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Foundation for International Understanding Through Students University of Washington Schmitz Hall 250, Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-0735 / / @FIUTS @uwfiuts FIUTS UW International Student Group 1
Table of Contents Welcome 3 Letter from UW President Ana Mari Cauce 3 Letter from FIUTS Executive Director Era Schrepfer 4 Mandatory Immigration Check In 6 ISS Checklist 8 How to Change Your Address 11 Tips 14 Getting Involved 18 Campus Resources 25 In Your Neighborhood 34 Quick Reference List 37 2
August 21, 2020 Welcome to the University of Washington! As one of the top public research universities in the world, the UW is pleased to welcome all of our international students, who hail from nearly 100 countries. While the COVID-19 pandemic has made this an unusual and challenging time for all of us, I know that the coming year holds incredible promise and we are so pleased to count you among our students as we navigate this unprecedented time. One of our University’s greatest strengths is our richly diverse community of students who bring a wealth of perspectives and lived experience to our shared learning environment. Whether you are living on campus this year or studying from another part of the world, your unique voice contributes immeasurably to our academic community. Our University is committed to ensuring that every student feels welcome and comfortable in order to do their best learning. You are all valued members of our community regardless of nationality, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious views, area of study or scholarship. What makes each of us unique is what makes our whole University great. While the pandemic has unfortunately limited some of the hands-on exploration of our city and region that we usually encourage international students to discover, there are still many meaningful and exciting ways for you to engage with and learn from your classmates, faculty and UW community, both virtually and – safely – in person. However you choose to pursue your studies, I hope you will make time to forge new friendships, indulge your curiosity and explore what our University and the world have to offer. Welcome! Sincerely, 3
Welcome! It’s such an honor to be part of your welcome to our beautiful university, city, and region - I’m so glad you’ve joined us at the University of Washington. This year might feel different, but there are so many people here who are excited to welcome and celebrate you. As we navigate this challenging time together, FIUTS will play an important part of your adjustment. I hope you will take advantage of the resources and advice available to you as a new member of our community. FIUTS (Foundation for International Understanding Through Students) is an independent nonprofit organization that was founded on this campus seventy-two years ago by faculty and community members who were passionate about the power of friendship to build bonds of peace. To this day, our strong and unique partnership between the UW and FIUTS creates unrivaled opportunities for powerful cross-cultural learning and exploration both on and off campus. FIUTS offers an array of opportunities for you to get involved, make new friends, and to share your culture and experiences with others. From social activities to meaningful conversations, FIUTS is a vibrant and active organization where you can expand your network, practice new skills, and mentor other students. Through FIUTS, you can form a connection to people who represent every corner of our planet and become part of a community - international students, U.S. students, alumni, and community members - who share a dedication to global exploration. I hope you will look to FIUTS as an important source of support and community during your time as a Husky and beyond. Best of luck at the University of Washington. Era Schrepfer, Executive Director FIUTS: Foundation for International Understanding Through Students University of Washington, Box 355855, Schmitz Hall 250 Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-0736 FIUTS Staff Era Schrepfer Executive Director Annie Lewis Operations and Ellen Frierson Manager of Education Communications Programs Coordinator Samantha Novak Manager of Community Vy Chuong Student Programs Programs Coordinator Alex Radi Manager of Student Teresa Tippens Orientation Coordinator Programs Mariama Sidibe Program Assistant Kailyn Swarthout Education Programs Kori Carter Program Assistant Coordinator 4
