News January 2021 - Bolder Academy

News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
NewsJanuary 2021

Head Teacher’s Message                     close and caring community where we       Fun In the snow
                                           can rely and support one another at
As 2021 begins we once again find          this time.
ourselves in a very strange situation
                                           Ms Swidenbank
where we can not all be together for the
moment. But as Mr Walthaus’ shared in      Building Update
his whole school assembly - no matter
where we are we continue to uphold         The building works are speeding ahead
the Bolder values of kindness, strength    and the fitness gym is going to be a
and bravery.                               great addition. Whilst the construction
                                           phase has moved on swiftly from the
As Bolder families you must be
                                           video below, it shows an interesting
exceptionally proud of what you have
                                           insight to the construction elements of
achieved – we do not underestimate
                                           the building. The video can be viewed
the pressures of supporting remote
learning, balancing jobs and the
demands of family life. To all of our      Here are some photos from a recent
parents and carers you deserve a huge      visit to show you the recent progress.
shout out!
Our students whether they are learning
in school or at home, continue to show
resilience, adaptability and                                                         Lockdown presents many issues for
commitment to their studies. We are                                                  students and carers working from
now averaging 98% attendance which is                                                home. Being able to enjoy the parks
phenomenal! It has also been                                                         and walks close to home is an
wonderful to see the work that the                                                   important part of our wellbeing.
students have produced and sent in.                                                  Sunday’s snow gave some much
Although we have showcased some of                                                   needed relief to the rains of the recent
the work in this newsletter we know                                                  days as Alyssa’s lovely snowman shows.
there is plenty more brilliant work out
there, be assured we have looked at it                                               This month’s issue
I am also exceptionally proud of every
member of staff at Bolder from the                                                   Year 9 Option Pathways         P7
team who had set up the lateral flow                                                 Mental Health - Parent Session P7
testing and free school meals vouchers                                               Student Celebrations List      P8
within 48 hours. To all the                                                          Personal Development at Bolder P12
administration staff who make 100s of                                                HPV Vaccine Update & Consents P14
phone calls home each day to see if our
families are ok and have all that they
need and, for their speedy work in                                                   Diary Reminders:
issuing over 90 chromebooks during
the first two days back at school. The                                               Y9 Parent Video Conferences 11th Feb
pastoral staff who have been                                                         2021—Booking Open
magnificent too and have continued to                                                Please refer to your ParentMail
provide food packages, care packages                                                 message and make your booking
to some of our families. To teaching                                                 through this link https://
staff who have adapted their lesson                                         .
plans once again and who have given
new technologies a go! Finally to the
senior team who no matter what, keep                                                 Booking guide is here: https://
on going and keep on giving.                                               
We are all very lucky to be part of a                                                -appointments-over-video-call

                                                          Page 1
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
and David Shillinglaw, commenting on
                                                                                   their artistic styles. I look forward to
                                                                                   seeing more responses to these artists
                                                                                   as time progresses!
                                                                                   Doodle A Day Challenge!
Nothing can stop the creativity at
Bolder! Every student has been
engaging in Art lessons from home,
showing bravery and strength through
their ability to adapt and explore
unconventional materials and subjects!    Alice 7B
We have embraced the challenge and
cannot wait to share artwork with you     In year 8 we have been continuing our
all.                                      exploration of Pop Art, learning about
                                          the artists themselves and how to
                                          recognise techniques and styles which
                                          are evident throughout the Pop Art
                                          We responded to the witty artwork of
                                          Roy Lichtenstein through our own pop
Although stuck at home, this artist has   art commentary.
used creative time to her advantage!                                               Jasmine 9B
                                          Year 9
The Artist of the Month is Inaaya in 8C.
Inaaya has showed dedication in all of
her online Art lessons and continued to
seek feedback to improve her work. She
has participated in the ‘Doodle A Day’
challenge (below) and shows a great
attitude towards the subject. Keep it up!

                                          Athena 8F

Inaaya 8C
Year 7
                                                                                   Aleezah 9B
7B and 7E have had a great introduction
to Art this term so far. They have
                                                                                   Doodling is a great way for students to
worked hard to learn new vocabulary to
                                                                                   stay focused and can also help maintain
support their practical skills develop.
                                                                                   positive mental health and a calming
These are just a few of the fantastic
                                                                                   environment. It could also be an activity
posters that show understanding of the
                                                                                   to complete during break or lunch times
formal elements and their role in Art:
                                                                                   if they are unable to go outside. I’ve
Year 8                                                                             loved receiving your doodles so far,
                                          Sanam 8F                                 keep them coming!
                                                                                   Winter/ Lockdown Exhibition
                                                                                   Back in December I had a few entries
                                                                                   into the Winter Exhibition – due to
                                                                                   COVID-19 the exhibition of this was
                                                                                   delayed, but it is time to get to work
                                                                                   again! Inspired by lockdown activities
                                                                                   and events this winter I am looking to
                                                                                   put together a virtual exhibition of
                                                                                   Bolder artwork. Please email me your
                                                                                   interest at
                                                                          - I
                                           Victoria 8F
                                                                                   cannot wait to start putting this
                                          Year 9 have been looking at the art
Ance 7E
                                          forms of doodles and graffiti. They      Miss Handley
                                          researched the artists Jon Burgerman

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News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
PE at Bolder                                               Guess Who Is In Our PE Class.
                                                          Fantastic efforts to stay mobile during lockdown.
Miss McKnight, Ms Haynes and I, have                       Can you guess who these active students are?
enjoyed seeing you all virtually taking
part in your PE lessons. It’s really
important, that you continue to be on
time to the lesson, and follow all the
instructions given. The majority of you
are being incredibly Brave and Strong
and submitting practical evidence of
you taking part. Lots of you have
stepped up to the challenge, and are
successfully holding yourselves to
account with your own fitness.

