Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong

Page created by Mitchell Martin
Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
St Joseph’s College Geelong

     Year 9
 Subject Handbook 2019

Compassion    Innovation     Integrity
Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
Welcome to
        The Year 9 Campus of
    St Joseph’s College Geelong

                             Dear Parents,
Welcome to Westcourt. Opened in 2014, our Westcourt campus
is specifically designed to meet the needs of year nine boys. The
programs at Westcourt set out to support boys’ learning and wellbeing
needs, foster independent learning and assist their transition to the
senior years. Westcourt provides students with wonderful learning
opportunities in high quality facilities as they mature as adult learners.

                      Tony Paatsch - Principal

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
St Joseph’s College Geelong
    A Catholic College for Boys

    The College Crest

                           The Cross of Christ:          Symbol of our hope and salvation.
                           The Southern Cross:           Symbol of our Australian heritage.
                           The Scriptures:               God is present in His Living Word.
                           Alpha and Omega:              Christ is the Beginning and the End.
                           Ad Alta Virtute:              To strive for the highest.
                           The College Colours:          Red, black and gold.

    Our Shared Vision
    We, the St Joseph’s College Community, are committed to continue education in the Catholic
    tradition, through the example of Jesus Christ, our beginning and end. Moved by the story of Edmund
    Rice and inspired by the gospel values of love and justice, we encourage one another “to strive
    for the highest”, to develop and use our talents and abilities, and to respect and show compassion
    towards others. Through the development of partnerships, we show that we value the contribution
    of students, staff and families, past and present. In our service to the wider community, we see our
    school as being a place of hope and encouragement in our world today.

    St Joseph’s College and Edmund Rice Education
    Our College is proud to be part of the Edmund Rice Tradition. Edmund was born in an area known
    as Westcourt in Ireland. A deliberate attempt will be made to familiarise the Year 9 students with
    Edmund’s story which includes his Irish heritage.

    We draw on the Edmund Rice Education Australia charter, aspiring to be faithful to the four touchstones
    – Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community and Justice and Solidarity.

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
Why Westcourt?
Reasons behind a separate Campus

For many years those involved in the education of students in
middle years and in particular Year 9, have recognised that it
can be a challenging year for teachers and students and that
traditional modes of learning and teaching don’t successfully
or fully engage the majority of Year 9 students to meet theirr
learning needs. A great deal of research in Australia, US, UK
and Canada supported this understanding and underpinned
our decision for a separate Year 9 Campus..
Having our own campus allows us to run our own programs
with our own teachers. The Westcourt Campus timetable is
separate from the Edmund Rice Campus timetable and this
allows a great deal of flexibility. The journey of the Year 9
students can occur in a separate setting where the group can
really come together as a year level. Based on research and
discussion with other schools, we are confident that the boys’
return to the Senior School will be enhanced by the increased confidence and awareness gained from
their sense of belonging to the year level and of the gifts they bring to the group.
The notion of living and learning in the community is central to our philosophy at St Joseph’s College.
Hence having staff dedicated to the Westcourt Campus is paramount as it will enable the building
of strong relationships between staff and students. The core team of staff have opted to teach at
the campus because they really want to be there. The emphasis on strong relationships promotes
greater openness to learning, a strong sense of connectedness and self-confidence.

The Year 9 Program Aims To Develop Students Who:
• Are independent, self-aware learners who set goals, reflect and evaluate

   their own progress.

• Are confident to take risks with, and responsibility for their own learning.

• Pose critical questions about their world and can use traditional online and

   community resources to develop responses.

• Work co-operatively to complete a variety of tasks with teams of peers.

• Are socially aware, ethical and caring global citizens.

• Are connected to fellow students, staff and The College and see themselves

   as members of a learning community.

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
    Of the Westcourt Campus

    The curriculum is designed, constructed and delivered by the core team based at Westcourt with
    a focus on differentiated and authentic learning. The campus incorporates technology and uses
    traditional classrooms as well as open learning spaces Contemporary furniture allows for flexibility
    and mobility for group work as well as individual tasks. The Project Based Learning approach
    continues at Westcourt, to assist our students to become life-long, global, independent learners.
    Leadership skills are explicitly taught, with numerous opportunities to develop these skills in practical
    ways, primarily in service to others.
    Students are encouraged to make critical decisions when given the opportunity. This could be in
    relation to subject choices or choices given within the curriculum, for example, Physical Activity For
    Healthy Lifestyles (PAHL), assessment tasks in core subjects and electives, The Rite Journey, camps
    and other extra-curricular activities.