Embark Sessions: What to Expect What we’ll cover Welcome to the University of Washington Video welcome from UW President Ana Mari Cauce International Student Services (ISS) Immigration Essentials Roadmap to Success Paying Your Tuition UW International Student Health Insurance Plan Transfer Students only: Ten Ways the UW is Different from Your Previous Institution Exchange Students only: Introduction to Your Exchange Program Doctoral Students only: Current Student Panel Roadmap Mile Marker 1: What will you remember about your first days in Seattle? Mile Marker 2: What new word or phrase did you learn today? Mile Marker 3: What is the best way to maintain your visa status? Mile Marker 4: What can you do right now to prepare for this year? Mile Marker 5: What is one resource you will use on campus? Mile Marker 6: What phone number do you call in an emergency? Mile Marker 7: What tools can you use to stay connected? Mile Marker 8: What International Welcome Weeks event are you excited for? Mile Marker 9: What are you most looking forward to about your UW experience? 5
Mandatory Immigration Check-In The International Student Services (ISS) office specializes in F-1 and J-1 student visa regulations. ISS advisors are here to help you avoid immigration problems that can interfere with you successfully completing your studies, and to help you apply for any F-1 and J-1 international student benefits that you are eligible for. Mandatory – Online New Student Immigration Check-In Deadline: September 28th, 2020 6
Kim Lovaas, Director of ISS Ed Farnham, Program Assistant Fun facts: Kim's favorite campus spot is Drumheller Fountain Fun facts: Ed loves to ride his motorcycle. He's also a and favorite local city is Leavenworth. photographer, cook and self-taught home improvement guy. Megan Serenco, SEVIS Leana de la Torre, Chris Dessert, ISHIP Counselor Coordinator Lead Int'l Student Adviser Fun facts: Megan's favorite Fun facts: Chris once appeared on Fun facts: Leana once the Oprah show. He enjoys playing campus spot is Mary Gates wrote a weekly column ukulele and biking to the Ballard Hall. Her dream travel about kitchen mishaps destination is Azerbaijan. David Gerry, Sunday Market with his family. called “Rookie Cook.” She Int'l Student Adviser loves to upcycle and her Fun facts: David loves favorite campus spot is gardening and his the Henry Art Gallery. favorite campus spot is the UW Biology Greenhouse. His dream travel destinations are India and Argentina. Kareen Kanjo, Int'l Student Adviser Fun facts: Kareen enjoys spending time with family on Whidbey Island. Her favorite campus spot is the quad, especially during Cherry Jennifer Wascher, Keavy Schriver, Blossom season. Int'l Student Adviser Assistant Director for Student Services and Compliance Fun facts: Jennifer was an extra in the movie, Kindergarten Cop, which Fun facts: Keavy once auditioned was filmed in Oregon. for the TV show, Jeopardy! Her favorite campus spot is the She enjoys walking around the HUB Bowling Alley. city. 76
International Student Services 459 Schmitz Hall, Box 355832 Phone: 206.221.7857 NEW INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CHECKLIST and RESOURCES Welcome! International Student Services (ISS) is home to over 8,000 international students representing more than 100 countries. Our advisors are here to help you apply for F‐1 and J‐1 visa benefits that you are eligible for and to avoid immigration problems that can interfere with you successfully completing your studies during your time at the UW. ISS Resources, Services, and Advising Online Services ‐ The ISS website has advice and helpful resources that are available for you to access 24 hours a day! x Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about employment, travel & visas, and U.S. government requirements x Instructions and web forms for applying for F‐1 and J‐1 benefits Weekly Email Newsletter ISS sends a weekly email to your official UW email address. This weekly email is important; we use it to notify students of upcoming deadlines, changes to U.S. laws, and updates to UW policies affecting F‐1 and J‐1 students. Add to your email contacts so you do not miss any of our emails. Have questions for an ISS advisor? Need to request an appointment? The easiest and fastest way to get your questions answered by an advisor is to visit and submit the “Have a Question” web form. The form is available on all ISS web pages at the top of the navigation bar on the right side of the page. From a mobile device, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to access the “Have a Question” web form. An advisor will reply to your submitted question or invite you to schedule an appointment within 2 business days. All email replies will be sent to your official UW email address. REQUIRED: Complete the MANDATORY U.S. Government Check‐In Process for New Students Make Digital Files (PDFs or JPEGs) of