Page created by Tracy Wise

UNDERGRADUATE COURSES                                     2019
 Law   Criminology and policing   Policy and governance
Here’s why you might like to make it yours.

        BE IN DEMAND                            GLOBAL OUTLOOK
QUT graduates are in demand. During           With QUT’s world-class courses
  your time at QUT you’ll gain the          and learning facilities, and programs
knowledge, skills and connections to        for overseas experience, you will be
     thrive in your chosen field.            prepared to work in Australia and

Prepare for employment in a changing          QUT researchers are working on
   world with up-to-date courses and         some of the biggest challenges and
flexible options to tailor your degree to   opportunities facing Australia and the
              your interests.                        global community.

     QUT has campuses at Gardens             You’ll be taught by award-winning
    Point and Kelvin Grove in central        teaching staff and have access to
Brisbane. With high-quality academic,         industry-standard facilities and
recreational and support facilities, you         opportunities for practical,
will find QUT the perfect place to study.            real-world learning.

 You will study in a culturally diverse
   and inclusive environment, with
  opportunities to help you discover
your place in the world and make the
      most of your time at QUT.

The difference is real. Find out more at www.qut.edu.au/graduate-success
2 Why law and justice at QUT
3 Expert teachers
4 Hands-on learning experiences
6 Go global—international study experiences
8 High-quality, city-based learning facilities
9 Scholarships for high achievers and financial
10 Support throughout your studies
11 Flexible study options

12 Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
14 Bachelor of Laws (Honours)—graduate entry
15 Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
   (Practical Legal Training)

16 Bachelor of Justice
19 The honours track


22 How do I apply?
24 Law and justice at a glance

    AT QUT
    WHY STUDY LAW AT QUT?                         •   classes with leading and internationally   Our Bachelor of Justice gives you the
    QUT’s law degree will provide you with            renowned law experts                       opportunity to specialise in:
    the knowledge and confidence to apply         •   international study and placement          •   policy and governance, or
    the law in an array of legal careers. QUT’s       opportunities                              •   criminology and policing.
    award-winning lecturers and real-world        •   our high-quality law library, expert
    placement opportunities will prepare you          librarians and court facilities on         You can also choose a secondary
    for the real world of law.                        campus                                     major in either of these areas, or in law
                                                  •   a range of double degrees to broaden       or psychology. Alternatively choose a
    QUT’s contemporary law degree will                                                           combination of minors in the areas of
                                                      your career prospects
    position you to take advantage of                                                            Indigenous knowledges, forensic science
    employment opportunities as it provides       •   the convenience of a city-based
                                                      campus.                                    and management, and electives to
    you with not only a deep understanding                                                       enhance your degree.
    of various areas of law, but also with the    We offer a seamless pathway to take
    essential transferable skills in problem                                                     As a QUT justice student, you will benefit
                                                  you from novice to an admitted legal
    solving, critical analysis, communication                                                    from:
                                                  practitioner. We’re Brisbane’s only
    and negotiation.                              university to offer the Graduate Diploma in    •   a course that has been developed
                                                  Legal Practice—an essential qualification          in consultation with leaders from the
    As a QUT law student, you will benefit
                                                  to be admitted as a legal practitioner in          professions
    immediately and into the future from:
                                                  Queensland. QUT Law is dedicated to            •   internationally renowned academics
    •   a course that has been designed in
                                                  your successful career in legal practice or        and expert teachers with current
        consultation with industry to have a
                                                  a related field.                                   industry knowledge
        strong foundation in contemporary
                                                                                                 •   strong industry connections
        legal knowledge, understanding and
        experience                                WHY STUDY JUSTICE AT QUT?                      •   international study and placement
    •   a course that includes a choice in        The degree will give you the skills you
        electives to allow you to pursue your
                                                                                                 •   practical and effective hands-on
                                                  need to make a difference in your chosen
        own areas of interest in law                                                                 learning experiences during your
                                                  career, which may be a career in policing,
    •   meaningful connections with high-         intelligence, the justice profession, policy
        profile industry employers                or government. Our justice degree              •   a range of double degree options
    •   practical and effective hands-on          prepares you to think and act ethically        •   the convenience of a city-based
        learning experiences during your          with a social justice orientation.                 campus.

         JOHN HALL AM
         Law and public relations
         I have always been passionate
         about law, media and politics,
         so a double degree in law and
         business was a no-brainer.
         The practical training at
         QUT prepared me for the
         challenges of my career. Soon
         after leaving QUT, I moved
         to Qatar to work for one
         of the world’s largest road
         infrastructure programs. I’m
         now in Melbourne consulting
         on community and stakeholder
         engagement strategy for a major
         infrastructure project bid.


If you choose to study law or justice,       We deliver legal and justice education         REAL-WORLD GUEST
or both as a double degree, you will be      that is contemporary, focused, led by          LECTURERS
taught by a dedicated, highly experienced    the latest research, evidence based and        Many units in our law and justice degrees
team of professionals.                       informed by reflective practice to prepare     involve industry guest lecturers. For
                                             you for success.                               example, in the first-year unit Forensic
AWARD-WINNING STAFF                          You will learn from expert teachers who        Psychology and the Law, students hear
Our internationally renowned staff include   are innovative and at the cutting edge         from consultants working for the Family
full-time academics and practising legal     of legal and justice research. They are        Court of Australia, and academics
and justice professionals who support        experts across:                                specialising in eyewitness testimony in
and develop you to successfully transition   •   cybercrime and identity crime              court and the perils of human memory.
from university to your chosen career.                                                      In the third-year Ethics and the Legal
                                             •   gendered violence
                                                                                            Profession unit, law students benefit from
Many of our academics have received          •   criminology and policing
                                                                                            guest lectures from the Senior Ethics
prestigious teaching fellowships and         •   policy and governance
                                                                                            Solicitor at Queensland Law Society and
awards in recognition of their quality           commercial and property law
                                                                                            the head of the Queensland Law Society
teaching practices and outstanding
                                             •   health law                                 Ethics Centre.
contributions to student learning.
                                             •   intellectual property and innovation law
                                             •   international law and global

                                                                                            ROSS WAKEFORD
                                                                                            Law graduate

                                                                                            The down-to-earth and approachable
                                                                                            engagement of the academic staff has
                                                                                            been a highlight for me. I found the
                                                                                            staff to be helpful and show a genuine
                                                                                            interest in shaping their programs to
                                                                                            maximise both the learning potential
                                                                                            and enjoyment of students. It was
                                                                                            refreshing to be able to engage with
                                                                                            high-end academics in such an easy
                                                                                            and accessible way.


