               Thursday, September 16, 2021                   07:00 PM» Vigil Mass in Spanish » CH
                                               Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian,
12:00 PM» Bookstore Open A er Mass             Bishop, Martyrs
06:30 PM» Youth Ministry (MM/HS) » C                                                          Sunday, September 19, 2021
                                               09:00 AM» Mass » Church                             th
                                                                                              Vigil: 25 Sunday in Ordinary Time
Hall, D Hall, Social, Church                   11:00 AM» SVdP Food Pantry » JXXIII            08:30 AM» Mass in English » Church
Monday, September 13, 2021                     05:30 PM» Hand Bell Rehearsal » JXXIII         09:45 AM» Religious Educa on (K‐6) »
Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and              07:00 PM» Scout Troop 61 » PV                  B Hall, C Hall, D Hall, SH
Doctor of the Church                           07:00 PM» Reunion De Cursillos                 09:45 AM» Sacred Choir Prac ce » D2
09:00 AM» Mass (English) » Church              De Cris andad » B2                             11:00 AM» Mass, English » Church
10:00 AM» Divine Will Study » JXXIII                                                          12:00 PM» Bap sm, Su on Hummel
11:00 AM» Charity Kni ng Group » LB                                                           03:00 PM » Byzan ne Mass » Church
04:00 PM» St. Vincent de Paul » WR                                                            06:30 PM» Youth Ministry (MM/HS) »
07:00 PM» Walking With Purpose » SH                                                           C Hall, D Hall, Social, Church

                                                Mass Inten ons The Week
Date               Time     L/D Inten on For                                                 Requested By
Sat: 09/11/21      5:00 PM   † Deacon Rudy Triana                                            Cathie Stout
Sat: 09/11/21      7:00 PM  Int For the Hispanic Community                                   Parish Schedule
Sun: 09/12/21      8:30 AM  Int For Our Parishioners                                         Parish Schedule
Sun: 09/12/21      11:00 AM Int Special Inten on for married couples                         Mary Torres
Mon: 09/13/21      9:00 AM  Int Special inten on of Francis Yasuo Ohara                      Patricia Hesler
Tue: 09/14/21      No Mass  No No Mass                                                       Parish Schedule
Wed: 09/15/21      6:30 PM   † Deacon Rudy Triana                                            Fausta Aguilar
Thu: 09/16/21      9:00 AM   † Lloyd Shanley                                                 The McKeon family
Fri: 09/17/21      9:00 AM   † Jose Ramon Medel                                              Anonymous
Sat: 09/18/21      5:00 PM   † Mark Johnson                                                  Donna Johnson
Sat: 09/18/21      7:00 PM  Int For the Hispanic Community                                   Parish Schedule
Sun: 09/19/21      8:30 AM  Int For our parishioners                                         Parish Schedule
Sun: 09/19/21      11:00 AM † Paula Travaglini                                               H. Richard Travaglini
Envelope Givers: 126 ‐ Online Givers: 55 (of 987 registered families)             Total A endance for weekend: 749
                                   Collec on      Budgeted Weekly Offering         + or ‐ to Offertory Budget

    Totals for Sept. 4 & 5, 2021    $16,285       $13,660                         +$2,6225

        Envelopes and Checks         $7,318
             Electronic Giving       $7,255
             Youth Envelopes             $0             2021 DSA Pledge Progress Report: August 30, 2021 (last reported)
      Non‐Envelopes & Visitors       $1,612             Our Goal:         $83,651             Our Pledged/Goal:            95.4%
                     Holy Day          $100             Pledges Paid:     $68,007             Diocesan Pledged/Goal:       87%
                                                        Pledge Balance:   $11,822             Give online!
               Offertory Total       $16,285             Over/Under:       ($3,822) (adj.)