the immigration documents listed for your visa type. Maximum file size 1 MB. F‐1 Students J‐1 Exchange Visitors/Students x Page 1 of I‐20 showing your signature x Page 1 of DS‐2019 showing your signature x Passport biographical page with valid expiration dates x Passport biographical page with valid expiration dates x F‐1 visa (Canadians exempt) x J‐1 visa (Canadians exempt) x I‐94 (download electronic I‐94 at: x I‐94 (download electronic I‐94 at: Submit Immigration Document Digital Files to ISS: instructions at‐students/post‐arrival Update Local Address and Phone Number in MyUW x Addresses o U.S. law requires all F‐1 and J‐1 visa holders to report their Seattle‐area U.S. address where they are staying. New students may use a temporary address (examples: hotel, homestay) and update it after finding long‐term housing. o Your permanent address in My UW must always be outside the U.S. You can report a family home if necessary. Make any changes or updates using our online form at: x Phone Numbers o F‐1 visa holders are required to either report a U.S. phone number or confirm to the government they do not have any U.S. phone number. o J‐1 visa holders are required by law to have a U.S. phone number on file with the university. If you will not have a U.S. phone number, you can use the Study Abroad Office number: (206) 221‐4404. 8
�efore Registering for Classes� All Students Must: Complete the ISS Online Information Session:‐students/pre‐arrival Complete Pre‐Registration Advising and Register Full‐Time at UW: Undergraduate Students: Complete an A&O advising session through First‐Year Programs. (This is separate from the FIUTS “Embark” session and Dawg Daze. You should attend all 3 events.) ��change Students: You do not need to attend an A&O advising session through First Year Programs. You must attend the FIUTS Embark Session. You should attend Dawg Daze. Graduate Students: Contact your department academic advisor for assistance with class registration. You should also attend the FIUTS Embark Session (required), Dawg Daze, and academic department orientation activities. Sign Up for ISHIP UW International Student Health Insurance Plan through MyUW: You must sign up for UW health insurance before registering for classes. All matriculated international students in F‐1 or J‐1 status are required to purchase the UW ISHIP unless they qualify for one of the waiver categories. Simply having alternate insurance does not qualify for an insurance waiver. Detailed information available at:‐insurance Complete the University�s Measles Immuni�ation �erification Process Online by August ��:‐requirement/ After Registering for Classes � Only Students �ith �mployment or a Ta�able Scholarship Must: Students with On‐Campus (example: graduate assistantships) or ISS‐authorized Off‐Campus Employment: Apply for Social Security Number: �equired in order to be paid for an assistantship, an on‐campus �ob, or pre‐approved off‐ campus employment. Applicants must go in‐person to a government office. Students with Taxable Scholarships (example: athletes, Valle Scholarship recipients): Apply for Individual Ta� Identification Number: If you will not work on campus but have a taxable scholarship, you might need an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). For information about applying for an ITIN, visit: Complete Any GLACI�R Ta� Compliance Process: Any UW student who receives an email from support@online‐ about completing ��ACIE� Tax Compliance record should follow the instructions in the email. ��ACIE� Tax Compliance is a secure online tax compliance system that collects tax‐related information from foreign individuals receiving funds from the University of Washington. �efore Classes �egin� All Students Should: Understand Your Health Insurance and Locate the UW Hall Health Campus Clinic: Accidents and illness can happen any time � even during orientation! The U.S. medical system can be complicated. �earn how to use your insurance before an emergency! ISHIP Information is included during FIUTS International Welcome Weeks programs. Obtain Your Husky Card: The Husky card is your UW student identification. It is also your student U‐PASS for public transit in the greater Seattle area, campus library card, and general access pass to campus resources. The Husky Card Account & ID Center is located on the ground floor of Odegaard Undergraduate �ibrary and is open �onday � Friday, �am � �pm. �ring photo ID and your student ID number. Optional Tasks Obtain a Washington State ID Card or Driver License: Either of these cards can be used for official identification when traveling within the U.S., banking, proving your age (such as at 21‐and‐over venues), etc. See �isit FIUTS: FIUTS coordinates International Welcome Weeks and Embark Sessions, organizes fun trips and activities, and provides ongoing support services for international students. Visit for information! 9