    As a graduate you will be able to work                                                        The QUT School of Law is renowned
    confidently in diverse and complex                                                            for its excellent mooting program and
    environments with the practical and                                                           success at national and international
    creative problem-solving skills you have
                                                            ASSESSMENT TASKS                      mooting competitions.
    gained through your degree.                     QUT understands that students want to
                                                    put what they are learning into practice.
                                                    The law and justice degrees include a
                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTE TO RESEARCH
    PLACEMENTS                                      wide range of authentic assessment            Consider applying for a vacation research
    Gain real-world work experience while           tasks that connect your learning and          experience that gives you an opportunity
    you study. QUT Law has a dedicated              performance to work environments.             to work on a research project for six to 10
    placement coordinator who arranges              Whether it is writing a letter of             weeks over the summer break. You will
    placements and provides you with tailored       advice to a client, engaging in dispute       have access to a challenging environment
    advice. A range of law placements and           resolution in a role play or writing a        where you can explore your potential,
    clinical experiences are available, including   report on changes to public policy, the       contribute to a research project and work
    with law firms, in community organisations,     assessment is part of your real-world         alongside accomplished researchers.
    the courts and government. In addition,         learning experience.

    you can also arrange your own internship
    (minimum of 60 hours) and receive
    academic credit. We will provide advice on
    how to approach organisations.                  MOOTING PROGRAM                                     LAW AND JUSTICE
    In the justice professional placement unit      Mock trials (moots) teach you the art
                                                    of courtroom procedure and how the
                                                                                                       STUDENTS WENT ON
    for final-year students you will learn by
    putting theory into practice, undertaking       law is applied. Students are coached               PLACEMENT IN 2017
    work in a justice-relevant workplace.           by lawyers and academic volunteers

    Placements can be local or remote,              to develop analytical and presentation
    and from two to 12 weeks in duration.           skills. Our students compete in interstate,
    They are designed to give students an           international and in-house competitions.
    opportunity to work intensely with justice
    organisations, such as probation and
                                                    Each year the School of Law hosts the            PLACEMENT PARTNERS
                                                    QUT Torts Moot competition, which
    parole, and in various Aboriginal and           welcomes university teams from across
    Torres Strait Islander services.                Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.

        ERIN SMITH
        Law and science student

        I have particularly loved the
        practical learning in my course.
        Combining theoretical teaching
        with hands-on practicals is
        invaluable, and the range of
        technology we have access to
        at QUT is incredible. My major
        units had a unique crime-
        solving approach and allowed
        me to understand the real-world
        implementation and relevance
        of what I’m learning.

                                                    INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS
    Overseas exchanges and short study
    programs can offer you international            QUT students have completed
    career development and a once-in-a-             environmental law internships in China,
    lifetime experience. Employers value            worked in Bhutan with the Bhutan
                                                                                                  LAW AND JUSTICE
    graduates who have international                National Legal Institute on programs for     STUDENTS WENT ON
    experience. Participating in an exchange        law clubs in schools, and travelled to       EXCHANGE BETWEEN
    program requires initiative, commitment         Myanmar to teach clinical legal education
    and flexibility. The skills you develop while   concepts to law teachers and students.          2016 AND 2017
    overseas can give you an edge in the job        Others have visited Vanuatu to look at

                                                                                                 $442 500
    market.                                         climate change and the law, undertaken
                                                    an internship program in Japan with
    EXCHANGE PROGRAMS                               leading mining firm Mitsui, and attended a
    QUT has student exchange agreements             conference on pro bono law in Indonesia.     IN TRAVEL BURSARIES
    with more than 200 partner institutions in                                                    AND SCHOLARSHIPS
    43 countries.                                   A NEW LANGUAGE
                                                                                                    WERE AWARDED
    We encourage you to go on exchange              You may like to incorporate language
    with one of our excellent partners,             studies into your degree. Whether you
    renowned for their law and justice              end up working in Brisbane or Brussels,
    courses.                                        technology is bringing the world closer
    The Student Exchange Bursary offers
    $3000 each for up to 10 law students            Most partner universities teach in
    going on exchange to Renmin University          English, however you can use your time
    or Tsinghua University in China. Up to five     on exchange to learn a new language.
    bursaries are available at each institution.    Having a language as well as cultural and
                                                    international experience can give you an
    For more information visit www.qut.edu.au/
                                                    edge in the job market.
                                                    For more information on studying a
                                                    language at QUT visit www.qut.edu.au/

        HANNAH FAS
        Law and science graduate

        The highlights of my time at
        QUT include two overseas
        adventures—a six-month
        exchange in Spain and a
        two-week environmental law
        course in Indonesia. In Madrid
        I enjoyed the challenge of
        studying both law and elective
        subjects including European
        media law, film history and
        Spanish language. I travelled
        throughout Europe and the
        UK, gained independence, ate
        lots of delicious food and met
        people from all over the world.

Potential exchange destinations

                                                Belgium     Netherlands


                                                          Denmark                     Japan
   United States                                Austria
   of America



    QUT LAW LIBRARY                                  COURTROOMS                                   Facilities at Gardens Point campus
    The QUT Law Library offers access                We have two on-campus courtrooms—the         available to students include:
    to specialised legal information and             QUT Law Moot Court and the Industrial        •   24-hour computing labs
    resources to help with your study.               Court. The moot court has been fitted        •   cafés and food court
    Students can receive assistance from             with new technology and audio visual         •   indoor FINA-standard, 50-metre
    highly qualified law librarians at the library   equipment providing a contemporary,              swimming pool and a gym
    helpdesk, who provide professional legal         authentic space for students to sharpen      •   bookshop and retail outlets
    research support.                                their courtroom skills.                      •   Oodgeroo Unit
    Law and justice students find our                                                             •   licensed bar
    librarians offer a wealth of legal               GARDENS POINT CAMPUS                         •   Gardens Theatre
    knowledge and advice on sourcing the             Gardens Point campus is a prime location     •   QUT Art Museum
    best legal information.                          in Brisbane’s city centre beside the
                                                                                                  •   Old Government House including
                                                     Brisbane River, City Botanic Gardens and
    With an extensive range of online and                                                             William Robinson Gallery
                                                     Parliament House.
    print resources, collaborative and                                                            •   automatic teller machines (ATMs)
    individual study spaces, computers               Easily accessible by public transport        •   travel agency
    and wireless access, the law library is          including buses, trains and its own ferry
                                                                                                  •   QUT medical centre and counselling
    dedicated to your legal study needs.             terminal, the Gardens Point campus is
                                                                                                  •   childcare centre.
                                                     also just a short stroll to the city or to
                                                     South Bank and shops, restaurants,
                                                     theatres and galleries.

