BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation

Page created by Julian Aguilar
BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
BREAKTHROUGH                             SPRING 2020


   I’m hopeful for
  more life-saving

 treatment options

  so I can be here
  for my daughter.
      —CARMEN HOU,

                                 FIGHT INFLAMMATION
                                  and Feel Energized
                             MOBILE MAMMOGRAPHY IN
                             INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES:
                                  Transforming Care,
                                Improving Outcomes
BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
WHAT’S                                          FEATURES
3      Opening Thoughts                                       BC Cancer’s Leukemia
4      Healthy Insights                                       and Myeloma
6      Your Impact
                                                              Program aims to
                                                              uncover more
7      Inside the Clinic                                      effective treatments
13 Quarterly Highlights                                       for people in B.C.
15 Centre Spotlight

About the BC Cancer Foundation
The BC Cancer Foundation is the
fundraising partner of BC Cancer.

Together with our donors, we are                              Mobile mammography
changing the outcome for people                               serving Indigenous
affected by cancer in B.C. and beyond
by connecting personalized care,
                                                              communities seeks
innovative research and opportunities
                                                              to transform care and
to give back. We are the largest                              improve outcomes
charitable funder of cancer research
in B.C. and every dollar raised stays
right here at BC Cancer to advance
research, enhance care and break
down cancer.

                                                              New breakthrough
                                                              in diffuse large b-cell
                                                              lymphoma offers
            @bccancerfdn                                      eye-opening next steps
                                                              for targeted treatments

Directors 2020                             BC Cancer Foundation
Kirsten Tisdale, chair   Alice Laberge     Editorial
Alex Blodgett            Murray J. Leith   Pauline Jeanneau
Michael Borden           John McCarthy     Hayley Judge
Neil Burns               Benoit Morin      Laura Matwichuk
Dr. Kim Chi              Ju Ng             Melissa Rottare
Lynda Farmer             Rachel Thomas                              Provincial Office          Charitable Business Number
Neil Farmer                                BC Cancer Foundation     150-686 West Broadway      11881 8434 RR0001
Geoffrey Glotman         President & CEO   Design                   Vancouver, BC V5Z 1G1
Michael C. Heskin        Sarah Roth        Hector Rivera            604.877.6040
Lana Kirk                                  Natalie Young            Toll Free 1.888.906.2873

BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation

                                                                                that the BC Cancer Foundation
                                                                                has partnered with the Terry Fox
                                                                                Research Institute and other large
                                                                                cancer centres and funding partners
                                                                                under the newly created Marathon
                                                                                of Hope Network, a pan-Canadian
                                                                                network to accelerate the adoption of
                                                                                precision medicine. This network is
                                                                                an example of our community in B.C.
                                                                                joining in a powerful collective on a
                                                                                national stage to change outcomes
                                                                                for all Canadians facing cancer.
                                                                                    The BC Cancer Foundation
                                                                                continues to be a major funder of BC
                                                                                Cancer’s Genome Sciences Centre
                                                                                (GSC), which celebrated its 20th
                                                                                anniversary last November. The team
                                                                                at the GSC decodes the DNA structure
                                                                                of individuals with the hardest to
                                                                                treat cancers, bringing hope through
                                                                                advanced technology, and scientific
                                                                                and clinical collaboration. This is a
                                                                                global movement and BC Cancer is

I am often asked about the numerous
  cancer charities and what sets
the BC Cancer Foundation apart.
                                        Carmen Hou. I’ve had the pleasure
                                        to get to know Carmen and I’m
                                        so inspired and humbled by her
                                                                                a leader—there is no other facility in
                                                                                Canada like the GSC.
                                                                                    These examples of innovation
I’m proud to say that every dollar      strength as she faces metastatic        and impact simply could not happen
donated by generous people like         breast cancer so early in motherhood.   without your generous support.
you goes directly to finding more           Carmen has accessed the full            Thanks to you, BC Cancer won’t
curative therapies and ensuring         spectrum of research and care at        stop driving innovation and saving
British Columbians facing a cancer      BC Cancer – Vancouver, from art         lives.
diagnosis receive the best care         therapy and patient support groups
possible.                               to chemotherapy, radiation and a
    Your generosity translates          life-changing clinical trial. Donors
into immediate impact, in your          are impacting the patient journey in
community, helping to drive             so many ways, giving patients like
innovation and save lives now. We       Carmen precious time with their
are proudly the largest charitable      families. You can read more about
supporter of cancer in our province,    her story on page 8.                    Sarah Roth, President & CEO
and among the largest in Canada,            Our donors are also enabling        BC Cancer Foundation
and we won’t stop until cancer stops.   clinicians and scientists to push the
    On the cover of this issue is a     envelope, driving innovation across
beautiful family—Daniel, Evelyn and     borders. We are so pleased to share

