High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah

Page created by Clifford Morrison
High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
                                     Greengate Jewish Center

 High Holiday Bulletin 2018
Message from                                                      Message from
Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro                                          Rabbi Seth Herstic
Shalom Aleichem MMAE Family,                                        One Thing
  At the end of every week, as I am rush-                           The liturgical constant of the High Holi-
ing to prepare for Shabbat during the last                        day season is the psalm known as L’dovid
few hours of Friday afternoon, I inevitably                       Hashem Ori (Psalm 27). We begin to recite this chapter on the
ask myself, “Where did this week go?” I sometimes feel as if      morning of the 1st of Elul, and continue to say it, every morn-
each Shabbat flows into the next and the week in between is       ing and evening, through the 7th day of Sukkot (Hoshanah
nothing but a passing dream. Actually, I feel this way as well    Rabbah). Thus, this prayer threads its way through this holy
towards the end of every month and certainly as I approach        time period, linking the days of the holiday season together.
another Rosh Hashanah. This year has passed like the sand            Perhaps the most powerful verse in this psalm is verse 4, in
that trickles down through the hourglass, and I find myself       which King David declares, One thing have I asked of the Lord,
wishing that I could just slow things down.                       only that do I seek--that I may dwell in the House of the Lord
  After graduating high school, I traveled to Israel to study     all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, to
Torah in Yeshivat Hakotel for a year. It was a dream come         frequent His Temple. What a bold statement! How can David
true to spend a whole year devoted to my Jewish studies and       claim to ask for only one thing? How can that one thing be all
traveling through the Holy Land. It was my first time to Israel   that he seeks? To be human is to be complex, after all; it is to
and I would get to spend a whole year living in the Old City of   be involved in many different relationships and to need many
Jerusalem. With all that time, I felt like I could do and see     different things.
everything there was to see. I remember clearly the first day        To be human is to play many roles (to wear many hats). We
of school. All the students were nervous and excited as the       are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, husbands and
Rosh HaYeshiva—the head rabbi—began to speak. His first           wives, mothers and daughters, grandmothers and grandfa-
words to us were, “The year is already over.”                     thers, uncles and aunts, etc. We are citizens, neighbors,
   We laughed at the time, but the truth is he was right. Even    friends, co-workers, and supervisors. In addition, on a daily
though each day of Torah study felt powerful and important,       basis we must tend to our minds, our bodies, and our souls.
by the end of the year the whole experience felt like a dream     We are responsible for ourselves, for our intimate circle of
and that first day with the rabbi’s peculiar speech seemed like   friends and loved ones, and also for the larger world we inhab-
it had just happened.                                             it. We are a part of a community, a town, a city, a state, a
                                                                  country, etc. The amount of relationships we take part in, and
  Time is strange like that, we sometimes have days that feel     the diversity of those relationships, can be overwhelming. To
like a whole year, and we look back at events that happened       keep track of it all, and to still care for our own diverse needs
years ago and say, “it feels like yesterday”. A central purpose   on a regular basis, is a daunting task. There is just so much we
of Judaism is to help us harness and be aware of time. Each of    need, so much we want, so many relationships to tend to, so
our holidays and Sabbaths are tools that we can use to con-       many parts of ourselves to maintain. Life is complex and multi-
centrate on the blessing of each moment and our connection        faceted; and a religious life, a Jewish life, even more so.

                                              Rabbis’ Messages Continued on Page 3

                 7000 Rockland Hills Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21209
                 410-653-7485       www.mmae.org     Fax 410-653-7187
High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
September 2018 / Tishri 5779
    Sun              Mon                Tue             Wed                 Thu                  Fri                  Sat
                                                                                           August 30 /              1 / 21 Elul
                                                                                            20 Elul                 Selichot
                                                                                           Regular               8:45 am
                                                                                           7:23 pm               9:00 pm
  2 / 22 Elul       3 / 23 Elul       4 / 24 Elul      5 / 25 Elul        6 / 26 Elul          7 / 27 Elul         8 / 28 Elul
     Sunday            Regular           Regular          Regular            Regular            Regular