QUT offers a range of scholarships         VICE-CHANCELLOR’S                           SCHOLARSHIPS FOR
to recognise your achievements and         SCHOLARSHIP (ELITE ATHLETE)                 ABORIGINAL AND TORRES
support you throughout your studies.       •   8 x $30 000 scholarships (commencing    STRAIT ISLANDER STUDENTS
                                               students)                               Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarships
QUT FACULTY OF LAW                         •   12 x $10 000 scholarships (continuing   are available through the Equity
FOUNDERS’ SCHOLARSHIPS                         students)                               Scholarships Scheme. Other scholarships
•   commencing law (or associated                                                      are also available.
    double degree) domestic students
                                                                                       For more information visit
    experiencing financial or personal
                                           THE ASHURST ROD BUSH                        study/scholarships-prizes
•   valued at $10 000
                                           MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP
•   generous individuals and law firms
                                           •   law (or associated double degree)
    including Gadens, DLA Piper, Shine
                                               student with at least two semesters
    Lawyers, King & Wood Mallesons,
                                               remaining in their degree
    Corrs Chambers Westgarth and
    HopgoodGanim Lawyers financially       •   strong academic record
    support a select number of             •   personal, social or economic
    scholarships which may result in           challenges
    mentoring opportunities                •   equivalent to one year’s tuition fees

•   commencing students with outstanding   •   $1500–$3500 through the Equity
    high school results                        Scholarships Scheme for students
•   90 x $30 000 scholarships                  experiencing financial hardship
•   15 x $10 000 scholarships

                                                                                          FRED DUKU SILVER
                                                                                          Scholarship recipient

                                                                                          The Law Founders’ Scholarship
                                                                                          supports students experiencing
                                                                                          financial hardship. It reduced
                                                                                          some of the financial stress and
                                                                                          connected me with mentors
                                                                                          who are leaders in their field,
                                                                                          such as the Honourable Judges
                                                                                          of the Supreme Court of
                                                                                          Queensland. For my volunteer
                                                                                          work I was invited by the United
                                                                                          Nations to represent Australia
                                                                                          at the Summer Youth Assembly
                                                                                          in New York. The Faculty of Law
                                                                                          also helped cover my expenses
                                                                                          with a bursary.

     There is a range of support programs that       CAREER ADVICE                               To find out more about the programs
     can assist you with your studies, life at uni   Our legal careers and employment            available visit www.qut.edu.au/law/
     and preparation for your career.                adviser supports students with              courses-and-study/support-for-students
                                                     applications for work placements,
     LEARNING SUPPORT                                internships and graduate positions.         STUDENT SOCIETIES
     Services and programs offered by the            Students gain a career edge with tailored   The QUT Law Society and QUT
     faculty include:                                advice on employability, career planning    Justice Society are volunteer student
                                                     and recruitment processes, and are          associations. They host social events
     •   Torts Student Peer Mentor Program—
                                                     supported during the transition from        to give students a chance to connect
         experienced students assist first-year
                                                     student to law firm graduate.               and network with each other and the
         torts students using collaborative
         learning approaches                                                                     profession. For example, the annual
     •   LLB Help Me—a program for law               RESILIENCE                                  Meet the Profession events on campus
         students offering drop-in sessions and      Pursuing a career in law or justice is      are attended by key law and justice
         workshops to help with legal skills         worthwhile but challenging. To help         professionals allowing students to
                                                     maintain student wellbeing, our course      network and explore career opportunities.
     •   Justice Mentor Program (JuMP)—a
         program for justice students offering       includes resources to develop resilience    For more information visit
         drop-in and email services as well as       based on positive psychology.               www.qutlawsociety.com and
         an intensive mentoring program                                                          www.facebook.com/groups/
     •   QUT Law Society Peer Mentor                 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                        qutjusticeleague
         Program—pairs experienced students          Our low-income contact officer is
         with first-year students                    available to assist students who are
     •   specialised support for Aboriginal and      experiencing financial hardship in a
         Torres Strait Islander students             number of ways including textbook loans,
     •   arrangements for students from non-         computers, subsidies for placements and
         English speaking backgrounds.               photocopying/printing.

We offer a flexible approach to your
learning with full-time and part-time,
on-campus and online learning available.
Blended learning environments have
been specially designed using podcasts,
feedback modules and face-to-face
classes. Most lectures are recorded with
study materials available online so you can
access resources at any time and fit study
into your lifestyle. Many of our courses
have mid-year entry, giving you the
flexibility to start studying as soon possible.

Both law and justice students can
choose to study online (in external mode).
However for students studying law,
initial entry to the external mode is only
available to Australian students who live
outside Brisbane City Council boundaries.
Internal law students may transfer to
external mode after one year of study.
For the Bachelor of Laws (Honours)—
graduate entry, external mode is available
to students living within any location
within Australia.
External law students undertake a
compulsory orientation attendance school
dedicated to preparing you for success
in your law studies. You may be required
to be present at up to two attendance
schools per year, depending on the units
studied. The attendance schools are
compulsory in units where skills such as
advocacy are taught and assessed.

You can accelerate your studies or
reduce your workload during the year
by taking summer program units. We
recognise the need for flexibility in your
study and strive to ensure that there is a
range of units offered during the summer
holidays. Some of the law units are
offered in intensive mode (two to three
weeks of classes) to allow you to make
the most of your summer.

