St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -

Page created by Jerry Morrison
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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                                                    The Parish Community of
                         St. Matthew the Apostle
                               81 Seymour Avenue, Edison, New Jersey 08817 | Phone: 732-985-5063
                         Website: | School Website:

                   “The truth can’t be changed to match your feelings. Adjust your feelings to match the Truth!”
                              11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 13, 2021

                                                                                                  See page 4.

                                 Remembered on Mother’s Day
Anna Mandato                Louise Zimmerman             Mary Hurlbert                 France J. Geoghan
Anna Yuhasz                 Nicole & Ginny Zimmerman     Helen Higgins                 June Myatt
Helen Lauritzen             Maria Surita                 Elizabeth Becker              Connie Patton
Helen Whitney               Gloria Santiago              Evelyn Decker                 Elizabeth Cerrito
Margie Walters              Nora Zayas                   Margaret Lawlor               Mario Caramucci
Josephine Whitney           Maria Ortiz                  Mary Sabovick Niziolek        Kathleen McEvoy
Martina Mesino              Julia Tankiewicz             Emilia Fabijanska Niziolek    Jane Gallagher
Maria Munoz                 Gladys Kovacs                Meri Cznirnik Szabovick       Mildred Esposito
Maria C. Mesino             Marilyn Tankiewicz           Corazon Natividad             Mary Palmisano
Nenita Siase                Margarita Carlo              Deanna Natividad              Rose Lembo
Merlyn Briones              Ana Soler                    Marian Kraemer                Elizabeth Stumpf
Jean Varga                  Florencia Epa                Betty Caunt                   Margaret Cichalski
Antonia Morales             Maria Magpile                Leona Gatling                 Anna Horvath
Irma Munizaga               Mary Kitlan                  Esther Picheoroll             Anne Marie Mackenzie
Mildred Vignola             Anna Pearce                  Mary Picheoroll               Kathleen Ross
Johanna Reybert             Marie Clappsy                Pauline Cicalo                Wanda Tagliareni
Florine Sequeria            Millie Speziale              Ivy Fedor                     Mary Faccone
Antoinette Czaplinski       Katherine Cara               Esther Picherollo Terreri     Paula Distefano
Melba DeSanto               Ann Student                  Leona Gatling                 Marie Balistreri
Giuseppina Caprio           Mary E. Tighe                Mary Cicalo                   Mary Fabiano
Konstance Lang              Therse N. Glibewell          Eleanor Milazzo               Angelina LaFiura
Roberta A. Fortunato        Joan Revill                  Tomasina Milazzo              Mamie Lefand
Cerila Micabalo             Elizabeth Poploshie          Julia Jogan                   Mae Miller
Catalina S. Fortunato       Margaret Hutchko             Florence Pisano               Stella Beckman
Rosalina Feniquito          Sue Brown                    Julia Misarella               Mary Szeman
Josefina Fonseca            Sheela Bernadeth             Catherine Zacharkan           Carol Hamby
Eugenie J. Hevert           Bernice E. Bowers            Betty Recienbach              Mary Koke
Eugenie V. Schaeffler       Barbara J. Barkley           Myrtle Madden                 Ethel Volk
Dorothy Markowski           Alipia Matute                Blanche O’Connor              Helen Sealmuller
Anna Varga                  Vicenta Cababahay            Helen Ganss                   Florence Wall
Anna Matkowski              Bernice E. Bowers            Valerie Finnerty              Felicidad Figueroa
Cora Blevins                Doris Kreger                 Dina Helena                   Haydea Roman
Angelina Hosie              Renate Gilbride              Rosa Galarza                  Consuelo Risech
Madeline DeNero             Louise Jetko                 Bertha Galarza                Emma Estrada
Susie Dellisatti            Helen Thompson               Rebecca Llerena               Ampara da Roca
Mary Tancredi               Anna Moskwa                  Frances Smoler                Maria L. Roca Santos
Anna Piszczek               Mabel Thompson               Leonida dela Cruz             Marilyn Roca
Mildred Kratz               Bernice E. Bowers            Celestina Defao               Angelina Hosie
Josephine Ambrosio          Doris K. Eger                Jessie Hardgrove              Susie Delligatti
Helen Werwek                Renate Gilbride              Helen Ernst
Helen Bukowczyk             Louise Jetko                 Helen Veninger
Jennie Colella              Fran Doggett                 Amparo Menendez               Continued on page 6
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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Church law mandates that a sponsor for baptism and               PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/MINISTRIES
confirmation be an active Confirmed Catholic. An active          Parish Pastoral Council:
Catholic is a parishioner who is registered, attends Mass                 Marge Hermitt 732-985-5063
weekly, contributes to the support of the church, is in a        Choirs/Music Ministry:
valid Catholic marriage (if married), and publicly leads a                David Jules 732-985-5063
life compatible with Church teaching. We can only write          Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors/Ushers:
