BROADVIEW CHURCH REPORTS - A community of Christ followers, who love God And impact the world

Page created by Jerome Casey
BROADVIEW CHURCH REPORTS - A community of Christ followers, who love God And impact the world
 350 – 30th Street North East
 Salmon Arm, B.C.
 V1E 1J2

 A community
 of Christ followers,
 who love God
 And impact the world
 for Jesus!

Meeting: Sunday, April 25th, 2021 at 7:00pm
BROADVIEW CHURCH REPORTS - A community of Christ followers, who love God And impact the world

Table of Contents 2
Leadership Structure 3-4
Lead Pastor’s Report 5-8
Lead Elders Report 9
Freedom Session Report 10
Small Groups Report 11
Men’s Ministries Team Report 12
Women’s Ministries Team Report 13-14
Young Adults Group Report 15
Student Ministries Pastor’s Report 16-17
Children’s Ministries Pastor’s Report 18-19
Technical Ministries Team Leader’s Report 20
Food Services Team Leader’s Report 21
Worship Team Leaders Report 22
Building Management Team Leader’s Report 23
Finance Ministry Team Leader’s Report 24
Missions & Outreach Director’s Report 25
Diary & Statistics 26-28
Minutes from Fall 2020 AGM 29
Active Membership List 30


Elders Team
- Comprised of 5 to 9 individuals approved by the membership, including the Lead Pastor
- Annually, the Elders shall appoint a Lead Elder who will also serve as Chair at Congregational
- Elders shall be elected by the members of the congregation for two-year terms in such a way that
 not all positions are elected each year. After serving 6 consecutive years, all elected Elders will be
 required to take a break for at least one year
- The congregation will be encouraged to submit names of potential new Elders to the Nominating
 Committee for examination and possible recommendation to the members
- The Elders Team is responsible for:
 o Spiritual Oversight
 o Establishing and evaluating Mission, Vision, and Core Values
 o Developing and approving ongoing future ministry staffing strategies
 o Maintaining ongoing contact with Ministry Staff
 o Membership
 o Prayer Ministry
 o Baptism and The Lord’s Supper
 o Serving as the Board of Directors of the Society
 o Delegating all legal, financial and constitutional responsibilities to the Deacons Team

Deacons Team
- Comprised of Deacons Team Leader, Lead Elder, Finance Ministry Team Leader, Building
 Management Team Leader, Food Services Team Leader, Technical Support Team Leader
- The Deacons Team Leader will chair Deacons Team meetings
- The Lead Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the Deacons Team
- Deacons Team members shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the
 members for two-year terms in such a way that not all positions are elected each year
- The primary responsibility of the Deacons Team is to protect the integrity of the church and each
 ministry, as well as to facilitate and resource the various ministries of the church
- The Deacons Team shall be responsible for:
 o All legal and constitutional matters, including approval of all staff contracts, insurance, and
 related policies
 o Preparation of Annual Budget for recommendation to the Elders, and approval by the members
 o Oversight of Budget, including staff compensation
 o Oversight and approval of building plans and management
 o Purchasing
 o Oversight of building and equipment use (rentals, leases, etc.)
 o Development and approval of ongoing future non-ministry staffing strategy
 o Implementation and review of Human Resources Policies

Ministry Staff
- Comprised of all ministry staff
- The Ministry Staff shall be responsible for:
 o Developing a workable, measurable plan and strategies to fulfill the Mission and Vision of the
 church in each area of ministry
 o Developing a staffing plan to fulfill the strategies for approval by the Elders
 o Submitting budget needs to the Finance Team based on the established annual strategies
 o Meeting regularly to develop ongoing ministry plans
 o Submitting names of Key Ministry Leaders to the Elders for approval (as defined in each Ministry
 Job Description)


 Pastor John’s Report

 As I write this we are in the midst of a sermon series from Philippians where we
are reminded that “He who began a good work will bring it to completion.” It is so
good and important to be reminded that God is at work in us and He will not give up.
He is working in us to develop and strengthen us. He is at work through us, impacting
the lives of others around us. Even during a pandemic which seems to upend pretty
much every area of our lives – individually, and as a Church.
 This past year has certainly been a challenging year for all of us. I do not think
anyone would have predicted, and most of us were not really prepared for, the way
our lives would be affected this past year. COVID-19, and all the spin-off effects have
disrupted all our lives – including the life of the Church. It has been over a year since
the last time we were able to meet together as the whole church family. How I long
for that time to return! And it will. It has been so long now that if feels like life will
never return to normal. But it will – and I believe reasonably soon.
 I look forward to this next year (in the coming months) when we will once again
be gathered to join all our hearts and voices in belting out our praise to God together
on Sunday mornings! When we can meet and greet one another (even with hugs).
When we can freely meet for fellowship and meals. When we can freely meet in small
groups in our homes. When we can join with our community in places and spaces
where we can openly share the impact Christ is making in our lives. When we can
once again travel to the ends of the earth to bring the amazing message of hope and
salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord!! Oh the joy of returning to do the things we
once took for granted.