 Some   summer units are full-fee units. For more detail about the course structure and units see the online course information at www.qut.edu.au/study   11

      2018 OP (including adjustments) 6                                                                         DOUBLE DEGREES
      2018 selection rank (including adjustments) 89              TECHNOLOGY                                    •   biomedical science

      QTAC code internal: 417601,                                 AND INNOVATION                                •   business
      external: 417605                                    In 2019, a new law, technology and                    •   creative industries
      Campus Gardens Point and external                   innovation minor will be introduced.                  •   creative writing
      Duration 4 years full time, 8 years part   time    This minor complements our core                       •   digital media
                                                          law program by extending our focus                        entertainment industries
      Assumed knowledge English (4 SA)                                                                          •

                                                          on preparing law graduates to be                      •   film, screen and new media
      OP Guarantee Yes                                    adaptable legal professionals who are                 •   industrial design
      Entry February and July                             prepared for new careers which will
                                                                                                                •   information technology
                                                          evolve as a result of disruption caused
                                                          by innovation and technology.                         •   journalism
     WHY CHOOSE THIS COURSE?                                                                                    •   justice
     QUT’s law degree will provide you                                                                          •   psychology
     with the knowledge and confidence to                                                                       •   science
     apply the law and the skills you have                THE HONOURS ADVANTAGE
     developed in an array of legal careers.                                                                    For more information see pages 20–21.
                                                          Honours-level content has been integrated
     The defining nature of our law degree                throughout the course so you will graduate
     is the unique balance between legal                  with a higher qualification than a bachelor           CAREER OUTCOMES
     principles and practice. You will gain               degree. The advanced knowledge and                    Although many of our graduates become
     an understanding of the key areas of                 skills will benefit your professional career,         legal practitioners, our law degree also
     law and develop advanced knowledge                   or future research and study.                         provides the foundation for a career in
     in areas that interest you. You will also                                                                  government, community organisations or
     develop necessary legal skills such as                                                                     business. Our graduates have an excellent
     legal research, problem solving, critical
                                                          GAIN ADVANCED LEGAL
                                                                                                                track record of securing exciting positions.
     analysis, dispute resolution, and oral               KNOWLEDGE
                                                          You will complete your studies by                     Career options include working in private
     and written communication skills. Our
                                                          undertaking a legal research capstone                 practice, government (local, state, federal),
     course will help you understand and
                                                          which brings together a range of your                 community legal centres, alternative dispute
     promote the ethical standards of the legal
                                                          acquired advanced legal knowledge and                 resolution, or legal publishing. Roles may
     profession and to appreciate international
                                                          skills. The unit is designed to prepare you           include ministerial adviser, researcher in
     and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                          for the complex world of legal problem                parliamentary libraries, in-house counsel,
                                                          solving and to support your transition to             court registrar, public prosecutor, public
                                                          your chosen career.                                   defender (Legal Aid), crown lawyer (civil
                                                                                                                litigation), legal academic, law librarian, legal
                                                                                                                technology specialist, intellectual property
                                                                                                                solicitor, legal risk manager, legal project
                                                                                                                manager or innovation lawyer.

      Law core units
      These units explore Australian law and our legal system, ethical standards of the legal profession, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
      perspectives of law, and law in wider cultural, social, theoretical, commercial and international contexts.

      Introductory electives
                                                                                                                                                       1 or 2
      Your introductory elective units are collaborative workshops facilitated by our expert teachers to maximise the sharing of knowledge
      and experiences in the areas of human rights, law and business, and international legal issues.

      General electives
      Learn how to resolve legal problems effectively by applying relevant legal principles. Electives include family law, intellectual property       8 or 9
      law, advanced legal clinic, competition moots, international business law and property transactions. You can choose the law,                     units
      technology and innovation minor, a university-wide minor, or up to four university-wide electives to complement your studies in law.

      Advanced electives
      Further develop your research skills and prepare for the transition into the legal profession. Choose from a mix of commercial, social
      justice and research-oriented electives.

ADMISSION TO PRACTICE                                   Year 1
If you want to become a legal practitioner
at the end of your degree, be it a solicitor            •   develop the skills and capabilities necessary to be a successful learner and legal professional
or a barrister, you will need to complete               •   gain a strong understanding of the law of torts (negligence, damages and no-fault compensation
practical legal training (PLT) before you                   schemes), legal interviewing, legal problem solving, criminal law, the variety of contexts in which
can apply for admission to practice.                        Australian law operates
Successful completion of PLT allows you                 •   develop a positive professional identity through the dispute resolution unit
                                                        •   choose one or two introductory law elective units
to apply for admission as solicitor, but if
you want to be a barrister you will need to
also pass the Bar Exams. We offer PLT in                Year 2
the form of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice. For more details see page 15.                 •   acquire knowledge and skills in contract law, legal research, equity and trusts, constitutional
                                                            law, administrative law, and commercial and personal property law
                                                        •   choose two general law elective units to develop your knowledge and skills in your particular
PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                    area of interest
This course is approved by the                          •   undertake a minor such as the law, technology and innovation minor

Queensland Legal Practitioners
Admissions Board.                                       Year 3

                                                        •   choose another two general law electives to study
FLEXIBLE STUDY OPTIONS                                  •   acquire knowledge and skills in real property law, corporate law, evidence, ethics, civil
QUT offers flexible learning to fit your                    procedure and commercial remedies
lifestyle. Find out more about different
study options including external and                    Year 4
part-time mode, and summer program
on page 11.                                             •   undertake a legal research capstone which brings together a range of your acquired advanced
                                                            legal knowledge and skills
                                                        •   choose four general electives and two advanced electives where you can further advance your
MID-YEAR ENTRY                                              practical legal knowledge and skills
You can commence this course in
February or July, giving you the flexibility
to start studying as soon as possible.                 PATHWAYS
                                                       If you’re not confident that you will meet the entry requirements see the admission
                                                       pathways on page 23.

                                                                                                                    NICK DOWSE
                                                                                                                     Law graduate

                                                                                                                    I am a digital economy lawyer
                                                                                                                    based in London working on
                                                                                                                    strategic telecoms projects in
                                                                                                                    Europe, the Middle East and
                                                                                                                    Africa. I assist clients to navigate
                                                                                                                    the complex regulatory and
                                                                                                                    contractual issues that arise
                                                                                                                    when using, building or acquiring
                                                                                                                    telecommunications networks. At
                                                                                                                    uni I was interested in internet law,
                                                                                                                    ecommerce, technology contracts
                                                                                                                    and intellectual property law
                                                                                                                    electives. QUT offered modern,
                                                                                                                    relevant subjects in addition to the
                                                                                                                    core, traditional theory subjects.

                                                                                                                    Hear more from Nick at www.qut.

 Evening classes may not be available however lectures are recorded and available online.

