Page created by Katherine Berry


                              2019 IMPACT REPORT / 1
 03         Our Mission

 04         About Us & Core Beliefs

 05         Advocacy Priorities & Strategic Plan

                                                   OUR MISSION
 06         COVID-19 Response

 07         Awards & Accolades

 08         School Supplies and Resources

 10         Mentoring

 12         School & Classroom Enrichment

 13         Teacher Support and Recognition

 14         Scholarships
                                                                 Our mission is to strengthen public
 15         College and Career Readiness
                                                                 education in Hillsborough County
 16         Literacy & Volunteers
                                                                 through advocacy, investment of
                                                                 resources and programs that empower
 17         Financials
                                                                 every student to achieve both academic
 18         Our Partners                                         and personal success.
 20         Our Board

2 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                              2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 3
Strengthening Public Education                                                                                                Strengthening Public Education
    		 in Hillsborough County Schools                                                                                             		                                                   through Advocacy
                                                                                                                            Hillsborough Education Foundation believes it’s important to use our voice to advocate for increased funding
This past year has been like none other in our mission         In the midst of financial uncertainty, we are incredibly     at the state level to strengthen public education in Hillsborough County. Florida repeatedly ranks among
to strengthen public education in Hillsborough County          proud of how our partners rallied to provide ongoing         the lowest in the nation when it comes to how much states are devoting to education. Across spending
and ensure all students have the tools and resources they      support for students and their families facing economic      indicators, Florida ranks 45th in the country according to Education Week’s Quality Counts 2020 report. This
need to succeed in school and in life.                         hardships. With the community’s generosity, we               year, HEF’s Advocacy Committee established these priorities in our effort to support improved student outcomes:
We entered the year with a new look, new brand and             raised nearly $7.1 million last year to support our
                                                               programs and the students and teachers in our                      INVEST IN                                                                            INVEST IN OUR
new website focused on our Strategic Plan priorities and                                                                      PUBLIC EDUCATION
                                                               district’s highest needs schools.                                                                                                                         TEACHERS
sharing HEF’s story and the impact of our programs with
the community.                                                 Moving forward, HEF is laser focused on creating equity       Increase funding to                                                                     Prioritize teacher
                                                               in education, with a growing concern for literacy rates.      provide equitable                                                                       compensation and
Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit our area. It created                                                                         educational opportunites                                                                fund innovative ways
extraordinary challenges for our diverse community and         During this pandemic and beyond, HEF is living our            within safe and secure                                                                  to attract and retain
magnified deep inequities in our education system. HEF         core beliefs. We believe a community engaged in               learning environments
                                                                                                                                                                              STUDENT                                quality teachers for
quickly adapted our work to continue to meet the needs         making educational excellence a priority will transform       and meet rising                                                                         at-risk students.
of students in the crisis—understanding that the most          Hillsborough County—and are proud to help foster that         operational costs.                               SUCCESS
vulnerable students in our community are at the highest        impactful change.
risk of falling behind in their studies during such an                                                                                                           INVEST IN                   INVEST IN
unprecedented time in education.                                                                                                                                   EARLY                    MENTORING
                                                                                                                                                                 LEARNING                   PROGRAMS
                                                    Our Impact                                                                        Increase access to early                                              Increase funding to
                                                                                                                                     childhood learning                                                     expand quality youth
                    Hillsborough Education Foundation is diverse in programs and initiatives                                         and fund high-quality                                                  mentoring programs for
                     to meet the needs of the 225,000+ students and 24,000+ employees in                                             instructional programs.                                                at-risk students.
                    Hillsborough County Public Schools, the 7th largest district in the country.

        Our Core Beliefs guide us in all that we do so that all students may reach their highest potential:                                                      Our Strategic Plan: 2020-2022
                                              Every Student Matters                                                        As we look back at our achievements this past year, we are also looking ahead to the future and setting a course
                                     Every student has the potential for success.                                          for continued success for our organization. In 2020, we launched our three-year strategic plan, which focuses
                                                                                                                           on five key areas:
                                             Equity of Opportunity
                                        Every student should have access to
                         and equity of opportunity to benefit from a high-quality education.                                                                                             Resource Development: Our goal is to increase
                                                                                                                          Brand Awareness: Our goal is to be recognized as               and diversify revenue streams for programs and
                          Effective Teachers are Foundational to Student Success                                          “private support enhancing public education.”                  initiatives sustainability and growth.
                   Empowering teachers with the resources and support they need to be effective
                               in the classroom is critical for student achievement.
                                Education is Key to a Prosperous Community                                                            Operational Excellence: Our goal is to improve internal operations and processes
              Education ensures a strong thriving community. Preparing students to enter postsecondary                                that create and maintain reliable data, empower employees and optimize service
                  and career pathways is critical for a strong workforce and sustainable prosperity.                                  delivery that results in consistent improvement of key performance indicators.
                                         Success Relies on Relationships
             Our success relies on strong relationships. We are committed to being a strategic partner with
                Hillsborough County Public Schools and other partners with common goals to multiply                        Programs and Initiatives: Our goal is to provide              Advocacy: Our goal is to increase awareness and
                              our contributions and maximize impact on student success.                                    high-quality programs and initiatives that                    support of public education.
                                            Continuous Improvement                                                         positively impact student success.
                   Relentlessly pursue continuous improvement and excellence in program delivery,
                               processes and services using data and informed practices.