letters of eligibility for parishioners who meet these                    Fr. Joseph 732-985-5063
criteria. Mass attendance is normally confirmed by               Religious Formation:
envelope use. If you don’t use envelopes, the office will
                                                                          Alice Fogarty 732-985-5063
provide a form that you need to have signed by a parish
priest for several consecutive weeks before a                    St. Matthew’s School:
sponsorship letter can be written. Call the office for more               Mrs. Joyce Schaefer 732-985-6633
information.                                                              HSA: Jason Williams
PRE-BAPTISM A mandatory Pre-Baptism instruction                  Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA):
class is scheduled once a month. Please call the parish                   Henry Frohnhoefer and Alice Fogarty 732-985-5063
office at 732-985-5063 to register.                              High School Youth Group: Diane Kohlbecker
BAPTISM Baptism is normally celebrated on the                             732-742-4613
second Saturday of each month at 12:15 PM. Baptisms              Rosary Altar Society/Social Ministry Group:
are not celebrated during Lent. To arrange for Baptisms                   Marie Reybert 848-200-7925
please call the parish office at 732-985-5063.                   St. Vincent de Paul Society:
RELIGIOUS FORMATION (CCD) If you are new to the                           Mary Callahan 862-621-5327
parish and wish to enroll your child in the Religious            Philippine American Association:
Formation Program, please call the Office of Religious                    Ramon Aggabao 732 650 1718
Formation at 732-985-5063. Office hours: Monday -                School Advisory Council:
Friday, 1:30 - 4:30 PM.                                                   President: Maria Corbett 732-267-5572
RCIA Adults wishing to become Roman Catholic or                  Fathers’ Club:
receive First Eucharist and/or Confirmation should                        Jose Ortiz 917-396-2492
contact the Parish Office for information on the Rite of         Knights of Columbus:
Christian Initiation of Adults.
MARRIAGE Marriage arrangements should be made                    Legion of Mary:
one year in advance and prior to any social plans.                        Joan Gage 732-985-1888
Contact the Parish Office for all pre-marriage information.      Athletics:
MINISTRY TO THE SICK or HOMEBOUND Our                                     Randy Encarnacion 201-344-2281
Priests, Deacons and Eucharistic Ministers visit and bring       Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group:
Communion to homebound parishioners or those in JFK
                                                                          Laura Bazares 732-718-7146
Hartwyck at Edison Estates nursing home. Contact the
Parish Office to arrange such visits. To contact a priest in     LIKE US ON FACEBOOK parish community of st.matthew
a genuine emergency involving the sick or dying, call the        the apostle roman catholic church AND st-matthew edison
rectory office. After business hours dial the parish
emergency line at 732-735-9570.
Krosnowski at 609-586-2320 with your request or email it
to & it will be sent to a group of           STEWARDSHIP God invites all people to be good
people who will pray immediately. All requests will be          stewards of the gifts and talents he has entrusted to us.
confidential and will remain on the prayer list until you ask   All parishioners are urged to give a weekly pre-planned
for them to be removed.                                         generous contribution based on a percent-age of their
                                                                income. Please use the church envelope system.
MASS INTENTIONS Contact the Parish Office to
schedule a Mass for our beloved deceased.                       HOLY ORDERS If you are interested in learning more
                                                                about the priesthood, diaconate or religious life, contact
MUSIC MINISTRY For information regarding our                    Father George at the Parish Office (732-985-5063).
Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Middle Choir, Youth Choir
or Hand Bell Choir, contact the Parish Office at 732-985-       SCRIP OFFICE Melissa Krakowiecki (908-406-1199)
5063.                                                           Monday-Friday 7:45 - 8:15 in the School (on school days
permitted to run and schedule fundraisers which have            MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Saturday Morning
happened in the prior year. New fundraisers or significant      after 8:30 AM Mass.
changes to prior fundraisers (or restarting ones from over
a year ago) require permission from the pastor.
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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                                                                              WEEK AT A GLANCE
             SUNDAY, June 13, 2021
        Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time                                             Sunday, June 13, 2021
 7:30 AM People of the Parish
 9:00 AM +James Modena r/o Wife, Janet, & Family                                    Monday, June 14, 2021
10:30 AM +Donald Grickowski r/o Joan Gage
                                                                                    Tuesday, June 15, 2021
12:00 PM +Deacon Frank Yuhas r/o Clem Nemeth &
             Family                                                            Wednesday, June 16, 2021
 1:30 PM +Maria Caban r/o Ada Gonzalez
(Spanish)                                                                           Thursday, June 17, 2021