                                                                                B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M   3
BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation

                                                                                                                  Geoff Livingston

I n the summer of 2018 Geoff
  Livingston conquered an enormous
goal of riding his bike from Banff,
                                            sent him for an ultrasound.
                                                Geoff was shocked when he
                                            learned the results: he had a tumour
                                                                                      British Columbians facing a similar
                                                                                          “Fundraising for cancer research
Alberta all the way to Mexico—an            in his kidney and there was a good        can help solve this disease,” he says.
astounding 4,350 kilometres.                chance it was cancer.                    “Not only is money going toward
    “At the time, it was what I thought         “Hearing the word ‘cancer’ is         cancer research to be able to fight
would be the biggest challenge of my        something you don’t expect,” says         this thing, but there’s also funding
life,” he says. “But it didn’t compare      the 33 year old. “That was definitely     that supports prevention and what
to what I had to face when I returned       tough.”                                   can cause cancer from the get-go.”
home.”                                          He soon underwent surgery that            Geoff hopes sharing his story will
                                            removed half of his kidney as well        help inspire others, and it’s also a
“I’ve handled the                           as the tumour. The next day Geoff’s       very personal reminder of what he’s
 thought of cancer,                         doctor told him the surgery was           conquered.
                                            a success and there was now no                “It feels like a weight has been
 the thought of                             evidence of cancer.                       lifted off my shoulders, that whatever
 dying, surgery,                                “I was very fortunate with finding    comes at me now, I can handle it,”
 biking across North                        it when and how I did—there were no       he says. “I’ve handled the thought of
 America—bring it on.”                      signs of any spreading and all signs      cancer, the thought of dying, surgery,
—GEOFF LIVINGSTON                           looked positive after the successful      biking across North America—bring
                                            surgery,” Geoff says.                     it on.”
    After putting his body through              Now fully recovered from his
such a demanding trek, Geoff visited        surgery, Geoff has set his sights on
his doctor once he returned to get          another fitness-related challenge—
checked out physically.                     taking part in the BC Cancer
    “I wanted to make sure I was all        Foundation’s Workout to Conquer
good after the ride, as I had put my        Cancer, where he’s committed to
body through a test that it had never       move 31 days straight for the month
taken on before,” he says.                  of May in support of breakthrough
    Although he was in the best             cancer research and care.                       To learn more or to
physical fitness of his life at the time,       By fundraising for a cause he’s             register, please visit
Geoff had developed a bit of pain in        so closely connected to, Geoff    
his lower left abdomen. His doctor          wants to help change the story for

BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
B   C Cancer Foundation’s Workout
    to Conquer Cancer kicks off
May 1st and we’ve partnered with
international keynote speaker and
health expert Mandy Gill, who shares
her nutrition expertise on how you
can use diet to boost your immune
system, feel energized and fight

Kale, spinach and arugula are packed
with fibre and phytonutrients;
they’re also high in calcium and
vitamins A, C and K. This means in
addition to getting anti-inflammatory
benefits, the antioxidants may lower
your cholesterol and boost joint and
bone health too. An extra bonus with
Vitamin K is that studies are showing                                                                          Mandy Gill
it may also ease pain.

GINGER, TURMERIC,                        magnesium and probiotics; the            minimizing your consumption of
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR                      ability to balance your body’s pH        foods that trigger inflammation—
Ginger has a main bioactive              levels; and serves as a liver and        such as sugar and high-fructose corn
compound in it called gingerol,          lymphatic tonic to detoxify your body.   syrup, processed meats, artificial
which is responsible for much                                                     trans fats and excessive alcohol
of its medicinal properties. It’s        BLUEBERRIES & PINEAPPLE                  intake, to list a few.
considered a ‘superfood’ due to its      Blueberries contain quercetin—a
powerful anti-inflammatory and           powerful antioxidant that helps fight
antioxidant benefits. Turmeric’s         inflammation. And pineapples are           Mandy Gill is an international
most active compound, curcum,            loaded with bromelain—a digestive          keynote speaker, plant-based
not only benefits the body, but the      enzyme that helps regulate your            super athlete, TV/radio
brain too. Turmeric is best taken        body’s immune response so that             personality and health expert
through pill form due to the higher      it doesn’t react with unnecessary          passionate about connecting
concentration it contains, and is best   inflammation.                              with others to educate healthy
absorbed when combined with black                                                   habit practices. Learn more at
pepper. Apple cider vinegar has          FOODS TO AVOID
healing properties from potassium,       Keep inflammation down by