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
One of the aims at Westcourt is to ensure that we work towards building an active and thriving
community. By fostering relationships, students, teachers and parents help promote community and
connectedness through a shared sense of purposeful and meaningful learning. At Westcourt we
endeavour to provide avenues where students can express their creativity, challenge and support
each other’s ideas and importantly, promote ownership and responsibility for their school and
classroom environment.

Students’ core subjects will be conducted in their Homerooms. Homerooms at Westcourt are paired
to allow for greater collaboration between students and teachers, a key component of Project Based

Teaching Staff
At Westcourt we value learning partnerships with the parents and the wider community, and which
focus on opportunities for growth. Each student’s Homeroom teacher will also be either a core
teacher of ‘Think’ or ‘Investigate’ as well as Religious Education, or The Rite Journey. The intention
of this multidisciplinary approach is to support and foster student and teacher relationships and
through extended contact time over the course of each week. The nature of specialist subjects
(Enrichment) may require some staff to travel from the Edmund Rice Campus.

Parent Learning Partnerships
Learning partnerships raise parents’ awareness of their ability to improve their children’s learning.
Effective learning partnerships involve schools, parents and the community committing to work
together to take action to improve students’ learning and engagement at school and at home.
Engagement through learning partnerships has been shown to have a significant impact on student
learning outcomes. At Westcourt we encourage parent involvement in all school related activities
including volunteering on camps, workshops, fund raising initiatives and attendance at the Rite Journey
presentation and school events such as the Westcourt Expo.

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong
    Overview and Timetable

    Project Based Learning
    The introduction of Project Based Learning (PBL) is an innovation that has made St. Joseph’s College’s
    approach to instruction unique in the Geelong area. PBL is the educational approach from Year
    7-10. At Year 9, PBL is incorporated into the core subjects of THINK, INVESTIGATE and Religious
    Education as well as extension into other subject areas and electives. PBL is a teaching method in
    which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate
    and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge. Students engage in rigorous projects
    within discreet disciplines and at times integrated with other subject areas. PBL projects follow the
    Victorian Curriculum achievement standards with a focus on challenging students to investigate
    curriculum that has a real world connection. Students develop enterprise skills in critical and creative
    thinking, technology use, collaboration, presentation skills, investigation and communication in order
    to create rigorous and authentic learning products.

    Assessment And Reporting
    Assessment at Westcourt is based upon class work, homework, major assessment tasks. Formal
    examinations will occur at the end of each semester. Students will also have the opportunity to
    showcase their achievements and successes at the end of semester Westcourt Expo.
    Parent-teacher-student interviews will be held each semester. The Expo and interviews provide
    opportunities for parents, students and teachers to share insights into the student’s learning and

    Westcourt Expo
    A unique event held at the end of Semester 1, the Westcourt Expo, focuses on celebrating the
    achievements and successes of the students by recognising their hard work and focused commitment
    to curriculum and personal goals. Parents and friends are invited to attend this special day as they
    have played an important role in supporting the students in achieving these goals. The event is
    hosted, catered for and managed by the students and will showcase their work and achievements.
                                              The expo is also an opportunity for parents, friends and
                                              teachers to participate in student led workshops and
                                              guest speaker presentations.


Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong

The core curriculum in Year 9 develops, extends and applies acquired skills and knowledge to real
life contexts and issues. Through the PBL core subjects, students develop hypotheses, test solutions,
explore diverse opinions, engage in self-reflection and become truly engaged in the learning process.

Think         English And Humanities
Think is an integrated English and Humanities PBL curriculum that is progressive, experiential and
explicit in its teaching of concepts and skills.
The aim of Think is to appreciate, enjoy and use the English language in all its variations and develop a
sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings, convey information, form ideas, facilitate interaction
with others, and develop an understanding of human societies and environments, people and their
cultures in the past and the present.

Investigate              Maths And Science
The Mathematics and Science components of Investigate run separately.
Science projects within Investigate, such as Mythbusters, encourage students to plan an investigation
to acquire and put to use their research skills and inquiry processes to ‘bust a science myth’. Their
very own Mythbusters video will communicate their evidence-based conclusions. Other units explore
key scientific content such as Atomic Theory, Electric Circuits and Body and Communication Systems.
Students demonstrate their learning through a range of Culminating products including informational
videos, practical written report write-ups, oral presentations and an end of unit exhibition.
The Mathematics component of Investigate will cover a range of mathematical concepts through
a problem solving approach that encourages students to apply basic skills to real life scenarios.
Topics covered include: Whole Number, Financial Maths, Linear equations and graphs, Measurement,
Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability.