          Building & Facili es         $410

                      Diocesan         $170
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
Parish Life                            St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC · Sept. 12, 2021                      Our Prayers
Bookstore & Gi Shop Schedule for September                               St. Barnabas prays for...
The store will be open a er Masses as follows:                           Our Parishioners
Sat, 09/11/2021 ‐ a er the 5 and 7 pm Vigil Masses                       Norm Johnson, Sylvester (Ed) Sullivan, Tom Barkei, Paul
Sun, 09/12/2021 ‐ a er the 8:30 and 11 am Masses                         Upham, Gail Davison, Joseph Bri ain Junior, Dave Anderson,
Fri, 09/24/2021 ‐ a er the 9 am Mass                                     James Schlesinger, Carmita Ventura, Sylvester (Ed) Sullivan,
Sat, 09/25/2021 ‐ a er the 7 pm Vigil Mass                               Emily Barre , Bella Cos lla, Bill Lilly, Jim Ellis, Charles Lewis,
Sun, 09/26/2021 ‐ a er the 11 am Mass                                    Barry McDonagh, Teresa O’Neill, Ed Rice, José González, Vin‐
                                                                         cent Indelicato, Hilde Ivanov, James Taneyhill, Mary Zorovich,
                                                                         Chuck Babin, Helen Rice, Elaine Des Roches, Brad Owens,
Schedule Items to Note for This Week:                                    Lucille Carrier.
‐ Mass per the usual schedule
‐ Confessions on Friday, 9/17 from 10:30—11:30 am                        Our Friends & Loved Ones
‐ Confessions on Saturday, 9/18 from 3‐4 pm                              Joe Lilly, Carol Bimberg, Sean Patrick James, Noel Raj, Brad
                                                                         Bolton, Sharnice Cyprien, Barbara P., Tommy Long, Mary
You Can Now Order Altar Flowers Online!                                  Swanson, Laura Miller and family, Jennifer Gaude e, Gail
                                                                         Glass, D F & Mike, Mike Path, Joanne Harris, Dianne Petkas,
Dona ng Altar Flowers is a simple way to honor a loved one, glorify
                                                                         Daniel Xavier Huidor, Davis, Regina Thornton, Joe Meyer,
God, and beau fy the altar. Flowers can be donated in honor of a
                                                                         Chelsea Gaddy, Cynthia Smith, Vivienne Compton, Laura Wil‐
living person or in memory of someone who has died, in celebra‐
                                                                         liams, Colleen Braznell, The Wilkins family, Dr. Joe Briggle,
  on of an anniversary, birthday, or another milestone such as a
                                                                         Mario Marcon, Mary Ann Ankoviak, Mark Buske, Thomas
Bap sm, First Communion, Confirma on, or in thanksgiving for             Fahy, Pat Luczynski, All who serve in Police, Military, or
family or friends. If you prefer you can simply give flowers to the      Emergency Response.
Glory of God.
                                                                         Loved ones in the military
All flower arrangements will be provided through the church by           Charles Barre , US Army, (son of John & Emily Barre )
contac ng the church office, or now by ordering online!                    Andrew Patrick Beard, Jr. US Army (Grandson of Charlo e and
No floral request can be taken during the advent and lenten sea‐         Andrew Beard)
sons.                                                                    Kurt Bandow, US Army (Grandson of Donald & Sharon Smith)
                                                                         Darian Dudney, US Coast Guard (Grandson of Patricia Talbot)
To place your order:                                                     Michael Franco, US Marine Corps (Son of Emil & Becky Franco)
Go to our website at‐flowers            Tanner Gordon, US Air Force (grandson of Don and Donna
to place your order. You can also find this link under                   Hendricks)
Liturgy | Sacraments >> Order Altar Flowers. Check the box on the        Zachary Grasberger, US Air Force (grandson of Nick and Marlene
right that says “Weekends Flowers Not Available” before choosing         Grasberger)
your date choices.                                                       Ma hew Gray, Na onal Guard (Grandson of Charlo e and
                                                                         Andrew Beard)
Priests’ Re rement and Benefits Collec on Sept. 25/26                    Aric Hall, US Army (Grandson of Fred & Ann Mercer)
                                                                         Alicia Hendricks, US Air Force (niece of Don and Donna
The September 10 issue of the Catholic News Herald features infor‐
ma on on the Priests’ Re rement and Benefits Collec on. Please
                                                                         Les Jarvis, US Navy (Son of Deborah Carson, Grandson of Ruth
take the me to read this ar cle so that you can be be er informed        Carson)
about the re rement and benefits plans. All registered families          Erik Klueber (Nephew of Chris & Theresa Beck)
should soon receive informa on in the mail from Bishop Jugis.            Billy Moody, US Army (Son of George and Mary Jo Moody)
Please respond generously to the annual collec on for Priests’ Re‐       Hunter Myers, US Marine Corps (Grandson of Patricia Talbot)
 rement and Benefits scheduled for the weekend of September              Jacob & Jamie Naber, US Air Force (Grandson and Wife, of Ted
25/26.                                                                   and Mary Naber)
                                                                         Joseph Naber US Air Force (Grandson of Ted and Mary Naber)
El Obispo Jugis ha escrito una carta a todos los feligreses en nuestra   Brooklynn Porter, Air Na onal Guard (Daughter of Paul and Julie
parroquia sobre la Colecta de la Jubilación y los Beneficios de los      Wojcik)
                                                                         Brianna Pajak, US Air Force (daughter of Paul and Joan Pajak)
Sacerdotes. En esta carta nuestro Obispo nos recuerda de la labor
                                                                         Luke Schulze, Army Na onal Guard (Grandson of José and
de estos sacerdotes que nos han servido en el pasado y que ahora
                                                                         Myriam González)
merecen vivir sus años de jubilación con dignidad. La contribución       Jaeger Souphab ‐ Airforce (son of Milee Souphab)
de nuestra parroquia para la Colecta de la Jubilación y los Benefi‐      William Talbo , Navy (grandson of Pat Talbot)