                                                                                  B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M     5
BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
                                                                                                         Ray of Hope cheque

I n 2017, the Sandhu family received
  a cancer diagnosis that would leave
 a lasting impact on the community
                                            was matched by long-time BC Cancer
                                            Foundation supporters, the McCarthy
                                            family, to fund urgent needs for
                                                                                      dollars will stay here in the province
                                                                                      to help those going through treatment
                                                                                      across our communities,” says
 and beyond. Soon after receiving this      patients around the province.             Davinder. “We had no idea where
 news that husband and wife Amarjit             Inspired by the overwhelming          the gala would take us, but we have
 and Davinder Sandhu pledged to             show of support, the Sandhus hosted       seen an outpouring of support from
 personally make a difference for           the gala for the second time in           our friends, family and business
 people facing a similar challenge.         October 2019, welcoming an even           community who all believe in this
“When someone’s life is touched by          greater guest list of over 550 and        incredible cause.”
 cancer, their entire world stops but       raising an outstanding $231,000               The Sandhu’s gala is a reminder
 the world outside continues,” says         thanks to a generous match by             that every action, no matter its size,
 Davinder. “You only realize the true       leaders in B.C.’s mining community.       has the potential to make a profound
 impact cancer has when it comes to        “The purpose of the gala isn’t only to     impact for others facing cancer in
 your door.”                                raise money to help cancer patients,      communities around the province.
     Less than two years later, Amarjit     but it’s a platform to raise awareness
 and Davinder set the wheels in             and encourage open discussion about
 motion for a grassroots event that         something that affects each and every
 would welcome members of their             one of us,” says Davinder. “We are
 personal and professional networks.        deeply grateful for everyone who had        To learn more about
 In 2018, the Unite Against Cancer Gala,    a hand in the success of these events.”     organizing your own event,
 organized by the family’s Ray of Hope          The Sandhus have no intention           visit,
 Charitable Society, welcomed 450           of slowing down, with plans already         or contact Rachel Mitchell
 guests and raised more than $150,000       underway for the 2020 Unite Against         at 604.851.4736 or
 for cancer research and care in            Cancer Gala. “We chose BC Cancer  
 British Columbia. Their generous gift      Foundation because we know our

BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation

“I am passionate about finding                                                            MORE ABOUT DEVIN:
 ways to improve the outcome and
 quality of life for all of my patients.”                                                 Favourite food: Indian—I love
                                                                                          a good spicy dish!
                                                                                          Favourite activity: Attending
    MEET DR. DEVIN                                                                        extracurricular activities with