              MONDAY, June 14, 2021                                        Friday, June 18, 2021
8:30 AM     +Edward J. McDonald, Happy Birthday in                  Los Amigos de Jesus Prayer Group (CH)
              Heaven r/o Wife, Carol, & Family                                      Saturday, June 19, 2021
             TUESDAY, June 15, 2021                                                  Sunday, June 20, 2021
 8:30 AM    Rubin Martinez, in our thoughts and                                          Father’s Day
              prayers r/o a Friend

            WEDNESDAY, June 16, 2021
 8:30 AM    The Ocasio Family r/o a Friend
                                                     GOD’S TIME
             THURSDAY, June 17, 2021                      We either pay attention to or ignore “clock time” as
                                                     we play in the summer sun and note the earth’s tilt and
 8:30 AM    +Donald Karl r/o Janet Hodge             the lengthening days. We live by time. We reckon time in
                                                     seconds and minutes and hours, or we use broader chunks
            FRIDAY, June 18, 2021                    like suppertime and summertime.
 8:30 AM +Ken & Lois Kramer r/o Janet Hodge               God keeps another sort of time. God speaks to us of
                                                     “saving time,” that is, the time of salvation. This sense of
          SATURDAY June 19, 2021                     time is called kairos, and this time is always now, always
             St. Romuald, Abbot                      present and available, always revealing, often surprising.
                                                          This Sunday’s readings alert us to the reality and the
 8:30 AM Nicholas Szajdecki r/o Adolf Szajdecki
                                                     import of God’s time. Ezekiel and the Gospel of Mark
 5:00 PM +Andrew D’Amore r/o Wife & Family           remind us that our labor and our plotting and our plan-
                                                     ning rest in God. For God takes our smallest efforts and
            SUNDAY, June 20, 2021                    makes of them great works. Paul points us to the
        Twelvth Sunday in Ordinary Time              “harvest” time, urges us to be watchful for its coming,
 7:30 AM +Joseph Faccone & Dominick Tagliareni r/o   and calls us to recognize that we must spend our time
            the Tagliareni Family                    pleasing God.
                                                     Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
 9:00 AM +Deceased Members of the Sak &
            Chervanek Families r/o Family
10:30 AM +William Foulkes, 10th Anniversary r/o
            Monica Foulkes
12:00 PM +Deacon Frank Yuhas r/o Clem Nemeth &       READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                     Monday:    2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42
                                                     Tuesday:   2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48
 1:30 PM People of the Parish                        Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9;
(Spanish)                                                       Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
                                                     Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15
                                                     Friday:    2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23
                                                     Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34
                                                     Sunday:    Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107:23-26, 28-31;
                                                                2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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FEAST OF FAITH                                                  THERE IS AN APPOINTED TIME FOR
The Preparation of the Altar                                    EVERYTHING…
     The altar is the focal point of our churches. It is        Please pray for the safety of our men and women in the
a sign of Christ in our midst; indeed, it has been said         military service who are supporting our country
                                                                faithfully especially: Jerry Russel, Spc. Patrick Faulkner,