Physical Activity For Healthy Lifestyles (PAHL)
An emphasis for students in Year 9 is to encourage participation in physical activity and to provide
the opportunity to nurture valuable skills in leadership, team work, commitment, discipline and
Students participate in 100 minutes of physical activity each week exploring a range of sports,
enhancing fundamental motor skills and extending their knowledge and awareness of game sense.

Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education at St Joseph’s College aims to support our students in their development
as self-aware, responsible, resilient young men, looking to Jesus Christ and Blessed Edmund Rice as
role models. Religious Education at Westcourt allows the boys to reflect on their own journey, their
connection to others in their local community and the impact they can have on the wider world,
particularly as they transition from adolescence to manhood. They will explore the importance of
social justice, locally and globally.

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong

    The Rite Journey
    The Rite Journey is an educational program that involves ceremonial rites of passage and
    a mentoring component aimed to support the development of self-aware, vital, responsible and
    resilient students. The curriculum for The Rite Journey follows four themes: Relationship with: Self,
    Others, God and the World.
    • Who am I really?
    • Gender identity and construction
    • How do I get on with others?
    • Love, relationships and sexuality
    • Anger, bullying, depression and violence
    • Is there something more?
    • Stillness, meditation and relaxation
    • Where am I going?
    • What I have to offer the world.

    Visit for more information about The Rite Journey

Year 9 Subject Handbook 2019 - Compassion - Geelong

Students will have choice in selecting one Challenge each Semester and one Enrichment each
Students choose electives that not only spark an interest but also provide an opportunity to challenge
and motivate.
The study of a Language is a year-long subject, and will be placed in the Enrichment block one
Semester and in the Challenge block the following Semester. This option allows students to choose
additional Challenge and Enrichment electives.
Students may only choose one sports based elective (Adventure Race or High Performance) during
the year.
If a student is currently enrolled in Extra English at Year 8, he must choose “Extra! Extra!” as one of
his Enrichment selections.

Challenge is a project based program incorporating skills of creative expression. Students are
asked to select from a myriad of interest-based activities.Through experiential learning students will
develop a knowledge culture, work collaboratively on projects and place value on communication, in
terms of both content and process. Students present their projects to a wider audience.
A major focus of Challenge will be the students’ involvement in service learning where they apply
their newly acquired skills and knowledge to address a genuine community need.

Due to the practical focus of the elective, each Challenge subject will be subjected to a $50 levy,
there is no levy charge for Language Challenge subjects.
Students are required to select one Challenge each semester from the following:

Goal: To acquire the skills and physical capacity to compete in an adventure race at the conclusion
of an intense dedicated training program.
Key Curriculum Focus: Outdoor Education, Physical Education,Theory and Environmental Science
Cross Curricular Focus: Health, Nutrition, Information Technology and Indigenous Perspectives
Have you heard the one about grown men screaming in pain after thrashing their way through a
forest full of the world’s most poisonous foliage? Or the yarn about scooting the remaining 60 km
of a race with only one pedal on a mountain bike? How about the time an adventure racer put out
his hand to grab a wayward paddle and clasped a croc’s head instead?
No? Haven’t heard these anecdotes? Good. Best not be exposed to that until you’ve done your
beginner’s course in adventure racing, because the take-note clue in this sport is most definitely
the word ‘adventure’.
This Challenge involves resilience, perseverance, teamwork, adaptability and strategy. Students will be
exposed to the elements in training in a variety of disciplines (kayaking, swimming, surfing, mountain
biking, trail running etc.) with the intention and goal to compete in an adventure race held at the end
of the Semester. Most importantly this challenge is about having fun with friends and thriving in the
outdoor environment.

     Goal: To acquire the holistic skills needed to successfully compete in an extracurricular sport.
     Major Curriculum Focus: Health, Physical and Education Theory
     Cross Curricular Focus: Outdoor Education, Environmental Science, Religious Education (Justice
     and Peace), Information Technology

     “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed” – Michael Jordan
     Do you love sport? Want to take your sport to the next level? Believe that success isn’t given, that
     it’s earned? Is an athlete born or made? Elect yourself into the High Performance Academy, on one
     condition- you bring your sporting best whether it be beginner, intermediate or advanced and better it.
     This Challenge program allows you to analyse a sport of your choice and discover ways to enhance
     your own sporting performance with a combination of practical and theoretical elements. Students
     design their own training program and run workshops that will enhance their skills and help promote
     a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately you will become experienced to design and participate in a training
     program and gain advantage over the competition.