                                                                                           7:10 pm               8:45 am
  9 / 29 Elul      10 / 1 Tishri      11 / 2 Tishri   12 / 3 Tishri      13 / 4 Tishri        14 / 5 Tishri       15 / 6 Tishri
 Erev Rosh           Rosh               Rosh              Regular            Regular             Regular
 Hashanah          Hashanah           Hashanah
                                                      Fast of Gedaliah                                           8:45 am
7:06 pm           8:06 pm                                                                  6:59 pm
 16 / 7 Tishri     17 / 8 Tishri     18 / 9 Tishri    19 / 10 Tishri     20 / 11 Tishri     21 / 12 Tishri       22 / 13 Tishri
     Sunday            Regular         Kol Nidre          Yom                Regular             Regular
                                    6:53 pm                                                6:48 pm               8:45 am
23 / 14 Tishri 24 / 15 Tishri        25 / 16 Tishri   26 / 17 Tishri     27 / 18 Tishri     28 / 19 Tishri 29 / 20 Tishri
    Erev              Sukkot             Sukkot           Regular            Regular                 Regular
                  7:43 pm                                                                  6:37 pm               8:45 am
6:45 pm
                                                                                                                times listed next
                                              Schedule of Services                                              to candles)

                        Regular                                                        Rosh Hashanah
                 Shacharit        7:00 am                                     Sunday, September 9, 2018
                 Minchah          7:00 pm                                 Minchah/Ma’ariv                      7:00 pm

                        Shabbat                                               Monday, September 10 and
                 Shacharit         8:45 am                                   Tuesday, September 11, 2018
                                                                         Shacharit                              8:00 am
                        Sunday                                           Reading of Torah                       9:30 am
                 Shacharit        9:00 am                                Sounding of Shofar                    10:20 am
                                                                         Sermon                                10:35 am
                 Minchah          7:00 pm                                Musaph                                11:00 am
                                                                         Minchah/Ma’ariv                        7:00 pm

                                                                                          Kol Nidre
     A special thanks to our MMAE Choir                                      Tuesday, September 18, 2018
                                                                         Minchah                               6:30 pm
                    Larry Dobres                                         Rabbi’s Blessing of Children          6:45 pm
                                                                         Kol Nidre                             6:50 pm
                     Jeff Forman
                   Avi Gerstenblith                                                     Yom Kippur
                       Lou Hyatt                                           Wednesday, September 19, 2018
                                                                         Shacharit                              8:00 am
                      Steve Land                                         Reading of Torah                      10:15 am
                   Ron Raigrodsky                                        Sermon and Yiskor                     11:30 am
                                                                         Musaph                                 1:00 pm
                      David Ring                                         Ask the Rabbi                          3:30 pm
                     David Stahl                                         Minchah                                4:45 pm
                   Lawrence Stahl                                        Neila                                  6:15 pm
                                                                         Conclusion (Shofar)                    8:05 pm