cios de los Sacerdotes ha sido tasada en $. Por favor sea       Mario Vergara Quiroz (Marines) son of Mario Vergara & Maria
generoso en esta colecta que tendrá lugar el próximo fin de sema‐        Quiroz
na. Los sobres especiales para esta colecta están disponibles en su      Gregory Wardwell, US Army (Son of Dana & Paule e Wardwell)
paquete de sobres para las colectas dominicales o en la entrada de       Michael Wright, US Air Force (Son of Dave and Mary Wright)
la iglesia o en la oficina parroquial.                                   Alex Zorich, US Air Force, (Son of Dave & Kim Zorich)
                                                                         Loved ones and friends discerning religious voca ons
                                                                         Rev. Mr. Aaron Huber (The Athenaeum of Ohio)
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Romana San Bernabé
Young Church                                    Faith Forma on                                         Stewardship
RCIA: Interested as an adult in learning more about the
Catholic Church, or considering joining? Come explore
the Faith through our RCIA program! We welcome all
adults, whether Catholic or of other faiths. Weekly con‐
versa onal sessions are free and begin on Thursday, Sep‐
tember 23rd from 6‐7:15pm. Contact Simeon Willis to
                                                              UPDATE: The 2021 Eucharis c Congress will
RSVP:, or text
828‐585‐4673.                                                 be an online/parish‐based event, in light of
                                                              the ongoing Covid‐19 pandemic and rising
Dante, Alive A er 700 Years                                   rates of infec on across the Diocese of
You are invited!                                              Charlo e.
 On Monday, September 13, Dr. Robert Royal will be giv‐
ing a public lecture in honor of Dante Alighieri's life and   Families will receive a special “At‐Home
legacy.                                                       Guide” in the mail with their copy of
For 700 years, the Divine Comedy has inspired scholars
young and old, inside and outside of the classroom. Dr.       the Sept. 10 Catholic News Herald.
Royal is the President of the Faith & Reason Ins tute, the    For more free copies of the guide, call
First St. John Henry Newman Visi ng Chair of Thomas           704‐370‐3333 or download the PDF at
More College, and a master Dante scholar.
Please join them online or in‐person for this exci ng
event given on the eve of the anniversary of Dante's
Link to register:                                                   Need a prayer, a listening ear?
h ps://‐alive                         Compassionate Callers are always here.
                                                                      You can reach us at 828-684-6098 ext. 1309
La paz sea con go                                             FEAST OF FAITH
     Mientras que el Padrenuestro es una oración que          Offering and Intercessions
nos dispone a la paz con Dios y con los demás, es una             In this holy moment—with the consecrated bread and
oración que también nos lleva en sí misma a ofrecer el        wine, the Body and Blood of Christ, upon the altar—we
perdón y a recibir el perdón. El darnos la paz es una for‐    pray for a share in the fruits of Christ’s sacrifice. We offer
ma clara de comunión, de cumplir el mandato de Cristo.        to God what God has given to us, and we intercede for the
El gesto exterior de la paz es una expresión del perdón       Church and the world. We pray for the pope and for all the
mutuo y de la necesidad de renovar nuestras relaciones        bishops, and we men on the bishop of our local church by
humanas. Este espíritu de caridad y jus cia va acompa‐        name. We pray for the clergy and for all the people of
ñado de un saludo (antes era con un beso) luego de que        God. We pray in a special way for those who have died.
la Iglesia ha implorado la “paz y la unidad para sí misma     And we pray for ourselves, that one day, with Mary and all
y para toda la Iglesia” (IGMR, 82). Esta misma expresión      the saints, we may come to that place where Jesus already
de paz y perdón es el requisito mínimo de quien quiere        reigns. These prayers of intercession, like the General In‐
presentarse ante Dios para compar r su banquete o             tercessions earlier in the Mass, broaden our focus and
bien, para pedir el perdón para sí mismo. Este rito y este    remind us that the Eucharist is offered not just for those
gesto encierran en sí mismos la radicalidad del cris anis‐    gathered, but for the salva on of the en re world. The
mo, de amar como Jesús amó, plenamente y para siem‐           Eucharis c Prayer leads us from an intense focus on
pre. Por ello nos deseamos la paz de verdad, mirándonos       Christ, present in the consecrated host in the hands of the
a los ojos y deseando para nuestro prójimo que la paz         priest, to a loving sweep of prayer that embraces the
habite en sus corazones.                                      world.
—Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                   —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Liturgical Ministers                                         Stewardship                                        Parish Life
                               5:00 PM              7:00 PM (Spanish)                   8:30 AM             11:00 AM
18th & 19th
Lector 1st Reading   Anne Liegghio            Zahid Roman                 Zach Carter               Harriet Dezzu o
Lector 2nd Reading   Cathie Osada             Luis Rocel                  Chelsea Chacko            Nancy Torres
                     Derrek Cruz              Emilia López                Joe Gates                 Jake Brogdon
                     Spenc Phero              Diego Cruz                  Charles Reyes Machado     JP Torres
Altar Servers
                     Michael Ramirez‐Guzman   Kevin Rivas                                           Jun Apilado
                                              Salvador Ozuna                                        Tom Knost
Sacristan(s)         Kerry Jambon                                         Bob & Diana Rothweiler    Amy McKeon
Head Greeter         Margi Alvarez                                        Fred Petrazio             Amy McKeon
Greeters             Dan Alvarez              Dolores Huerta              Cindy Barkei              Frank Dezzu o
                     Mark Liegghio            José Cruz                   Mike Hinman               Mary Ann Massa
                     Bryan Smith              Manuel Alvarado             Colleen Hogan             Bob May
                     Rey Romualdo             Juanita Alanis              George Moody              Tim McKeon