that “the altar is Christ” (Dedication of an Altar, 4).         Sgt. Daniel Kimenski, Spc. Tony Graziano, Spc. Jason
The altar is a table “on which the sacrifice of the             Sellio, Spc. John Peterson, Pfc. Kevin Lane to, Spec.
cross is perpetuated in mystery throughout the ages             Richard Lantz, Gen. Patrick Donahoe, Alonzo Brown,
until Christ comes”; but it is also the place for a fes-        Cpl. Kevin Kellick, Cpl. Todd Burton, Sec. Capt.
tive meal: “a table at which the Church’s children              Suzanne Planted, Sgt. K.M. Yom Delgado, Staff Sgt.
assemble to give thanks to God and receive the body             Patrick D. Williams, Airman 1st Class William Ashton,
and blood of Christ” (Dedication of an Altar, 4).               Staff Sgt. Michael Schwartz, Sgt. Mark Towel,
     Both these functions of the altar are clear in the         Christopher John McKay, Spec. Jesse James Dunn,
rites for the preparation of the altar that follow the          Thomas C. Woodley, Maj. Sean Donahoe, Sgt. James
general intercessions, which remind us of the prepa-            Lighter, 1st Lt. Kelly Ashton, Lance Cpl. Jamie
rations we make at home for a festive meal. The                 Manning, Maj. Anthony Speziale, Pfc. Michael A.
                                                                Bochco, Sgt. Michael Archibald, Staff Sgt. Jonathan
deacon or altar servers come forward and, bowing,               Deacon, Philip Schaeffer
place a cloth known as a corporal (from the Latin for
“body”) over the altar cloth. They place the chalice,           A TIME TO HEAL. . .
the cup to be used in the celebration of the Eucha-             Please pray for those in our Parish Family who are sick:
rist, and the Sacramentary or Roman Missal, which               Jean Moran, Maryann Hughes, Ann Joseph Candy, Jai
contains the prayers of the Mass, on the altar. These           Whitelaw, Angelique DiCataldo, Mina Buzzek, Barbara
reverent preparations help us to focus on what is               Kappes, Harold Christensen, Charles Berrios, Joseph
about to happen: the sharing of a holy meal, a sol-             Nemeth and Family, Cathy Wilhelm, Gwendolyn Kolias,
emn sacrifice.                                                  Colleen D’Aloia, Alice Ashton, Eugene Logan, John
—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                 Allen, Kevin Richardson, Enrique Curbelo, Elizabeth
                                                                Alley, Judy Savage, Donnowen Alexander, Samantha
                                                                Hiller, Cheryl Asnath, Yvette Moses, Jim Miller, Sarah
TODAY’S READINGS                                                Flannigan, Dorothy Dunn, O’Neil and Bauer Families,
First Reading — I have lifted high the lowly tree               Camille Capone, Kelly Sugihara, Sharon Hinton, Nina
(Ezekiel 17:22-24).                                             Riggio, Otilio Luis Bidal, Mary Shirley, Frank Shirley,
Psalm — Lord, it is good to give thanks to you                  Hugh McCourt, Margaret Bythell, Susan Olsen, Mary
(Psalm 92).                                                     Mullen, Frank Long, Patricia Ramos, Ken Kramer,
Second Reading — Whether we are at home or away,                Eleanor Palulis, Christopher Popp, Genevieve Hughes,
we aspire to please the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-10).            Concetta Pugliese, B. Pecorella, Barbara Campbell,
Gospel — It is the smallest of all seeds, and becomes the       Mary Varick, Linda Santos Punzalan, Claudette Hall,
largest of plants (Mark 4:26-34)                                Zosimo Micabalo, Dotty Colombo, Jeff Miranda,
                                                                Christopher Sickels, Marciano Fernandez

Thanks to Deacon Ed, we now have the ability to accept registration and payment online! Religious formation is a re-
quirement for children to receive the sacraments. Aside from learning about our faith, religious formation also helps to
establish a healthy prayer life.

Please go to
If you prefer, you can print the registration form and bring a check to the rectory during office hours.

We fully intend for classes to be In person again in the fall. We had to adjust our class meeting times and reduce the
number of classes (fewer children, fewer catechists). Please note our new schedule:
 Grades 1-4 will meet on Tuesday from 4:15-5:30
 Grades 5-8 will meet on Thursday from 6:00 – 7:15
Registration ends on August 1.