SUNDAY SERVICES: Sunday mornings have traditionally been an important part of our
corporate connection and identity. It is also the time when I get to connect with the
greatest number of our church family face-to-face and I thoroughly enjoy our times
together, connecting with many each Sunday. Writing this report during our COVID-19
hiatus, I must admit that I have really struggled with not being able to see everyone
 This year certainly has been stressful in adjusting to the changes on a
somewhat regular basis. I am so thankful to those who have stepped up to make
online streaming of our Sunday morning services possible. Pastor Chris has particularly
taken initiative to learn and give direction to tech changes, recruiting and scheduling
personnel to make it happen each week. Dan White has given of his time and
expertise sacrificially to make our services run successfully. Joel Neudorf has also
been a faithful, constant help with our streaming technology. To all the volunteers
who helped with video, etc. I say a huge THANK YOU!
 It has also been a challenge for our worship leaders. Thanks to Janu & Lisa
Smith, John & Kristyna Wooster and Dan & Meaghan Bock for consistently recording
music at home for us to use in our worship services. Then, for adapting when we
could meet in person, and adjusting again when we were “live” but online. I know you

all really look forward to the time when we can once again be all together to worship
together actively and personally in one place!
 I have again appreciated having our Elders join our Pastors in leading
Communion. Having online services for much of the year has created a challenge in
celebrating Communion as well. Thank you all for adapting.
 We began 2020 with a sermon series from Matthew titled “Radical Kingdom.”
Through the summer we touched on a variety of Scriptures. In the Fall we moved to a
series in Genesis with a focus on family titled “Family Matters.” In February we
launched into the series “Under Construction” from the book of Philippines.

LEADERSHIP: I continue to thank God for the leadership here at Broadview. We have a
dedicated team of Elders who desire to lead with integrity and diligence under the
Spirit’s guidance. This past year has been a challenging year navigating church life
with the seeming increasing polarization in perspectives on how we should respond to
COVID restrictions. There was also significant time spent in wrestling with the
question of whether we should allow women to serve as elders. I have also been
encouraged with the spirit and work of our Deacons as they provide practical
leadership. Special thanks to Tim Corless for stepping in to head up our Facilities

STAFF: I am so thankful for the team we have here at Broadview. Lis Leach has been a
dedicated, caring, and consistent presence in our church office. She has been amazing
in helping us navigate all the COVID protocols and expectations – as well as dealing
with the frequent opinions that are offered on how things could/should be done .
Toward the end of summer, Joelle Heyde left to pursue her education. Thankfully,
the Lord brought the Hagermans into our community and Lena joined our admin staff,
filling the role of creative productions and publications. At the end of 2020 she also
took on the task of bookkeeping when Ruth Ratzlaff stepped down to take on a full-
time job at KCS.
 Rudy (along with his wife Crystal) continues to provide a steady hand of
leadership with our kid’s ministry. During this “interrupted time” of ministry, Rudy
has stepped in to coordinate our online registrations for in-person services (when we
could have them) as well as connecting with our families for online Sunday School.
Then, adapting AWANA to meet restrictions. Similarly, Chris has tried his best to lead
our student ministries through the changes. It is hard to build teams and relationships
when we are to limit our in-person contact with others. Finding ways to balance
ministry when families have different responses and expectations surrounding COVID
restrictions can be a challenge.
 In the midst of all this we have had Mark Parmenter join us as a Ministry
Apprentice. Sensing a call to pastoral ministry, Mark has begun his training through
the Realize program at Rocky Mountain College (which will shift to Northwest Baptist
Seminary after completing the first half of the program). Along with his studies, he is
involved in ministry here at Broadview. In order to help meet his financial needs we
have set up a fund where individuals can donate toward the “Apprentice Ministry
Fund.” Through the course of his ministry training, Mark’s responsibilities at
Broadview Church will shift from time to time.

