RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020

Page created by Janice Mccarthy
RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020

Response Plan
RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                             RCSI COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN
                                     AUGUST 2020

Help prevent coronavirus

 Wash your               Cover mouth if                Avoid touching
  hands               coughing or sneezing               your face

Keep surfaces            Stop shaking                      Keep a safe
   clean               hands and hugging                    distance

The virus spreads in sneeze and cough droplets, so regularly taking
the above measures helps reduce the chance of it spreading.

Visit HSE.ie
For updated factual information and advice
Or call 1850 24 1850

Protection from coronavirus.
It’s in our hands.
RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
How to use                                   RCSI COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN
                                                     AUGUST 2020
                                                                                                                             Public Health

Face Coverings


Correct Covering                                          Check Your Fit
Medical masks should be reserved for health               Check that the face covering is
workers or patients in treatment.                         made from a fabric that you are
If you have been advised to wear a medical mask,          comfortable wearing.
always have the coloured side showing and the metal
band at the top of your nose.
                                                          Check that it is easy to fit and completely
                                                          covers your nose and mouth, all the way
                                                          down under your chin.

                                                          Tighten the loops or ties so it’s snug
                                                          around your face, without gaps.
                                                          If there are strings, tie them high
                                                          on top of the head to get a good
                                                          fit. Do not touch or fidget with
                                                          the face covering when it is on.

        DO NOT:                   DO NOT:                 DO NOT:                       DO NOT:                  DO NOT:
  Wear the face covering       Leave your chin        Wear it loosely with        Wear it so it covers   Push it under your chin
    below your nose.              exposed.            gaps on the sides.          just the tip of your    to rest on your neck.

                                F O L LOW TH E SE T IPS TO STAY SAFE:
      ALWAYS              ALWAYS               Carry unused            Carry a second        CHILDREN           ALWAYS wash
   wash your hands     change your face      face coverings in        similar type bag,       UNDER 13       cloth face coverings
   before and after     covering if it is     a sealable clean        to put used face    should not wear       on the highest
  handling your face     dirty, wet or      waterproof bag, for         coverings in.      face coverings.     temperature for
      covering.           damaged.          example, a ziplock.                                                      cloth.

  Safe Removal                                             Disposing Of Single-Use Mask
                           Use the ties or ear
                                                                                          Always dispose of single-use
                           loops to take the face
                                                                                          masks properly in a bin.
                           covering off.
                                                                                          Don’t forget to clean
                                  Do not touch the                                        your hands and keep
                                  front when you                                          social distance.
                                  take it


Stay safe. Protect each other.                                    3
RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                                       AUGUST 2020
                               RCSI COVID-19 RESPONSE PLAN
                                       AUGUST 2020

Introduction                                                    5
RCSI COVID-19 policy                                            5
1. Return to Campus – Planning and Preparing                    6
   Up-to-date advice on COVID-19                                6
   Communication of information and guidance                    6
   RCSI safety statement & risk assessments                     7
2. RCSI phased return to campus                                  8
   Hand hygiene facilities                                       9
   Respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette                         9
   Physical distancing                                           9
   Minimising contact                                           10
   Face coverings                                               10
   Catering / eating at RCSI                                    11
   Use of shared staff spaces at RCSI                           11
3. COVID-19 induction training - prior to returning to campus   13
4. Incoming and Returning Undergraduate Student Safety          13
5. Dealing with a suspected case of COVID-19                    14
6. Cleaning and disinfection on campus                          17
7. Getting to and from campus                                   18
   Bicycle parking                                              18
   Car parking                                                  18
   Public transport                                             18
8. Contact tracing – personal logs                              19
9. Social gatherings                                            19
   Appendix 1 - Guidance for heads of department / managers     21
   Appendix 2 - Annual leave for staff                          22
   Appendix 3 - Visiting contractors / others                   23
   Appendix 4 - Signage                                         24
   Appendix 5 - At risk groups                                  25
   Appendix 6 - RCSI SSG car park application form              25
   Appendix 7 - Staff and student wellbeing supports            26
   Appendix 8 - Passenger Locator Form                          28
   Appendix 9 - Useful links                                    29

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                            AUGUST 2020

                                                           RCSI is committed to providing a safe and
                                                           healthy environment for all our staff, students,
                                                           contractors and visitors. To ensure that, we
                                                           have developed the following COVID-19
                                                           Response Plan. We are all responsible for the
                                                           implementation of this plan and a combined
                                                           effort will help contain the spread of the virus.
                                                           RCSI will:

                                                             •  ontinue to monitor our COVID-19
                                                               response and amend this plan in
                                                               consultation with our staff and students.
                                                               Provide up to date information to our
                                                               staff and students on the Public Health
                                                               advice issued by the HSE and Gov.ie.
                                                               Display information on the signs and
                                                               symptoms of COVID-19 and correct
                                                               hand-washing techniques.
                                                               Provide a COVID-19 representative(s)
                                                               who is easily identifiable and put in place
                                                               a reporting system.
                                                               Inform all staff and students of essential
      Professor Cathal Kelly, Chief Executive/ Registrar
                                                                hygiene and respiratory etiquette and
                                                                physical distancing requirements.
Introduction                                                 •	Adapt our buildings to facilitate physical
This COVID-19 Response Plan details the                         distancing.
policies and practices necessary for RCSI to                 •	Keep a log of contact / group work to
meet the Government’s ‘Return to Work Safely                     help with contact tracing.
Protocol’ and to prevent the spread of COVID-19              •	 Have all staff and students attend
in our buildings. The plan will give you an                      an induction before returning to our
overview of the key areas that RCSI must assess                  buildings.
to ensure compliance with the protocol and to                •	 Develop a procedure to be followed
minimise the risk to staff, students, contractors,               in the event of someone showing
visitors and others.                                             symptoms of COVID-19 while in our
The details of how RCSI will put in place control            •	 Provide instructions for staff and
measures to reduce the risk of spread of                         students to follow if they develop signs
COVID-19 is in the following sections and cover                  and symptoms of COVID-19 while in the
key information and guidance, some of which                      University.
are linked to RCSI policies and procedures that              •	 Intensify cleaning in line with
have been updated to reflect COVID-19 safety                       government advice.
measures. If you have any questions regarding                •	 Provide disinfectant, hand sanitiser
this plan, please contact safety@rcsi.ie.                         and other materials to enable staff and
                                                                  students maintain hand and surface
As you know, this is a rapidly changing situation;
the guidance provided here is based on current
                                                           RCSI management, supervisors, staff and
conditions. Guidance is evolving and we will
                                                           students will be consulted on an ongoing basis
provide frequent updates as the situation warrants.
                                                           and feedback is encouraged on any concerns,
                                                           issues or suggestions. This can be done by
RCSI COVID-19 POLICY                                       contacting safety@rcsi.ie
This COVID-19 policy outlines RCSI’s
commitment to implement the plan and help
prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                                                                   AUGUST 2020

                                               • Phased return of lab-based researchers

                                                  with priority given to COVID research
                                                  and other essential research.


                    urther phased return of
                   essential lab-based and

                   desk-based researchers.
                                                                                                         hased return of lab-based
                                                                                                        researchers and essential

                                                                                                        desk-based researchers.