     Goal: To design and build a particular piece of furniture you will cherish for years to come.
     Key Curriculum Focus: Design and Technologies (Materials – Wood)
     Cross Curricular Focus: Sustainability
     Using the design process, you start by having an initial meeting with a client. You then need to write
     up a design brief and produce preliminary sketches followed by detailed drawings. Once the final
     design has been chosen, you bring the design to life using a wide range of power tools, hand tools
     and finishing techniques. You have the opportunity to work with some beautiful Australian timbers
     and create a piece of furniture you will cherish for years to come. This could be your chance to part
     of the next generation of grand designers!

     STUDIO ARTS - 2D & 3D ART
     Goal: To generate a range of artworks to be presented in unusual ways in a final presentation
     Key Curriculum Focus: Art
     Cross Curricular Focus: Sustainability, Information Technology and Religious Education (Justice
     and Peace), Media, Indigenous and Asian Perspectives.
     An introduction to 2D and 3D Drawing, Painting and Digital Art to create a folio of Artworks.
     Students learn a variety of media and techniques, focusing on drawing, painting and digital work.
     You will develop knowledge and skills on mixed media, as well as focusing on drawing and painting
     methods to create illusions of space and form.
     You will produce computer-manipulated images, and develop artistic vocabulary. You will also study
     real life artists and learn how to analyse, discuss and compare artworks.


Goal: For students to experience the process a Graphic Designer goes through in applying design
skills to fulfil a number of Design Briefs
Key Curriculum Focus: Visual Communication and Design
Cross Curricular Focus: Sustainability, Information Technology and RE (Justice and Peace),
Indigenous and Asian Perspectives.

You will walk in the shoes of a Graphic Designer in using the design process and applied design skills
to fulfil a number of design briefs including logo design, T Shirt design, digital design using Adobe
Photoshop and Illustrator, and a number of creative drawing exercises.

This introduction to Visual Communication Design elements includes rendering and drawing
techniques [freehand, technical and computer], layout and composition, product design and promotion.

Key Curriculum Focus: Languages
Possible Career Projections: Journalism, Diplomat, Politics

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Put your language skills to use by participating in language based excursions and community service
activities off campus, whilst continuing to build on the grammar and vocabulary you learnt in year 8.
Play bocce, cook some Italian food and learn to speak with your hands! Who knows? This may lead
to job opportunities or travel to “La Bella Italia” down the track!

Key Curriculum Focus: Languages
Possible Career Projections: Journalism, Diplomat, Politics

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Continue to build on the grammar and vocabulary you learnt in semester 1 and continue to use your
Chinese outside of the classroom. You take part in a community service project where you will use
Chinese to converse with the people around you. For your Challenge project you will create a Chinese
restaurant on campus where you plan, organise and cook a Chinese inspired menu for your parents.

Goal: Working as a member of a rock band/small ensemble to develop group performance skills,
recording and performing for a variety of audiences, song writing, and working with music technology.
Curriculum focus: Music Performance (group), audio technology
Cross Curricular focus: Media, Information technology
“Music can change the world because it can change people” - Bono
If you enjoy working with other musicians to create and perform in a fun and supportive environment,
then this is the place for you! Learn the basics of good rehearsal techniques, song writing, recording
and performing. Learn from people directly involved in the industry and develop your own goals
along the way. Develop your ensemble and performance skills, make a music demo, use music
technology to enhance your performance and maybe write the next big hit!


     Goal: To design, construct, program and control robots with building sets and computer software.
     Key Curriculum Focus: Systems Technology, Information technology, Critical and creative thinking.

     If you are interested in the application of technology, using coding and programming to solve problems
     through computational and critical thinking, then this subject is for you! This type of thinking is
     becoming a highly valued skill in technology driven businesses.

     You will be able to use micro controllers (Arduinos) to solve real world challenges through problem
     solving activities and coding. Systems technology and design is an effective way for you to enhance
     your learning in the important areas of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) curriculum
     in a fun, engaging and hands-on way.

     Goal: To interpret and analyse the lyrics of songs that you love, and to piece it all together in a
     project of your own creation.
     Key Curriculum Focus: English
     Cross Curricular Focus: Critical and Creative Thinking, The Humanities, The Arts.

     Let’s face it, we’ve all got that one band, rapper, song or album that we’re literally obsessed with. In
     Behind the Lyrics, we ask that you bring that obsession into the classroom and analyse the meaning
     of your favourite songs. All genres welcome.