Also, we need volunteers as teachers, aides, and hall monitors! If you are interested, please email David Jules at:
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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                                                                 PADRINOS DE BAUTISMO Y CONFIRMACIÓN: La
                                                                 Ley eclesiástica manda que los padrinos para el bau-
   THE CHURCH AND THE SPIRIT                                     tismo y confirmación, deben ser Católicos confirmados
      Where the Church is, there is the Spirit of                y activos en la parroquia, o sea que asistan a la misa
   God; and where the Spirit of God is, there is the             dominical, ayudan al mantenimiento de la Iglesia, esté
   Church and all grace, and the Spirit is truth.                casado/a por la iglesia; si es soltero/a no deberá estar
   —St. Irenaeus
                                                                 en unión libre. Debe vivir una vida de acuerdo a las
                                                                 enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Solo podemos entregar car-
                                                                 tas a parroquianos que viven de acuerdo a estas nor-
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION                                     BAUTISMOS: Los Bautismos en español son
     One of the most visited churches of Rome is also one        celebrados el segundo Sabado del mes a la 1:00 PM.
of the most beautiful: the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the      No se celebran bautismos durante la Cuaresma. Para
Walls. Like so many other churches, it was founded by            hacer arreglos para los bautismos en español comuní-
the master-builder (or financier) Emperor Constantine            quese con el padre Joseph al 732-985-5063. Si él no
about the year 315. Paul was martyred outside the walls          está disponible en ese momento, le puede dejar un
                                                                 mensaje con su número de teléfono, para él llamarle
of the City of Rome at a place called Tre Fontaine, prob-        luego.
ably on June 29, in the year 65, perhaps the first anniver-
sary of St. Peter’s crucifixion. Christians buried him in a      FORMACIÓN RELIGIOSA- CATECISMO: Si usted es
quiet place about two miles away, and visited to pray.           nuevo en la parroquia y quiere inscribir a su niño/a en
Constantine was running low on bricks, apparently, be-           las clases de catecismo, por favor comuníquese con el
cause the first church was tiny. In 386 it was demolished        padre Joseph al 732-985-5063.
and today’s basilica begun. This vast and towering space         RICA: Adultos que deseen convertirse a la religión
looks much the same today as it did in the fourth century.       Católica o que necesiten recibir Primera Comunión y o
     The centuries have not been kind to ancient Rome,           Confirmación, deberán ponerse en contacto con la ofi-
but until the early 1800s St. Paul Outside the Walls sur-        cina de la parroquia para el Ritode Iniciación Cristiana
vived beautifully, perhaps because it has been assigned          de Adultos. Llamar al padre Joseph. 732-985-5063
for nearly a thousand years to Benedictine monks. It was         MATRIMONIOS: Los arreglos para la fecha de casa-
therefore a vibrant place of daily prayer even through the       miento se deben hacer un año por anticipado, antes de
centuries when Rome was a poor and nearly abandoned              hacer los arreglos sociales. 732-985-5063 P. Joseph.
city. In 1823 a great fire resulted from a botched repair        MINISTERIO DE VISITAR A LOS ENFERMOS: Lla-
job to lead on the roof, and St. Paul’s was destroyed. It is     mar al padre Joseph. Si es una emergencia (en peligro
said that the whole world contributed to its restoration,        de muerte) después de horas de oficina, puede llamar
even the Russian czar and the viceroy of Egypt gave ala-         al número de emergencia 732-735-9570.
baster, malachite, and lapis lazuli for the pillars and the      CONFESIONES EN ESPAÑOL: _está dispuesto des-
tabernacle. Several of the precious mosaics were able to         pués de la misa dominical. Por favor comuníquese con
be restored, bringing the ancient basilica back to life.         él.
One of the great treasures of the basilica is a set of prison
chains, said to have been worn by the Apostle in the last
days before his martyrdom. Unlike other Roman church-
es, St. Paul’s stands in a garden-like suburban neighbor-
hood, surrounded by stately palm trees, gardens, and