  CSI staff who cannot
 work from home return
 to campus.

                                                    • Phased opening of campus                         OCT                • September – New RCSI
                                                                                                                              students begin classes
                                                       for all remaining RCSI staff
                                                                                                                              on campus
                                                       and researchers.
                                                                                                                           • October - main student
                                                                                                                              body returns to campus

                                1. Re t u r n t o c a m p u s –                             or internal advice as necessary. It is advised also
                                p l a n n i n g a n d p r epa r i n g                       that Visitors to the University are discouraged
                                The planning and preparing phase is critical to             until further notice. If you have any queries on this
                                ensure a safe return to the University and covers           please contact safety@rcsi.ie.
                                the following items:
                                                                                            COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION
                                UP-TO-DATE ADVICE ON COVID-19                               AND GUIDANCE
                                RCSI, through the RCSI Business Continuity                  This COVID-19 response plan is available on the
                                Planning (BCP) Senior Management Team (SMT)                 RCSI Staff Portal and RCSI Moodle pages for all
                                Team, is keeping abreast with COVID-19 advice               staff and students to view. Other communication
                                from all government sources such as gov.ie; HSE,            methods RCSI are using are as follows:
                                HSPC and other resources such as CDC, HSA and               •	Weekly emails with updated information from
                                WHO including internal resources who are aware                 RCSI CEO to all staff and students
                                of the advice given by government sources.                  •	Signage throughout RCSI buildings (on floors,
                                                                                               common areas, in lifts, lecture theatres and
                                                                                               tutorial rooms etc.)
                                See above current plan, approved by SMT for
                                                                                            •	Internal staff social media platforms such as
                                phasing back to campus in a measured manner.
                                There are also a number of other COVID-19
                                                                                            • On MyRCSI student app.
                                response work streams, each reporting to SMT
                                under the programme banner of RCSI Adapt,
                                                                                            Information and guidance on all these platforms
                                which are focusing on specific areas, developing
                                                                                            will be updated regularly; therefore, please
                                policies and procedures ready for roll out as
                                                                                            check in on a regular basis to keep informed. For
                                we go through the phases for staff, students,
                                                                                            information on how to prevent the spread of the
                                contractors and visitors.
                                                                                            virus while working / studying in RCSI buildings,
                                                                                            please go to section 3 below to view the RCSI
                                Please be advised that the phased plan above is
                                                                                            Return to campus induction information.
                                subject to change by either government advice

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                             AUGUST 2020

Staff and Students will be asked daily to confirm      ASSESSMENTS
they do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Once               Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at
you open your RCSI laptop / PC you will receive        Work Act, 2005 requires that RCSI produce a
a pop up box with the following questions and          written programme to safeguard:
information:                                           •	The safety and health of RCSI staff and
                                                          students while you work and study
COVID-19 Checklist Pop-Up Message:                     •	The safety and health of other people who
1. Do you have symptoms of cough, fever,                 might be in RCSI buildings, including visitors,
    high temperature, sore throat, runny nose,            contractors and members of the public.
    breathlessness or flu like symptoms now or in
    the past 14 days?                                  RCSI’s Safety Statement, which addresses these
2. Have you had sudden loss or distortion of          safeguards can be found here. Please note
    your sense of smell or taste?                      this Safety Statement is reviewed and updated
3. Have you been diagnosed with confirmed or          where required annually or where legislation or
    suspected COVID-19 infection in the last 14        organisational changes occur.
4. A re you a close contact of a person who is        Each department in RCSI develop their own
    a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19          risk assessments for the tasks / activities they
    in the past 14 days (i.e. less than 2 metres for   carry out. The RCSI Health and Safety Office
    more than a total of 15 minutes in 1 day)?         have developed a general COVID-19 risk
5. Have you been advised by a doctor to self-         assessment, which you can download and use
    isolate at this time?                              / take information from and include in your
                                                       current risk assessment. This applies to all
If you answer yes to any of the above and you are      departments including laboratories, academic
on campus, self-isolate i.e. go to the designated      and professional services. Click the links below
first aid room, a vacant room / office and ring 01     to access the risk assessment procedure and
402 2107 immediately. If at home, please stay at       templates:
home and ring your own GP and Line Manager.            •	Risk Assessment Procedure
                                                       •	COVID-19 Risk Assessment – General
                                                       •	Office Based Risk Assessment (now
                                                           including COVID-19 safety measures)

                                                       Health and Safety advice to review and update
                                                       your risk assessments to include COVID-19 safety
                                                       measures before returning to the campus and
                                                       communicate it to the relevant staff and / or
                                                       students in your department / school.

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                                                             AUGUST 2020

                                 2 . RC SI p h a se d r e t u r n                       Similarly, for students, in practice this will mean
                                                                                        that there will be a significantly increased level
                                 to campus
                                                                                        of delivery of content via digitally engaged
                                 The gradual, phased return to campus adapted
                                                                                        learning, blended with in-person learning.
                                 by RCSI is in line with the Government roadmap
                                 for reopening society and business, prioritising
                                                                                        Everybody has a role to play in minimising the
                                 the safe return for staff and students that cannot
                                                                                        risks from COVID-19 on campus, for their own
                                 work / study remotely. Exceptions will apply but
                                                                                        safety and that of their fellow colleagues and
                                 in the main the prioritisation is as follows:
                                                                                        students. Every person must take responsibility
                                 •	 In the first instance research colleagues
                                                                                        for ensuring that they take steps to minimise the
                                 •	 Thereafter academic colleagues
                                                                                        risk, including adherence to current advice from
                                 •	 Thereafter professional services colleagues
                                                                                        the HSE and the provisions of this document
                                 •	 Thereafter students.
                                                                                        and any applicable risk assessments.

                                 In line with governmental guidelines, social
                                 distancing protocols will be implemented,              We will all be expected to take an active role in
                                 thus the phasing back to campus will mean in           keeping our workspaces clean and ensuring that
                                 practice that overall capacity will be significantly   we clean equipment and work benches before
                                 reduced. Therefore, for many staff this will mean      starting work / at the end of the day.
                                 that the practice of working from home, for
                                 at least a proportion of the working week will
                                 continue for the foreseeable future.

                                                   KEEPING US SAFE

for guidance please
contact estate@rcsi.ie


                                                                                                                                              KEEPING US SAFE
                                                   KEEPING US SAFE

                                                                                                             CLEAN AS
EXIT                                                                                                         YOU GO...