      4 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                           2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 5
Strengthening Public Education                                                                                                Strengthening Public Education
                                          during the COVID-19 Crisis                                                                                                                          through Our Work
                                                                               Bridging the Digital Divide
                                                                                                                                                            Awards & Accolades
                                                                                                                              We’ve continued to strengthen Hillsborough Education Foundation’s brand while simultaneously strengthening
                                                                  During the pandemic, digital inequities surfaced with       public education in Hillsborough County. We are proud to receive recognition from state and local organizations
                                                                  our highest needs students who lacked vital internet        and leaders for our work.
                                                                  access to successfully connect with their teachers and
                                                                  eLearning platforms from home. HEF created a Digital                                                      COVID-19 Heroes of Tampa Bay Award
                                                                  Equity Team to proactively find solutions to the digital
                                                                                                                                                                            7,000 people across Tampa Bay voted, and out of 58 nominees,
                                                                  divide and ensure students had adequate access. With
                                                                                                                                                                            Hillsborough Education Foundation was one of 19 recipients
                                                                  support from our generous community partners and in
                                                                                                                                                                            honored with a COVID-19 Heroes of Tampa Bay Award
                                                                  collaboration with the school district, HEF distributed
                                                                                                                                                                            presented by Mayor Jane Castor! We are incredibly proud of this
                                                                  free Wi-Fi hotspots and tablets to help more than
                                                                                                                                                                            recognition for our team’s work during the pandemic to support
                                                                  800 families­—providing the opportunity for students
                                                                                                                                                                            Hillsborough County Public Schools teachers and students in
                                                                  to access their online learning. Our work continued
       Providing Essential School Supplies                                                                                                                                  need by providing essential supplies, virtual mentoring, helping
                                                                  into the summer to keep students connected during
                                                                                                                                                                            to bridge the digital divide and so much more.
                                                                  extended learning and to prevent learning loss over the
The COVID-19 pandemic created challenging times
                                                                  break. Our laser focus on digital equity continues in the
for families and businesses, changed how our students
                                                                  2020-2021 school year.
learned, how teachers provided lessons and how HEF
continued to carry out our mission. In March, within                                                                                                                        Rated Exemplary by Foundations for Excellence
days of school closures, HEF devised a plan to get core                                                                                                                     We are proud to receive the highest distinction of exemplary
school supplies into the hands of students who needed                                                                                                                       by the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations.
them most. We adapted our programs and delivered
$193,000 in supplies to more than 90 of our highest                                                                                                                         Foundations for Excellence sets quality performance standards
needs schools to support 20,000+ students as they                                                                                                                           in six key areas for local education foundations in Florida
transitioned to eLearning for the rest of the school year.                                                                                                                  including: Mission and Strategy; Program Quality; Board
                                                                                                                                                                            and Leadership; Fundraising and Sustainability; Partnership,
                                                                                                                                                                            Public Awareness and Engagement; and Effective Business
                                            Lending a Helping Hand
                                                                                                                                                                            and Organizational Operation. The rating is a reflection of our
Hillsborough Education                  We donated 8,200+ transparency              Tampa Bay Lightning wing Alex                                                           practices, policies and systems that we have in place to ensure
Foundation was able to provide          sheets from our Teaching Tools              Killorn presented Hillsborough                                                          the long-term success and sustainability of HEF!
Hillsborough County Public              Resource Center to Tampa                    Education Foundation with a
Schools families with 600+ meal         Hackerspace to create reusable              $50,000+ donation from his
kits for emergency food assistance,     face shields that can cover surgical        “Dock Talk with Killer” t-shirt sales,
                                                                                                                                                                            Silver ADDY Award - Visual Logo Design
thanks to a generous donation           or N95 masks and extend the life            promoting his Instagram show. His
from Feeding Children Everywhere        of these limited medical supplies           generous contribution will support
and Chick-fil-A Tampa Bay.              during the COVID-19 pandemic by             Hillsborough County Public
                                                                                                                                                                            We love our new logo, and so does the American Advertising
                                        adding a layer of protection.               Schools students in need.                                                               Federation of Tampa Bay! After launching our brand redesign,
                                                                                                                                                                            we were thrilled to learn our new logo, designed by Trickey
                                                                                                                                                                            Jennus, won a Silver ADDY Award for Elements of Advertising
                                                                                                                                                                            – Visual Logo Design.