     Students start by selecting and dissecting lyrics that they love. They analyse the words, and explore
     issues and themes that they find interesting and link them with other aspects of life, society and
     culture. Projects are creative and student-driven, and submitted in a format of student preference
     (such as vlogs, websites, slam poetry, etc.). Behind the Lyrics is English, mixed with headphones, a love
     of music and freedom of expression. Think of it like, only at school.

     Goal: To research the life of an influential person and write their biography.
     Key Curriculum Focus: English, Humanities, Interpersonal skills.
     Cross Curricular Focus: Information technology, Media and Film studies.

     Do you enjoy talking with people? Do you enjoy reading about people’s lives? Ever wanted to write a
     book? “Tell my story” combines all these interests and more.You will choose a person you know, such
     as a grandparent, teacher or family friend and write their biography. Reading and dissecting written
     and visual biographies will equip you with the necessary writing skills; interviews and research will
     provide your source material; blood, sweat and tears will bring it all together! Your teacher will
     become both editor and encourager.You will get to know your chosen person at a deeper level, and
     imagine the satisfaction and pride you will both feel on the day you present them with the precious
     gift of a sizeable and beautifully bound edition of their life story.


Goal: To develop a kitchen garden which can provide resources for Westcourt classes present and
in the future.
Cross Curricular Focus: Technology, Science,Agriculture, Interpersonal and Communication skills.

Kitchen Garden students will have a huge task ahead of them: turning a large grassed area into a
working Kitchen Garden. The challenge is for you to grow and harvest food for Food Technology
classes, as well as for your own cooking.

You will construct new garden beds, an irrigation system, paths etc, as well as grow food plants
from seeds, plant fruit trees and explore modern food production methods such as hydroponics,
aquaponics and interior vertical walls of food.

Goal: To develop research, collaborative and communication skills whilst working as a team on long
term ambitious projects to solve real world problems.
Cross Curricular Focus: Interdisciplinary - STEAM – Science/Technology/English/Engineering/

Does being mentored by leading academics and industry professionals sound exciting? Would you
like to work with students and teachers from other schools? Do you enjoy working on challenging
projects collaboratively as a team? Then the Bradbury Club is for you!

The Bradbury Club is a unique group that performs ambitious, long-term projects to benefit students
and the community. Teams perform engaging, open-ended, real-world projects to achieve tangible
results. One major project amongst many to start in 2019 is the Bradbury Club Drone Racing team.
This project will also investigate how drones can be used in the community. You will be developing
important skills that are highly valued in the workplace and building a resume to enable you to stand
out from your peers. All students will have the opportunity to join in optional afterschool sessions
which run each semester and across all year levels.


     Enrichment is a diverse and differentiated program aiming to promote skill acquisition as well as to
     meet students’ learning needs within a framework which accommodates their intellectual, emotional,
     physical and social development.
     Enrichment enhances and broadens students’ knowledge and skills before specialisation occurs at
     later year levels. Through active participation in student-centred lessons, students are encouraged to
     select subjects on the basis of enrichment, breadth and possible career interests.
     Enrichment electives will be assessed with an end of semester examination.

     Key Curriculum Focus: Biology, Environmental Science.
     Possible Career Projections: Marine Biologist, Ecologist, Zoologist, Climate Specialist,
     Environmentalist, Water Protection, Waste Management, Sustainability, and many more.
     Do you have a passion for the environment? Does pollution and waste concern you? Are you fascinated with
     the huge amounts of animals and plants that live in our oceans?
     Science of the sea will appeal to lovers of the oceans and the wonderful assets that make up our
     marine environments.You will investigate the ecology of the organisms that make the sea their home.
     You will examine some of the issues that threaten and challenge this precious environment such as
     plastic pollution, bioaccumulation and bio-magnification. You will also have the chance to learn what
     makes up an ecosystem, what threatens them and how do we fit into the picture?

     Key Curriculum Focus: Music and Performance
     Possible Career Projections: Musician, music education, composer, music therapy, instrument
     development, radio & television.
     Pre-requisites: Students should have at least 1 year experience on the instrument of their choice.
     The ability to read music is an advantage.
     Are you an aspiring musician? Do you want to develop your skills, prepare yourself for the
     possibility of a career in the music industry, understand how music works and use that to your
     advantage as a musician or composer? Do you enjoy playing music with likeminded individuals and
     want to further develop your musical skills? The music performance subject will open your ears
     to music in a way you never thought possible. Learn about the intricacies of melody, harmony and
     rhythm and the complexities in between. Develop and perform music from a variety of genres in a
     group and solo setting.
     “Without music, life would be a mistake” – Frederick Nietzsche

     Key Curriculum Focus: English
     Possible Career Projections: Strengthening literacy which may assist a range of occupations.
     This enrichment subject aims to assist you in improving in your literacy and numeracy by
     consolidating the work undertaken in your Think subject. You will have the opportunity to seek
     clarification as well as consolidate your understanding through scaffolded tasks. If you participated
     in Extra English at Year 8, select this subject as one of your Enrichment choices.