WOMEN ELDERS: Much time and effort has been spent this past year addressing the
question of whether we would allow women to serve as elders. The reason this
question has come up is because our written bylaws and policies do not match our
practice. Although there was time when elders’ wives would join elder meetings, only
men have been elected as elders until now. Our bylaws and policies do not forbid
women to be chosen as elders and our written policies suggest that women “might
be” elders. So, until now, the nominating committee has chosen not to put forward
any women to be nominated as elders.
 Broadview Church is part of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC). As
such, we are a congregational church; thus, the congregation is involved in making
decisions on matters of significance that affect the church at large. The EFCC also has
a document called our Character and Calling which defines the ethos of the EFCC. As
a credentialed pastor, I am required to sign my agreement with this document on an
annual basis. The core of this document states that our calling and spirit is defined as
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, charity, in all things, Jesus Christ.” Essentials
are defined as truths articulated in the Word of God, expressed through the centuries
in the great creeds of the church and defined for us in our Statement of Faith. The
issue of choosing women as elders or not does not fit within the realm of essentials. If
we are going to demonstrate our agreement with the EFCC intended Character and
Calling, it is incumbent upon us to treat one another with charity where we disagree
on the matter. And as a congregational church, it is for the congregation to decide
the direction we go on this.
 The best way for us as a congregation to make a decision on the matter is to
make an informed decision. We tend to react based on our history and personal
biases. We tend to read and accept only (or primarily) what reinforces our current
view on a matter. This past year I have read a number of books and articles on the
subject. Far too much of what I read simply had one side calling the other names and
trying to discredit those who would disagree with them. As a matter of fact, I read so
much on the subject that if I never heard of the discussion again, I could be very
happy indeed. There are a couple of resources that provided a reasonably balanced
approach. One article that presents a reasonably balanced look at Scripture which I
found online (and I was given permission to make copies for anyone interested) can be
found online at
complementarian/1298-the-egalitarian-complementarian-debate.html. The best,
balanced book that I found that looked at the subject from different perspectives is
“Two Views of Women In Ministry (Counterpoints: Bible And Theology Book 12)” by
Craig Blomberg (James R Beck, editor). Mission Creek Alliance Church in Kelowna
wrestled through this issue and brought in a guest to help them through some learning
on the subject. If you are prepared to take some time, you can watch a recording of
their seminar online at
process/pages/november-18-learning-seminar-1. I trust that whatever decision we
make will be an informed decision.

VISION: We continue to be committed to our Vision statement. We believe that God
has called us at Broadview Church to be “a community of Christ followers who love

God and impact the world for Jesus.” Everything we do flows out of that
commitment and vision. Various programming has been on hold or has looked quite
different. However, we continue to press on toward that which God has called us. We
are reminded that we serve the Lord who knows the beginning from the end.

In conclusion I would like to give a great big thank to everyone in the Broadview
Church family who has stepped up to become actively involved and make a difference
in the Church and in the community. Thank you to our leadership for giving your
yourselves – often sacrificially – to seek and follow God’s leading. I pray that as we
move forward under God’s direction that each of us would contribute to truly making
Broadview Church a community of Christ followers who love God and impact the world
for Jesus!

In the King's Service,
John Reimer, Lead Pastor


This past year has been a challenging one for Broadview Church. With challenges come
opportunities to grow and to stretch. It is in years of drought that plants reach down deep with
their roots to get to the water, and we have seen many in our church body dig deep and keep
their eyes on Christ as they go through the pressures of life amid a global pandemic.
We have had people get baptised, new members join our body and believers grow in their walk
with God. Broadview church as a body was able to take a leading role in preparing and
distributing meals to those in need at Christmas and we recently joined in the walk during the
coldest night of the year to raise money for the poor and needy in Salmon Arm.
Mark Parmenter has joined our church leadership in an apprentice role, we want to give both
Mark and his wife Sahara the opportunity to “fan into flame” the gifts they have been given. It
is the desire of the elders that all of us in the church body would use and exercise and grow the
gifts and talents we have been given to build each other up and to reach out to those in need all
for the glory of God.
There continues to be increasing fear and chaos in the world around us and we the church have
the good news of a loving God that needs to be shared with the world. Again, with challenges
and obstacles come opportunity and innovation. Now is not the time to sit back and wait for
things to get back to “normal”, now is the time to be the church, to be the hands and feet of
Christ to a hurting world. We as elders will continue to seek God’s direction for his church and
follow his lead through these unusual times. We appreciate your prayers and support as we
serve the church body in this way.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Hennig



 Small Group Ministry Report
The Gathering Place small group (Merrill/Teresa Dyck, Barb Stoops/Colin Mackay, Jaimee Jansen, Jon/Sarah Koch
and Andrea Guenther), started to support the Small Group Ministry in the Fall of 2020. At this point there were only
3 groups meeting. One with zoom and 2 occasionally outside. All past and present leaders were called once a
month starting Jan 2021 and urged to connect with their current and past members to support and encourage them in
their daily walk and faith.

During the March call leaders who were contacted were asked to start talking to their groups and other church
members about discipleship. 1) What does discipleship mean to them? 2) How they have been discipled? 3) What
areas they felt they needed training or support in order to be better equipped to disciple others?

The Small Group Ministry team is meeting in April to look at where to go from here…As the weather warms up it
would be great for people to start meeting outside in small groups but the challenges around legislation still cause
many people to feel uncomfortable with this option.

God has been doing a work in many people’s hearts and lives. It’s been great to hear stories of new relationships
with neighbors and people going out of their way to help those hurting. We are relational people and definitely need
each other. Whether we only have a couple more months of this or this is going to last longer, we are feeling that
there needs to be a way to connect the body of Christ in meaningful ways. If you have ideas that you would like to
share, please don’t hesitate to call!