                                                                                                             Desk ✔
                                                                                                             Keyboards ✔
                                                                                                             Mousepad ✔
                                                                                                             Chair armrests ✔
                                                                                                             Phone ✔
                                                                                                             Light switch ✔
                                                                                                             Door Handle ✔

for guidance please
contact estate@rcsi.ie                                                                                       to replenish stocks please
                                                                                                             contact estate@rcsi.ie

RCSI ESTATE & SUPPORT SERVICES                                                                               RCSI ESTATE & SUPPORT SERVICES

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                           AUGUST 2020

                    HAND HYGIENE                                          PHYSICAL DISTANCING
                    FACILITIES                                            Physical distancing
                    Hygiene practices are                                 measures have been
                    important to prevent the                              implemented across all
                    spread of COVID-19. Regular                           RCSI campuses in high
hand washing with soap and water is effective        foot flow areas. Across different areas of the
for the removal of COVID-19. All of us should        campus you will see a variety of implementations
wash our hands properly, regularly and most          including: one-way systems, entrance and exit
especially before and after preparing food and       only locations, signage, screens, floor markings,
before and after using the bathroom.                 new entrance and exit measures, plus additional
Other times when hand washing is essential:          measures to assist with maintaining physical
•	Before and after wearing gloves                   distancing.
•	Before leaving / after entering the home
•	Before and after you remove your face             We all have a duty to our fellow colleagues
   covering / mask                                   and students to maintain physical distancing.
•	Before and after you use of public transport      Please make yourself familiar with the following
•	When arriving / leaving the Campus/other          important and useful information to help achieve
   sites                                             physical distancing:
•	Before and after meeting people                   •	Keep a distance of 2 metres (6.5 feet)
•	Before and after smoking or vaping (RCSI is a        between you and others
   smoke free campus)                                •	Avoid making close contact with people
•	RCSI applicable - if in contact with a patient/      (i.e. do not shake hands – use non-contact
   surface model, before and after exposure.            greeting methods)
                                                     •	Make yourself familiar with signage and
It is important to follow good practices for hand       instructions in place throughout the RCSI
washing which include using soap and water,             campus
and washing for over 20 seconds.                     •	Follow Work Pods (A, B team rotas) as
                                                        provided by your Head of Department /
Between washing, regular use of hand sanitisers         Manager (see appendix 1)
that has at least 60% alcohol is recommended.        •	In shared offices, allow for physical distancing.
RCSI has installed over 90 hand sanitiser units         This will come into play as part of A/B team
and we recommend you always carry a small               rotas if applicable for role
hand sanitizer on your person.                       •	Refer to the catering section below for
                                                        staggering break times and use of shared
See HSE recommendations for hand washing                facilities
here.                                                •	Conduct online meetings
                                                     •	Visitors to the University are discouraged
                    RESPIRATORY HYGIENE/                (see appendix 3)
                    COUGH ETIQUETTE                  •	Use contactless payments for all transactions
                    All of us should follow good        where possible
                    respiratory measures to limit    •	Perspex screens have been installed at all
                    the spread of the virus; these      front of house locations
                    include:                         •	Keep up to date with changes onsite through
  Avoid touching the face, eyes, nose and mouth         WorkVivo, Student App and onsite signage.
  Cover your mouth when coughing and
  sneezing with an elbow or a tissue
  (not your hand)
  Put used tissues into a sealed bin and then
  wash your hands immediately
  See below in face coverings section for
  information on face masks/coverings.

RCSI COVID-19 Response Plan - AUGUST 2020
                                                     AUGUST 2020

                         MINIMISING CONTACT                                    FACE COVERINGS
                         RCSI has implemented the following safety                                 We have all learned that
                         measures to minimise contact between staff and                            those who do not feel sick
                         students:                                                                 can still spread the virus.
                         •	All staff who can work from home are                                   That is why, as we return to
                            encouraged to do so until at least after the                           campus, we will be required
                            reopening roadmap is complete. Thereafter          to wear facial coverings. This is in line with
                            working from home will become a standard           government and public health advice. We ask
                            working model that can be agreed with line         everyone to provide their own face covering
                            managers where feasible                            for normal, day-to-day activity. In line with RCSI
                         •	Microsoft Teams has been rolled out to all         Green Campus initiatives we ask that you wear
                            staff and students across the University           reusable coverings to reduce the environmental
                            for Teams to communicate and continue              impact of disposable masks. If you are sitting
                            meetings virtually                                 in your own office or an enclosed private
                         •	Onsite meetings are not encouraged                 workspace alone, behind a perspex screen and
                         •	Signage is visible throughout the University       clearly when eating or drinking, you do not need
                            advising staff/students to avoid handshakes        to wear a face covering.
                            etc. See section above for non- contact
                            greeting methods                                   Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth when
                         •	Signage around campus advising persons to          removing your face covering, and wash your
                            avoid congregation around lobby areas              hands immediately before and after removal.
                         •	Online induction training provided to all staff    Even when wearing face coverings, you should
                            and students includes guidance on how to           still do the important things necessary to
                            minimise contact                                   prevent the spread of the virus. These include:
                         •	Clean as you go policy ensures staff/students      •	 Social distancing
                            clean and disinfect surfaces and shared            •	 Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue
                            equipment both on arrival and on departure             or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
                                                                               •	 Washing your hands properly and often
                                                                               •	 Not touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your
                                                                                   hands are not clean.

Disposable face masks           Surgical face masks worn in       Cloth face coverings can be       Respirators to be worn by
can be worn by everyone in      clinical / simulation settings    worn by all in RCSI to reduce     laboratory and clinical /
RCSI to contain the wearer’s    reduce the wearer’s spread        the spread of infection via       simulation personnel only.
respiratory droplets. These     of respiratory droplets and       respiratory droplets. These       These contain the wearer’s
masks should be discarded       shield the wearer from large      face coverings can be made        respiratory droplets and
daily.                          droplets emitted by others.       at home / purchased. Change       protect the wearer from the
                                Discard daily.                    and wash face coverings daily.    finer respiratory droplet
                                                                  Store in a clean paper bag        emissions of others.
                                                                  when not in use.

RCSI will continue to review and adhere to HSE and government guidance on the use of face coverings.
Click here for further info on wearing and making face coverings correctly.