How to Update Your Contact Information 1. Log on to with your UW NetID and password. 2. Click on your UW Net ID in the top left corner to go to “Profile” page. 3. Click on “Change Address” link. 4. Clear old information. a) Delete your home country address information and b) change the country to United States. 10
5. Prepare your Seattle-area address for government validation. WARNING! Format mistakes or wrong information in your address will block your new student check-in from being accepted by the U.S. government, and cause serious immigration problems! a. Check examples of correctly written addresses b. If you live off-campus, confirm your correct address format using the link to the United States Postal Service ZIP Code Lookup. 11
6. Enter your local Seattle-area address Living On Campus Living Off Campus a) Choose Residence Hall from drop-down menu. WARNING: b) Type your room number into Room#. Your address must exactly match the U.S. Post c) Do not enter more information. Office’s database to successfully by verified by the x When you save, blank fields will update U.S. government. Confirm address before entering with the correct street, city, and Zip/Post any information. Code for your residence hall. a) Do not enter any information in Residence Hall or Room# fields. b) Type address into Street (top line) x Street (bottom line) is optional. x Use Street (bottom line) for unofficial information like apartment name i. Examples: “Bridges@11th”; “The Allegro”) c) If you have an apartment or unit number type into Apartment# field d) Type City e) Choose State from drop-down menu f) Type Zip/Post Code WARNING! Format mistakes or wrong information in your address will block your new student check-in from being accepted by the U.S. government, and cause serious immigration problems! Undergraduates: Ask your Orientation Leader for help Graduates: Ask staff/advisors in your department/program for help. 12
7. Enter your U.S. phone number x F-1 students must share their U.S. telephone number with the government, or confirm that they do not have a telephone. x J-1 students must enter a number. J-1 students must provide an alternate number if they do not have a personal U.S. telephone number. 8. Confirm Permanent Address If your permanent address is incorrect, update your address using our online form x Your permanent address must always be an address outside the U.S. x You can report a family home if necessary. 9. Scroll and Submit Once finished, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the submit address change button. 13
�o� �� �i�s for �aintainin� ��� Student Status ALWAYS. . . 1. Always be enrolled for enough credits! x Only one online class can count towards your minimum credit requirement each quarter. o 10 credits is full‐time for graduate students o 12 credits is full‐time for undergraduate students 2. Always contact an ISS advisor to approve special exceptions before dropping below full‐time enrollment. 3. Always update UW with new address information within 10 days of moving! x �eport local address changes through your �yUW account x �eport foreign/permanent address changes online at:‐change/ 4. Always read emails sent to you by the ISS advisors and by the ISS office ( It is your responsibility to know the rules of your F‐1 status. 5. Always keep your immigration documents valid and accurate! x I‐20s expire. �equest a program extension at least two weeks before your I‐20 expiration date. x Update your I‐20 to reflect any changes in legal name, program level, ma�or, or funding. x Have a valid, unexpired passport with an expiration date at least 6 months into future 6. Always have your I‐20 (with a valid travel signature) with you to enter the U.S.! x Travel signatures are issued by ISS advisors only x Travel signatures are valid for one year x I‐20s and travel signatures are required even for same‐day trips to Canada x Visit the ISS website for travel signature instructions:‐visas/travel�signatures/ 7. Always consult ISS advisors (not academic advisors) when you have questions about your visa status, employment eligibility, travel, etc. N����. . . 8. Never work, do an internship, or volunteer off campus, unless authorized by ISS staff in advance! Being paid or unpaid does not change this rule. All off‐campus activity needs special permission. 9. Never work on‐campus more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. x �raduate students: An �A or TA position uses up your 20‐hour limit. If you are offered additional campus employment, contact your ISS advisor. 10. Never get immigration advice from friends or family! Friends and family are not immigration advisors! International Student Services (ISS) 14