We are entering the London Youth
Games Virtual challenges again this
term, and will be setting you these
weekly at the beginning of your lesson.
We had over 90% of you submit your
scores on the first day of running this.
Here’s to being the best secondary
school across the London Boroughs
again! Keep your eyes peeled on the        GB Athletes                             Tom Daley
school social media channels for your
If you have any issues with registering
                                                                                   Brentford FC
then please do contact                                                             Brentford FC are running FREE zoom All zoom                                                sessions for the following sports:
details will be sent out the day of the
session to the email used when                                                     Gymnastics – Open to all
registering.                                                                       5-6pm – Ages 8-12 year olds
                                                                                   6-7pm – Ages 13-16 year olds
Ms Quinnell
Opportunities to keep                      inspired/45018189                       product/online-gymnastics-monday/
                                           Cristiano Ronaldo                       Football/Fitness – Open to all 5-6pm
fit and moving through
                                             Tuesday – 12th, 19th, 26th January & 2nd,
lockdown!                                                                          9th February.
                                           Maddie Hinch
Please follow links to get further details.
                                            maddie-mondays                         product/tuesday-pl-kicks-online-fitness-
Lionesses workout                                                                  ages-12-18/ England Squash Team                            Football/Fitness – Girls only
                                                                                   5-6pm Wednesday – 13th, 20th, 27th
England rugby                                                                      January & 3rd, 10th February
                                                                                   Football/Fitness – Open to all
                                                                                   5-6pm Thursday – 14th, 21st, 28th January
                                                                                   & 4th , 11th February.
                                                                                   product/tuesday-pl-kicks-online-fitness-              Yoga                                    ages-12-18/
training-videos                            kids/                                   Please do share with any friends or
                                                           Page 3
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Science at Bolder                                                                   Water
                                                                                    Food colouring (optional)
Year 7 have been science superstars
whilst working from home continuing to
study the topic of energy as part of
Cycle B. To conclude the topics, the
students have been researching into
the life of Annie Easley, a BAME female
scientist, to grow their knowledge
beyond the science curriculum and
recognise the traits that made her a
successful scientist. Annie Easley
contributed to developing efficient
batteries that are now used in hybrid
powered vehicles. Annie also worked on
the development of wind and solar
power. Her passion that was linked to
                                                                                    Fill the glass about 3/4 full of water.
providing equal opportunities for                                                   Add about 5 drops of food colouring
female and BAME scientists was                                                       – maybe red for lava look.
inspirational.                                                                      Slowly pour the vegetable oil into the
                                                                                     glass. See how the oil floats on top.
The year 7s then researched into
                                                                                    Sprinkle the salt on top of the oil.
different characteristics that make a
great scientist and reflected through                                               Watch blobs of lava move up and
                                                                                     down in your glass!
these fantastic pieces of artwork. Here
are some of the awesome responses                                                   If you liked that, add another
                                                                                     teaspoon of salt to keep the effect
from students below: Paula (7A),                                                     going.
Sabrina (7A), Raaghav (7E), Ance (7E),

                                                                                   How does it work?
                                                                                   It looks a bit like a lava lamp your
                                          Xois (7D), Zoey (7D) and Fathima (7E).   parents may have had. The oil floats on
                                          Well Done!                               top of the water because it is less dense
                                                                                   than the water. Since the salt is denser
                                          Science Practical                        than oil, it sinks down into the water
                                                                                   and takes some oil with it. When the
                                          Challenge                                salt is dissolved by the water the oil
                                          Whilst you are learning at home – why    then travels back up to the top of the
                                          don’t you take part in our Science       cup.
                                          Practical Challenge?                     Try to answer these questions:
                                          Below there are two practical           1. How long will the effect go on if you
                                          challenges that you can take part in.      keep adding salt?
                                          Send photographs of the finished result 2. Do different kinds of food oil give
                                          and your science teacher will give you     different effects?
                                          house points and there may even be
                                                                                  3. Will other substances (sand, sugar.
                                          some science prizes for those who have     etc.) work the same as salt?
                                          the strongest responses!
                                                                                  4. Does the height or shape of the glass
                                                                                     affect the experiment?
                                          Lava Lamp in a Cup
                                                                                   Make a Balloon Rocket
                                                                                   Background: It’s all about the air and
                                           A clear drinking glass
                                                                                   thrust. As the air rushes out of the
                                           1/4 cup vegetable oil                  balloon, it creates forward motion
                                           1 teaspoon salt                        called THRUST. Thrust is a pushing
                                                                                   force created by energy.
                                                                                   In the balloon experiment, our thrust
                                                                                   comes from the balloon forcing the air
                                                                                   out. Different sizes and shapes of
                                                                                   balloon will create more or less thrust.
                                                                                   In a real rocket, thrust is created by the
                                                                                   force of burning rocket fuel as it blasts
                                                                                   from the rockets engine – as the
                                                                                   engines blast down, the rocket goes up!

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News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Languages at Bolder                       Maths at Bolder
                                            Bolder students have been fantastic at    Students have shown a great deal of
                                            celebrating speaking by taking part in    resilience. All year groups were quick to
                                            Vocaroo speaking challenges in French     adapt to online teaching and learning.
                                            and Spanish lessons.                      Student engagement and great
                                                                                      attitudes have been a motivator for all
                                            They can also share their love of
                                                                                      the staff here in the Maths Department.
                                            languages by taking part in the British
                                            Council’s “Express Yourself in           If you are looking for ways to support
                                            Lockdown” event.                         your child at home during these difficult
Materials:                                                                           times, we came across a webinar by
                                            Please get video entries to Ms Mitchell
                                                                                     Craig Barton who goes through 5
 1 balloon (round ones will work, but      by 20th February 2021.
                                                                                     problems that students in year 7
  the longer “airship” balloons work
  best)                                     French                                   struggle with. A video of the webinar
                                                                                     can be found here: https://
 1 long piece of kite string (about 10-                                             diagnosticquestions.us14.list-
  15 feet long)                             Our French students have been
                                            enhancing their online learning by using
 1 plastic straw                           the Language Gym.                        u=2603fe95bdcec4f6c05864497&id=17
 Tape                                                                               d0ac931a&e=304c3d8e75
                                            Each class has received a class code to
                                            join and there are hundreds of games     What is New:
                                            and activities to promote fluency and
                                                                                     We at the Maths Department have
                                            deepen students’ knowledge of            experimented with various tools for
                                            vocabulary and grammar. They can do      assessing student learning. We often
                                            assigned tasks to practise Cycle A and B use Microsoft forms to create quizzes
                                            material, or they can expand their       and polls for quick AFL.
                                            language skills by trying out
Methods:                                    Intermediate or Higher activities. C’est
 Tie one end of the string to a chair,
   door knob, or other support.
 Put the other end of the string
   through the straw.
 Pull the string tight and tie it to
   another support in the room.
 Blow up the balloon (but don’t tie it.)                                             Students often use to
   Pinch the end of the balloon and
   tape the balloon to the straw as                                                   create and use virtual whiteboards so
   shown above. You’re ready for                                                      that we as teachers are able to see
   launch.                                                                            what the student is thinking. This
 Now watch the rocket fly!                                                           enables us to ensure that we are able to
                                            Miss Kader
                                                                                      give feedback effectively and respond
                                            Spanish                                   to individual needs of students.
                                                                                      The tool is free for limited use so it may
                                            Just before the Christmas break, the      be a good idea for students to practice
                                            Year 7s exchanged beautiful Christmas     using it outside of lesson time.
                                            cards with our Spanish Partner School
                                            in Madrid, IES Pedro Duque.               Year 7s have spent this term working
                                                                                      on Algebra. Students were introduced
                                                                                      to expressions with unknowns, there
                                                                                      has been a strong emphasis on key
                                                                                      terminology when teaching.