                           AUGUST 2020

                        GLOVES                                         USE OF COMMUNAL
                        Do not wear disposable                         SHARED SPACES AT RCSI
                        gloves instead of washing                      Communal staff and student
                        your hands. The virus                          common rooms are located
                        gets on them in the same                       across all sites in RCSI. The
way it gets on your hands. Also, your hands         following measures will be implemented in an
can get contaminated when you take them off.        effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in these
Gloves are generally not required for infection     shared spaces:
prevention and control and are not a substitute     •	Distance markings will be clearly displayed in
for hand hygiene. Disposable gloves are worn           all communal areas within the University and
in medical and research settings. They are not         staff and students are asked to adhere to the
as effective in daily life. Wearing disposable         appropriate physical distancing guidelines
gloves can give you a false sense of security.      •	The total occupancy for each communal room
You might:                                             will be clearly signposted and all are asked to
•	Sneeze or cough into the gloves - this creates      comply with these occupancy guidelines
   a new surface for the virus to live on           •	Seating will be removed to facilitate physical
•	Contaminate yourself when taking off the            distancing
   gloves or touching surfaces                      •	In an effort to reduce touch points self
•	Not wash your hands as often as you need            service coffee and tea making facilities will be
   to and touch your face with contaminated            removed
   gloves.                                          •	Microwaves, toasters and hot water
                                                       dispensers will remain in place and hygiene
                      CATERING/EATING                  products (sanitising sprays and wipes) will be
                      AT RCSI                          provided
                      The catering providers for    •	Staff and students will be expected to wipe
                      the St. Stephen’s Green          down anything that they have come in
                      campus and Beaumont              contact with prior to and after use
Smurfit Building is Chartwells catering. There      •	People are not to share objects that touch
are three restaurant facilities on St Stephens          their mouth, for example, bottles or cups, as
Green Campus (1784, Remedy and the                      such crockery and cutlery will be removed
Dispensary) and one in Beaumont Smurfit                 from common rooms
Building (Bean Lab). Chartwells will provide a      •	 Staff are asked to consider bringing their own
reduced service on all sites. Staff and students        lunch, and their own eating utensils to work to
utilising the restaurant facilities are asked to:       avoid the need to visit food outlets
•	Follow all guidance and signage with respect     •	 Managers and staff are asked to stagger
   to physical distancing and hand hygiene              breaks and to minimise time in communal
•	Follow the signposted queue management               areas so as to facilitate access for all.
   system and distance markings to avoid
   queues at food counters, tray return points
   and checkouts
•	Consider returning to their desks to eat –
   catering seating will be reduced to allow
   adequate space between tables
•	Use contactless payment where possible
•	All food and beverages will be served in
   disposable containers (i.e. no crockery, no
   stainless-steel cutlery (plastic cutlery will
   be available for purchase) and your own
   reusable cup will not be accepted.

        AUGUST 2020

                            AUGUST 2020

3. COVID -19 i n d u c t i o n                       in the national context. RCSI will assist all of our
                                                     incoming undergraduate international students
t ra i n i n g - p r i o r t o
                                                     to ensure your safe arrival and that you are well
returning to campus                                  supported during this 14 day period. RCSI is
Staff and students need to be informed about
                                                     working closely with our health and government
changes in the University and updated on new
                                                     officials on the restricted movements guidelines
ways of working and studying. Every person
                                                     and should these guidelines change students
returning to work or study on campus must
                                                     will be informed. The guidance on the
complete the COVID-19 ‘Return to Campus’
                                                     requirements of self-isolation are governed by
induction training. The Induction training can
                                                     Irish Public Health regulations and details can be
be found on Moodle. This must be completed
                                                     found here.
3 days in advance of your returning to campus.
This is mandatory to complete. For new staff and
                                                     The main requirements of restricted
students, induction will be updated to include the
same training as returning staff and students.
                                                       ✔ Do not use public transport.
4 . I n co m i n g a n d Re t u r n i n g
                                                       ✔ Do not have visitors at your home
Un de r g ra d u a t e St u de n t                     ✔ Do not visit others
Sa f e t y                                             ✔ Do not go to the shops or pharmacy
a)	Quarantine and Self-isolation - Your first 14
                                                          unless it’s absolutely necessary.
    days in Ireland
                                                       ✔ Do not meet face-to-face with older
Currently, all people travelling from outside
                                                          people, anyone with a long-term medical
of the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland
                                                          condition or pregnant women
will be required by the Irish Government to
complete a Public Health Passenger Locator
                                                       ✔ You can still go outside to exercise by
                                                          yourself as long as you keep 2 metres
Form and restrict movements for 14 days.
                                                          distance from other people.
This measure has been implemented to help
reduce the risk from new or ‘imported’ cases as
the country has effectively managed the virus

                            AUGUST 2020

                                                       5. Dea l i n g w i t h a
RCSI will assist all our international
undergraduate students to ensure that you
                                                       s u s p ec t e d c a s e o f
are well supported during this 14 day period.          COVID -19
• We will work closely with you in relation to your   This details our procedure to be followed in the
   planned accommodation arrangements.                 event of someone developing the signs and
• We shall arrange surface transport from the         symptoms of COVID-19 while in the University.
   airport to your accommodation where you will
   be met by a member of our accommodation             RCSI have assigned the Health and Safety Office
   team who will show you to your room.                to put in place an isolation team to manage this
• Rooms will be prepared with all of the essentials   situation, and provided them with information
   to allow you to settle in comfortably and start     on how to do this safely. We have also identified
   your student experience with RCSI                   and marked isolation area(s), (first aid rooms)
• We will ensure that your registration and access    to be used to isolate the affected person from
   to our on-line resources and laptop are available   the rest of the University and procedures to
   to you on arrival                                   be followed to enable them to safely leave the
Our student services department will be
working with you on all the details needed to          OUTSIDE RCSI CAMPUSES
assist your safe arrival and quarantine period.        Firstly, anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19
RCSI is working closely with our health and            (coronavirus) is advised to contact their GP for
government officials on the self-isolation             further instructions. Students you can use RCSI’s
requirements and should these guidelines               primary care facility, Mercer Medical Centre
change we will inform you immediately.                 (Mercer’s) for GP services. They can be contact
Please note the following;                             on 01 402 2300. Do not go to a GP, surgery,
• You should not travel if you are symptomatic        pharmacy or hospital. The GP will assess you
• You should inform the Student Services              over the phone. If they think you need to be
   team if you have any underlying educational         tested for COVID-19 (coronavirus), they will
   challenges or health conditions (such as            arrange a test.
   sensory challenges, physical or mental health
   conditions, disabilities) which may put you in      The National Public Health Emergency Team has
   a higher risk category and for which we might       advised anyone who has symptoms or who has
   need to make additional provision and assist        been in close contact with a confirmed case to
   you with appropriate arrangements. Students         self-isolate for 14 days.
   with medical conditions such as asthma,
   diabetes, immunosuppressive drug therapy            If you are awaiting testing/a diagnosis, you
   including chronic systemic corticosteroid           should continue to follow the advice being
   treatment, heart disease and morbid                 issued by the HSE regarding self-isolation for
   obesity are at a higher risk for COVID-19           those persons who are symptomatic/awaiting
   illness and complications                           test results. It is also recommended that you
                                                       consider informing your closest contacts (i.e.
                                                       colleagues, housemates or partner) that you are
                                                       being tested and advise them to ensure that
                                                       they adhere to strict social distancing protocols
                                                       and do not attend RCSI Campus.