For more detail about this course and OP/selection rank, see the online course information at www.qut.edu.au/study                                                13

      2018 selection rank (including adjustments) 93
                                                            ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                     MID-YEAR ENTRY
                                                            Entry to this course requires a completed,             You can commence this course in
      QTAC code internal: 417651,
      external: 417655                                      recognised non-law bachelor degree                     February or July, giving you the flexibility
                                                            or equivalent. Completed graduate                      to start studying as soon as possible.
      Campus Gardens Point and external
                                                            diplomas, masters and/or doctorates are
      Duration 3 years full time, 6 years part time
                                                            accepted equivalents.                                  YOUR LAW DEGREE
      OP Guarantee No
                                                                                                                   Your law degree is made up of a
      Entry February and July                               ADMISSION TO PRACTICE                                  combination of core (compulsory) and
                                                            If you want to become a legal practitioner             elective units. The core units include
     If you have already completed a degree in              at the end of your degree, be it a solicitor           the units required for admission to legal
     another discipline this course recognises              or a barrister, you will need to complete              practice and research units to provide
     your prior learning and allows you to                  practical legal training (PLT) before you              you with essential skills for practice. You
     condense the law degree to complete it in              can apply for admission to practice.                   can pursue your interests through the
     three years full time, or six years part time.         Successful completion of PLT allows you                wide range of elective units, for example,
     When completed this course meets the                   to apply for admission as solicitor, but if            family law, succession law, international
     academic requirements for admission to                 you want to be a barrister you will need to            arbitration, commercial contracts and
     the legal profession in Australia.                     also pass the Bar Exams. We offer PLT in               artificial intelligence, robots and the law.
                                                            the form of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
                                                                                                                   As this course has a condensed
                                                            Practice. For more details see page 15.
                                                                                                                   structure to allow for completion in three
             ACCELERATE YOUR                                                                                       years, university-wide minors and the
             CAREER CHANGE                                  EXTERNAL MODE                                          law, technology and innovation minor
                                                            Entry to the external mode of the course               are not available in this course. For
     You can take your career or your studies
                                                            is available to students living in any                 a detailed course structure and unit
     in a new direction and complete a
                                                            location within Australia.                             options see the online course information
     Bachelor of Laws (Honours) sooner by
                                                                                                                   at www.qut.edu.au/study
     taking the graduate-entry option.


         At every step of the way, QUT
         staff and lecturers were right
         behind me. QUT’s mentoring
         program provided me with
         practical experience delivered
         by expert lawyers, and I had
         the opportunity to learn from a
         barrister practising commercial
         law. I benefitted from the
         professional guidance and
         advice I was given, and the
         experience helped me consider
         a broader range of potential
         career opportunities.

      Evening classes may not be available however lectures are recorded and available online.

14   For more detail about this course and OP/selection rank, see the online course information at www.qut.edu.au/study

 QUT code LP41
                                                     Staff are available on campus and online               PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                     to support you in your PLT journey.                    The course is approved by the Queensland
 Campus Gardens Point and external
                                                                                                            Legal Practitioners Admissions Board
 Duration 24 weeks full time, 34 weeks
 part time (in-practice mode) or 38 weeks                                                                   as satisfying the practical legal training
 part time (general mode). All duration times                 CHOOSE A PLT WITH                             requirements for admission to the legal
 exclude holidays and other breaks
                                                              FIRM CONNECTIONS                              profession in Queensland.
 Total credit points 96
                                                     QUT has relationships with more than 350
 Entry January and July for full time on             work placement partners including firms,               FURTHER INFORMATION
 campus; January, February, July and August
 for full time or part time external
                                                     government departments, in-house                       For further information about the course
                                                     legal departments and non-profit                       contact the Legal Practice Unit on
The Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice               organisations. As part of your placement               07 3138 2211 or visit www.qut.edu.au/
provides you with the practical legal                unit we will arrange the placement you                 study
                                                     need for professional admission.

training (PLT) that you need for admission
to the legal profession. Develop into a
successful lawyer equipped with the
knowledge and practical skills you'll need                                                                     PLACEMENT PARTNERS
to meet the challenges of modern legal
                                                     You can study two elective modules from                      ON THE BOOKS
practice. Gain hands-on experience as

part of your course with a four-week                 a choice of criminal, administrative, family
placement in a law office. The course                law practice, wills and estates, planning
is flexible, with on-campus and online               and environment, employment and
offerings, and reflects the daily realities of       industrial relations, consumer law and                     LEGAL PRACTICE
                                                     banking and finance.
a modern legal practice.                                                                                    STUDENTS WENT ON WORK
                                                                                                               PLACEMENT IN 2017
To pursue a career as an admitted legal professional you need to complete practical legal training in addition to a law degree

             Complete an approved law degree (academic qualification)
 Part        Complete approved practical legal training
  2          QUT’s Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

             Obtain admission to the Australian legal profession
             Solicitor                 Obtain restricted ‘employee’ practising certificate to be a practising ‘employed’ solicitor
  3          Barrister                  Complete the Bar Practice Course and obtain barrister’s practising certificate
                                        Complete supervised legal practice (two years) and Law Society Practice Management course and obtain
             Law firm principal
                                        an unrestricted practising certificate

                                                         MEGHAN DE PINTO-SMITH
                                                          Practical legal training (PLT) graduate

                                                          QUT provided me with access to excellent legal resources and learning
                                                          facilities. I was also given the support I needed through the QUT employment
                                                          register and placements coordinator to find a placement in a law firm. After
                                                          completing my placement, I was offered employment with the same firm. It is
                                                          satisfying building on the knowledge and skills I gained from my degree and
                                                          PLT when completing new and challenging tasks.


      2018 OP (including adjustments) 12
                                                                                                                   Past graduates have developed
                                                                                                                   successful careers in state and federal
       2018 selection rank (including adjustments) 73                  PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                                   law enforcement, correctional services,
      QTAC code internal: 417301,                                      PLACEMENT UNIT                              private security, defence services, foreign
      external: 417305                                      Form industry links by undertaking                     aid programs, customs, Australian
      Campus Gardens Point and external                     a project at an external organisation.                 Security Intelligence Organisation and
      Duration 3 years full time, 6 years part time        Students have worked with corrections                  Scotland Yard, and have worked on social
      Assumed knowledge English (4 SA)
                                                            in the Northern Territory, completed                   and justice policies for government and
                                                            projects in the Office of the State                    non-government organisations. Others
      OP Guarantee Yes
                                                            Coroner and gained experience in the                   have become criminologists, contributed
      Entry February and July                               Office of the Information Commissioner.                to women’s, youth and children’s
                                                                                                                   advocacy, or worked in the areas of
     WHY CHOOSE THIS COURSE?                                                                                       human rights and antidiscrimination.
     If you want to make a difference and                   DOUBLE DEGREES
     pursue a career where no two days are                  •   digital media                                      FLEXIBLE STUDY OPTIONS
     the same, this course is the right choice                                                                     QUT offers flexible learning to fit your
                                                            •   human services
     for you. The possibilities are endless                                                                        lifestyle. Find out more about different
                                                            •   journalism
     for building a stimulating career in the                                                                      study options on page 11.
     community. You will graduate job ready                 •   law
     having explored the most recent theory                 •   professional communication
                                                                                                                   MID-YEAR ENTRY
     and practice in social justice. You will also          •