    SCHELLENBERG                                                                          my kids.
                                                                                          Fun fact: I put myself through
                                                                                          medical school as a juggler.
                                                                                          Luckily for me, this was before
                                                                                          smartphones with cameras
D    r. Devin Schellenberg is the
     Department Head of Radiation
Oncology at BC Cancer – Surrey.
                                            metastatic disease, referred to as
                                            oligometastatic patients (five or less
                                            sites of metastases). Our research          BREAKTHROUGH: What excites
His work involves planning and              looks into aggressively radiating up to     you for the future of radiation
executing radiation treatments for          five sites of metastases, in an effort to   oncology?
patients, mainly those suffering with       help people live longer free of cancer      DEVIN: The prospect of change and
lung and gastrointestinal cancers.          and avoid other cancer treatments           the technological innovations are
Dr. Schellenberg is at the forefront        such as chemotherapy. This area of          what truly excite me. I also am excited
of improving existing treatments            research originally paved the way           about our ability to bring new and
and finding new, more effective             for the Canadian-led Comprehensive          innovative therapies to a greater
treatments for patients across the          treatment of OligoMetastases                number of people in our province.
province.                                   (COMET) trial.                              As our work in radiation oncology
                                                Last year, the COMET trial was          extends to more areas, including
“Through these trials, we are               featured in the esteemed medical            stereotactic brain radiation in Surrey,
 investigating the possibility              journal, The Lancet, and demonstrated       I look forward to delivering more
                                            that stereotactic radiation to              treatments to more people in British
 of curing people who were
                                            metastases may allow patients to            Columbia.
 once thought incurable.”                   live longer, though confirmatory
—DR. DEVIN SCHELLENBERG                     research is needed. Thus, COMET has         BREAKTHROUGH: How are
                                            paved the way for two trials currently      BC Cancer Foundation donors
BREAKTHROUGH: How did you                   underway known as COMET 3 (three            supporting your work?
come into this line of work?                sites of metastases) and COMET 10           DEVIN: Donors help to advance
DEVIN: I attended medical school            (ten sites of metastases). The COMET 3      radiation oncology research, but also
at UBC followed by a residency at           trial, led by BC Cancer’s Dr. Rob Olsen,    have a massive impact on the types
the University of Toronto. After my         recently opened at BC Cancer – Prince       of technologies that are available
residency, I did a year-long fellowship     George, and will soon be adopted            to patients being used in real time.
at Stanford University near San             across BC Cancer centres. COMET             Increased Foundation support will
Francisco, where my research focused        10 will start its rollout across centres    also allow our teams to explore new
on Stereotactic Body Radiation. I was       in the coming months. Through               avenues for trials and treatments that
attracted to radiation mainly because       these trials, we are investigating the      will have life-saving implications for
of my interest in technology and the        possibility of curing people who            many years to come.
challenge of ever-changing cancer           were once thought incurable. For
treatment options.                          other patients, there may be lasting
                                            effects to their quality of life and a        To learn how you can support
BREAKTHROUGH: What exciting                 reduction in other treatments. We are         clinical trials and crucial
                                                                                          research at BC Cancer, visit us
research updates can you share              extremely proud that BC Cancer is at
with us?                                    the forefront of developing the trials,       or contact Andrea Woo at
DEVIN: For the last ten years, we           enrolling patients and capturing the or
have been developing treatments             outcomes.                                     604.930.4078
for patients with small amounts of

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BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation

       facing Stage IV
       breast cancer at
                               Carmen Hou with
                                daughter Evelyn

BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
C    armen Hou is a vibrant 35-year-
     old mother to four-year-old
Evelyn. Inseparable, the pair loves
                                         “Looking to the
                                          future of cancer
                                                                                    really changed my perspective and I
                                                                                    want to make the most out of my life
                                                                                    and what’s important.”
visiting the Bloedel Conservatory
in Vancouver to bask in nature and
                                          research and care,                            Today, Carmen takes things day
                                                                                    by day, relying on faith, family and
warm up on a rainy day. They love         I’m very hopeful                          friends. She’s also made a promise to
to giggle and hold hands while they
jauntily walk by many species of
                                          for a cure.”                              herself to travel somewhere new with
                                                                                    her family every month.
                                         —CARMEN HOU, PATIENT
exotic plants and birds.                                                                To date, the Hous have travelled
    But Carmen is facing what any         Ribociclib. She was also admitted         to Tokyo, Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Croatia,
young mother may call her worst           into BC Cancer’s Personalized             Italy and Morocco. They hope to go
nightmare.                                Onco-Genomics (POG) Program               to Egypt this spring.
    In January 2016, six months           where scientists sequenced her DNA
after Carmen gave birth to Evelyn,        to match her to the best treatment         NEW SINGLE-CELL
she noticed two tiny lumps on             possible for her cancer.                   METHODOLOGY BRINGS
her left breast. At first she and             Today, Carmen has passed the           IMMENSE HOPE
her husband Daniel, a radiologist,        two-year mark of being on the trial       “Looking to the future of cancer
thought the lumps may be related to       medication. Her cancer is stable, but      research and care, I’m very hopeful
breastfeeding.                            she has been told by her doctors that      for a cure,” says Carmen.
    An ultrasound suggested it was        many patients on the trial quickly             In November 2019, BC Cancer
nothing but by the following winter,      decline around this time in their          scientists, in partnership with the
the lumps had grown larger and            treatment plan.                            University of British Columbia,
Carmen was feeling tiny shocks in             To help with her healing, Carmen       Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
her chest. She returned to the doctor     joined an art therapy group at BC          Center and Microsoft, developed a
and this time tests confirmed she         Cancer that has provided her with          new method for analyzing cancer
was facing Stage III breast cancer.       immense support and new friends.           tissue, allowing them to delve
    “I’ll never forget that day,” says    BC Cancer centres each offer a             deeper into cancer than previously
Carmen.                                   range of services including nutrition,     possible. Researchers can now read
    Further tests revealed that           patient and family counselling and         the genomes of single cells within
her tumour had grown to five              many types of support groups like art      a tumour, opening up a new wave
centimetres and there was also a          therapy and more.                          of understanding of how and why
blemish on her spine. The cancer              “It’s been a great outlet for my       cancer develops and changes over
had spread, which escalated her           healing journey. I never really did art    time.
diagnosis to Stage IV.                    except for grade school and this has           This advance comes nearly a
    “I called my husband right away       opened up a side of me that’s really
and we both started crying. We were       calming and peaceful,” she reveals.
at a loss for words.”                    “I’ve also met some lovely friends
                                          through the group that have been
FULL SPECTRUM OF                          such a huge part of my journey.”
Roughly a month after her diagnosis,     FINDING STRENGTH & OPTIMISM
Carmen began chemotherapy                One in eight Canadian women
treatment. She went on to have a         develop breast cancer in their
mastectomy of her left breast where      lifetime. Carmen’s cancer is not
surgeons removed 20 lymph nodes,         hereditary and she does not carry a
10 of which were cancerous. The          gene mutation. In addition, breast
cancer remained and was active in        cancer most commonly occurs in                        Dr. Samuel Aparicio, distinguished
three out of the four quadrants of her   women aged 50 to 69 years old, so                                  scientist, BC Cancer
breast, which unfortunately meant        Carmen’ case is considered rare and
that the chemotherapy may not have       hard to treat.
been effective.                              “Because of my late stage              decade after Dr. Samuel Aparicio,
    Her treatment was then followed      diagnosis, I don’t know what the           BC Cancer distinguished scientist
by surgery, two types of precision       future holds for us or how much time       and Dr. Sohrab Shah, BC Cancer
radiation and a drug trial, called       I have on this earth,” she says. “It’s     scientist and current chief of