                            AUGUST 2020

IN RCSI BUILDINGS                                      AT RISK GROUPS
If you are in your workspace on campus and             Staff
suspect you have coronavirus symptoms:                 Only those staff members who are well and who
                                                       have not been advised to self-isolate should return
•	Self-isolate:                                       to campus. If an individual has any concerns
   - Go to a vacant room / office / meeting room.     at all about their COVID-19 status they should
      Close door and avoid any staff member or         exercise caution and not attend RCSI buildings.
      student entering.                                It is recommended that people at higher risk
   1. If in 123 SSG and close to the First Aid        from coronavirus continue working from home
       Room across from Exam Hall on 1st floor,        regardless of their status. RCSI will endeavour to
       isolate here if vacant.                         provide the necessary supports to allow those
   2. If in No. 26 York St - Green Room on floor -1   at higher risk to continue to work from home
   3. If in Beaumont Smurfit Building -               where possible. Further information about At Risk
       Expressing Room on 1st floor                    Groups can be found in Appendix 5.
   4. Phone your line manager / SARA
       Coordinator and / or Health & Safety Office     If an at risk or vulnerable staff member cannot
       on 01 402 2107 and explain where you are.       work from home and must return to the campus,
   5. Arrange for transport home as soon as           RCSI will endeavour to make sure that they are
       possible.                                       preferentially supported to maintain a physical
   6. Stay in this room until transport arrives.      distance of 2 metres – see guidelines for physical
   7. Phone your GP / Mercer’s for advice and         distancing above. At risk employees who are
       follow instructions.                            required to return to the campus should take extra
   8. If unable to return to campus, phone            care to:
       your line manager / SARA Coordinator to         • Practice social distancing where possible
       explain.                                        • Wash your hands regularly and properly.

•	If unable to get in touch with your Line            Students
   Manager / SARA Coordinator or H&S                   Only those students who are well and who have
   Office phone RCSI Security:                         not been advised to self-isolate can return to
   - SSG campus: 01 402 2219                           campus.
   - Beaumont Smurfit building: 01 809 3700
   - Reservoir House, Sandyford campus:               If a student has any concerns at all about their
      01 402 8679                                      COVID-19 status they should exercise caution and
   - Connolly Hospital campus: call your GP /         not attend RCSI campus. If you are based in RCSI
      Mercer’s to get advice and then call your        campus accommodation, it is recommended that
      line manager / SARA Coordinator or Health        you stay in your accommodation to study. RCSI
      and Safety Office – 01 402 2107                  can arrange with you any class materials that you
   - O ther locations such as satellite sites or      need to continue your studies remotely. Further
      hospital environments, follow the procedure      information about At Risk Groups can be found in
      set out in that location and then when           Appendix 5.
      possible phone RCSI Health and Safety
      Office on 01 402 2107.                           If an at risk or vulnerable student cannot study
                                                       remotely and must return to the campus, RCSI will
                                                       endeavour to make sure that they are preferentially
                                                       supported to maintain a physical distance of 2
                                                       metres – see guidelines for physical distancing
                                                       above. At risk students who are required to return
                                                       to the campus should take extra care to:
                                                       • Practice social distancing where possible
                                                       • Wash your hands regularly and properly.

        AUGUST 2020

                           AUGUST 2020

6. C l ea n i n g a n d                              WHAT THIS MEANS IN PRACTICE:
d i s i n f ec t i o n o n c a m p u s               • At the start of each day, staff and students are
We all need to take on board a level of personal        required to clean down their workstations
responsibility to protect the health of our fellow   • Disinfectant spray will be widely available as
colleagues and students as well as our own.             will hand sanitiser
RCSI has invested in increasing the level of         • All surfaces should be sprayed
general cleaning completed on campus and you         • Take care when cleaning any electrical
will notice an increased presence on campus             devices-use a cloth instead of spraying
from our cleaning contractor staff. Extra               directly onto surface
measures we have put in place are as follows:        • This process should be repeated periodically
• We have arranged for frequently touched              throughout the day and it is a requirement to
   surfaces, such as door handles, light switches,      clean out by repeating the process at the end
   handrails etc. to be cleaned at increased            of each day.
• Welfare facilities and communal areas will also   NOTE WITH RESPECT TO USE OF
   be cleaned more frequently                        PASSENGER LIFTS / ELEVATORS:
• Each room, office, laboratory, tutorial room      • Lifts are restricted to one person only. Please
   and communal area will be provided with              give up the lift for persons who have reduced
   cleaning materials to keep the environment           mobility. Staff and students are encouraged to
   hygienically clean and we are advised to             use the stairs
   regularly clean any personal items brought in     • Hand sanitiser will be available at all entry and
   from home                                            exit points to lifts
• In addition, everyone will be expected to clean   • Staff and students are required to apply
   their own stations daily and more importantly        sanitiser to hands before entering lift AND
   to “clean as you go” when moving around on           again on exit
   campus to maintain the hygiene standards          • Lifts will be regularly cleaned throughout the
   needed to kill any virus particles.                  day, focusing on button touchpoints in the lift.

                           AUGUST 2020

7. Ge t t i n g t o a n d f r o m                    • Beaumont Smurfit Building – at front of building
                                                     • In other locations such as hospital sites there
                                                        may be public bicycle parking facilities available
Staff and students rely on a variety of modes
                                                        to use.
of transportation to commute to the University.
It is understandable that many would have a
                                                     CAR PARKING
preference to commute in a manner that avoids
                                                     Car parking is available through public car
modes of public transport, be that by car, walking
                                                     parking nearby in certain campus locations:
or cycling. However, for many commuting to
                                                     • SSG Campus – Q Park is available on Mercer
campus, avoiding public transport is not an
                                                        St. RCSI staff and students can avail of a daily
option. Each of us will make decisions to devise
                                                        discount of €11. New application form in
the safest and best way to get to the University.
                                                        Appendix 6
                                                     • Beaumont Smurfit Building –Beaumont Hospital
                                                        has a public car park. Go to www.qpark.ie for
Bicycle parking on campus is in the following
                                                        further details
                                                     • Reservoir House, Sandyford – contact your line
• RCSI House, 121/122 SSG car park
                                                        manager / school for approval to park on these
• 123 SSG at end of railings on York St
• No. 26 York St. at back of building
                                                     • Connolly Hospital campus – public car parking
   (via Cuffe lane)
• Back of Ardilaun Block B building
• Mercer building courtyard
                                                     If you are driving to campus in your own private car,
• Reservoir House, Sandyford – at back of
                                                     please try avoid car sharing / pooling if possible
                                                     with the exception of persons who you live with.