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Messages from our Rabbis
From Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro                                           From Rabbi Seth Herstic
Continued from front cover                                              Continued from front cover
to nature and the seasons. On Shabbat, we are commanded                   And yet, King David says that he has but one desire. He
not to work or create. Thus, Shabbat teaches us that enjoying           has boiled all those parts of himself and his life down to
and being thankful for our time here on earth is just as im-            just one thing and what is that one thing? It is closeness
portant as working and creativity.
                                                                        to Hashem. At the end of the day, David just wants to sit
   So too, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur celebrate the begin-            in the House of the Lord and be with his Creator. David
ning of the Jewish calendar. Our futures lie in the balance, and        simply wants to chill in the Temple, to use a colloquial-
it is not space and possessions we are concerned about, but             ism.
rather our time. Will we have many more years to live or, God
forbid, few? Will they be years that are pleasant or years filled          We are about to encounter the most intense season of
with difficulties? The High Holidays, the most important                prayer and ritual on the Jewish calendar. It is complex
moments in Judaism, are those which for millennia have been             and multifaceted. The holiday mosaic is made up of
reminding our people that the most expensive and important              many pieces. There are all kinds of prayers and laws and
commodity in the world is our time. Will we heed the ancient            teachings. There is so much to do and so much to pray
call of the shofar to cherish our time?                                 for, but it all comes down to one thing: these are days to
  Rabbi Isaac Luria (the AriZal, Tzfat 1534-1572), the founder of       sit in the House of the Lord. These are days to encounter
modern kabbala, believed that each year on Rosh Hashanah                Hashem--to just be with our Creator and King.
everything returns to its original state as it was at the moment
                                                                           If that is too vague or abstract, then come up with your
of creation and the beginning of time. For a short moment
during the High Holidays, time begins again. We are given a             one idea, or one prayer, or one goal that will center the
clean slate. Even if in the past we let our time slip away, the         holidays for you. What is the one aspect of your life that
carousel of time slows to a halt so we can get back on board.           you will work on mending or improving this year? What
                                                                        is the one relationship that you will tend to with extra
  One of my favorite childhood memories is the sensation of
                                                                        love and commitment? What is the one idea in the pray-
going down a waterslide (though these days, every time I go
down a water slide I seem to injure myself). Imagine yourself           ers that you will meditate on? What is at the core of your
flying down a tunnel and no matter how much you’d want to               life? Ultimately, what is important to you? What really
stop or slow down, it ain’t happening. A complete loss of con-          matters? What does you life boil down to you? These are
trol is fun if it lasts a minute, but if we careen down the             the questions we must ask at this time of year; and these
waterslide of life, not being able to consciously stop, evaluate,       are the questions we must answer.
rest, and refocus, and certainly not able to change the path
                                                                           May Hashem, in His perfect Oneness, bless us with
we’re on, what is the point?
                                                                        lives that are unified and whole. And may we find our-
  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur create a powerful junction in            selves, this High Holiday season, sitting in the House of
time. They have the power to freeze time for us each year               the Lord with the Holy One, connecting with our Maker.
allowing us to regain control. Whether their power comes
from tradition and generations of pious observance, or as the             A good and sweet New Year to one and all!
holy Arizal wrote, “a return to the moment of creation”, these            Rabbi Herstic
days pack a punch that can allow each of us the incredible
opportunity to begin again.
  May we all have the blessing this year to use our time wisely
and appreciate every single miraculous moment we have on
earth. As for me, I thank Hashem for the great opportunity to
spend my precious time on earth with you, as your rabbi at                                     Facebook
Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah. Every moment we share is
truly a moment in heaven.                                                    If you are on Facebook, make sure to
         L’Shana Tova! May you be blessed with a sweet year!                 join MMAE at, “Moses Montefiore
         Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro                                            Anshe Emunah.”