MATHS IN THE AIR (based on teacher’s advice)
Key Curriculum Focus: Mathematics, Science
Possible Career Projections: Engineer, Building and Construction, Architecture, Scientist
Look around you… bridges, buildings, boxes, money, maps and motors. What do they all have in
common? The answer is MATHS! Real maths that relates to real life challenges!
This Enrichment subject isn’t just about learning maths, it is about finding maths in our day to day
world. Theory will be mixed with the practical as you cover algebra, quadratics, measurement and
scale drawing, while working in teams to build a variety of models.
Maths in the Air is ideal if you are thinking of undertaking Physics, Mathematical Methods or
Specialist Maths in VCE, but would really suit anyone who likes a hands-on approach to maths.

Key Curriculum Focus: Think
Possible Career Projections: Journalist, Writer
“To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair.The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed
- the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die,
and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never
perish.” - The Great Dictator
Is this the greatest speech you have ever heard?
This is a subject that assists in developing confidence in speaking publicly. Learn to:
•       Create powerful presentations
•       Speak with power and passion
•       Connect with confidence to your audience
•       Engage an audience
•       Speak with conviction and purpose
•       Be a greater orator

Goal: Developing the skills needed in food preparation, with designing, planning, researching,
producing and evaluating.
Key Curriculum Focus: Design and Technology (Food Studies).
Possible Career Projections: Chef, Nutritionist, Food scientist
In this unit you will investigate a range of different foods and cuisines from many cultures.You will be
introduced to the design process through designing, planning, researching, producing and evaluating
various food products.Throughout this unit you will develop safe and hygienic work practices, during
the weekly practical activities. This is excellent preparation for Year 10 Food Studies.


     Key Curriculum Focus: English, Literature
     Possible Career Projections: Lawyer, Writer, Commentator, Journalist, Teacher.
     Let’s explore how boys and young men are represented in Australian culture by various contemporary
     authors. How do authors such as Tim Winton and Christos Tsiolkas convey their ideas about what
     it means to be male? And how could you use your own creative writing to uncover your own ideas?
     This elective subject introduces you to the study of Australian literature, with an explicit focus
     on constructions of masculinity and adolescence within contemporary texts. You will develop core
     literary analysis and creative writing skills. If you’re thinking of taking VCE Literature or wish to
     extend your English skills, consider selecting this subject. (As this is an extension unit, discuss your
     suitability with your current English teacher).

     Key Curriculum Focus: Psychology
     Possible Career Projections: Criminologist, Psychologist, Forensic science
     Have you ever wondered what people are thinking? Or why some people behave the way they do?
     Or, perhaps you’d like to be a human lie detector? If so, you might be interested in studying Inside the
     Criminal Mind; a psychology-based subject where you can explore elements of forensic psychology
     such as criminal, abnormal and social psychology and biology. Activities will involve developing and
     testing hypotheses, investigating case studies and crime scene investigations, as well as conducting
     psychological experiments.

     Key Curriculum Focus: Studio Arts
     Possible Career Projections: Photo journalism, Advertising and Marketing, Media,
     Cinematographer, Commercial photography.
     Learn how to take better photographs!
     Explore digital photography. Learn the tricks of the trade and create stunning outdoor and studio
     photographs. You have the opportunity to combine photography with other mediums to create
     unique photographic artworks. You look at the work of professional photographers and artists as
     a source of inspiration for their own photography. At the conclusion of the study you will have
     produced a portfolio of finished photographs.
     This is an ideal study if you are interested in VCE Studio Arts,VCE Media and Visual Communication
     Design. Photographic studies can help in a variety of careers including; photo journalism, commercial
     photography, media (including cinematographer), advertising and marketing.

     Key Curriculum Focus: Visual and Communication Design
     Possible Career Projections: Architecture, Industrial Design and Engineering,Advertising and Marketing.
     An introduction to technical and architectural drawing along with three-dimensional drawing
     methods; (planometric and perspective) and two-dimensional drawing methods (floor plans and
     elevations and orthogonal drawing). This enrichment activity includes designing your own housing
     “pod” and presenting a dimensioned floorplan and a 3D Planometric Model Drawing.
     The course also covers an introduction to marker rendering and culminates in creating an
     advertisement for an object, which you have drawn and rendered yourself.
     This is an ideal study if you are interested in VCE Visual Communication Design.You will also develop
     skills that will enhance VCE Studio Arts and Media.