Try to answer these questions based on
your observation:

1. Does the shape of the balloon affect
   how far (or fast) the rocket travels?
2. Does the length of the straw affect      Now, the Year 7s are currently learning
   how far (or fast) the rocket travels?    about animals in Amazon and
3. Does the type of string affect how       biodiversity across the Spanish-          We are using a collection of lessons
   far (or fast) the rocket travels? (Try   speaking world. We have also been
   fishing line, nylon string, cotton                                                 from Oak National Academy which
                                            learning to describe our own pets and     were uploaded by our very own Ms
   string, etc.)
                                            have been sharing photos of eccentric     Jones from the Maths Department. All
4. Does the angle of the string affect
   how far (or fast) the rocket travels?    pets during lockdown!                     of the lessons being used can be found
                                            Ms Ventura                                on the next page.

                                                             Page 5
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy they shift their focus towards problem
subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-3/        solving. According to recent
subjects/maths                                                                       Ms Arlow
                                          assessments, year 9s performed above
                                          the national average across all areas of   For consistently participating in lessons
Support for Parents                       Mathematics. Now that they have the        since we started online teaching. Both
Online                                    tools (concepts) of Mathematics, they      have shown commitment to the tasks
                                          are definitely ready for solving “out of   and have improved tremendously,
If you are looking for ways to support    the box problems”.                         attempting challenging questions.
your child at home during these difficult
                                          performed above the national average             Well done Shaza W
times, we came across a webinar by
                                          across all areas of Mathematics. Now
Craig Barton who goes through 5                                                            Well done Vanessa C
                                          that they have the tools (concepts) in
problems that students in year 7
                                          Mathematics, they are definitely ready     for working to their full capabilities and
struggle with. A video of the webinar
                                          for solving “out of the box problems”.     have participating enthusiastically in
can be found here: https://
diagnosticquestions.us14.list-                                                                    Well done Nolan B
                                                                                           Well done Ali K
                                                                                     Mrs Palumbo
Another webinar is being held for the
year 8s on Thursday 21st January 2021.                                               Suhaan S year 8 for excellent
Please follow the link if you are                                                    participation in lessons and improved
interested: https://                                                                 attainment, combined with really
diagnosticquestions.us14.list-                                                       positive attitude when doing                                                              challenging sequenes questions
                                                                                     Ryan Hughes year 9 for enthusiasm,
                                                                                     engagement and continued
A video should be available for the                                                  perseverance in Maths even when the
webinar if you are not able to attend.                                               work becomes challenging.
Year 8s have continued their work on                                                 Ms Sebe
sequences in accordance with the
                                                                                     Aleezah M (9B) for her amazing
Mastery Curriculum with the intent to
                                                                                     engagement and participation during
gain a deeper understanding of            Maths Shout Outs                           the lessons and for her hard work of
concepts. The engagement with the
                                          Ms Jones                                   completing extra tasks.
curriculum seems unaffected by remote
learning as students have                 Adriana (7A) has been fantastic at         Arshia L (8E) for brilliant participation in
demonstrated a very positive and          engaging with all of the content in the    online lessons, consistently contributing
conscientious attitude towards their      lessons. She regularly asks questions      to the class discussions and working
learning.                                 and goes above and beyond to               really hard on the tasks set.
                                          complete her work to the highest of her    Mr Lobo
                                                                                     Year 7:
                                          Malak (7D). Malak has tried incredibly     Ladan (7D) - consistent good
                                          hard to catch up from a delayed start,     contributions in class.
                                          and has done this brilliantly both in
                                          person and online. She continuously        Year 8:
                                          asks for clarification if she does not     Dragostin, Gracie, Upravd: - consistently
                                          understand something and does extra        and enthusiastically contributing to
                                          number work in her own time to ensure      online class discussions, offering
                                          she can access the content. She is very    answers to questions and asking for
                                          polite and enthusiastic, and has           help.
                                          demonstrated all of the Bolder values.
                                                                                     Year 9:
                                          Mr Sandhu                                  Taren Sulieman - consistently
                                          Hana K (7C) is not afraid to ask           contributing well in class
                                          questions that other students may not      Rayan - asking for help, contributing
                                          be able to ask out of fear of asking “a    well in class
                                          stupid question”. She always clears        Ms King
                                          doubt and misconceptions up as they
                                          arise.                                     Ahmadsh S (7C) has been really good at
                                                                                     explaining his answers, he definitely
                                          Luena S (7B) has been working really       becoming more confident as a
Year 9s have kept with the theme of       hard and has proven to be a very           mathematician. His ‘short answer test’
Algebra and have been learning about      responsible student over the lockdown.     and his health check are a good
equations and inequalities. Students      When she struggles, she just works         reflection of the progress he is making.
have a long journey ahead of them as      harder.