                                                     PUBLIC TRANSPORT
                                                     For those of us using public transport, we are
                                                     asked to adhere to all public health guidance,
                                                     including the recommendation to wearing face
                                                     coverings and maintaining physical distancing
                                                     when traveling through public spaces. Please
                                                     review guidance from the National Transport
                                                     Authority website, which has the most up to
                                                     date transport information and guidance for safe

                                                     Reduced capacity on bus, train and Luas
                                                     schedules and changes to service may require
                                                     flexibility in work schedules and staggered arrival
                                                     and departure times. A level of understanding
                                                     by managers should team members be impacted
                                                     by the scheduling changes, and individual
                                                     arrangements can be made at a local level if
                                                     needed. This would include an agreement of
                                                     adjusted start and finish times as appropriate.

                                                     No matter the mode of transport used, once
                                                     staff and students arrive to campus there is a
                                                     requirement to complete hand washing/hand
                                                     sanitising before moving though the campus.
                                                     Ideally hand washing with soap and water is
                                                     preferable to using sanitiser, but sanitiser will be
                                                     available for use in multiple locations.

                             AUGUST 2020

8. Co n t a c t t ra c i n g –                            9. Soc i a l ga t h e r i n g s
personal logs                                             Everyone is urged to stay local. Staying local is
Similar to the collective effort at a national level to   the best way to minimise the spread of COVID-19
diminish the spread of COVID-19, each individual          to ourselves, our friends, families and vulnerable
that attends campus has an important role to play         people. The Irish Government are updating
in keeping the RCSI community safe and healthy.           the rules around social gatherings during each
In the unfortunate event of an infection incident         phase therefore you are advised to keep yourself
within the RCSI community, ensuring rapid                 updated on these rules. Information can be
contract tracing will be vital to prevent further         found here.
                                                          When we are visiting family and friends, social
To enable this, staff and students are requested          distancing is still advised and should be
to keep a personal log of all persons that could          maintained at all times. As always we are advised
be classified as a close contact. While RCSI              to:
Managers will have records of the persons                 • wash our hands well and often
within a department / school, each of us should           • cover our mouth and nose with a tissue or bent
still maintain a personal log that lists all close           elbow when coughing or sneezing, and discard
contacts within and outside of the RCSI campus.              used tissue safely
                                                          • distance ourselves at least 2 metres away from
RCSI advise that you download the HSE                        other people
COVID-19 app, It is a really important initiative         • limit our contact with others when out and
aimed at suppressing the virus as our country                about
reopens.                                                  • keep our close contacts to a small number of
Should you be confirmed as having COVID-19,               • limit the amount of time we spend in direct
in addition to the HSE contact tracing service,              contact with other people
you should inform your Line Manager / SARA                • avoid crowded areas; if an area looks busy, go
Coordinator and RCSI’s Health & Safety Office.               somewhere else or return at a quieter time
In the event you do not download the HSE                  • wear a face covering in situations where social
COVID-19 contact tracing app, RCSI may need to               distancing is not possible
help you identify any colleagues or students you          • keep a log of all of your contacts throughout
may have been in close contact with, 48 hours                the day / download the HSE COVID-19 contact
before your symptoms started.                                tracing app, which will log for you.
                                                          • remember the COVID-19 symptoms:
As per HSE guidance, close contact can mean                    - a fever (high temperature - 38 degrees
spending more than 15 minutes of face-to-face                     Celsius or above)
contact within 2 metres of an infected person in               - a cough - this can be any kind of cough, not
any setting. Staff and students are encouraged                    just dry
to devise the best personal method to maintain                 - shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
this log but as suggested, please use the HSE                  - loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
COVID-19 contact tracing app.                                     – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell
If you are notified that you have been in close                   or taste anything, or things smell or taste
contact with someone who has:                                     different to normal.
• tested positive for COVID-19
• who is being tested for COVID-19
• who has concerning symptoms

you should stay home and restrict your
movements. This means avoiding contact with
other people and social situations as much as
possible. Please contact your line manager/ SARA.

        AUGUST 2020

                                                        AUGUST 2020

APPENDIX 1 –                                     of infection and in the event that an       labs you should contact your PI
                                                 infection does arise within the Work        directly. Heads of Department and
G u i da n ce f o r h ea d s
                                                 Pod allows for more rapid contact           PIs are aware of the requirement for
o f depa r t m e n t /                           tracing and testing. Consequently,          flexibility regarding commitments
m a n a ge r s                                   persons can only belong to one Work         and restrictions regarding travel etc.
A key component in the management                Pod and cannot move between pods.           – RCSI and HR advice is that PIs and
of the COVID-19 risk in RCSI as the           • For the Work Pod model of COVID-19          managers need to apply a level of
University is reoccupied is based around         risk management to succeed all              understanding that any number of
the formation of ‘Work Pods’ and the             persons have to adhere to the               constraints (transport, childcare, living
associated changes in working practices          restrictions placed upon their Work         with vulnerable) may restrict your
with the exception of certain Academic           Pod and adhere to best infection            ability to attend on-site albeit with
and Research roles that cannot operate           control practices as published by the       social distancing and safety measures
within the pod structure. Managers               HSE.                                        implemented.
and their teams are requested to work         • Persons must only come to work at        • Purchase orders can now be placed
collaboratively together with HR/                the times that have been agreed             again as per normal however you
Estates/H&S and BCP to identify a                with their HoD / Manager and other          must ensure that an appropriate
working structure that balances role             Work Pod members. An ad hoc                 person is on site to take delivery of
requirements with the need to minimise           approach to workplace attendance            perishable items (e.g. item on dry ice).
the number of contacts an employee               by Work Pod members is not                  Those placing orders must advise
has with others on campus.                       appropriate at this time - structure        the relevant Lab Managers and must
                                                 is needed around attendance at the          coordinate with the Porters / Security
Government advice to date has been               workplace. The only exception to this       on campus.
for citizens to, in so far as possible,          is where an individual can work in a     • All lab safety requirements should
limit their close contacts to family /           solitary capacity (i.e. low risk) when      be reviewed before recommencing
household groupings. The reasons for             on campus. Such persons can be              research to ensure any new hazards
this advice are twofold (I) to minimise          considered as working in a Work Pod         associated with COVID-19 and your
the number of persons with whom an               of one.                                     work are identified. Review and
individual has close contact with, and (ii)   • A single Work Pod may contain               update your current risk assessment
to consequently minimise the number              members from across different teams         where necessary and communicate
of others that an infected person could          and units, hence it is vital that Line      to all relevant colleagues, who are
in theory infect. This same concept              Managers consult with each other            working on same task, close by / in
is being applied to the reoccupation             when developing their Pods.                 your department etc. A COVID-19
of RCSI as the COVID-19 emergency                                                            general risk assessment is available
measures begin to unwind. RCSI                PREPARATION FOR RETURN                         to download on staff portal / moodle
Managers are asked to:                        OF RESEARCH STAFF                              which you can use / take information
• In consultation with each other and        • Heads of Department working with            from / alter to suit your work.
   their teams are required to develop           PIs and Lab Managers were asked to       • A guidelines document will be
   working practices and structures that         begin prioritising and scheduling lab       prepared and shared with line
   allow for the development of Working          time for researchers, which started         managers and it will also be available
   Pods (Team A, B team rotas). The              on May 18th. In order to facilitate         on the staff portal. The HR Partners
   permissible size of the pod will reflect      the phased reopening Estates and            and Estates teams will be in contact
   the maximum amount of people that             HR need a comprehensive list of             with departments to discuss and
   can be safety gathered in the space.          researchers that are authorised -           support this new working practice.
   All spaces are currently in the process       we require their names and email
   of being mapped by colleagues in              addresses to aid Security in knowing
   the Estates office. Whatever the size,        who is authorised. While most
   one pod will be defined as a group            templates have been received,
   of people who can engage in low or            remaining Heads of Department are
   acceptable risk work and whose close          reminded to provide this detail to
   contacts are restricted to persons            Brid Mahon bridmahon@rcsi.ie and
   within their designated Working Pod.          safety@rcsi.ie.
• Restricting close contacts at work to      • If you are unsure or concerned
   the limited number of persons in your         about when you can return to the
   Work Pod both helps reduce the risk