                                                                                                                   You can commence this course in
     gain problem-solving and analytical skills
                                                            For more information see pages 20–21.                  February or July, giving you the flexibility
     that are relevant to the workplace.
                                                                                                                   to start studying as soon as possible.
     The course is consistently refreshed                   CAREER OUTCOMES
     to meet the needs of the community,
                                                            Justice offers extensive career pathways               PATHWAYS
     government and police agencies for
                                                            that include policing, customs,                        Not confident about your OP or rank?
     skilled staff. You will also benefit from
                                                            community outreach, child and family                   Consider TAFE as a pathway. Students
     academic staff who have worked in
                                                            services, correctional rehabilitation,                 who complete the six-month TAFE
     these areas and bring real-life examples
                                                            outreach programs, social work,                        Diploma of Crime and Justice may receive
     and experience to your learning. At a
                                                            intelligence, defence, insurance and                   advanced standing (credit) in the justice
     theoretical level, you will engage with
                                                            banking investigation, youth justice,                  single degree at QUT, meaning you can
     the concepts of social justice, human
                                                            Indigenous justice, community legal                    complete the Bachelor of Justice at QUT
     rights and equality to understand the
                                                            services, and policy and adviser roles                 in 2.5 years instead of three. See page 23
     way in which society defines, polices and
                                                            within a range of state and federal                    for more information.
     punishes criminal behaviours.
                                                            government departments.


      Justice core units
      These units are designed to provide you with an understanding of the areas of justice and help you choose a major. Units include
      forensic psychology, deviance, criminal law and an introduction to the criminal justice system.

      Choose a major

      Policy and governance                                                         Criminology and policing
      This major offers you the opportunity to learn policy                         This major details punishment and penal policy as well as
      analysis and the intricacies of how government officers                       crime research methods, with your choice of units in eco              8
      research, analyse, recommend and develop policies in the               OR     crime, sex crime, death investigation, crime in pop culture,
      justice sphere. Particularly, it gives you an insight into how                drugs and intelligence, among others.
      policy is implemented and critiqued, and evolves through
      government and its departments.

        A secondary major            OR              A minor                                2 minors              OR            8 electives
                                                   + 4 electives
        (6 units + 2 electives)                                              OR           (4 units each)                          (8 units)
                                                   (4 units each)

      Evening classes are not available however lectures are recorded and available online.

16   For more detail about this course and OP/selection rank, see the online course information at www.qut.edu.au/study
Justice and human services

I chose QUT because the practical
placement was incredibly attractive
to me. One of my placements gave
me the opportunity to explore
the program delivery aspect of
Queensland Corrective Services.
From this I was able to participate
and shadow the programs for
convicted sexual offenders
and drug offenders in order to
reintegrate into society through
more prosocial avenues.

I gained employment with
Queensland Corrective Services in
the first semester of my final year
of study, giving me eight months
of experience before I graduated.
I’m now enjoying the challenges of
working as a case manager.

                                                                                             Senior Program Officer, Youth Justice,
                                                                                             and QUT scholarship recipient

                                                                                             My work assists the Department of
                                                                                             Justice and the Attorney-General
                                                                                             to develop culturally responsive
                                                                                             approaches to reducing the over-
     FELICIT Y FRAIN                                                                         representation of Aboriginal and Torres
                                                                                             Strait Islander young people in the
     Justice graduate
                                                                                             criminal justice system.
     I work within the Criminal Asset Confiscation Taskforce where I identify proceeds of
                                                                                             While at QUT I received a range of
     crime and restrain assets purchased with those proceeds. Often these proceeds are
                                                                                             scholarships, from Oodgeroo Unit
     from criminal activities such as drug importation, fraud and money laundering. I was
                                                                                             scholarships to Equity scholarships.
     always interested in investigative work and through networking within the QUT justice
                                                                                             They assisted with my basic needs
     community I formed relationships with mentors who told me about the Australian
                                                                                             including living expenses and
     Federal Police and assisted me in my application process.
                                                                                             accommodation. Without these
                                                                                             scholarships and the support of the
                                                                                             Oodgeroo Unit I would not have been
                                                                                             able to complete my studies.

In honours, you specialise in your chosen discipline and complete a major project that develops your applied research skills
to an advanced level and prepares you for professional practice.


Campus Gardens Point | Duration 1 year full time, 2 years part time | Total credit points 96 | Entry February

An honours degree identifies you as a               Honours provides you with advanced                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
future innovator and leader in your field.          analytical skills, develops your research             A completed QUT Bachelor of Justice
Honours is available to high-achieving              skills, broadens your knowledge of a                  or equivalent recognised degree with a
students on completion of the Bachelor of           specific professional field and extends               minimum grade point average of 5.0 (on
Justice course.                                     your knowledge of the theories of law or              QUT’s 7-point scale) is required for entry.
                                                    justice, leading to opportunities for higher          The bachelor degree must have been
In the Bachelor of Justice (Honours)
                                                    degree studies and giving you an edge in              completed within the last two years.
you will undertake units in advanced
                                                    your professional life.
research skills, key theories and                                                                         Applicants must nominate a proposed
concepts in criminology, and honours                Honours students have investigated                    project topic and identify a prospective
research methods before completing                  important and absorbing topics such as:               supervisor from within their field of study.
your substantial research project with              •   impairment of the mind and the right to           Places are subject to topic suitability and
the support of an academic supervisor.                  give sexual consent                               supervisory availability.
Your project will culminate in a thesis             •   news coverage of domestic violence
and give you the opportunity to pursue                  homicide
original lines of thought and formulate
                                                    •   politicisation of the genocide label
and test hypotheses. You will also
                                                    •   murder by falling—analysis of staged
develop problem-solving strategies,
                                                        fatal falls
make decisions and demonstrate high
                                                    •   gendered representation of male and
ethical standards, pursue awareness
                                                        female terrorists in Australian media
of sociocultural and equity issues, and
develop professional accountability.                •   ‘African’ women on ‘mail-order bride’
                                                    •   cyberbullying and young Australians.