 Brothers and sisters in Christ,                                Weekend, September 11th and 12th. Interested men 18
 As we transition from another season into                      years or older may submit an application online at
 the next, so have we been transitioning as           
 Knights of Columbus. The initiatory three                      I highly recommend all faithful read the book, Faith and
 degree system has been combined into a                         Fraternalism by Christopher J Kauffman. It eloquently
 single ceremonial for new Knights and is no longer se-         details the impressive history and works of the Knights of
 cret. Family and friends are welcome to share this mo-         Columbus during the first 100 years of the Order’s exist-
 ment in a man’s life through observation. The 4th De-          ence from 1882 to 1982. March 29th of this year
 gree is still conducted separately, but many have noticed      marked 139 years – the new Knights of today will lead
 changes to our uniform from chapeaus and capes to be-          into the bicentennial celebration of 2082. Moving for-
 rets without capes. Men seeking to dedicate themselves         ward together, let us ask God for the strength and under-
 to charity, defend the faith in unity, develop bonds           standing to take on the challenges He entrusts us to com-
 among fellow Catholic men through fraternity, and              plete. Vivat Jesus!
 demonstrate love of one’s country through patriotism; I
 invite you to join our Order. We have open enrollment          -Albert Navarro, GK, PFN
 but men can take advantage during our Recruitment