                                                           Page 6
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Year 9 GCSE Options at                      periods per week.                        NB. All students will be required to do
                                                                                     2hrs per week of sport on their
Bolder                                      Option C – Choice of: Art and
                                                                                     timetable each week.
                                             Design, Computer Science, Drama,
                                             Music, PE, Design and Technology,       Mr Bones
                                             Food Technology, Textiles, Religious
                                             Education – 3 periods per week.         Mental Health Parent
                                            Option D – Choice of: Triple Science,   Session
                                            NCFE Technical Award in Art and
                                            Design, Citizenship, NCFE National
                                            Sport Science Qualification, NCFE
Year 9 is an important year as it not       Technical Award in Graphic Design –
only marks the end of Key Stage 3, but      2 periods per week.
it is now the time for you to choose        NB. If a student does not wish to
your subjects for Key Stage 4. The          study PE GCSE (Option C) or the
results of these decisions will take you    National Sport Science Qualification
into Years 10 and 11, Post 16, higher       (Option D) then they will be required    The past year has been an intensely
education and employment.                   to complete 2hrs of sport on a Friday    challenging time for all of us. We
                                            afternoon.                               understand that remote learning is
In order to help you in this decision
                                                                                     presenting a whole new set of
process, a comprehensive programme         Pathway B
                                                                                     possible problems and pressures for
of guidance has been put in place. We
                                            Maths – 5 periods per week              our families and we would like to do
hope that this guidance and support
                                                                                     everything we possibly can to provide
will enable all students to choose the      English – 5 periods per week
                                                                                     support and advice during this difficult
right courses for future study.             Combined Science – 5 periods per        time.
This includes:
                                            Option A – History, Geography,          As such, we are arranging a Microsoft
 Taster GCSE lessons (November              Spanish, French, Arabic, Home           Teams session for parents and carers
  Being Bold Week)                           Language - 4 periods per week           around mental health and wellbeing,
 An option booklet on our website                                                   especially in light of Mental Health
                                            Option B - Choice of: Art and Design,   Awareness Week beginning 8th
  detailing courses (published on 4th
  January)                                   Computer Science, Drama, Music,         February.
                                             PE, Design and Technology, Food
 A Question and Answer session with                                                 In this session, Mr Walthaus (Deputy
  parents and carers (w.c. 18th              Technology, Textiles, Religious
                                             Education – 3 periods per week          Head and Designated Safeguarding
                                                                                     Lead) and Ms Hernandez (Year 9
 One to one or small group                 Option C – Choice of: Art and           Pastoral Manager and Deputy
  discussions with students (starting        Design, Computer Science, Drama,
  w.c. 25th January)                                                                 Designated Safeguarding Lead) will
                                             Music, PE, Design and Technology,       have an informal conversation
 Parent Consultation (Thursday 11th         Food Technology, Textiles, Religious    around:
  February)                                  Education – 3 periods per week
The pathways below show the subject                                                   Spotting some warning signs of
                                            Option D – Choice of: Triple Science,
options students can take in Year 10.                                                  potential mental health issues
                                             NCFE Technical Award in Art and
In putting together these choices we
                                             Design, Citizenship, National Sport      Some practical strategies about
have worked hard to ensure that our
                                             Science Qualification, NCFE               maintaining positive mental health
curriculum addresses these changes,
                                             Technical Award in Graphic Design –       for parents/carers and students at
but at the same time offers a range of
                                             2 periods per week                        home
courses to suit the individual needs,
interests and abilities of our Year 9       NB. If a student does not wish to         Resources and services that might
students.                                   study PE GCSE (Option C) or the            be able to provide support
                                            National Sport Science Qualification
If you have any further questions                                                    The session will start at 5pm on
                                            (Option D) then they will be required
about the options process, then                                                      Tuesday 9th February and can be
                                            to complete 2hrs of sport on a
please email                                                                         accessed via this link:
                                            Friday afternoon.                                                   
                                           Pathway C                                 ParentMentalHealth
Pathway A
                                            Maths – 5 periods per week              Towards the end of the session, we
 Maths – 5 periods per week.                                                        will attempt to hold a Q&A through
                                            English – 5 periods per week
 English – 5 periods per week.                                                      Teams – please bear with us in the
                                            Combined Science – 5 periods per        event of any technical issues!
 Combined Science – 5 periods per           week
  week.                                                                              We will be recording the session and
                                            A bespoke pathway catered to the
 Option A – Humanities – Either             students interests or needs.            will place it on our website shortly
  History or Geography – 4 periods                                                   afterwards, so please do not worry if
  per week.                                 This may result in students taking
                                                                                     you cannot attend at that time.
                                             fewer GCSEs and more vocational
 Option B – MFL – Either Spanish,
                                             courses.                                Mr Walthaus
  French, Arabic, Home Language* - 4
                                                           Page 7
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Celebrations at
                                                        YEAR 7              Saffron        7B   Silver
Bolder                                          Xois      7D     Platinum   Bashir         7B   Silver
House Points continue to be awarded to         Nessa      7C       Gold     Paula          7A   Silver
students to demonstrate our values of                                       Alex           7A   Silver
                                              Hanna       7F       Gold
being kind, strong and brave during this
period of remote learning. In fact, staff    Muhsin       7F       Gold     Avi            7D   Silver
are giving more points than ever!              Sofia      7B       Gold     Filip          7D   Silver
We held a fantastic whole-school               Talha      7A       Gold     Emily          7F   Silver
Rewards Assembly via Teams on Friday                                        Lishay         7D   Silver
                                               Zoey       7E       Gold
where we issued some of the latest
round of House Point Awards. Despite            Jack      7A       Gold     Olaf           7E   Silver
the distance, it was lovely to hear staff    Ruwaida      7A       Gold     Ike            7B   Silver
and students applaud and celebrate
                                              Mithra      7C       Gold     Zahir          7D   Silver
these amazing achievements.
                                               Alice      7B       Gold     Sayed          7C   Silver
We have a new PLATINUM AWARD
winner. This means that they have           Lyubomir      7A       Gold     Finlay         7C   Silver
achieved a phenomenal 150 House                Izaan      7B       Gold     Theo           7B   Silver
Points and we are not yet half-way
                                             Fathima      7E       Gold     Julia          7F   Silver
through the school year! We are
delighted to award the Platinum Award        Daanya       7F       Gold     Suna           7D   Silver
to Xois A A in 7D. Xois lives our Bolder    Francesca     7E       Gold     Cooper         7A   Silver
values every single day; she is a role
model and a real asset to the school.       Shanaiyah     7E       Gold     Jivish         7F   Silver
Congratulations, Xois!                       Andrew       7A       Gold     Simon          7F   Silver
After our Platinum Award comes our            Rosana      7D       Gold     Aleks          7A   Silver
highest accolade, the DIAMOND               Marcelina     7E       Gold     Bisera         7D   Silver
AWARD, issued at 300 House Points.
Will Xois continue to make Bolder              Anya       7F       Gold     Janaya         7F   Silver
history by being the first to achieve         Annika      7B       Gold     Tamia          7F   Silver
Diamond or will someone else pip her                                        Idris          7A   Silver
                                              Maxim       7A       Gold
to the post..?
                                              Hadjer      7A       Gold     Araf           7D   Silver
Keep working hard, show kindness in
                                              Amelia      7B       Gold     Reggie         7C   Silver
your interactions with staff and
students, demonstrate strength by               Alex      7C       Gold     Cormac         7F   Silver
completing all work set to the very best        Ezra      7B       Gold     Archie         7A   Silver
of your ability and be brave in trying
new things and exploring different            Giorgi      7B       Gold     Alfie          7C   Silver
ideas with the help of your teachers.        Raaghav      7E       Gold     Olivia         7B   Silver
Good luck!    Mr Walthaus                      Ance       7E       Gold     Amelia         7C   Silver
                                               Ruby       7C       Gold     Lukas          7B   Silver
                                               Hana       7C       Gold     Raqib          7E   Silver
Thank you!                                      Tom       7E       Gold     Mateusz        7B   Silver
                                                Kiah      7A       Gold     Muhammad       7F   Silver
                                               Owen       7E       Gold     Libby          7C   Silver
                                               Maya       7C       Gold     Sabrina        7A   Silver
                                               Oscar      7D       Gold     Miroslav       7C   Silver
                                             Krystian     7B       Gold     Momchil        7C   Silver
                                              Naima       7A       Gold     Alex           7C   Silver
                                               Safiya     7C       Gold     Adnaan         7E   Silver
A huge thanks to Dominic Palacio (Head        Chesan      7C       Gold     Aman Jasveer   7E   Silver
of Community Rugby in Richmond) who,                                        Ariana         7B   Silver
                                              Beatriz     7C       Silver
with his IT team, has recycled and
reimaged donated lap tops from              Wojciech      7F       Silver   Mark Jenson    7E   Silver
residents of Richmond to repurpose for         Tyler      7E       Silver   Amiyah         7F   Silver
students in need. Bolder has been
                                              Amelia      7F       Silver   Shane          7B   Silver
lucky to receive 5 laptops which will be
an important resource for some of our         Marley      7F       Silver   Darius         7C   Silver
students studying at home.