Key Curriculum Focus: Information Technology
Possible Career Projections: Information Technology, Game                         designer, Coding       and
Playing computer games is both challenging and fun. But it is actually more fun to design your own
computer game and let other people play. This unit provides you with an insight into one of the
world’s biggest entertainment industries and at the same time, will help you understand how game
developers think. You will work collaboratively using Game Maker 8 software in order to develop a
simple game concept. Game design theory, processes, production and marketing are the main focus
of the course, as well as an investigation into the history and future of the gaming industry. Be aware
that there are always career opportunities available in the computer gaming industry for people with
creative talents and skills in this area. This subject is preparation for VCE Information Technology.

Key Curriculum Focus: Business Management, Economics, Accounting
Possible Career Projections: Small Business owner, Business Manager, Accountant, Marketing
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg all have something in common. They all
had great business ideas. They took a risk and are now well known in almost every household. Is it
possible that you have the next great business idea? Would you like time to take your small business
seed and grow and nurture it into something much bigger? Are you the next budding millionaire
entrepreneur? Then this is the subject for you!
Millionaire 101 introduces you to the world of business and marketing. You create your own business
and marketing plan around your business idea and learn some basic accounting and economic skills
along the way. You then present your business idea to an audience.

Key Curriculum Focus: Music, Drama and Technology (AV)
Possible Career Projections: Music and Drama Performer,Video Editor, Stage Technician,
Designer, Scriptwriter
Have you always wanted to be involved in the wonderful world of show business, name in lights, centre
stage? Or perhaps you have an idea for a great story, a fantastic musical, fabulous costumes, amazing
choreography or incredible set designs?
This Enrichment subject gives you the opportunity to find your niche in the performing arts by working
together to create and present your own masterpiece.Who knows, we could find the next Hugh Jackman
or Baz Lurhman amongst you!
You participate in the creating, making and presenting of a class performance which incorporates all aspects
of the performing arts including learning about the roles of the director, producer, lighting designer, sound
technician and other important roles. You ultimately put together a show that will see you performing at
the Westcourt Expo and other College events.


     Key Curriculum Focus: Media,Visual Arts
     Possible Career Projections: Film and TV Production, Web Design, Radio, Journalism
     This subject introduces you to VCE and senior Media, and equips you with the skills and the language
     to be able to understand concepts that are covered in senior Media Studies.Through film analysis you
     will be exposed to a range of film techniques, directors and media resources that you can draw on
     for future inspiration. You will explore the codes and conventions behind media products and look
     at how that can form representations in a range of media sources.
     Part of the hands-on aspect of the course will be the production of a TV News style program which
     airs during the Gathering (a fortnightly morning assembly). As part of a team, you will shoot and edit
     video reports, write scripts and have a newsreader read the news in front of a green screen.This will
     help build the practical skills required in senior Media Studies such as camerawork, sound recording,
     video editing and live studio skills.

     LANGUAGES - ITALIAN (Semester 1)
     Key Curriculum Focus: Languages
     Possible Career Projections: Journalism, Diplomat, Politics
     “The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein
     Put your language skills to use by participating in language based excursions and community service
     activities off campus, whilst continuing to build on the grammar and vocabulary you learnt in year 8.
     Play bocce, cook some Italian food and learn to speak with your hands! Who knows? This may lead
     to job opportunities or travel to “La Bella Italia” down the track!

     LANGUAGES - CHINESE (Semester 1)
     Key Curriculum Focus: Languages
     Possible Career Projections: Journalism, Diplomat, Politics

     “The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein
     Imagine studying Chinese, whilst participating in community based activities off campus. You take
     part and organise cooking demonstrations, teaching in primary schools and conversing and sharing
     with other schools. These language based activities together with grammar and vocabulary taught in
     school assist in your language learning. Great opportunities for work later on!