    6 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                             2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 7
The Impact of our Teaching Tools
     Strengthening Public Education                                                                                                               Resource Center
     		                                                    with School Supplies                                       $2.7M
                                                                                                                      SCHOOL SUPPLIES
                                                                                                                                        March 14, 2020 was the last day teachers could access our store in person.
                                                                                                                                        When schools closed due to the pandemic, so did our Teaching Tools
                                                                                                                                        Resource Center and we suspended online ordering for the entire fourth
                                                                                                                        DISTRIBUTED     quarter. Since the transition to eLearning happened during Spring Break,
                                                            More than 150,000 students in Hillsborough County
                                                            Public Schools qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.                     many students didn’t have the vital supplies they needed for learning from
                                                            Many students don’t have some of the most basic                             home. We cleared the shelves and distributed the bulk of our supplies to
                                                            supplies—paper, pencils or a backpack—that they                             schools to meet the needs of our most vulnerable students. Despite these
                                                            need to be ready to learn. Our Teaching Tools Resource                      changes and challenges, we are proud of our impact.
                                                            Center helps erase the need by providing free school
                                                            supplies and classroom resources to students and
                                                            teachers in our highest needs schools. This support
                                                            helps ensure all students have access to the tools they
                                                            need to achieve both academic and personal success
                                                                                                                      108K +                    HCPS TEACHERS
                                                                                                                      STUDENTS SERVED
                                                            and alleviates the strain on teachers to purchase
                                                            supplies out of their own budgets.

I don’t have to worry about the pencil a student needs.
I can give them one and it really builds trust. It makes        97%
them feel special and it makes them feel like the
classroom is a safe place they can learn.                       of teachers say supplies from the
                                                                Teaching Tools Resource Center give                                                                                   8, 877
                                                                them the ability to create a more                     STORE VOLUNTEER                                                 SHOPPING TRIPS
                    Leah Burger
         Cleveland Elementary 4th Grade Teacher,                equal learning environment.                            HOURS LOGGED
         Teaching Tools Resource Center Shopper

      Increased Need for                                    HEF has new wheels! We purchased a Box Truck in
                                                            June 2020 to allow us to make school deliveries and

        Online Ordering                                     donation pick-ups more efficiently. It also reduces our
                                                            costs and eliminates the need to rent a truck.
The schools we serve are spread out across 1,200
square miles of the county. In the first half of the
school year, the demand for ordering supplies online                                                                                                  $257
continued to grow—orders were up 81 percent from
                                                                                                                                           PER SHOPPING CART
last year! That was before the pandemic drastically
changed the way we operate. In the spring, our
highest needs schools received special deliveries
of school supplies. For the 2020-2021 school year,
all orders from the 191 eligible schools are placed
online for pickup or delivery to 22 outlying schools.
                                                                                                                                                                                      OF OUR HIGHEST NEEDS
                                                                                                                                                                                      SCHOOLS SERVED

  8 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                  2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 9
Strengthening Public Education
		                                                                   with Mentoring
                                                                                                                                         5,336 +
Hillsborough Education Foundation’s Take Stock in                                                                                      MENTORING SESSIONS
                                                                 Our Mentoring Program Earned a Perfect Score                               LOGGED
Children program is one of the largest mentoring
programs in Tampa Bay. Our program provides low-
income students with a caring adult volunteer mentor             Each year, the Take Stock in Children state office
devoted to supporting a student’s academic and                   evaluates the performance of our mentoring program
future success, as well as continuous involvement                using a tool called the Balanced Scorecard (BSC).
from skilled College Success Coaches who engage                  We are scored on several different metrics
in educational and career counseling and the                     including the:
commitment of a Florida Prepaid college scholarship
upon successful completion of the program.
Additionally, workshops on topics such as soft skill
                                                                 • Percentage of students with 15+ mentoring sessions
                                                                 • Quality of support given to students by their
                                                                     College Success Coaches.
                                                                                                                                        OF OUR CLASS OF 2020
development, college and career readiness and                    • Number of and opportunity for relevant workshops                      SENIORS GRADUATED
financial aid are provided.                                          and fulfillment of the state grant requirements.
                                                                                                                                        HIGH SCHOOL WITH A
      Adapting our Mentoring Program                             This year, for the first time in the history of our                     STANDARD DIPLOMA
                to COVID-19                                      program, we have received a rating of Gold (the                 Compared to the most recent available numbers from the
                                                                 highest rating) and earned a perfect score of 100!                  Florida Department of Education (2018-2019)
As COVID-19 closed schools in the spring, our                                                                                                 Hillsborough County: 86.2%
                                                                 We are so incredibly proud of our team, and we can’t                                Florida: 86.9%
entire mentoring operation had to transition to
                                                                 thank our dedicated mentors enough for helping to
virtual mentoring for our 359 mentees. Our team
                                                                 make this achievement possible—especially in light of
worked to connect with students in online one-on-
                                                                 the challenges faced at the end of the year. We exceeded
one mentoring and success coaching sessions and
                                                                 our goals and continued to support students despite all
offered topic-based group mentoring, including a
COVID-19 Q&A, resume writing tutorial and more.
                                                                 the obstacles.                                                            Connecting Virtually During the Pandemic

                                                                                                                                          1,691                                                  18                            70
                                                                                                                                 Virtual Mentoring Sessions                               Virtual Group Webinars   Seniors celebrated during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Virtual Sendoff
   It means a lot to me to be a part of the TSIC program and        I believe I can make a difference in a young person’s
   to have a scholarship and a great mentor. Everything the         life. I try to foster good communication with my mentee
   program has done for me has made me very prepared,               and instill that going to college will open doors for
   and I feel like I’m on the road to success. Having a             her—having that education is very important in order
   mentor is fun and makes me feel more confident in my             to be successful in life. Plus, the scholarship is a great
   ability to get into college. After high school I plan to go      way to start that journey. I enjoy mentoring very much.
   to college and study Cardiology.