                                                        Page 8
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Maya          7B     Silver   Athena              8F    Gold     Christian        8B    Bronze
Noah          7D     Silver   Bhagya Sragvi       8F    Gold     Rhys             8B     Bronze
Rahela        7E     Silver   Dhruti              8A    Gold     Saul             8E     Bronze
Sophia        7D     Silver   Amna                8F    Gold     Melisa           8B     Bronze
Olivia        7F     Silver   Upravd              8B    Gold     Phoenix          8B     Bronze
Rahul         7F     Silver   Remi-Mya            8B    Gold     Aini             8A     Bronze
Sreehari      7F     Silver   Matuesz             8F    Gold     Oskar            8A     Bronze
Leila         7B     Silver   Natan               8E    Gold     Reece            8C     Bronze
Sayed                         Kasey               8C    Gold     Sumeya           8A     Bronze
              7B     Bronze
Alishah                       Suhaan              8F    Gold     Aleksandra       8D     Bronze
Muhammad      7D     Bronze   Amy                 8B    Silver   Athena           8A     Bronze
Rayyan        7B     Bronze   Chelsea             8B    Silver   NERISSA          8E     Bronze
Adrian        7E     Bronze   Kristiyan           8B    Silver   Kieran           8B     Bronze
Anisa         7B     Bronze   Tameem              8C    Silver   Evie             8B     Bronze
Nakul         7B     Bronze   Sebastian           8C    Silver   Kendrick         8E     Bronze
Luena         7B     Bronze   Haya                8B    Silver   Nev              8F     Bronze
Scarlett      7B     Bronze   Calum               8A    Silver   Mihaela          8A     Bronze
Isabella      7D     Bronze   Joey                8D    Silver   Amy              8D     Bronze
Salma         7C     Bronze   Dragostin           8C    Silver   Jeremy           8D     Bronze
Liam          7B     Bronze   Hisham              8D    Silver   Adam             8A     Bronze
Gabriela      7F     Bronze   Sullivan            8F    Silver   Yasmine          8D     Bronze
Oleg          7D     Bronze   Darnell             8F    Silver   Alfie            8D     Bronze
Ophelia       7F     Bronze   Mia                 8B    Silver
Ali           7F     Bronze   Abdisalam           8D    Silver
Arsalan       7C     Bronze                                                   YEAR 9
                              Mladen              8C    Silver
Callum        7C     Bronze                                      Saayakee          9C     Gold
                              Yana                8B    Silver
Emmanuel      7F     Bronze   Destiny             8D    Silver   Karishma-April    9C     Gold
Charlie       7D     Bronze   Ayaan               8A    Silver   Eira              9C     Gold
Fenton        7E     Bronze   Molly               8E    Silver   Hanna             9C     Gold
Muhammed      7A     Bronze   Nishtha             8C    Silver   Daniel            9C     Gold
Sofia         7F     Bronze   Millie              8B    Silver   Mana              9C     Gold
Keely         7D     Bronze   Eva                 8A    Silver   Ishan             9C     Gold
Victoria      7D     Bronze   Mariah              8D    Silver   Bailey            9C     Gold
Malak         7D     Bronze   Charlotte           8C    Silver   Luqman            9C     Gold
                              Lily                8B    Silver   Damien            9C     Gold
            YEAR 8            Simran              8B    Silver   Rayan             9C     Gold
Abdulaziz      8E     Gold    Isabella            8A    Silver   Raffi             9C     Gold
Alexander      8B     Gold    Zuzanna             8E    Silver   Tetiana           9D     Gold
Mantas         8B     Gold                                       Sharon            9D     Gold
                              Bukshinder          8D    Silver
Jordan         8F     Gold    Iyla                8D    Silver   Alisha            9C     Gold
Hope           8B     Gold                                       Sarvesh           9C     Gold
                              Rebecca             8E    Silver
Brian          8C     Gold                                       Gabrielle         9E     Gold
                              Maeeda              8F    Silver
Inaaya         8C     Gold                                       Matthew           9C     Gold
                              Rujula              8B    Silver
Jairaj         8B     Gold                                       Maria             9C     Silver
                              Xhovan              8E    Silver
Arshia         8E     Gold                                       Nabiha            9B     Silver
                              Aimee               8C    Silver
Macey          8F     Gold                                       Arjun             9E     Silver
                              Posy                8A   Bronze
Roan           8B     Gold                                       Tiah              9C     Silver
                              Nizar               8F   Bronze
Emir           8F     Gold                                       Weronika          9A     Silver
                              Nolan               8F   Bronze
Duaa           8E     Gold
                                              Page 9
News January 2021 - Bolder Academy
Martina        9D    Silver   Laurie-Ann            9D      Bronze        portraits. This shows her
                                                                          determination; as she said “Passion is
Manisha        9A    Silver   Nikolozi              9A      Bronze        the bridge that takes you from pain to
Ryan           9E    Silver   Insha                 9B      Bronze        change.” This is only one of the many
Daria          9D    Silver   Ashton                9A      Bronze        life stories where grit is shown and
                                                                          rewarded with success.
Abdirahman     9B    Silver   Aaron                 9A       Bronze
                                                                          So therefore, I think that everyone
Nevena         9E    Silver   Sulieman              9B       Bronze       should use grit in their life to help them
Esteban        9B    Silver   Grace                 9D       Bronze       overcome problems you may think you
Mariam         9D    Silver   Ghabriella            9C       Bronze       will never get past because it helps you.
                                                                          Grit is what people get from motivation
Aleezah        9B    Silver   Jaiya                 9B       Bronze       and it will heavily impact your potential
Salo           9D    Silver   Mhamed                9B       Bronze       career in a positive way.
Yasmin         9E    Silver   Brandon               9A       Bronze
Rachel         9D    Silver   Chloe                 9B       Bronze
Arran          9C    Silver   Ardit                 9B       Bronze
Grace          9C    Silver   Nathan                9D       Bronze
Vanessa        9A    Silver   Ridhiwanah            9B       Bronze
Eve            9A    Silver   George                9B       Bronze
Shania         9A    Silver   Ahmed                 9A       Bronze
Adam           9E    Silver   Matthew               9D       Bronze
Simran         9D    Silver   Fiona                 9E       Bronze
Emma           9A    Silver
Arina          9E    Silver   Bolder Grit
Jerusha        9D    Silver   By Calum W 8A
Kuba           9C    Silver
                              Bolder students have spent time during       Angela Lee Duckwork
Aaron          9C    Silver   lockdown learning about psychologist,
Tony           9C    Silver   Angela Lee Duckworth’s research into
Kacper         9A    Silver   motivation – what she calls ‘grit’.