�o� �� �i�s for �aintainin� ��� ��c�an�e �isitor�Student Status ALWAYS. . . 1. Always be enrolled for enough credits! x J‐1 students cannot count online classes towards your minimum credit requirement each quarter. o 10 credits is full‐time for graduate students o 12 credits is full‐time for undergraduate students 2. Always contact an ISS J‐Team advisor to approve special exceptions before dropping below full‐time enrollment. 3. Always update UW with new address information within 10 days of moving! x �eport local address changes through your �yUW account x �eport foreign/permanent address changes:‐change/ 4. Always read emails sent to you by the ISS advisors and by the ISS office ( It is your responsibility to know the rules of your J‐1 status. 5. Always keep your immigration documents valid and accurate! x DS‐2019s expire. �equest a program extension at least two weeks before your DS‐2019 expiration date. x Update your DS‐2019 to reflect any changes in legal name, program level, ma�or, or funding. x Have a valid, unexpired passport with an expiration date at least 6 months into future 6. Always have your DS‐2019 (with a valid travel signature) with you to enter the U.S.! x Travel signatures are issued by J‐Team ISS advisors only. x Travel signatures are valid for one year (or until end of exchange, if shorter than one year) x DS‐2019s and travel signatures are required even for same‐day trips to Canada. x Visit the ISS website for travel signature instructions:‐visas/travel�signatures/ 7. Always consult ISS advisors (not academic advisors) when you have questions about your visa status, employment eligibility, travel, etc. 8. Always a��ly for on�ca��us wor� aut�ori�ation before startin� wor�.�1‐employment N����. . . 9. Never work, do an internship, or volunteer off campus, unless authorized by ISS staff in advance! Being paid or unpaid does not change this rule. All off‐campus activity needs special permission. 10. Never work on‐campus more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. x �raduate students: An �A or TA position uses up your 20‐hour limit. If you are offered additional campus employment, contact your ISS advisor. 11. Never get immigration advice from friends or family! Friends and family are not immigration advisors! International Student Services (ISS) 15
Travel Documents Required for Students in F‐1 and J‐1 Status 1. �‐�� �F‐1 students�: Your SEVIS I‐20 must be valid and accurate, and the I‐20 must have a valid travel signature on page 2. This signature is valid for one year, for multiple entries. Visit the ISS website for travel signature instructions:‐visas/travel�signatures/ DS‐��1� �J‐1 e�change visitors�: Your SEVIS DS‐2019 must be valid and accurate. And the DS‐2019 must have a valid travel signature in the bottom right corner. This signature is valid for one year or until end of exchange, if shorter than one year, and is valid for multiple entries. Visit the ISS website for travel signature instructions:‐visas/travel�signatures/ �. �alid passport: Your passport must remain valid throughout your stay in the U.S. �enerally it must be valid at least six months beyond your date of entry into the U.S. For exceptions, see:�f2.htm �. �alid U.S. visa: Canadian Citizens All Other Nationalities Canadian citizens The visa stamp in your passport indicates you are eligible to apply for admission into the do not require an U.S. as an F‐1 student or J‐1 Exchange Visitor. Although your passport and I‐20 or DS‐2019 F‐1 or J‐1 visa must remain valid while you are in the United States, it is okay for your visa to expire after stamp. you have used it to enter the U.S. However, if you travel overseas with an expired student visa, you must request a new visa at a U.S. consulate or embassy prior to your return. You are encouraged to contact the U.S. consulate as early as possible to schedule the visa interview appointment. Anticipate delays in visa issuance due to enhanced security reviews. An exception to the rule requiring a valid, unexpired visa exists for students� in F‐1 and J‐1 status who travel for fewer than 30 days solely to Canada, Mexico or islands in the Caribbean except Cuba. This procedure is known as �automatic visa revalidation.