                                                                                                                MELISSA NELSON
                                                                                                                Justice (Honours) graduate

                                                                                                                On an overseas posting I
                                                                                                                work closely with the foreign
                                                                                                                government, as well as
                                                                                                                Australian government agencies,
                                                                                                                to support the delivery of
                                                                                                                Australia’s visa program. This
                                                                                                                unique environment demands
                                                                                                                a certain skillset to ensure
                                                                                                                bilateral relationships are
                                                                                                                maintained through the
                                                                                                                provision of high-quality client
                                                                                                                services. The course content
                                                                                                                offered at QUT is second to
                                                                                                                none—I still find moments
                                                                                                                where information and skills that
                                                                                                                I learnt at university are relevant
                                                                                                                to tasks I am doing now.

     WHY STUDY A DOUBLE DEGREE                         •   You’ll develop a range of transferable             compulsory parts of each single degree
     WITH LAW AND JUSTICE?                                 skills you can use in almost any                   and using your electives or optional units
     There are so many great reasons to study              occupation or industry. These                      to complete your second study area.
     a double degree with law and justice.                 transferable skills—communication,
                                                                                                              Many students choose double degrees
                                                           interpersonal, critical-thinking,
     Here are just a few.                                                                                     that have classes at both Gardens
                                                           problem-solving and adaptability
          You can combine two bachelor                                                                        Point and Kelvin Grove campuses. A
                                                           skills—are becoming increasingly
          degrees into a single course of study                                                               free shuttle bus runs between these
                                                           important to employers in today’s
          that meets your individual motivations                                                              campuses every 10 minutes during
                                                           competitive job market.
          and interests.                                                                                      semester.
          Save on time and money. You can
                                                       HOW DOES IT WORK?

          complete your studies in less time than                                                             HOW TO APPLY
          two single degrees.                          Most law double degrees only take a year
                                                                                                              You apply for a double degree the same
                                                       and a half more to complete than a single
     •    The job market is constantly changing.                                                              way as you would apply for a single
                                                       degree and most justice double degrees
          With a double degree, you’ll develop                                                                degree. Each double degree has its own
                                                       only take a year more to complete than a
          specialist skills and knowledge across                                                              QTAC code.
                                                       single degree. Double degree students
          two complementary fields. Combine
                                                       usually have the same number of units
          your law and justice studies with
                                                       each semester as a single degree student.
          another study area for an even wider
          range of career opportunities.               This is achieved by studying only the

         Combine a degree in     with a degree in          Career opportunities

         Justice                 Digital media             Digital media skills are a valuable addition for roles in law enforcement, government and
                                                           private sector intelligence and security agencies, crime prevention agencies, and a range of
                                                           community and government organisations.

                                 Human services            Work as a case manager in communities and non-government agencies, counsellor, policy
                                                           development officer, community development officer, welfare officer, youth worker, child
                                                           protection officer and family service officer. Other opportunities include careers in aged
                                                           services, disability services, child protection, community corrections, community education
                                                           or health, or in aid work.

                                 Journalism                Opportunities include working as a journalist with a specialty in areas of justice such as
                                                           criminology, policing, policy and governance, a media manager for legal environments, or an
                                                           analyst of legal matters for media organisations.

                                 Law                       Pursue a career as a solicitor, in-house counsel for industry, government and other
                                                           organisations, ministerial adviser, public prosecutor, public defender (Legal Aid), alternative
                                                           dispute resolution, policy officer, investigator for government, insurance and banking
                                                           industries, member of federal or state police services or customs officer.

                                 Professional              Use your skills as a communications manager, in-house writer or public relations specialist
                                 communication             for private and public sector organisations in the justice field.

                                 Psychology                Work in state and federal law enforcement, private security, defence services, foreign
                                                           aid programs, customs, public policy development, criminal justice institutions such as
                                                           corrections, rehabilitation services, and family services.

         Law                     Biomedical science        Pursue a career as a solicitor, barrister, in-house counsel, government lawyer or mediator.
                                                           Graduates may also work in consultancy through the innovation and commercialisation of
                                                           infrastructure including, for example, regulation, compliance and clinical trials.

                                 Business                  Work as a legal practitioner, barrister, in-house lawyer, government lawyer, policy officer or
                                                           adviser. This course is ideal for specialist areas such as corporate law, company takeovers,
                                                           mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, compliance, taxation law, insolvency
                                                           practice and intellectual property law.

                                 Creative industries       Combine these areas for a career as an in-house lawyer for cultural institutions, government
                                                           or regulatory bodies, lawyer with special interests in creative industries.

                                 Creative writing          Use your law and written communication skills for roles such as in-house lawyer, solicitor in
                                                           private practice, policy adviser, intellectual property lawyer, crime writer.

                                 Digital media             Apply your legal expertise to jobs in the communication industries or use your digital and
                                                           social media skills in specialist legal practices such as privacy, freedom of speech, litigation
                                                           or criminal law.

Combine a degree in         with a degree in             Career opportunities

 Law                         Entertainment industries Work as a lawyer specialising in clients in the media and communication arena, intellectual
                                                      property lawyer, defamation lawyer, entertainment director, producer, publisher, or in-house
                                                      lawyer for an organisation specialising in events, large-scale performances or theme parks.

                             Film, screen and new         Enjoy a career as a director, scriptwriter, production manager, media lawyer involved in
                             media                        copyright disputes, negotiation of licenses and talent agreements, film maker specialising in
                                                          crime or legal content.

                             Industrial design            Develop a career as an in-house lawyer for industrial designers, corporate identity designers
                                                          and new product developers, or intellectual property lawyer.

                             Information technology       Work as a lawyer specialising in cyberlaw, intellectual property and legal regulation of the
                                                          internet, software developer, business analyst, computer scientist, data communications
                                                          specialist, database manager, e-commerce developer, systems analyst or web designer.

                             Journalism                   Pursue specialised journalism careers in legal affairs, politics, crime reporting and foreign
                                                          affairs, or work as a solicitor, barrister or in-house lawyer including media lawyer.

                             Justice                      Work as a solicitor, in-house counsel for industry, government and other organisations,
                                                          ministerial adviser, public prosecutor, public defender (Legal Aid), alternative dispute
                                                          resolution, policy officer, investigator for government, insurance and banking industries,
                                                          member of federal or state police services or customs officer.

                             Psychology                   Pursue a career as a lawyer or psychologist within legal, corporate, government, social and
                                                          clinical arenas. You will enter the workforce with a solid scientific and practical base making
                                                          you suitable for positions in the development of mental health and legal policies, and in
                                                          research in the legal-psychological domain.

                             Science                      Work as a barrister, intellectual property lawyer, policy analyst, contract administrator or
                                                          inventor. You may enter legal practice with the ability to deal with complexities of litigation
                                                          that have a scientific or technological focus such as inventions, trade secrets, quantitative
                                                          evidence, genetic modification and environmental law disputes.