Andrea Guenther



Women’s Ministry Sept 2020 - April 2021

Well, what an interesting time to step back into Women’s Ministry! And yet, having said that, I do still
feel a passion to come along side women in their journeys with God, in whatever form that turns into. :)
I am thankful for the opportunity even still!!

September we did a Ladies Kick Off in the youth room, with a wonderful catered breakfast, lunch and
dessert and also had amazing speakers (via video) and had the room all decorated with fall pumpkins,
leaves and lovely lights!! It was the “first and last” event we were allowed to have. We were allowed to
gather in groups of 50 back then. It was a lovely time of gathering and catching up after a long time of
being apart for the previous spring and summer!

December, we could not do our usual Christmas Cafe, but we did try our best to take it to the ladies via
virtual experience! We still had our live speakers, encouraged the women to get their own special
desserts and to treat themselves to some powerful testimonies (Sahara Parmenter, Debbie Reimer, and
Teresa Dyck) of God’s love and encouragement. These 3 ladies all did such a wonderful job!! Had we
been able to gather together, only 50 would have seen it (at most) but due to the virtual version, the
last we checked there was about 150 women who watched it on YouTube before we took it down!
Praise the Lord! Due to the sensitivity of personal testimonies being so personal, we told the ladies
sharing testimonies that we would only have it online for a month. This allowed women to watch it at a
time that worked best for them, and still allowed us all to feel as though we gathered in Spirit! The Holy

The next event would usually be a weekend retreat, but again, no opportunity to gather yet, had us
steering and encouraging the women to watch a ladies’ weekend conference online called “IF:
Gathering”, it is a worldwide conference, in over 43 countries and translated into many languages. They
have world renown speakers such as Jennie Allen, Christine Caine, Ann Voskamp, and also great male
speakers such as Frances Chan and Mark Comer! Because this was a worldwide event you register with,
we cannot say how many attended, but it was an event well worth watching and full of very relevant
encouragement in these tough Covid times. I was greatly blessed by it personally!

Bible studies also needed to be shut down, but I have been sending out something each month to
encourage women to plug into some highly recommended studies they can watch in the comfort of
their own home (or with someone in their bubble) from Right Now Media. That reminds me, I need to
do one for April! I will be getting on that shortly here...

Ladies prayer group continues to meet via zoom every Monday morning.

I will likely take a break from the ministry for summer, as WM usually winds down for summer and we
encourage women to connect with their families while their kids are out for summer. Although we may
not be able to travel much this summer, we encourage women to take this opportunity to so some
“staycations” in our Beautiful BC! We have so many amazing places to visit and yet often can take for
granted what is in our own back yard and surrounding areas!

On a personal note: one of the things I feel the Lord has been nudging me toward recently, is raising up
new leaders in WM. I have been encouraging members of my team to step a bit out of their “comfort
zones” and more into leadership roles I see them gifted in. For example: Sahara Parmenter shared her
powerful testimony in our Christmas event (so proud of her, she did amazing and that is not her comfort
zone), Stephanie Metcalf may be speaking soon (will keep you posted) and although sweet Cynthia
Hennig prefers behind the scenes of making amazing meals for us, I “might” get her to allow me to
record her sharing some of her fantastic tips with us??? Still working on that be continued.
Maybe next year, if we cannot meet in person yet. :) But I do feel God really prompting me to live out
Titus 2. To have women raise up the next generation of strong women of faith, and men do the same.
Perhaps it is because I am a grandmother now (yes, ‘tis true - and I have the grey hairs to prove it) but I
do feel this sense of accountability suddenly as to what I am doing to raise up new and strong leaders to
“carry on” the ministry well into the future and beyond. Please keep me in your prayers about that, and
I know God will honour what He sees us doing for His glory, and for what is in line with His Word!!
Amen!! :)

God bless, and stay safe!

Tamara Peterson


 YAG (Young Adults Group) Ministry Report
Hello Church! I thought that I didn’t have very much to share but when you are dealing with people there is always
something 

May – Sept 2020 We thought that we would plan events outside, but people were busy working or did not feel
comfortable getting together. We also thought that things would be better and were waiting. (Chris Tycholis, Sarah
and Jon Koch and Andrea Guenther)

Sept – Nov 2020 We started the Gathering Place on Saturday nights at the church. A place for YA initially and
eventually we opened it up to the whole church. (Sarah and Jon Koch, Merrill and Theresa Dyck, Barb Stoops and
Colin Mackay, Jaimee Jansen, & Andrea and Kelly Guenther)
One group of YAs started a Bible Study on their own.

Nov – Jan 2020-21 Did very little hoping that things would open up and we could start meeting again.
Started researching to find YA that were connected to the church. Heard about 3 Bible studies for YA’s run by

Feb – April 2021 Andrea started calling parents of YA’s to see how they were doing and where their kids were at.
Found out that we have over 125 YA’s attached to Broadview through the directory. Stories were extreme. From
huge suffering and hurt to celebration and excitement. I was honored to have parents share and realized I knew 99%
of the YA’s in some way. Only about 20 YA’s call Broadview their home church at this time. We are committed to
praying for the parents and their YA’s and plan to call a couple of times a year to update the data base and stories. I
started researching “Discipleship Training” courses and books.