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Messages from our Officers
From Bob Meyerson, Chairman                                   From Jeff Forman, President
  Once again we find ourselves looking at another               The High Holiday season provides us with an
New Year. Hopefully this one will be even better              opportunity to both look in the rear view mirror to
than the last. Our congregation continues to grow,            see where we have been and to look through the
of which we are very thankful. Under our spiritual            windshield to see where we are going. In both
guidance of beloved Rabbi Yerachmiel “Rocky”                  cases, this is a special year for MMAE.
Shapiro, along with our associate, Rabbi Seth
                                                                We bid a fond farewell to our first rabbinic resi-
Herstic, we couldn’t be in better hands. Brenda and
                                                              dent, Rabbi Joel Dinin, who has become the head
her staff keep the our shul running better than ever
                                                              rabbi at Lake Park Synagogue in Milwaukee. In
and what a luxury to have.
                                                              taking over that shul, Rabbi Dinin made two dreams
  Again, Cantor Shlomo Abramson and family will be            come true. His dream of leading a congregation and
joining us, along with our phenomenal choir. Being            our dream of mentoring a young rabbi so that he
in shul with our MMAE family and to hear the shofar           would be fully prepared to be a head rabbi, taking
and be able to rise to our spiritual heights is some-         the spirit of MMAE with him. Rabbi Dinin learned
thing we can all look forward to and more.                    much while he was here, but he also gave much. His
                                                              programs and his enthusiasm for teaching and
  I know we all want to be forgiving and mindful of
                                                              providing spiritual guidance created the win-win-win
the holiday. To be able spend it with family and
                                                              which embodies Rabbi Shapiro's vision of this
friends in a meaningful way is what it’s all about.
                                                              exciting residency program.
Hopefully this will be the year of peace and reconcili-
ation for one and all. Let’s hope this will be the year         As we peer through the windshield at the road
we all have been hoping and praying for.                      ahead, we are blessed to have Rabbi Seth
                                                              Herstic as the second rabbinic resident. Rabbi
  Marilyn and I want to wish our entire MMAE family
                                                              Herstic has already shown that he has tremendous
a Happy, Happy, Peaceful, Prosperous, Sweet New
                                                              knowledge of the Tanach and all of its components,
Year and Easy Fast. May we all be sealed in the Book
                                                              and a passion to share that knowledge with all of
of Life.
                                                              us. We know that he and Rebbitzen Amira will add a
L’Shana Tovah Tikatevu.                                       great deal to the MMAE family, and we welcome
                                                              them wholeheartedly. Of course, we remain truly
                                                              blessed to have our mentor and ganze visionary,
                                                              "Rabbi Rocky" at the helm.
 Are you an MMAE MINYANAIRRE ?                                  So as we embark on the new year, may we all en-
                                                              joy good health and spiritual growth. Joan and I
   There is always room for more                              wish all of you a L'shana Tova.
  members in this much valued and
       very important club.
                                                                        Data Input Help Needed
 It’s FREE and you perform a GREAT                            We are working on inputting all the infor-
    mitzvah each time you attend.                             mation from the memorial boards in the hall,
                                                              Chapel, and Kiddush room. If you can read
  Join us Monday-Friday at 7:00 am,                           Hebrew names, and do simple data input and
          Sunday at 9:00 am,                                  would like to help with this much needed
    and Sunday-Friday at 7:00 pm.                             project, please call the office.
High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Learning & More
   Rabbi’s Chumash Class                   Learning Series                      High Holidays
Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 at
MMAE - Join Rabbi Shapiro for a
                                          With Rabbi Herstic                    Crash Course
                                          Wednesdays, at 7:45 pm
weekly Torah Study. This year, we                                                 Rosh Hashanah
won’t be using a commentary, but          The Enigma of Yonah
                                                 August 29                   First Day, September 10
rather spending our time becom-
                                                September 5                       12:30-1:30 pm
ing familiar with and discussing
the stories and laws of the weekly             September 12                        In the Chapel
Parsha. Basically, it will be Rabbi   Watch for details on our website              Yom Kippur
Shapiro’s commentary.                       of the next series.                   September 19
    Rabbi’s Talmud Group                                                          1:30 - 2:30 pm
Mondays at 8:30 pm at Rabbi           Please provide us with your                  In the Chapel
Shapiro’s home - We will study        email address for shul news
tractate “Maakos”, which is filled                                            This is a dynamic Rosh
                                      and event info. Don’t miss            Hashanah and Yom Kippur
with Jewish law, history, stories,
                                      out on these exciting events.          service for Jews 18-80+,
and the ethics of Rabbinic Juda-
ism’s Founding Fathers.               Check our website often for               of any background.
Everyone is welcome.                  upcoming events & pro-                Learn about the meaning,
                                      grams. www.mmae.org                   the history, and the tradi-
      Jewish Spirituality
        and Kabbalah                                                      tions of the holidays through
Wednesdays at 11:30 am at                       Book Club                   discussions, art, and song.
MMAE Sonny Melrose will               The Book Club usually meets on
facilitate a discussion of Jewish     the third Thursday at 11:00 am at        Led by Rabbi Herstic
spirituality and Kabbalah.            MMAE, led by Devorah Brooks.
                                                                                Services are FREE
                                      Members of the Book Club decide
    Read Hebrew America               on the monthly book, film, or
       Intermediate Class             activity.
Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:00 am with        For more information, please call
Ann Schwartz, follow-up to the
                                                                               ASK THE RABBIS
                                      the shul office at 410-653-7485.
Beginner’s Class.                                                            THE BIG QUESTIONS
    Midrash on the Parsha                 Tech Help Needed                          Yom Kippur
Tuesdays from 11:00 am –12:00                                                      3:30 - 4:30 pm
pm with Donald R. Schwartz,                   at MMAE
Stories and creative interpreta-      We are in need of tech help         This is perfect for anyone asking
tions of the Torah that help us       when we have an event in            the BIG QUESTIONS:
solve the hidden mysteries. Don       which we are using a laptop         Why do we have to be here?
Schwartz is an Associate Profes-      or projector, etc. If you are       What does this all mean to me?
sor, published, and award winning                                         Come on Rabbi, G-d doesn’t
                                      willing to volunteer a few
author in Torah scholarship.                                              really exist.
                                      times a year to
    Read Hebrew America
                                      help us prepare                              What are your
        Beginner’s Class
                                      for these pro-                             “BIG QUESTIONS?”
Tuesdays 12:00 - 1:00 pm, with
Ann Schwartz, learning the He-        grams, please
brew alphabet and prayer service.     call the office.