                            Kyah                                                     Norma Thomas
                Student | Take Stock In Children                              Kyah’s Mentor | Take Stock In Children

   10 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                    2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 11
Strengthening Public Education                                                                                          Strengthening Public Education
		                  with School & Classroom Enrichment 		                                                                                              with Teacher Support & Recognition
 Every day, teachers and administrators go
 beyond the curriculum looking for ways to
                                                    In addition, as part of our focus on equity, we provide
                                                    financial assistance to our highest needs schools                                                                                                                   2019-2020 School Year
 enhance the learning environment for their         that lack funding to increase parent engagement,
 students. School and Classroom Enrichment
 activities support their innovative ideas and
 projects to better engage students in their
                                                    as well as incentives for students to improve
                                                    attendance, behavior and course performance.                                                                                                                        $58,032
 learning. Providing teachers with funding for                                                                                                                                                                          Professional Development
 creative and exciting educational opportunities                                                                                                                                                                        HEF also provides financial assistance and
 promotes better academic results for students.      You could see the excitement on the students’ faces                                                                                                                scholarships for ongoing education and
                                                     when I showed them the large stack of our brand                                                                                                                    professional development, as well as for
 To facilitate this program, we use an online        new big books! For many of the books the kids were
                                                     shouting out, “I love that book!” Every day the kids
                                                                                                              Congratulations to our 2020 winners (L-R): Keyada George – Ida S. Baker Diversity Educator of the Year,   teachers seeking National Board Certification.
 grant application platform, so projects can                                                                  Miranda Harwood – Teacher of the Year, Angela White – Instructional Support Employee of the Year

 be supported through collective efforts by a        enjoyed picking a big book and reading it to their
                                                     friends. The books have started to become slightly       Every day, more than 24,000 teachers and staff in
 pool of individual investors and Hillsborough       worn in, which is a sign of how much my students love    our district make a difference in students’ lives. They
 Education Foundation. During the 2019-2020          these books.                                             play a critical role in providing a welcoming academic
 school year, we awarded 128 School and                                                                       environment where every student can thrive and reach
 Classroom Enrichment grants, ranging from                                                                    their fullest potential—and certainly rose to the challenges
 $100-2,000 per program or project.                                 Emily Alexander                           of the pandemic and eLearning. These outstanding
                                                               Dunbar Elementary Magnet Teacher
                                                                                                              employees deserve to be recognized and supported.
                                                                                                              Each year, we host HEF’s Excellence in Education
                                                                                                              Awards with more than 1,800 attendees. This premiere
                                                                                                              event celebrates educators and school personnel who
                                                          Teachers say 90% of projects                        consistently utilize their talents to ensure students receive
                                                        increased teacher effectiveness                       the best education possible. It’s an opportunity for our
                                                         resulting in more inspired and                       community to show our appreciation and honor the best
                                                                                                              of the best in our district. At this year’s ceremony, 705
                                                           motivated students, which
                                                                                                              nominees, thirteen finalists and ultimately three winners
                                                       positively impacted and improved                       were recognized in three categories.
                                                       students’ academic performance.
     Through grant funded projects, teachers
     reported student improvement in:                                                                                         Teacher Appreciation Week
     • Subject matter knowledge
     • Critical thinking                                                                                          We realize our teachers are foundational to our
     • Problem-solving skills                               The Impact of                                           students’ success. To show our support and
     • Reading comprehension                            Enrichment Activities                                    gratitude during Teacher Appreciation Week, we
     • Social skills                                                                                             held daily giveaways with a grand prize of a $500
     • Grades                                                                                                               Classroom Enrichment grant.
                                 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards:   Hillsborough Regional STEM Fair:
                                          706 Students                       7,278 Students                        Teachers shared pictures with us how they were
                                                                                                                          adapting to working from home.