Student Leadership
At Westcourt

At St Joseph’s College we challenge all our students so that they    Campus Captain
are made aware of their potential as leaders. We continue the
tradition at Westcourt where student leaders are ambassadors         Deputy Campus Captain
of the College and to the wider community. Student leaders are       Deputy College Captain
supported to take on initiatives that help promote ownership,
                                                                     Foley House Campus Captain
initiate positive change and inspire action.
                                                                     Foley House Campus Deputy
The structure of formal student leadership at Westcourt resembles
closely the leadership structure in the Senior School. The College   Butler House Campus Captain
leadership opportunities are listed in the table below.              Butler House Campus Deputy
                                                                     Brophy House Campus Captain
Extracurricular Activities and
Programs                                                             Brophy House Campus Deputy

Students will be able to participate in extra-curricular activities that Jordan House Campus Captain
have been traditionally offered at St Joseph’s such as music tuition, Jordan House Campus Deputy
debating, chess and sporting competitions.                               Arts Leader
The Project Based Learning curriculum enables students to not Culture Leader
only think about themselves as learners but also to see themselves
as responsible members of the school community, local community Social Justice Leader
and international community. A number of programs have been Sports Leader
developed around the Victorian Curriculum Intercultural Capability
                                                                         Ministry Leader
supporting what is taking place on the campus.


     Westcourt Facilities
     Westcourt Campus facilities are modern, spacious and furnished to suit the Learning programs of our
     Year 9 boys.
     • Twelve individual general purpose classrooms that can be converted to double size learning spaces
     • Two dedicated science classrooms and a science preparation room
     • A dedicated woodwork classroom and machine room
     • A large general purpose learning area, including Library facilities.
     • Food Technology classroom, two Arts/Media classrooms, two music tutorial rooms
     • Fitness room, two outdoor basketball courts, access to ovals at the rear of the campus
     • Outdoor passive recreation area
     • Canteen
     • Buses between both campuses, before and after school
     • Modern Chapel

     Involvement With St Joseph’s College
     Edmund Rice Campus
     Year 9 students participate in all major functions held at the Edmund Rice Campus and specialist facilities,
     Full school assemblies, Athletics Day, Edmund Rice Day and the Swimming Carnival are examples of
     whole school events.

     General Assembly At Westcourt
     Staff and students will gather as a community fortnightly, in the mornings at 9:05am.

     A canteen service is available at Westcourt. Students wishing to buy their lunch will need to fill out an
     order in the morning during Homeroom. Additional purchases can be made at recess and lunchtime.

     The Transition Process for Year 8 students moving to Westcourt occurs in December, with the
     commencement of their Year 9 program in the last week of the school term Year 9 students will also
     participate in an Orientation program at the Edmund Rice Campus, in preparation for the Senior school

     Students can travel from Edmund Rice Campus to Westcourt via six shuttle buses in the morning and
     four shuttle buses returning to Edmund Rice Campus in the afternoon.

     Parents are encouraged to contact the Westcourt staff to find out how their child is progressing, and
     to discuss concerns. An appointment can be made by phoning the College Campus on 5247 7000. The
     Homeroom teachers should be the initial contact point.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Patch
                                                                                          EDMUND FIELD                                                                                                                Shed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Campus Map


     Arts/Media                                                                         Wellbeing Centre                               Toilets        Plant
                   Arts/Media                   Food Tech                                                                                                           Staff
     Classroom     Classroom                    Classroom                                                                                             Room         Office 2             5A                    5B

                                                                                                      IGNATIUS WING

                                       Store                                  Science
     Woodwork        Woodwork                          Science                                  Science                 3A             3B                4A                   4B                    4C
                                       room                                    Prep
     Classroom       Classroom                         Room 2                                   Room 1

                                                                                                                                                 NEW STREET COURTYARD

                                                                  Campus          Head of Head of
                                                  Resource       Counsellor                                                                                                                                                      Callan
                                      Toilets                                     Campus Curriculum                                                                                               Education
                                                                                                                          1A                 1B                Library                            Support                        Courts
                  Minerva Road                                                                                                                                                  Learning Centre
                                                                                                          RICE WING

                                   music                                                                                                          .

                                   tuition      ICT   Disabled
                                                       Access                                             Meeting
                                    room                toilet                                                      Canteen   Store                                           Music
                                                                                                                              Room     2A                     2B              Store          2C
                                   music                                                Room
                                   tuition              Sick                                                                                                                  Room
                                    room                Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               St Joseph’s College Geelong - Westcourt Campus

St Joseph’s College is proud to be a part of:

St Joseph’s College Geelong
135 Aphrasia Street Newtown,Victoria 3220
                                               Liberating      Justice &       Gospel         Inclusive
Phone: 03 5226 8100                            Education       Solidarity     Spirituality   Community
Fax: 03 5221 6983                            These four Touchstones are fundamental in our Commitment
Email:              to being a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. and
                                                         are a living reality in our Community.
ABN 74 114 857 147
CRICOS Provider Code 02670A                 We acknowledge that we are educating on the
                                             traditional land of the Wadawurrung people
                                               and honour and pay our respects to their                                      Elders past and present.
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