� Note that if you apply for a new visa while in Canada, Mexico and islands in the Caribbean, you will not be able to return to the U.S. unless the visa is granted. ��iti�ens of �ran, �yria, and �udan are not currently eligi�le for auto�atic �isa re�alidation� �. Financial evidence: It is recommended that you carry documents detailing the source and amount of your funding. If you receive school funding (academic appointment or scholarship), obtain a support letter from the hiring academic department. �. �nrollment �erification letter: �equest an enrollment verification document at:‐and‐degree‐verification/ �. Current class schedule and transcript: You can print your class schedule and unofficial transcript from your MyUW account. �. S���S �‐��1 fee receipt: If you cannot find your SEVIS fee receipt, visit https://fm��content�status/checkStatus� to request a copy of your receipt. Travel After Completion of Studies F‐1 students: If you do not apply for OPT, you have a 60‐day grace period after the last day of your final quarter. Once you leave the U.S. (including short trips to Canada and Mexico) after completing your studies you cannot reenter the U.S. with your current �‐��. The grace period is for travel within the U.S. and preparation for departure. J‐1 students: If you do not apply for Academic Training, you have a 30‐day grace period after the last day of your final quarter. Once you leave the U.S. (including short trips to Canada and Mexico) after completing your studies you cannot reenter the U.S. with your current DS‐��1�. The grace period is meant for travel within the U.S. and preparation for departure. More information for graduating students:‐checklist/�toc2 16
ISS �oca�ulary Terms to �no� 1. Status: To be in F‐1 or J‐1 “status” means that you are legally in the U.S. and have benefits and restrictions specified in the immigration regulations for the F‐1 or J‐1 visa category. You gain status either by entering the U.S. with F‐1 or J‐1 documents or by applying to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a change of status (for people already in the U.S. in a different status). 2. �isa: The visa is the stamp that the U.S. consular officer placed on a page in your passport. The visa permitted you to apply for admission into the U.S. as an F‐1 or J‐1 student, and need not remain valid while you stay inside the U.S. Canadian citizens are not required to have a visa. 3. I��� or DS����� �ertificate of �ligi�ility: This document allows you to apply for an F‐1 or J‐1 visa if you are outside the U.S, apply for F‐1 or J‐1 status within the U.S., enter and reenter the U.S. in F‐1 or J‐1 status, and prove your eligibility for various F‐1 or J‐1 benefits. The I‐20 or DS‐2019 is one of the main documents you must have with you when you travel into the U.S. The I‐20 or DS‐2019 must remain valid at all times. The I‐20 or DS‐2019 is NOT a visa. 4. I���: this is proof of your F‐1 or J‐1 admission status. You must print out a copy of the electronic I‐94 record for various purposes, such as an application for a Washington State ID card, a Social Security number, etc. You can print a copy of your I‐94 information at�/recent‐search 5. Full Time Registration: This is defined as enrollment of 12 or more credits each quarter for undergraduate students and 10 or more credits each quarter for graduate students. There are very few exceptions to the full time registration requirement. 6. S��IS (Student and ��change �isitor Information System): SEVIS is a U.S. government database that allows schools and federal immigration agencies to exchange data on the status of international students. An electronic record is created in SEVIS for you after you are admitted and confirm enrollment at the University of Washington. International Student Services (ISS) provides electronic reports to SEVIS throughout your academic career noting information such as registration, address changes, academic program changes, degree completion, and immigration status violations. 7. S��IS �um�er: Each student is issued a SEVIS number, unique to their record. The number is located near the top of your I‐20 or DS‐2019 Certificate of Eligibility. The number begins with the letter “N” followed by ten numbers. 8. ISS Advisor: The ISS advisor is your campus resource for understanding your F‐1 or J‐1 regulations and benefits. After researching our online resources, submit the “Have a Question” webform at if you have questions. 9. Academic Advisor: Your academic advisor is the advisor to consult when you have questions regarding your degree program or ma�or. You are encouraged to speak with them when you have questions regarding what classes to take and your academic plans. They can usually be found in your department�s main office. 10. Photo Identification (Photo ID): Most places of business will require a form of photo ID when using a credit card, when picking up documents in your name, or when there is an age restriction. Passports and state issued IDs are always the best form of photo ID. The UW Husky Card is usually only accepted on campus. International Student Services (ISS) 17