                                                                                    B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M           9
BREAKTHROUGH - BC Cancer Foundation
monitoring cancer.
                                                                                       This new method is so sensitive
                                                                                  that researchers will now be able to
                                                                                  analyze single cells from a tissue, and
                                                                                  decode their genomes individually.
                                                                                  The method will unlock the answers
                                                                                  to crucial questions about the origins
                                                                                  of cancer, why cancers evolve, why
                                                                                  they become resistant to drugs and
                                                                                  why they metastasize. This research
                                                                                  will also be a key pathway to cancer
                                                                                  prevention, understanding the root
                                                                                  environmental causes of the disease.
                                                                                       “The ways in which the cells
                                                                                  differ from each other turns out to
                                                                                  be important for understanding why
                                                                                  they stop responding to treatments,”
                                                                                  says Dr. Aparicio. “It also tells us
                                                                                  something about the history of the
computational oncology at Memorial        sequence of a metastatic lobular        cancer; how it developed, how long
Sloan Kettering and their team’s          breast cancer tumour, a type of         it’s been inside healthy tissue, and
first foundational shift in decoding      breast cancer which accounts            how long it’s been growing.
cancer. They developed the ability to     for about 10 per cent of all breast          This single-cell methodology will
sequence human cancer genomes,            cancers, finding all of the mutations   benefit breast cancer patients like
which opened up a new era in              or “spelling mistakes” that cause the   Carmen, as well as people with many
understanding cancer and has since        cancer to spread.                       other cancer types by unlocking
been transformational in the field.           In the last ten years, cancer       questions about individual cancers
Dr. Aparicio’s team is also               genomics findings have sparked          and the best course of treatment.
responsible for decoding all of the       new drug treatments and new ways
three billion letters in the DNA          of diagnosing cancer and

   This year, one of the BC Cancer Foundation’s priorities is breaking
   down women’s cancers for the 5,545 British Columbians who will
   be diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancers in 2020. Our
   annual Inspiration Gala and Discovery Luncheon signature events
   will both support this cause.
   With donor support, BC Cancer has led the world in breaking
   down breast cancers by every letter of DNA. We’ve implemented
   the first prevention method to stop ovarian cancer in up to half
   of all women and we’re leading the charge in bringing innovative
   new therapies to cure more women through precision medicine.
   However, now is our time to act. We are on the cusp of changing
   outcomes for women in British Columbia. And the key? You.