This has been a tough year for everyone, but I would say that young people have had some unique issues that I
wouldn’t have thought of if I was not connected to this age and stage.
YA’s account for almost all the Graduations and Weddings and are parents to many of the new little ones coming
into the world. These are some of the biggest decisions or life events we get to be part of in North American
Culture. Because of Covid many of these events didn’t happen or were not able to be celebrated by “community”.
As a result, people have made choices that were unexpected. The fear of the future when you do not have “history”
behind you to help you move ahead has immobilized many YA’s from making big decisions or from making any
decisions at all. It feels as though this group is being “stunted” and it will impact their future contributions to
society and as Christ followers because of lost opportunities, inability to launch and stunted relationships and skills.

We are meeting as a group to make plans for the rest of the spring and into the summer. If you have any ideas or
thoughts you would like to share, please don’t hesitate to call!
Andrea Guenther


Our desire as Broadview Youth is to connect students to God, to disciple, and to build lasting relationships with one
another. We do this by seeking to lead our students to wrestle with their faith. That through this wrestle they may
grow, desire and follow Christ all the more out of who God has created them to be; By creating a relational culture
that focuses on mutual growth towards who God calls us to be. Last, to create a community where our students have
opportunities to connect with one another creating lasting relationships to join them on their journey with God as
students but also as they move into adulthood.

Here are some highlights and insights that stood out over this last year of student ministry:

Community – Right from the beginning of the pandemic, the need for community for teenagers was evident.
Community is necessary for development of teenagers when it comes to social skills yet also their faith. It is a
critical time us as humans yet more as Christians in our development considering how God made us. The need was
evident and we as a leadership team for youth decided to make a bit of a sacrifice in the summer to more regularly
connect with our students as a youth group. We met throughout the summer outside whether at the beach or on a
hike or other recommended ways considering Covid 19 protocols in BC at that time. This turned out to be
monumental for our youth group as we saw great cohesion and unity in our group as a whole (youth and leaders). It
was a grace for us to meet together and connect in this way as it made it grow together in so many ways that was
amazing in preparing for the greater spiritual growth that was found throughout the rest of the ministry year.

Youth Alpha Before this year began and the hit of Covid 19, we had planned to go through the Youth Alpha
program which was amazing considering these interesting times. Youth Alpha is a video led program provides space
to discuss the basics of faith and Christianity. This program is amazing for evangelistic purposes but also for firming
the foundations of faith in our students. This is not the first time our youth have gone through Alpha in the last 5
years, but it was growing for all who attended as we saw leaps in understand and practice of faith in many of our
students. Even though we were interrupted for a time because of restrictions with the pandemic, we were able to
complete this program just before spring break as we spent most of the winter learning from this program.

High School Deeper Discipleship Group – One change we made at the beginning of the year to adapt for youth
ministry amongst the pandemic was to join our middle and high school youth into a one all youth event each week
instead of two. We made this move due to several different factors such as less attendance, more need for
supervision and protocol guidance, and other factors. This provided opportunity to run a small group bible study on
Friday nights for a portion of our high school students. We called this ‘High School Deeper Discipleship’ as it was a
night designed to discuss the big questions surrounding faith and Christianity to equip our high school students to
engage their faith more as they journey towards young adulthood. This study group has had amazing attendance and
great discussions. Many of our high school students are engaging in this night and are eager to grow in their faith
whether discussing big topics such as ‘End Times in Scripture’ or our study this spring of Apologetics.

Changed Lives – Our ministry aims at seeing God work in those we minister towards transforming and drawing His
children closer to Him and furthering them towards reflecting God more fully in their lives. Our desire for students
is that in their journey through middle and high school they will be encourage and inspired to personally seek and
own their faith through growing in understanding of God and to realize how that impacts their life and the lives
around them. From there, our hope is that as they emerge from our student ministry, they will continually pursue and
display God wherever their journey takes them. Students have shared honest questions and earnest desires they have
in their pursuit of God. Though we haven’t been able to have such big events like retreats, conferences or missions
trips this year, it has been amazing to see our students dig to deepen their faith week to week through engaging in
authentic discussions and community. One big moment was through our Easter event called ‘Journey to the Cross’

where are students were able to engage in stations that helped them ‘journey with Jesus’ in a sense through reading
scripture, prayer, and activities/object lessons surrounding stories of Jesus final days before His death. It is ever
encouraging to see how our students are pursuing God and seeking to serve Him with the talents and passions that
God has inspired.