Getting Involved The University of Washington is a large campus community, with over 40,000 students enrolled each year. Because the campus is so large, there are countless opportunities to get involved and meet other students! From cultural, social, and academic student organizations (RSOs), to student government (ASUW), to on-campus jobs and research, there really is something for everyone! Think about what you enjoy doing, who you are hoping to connect with, and what experiences you are hoping to get out of your time here at UW, and explore some of these opportunities to get involved! 18
The Best Student Credit Card No SSN required for international students to apply 19
Stay Connected to FIUTS Share your culture Present to a classroom or be a Pen Pal to engage with local kids! Connect at Wednesday Lunch Enjoy free food and mingle with others! Join a FIUTS event or conversation group Explore Seattle and make friends from around the world! Be a Leader Practice leadership by becoming a facilitator, joining a student committee, or serving as an ambassador to a visiting program! FIUTS Programs Learn about our biggest events of the year! CulturalFest International Expo: February 2021 CulturalFest Performance Showcase: February 2021 FIUTS Student Board applications open: Spring 2021 Global Gala: May 2021 local connections. global community. Learn more about these programs online at! WWW. FIUTS .O R G 20
FIUTS Student Board The FIUTS Student Board is a diverse group of undergraduate & graduate UW student leaders who support FIUTS’ mission on campus and in the community. Bely Lor Kedi Yan Tiffany Chen Co-Director Co-Director Treasurer & Fundraising Co-Chair Michelle Wu Kana Kitahama Emerson Goss Secretary & Outreach Co- CulturalFest Expo Outreach Co-Chair Chair Co-Chair Luke Yin Michael Wiem Azka Qasim CulturalFest Expo CulturalFest CulturalFest Co-Chair Performance Co- Performance Co- Chair Chair Nghi Quan Thenamuthan Scott Liu Global Gala Co- Segaran Fundraising Co- Chair Global Gala Chair Co-Chair Sachin Nayak Wenyi Qiu Zhuoxin Yang GPSS ASUW Leadership Co- Representative Representative Chair 21
Be part of CulturalFest is FIUTS' annual celebration of cross-cultural understanding and student leadership! From performing on the Meany Hall stage to presenting at the International Expo, more than 2,500 people will join in the festivities. We need your help to make it all possible, here’s how: Planning Committees International Expo Performance Showcase Help to produce the UW's Host a booth to share your Audition to perform on the largest international event! culture with the UW and CulturalFest stage! local community. Learn more at: 22
Student Activities and Opportunities On Campus RSOs Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) represent a variety of student interests and provide many opportunities for student learning and enrichment. They are responsible for many of the cultural, educational and social events that occur on campus. There are more than 900 RSOs at the UW! Visit the Student Activities Center (SAO) in the HUB to learn more. ASUW and GPSS ASUW (undergraduate) and GPSS (graduate) are the student government bodies on campus and are a great way to voice your opinion about a variety of topics and events happening on campus! Undergraduate Research Because UW is a research institution, there are so many options for labs and research that you can get involved with. Just talk to a professor or look at research opportunities on your department’s website! Volunteer with the Carlson Center If you’re interested in getting involved with a service-learning project or becoming more connected with the UW and greater Seattle community, the Carlson Center offers resources and opportunities for all UW students! Terms to Know Red Square The large brick area in front of Suzzallo Dawg Daze A yearly week of campus-wide events for all Library and Kane Hall new UW undergraduate students in The Ave University Way NE, from 40th to 55th September The Quad The rectangular grassy area between the FIUTS Foundation for International Understanding Art and Music buildings, Savery and Miller Through Students Halls HUB Husky Union Building U-PASS Universal transit pass program, connected Husky A breed of dog (or “Dawg”) native to Alaska; to your Husky Card the University of Washington mascot U-District The neighborhood surrounding the IMA Intramural Activities Center University of Washington ISS International Student Services UW The University of Washington; also referred ISO International Scholars Operations (Gerberding to as “U-DUB” Hall, 239) U.S. Money Penny = 1 cent Nickel = 5 cents Dime = 10 cents Quarter = 25 cents One dollar, one buck = 100 cents 23