   You can help change outcomes for patients
   facing cancer, like Carmen.
   To learn more or to donate, please visit

10 B R E A K T H R O U G H

                                                                                                          Drs. Weng, Karsan
                                                                                                          and Kuchenbauer

B   C Cancer has launched a new            acute lymphoblastic leukemia,            frequent cause of death in people
    Leukemia and Myeloma Program           known as T-ALL is often aggressive       with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
(LaMP), thanks to support from BC          and progresses quickly.                  BC Cancer Distinguished Scientist
Cancer Foundation donors, which                BC Cancer Distinguished Scientist    Dr. Aly Karsan and his colleagues
seeks to uncover more effective            Dr. Andrew Weng and his team             are hoping to uncover the genomic
diagnostic and treatment solutions         discovered that while adult and          factors that cause relapse in order
for people affected by blood cancers.      childhood leukemia cells are similar,    to target them with customized
                                           both can be re-programmed to a           therapies.
 REVOLUTIONIZING MULTIPLE                  state in which the leukemia stem             “We just launched a project
 MYELOMA TREATMENT                         cells exhaust themselves, resulting      to define what causes resistance
 Although survival has doubled             in the disappearance of disease.         and find ways to overcome this
 since 1975, five-year net survival for   “We believe a new class of drugs          resistance,” says Dr. Karsan. “By
 multiple myeloma is only 44 per cent      may improve outcomes for people          creating AML models in the lab, we
 in Canada.                                facing T-ALL who fail conventional       hope to find new ways to target
     BC Cancer Clinician Scientist         therapies,” says Dr. Weng.               leukemia that will spare healthy cells
 Dr. Florian Kuchenbauer and his               Dr. Weng’s lab has devised a way     and give people a better chance at
 team are hoping to increase survival      to create synthetic models of T-ALL      survival.”
 rates by developing disease models        in the lab. He explains that “Because        Scientist Dr. Ly Vu is a new
 to study the effects of various drugs.    these models carry only a specified      recruit to BC Cancer and LaMP from
“Our goal is to better understand the      set of gene mutations, they provide      Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
 evolution of myeloma, especially          a ‘clean slate’ for uncovering new       Center in New York. Her research
 high-risk myeloma and how it              information about the disease.”          program focuses on understanding
 becomes resistant to treatment,” Dr.                                               regulation of stem cells in the
 Kuchenbauer explains. “We plan to        IMPROVING OUTCOMES FOR                    development of blood diseases.
 test and combine drugs in new ways       ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA                   “Our goal is to develop innovative
 and eventually launch clinical trials    Relapse following chemotherapy or         therapies to target leukemia stem
 to give more choices to patients.”       stem cell transplantation is the most     cells and treat leukemia,” says Dr. Vu.

OF BLOOD CANCERS                             To learn more about groundbreaking blood cancer
Pediatric leukemia patients have             research, please contact Elissa Morrissette at
significantly better outcomes than           604.707.5992 or
their adult counterparts, but T-cell

                                                                                   B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M 11
TRANSFORMING                                                                                         Johnna Sparrow Crawford

“H     aving BC Cancer’s mobile mammography service
       come to my community was a game-changer and

a life-saver,” says Johnna Sparrow Crawford, whose
mammogram led to a diagnosis of breast cancer.                  Without the mobile mammography service,
     “I had been having a busy day, but a nurse who was
working with the mobile mammography service said to
                                                                I know even more time could have gone by.

me ‘I’ve got you scheduled, you’re getting this done.’ And      Now the mammogram program is a part of
she really was my guardian angel because I got a phone          my yearly caregiving.
call from my doctor saying that I needed to come in to have                          —JOHNNA SPARROW CRAWFORD, PATIENT
another test done. When I got to BC Women’s they wanted
to do a biopsy right away.”                                     Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, BC Cancer
     Johnna, who lives on the Musqueam Reserve in               has recently developed an Indigenous Cancer Strategy
Vancouver, was diagnosed with breast cancer and                 which identifies several priority areas for improving access,
underwent surgery and radiation therapy. “When you’re           utilization and quality of cancer care services.
walking through your daily life and you’re preoccupied              BC Cancer’s mobile mammography service currently
or busy or maybe just don’t want to deal with your health,      visits more than 170 rural communities across B.C. each
things can go wrong,” she says.                                 year, including more than 40 First Nations communities.
     “At the time, I had a very aging, frail mother who I was   The service performs approximately 10 per cent of all
caring for and I missed my mammogram for two years.             screening mammograms in the province via three mobile
Time went by so quickly that I didn’t think about taking        screening units. Expanding this service to reach even more
care of myself. Without the mobile mammography service,         Indigenous communities is high on the priority list.
I know even more time could have gone by. Now the                   “I was just truly grateful for our community offering
mammogram program is a part of my yearly caregiving.”           this program. Had I not done it, I don’t know where I’d be
     Breast cancer is the most common cancer among              right now,” says Johnna. “I learned a lot about cancer and
women—more than 3,700 British Columbians will be                my experience at BC Cancer was fantastic. People were
diagnosed this year alone. Mammograms are the first line        gentle and kind and every time the radiation machine came
of defense against breast cancer, providing early diagnosis     down I closed my eyes and said ‘thank you.’ I was grateful
which allows less toxic treatment and better outcomes. BC       and my body listened.”
Cancer’s Breast Screening Program provides free, regular            Johnna is now six years cancer-free: “I think everybody
screening mammograms for women ages 40-74.                      who is a survivor would say the same thing: you learn
     Thanks to excellence in treatment and screening at         things about yourself that you didn’t know before. I think
BC Cancer, B.C. currently has among the lowest mortality        we spend too much of our time focused on worry, fear and
rates for breast cancer and the best survival rate after        doubt and you have to turn that around. We can choose
diagnosis in Canada. “Access to and awareness of screening      to let cancer control us or we can choose to turn our lives
is essential to achieving equally good outcomes in all          around as a result of it.”
demographics and geographic regions, particularly for
Indigenous women, who currently have poorer survival
than the rest of the population,” explains Warren Clarmont,       To learn more and to support this program
director of Indigenous Cancer Control at BC Cancer.               please contact Lindsay Abbott at 604.675.8015
     Through engagement with the First Nations Health             or
Authority, Métis Nation British Columbia and BC