Finance and law student

My double degree enables me to mix
it up between two study areas. I have
interviewed clients, entered negotiations,
and even gone to trial in QUT’s very
own courtroom. As a member of QUT                      ANASTASIA STOENKO
Business School’s international case
                                                       Justice and law student
competition team, I’ve analysed real
business scenarios to come up with                     Doing a double degree is an excellent way to improve your employability. My law degree
creative solutions. I also get to compete              constantly challenges me to develop my problem-solving skills and has improved my
in competitions overseas against                       ability to express myself. Justice is an incredibly interesting degree and has given me
students from across the world.                        a broader understanding of society. As the study of law is arguably a narrow field of
                                                       expertise, the subjects in the justice degree provide real-life context to the law.

See pages 24–25 for OP/selection rank, campus, assumed knowledge and entry requirements.
For more details about these courses including course structure and units, visit www.qut.edu.au/study                                                       21
     1.	FIND THE COURSE THAT                     If you do not have the assumed                    ❱ Equity adjustment—educational
         SUITS YOU                                knowledge we strongly recommend                      disadvantage If you have been
                                                  completing a bridging course through                 disadvantaged in your education, a
     Visit www.qut.edu.au/graduate-success
                                                  QUT or other recognised providers. For               selection rank adjustment and a
     to research courses online and take the
                                                  more information visit www.qut.edu.au/               scholarship may be awarded through
     Match My Skills quiz.
                                                  assumed-knowledge                                    the Educational Access Scheme
     If you would like to experience university                                                        (EAS). You apply for EAS on your QTAC
     first-hand by studying units while at        English language proficiency You
                                                                                                       application. If you are successful when
     high school, consider the START QUT          must demonstrate that you can speak,
                                                                                                       applying for the financial hardship
     program. Visit www.qut.edu.au/startqut       write, read and comprehend academic
                                                                                                       category and you enrol to study at
                                                  English to a specific standard. If you have
                                                                                                       QUT, you will also receive a guaranteed
                                                  an Australian Year 12 qualification, you
     2.	CHECK THE ADMISSION                      meet the English proficiency standards.
                                                                                                       $3500 QUT Equity Scholarship. Visit
         REQUIREMENTS                             If your first language is not English and
     To be eligible for admission to QUT you      you have not previously undertaken
     must have completed Australian Year          either senior schooling, higher study or          ❱ Elite athlete adjustment If you are
     12 (or equivalent), or be aged 17 years      significant professional work experience             an elite athlete, referee or coach, we
     or older and be applying on the basis of     in the English language as recognised by             encourage you to apply for the QUT
     previous study or work/life experience.      QUT, you will be required to demonstrate             elite athlete entry scheme via QTAC,
                                                  your English language proficiency. Visit             which offers an adjustment of up six
     How selection is made For most QUT
                                                  www.qut.edu.au/assumed-knowledge                     selection ranks (equivalent to three
     courses you will be selected on the basis
                                                                                                       OPs) to eligible applicants. Support
     of an OP or selection rank. Exceptions       OP and International Baccalaureate
                                                                                                       with managing your studies and
     may apply to some courses with               Guarantee If you receive an OP 1–5,
                                                                                                       scholarships may also be available.
     additional entry requirements. OPs and       a selection rank of 93 or better, or an
                                                                                                       Visit www.qut.edu.au/elite-athletes
     selection ranks used in this publication     International Baccalaureate Diploma score
     are from the January 2018 QTAC offer         of 33 or better, you will be offered a place in   ❱ Year 12 subject scheme QUT
     round and are the lowest OP/selection        courses participating in the OP Guarantee.           offers selection rank adjustments for
     rank to which an offer was made inclusive    This means that when you find out your               successfully passing certain school
     of any adjustment factors (equity,           OP or selection rank you can assess your             subjects, or completing a university
     elite athlete or subject adjustments).       eligibility for a QUT course before receiving        subject while at school (e.g. START
     Published thresholds should be used          an offer. You still need to lodge a QTAC             QUT) for 2018 Year 12 students
     as a guide only. Thresholds can change       application by the closing date.                     applying for entry in 2019. Visit
     from year to year depending on the                                                                www.qut.edu.au/entry-bonus
     number of applications, the standard of
                                                  3.	INVESTIGATE THE                               Aboriginal and Torres Strait
     the applicants (OP/selection rank) and
                                                      ADMISSION PATHWAYS                            Islander people The Oodgeroo
     the number of places available in the
                                                  Your background You may have                      Unit’s Centralised Assessment Selection
     course (quota). For more information
                                                  different entry options depending on your         Program is an entry program that assists
     about OPs/selection ranks see the online
                                                  background, such as Year 12, vocational           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
     course information at www.qut.edu.au/
                                                  education and training (VET), higher              applicants by recognising life experiences,
                                                  education study or work experience.               any study undertaken, and skills,
     Additional entry requirements                Selection ranks can be assigned to                commitment and potential. If you have
     Some courses have additional entry           each of your individual qualifications and        identified via QTAC as an Indigenous
     requirements. For details visit              experience. QUT will generally use the            Australian and list QUT in your top three
     www.qut.edu.au/additional-entry              best of the OP/selection ranks to assess          preferences, the Oodgeroo Unit will
                                                  your eligibility. Exceptions may apply to         contact you. Financial and study support
     Assumed knowledge For most
                                                  some courses including courses with               is also available. Visit
     courses, QUT has an assumed
                                                  additional entry requirements. For more           www.qut.edu.au/about/oodgeroo
     knowledge scheme for domestic
     students. This means that we don’t use       information visit www.qut.edu.au/study/           Domestic students with overseas
     specific school subjects as entry criteria   entry-pathways                                    qualifications QUT will consider
     for our courses, however we assume           Selection rank adjustments You may                equivalent recognised overseas
     you have the knowledge either through        be eligible for selection rank adjustments,       qualifications for admissions purposes.
     high school subjects or bridging courses.    making you more competitive for a                 If you have secondary or tertiary
     You may struggle with your studies if you    course offer. The maximum possible                qualifications from countries where
     don’t have this knowledge.                   adjustment is 10 selection ranks                  English (as recognised by QUT) is not
                                                  (equivalent to five OPs) across all entry         the standard language of instruction,
                                                  schemes. Adjustments may not apply to             you must provide evidence of English
                                                  all courses.                                      language proficiency. For more
                                                                                                    information contact QTAC—

You can also read