Elizabeth      9A    Silver   Students wrote a piece explaining what
                              grit means to them.
Jakub          9A    Silver
                              Grit is something that is incredibly
Kanika         9A    Silver
                              crucial for success and results because
George         9B    Silver   without grit you will never have the will
Noah           9A    Silver   to do things that will get you ahead in
                              life. As people like Angela Duckworth
Demi           9A    Silver   have said,: grit is what makes you more
Mija           9B    Silver   motivated to do tasks and due to there
Jayden         9D    Silver   being more motivation, increases the
                              chance of you being more successful.
Terri-Brooke   9C    Silver
                              Frida Kahlo, who one of our houses is
Reece          9C    Silver
                              named after, showed grit in a way that
Jaime          9C   Bronze    has made her an icon in the art world.
Lucas          9C   Bronze    On September 17, 1925, Kahlo was
                              riding in a bus when the vehicle collided
Kameron        9A   Bronze    with a trolley car. She suffered serious
Danielle       9C   Bronze    injuries in the accident, including a
                              broken spinal column, a broken
Dhruv          9D   Bronze
                              collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis,
Jaime-Leigh    9D   Bronze    eleven fractures in her right leg, a
Mackenzie      9A   Bronze    crushed and dislocated right foot, and a
                              dislocated shoulder. But then, when all
Shereen        9B   Bronze    hope seemed lost, Kahlo did not give
Reece          9E   Bronze    up. She asked for her painting
Jasmine        9B   Bronze    equipment and was working incredibly
                              hard on her paintings, even when bed
Kaylia         9C   Bronze    bound. In total, she painted 143
Nakeisha       9E   Bronze    paintings, out of which 55 were self-