12 B R E A K T H R O U G H

                                     Personalized cancer care received a
                                   major boost as the Inspiration Gala raised

                             $   3MILLION                             and the Discovery
                                                                      Luncheon raised
                                    $370,000               in support of genomics.

An urgently-needed MASS                                                       Jingle Mingle raised
SPECTROMETER is on its way to BC                                                 $650,000 to help
Cancer to ACCELERATE RESEARCH                                             launch an INNOVATIVE
AND IMPROVE TREATMENT thanks to                                           THERAPIES UNIT at BC
thousands of donors and a generous                                      Cancer – Victoria, which
matching gift from mining community                                           will greatly increase
leaders who helped reach a $2                                            patient access to STATE-
MILLION FUNDRAISING GOAL.                                               OF-THE-ART TREATMENT.

                    BC CANCER SCIENTISTS,                         The 25th annual Miss
                 in partnership with the University of British    Chinese Vancouver
                Columbia, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer         Pageant Gala Dinner
                      Center and Microsoft, developed             raised $460,000 TO
                    A NEW METHOD FOR                              BRING SURFACE-
                 ANALYZING CANCER TISSUE,                         GUIDED RADIATION
                    allowing them to learn more about             EQUIPMENT to BC
                      cancer than previously possible.            Cancer – Vancouver.

                    BC Cancer researchers discovered KEY
                INFORMATION about how HODGKIN LYMPHOMA
                  CELLS are able to grow undetected within the
                 body by examining how they interact within the
                COMPLETE TUMOUR ENVIRONMENT. The findings
                      were published in Cancer Discovery.

                                                                   B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M 13
                                                                                                          Drs. Christian Steidl
                                                                                                          and Shannon Healy,
                                                                                                                   BC Cancer


M     eet TMEM30A: a gene
      harbouring critical—and
exploitable—abnormalities recently
                                                                                    TMEM30A is a gene that
discovered by BC Cancer scientists                                                  encodes protein in every
Shannon Healy, David Scott and         the cell membrane, allowing more             cell. The mutations are
Christian Steidl. It’s playing two     chemotherapy uptake, which is more           only found in diffuse
interesting roles in the most common   effective for the patient.”                  large B-cell lymphoma.
blood cancer, diffuse large B-cell         The second critical feature of
lymphoma.                              TMEM30A is that it attracts scavenger
    The BC Cancer team has linked      cells from the person’s immune
                                                                                 to exploit vulnerability in cancer cells.
the gene’s new-found behaviours to     system to find the cancer and “eat”
                                                                                 The cancer has figured out a way
patients who have positive outcomes—   the cancer cells. This feature is
                                                                                 to be more dangerous but now we
an anomaly as gene mutations are       incredibly important in the new
                                                                                 have figured those cells out and have
typically linked to poor outcomes.     treatment era of immunotherapy.
                                                                                 learned about their vulnerabilities.
    “I am very excited to uncover          “This opens up our global
                                                                                 It’s time to find the right target.
and present a mechanism that is        understanding of the biology at
                                                                                      Drs. Healy and Steidl are moving
very unique in scope, and allows       play in cancers with TMEM30A and
                                                                                 ahead into drug development, looking
for a new targetable element in        why patients with this gene have
                                                                                 to inhibit the TMEM30A process
chemotherapeutic design,” says Dr.     better outcomes. If we can enhance
                                                                                 so they can sensitize cells to make
Shannon Healy, research associate,     immunotherapies that are dependent
                                                                                 treatment more effective, potentially
BC Cancer, and lead author on          on activating immune scavenger cells
                                                                                 across all cancers.
the paper.                             to finish the job eradicating cancer
                                       that would also be a good thing for all
WHAT MAKES TMEM30A                     cancers, not only for lymphoma,” says
DIFFERENT?                             Dr. Healy.
Dr. Steidl, senior scientist and
research director of BC Cancer’s       POTENTIAL IMPACT                            To learn more about how you can
Centre for Lymphoid Cancer             This is one of the first studies in the     support world-leading lymphoma
explains: “In order to work, drugs     world to link a gene mutation to            research, please contact Elissa
like standard chemotherapy need to     changes in membrane biology that            Morrissette at 604.707.5992 or
absorb into the cancer cells. When     can be exploited by drug therapies.
TMEM30A is mutated, it’s impacting     We now have insight that can allow us