                                                        AUGUST 2020

FLEXIBILITY AND UNDERSTANDING                 APPENDIX 2 –                                ANNUAL LEAVE ALREADY
PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES                                                                    APPROVED BY LINE MANAGER
                                              A n n u a l l eave f o r s t a f f
It is recognised that this is an extremely                                                Staff members can still take their
                                              During the current period it is
difficult time for all staff. Line managers                                               booked leave and the University would
                                              particularly important that the limited
are asked to contact and discuss the                                                      strongly encourage that during this
                                              numbers of staff required to be on
circumstances regarding any return                                                        period, where many staff are working
                                              campus and those working from home
to work plans with their staff. It is                                                     from home, it is important to take leave
                                              take leave as normal. We understand
recognised that some staff will not be                                                    in order to have a proper period of rest
                                              that this is a busy time but still
in a position to return to the Campus,                                                    away from work and to avoid building
                                              encourage you to take your leave to
for example, if they have an underlying                                                   up leave towards the end of the holiday
                                              ensure a period of rest and relaxation
medical condition or have family/caring                                                   year i.e. 31st March 2021. RCSI has a
                                              from work. It is also important to
responsibilities that does not facilitate                                                 legal obligation that staff members take
                                              avoid holidays being built up to the
a return.                                                                                 their leave within the appropriate leave
                                              end of the leave year. The University
                                              also recognises that staff may wish to
If an employee believes that returning
                                              change holiday plans as restrictions in
to work is not currently possible, they                                                   ANNUAL LEAVE APPROVED BY LINE
                                              travel mean they can no longer travel to
should discuss this in the first instance                                                 MANAGER BUT WANT TO CANCEL
                                              the destination they planned. The aim
with their line manager and endeavour                                                     IT AS STAFF MEMBER CAN NO
                                              of this update is to encourage normal
to identify other flexible working                                                        LONGER TRAVEL TO THEIR HOLIDAY
                                              booking and taking of leave and to
options that might allow you to carry                                                     DESTINATION
                                              enable a level of flexibility where staff
out some duties in addition to other                                                      The University understands that given
                                              wish to change booked leave.
responsibilities. Some examples of                                                        the severe travel restrictions in place
these arrangements could include                                                          and steps being taken by airlines, hotels
                                              CANCELLING ANNUAL LEAVE
sharing caring arrangements with                                                          etc. that planned holidays may no
                                              DURING THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK
partner, doing work outside of normal                                                     longer be able to go ahead. If you want
                                              During the current circumstances staff
working hours etc. If you are in this                                                     to amend the amount of leave you wish
                                              may wish to request cancellation of
situation you should not be concerned –                                                   to take or cancel altogether leave that
                                              leave that has already been booked
allowances will be made for you and you                                                   your manager has already approved
                                              due to the severe travel restrictions in
will not be disadvantaged.                                                                please discuss with your line manager.
                                              place. If staff want to change or cancel
                                              leave altogether that has already been
                                                                                          Your manager should be sympathetic
                                              booked this should be discussed with
                                                                                          to your request while being mindful of
                                              their line manager. Line managers
                                                                                          the overall guidance that leave should
                                              should be sympathetic to such requests
                                                                                          still be taken this year to ensure proper
                                              but at the same time be mindful of the
                                                                                          rest from work and to avoid build up
                                              overall guidance that leave should still
                                                                                          on leave towards the end of the annual
                                              be taken this year to ensure proper
                                                                                          leave year i.e. 31st March 2021. Your
                                              rest from work and to avoid build up
                                                                                          request to cancel may be declined
                                              on leave towards the end of the annual
                                                                                          where there is a clear operational
                                              leave year.

                                              Where a request to cancel leave already
                                                                                          LEAVE CAN STILL BE BOOKED AT
                                              approved is declined there should be a
                                                                                          THIS TIME
                                              clear justification based on operational
                                                                                          Leave can still be booked as normal
                                              need for this. Should staff have any
                                                                                          through Core HR and staff are
                                              concerns where a request to cancel has
                                                                                          encouraged to do so in order to ensure
                                              been declined they may wish to raise
                                                                                          a period of proper rest from work
                                              with their HR Partner who in turn will
                                                                                          during this time and to avoid building
                                              discuss with the line manager.
                                                                                          up leave towards the end of the holiday
                                                                                          year – please seek approval of your line
                                                                                          manager in the usual way.