Campus Resources There are countless resources on campus to assist you throughout your time at UW. Many of them are represented here, but certainly not all of them. We encourage you to find the resources you will use for your success as a UW student. 25
U-District Map and Transportation On the following page is a map of the U-District. This map is meant to help you orient yourself to campus and the surrounding amenities. Some main features on this map include the UW Bookstore, the IMA, the Post Office, the Police Department, the UW Medical Center, Husky Stadium, nearby grocery stores, and the Burke Gilman Trail. U-PASS The U-PASS, an an all access transportation pass, li�es on your Husky Card. A �uarterly fee on your tuition statement gi�es you full fare co�erage on Metro Transit, Community Transit, Sound Transit buses and light rail, �ing County Water Ta�is, the Seattle StreetCar and other public transit ser�ices in the region. �isit https����getting-here�transit�u-pass to see the full list. Bus More than �� buses come to or near campus from all o�er Seattle and the surrounding areas. See metro.kingcounty.go� or to plan your trip. The smart phone app, OneBusAway, pro�ides real-time transit information. Link Light Rail There is a �ink light rail line from the UW through downtown Seattle on to Seattle- Tacoma International Airport. Seattle�s �ink light rail is one of the best ways to get around Seattle because it�s fast, easy, and connects directly to the UW campus. Students can also en�oy unlimited rides on the light rail with their U-PASS. Other Modes of Transportation Students na�igate Seattle in a lot of different ways, including biking, walking, carpooling, �anpooling and using ridehail ser�ices, such as Uber and �yft. Interested in e�ploring your options� �isit https����getting-here�plan-my-commute to learn more about UW Transportation Ser�ices� personali�ed commute planning ser�ice. 31
B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P NE 47TH STREET Q R S T U V W X Y NE 47TH STREET UW SERVICE ROAD TS Annex 1 Trans. 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In Your Neighborhood Explore business services that you may find useful during your time at the University of Washington. 34
Now Leasing! Rents starting at $875 | 206.403.1467 UNITS INCLUDE Private & Shared Bathrooms | Bedframe | Microwave | Refrigerator | Desk | Large Closets | Wall Heater | Lofted Bed Areas* | Cabinetry* | Cooktops* | Lockers* | Exercise Room* | Study Room* *Select Buildings/Units Only FREE Wi-Fi providing best in the neighborhood, same upload/download speeds with no degradation! ABOUT OFF CAMPUS RESIDENCES Located just a few blocks from the University of Washington, Off Campus Residences has rooms and budgets for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a private bathroom, free Wi-Fi, a kitchenette or a lofted bed, we’ve got you covered. With on site-laundry, bike storage and large communal kitchens in all five of our buildings, it’s never been a better time to make the move off campus. Contact us to schedule a tour or apply NOW for free! Price, plans, specifications, terms, incentives, advertising and availability all subject to change without notice. Floor plans and photos are for illustrative purposes only. 35
Quick Reference List Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS) 206-543-0735, Schmitz 250,, International Student Services (ISS) 206-221-7857, University of Washington International Scholars Operations (ISO) 206-685-8847, Fax: 685-8114, Gerberding Hall 239 Study Abroad 206-221-4404, Schmitz 459, Housing and Food Services (HFS) - Student Services Office 206-543-4059, Lander Hall, Registration Office 206-543-8580, Schmitz 225, Student Fiscal Services (SFS) 206-543-4694, Schmitz 129, Hall Health Primary Care Center 206-685-1011, Hall Health, UAA Undergraduate Academic Advising 206-543-2550, Mary Gates 171, The Career and Internship Center 206-543-0535, Mary Gates 134, UW International & English Language Programs 206-543-6242, UW Tower, First Year Programs 206-616-7232, Mary Gates 120, Student Legal Services (SLS) 206 543-6486, HUB 306, 37
Online Student Guide Office of Admissions (Undergraduate) 206-543-9686, Fax 685-3655, 320 Schmitz Hall UW Night Ride Shuttle UW Transportation Services Thank you to our Sponsors 38
Looking for something to do? Our calendar is full of events and activities that will connect you to new friends and opportunities to explore! FIUTS.ORG/EVENTS Foundation for International Understanding Through Students University of Washington Schmitz Hall 250, Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 543-0735 / /
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