                                                                13 de Junio de 2021
                                                                Domingo 11º del Tiempo Ordinario
                                                                “Pues todos tendremos que estar delante de Cristo para
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                    que nos juzgue. Cada uno de nosotros recibirá lo que
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of             merezca por lo bueno o lo malo que haya hecho mien-
Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, accord-        tras estaba en este cuerpo terrenal.”
ing to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.” -         - 2 CORINTIOS 5:10
2 CORINTHIANS 5:10                                              Todos somos responsables de todos los dones que Dios
We are all accountable for all of the gifts God has given       nos ha dado - nuestro tiempo, nuestro talento y nuestros
us – our time, our talent and our treasure; everything we       tesoros; todo lo que tenemos y lo que somos. Cada uno
have and everything we are. Each of us is accountable           de nosotros es responsable no solo por su propia vida
not only for our own life but for the lives of others as        sino también por la vida de los demás. Un día Dios nos
well. One day God will ask each of us what did we do            preguntará a cada uno de nosotros que hicimos con los
with the gifts we were given. How will you respond?             dones que recibimos. ¿Como responderá usted?
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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                                                          PRAYER GROUP IN SPANISH
     Remembered on Mother’s Day                           Our parish prayer group “Los Amigos de
                                                          Jesus” will restart their meetings every
                                                          Friday beginning June 18, from 7:00 PM to
Madeline DeNero          Gloria Bobal
                                                          9:00 PM in the church.
Mary Tancredi            Juliet Graham                    The group continues to
Margaret Salvatore       Deceased mothers of the          practice social
Harriet Marion              Procanik & Beckman Fami-
Sophie Dunn              lies                             distancing and the use
Helena Irenski           All Deceased Mothers &           of face masks is highly
Ann Taylor                  Grandmothers of the           encouraged.
Honora Baldini              Tagliareni Family
Sophie Hesse             All Mothers
Edward Hesse             All Mothers Living & De-
Rocco Oliverie           ceased
Dottie Schultz               the Meidhof Family
Kathy Perrino            Todas los madres difuntas
Anna Marra               delmondo
Florence Zadrozny        Family & Friends of the
Sophie Szot                  Nickolas & Coster Families
Stella Zadrozny
Phyllis Retz             For the intentions of the
Theresa Retz                 Following:
Josephine Czacharawski   Jozef & Barbara Zimon
Genevieve McGrath        Michael & Andrea Powers
Beatrice Wessel          Antonio & Judith Onday
Marlene Maroldi          Mr. & Mrs. Gerado Liway III
Claudia Zanetti          Johanna Vidola
Wanda Kuminski           Joshua Dykstra
Mary Klemas              Nick & Mary Ongsuco
Helen Malwitz            Donna Hamer
Gloria Landante          Domingo & Cleofe Braza Car-
Angie Rizzo              dinal
Ann Sheerin              Ruel & Maria Go
Marybeth Lithgow         Aniceto & Venus Tuvera
Eileen Mollemann         Cecilia Eze
Nancy Campbell           Boniface & Obiageli Ude
Surachan Ekka            Cecilia Chunga
Flora Toppo              Ricardo Choto
Roseann Heron            Ana Delia & Luis Fana Genao
Claudine Wolk            Rosalia Saavedra
Helen Swankosky          Ava Bejanano
Mary Wolk                Miguel Saavedra
Sophia Szot              Inocencio Ganzalez-Luis
Phyllis Capriotti            Gonzalez-Salazar
Mary Aleski              Filolgonio Gonzalez-Salazar
Jennie Amendola          Eusebio Navarro
Laurencia Sibilia        Luis & Anabel Luna-Saavedra
Mary Bruno               Richard & Melissa Anne
Mary Shirley             Beards
Josephine Herega         Richard & Kathleen Husar
Rose Marie Aitken        Leuterio Almanzer
Margaret Caruso          James Fabiano
Victoria B. Pace         Phillip & Elaine Killianski
Esther Centrella         Elizabeth Smakolski
Lorraine Vacca           Ramon & Marilou Castro
Anna Parisio             Thomas & Lilibeth Calara
Margaret Romero          Nelson Abreu
Lois Louise Martin       Christina Payumo
Kathleen Bobal
St. Matthew the Apostle - The Parish Community of -
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