                                                         AUGUST 2020

CARRYOVER OF ANNUAL LEAVE                      APPENDIX 3 – Visit ing                        All contractors are required to complete
Only in exceptional circumstances can                                                        the amended RAMS (even if an existing
                                               cont rac tors / ot hers
there be a deferral of annual leave                                                          RAMS is held on file for them).
                                               The process for requesting permission
and this must be agreed with your line
                                               for a maintenance contractor to come
manager in consultation with your HR                                                         CONTRACTOR MANUAL
                                               on site remains unchanged and full
Partner. The maximum number of                                                               All maintenance contractors are
                                               details can be found in the Permit
annual leave to be carried over is 5 days                                                    required to read and sign a copy of
                                               to Work Procedure. The following
per year. However, should there be a                                                         the RCSI contractor manual prior
                                               COVID-19 amendments have been
specific request to carry over additional                                                    to commencing on site. This manual
days in excess of this limit – this would                                                    contains the RCSI Contractor Induction
need to be approved by exception and                                                         Form which has been updated to
                                               RISK ASSESSMENT METHOD
requested by the line manager to HR.                                                         include instruction pertaining to social
                                                                                             distancing and hygiene etiquette:
                                               All maintenance contractors are
TAKING A PERSONAL TRIP ABROAD                                                                • Physical Distancing:
                                               required to complete the Risk
AND SELF-ISOLATION                                                                               - When working in RCSI building
                                               Assessment Method Statement (RAMS)
At the time of writing staff members                                                                please take note of the signage on
                                               before arrival at RCSI. The RAMS has
are required to isolate as per the                                                                  walls, poster boards, floors etc. and
                                               been updated to include health &
government guidelines. If a staff                                                                   adhere to social distancing
                                               safety measures specifically related to
member chooses to take a personal trip                                                           - Put in place barriers & signage
                                               reducing the spread of COVID-19 in
abroad and are required to isolate on                                                               around your work zone to keep
                                               line with the Construction Industry
their return, if they can complete their                                                            others out / 2m away
                                               Federation Construction Sector
work from home, this can be agreed                                                               - Where social distancing cannot take
                                               C-19 Pandemic Standard Operating
with their manager. However, if their role                                                          place, put PPE and hygiene safety
                                               Procedures. These measures include:
requires them to be present on campus,                                                              measures in place.
                                               • Travel to & from: All travel
we recognise this presents additional                                                        • Hygiene Etiquette:
                                                  arrangements & vehicles used to
challenges. In these limited cases,                                                              - Wash your hands often to avoid
                                                  be planned & managed as per
employees will be asked to use 10                                                                   contamination
                                                  the guidance in this CIF Standard
additional annual leave days, or unpaid                                                          - Hand sanitizer available in common
                                                  Operating Procedure (see above)
leave to cover the period of isolation –                                                            areas through buildings
                                               • Site Prep/Set up: Adequate social
also the manager can deny the request                                                            - Hand soap is available in all
                                                  distancing measures to be put in
for leave if it is operationally feasible                                                           bathrooms
                                                  place to maintain 2m+ space between
for the team to accommodate such an                                                              - Avoid as much as possible common
                                                  operatives. RCSI staff & students
extended period of absence. Should                                                                  touch points
                                                  to be kept 2m+ away from all work
there be extenuating circumstances                                                               - Sneeze/cough in elbow or tissue &
                                                  activities using barriers & signage
that should be considered in lieu of                                                                dispose in bin straight away
                                               • Close work activities: Where close
asking the employee to take annual or
                                                  working (less than 2m) is necessary,
unpaid leave, these will be considered                                                       VISITORS AND CONTRACTOR /
                                                  document each close working activity
on a case by case basis and should be                                                        OCCASIONAL STAFF
                                                  in RAMS with alternative control
escalated to HR.                                                                             As we commence a phased return to
                                                  measures listed.
                                                                                             campus with reduced staff numbers
                                               • Name and contact details of the
Should the government rules change                                                           on site, RCSI are discouraging visitors
                                                  COVID-19 Compliance Officer
and the need for people arriving                                                             to the campus unless it is absolutely
                                               • Site induction training to take
from outside the island of Ireland to                                                        necessary. If this is the case please
                                                  place with spacing of 2m+ between
quarantine be removed, the above                                                             contact safety@rcsi.ie to discuss.
requirement to take additional leave will                                                    Where possible virtual meetings should
                                               • Request to comply with RCSI signage
not apply. Similarly should the concept of                                                   occur. No groups will be permitted to
                                                  onsite in relation to social distancing,
“travel corridors” that is certain countries                                                 visit the University for Tours, events or
                                                  hand washing etc.
where travel to and from is permitted                                                        meetings until further notice.
with no quarantine requirements be
introduced by the Irish government,                                                          For any contractor staff, occasional
the need to take additional leave will                                                       staff such as lecturers, invigilators etc.
not apply to staff arriving from those                                                       departments are required to include
approved corridor destinations.                                                              these staff members into their Working
                                                                                             Pods set-up.

                                         AUGUST 2020

APPENDIX 4 – Si g n a ge



                                                        AUGUST 2020

APPENDIX 5 –                                    d. c hronic liver disease, such as hepatitis         g. a weakened immune system as the
                                                e. chronic neurological conditions, such              result of conditions, or medicines such
At ri s k g r o u p s
                                                as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone                 as steroid tablets
                                                disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or                  h. being seriously overweight (a body
                                                cerebral palsy                                        mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
1. Solid organ transplant recipients.
                                                f. diabetes                                           i. pregnant women
2. People with specific cancers:
    a. people with cancer who are
    undergoing active chemotherapy
                                                   APPENDIX 6 – RCSI SSG car park application form
    b. people with lung cancer who are                       Top-Up Card appliCaTion Form
    undergoing radical radiotherapy
    c. people with cancers of the blood
                                                             Car Park:                                      Card No.:
    or bone marrow such as leukaemia,
    lymphoma or myeloma who are at any                       Commencement Date:
    stage of treatment                                       Purchase Price (Inc. Vat):
    d. people having immunotherapy or                        Payment Method:
    other continuing antibody treatments
                                                             Cash                        Invoice                  Credit Card
    for cancer
    e. people having other targeted
                                                             CardHoldEr dETailS:

    cancer treatments which can affect the
    immune system, such as protein kinase                    Name:
    inhibitors or PARP inhibitors                            Company:
    f. people who have had bone marrow
    or stem cell transplants in the last
    6 months, or who are still taking
    immunosuppression drugs
3.	People with severe respiratory                           Tel No.:                               Fax No.:
    conditions including all cystic fibrosis,
    severe asthma and severe chronic
    obstructive pulmonary (COPD)                             Email:
4.	People with rare diseases that                           Vehicle Registration Number:
    significantly increase the risk of                       Vehicle Model:                                  Colour:
    infections (such as SCID, homozygous
                                                             How did you hear about our Top-Up card?
    sickle cell)
5.	People on immunosuppression                              Radio           Press ads             Friend       In our car park
    therapies sufficient to significantly                    Other         (Please specify)
    increase risk of infection
6.	Women who are pregnant with                              I hearby apply for a Top-Up card for parking in the above car park
    significant heart disease, congenital or                 and agree to accept the terms and conditions of parking of which I
    acquired                                                 have full knowledge. I also understand that no refund or credit will be
                                                             given for any amount in the event that the Top-Up card is not used.
1.	aged 70 or older (regardless of medical
    conditions)                                              Date:
2.	under 70 with an underlying health                       Name of Signatory (BLOCK CAPITALS):
    condition listed below (that is, anyone
    instructed to get a flu jab as an adult
                                                             Please complete the above application form indicating the value
    each year on medical grounds):
                                                             required, and present it at our Customer Service desk, together
    a. chronic (long-term) mild to moderate                 with the purchase price. One of our Customer Service team will be
     respiratory diseases, such as asthma,                   happy to answer any questions you may have and to demonstrate
     chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                   how to use the card.
     (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
     b. chronic heart disease, such as heart
     c. chronic kidney disease

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