Student Ministry Leadership Team – Our ministry has been blessed with leaders passionate, dedicated and willing
to serve our students. This year was naturally different with all the changes due to the pandemic, but I was
encouraged by the determination, willingness and service of our leadership team towards the goal we have together
in youth ministry. It has been amazing for our leadership to join together in our aim with youth to disciple them and
to make lasting relationships. I was ever encouraged to see our leaders step out in different ways this year and to
express their passions for our students in different ways. It is such a blessing to be a part of a dedicated group of
young leaders.

Changes – Our year of ministry definitely changed when social distancing started in mid-March with the Covid-19
outbreak in Canada. This impacted our ministry in different ways. There were several events that we were planning
on to spur further discipleship with our students such as Gardom Lake Bible Camps High School Retreat, a Gr. 6-12
day retreat at Gardom, History Maker Conference and a Missions trip Weekend that all cancelled due to the impact
of social distancing and other restrictions. Our attendance as a whole dropped by about 20% which is normal or even
better than normal considering trends of attendance in youth considering the pandemic in Canada. Throughout the
year our attendance was very consistent and good considering the effects of the pandemic.

Student Ministries Future – As any ministry, it is always important to seek the development to further reach the
aim and vision. As social distancing has impacted our sense of community as a church and as a youth group, the
first goals with the easing of social distancing is to pursue community as a youth group once again. From there, we
will continually seek deepening the community of our youth community, connecting those who are not a part of it as
well and creating lasting relationships with our students and between our student to equip them for a life with God.
There is still a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the larger opportunities for discipleship (such as conferences,
missions’ trips, camp ministry, etc.) due to the Covid-19. We will be still looking to engage our students in
opportunities such as these to foster their faith throughout this time and in the times to come as it is appropriate to.

Summary – It has been an amazing second year being a part of Broadview’s student ministry even with the vast
impacts our world as a whole has had from Covid-19. The theme for youth this year was “The Way”; that there is a
‘Way’ that we are created to pursue and this with Jesus. We have really encouraged our students to wrestle with the
big questions, with who God is and how they reflect Him as they pursue Him in their faith. I pray that God may
continually transform and empower our students to further be the young people God is calling them to be.



As you all know, it’s been quite a year for the tech volunteers with a steep learning curve. I am so
thankful for the many hours that have been put into learning and setting up all the equipment needed
to stream our services. From cameras to switch boards to computers, there have been a great group of
volunteers working hard to have our services running the best they can. While there have certainly been
some challenges, I have to say I’m impressed with how successful this group of volunteers has been at
getting our services streamed. I’ve said before that tech ministry, (just like the church as a whole), really
is a team effort. This has never been more true than this year! We have needed so much knowledge in
so many new areas, that a team effort was the only way we could pull this off. Thanks to everyone who
has been a part of this, and thanks to everyone else for your patience while we figure all this out.

Dan Bock
Deacon of Technical Ministries


Recent usage:
- Friends at Christmas made meals for families in need.
 -Cynthia in January for preparing a small wedding meal. Not served on the premises
- BEFC Staff

- dishwasher element was fixed
- large oven element was fixed
(Detlef took care of that)

My vision for the BEFC Kitchen is to have a team of 4-6 people with vision and passion in serving in that capacity
when the time comes.
If you’re interested, please contact Cynthia 250-833-2859 or email amethyst_ch@


“Our mission is to provide opportunities for believers and seekers to encounter God in a life-
changing worship experience.”

 What a year it has been, and continues to be! There have been so many changes during the year, so many
ideas tried, and we have learned through it all! As I look back through the year, I believe that one of the greatest
comforts I can hold on to is that God was not surprised by any of this – He is fully in control! We are not to give up,
but to press on towards the goal that he has called us to.
 I am reminded of the verses in James, where it says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,
whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let
perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Yes, this is a year to
persevere, to grow and to allow God to do a new thing in our hearts and lives!
 As worship leaders, we have tried many different things this year in order to be able to continue with
leading worship. In the beginning, we all simply tried to record from home with whatever we had available,
whether it be just on our phones, or on other home recording devices. As time went on, we learned a little more
about recording, using different technology, and also using background track applications. As the weeks and
months went on, we either recorded from home, we had the occasional opportunity to play live with a band when
regulations opened up, or we played live on Sunday morning with background tracks. Through this process, I have
learned so very much and I am thankful to God for the opportunity to do so.
 The year continues to be a time of growing and learning, not all of which is always easy, but I can be
assured that God is going before us and because of this, we can move forward in confidence.

 Thank you all for your support!

Respectfully submitted by,

Janu Smith


BEFC Building Maintenance Team
Annual Report

The Building Maintenance Team is a committee appointed by and works under the direction of the
Deacon’s Board. This team was formed last summer and is an effort to share the load of operating the
building. As maintenance and improvement projects come up, the team looks to church staff,
committee members, volunteers and contractors to complete the work.

The team has been working well over the last 9 months but would like to improve by expanding our list
of volunteers and trades people in the church who might be willing to help out with projects on
occasion. If you are interested in helping out in any way please let me know.