                                                      Grants: 30,393 Students

      12 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                       2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 13
Strengthening Public Education                                                                                                 Strengthening Public Education
                                                                      with Scholarships                                                                  with College & Career Readiness
                                                                                                                                                                                        HEF provides webinars and workshops on various topics
Hillsborough Education Foundation works to ensure            We are able to support students’ dreams of pursuing                  Education is the number one factor that will
                                                                                                                                                                                        around skill building, college preparation and career
that all students have equitable opportunities to benefit    higher education through the generosity of our                       determine our next generation of workforce and
                                                                                                                                                                                        exploration, in addition to tutoring for our mentees and
from high-quality public education—to graduate               business partners, community organizations and                       leaders. Students who graduate are more likely
                                                                                                                                                                                        paid student internships. While some activities have
prepared for postsecondary, career and life success.         individual donors. For many students affording the                   to enroll in postsecondary education, which
                                                                                                                                                                                        been postponed due to the pandemic, transitioning to
                                                             opportunity can be a financial strain on families. These             results in a larger talent pipeline and sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                        virtual workshops allowed us to expand our program and
Every year, HEF provides more than $400K in                  scholarships can help ease that stress and positively                prosperity for the future of Tampa Bay.
                                                                                                                                                                                        provide more online learning opportunities for students.
scholarships to Hillsborough County high school              impact students’ lives and the future of our community.
seniors, ranging from $500 to $15,000.

                                                                     In the 2019-20 school year,                                  2019-2020 School Year
                                                                      HEF awarded $420,092
                                                                        in scholarships to 220
                                                                    Hillsborough County seniors.
                                                                                                                                   516 students
                                                                                                                                   516 high school and technical college
                                                                                                                                   students participated in 46 workshops
                                                            Additionally, our mentoring program provides at
                                                            least a 2-year Florida Prepaid scholarship to mentees
                                                            who successfully complete program requirements.
                                                            Between the two types of scholarships, HEF
                                                            provides $1 million worth of scholarships

                                                                                                                                                                                              Our workshops effectively prepare students for
                                                                                                                                                                                              their future:

                                                                                                                                                                                                90+% of students surveyed
                                                            This scholarship has helped reduce the financial burdens of                                                                             reported increased
                                                            college allowing me to focus on my grades and extracurriculars
                                                            to build a strong application for medical school. There is an                                                                       confidence in choosing their
                                                            incredible sense of gratitude and comfort I feel knowing that there
                                                            are people who believe in me, and my education. Thank you for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  postsecondary pathway,
                                                            your help in making my dreams come true.                                                                                            and increased confidence in
                                                                                                                                                                                                understanding and exploring
                                                                                    CHRISTINA HONG                                                                                                    funding options.
                                                                            Scholarship Recipient, USF Student,
                                                                           Majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology

      14 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                          2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 15
Strengthening Public Education                                                                                               FINANCIALS
                               with Literacy & Our Volunteers                                                                                      Financial Summary
                                                                                                                                                   Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 per audited statements                   2020                                  2019
                                                                            HEF Neighborhood Libraries
LITERACY                                                    During COVID-19 restrictions, school media centers
                                                                                                                                                   PUBLIC SUPPORT AND REVENUE
                                                                                                                                                   Contributions                                        27%               $1,891,087                            $1,807,314
                                                                                                                                                   Fundraising Event, net                               4%                 $294,122                              $316,862
Literacy is the foundation for student success in           and public libraries had to close their doors. To help
                                                            ensure our most vulnerable students had access                                         Donated Goods & Services                             43%              $3,038,858                             $3,850,323
school and in life. HEF is committed to addressing
                                                            to books, we launched the HEF Neighborhood                                             Government Grants & Other Grants                     25%               $1,815,182                            $1,224,150
the low literacy rates in Hillsborough County
and fostering a love of reading for students.               Libraries literacy initiative.                                                         Investment Income                                    1%                  $41,211                              $128,617

Unfortunately, not all students have books at                                                                                                      TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT & REVENUE                                     $7,080,460                            $7,327,266
their fingertips, especially during the COVID-19            Forty book-sharing boxes will be installed around
                                                                                                                                                   PROGRAM SERVICES AND EXPENSES
pandemic and learning from home.                            the community at or near our highest needs schools
                                                                                                                                                   Program Services                                     92%               $6,397,183                            $6,695,226
                                                            and filled with books. The libraries serve as a place
                                                                                                                                                   Management and General                               4%                $263,065                               $271,398
                                                            where neighbors are encouraged to leave or take a
               Storytime Online                             book for students of all ages on a variety of subjects.                                Development/Fundraising                              4%                $288,785                               $298,179
                                                                                                                                                   TOTAL PROGRAM SERVICES & EXPENSES                                  $6,949,033                            $7,264,803
In the spring semester, HEF partnered with the
Tampa Bay Chamber, Hillsborough County
Public Schools and Scholastic to expand the
Storytime Online initiative, originally launched
by Hillsborough County School Board Member Dr.
Stacy Hahn.