                                               Page 10
English at Bolder                            McGonigle and I have been so              engaged with these, especially those
                                             impressed with the strength, bravery      who were successful in rescuing our
Remote learning is a tricky process for      and kindness we have seen from our        RAM. We would like to give a particular
teachers, let alone students! But the        geography classes over the past three     shout out to Ruby S (7C), Grace C (9D),
English Department continue to be            weeks. Just a few examples are: turning   Manisha P (9A), Jack H (7A), Nabiha A
impressed with all the hard work from        up to lessons on time, messaging          (9B), Calum W (8A), Martina B (9D),
our brilliant Bolder students!               classmates to help them logon, helping    Tanishq M (9D), Tom N (7E), Arshia L
English Teams have been set up where         the teacher out with technical issues,    (8E), Talha A (7A) and Karishma G (8D).
work is either pre-recorded or teachers      finding the relevant lesson, asking for   You showed lots of resilience,
host a live lesson. This term all students   help when required and contributing to    determination and logical thinking in
are getting to grips with William            class discussions. We have been           your very quick rescues!
Shakespeare: Year 7 are looking at the       celebrating student successes through     We hope students enjoy these tasks
magical world of A Midsummer Night’s         shout outs on Teams, e-postcards and      and continue to revise hard for their
Dream; Year 8 are exploring the              lots of house points. Thank you to all    assessments. We wish you all luck and
enchanted island of The Tempest and          parents and carers for your ongoing       success!
Year 9 are learning about Romeo and          support at home, if we could award you
                                                                                       Bebras UK challenge
Juliet and their great love story in         house point too, we would!
Verona.                                      Once the AFE’s are finished, there will
At the end of every English lesson           be a geography competition for each
students are expected to complete a          year group. Details on the competition
quiz sent out via Microsoft Forms. So        will be shared through geography
far, the English department have been        lessons and the winners will be
very impressed by the uptake. Some           announced in next month’s Newsletter!
students have routinely been scoring         Miss Williams
top marks which is excellent! But we
need engagement with these quizzes to        Computing at Bolder
reach 100%! Therefore, if you do not
complete the English quiz, home will be                                                Earlier on in the academic year
contacted.                                                                             students were given the opportunity to
                                                                                       develop their computational thinking
As well as learning about Shakespeare,
                                                                                       skills by participating in the BEBRAS UK
students are also still learning from the
Mastery Writing course where,                                                          challenge. Well done to all those
depending on their age and ability, they                                               students who engaged! We hope it was
                                                                                       a useful and enjoyable exercise for you
learn all the tips and tricks to become a
                                                                                       all and congratulations to Adam G (9E)
successful writer!
                                                                                       and Hanna B (7F) who was awarded
Students are attending and watching                                                    best in school for their age groups with
the lessons and quizzes, the English         Students are continuing to work hard      Hanna scoring within the top 10%
Department also want to stress just          on cycle B: programming and               nationally. A brilliant achievement!
how important it is in this period of        algorithms and have started to prepare
                                                                                       Top Tips – remote learning for
remote learning that students are            revision for their upcoming
reading regularly. Therefore, we would                                                 students
encourage students to try and pick up a                                                Firstly we’d like to acknowledge all the
                                             Year 7 have been exploring scratch – a
reading book once a day and at a                                                       hard work and fantastic efforts from
                                             particular thank you to Naima K (7A)
minimum read for 30 minutes. As a                                                      the students! Despite some challenging
                                             who has shared her program with us –
department we are going to be looking                                                  circumstances, students are continuing
                                             whilst year 8 and 9 have continued
at how we can further support reading                                                  to show their strength, kindness and
                                             developing their programming skills on
for students – so stay tuned for some                                                  bravery with their home learning.
exciting announcements coming your                                                     However, we do want to make sure
way very soon!                                                                         students are staying safe and looking
Once again we would like to stress that                                                after their [mental] health and
remote learning is not the easiest for                                                 wellbeing. Top tips for students can be
students – so if any of you are                                                        found on p15. Whilst we don’t
struggling please reach out to your                                                    necessarily encourage them all –
English teacher – we are here to help!                                                 students are welcome to wear their
Miss Howley                                                                            own uniform or their own clothes -
                                                                                       some we really do recommend you
Geography at Bolder                                                                    read and implement!
The Geography Department wishes                                                        Stick to the school’s expectations and
                                             Optional revision tasks have also been
everyone in the Bolder community a                                                     routines, consider the information that
                                             sent out to help encourage students to
very Happy New Year.                                                                   you choose to share and take breaks
                                             revise and to re-visit some of the key
We want to say a huge WELL DONE to                                                     from screens.
                                             content taught in cycle A and B. Very
every student in year 7, 8 and 9. Miss       well done to all those students who       Miss Tough

                                                             Page 11
Personal Development at Bolder                                                Big Garden Watch
                                                                              29th - 31st January
                                                                              Chiswick and Brentford Rotary Club,
                                                                              sponsors of Interact@Bolder are
                                                                              supporting the RSPB in their Big
                                                                              Garden Survey.
                                                                              Whilst we are in lockdown, this give
                                                                              you and our students an excellent
                                                                              opportunity to be involved in our
                                                                              environment and learn a little more
                                                                              about the wildlife around us.

                                                                              How to take part?
                                                                                Count the birds you see in your
                                                                                 garden or from your balcony for
                                                                                 one hour between 29 and 31
                                                                                 January 2021.
                                                                                Please only include those that land,
                                                                                 not those flying over.
                                                                                Count the most birds you see at any
Personal Development is currently       appreciate feedback so if you have       one time, otherwise you could
being taught during Study Skills once   any suggestions or comments you          count the same bird twice. For
                                                                                 example, if you saw a group of eight
a week for Year 7 and 8 students.       want to pass on regarding Personal       starlings, and towards the end of
When we do return to school,            Development at our academy please        the hour you saw six starlings
students in all year groups will have   contact Miss Howley via school email     together, please write eight as your
Personal Development education          (           final count.
once a week in form time sessions.                                              Go to to tell
                                        In Personal Development Year 7 and
                                                                                 us what you saw.
As a school we want to support          8 were learning about Democracy
parents and carers in providing and     and asked what policies they would
                                                                                The more people who report what
                                                                                 they see, the better the picture the
supporting Personal Development         bring in if they were running to be an   RSPB will have of how our garden
education at home which we strongly     MP for Isleworth. Here are just some     birds are doing.
believe will benefit the wellbeing of   of their fantastic responses!           Remember even if you saw nothing,
all students particularly during                                                 it still counts.
lockdown. To facilitate this, we want
to draw your attention to Bolder
Academy’s Personal Development                                                More details in this link
twitter account which can be found                                  
by searching the twitter username:                                            downloads/biggardenbirdwatch/2021/
@personal_at                                                                  how-to-resources/Bgbw21_how-to-
On this account we will be posting                                            guide.pdf
resources that you can use at home
                                        Miss Howley
with your children. We always