14 B R E A K T H R O U G H
                                                                     Bob Charron,
                                                                     patient at BC
                                                                   Cancer, with his

                                                                                       in several areas of brachytherapy
                                                                                       that will have a significant impact on
                                                                                       patient outcomes,” says Dr. Crook.
                                                                                           There are many benefits to
                                                                                       brachytherapy as opposed to
                                                                                       other types of radiation treatment,
                                                                                       according to Dr. Ross Halperin,
                                                                                       executive medical director, BC Cancer
                                                                                      – Kelowna.
                                                                                           “With brachytherapy, the
                                                                                       radioactive sources are placed directly
                                                                                       where the tumour is so the radiation
                                                                                       doesn’t have to travel through the
                                                                                       body to get to the tumour target,” he
                                                                                       says. “This allows us to deliver a lot
                                                                                       more radiation treatment safely to
                                                                                       the tumour while protecting the body
                                                                                       from the harms of radiation treatment
                                                                                       in the normal tissues.”
                                                                                           Dr. Halperin says brachytherapy
                                                                                       has a long track record of success in
                                                                                       prostate cancer and more recently in
  IMPROVING THE STANDARD OF CARE THROUGH                                               women’s gynecologic cancers, such as

                                                                                       cervical cancer, and is also currently
                                                                                       being developed for the treatment of
                                                                                       breast cancers.
                                                                                           To continue to propel leading-edge
                                                                                       innovation in brachytherapy at BC

W     hen Bob Charron retired at 58            The treatment worked very               Cancer – Kelowna, the Foundation
      after a 35-year career in the        quickly and his tests showed a              has embarked on a $3.5 million
RCMP, he had big plans for the next        dramatic response. Bob’s retirement         fundraising initiative to establish a
chapter in his life. He couldn’t wait to   plans soon got back on track—he and         chair in brachytherapy at the centre,
spend more time with his wife, kids        his wife even enjoyed a month-long          to ensure patients in the Interior
and grandson.                              trip to Belize.                             continue to have access to world-class
    Unfortunately, only a few short            “I’m living proof that innovations      care.
months after he retired, his plans         in cancer research and care can save            “More than 70 per cent of the
were stopped in their tracks: Bob          lives,” Bob says. “I am so grateful for     patients our oncologists treat are
was diagnosed with Stage 2B prostate       the incredible treatment I received at      from communities like Cranbrook,
cancer.                                    BC Cancer.”                                 Invermere, Nelson, Vernon and
    His oncologist at BC Cancer -              Brachytherapy is revolutionizing        Kamloops and they benefit from
Kelowna, Dr. Juanita Crook, is             radiation treatment and saving lives,       faster treatments and less time away
a world-leading researcher in              just like Bob’s.                            from their homes and families,” says
the area of brachytherapy and                  “We’re making incredible strides        Dr. Halperin.
quickly identified that Bob was a
prime candidate for the innovative
treatment.                                   MAKE A DIFFERENCE: To learn how you can help establish
    Bob would have a tiny radioactive        a chair in brachytherapy, contact Pardeep Khrod at
seed implanted in a single session
                                             1.250.878.5490 or
and avoid up to five weeks of daily
radiation treatments using beams.

                                                                                      B CC A N C E R FO U N DAT I O N .CO M 15
AUGUST 29-30, 2020

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