Our church has an amazing custodial team led buy Detlef Doose. This team has rose to the challenge of
maintaining a public building through the pandemic in spite of changing policies and uncertain
conditions imposed to keep people safe. Be sure and encourage these guys as you see them through
out the building.

Over the past few months, we saw the chapel roof replaced, a new furnace in the chapel, repaired light
fixtures and numerous repairs to the heating, electrical and plumbing systems.

In the coming months, the major items on our list include repairing and repaving another section of the
parking lot, tree and shrub management and renovate the youth room kitchen into a multi use space.

I would like to thank my fellow team members; Dima Polyakh, Mike Thiessen, Kelvin Beagle and Mark
North. Together, our hope is to make sure this building is available 24/7 for God’s purposes.

Respectfully Submitted
Tim Corless




When compiling data, there is the possibility that something or someone may be inadvertently missed. If so,
please accept our apologies and bring it to our attention at the office. Thanks!

 The following information is for the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021

Weekly Events:
- Our onsite worship services are on a temporary hold at this time, as per the provincial health office. Sunday
 Services are streamed at 9AM on Sunday Morning.
- Once these restrictions are lifted, we will resume our onsite worship service/Sunday School/Nursery at
- Sunday Prayer Gathering - Sundays @7pm, via Zoom (online meeting).

Various Week Days:
- Men’s Prayer Time
- Women’s Care Network – A New Ministry headed up by Liz Demens
- Adult and Student Small Groups - All in-person adult events and gatherings are temporarily postponed.
- Silverback’s dinner & Chapel – temporarily postponed.
- J.O.Y. Fellowship (Just Older Youth) - temporarily postponed.
- Bible Studies - temporarily postponed.
- Men’s Fellowship & Prayer Time
- Men’s Floorball - temporarily postponed.
- Women’s Floor Hockey - temporarily postponed.
- Women’s Bible Study - temporarily postponed.
- Women’s Prayer Time – via Zoom
- Middle & High School Student events
- AWANA (Kids Club) Age 3 through Grade 8
- Kids Worship Team
- Freedom Sessions - temporarily postponed.
- Drop in Table Tennis - temporarily postponed.

Monthly Events:
- Elders meetings
- Men’s Breakfasts - temporarily postponed.

- WM (Women’s Ministries) special events
- Baptismal Services
- Baby/Child Dedications
- Other Business and Committee meetings as required

Specials (by month):
April 10 Good Friday Service – Streamed Online
 12 Easter Sunday Service – Streamed Online

June 07 Spring AGM (Via Zoom)
 20/21 Baptism

July 6-10 Onsite and “At Home” Rocky Railway VBS

Aug 08 Baptism


Oct 03 WM - Women’s Ministry Kick Off - IF: LEAD Conference 2020.
 12 Thanksgiving
 25 Fall AGM
 29 Awana – Kick Off

Nov 29 Advent Begins – 1st Video

Dec 20 WM – Christmas in Perfect Peace, special Ladies Event Online
 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, streamed online
 25 Friends at Christmas Meals

Feb 7 Membership Class
 20 Coldest Night of the Year Walk

Mar 28 Palm Sunday

Average Attendance:

Membership Review – April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
- Membership as of April 01, 2020 161
- New Members 06
- Memberships terminated/transferred out 00
- Membership Deaths 01
- Memberships transferred in 00
- Membership as of April 1, 2021 166

Transferred in Members:

Flemke, Jaime Mychele
McCallum, Lara-May
McCallum, Linden Joel Rue
McCallum, Holly Joy
Evans, Ryan
Lein, Kara
North, Owen
Breugem, Hannah
Neudorf, Matthew
Volker, Olga Joan

Sales, Les & Wendy
Stefanyk, Chris & Sutherland, Joelle

Heidi Madelyn Vanderkwaak, daughter of Eric & Karin

Baby Dedications:

Kornelson, Edith
Guenter, Joy
Cook, Viola
Chapman, Brenda

Fall General Meeting
 Broadview Evangelical Free Church
 October 25 th, 2020
 Salmon Arm, British Columbia

 1. Call to Order: Pastor John Reimer opened in prayer
 2. Ron Hennig extended a heartfelt Pastor appreciation for all our Broadview Pastors
 3. Credentialing Report:
 Members 40
 Adherents 05
 Credentials Total 45
 4. Motion to approve the June 07, 2020, Spring General Meeting Minutes: MSC
 5. Budget: Mark Wilson went over 2020/21 Budget and gave a financial summary of the
 general expenses, giving and attendance over the past 12 months.

 Budget Discussion: The floor was opened to discussion about the budget. A question was
 asked about the Adult Ministries Expenses and if it included small groups.