60 business and community leaders signed up to
read a book aloud to students—virtually! Reading
aloud to children helps with vocabulary, writing
skills, attention span and memory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               We have proudly earned the highest         HEF has received GuideStar’s Gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                4 Star Charity rating from Charity        Seal of Transparency by sharing our
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Navigator, due in part to our dedication    organization’s strategies, plans for
  VOLUNTEERS                                                                                                                                                                                                      to be responsible stewards of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      donors’ contributions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           achieving our goals and progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with key stakeholders.
  HEF would not be able to provide the same level of
  support to students and teachers without the dedication                                                                                                                                                               THANK YOU IN-KIND PARTNERS!
  and helping hands of our valued volunteers. From
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Thank you to 290 individual and corporate partners who
  our mentors to community members who volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    donated more than $1.1 million worth of in-kind gifts
  to restock shelves, package supplies or review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in 2019-2020.
  scholarships—they spend thousands of hours working                                                                                                     College & Career Readiness 4%
  on projects from home and on-site giving back to our                                                                                                                                                        Special thanks to the Kids in Need Foundation for connecting us with
                                                              During the pandemic, volunteers like Brian Butler and his son Chris, stepped up to
  community and helping strengthen public education.                   deliver essential school supplies to our highest needs schools.                   Teacher Support and Recognition 7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                corporate partners across the United States that provide us with
                                                                                                                                                         School & Classroom Enrichment Programs 12%                            school supplies for students in need.
                              We’re grateful for our more than 1,200 volunteers:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Because of our generous partners, we were able to help more than
     Teaching Tools
                                                                                                                                                         Mentoring & Scholarships 25%
                                                                                                  Scholarship                                                                                                     108,000+ students in Hillsborough County in 2019-2020.
    Resource Center                             Mentors                                            Reviewers                                             Teaching Tools Resource Center 44%

                                                                                                                                                                                                              For every dollar you invest in HEF, 92 cents is used directly for our
             725                                     292
                                                                                                                                                         Management and Fundraising 8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         programs supporting students and teachers.

     16 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 17
Regions Bank                                       Nova Southeastern University *                        T. Corey and April Neil
                                                                                                                                          REP Architects, Inc.                               OHC Environmental Engineering, Inc.                   Patel Greene & Associates
                                                                                                                                          Rowe Architects, Inc.                              Richard and Mary Peck                                 Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
                                                                                                                                          Joyce Sawyer                                       Tannia G. Peeples                                     Thomas Ray