 El Consejo de Caballeros de Colón de Saint Barnabas              The Saint Barnabas Knights of Columbus Council will
 llevará a cabo una campaña de membresía después de               conduct a membership drive a er each Mass on Sep‐
 cada misa el 11 y 12 de sep embre de 2021. Todos los             tember 11/12, 2021. All men of the parish 18 years of
 hombres de la parroquia de 18 años de edad o mayores             age and older please consider joining our council. For
 deben considerar unirse a nuestro consejo. Para obtener          more informa on, contact Jim Venglarik, KofC Member‐
 más información, comuníquese con Jim Venglarik, Direc‐           ship Director, at 516‐924‐4384 or email
 tor de Membresía de KofC, al 516‐924‐4384 o envíe un   
 correo electrónico a
                                                                  As Knights of Columbus, our council serves our parish
 Como Caballeros de Colón, nuestro consejo sirve a nues‐          and community while working each day to create a
 tra parroquia y comunidad mientras trabaja cada día              be er world through charity. As a member of our coun‐
 para crear un mundo mejor a través de la caridad. Como           cil, you will strengthen your faith and become a be er
 miembro de nuestro consejo, fortalecerá su fe y se con‐          Catholic, husband and father. Through your support of
 ver rá en un mejor católico, esposo y padre. A través de         our parish and community, you will form friendships
 su apoyo a nuestra parroquia y comunidad, formará                with fellow Knights, good Catholic men, that can last a
 amistades con compañeros Caballeros, buenos hombres              life me.
 católicos, que pueden durar toda la vida.
St. Barnabas Church Welcomes Deacon Chuck and Rose Moss

Dear Fellow St. Barnabas Parishioners,                  Hendersonville before we moved to Colorado in
We are excited about being at                                                  1995, again for job opportuni‐
St. Barnabas Church and back in                                                 es. Deacon Chuck worked pri‐
western North Carolina! We                                                     marily in rural hospitals and
met in the late 1970s in the op‐                                               served in several parishes in the
era ng room at a Catholic hos‐                                                 Colorado Springs and Pueblo Di‐
pital in Youngstown, Ohio and                                                  oceses. Rose worked from home
were married on September 11,                                                  for the professional associa on
1981. We are both re red now ‐                                                 of opera ng room nurses as a
Deacon Chuck was a Cer fied                                                    medical writer and educa on
Registered Nurse Anesthe st                                                    seminar planner/facilitator. We
(CRNA) and Rose was an oper‐                                                   were out west in Colorado and
a ng room nurse. Deacon                                                        Arizona un l reloca ng to Flori‐
Chuck liked to joke and tell everyone that he could     da to be near family in 2019. But a er the 2020 sum‐
put you to sleep in the opera ng room and also dur‐     mer lockdown, we realized we needed a more di‐
ing a homily! We’ll let you be the judge… In 1982, we   verse (ie, cooler!) climate. Fortunately, the Lord led
began moving for work; a er spending me in South        us back to western North Carolina where we found a
Carolina and Charlo e, where Deacon Chuck served        house in a very serene se ng and a parish home at
at St. Patrick Cathedral a er he was ordained by the    St. Barnabas. We look forward to serving and ge ng
late Bishop John Donoghue on June 18, 1988, we          to know everyone and respec ully ask for your pray‐
moved to western North Carolina in 1991. Deacon         ers, as you are in ours.
Chuck served at Immaculate Concep on Church in          Deacon Chuck & Rose Moss