                                                      Page 12
Bolder House Points                                                                Student Leadership
                                                                                   Please visit these web page links to
                                                                                   see a clearer view of the thumbnail
                                                                                   image below:
                                                                                   Y7 Student Leadership Jan 2021

 House points continue to be awarded during lockdown, so keep up the
 excellent work. Full details can be found on the House Bulletin here https://     Y8 and Y9 Student Leadership . Well done Malala!                        Jan2021
                                         limited numbers on-site, we expect
Reporting Illnesses and                  contact tracing activity to be reduced
Absences                                 but this remains vitally important in
                                         the continued national effort to limit
Even though we are working remotely the spread of the virus.
at the moment, it is still important to
                                         Where students or staff still attending
report all absences via ParentMail ,
                                         their school test positive for
under the Absence tab. This is for
                                         coronavirus (COVID-19) during the
any appointment eg dentist, doctor
                                         holidays, having developed
etc and all illnesses. If the absence is
                                         symptoms more than 48 hours since
Covid related eg infection or isolation,
                                         being in school, schools are not
please can you include this in your
                                         required to take any action. Staff,
message. Many thanks.
                                         parents and carers should follow
                                                                                   Wellbeing Workout
Bolder Academy Office                    contact tracing instructions provided
                                         by NHS Test and Trace. However,
Notice from the                          where students or staff still attending
Department For Education their school test positive having
                                         developed symptoms within 48 hours
                                         of being in school, the school is asked
                                         to assist in identifying close contacts
                                         and advising self-isolation, as the
Could Parents and Carers please note individual may have been infectious
the following guidance shared from
                                         whilst in school.
the DfE:
February half-term                       Free School Meals over
Schools will close as usual over         Half-Term
February half-term and are not
expected to remain open to               Hounslow Council have confirmed
vulnerable children and the children     that they will be funding the Free
of critical workers during that week.    School Meal Vouchers for the half-
                                         term holidays. If you are eligible,
Contact tracing over the February        these vouchers will be emailed to you
half-term                                w/c 15th February 2021 from School
Schools continue to play an              Vouchers. If your financial
important role in contact tracing for    circumstances have recently
those students and staff who             changed , we would encourage you to
continue to attend their school. We      apply for Free School Meals directly
recognise the challenges of this         with your Local Authority.
responsibility during holidays. Given    Bolder Academy Office

                                                          Page 13
Art Competition                          message and consent link which will       on the following link: https://
                                         be sent out shortly and read the
If you are interested in submitting an   information from Hounslow Nursng          Forms/DTP If that doesn’t work then
artwork please email                     Services is below                         cut and paste the address line at the for                                                   top of your web browser window.
                                         In line with the national immunisation
more information!
                                         programme all children in year 9 are      If you have trouble accessing the link
                                         offered immunisation boosters against     to the HPV form from the bottom of
                                         Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP)       the DTP/Men AWAY form, please click
                                         and Meningococcal ACWY (Men               on the following link: https://
                                         Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio             Forms/HPV If that doesn’t work then
                                                                                   cut and paste the address line at the
                                                                                   top of your web browser window.
                                         This booster dose is important to
                                                                                   You will need to enter the unique code
                                         ensure a young person’s continuing
                                                                                   for your child’s school. The code is:
                                         immunity and protection against these
                                         diseases.                                 CL145866
                                         Meningococcal ACWY                        Please ensure all your child's details
                                                                                   are correct including date of birth,
                                         Meningococcal ACWY vaccination
                                                                                   year group and only one form per
                                         helps to protect your child against 4
                                                                                   child per vaccination is submitted.
                                         types of meningococcal bacteria
                                                                                   Please note diphtheria, tetanus and
                                         (groups A, C, W and Y) that can cause
                                                                                   polio and Meningitis ACWY is on one
                                         meningitis (inflammation of the lining
                                                                                   form and HPV is on the second form
                                         of the brain) and septicaemia (blood
                                                                                   (link at the bottom of the diphtheria,
                                         poisoning). These diseases are very
                                                                                   tetanus and polio and Meningitis
                                         serious and can kill, especially if not
                                                                                   ACWY form).
                                         diagnosed early. Cases of
                                         meningococcal W disease in England        Please check your inbox and your junk
HPV Vaccine and                          have increased significantly in recent    box for any emails confirming
Meningitis Update                        years.                                    submission of the E-Consent Forms
                                                                                   and your child receiving the
                                         University, colleges and future
                                                                                   immunisations on the day of the
                                         employers increasingly ask for
                                         evidence of these vaccinations.
                                                                                   You need to complete this form even if
                                         HPV vaccinations.                         you do not whish your child to be
                                         This vaccination protects against         vaccinated
                                         Human Papilloma Virus which can           If you have any questions arising out
                                         cause certain cancers in both men and     of this letter or the next steps please
                                         women. It is a course of 2 vaccinations
                                                                                   contact your local team on 0203-691-
                                         at an interval of 12 months. The first
                                         vaccination was due to be offered to      1013 or you can visit http://
                                         your son/daughter in year 8 but 
                                         unfortunately due to the pandemic         Look after your Teeth!
                                         our team was unable to complete this
                                         programme at that time. We will
                                         therefore be offering all children in
                                         year 9 three vaccinations split over
                                         two visits. The HPV vaccination will be
                                         carried out on our first visit and
                                         followed by the DTP and Men ACWY
                                         on our second visit.
                                         This year our consent process is
                                         electronic. Please note that you will
                                         need to complete 2 forms, one for
                                         diphtheria, tetanus and polio and
                                         Meningitis ACWY and a second
School closures have meant that the      separate consent form for HPV (the
dates for HPV and Meningitis             link to this form can be found at the
Vaccination has been postponed until     bottom of the first form). You will
students are back into school. We        receive an email confirming your form
need to have consents for your           has been submitted.
permissions – either Yes or No, in       In order to access the online consent
advance so please look out for the       form for DTP/Men ACWY, please click
                                                        Page 14
Page 15
You can also read