OUR PARTNERS                                                                                                                              Spectra Contract Flooring
                                                                                                                                          Tampa Bay Times
                                                                                                                                                                                             Michael and Hope Poland
                                                                                                                                                                                             R L Burns, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ray Williams Funeral Home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tom and Marsha Rydberg
                                                                                                                                          Tappouni Mechanical Services, Inc.                 Rasmussen College *                                   Service Works Commercial Roofing
                                                                                                                                          Target Corp/Foundation                             Royce and Laurie Reed                                 Ted and Roberta Stasney
                                                                                                                                          thyssenkrupp Elevator Corporation                  Alexander Rodriguez                                   Stratagem Risk, LLC
                                                                                                                                          T-Mobile                                           Roland Park K-8 School PTA                            Tampa Bay Food Truck Rally
$100,000+                                     Hancock Whitney                                                                             The University of Tampa                                                                                  Kim Thresher *
                                                                                                                                                                                             Eli and Janet Rose
Citi Foundation                               Hillsborough County Classroom Teachers            Roosevelt Elementary School PTA           Upper Tampa Bay Education Foundation, Inc.                                                               Untouchables MD
                                                                                                                                                                                             Saint Leo University
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, Inc.       Association, Inc. *                               Mary Sue and Fred Rothenberg              VoltAir Consulting Engineers, LLC                  Ken Sale *                                            Walden University *
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations   Institutional Processing Services, LLC            Tampa Bay Mariners Club, Inc.                                                                                                                      Ward - Mitchell
                                                                                                                                          Walbridge Construction                             Stephen and Diana Sessums
Mary and Bob Sierra Family Foundation, Inc.   The Lightning Foundation, Inc.                    Tampa Film Institute                                                                         SGM Engineering                                       Sherneatha Youngblood
                                              & Vinik Family Foundation                                                                   The Walmart Foundation
The Mosaic Company                                                                              Tampa Hillsborough Film & Digital Media                                                      Sean Shaw                                             Andrea Zelman and T. Clay Phillips
                                              Mabel and Ellsworth Simmons Charitable            Commission, Inc.                          Wharton Smith, Inc.
Suncoast Credit Union                                                                                                                                                                        Sprint
                                              Foundation, Inc.                                  Christopher and Cindy Taylor              Women in Defense Tampa Bay
Take Stock in Children                                                                                                                                                                       Starkey Family Foundation                             $250+
                                              Scott Myers                                       Tidewater Fleet Supply                                                                                                                             Paul Anton
                                                                                                                                                                                             Kevin and Cindy Sutton
                                              Publix Super Markets Charities                    Unlimited Site Services                   $1,000+                                                                                                  Kathleen Belmonte CTFA, AEP
                                                                                                                                                                                             Target Recovery Towing
$75,000+                                      Reno Building, LLC                                USAA Foundation                           AIM Engineering & Surveying, Inc.                  Yvette Tremonti                                       Andrew and Mallory Brannan
Caspers Company McDonald’s Restaurants *      Suncoast Credit Union Foundation                                                                                                                                                                     Constance and Joseph Camunas
                                                                                                VALIC Financial Advisors                  ASEE                                               Trickey Jennus
PwC Charitable Foundation                     Tampa Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.                                                              AT&T Florida                                       Susan Valdes                                          Maria Carvalho *
                                                                                                Wilder Architecture, Inc.
Spurlino Foundation                           TECO Energy, Inc.                                                                           Automated Building Control Systems, Inc.           Valley National Bank                                  David DeMilner
                                              Tierra, Inc. *                                                                              AXA Advisors, LLC                                  Walmart #1501                                         Isell Denson
$50,000+                                                                                                                                  Patsy Ballard                                      Westfield Brandon                                     DG-C Stores
                                              Tribeca ColorSalon                                A.D. Morgan Corporation
Amgen Foundation                                                                                                                          Bard Manufacturing                                 Westfield Shoppingtown Citrus Park                    Fantasy Theatre Factory, Inc.
                                              United Skates of America, Inc.                    Advanced Drying System
Citi *                                                                                                                                    Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc.                   Julie Williamson                                      Ferman Motor Car Company, Inc.
                                              Wells Fargo Foundation                            Angelo’s Aggregate Materials, LTD
                                                                                                                                          Andre Beaudry                                                                                            Alison Fiol                                      Williams Company Tampa                            Ashberry Commercial Water
                                                                                                                                          Louis E. and RoseAnne G. Bowers                    $500+                                                 Friends of Tampa Recreation, Inc.
Generate Capital, Inc.                                                                          Baker Barrios Architects, Inc. *
                                                                                                                                          Carl Brannan                                       Amalgamated Transit Union Local 883                   Linda Hague
Hillsborough County Public Schools -          $5,000+                                           The Bank of Tampa
                                                                                                                                          Buncee                                             Ambersley Foundation                                  Anna Hanks and Paul Sicard
Employees                                                                                       William Bissett, Jr.
                                              David Amis                                                                                  Captrust Financial Advisors                        Irene and Peter Baker                                 Haystax
Moffitt Cancer Center                                                                           Capform, Inc.
                                              The Beck Group                                                                              Carastro and Associates, Inc. *                    Dr. Lelia Barks                                       Erin Hesbeens
Tampa Bay Rays *                                                                                Centennial Bank
                                              The Billy Turney Foundation, Inc.                                                           Cardinal Point Management                          Samuel Brannan                                        J&J African Ancestry Leadership Council
                                                                                                Cox Fire Protection, Inc.
                                              Kimberly Brannan                                                                            The CarMax Foundation                              Maike Buckingham                                      Tami Kamp
$25,000+                                                                                        Davis Islands Garden Club, Inc.
                                              Centegix                                                                                    Elizabeth and Samuel Castor                        Busch Gardens Tampa Bay *                             Key Engineering Associates
                                                                                                Envision Lighting System
Amscot Financial *                            Coca-Cola Beverages Florida *                                                               Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation           Carrollwood Cultural Center                           Erin Lorenz
                                                                                                Ernst & Young, LLP
Aon                                           Cognizant                                                                                   Ciminelli Real Estate Services of Florida, LLC *   Center Place Fine Arts and Civic Association, Inc.    Thomas McRae
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company                                                                                                              CKT Asset Management Company                       Gwen Drapela                                          MDL Insurance Advisors, Inc.
                                              DC Studio Architecture and Planning               Franklin Middle School
Helios Education Foundation                                                                                                               Communications International, Inc.                 Kelley and Edward Duncan                              Mulrennan Middle School
                                              James L. Ferman, Jr.                              Gamma Theta Omega, Inc.
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office *                                                                                                    Chad Chronister and Nicole DeBartolo               F5 Networks                                           Michael Nash
                                              Geico                                             Gordon Gillette
                                                                                                                                          Marvin and Cecile Essrig                           Bruce Faulmann                                        PBA Design Group, Inc.
Humana, Inc.                                  Gerdau Corp.                                      Grow Financial Federal Credit Union *
                                                                                                                                          FloridaMakes                                       Sol and Sandra Fleischman                             Powerhouse Gym
Sagicor Life Insurance Company *              Gilbane Building Company                          Hill Ward Henderson *
                                                                                                                                          Ford & Associates, Inc.                            Florida Forklift                                      James Roberts
Verizon                                       The Grainger Foundation                           Hillsborough Association of School
                                                                                                Administrators, Inc.                      Friends of U.S. Military Families, Inc.            Foresight Construction Group                          Samuel Rothenberg
William A. Gregory, Jr. Foundation, Inc.      Harvard Jolly, Inc.                                                                         Laura Gagnon                                                                                             Les J. Ryals, Jr.
                                                                                                Horus Construction Services, Inc.                                                            Bernard and Laura Gaffney
                                              Hepner Architects, Inc.                           G. Randall James *                        Gold & Diamond Source *                            Luis and Mary Garcia                                  Sebastian J. Castellano DDS
$10,000+                                      Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Charities,   Peter Lefferts                            Grand Krewe de Libertalia, Inc.                    Grassroots Baseball                                   Edward Shaw
Ajax Building Corporation                     Inc.                                                                                        Mary Greco-Smith                                   GSA Security, Inc.                                    Sheeter Consulting
                                                                                                Lindell Investments
Allstate Construction, Inc.                   JE Dunn Construction Company                      Mabry Elementary School PTA               Howard Harris                                      Elizabeth L. Hapner                                   Adelaide Sink
Anston-Greenlees, Inc.                        John Lynch Foundation                             Majesty Title Services, LLC               Hattricks                                          HCPS Business Services Team                           Daniel Stern
Batson-Cook Construction *                    Kelly Educational Staffing                        James and Barbara Major                   Horace Mann Insurance                              Rosemary H. Henderson                                 Amanda Taylor
                                              LV Thompson Family Foundation                     Manhattan Construction, Inc. *            Horne Construction                                 Pam Iorio                                             Melinda and Doug Taylor
Bloomin’ Brands, Inc.
                                              LEGOLAND Florida                                  Sharon Marino                             Sue M. House *                                     Dawn Jess                                             Times Publishing Company - Employees
Buccaneers Limited Partnership
                                              Long & Associates Architects/Engineers, Inc.      Drew and Jodi Marshall                    Kevin and Susan Johnson                            Johnson & Johnson Global Services                     Holly and John Tomlin
Blake and Tate Casper                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jose and Lourdes Valiente
                                              Bob and Mary Martinez                             Metrohm USA, Inc.                         Kim and Sean Jowell                                R. Duane Johnson
CPPI *                                                                                                                                    Mark and Anne Kaiser                               Krewe of Agustina de Aragon                           Walmart Supercenter #941
                                              Minimise USA, LLC                                 myON by Renaissance
Creative Contractors, Inc.                                                                      Sharon and Terry O’Connor                 The Kilene Kelly Group, Inc.                       Tate Kubler                                           MaryLou Whaley
                                              Mitchell Elementary PTA
Crowe Foundation                                                                                Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association         Kisinger Campo & Associates                        David Lair                                            Virginia Willcox
                                              Nielsen Foundation
EWI Construction, LLC                                                                           of Tampa Bay                              Laser Ops                                          Lakeshore Learning Materials                          Walter Woolf
                                              Outback Bowl Tampa Bay                            PNC Foundation
Fleischman Garcia Architecture                                                                                                                                                               Lilly Pulitzer                                        Aron Zions
                                              Phoenix Engineering Group                                                                   Paula Little
Florida Blue                                                                                    Port Tampa Bay                                                                               Stephen Lyons
                                              Publix Super Markets, Inc. *                                                                Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                                                                Preferred Materials                                                                          Chris McKissick
George Edgecomb Bar Association                                                                                                           Stephen and Virginia McGucken
                                              Ringling College of Art and Design                Raynor Company Group                                                                         Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *Made in-kind donations in addition to monetary