Knights Of Columbus 13th                                Bob Riffle
Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Where: Etowah Golf Club And Resort                      Richard Post
When: September 25th 2021                               828‐595‐1709
Time: 12:00 PM Shotgun Start
With Registra on at 11:00AM                             Ron Wild
Cost: $90 for Individual                                828‐779‐8548
       $340 for Foursome
$440 Hole Sponsor & Foursome                  
Golf, Cart, Lunch and Dinner Included!

 IS THIS YOUR YEAR? Couples married 25 or 50 years last year or this year will be
honored at an Anniversary Mass held on Sunday, November 7, 2021 at St. John
Neumann Catholic Church in Charlo e. Mass begins at 2:30 p.m. Pre‐registra on
is required. Simply call our church office to be included.
Save The Date!
                      We are planning our 1st Annual Parish Fiesta
                                           September 26th, 2021
                                                 3:00 PM

                                   START PLANNING NOW!!

                                         Kickball Tournament
                                       Start forming your team NOW!

                                                 They will be a HIT!

                                               Pot Luck
                                   Bring Your Yummiest Dish to Share!

                                                  Mexican Food
 For More Informa on, contact Valarie Brooks or Simeon Willis at (828) 684‐6098
               Sign‐ups for Pot Luck, Kickball, Setup and Clean Up
                                  in Social Hall!

A en on Snow                                      MiraVia invites you to a end its 27th Annual Fundraising Ban‐
Birds                                             quet “Proclaiming Truth and Life” on Thursday, Oct. 14 at the
Heading South for the                             Charlo e Conven on Center’s Crown Ballroom. This year’s guest
winter? Be sure to call                           speaker is Alison Centofante, the Director of External Rela ons for Live
the church office to                                Ac on, the na on’s largest pro‐life media group focused on shi ing
have your envelopes                               public opinion through educa on. As a powerful ac vist in the fight for
stopped for the me                                life, Alison's compelling work is gaining na onal media a en on and has
you are away. When                                been featured on EWTN, ABC, Fox News, NPR and many broadcast net‐
you don’t, they are returned to us and we have    works. To make a reserva on or to host a table of 8‐10 people, visit
to pay the post office extra postage because Reserva ons are free, but required
they have been returned. Be er yet, enroll in
                                                  by Oct. 4. Check‐in/Recep on begins at 5:30 PM. Dinner/Event: 6:30‐9
Online Giving on our website, and call us to
take you off the envelope program. And please
                                                  PM. MiraVia is a Catholic, 501(c)(3) nonprofit maternity and a er‐care
remember… you may be gone for the winter,         program serving the Charlo e, NC area. They have provided support to
but we need your support all year!                more than 9,700 mothers and their children since 1994. For more infor‐
                                                  ma on, visit or contact Megan Whiteside at
Please register in advance by contac ng Sandra Breakfield, see below
25TH AND 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS ‐ IS THIS YOUR YEAR? Couples married 25 or 50 years last
                      year or this year will be honored at an Anniversary Mass held on Sunday, November 7, 2021 at St. John
                      Neumann Catholic Church in Charlo e. Mass begins at 2:30 p.m. Pre‐registra on is required.
                      Simply call our church office to be included.