 6. Motion to adopt the budget as presented: MSC
 7. Motion to approve last years’ financial reports from Grant Thornton: MSC
 8. Motion to retain Grant Thornton to conduct the financial review in the coming year: MSC
 9. Discussion Items:
 a) Lead Elder gave a recap of the family meeting and women as Elders – a decision will
 not be made until Spring. (David’s notes are available through the office).
 b) The floor was opened for questions in regards to women in eldership.
 A question and motion was asked if those seeking eldership should need to take the
 leadership training through Freedom Session to become an Elder. Motion was put
 forward. Motion Failed.
 c) A question was asked if there is a general Evangelical Free decision about women as
 Elders. The Evangelical Free Church is autonomous on this issue.

 10. Ron Hennig, our lead elder, shared a devotional from Matthew 25.

 Ron closed in Prayer.

 11. Cliff Petersen motioned to adjourn meeting/Ron Hennig – Carried.

Respectfully submitted by Lis Leach

Dewick, Peggy Leclair, Terry Smith, Wilf
Active Dewick, Ron
 Dewick, Tim
 Lein, Mark
 Lein, Tanya
 Stefanyk, Jack
 Stefanyk, Trish

Members Doose, Detlef
 Doose, Vicki
 Leyenhorst, Casey
 Leyenhorst, Gina
 Stobbe, Abe
 Stobbe, AJ
 Duncan, Pat MacDonald, Barbara Stobbe, Breanne
as of Duncan, Marge
 Evans, Rudy
 MacDonald, Grant
 Mackay, Colin
 Stobbe, Darlene
 Stoops, Barbara

March 31st, Evans, Crystal
 Feenstra, Murray
 McCallum, Grant
 McCallum, Tanya
 Tycholis, Christopher
 Ulmer, Roberta
 Feenstra, Wilma Metcalf, Nathan Vermeer, Bill
2021 Flahr, Valerie
 Flahr, Paul
 Metcalf, Stephanie
 Mitchell, David
 Vermeer, Jolene
 VanBergeyk, Bill
 Foltan, Lee Mitchel, Sue VanBergeyk, Zina
 Fortier, Kerry Moland, Amanda Wall, Michelle
Ambrose, Mark Foulds, Barry Moland, Kendall Wall, Peter
Ambrose, Susan Foulds, Donna Moore, Chris Ware, Lois
Arychuk, Daryl Gauthier, Glenda Moore, Liz Welder, Chris
Arychuk, Marita Giesbrecht, Jerry Motz, Richard Welder, Clayton
Barnes, Bill Giesbrecht, Ruth Neudorf, Heidi Welsh, Bette
Barnes, Lorna Guenther, Andrea Neudorf, Wolfgang Wiebe, Camella
Bartell, Bob Guenther, Kelly Parmenter, Mark Wiebe, Sterling
Bartell, Joyce Gunsch, Jonathan (JT) Parmenter, Sahara Wilson, Mark
Bates, Alice Gunsch, Melody Pedersen, Cliff Wilson, Patty
Beaulieu, Carol Hanna, Harriet Pedersen, Gloria Wooster, John
Bock, Dan Hanna, James Peterson, Malcom Wooster, Kristyna
Bock, Meaghan Haviland, Jessie (Deacon) Peterson, Marie Zuidhof, Aron
Bonthuys, Erasmus Hawley, Bernice Peterson, Matthew Zuidhof, Sarah
Bonthuys, Marietjie Hennig, Cynthia Peterson, Micaiah
Born Annie Hennig, Ron Peterson, Sharon
Born, Todd Heyde, Judy Peterson, Tamara
Brandsma, Sandra Heyde, Rudy Plett, Jennie
Breugem, Antje Hills, Marian Plett, Lorne
Breugem, Dirk Jansen, Andrew Polyahk, Carolyn
Brink, Michelle Jansen, Cristie Polyahk, Vlad
Brink, Raymond Jansen, Jaimee Ratzlaff, Abe
Campbell, Irene Jones, Bruce Ratzlaff, Helen
Campbell, Malcolm Karpowich, Colin Ratzlaff, Ruth
Cassan, Bill Karpowich, Teresa Ratzlaff, Terry
Conron, Lou Kerr, Lorne Reimer, John
Conron, Peter Kerr, Rita Reimer, Debbie
Cooper, Easter Kornelson, Greg Romaniuk, Julie
Cooper, Robert Kornelson, Melody Romaniuk, Orest
Corless, Loretta Kyle, Carrie Ruten, David
Corless, Tim Kyle, Keith Ruten, Wynnale
Davidson, Linda Kyle, Lois Scarrott, Faith
deBoer, Dave Kyle, Richard Scarrott, Phil
deBoer, Edy Landie, Curtis Schlitt, Connie
Demens, Gene Landie, Phyllis Schlitt, Paul
Demens, Liz Landie, Ross 30 Sheilds, Carol
Dewalle, Ed Landie, Roxanne Smith, Janu
DeWalle, Sarah Leach, Doug Smith, Lisa
Dewick, Lisa Leach, Lis Smith, Sandy
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