18 / 2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019-2020 IMPACT REPORT / 19
                                                        O F F I C E R S

Royce Reed, Chair                           Drew Marshall, Vice Chair                  Blake Casper, Secretary
PNC Wealth Management                       CI Group                                   Caspers Company

Chris Taylor, Treasurer                    Kim Jowell, CEO                             Kevin H. Sutton, Legal Counsel
LM Funding                                 Hillsborough Education Foundation           Hill Ward Henderson

                                                     D I R E C T O R S
                                                                                    T. Corey Neil
Betty Castor                               Dr. Joyce Haines                         The Bank of Tampa
Former Florida Commissioner of             University of South Florida
Education & Former USF President

                                           Sue House                                Dr. Bhavin Patidar
Tommy Chuck
                                                                                    Bay Area Neurology
iHeart Media Tampa Bay                     Community Activist

Addison Davis                              Sterling Ivey                            Michael C. Poland
Hillsborough County Public Schools         Citi                                     Community Volunteer

Rep. Fentrice D. Driskell                  G. Randall James                         Brian Richeson
Florida House District 63                  The James Law Group, P.L.                Tampa Bay Rays

Bruce Faulmann                             R. Duane Johnson                         Mary Sue Rothenberg
Tampa Bay Times                            Community Activist                       Community Activist

 Mark Fernandez                            Kevin Johnson                            Sean Shaw
 Stonehill Innovation                      Suncoast Credit Union                    Merlin Law Group

Sol J. Fleischman, Jr.                     Rob Kriete                               Ted Stasney
Fleischman Garcia Architecture             Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Assoc.   Marketing Research Services

 Nikki Foster                              Tate Kubler                              Joel K. Stephens
 The Mosaic Company                        Ernst & Young, LLP                       Thomas Financial Group

Gordon Gillette                            Fraser MacKechnie                        Kimberly D. Thresher, Esq.
Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough   Amscot Corporation                       Meridian Partners Law

Dr. Stacy Hahn                             The Honorable Bob Martinez               Yvette Tremonti
Hillsborough County School Board           Holland & Knight                         Moffitt Cancer Center

                                                       E M E R I T U S

Doretha Edgecomb                                  Tom R. Dorety                     Luis Garcia

                                                                                                  *As of December 2020
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