                      Diocese of Charlo e Eucharis c Congress. h ps://

                      The Eighth Annual East Meets West Retreat will be held at St. Barnabas Catholic Church on Friday,
                      September 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, September 25, from 8:30‐11 a.m. Sponsored by Holy
                      Apostle and Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Catholic Mission, the retreat features prayer and reflec ons on the
                      spiritual counsels of Eastern saints and philosophers. The retreat is free and open to all. No registra on is
                      required. An offering is suggested. For more informa on contact
                      Save the Date! St. Barnabas Catholic Church will be hos ng a Fiesta for our parish. Featuring a
                      Kickball Tournament, Parish Variety/Talent Show, a Potluck, and Mexican food. Stay tuned!
                      MiraVia invites you to a end its 27th Annual Fundraising Banquet “Proclaiming Truth and Life” on
                      Thursday, Oct. 14 at the Charlo e Conven on Center’s Crown Ballroom. This year’s guest speaker is
                      Alison Centofante, the Director of External Rela ons for Live Ac on, the na on’s largest pro‐life media group
                      focused on shi ing public opinion through educa on. To make a reserva on or to host a table of 8‐10 peo‐
                      ple, visit Reserva ons are free, but required by Oct. 4.

                      The St. Barnabas Bazaar is back! Watch for details...

                 St. Barnabas Church Official Facebook page / Página oficial de Facebook de la iglesia de San Bernabé
                 General Group / Grupo general: h ps://
                 Youth Group / Grupo de jovenes : h ps://
                 Late breaking news is posted on the Facebook page, so please join if you have not already!
                 Las úl mas no cias se publican en la página de Facebook, ¡así que únete si aún no lo has hecho!
                 NOTE: Please be aware that our bulle n is posted on our website; therefore, any informa on in the bulle n is out
                 there in cyberspace, accessible to anyone. Please let the office know if this is an issue for you.

Communica on and Giving                                                    Our parish has been FORMED!
Our Website: Cri cal or me‐sensi ve no ces will appear in a yellow         We are pleased to announce that we now have a
box near the top of the page. You can also go to the About Menu >>
                                                                           membership to
Staff Directory to reach any staff member by email via contact form.
Facebook: We have two op ons for facebook.                                 To get started:
Our GROUP page, which is private, for registered parishioners only.       ‐ Go to
    This is so we can post parishioner news or pictures without it be‐     ‐ Click on the Sign Up bu on
    ing open to the public. If you are a facebook member, we urge          ‐ Click on the Sign Up as a Parishioner bu on
    you to request access to the group here:             ‐ Enter the zip code 28704 in the Find your parish or
    groups/stbarnabasarden                                                 organiza on box. Our church will be displayed; click on it.
Our Public Page, which is open to anyone, even if you don’t have a        ‐ Enter your name and email address to sign up
   facebook account. You will need a direct link to access it if you do
   not have a facebook account, and be prepared for pop‐up re‐             ¡Nuestra parroquia se ha FORMADO!
   quests to join facebook. Access the public page here:                   Nos complace anunciar que ahora tenemos una ‐public                                     membresía en
Mail: Use for Offertory mailing: PO Box 39, Arden, NC 28704.
                                                                           Para empezar:
Bulle n: Check website for the latest bulle n from our parish and
from other churches in our area: h ps://                                   ‐ Vaya a ns                                        ‐ Haga clic en el botón Registrarse
                                                                           ‐ Haga clic en el botón Registrarse como feligrés
5 PM Vigil and 11 AM Sunday Masses (and some special Masses and            ‐ Ingrese el código postal 28704 en el cuadro Encuentre
events) are now available via live‐stream on our Youtube Channel.
You can find the link at, or go directly to                                         parroquia u organización. Nuestra iglesia será exhibida;
                                                                           Haz click en eso.
Online Giving: Many of you are set up for online giving, which has         ‐ Ingrese su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico
proven invaluable during these mes. For those not enrolled in online
giving please review how it works and sign up at
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