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
What Do We Have to Do to Get You to Join Us?                               5777-5778
                                                                       Some great programs:
MMAE’s Membership Committee
is co-chaired by Alan Fink and                                      Cantor’s Concert
Sheila Seiden. They have come up                                    Tashlich Trip
                                        We wish to take this        Pizza in the Hut, Shake the Lulav
with several bold, new incentives
to expand our shul membership.       opportunity to welcome our     Veterans’ Shabbat
This committee’s goals are to find       New Members                Chanukah Shabbat & Latkefest
ways to encourage everyone in                                       Brotherhood Breakfasts
                                          (as of August 2017)
the shul family to become a dues                                    “Law & Order” Purim
paying member. It is also the                  Richard Adler        Brotherhood Shabbat
committee’s purpose to reach out              Maurice Asher         Shavuot Learnathon
to new friends in our community           Mira & Eric Berzofsky     Community Shabbat Dinners
and give them a reason to join.                 Sarah Bilder        Brotherhood Tailgate Party
                                         Alissa & David Blitstein   Golden Circle Casino trips
We have several new mem-             Adrienne & Stephen Blumberg    Baltimore Shabbat Project
ber incentives that many                   Katie & Zack Cohen       Social Club Big Band Dance
have taken advantage of,                          Joel Cohn         Sisterhood Theatre trips
                                           Elizabeth Chernin &      Social Club Theater Trip
and we hope you will, too.
                                            Alexander Dreyer        Read Hebrew America
Call us - let us know what            Olga & Dimitry Faynerman      Rabbi Dinin Weekly Learning Series
you are looking for and we              Paula & Samuel Fribush      MMAE Movie Nights
will let you know what we                      Stacey Glaser        Camp Chesed
                                               Harvey Goren         Farewell Shabbat Dinner for
can do to find it.                                                     Rabbi Dinin
                                       Minnie & Abe Greenberg
If you have friends who are                Harvey Hackerman         Yom Hashoah program
unaffiliated, please invite                  Harriett Hendler       Social Club trip to Sands Casino
                                                Carol Jensen        Tu B’Shvat Seder
them to call the shul office                                        Talent Show and Café
                                       Anita & Jeffrey Knisbacher
for information about join-                                         Pesach Seder
                                              Batsheva Lazar
ing MMAE.                               Sandra & Sherman Levy       Golden Circle Lunch and Bingo
                                                 Barry Lurie        Social Club Game Night
                                       Amy & Jeffrey Markowitz      Shofar Blowing Contest
                                          Melinda McCafferty        Brotherhood Bourbon and Cigars
                                                 Joan Miller        Simply S’Fat Concert
                                               Sheila Pashen        New Rosh Chodesh Group
A special thank you to all the                                      Tot Shabbat (on a Sunday)
volunteers who help during the            Robyn & Danny Riter
                                            Melanie Harris &        Tot Shabbat with Miss Karyn
year with mailings, in the                                          Sisterhood Ha’atzmaut Program
                                                Aaron Sacks
office, seat sales, attending                                       Lag B’Omer Bonfire
                                        Susan & Douglas Schehr
minyans and services, food ser-       Michelle & David Schwartz     Brotherhood B-B-Q
vice, everyone invested in one       Maryana & Eugene Shenderov
or more of our affiliate groups,            Frankie Simone &
etc. Your help is greatly appre-               Tim Barranco
ciated. If you would like to be           Brie & Mark Simone
on the volunteer list, please call        Theodore Weintraub
the office. There is always             Bobbie & Leonard Weiss
something to do.                     Beverly & Mitchell Weitzman

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Family and Youth Learning at MMAE
                TOT SHABBAT                             Spring Into Shabbos Ruach
                (on a Sunday)                                With Miss Karyn
  Join other young families at MMAE for an         Celebrate Shabbat with song and movement
    early childhood music and movement                       in the Babysitting Room
 program geared for children ages 0-5 years              with Miss Karyn and Miss Gloria
               and their parents.                           for children ages 0-5 years
             Sunday, September 30                            Shabbat, September 1
                10:30 - 11:30 am                                11:00 - 11:20 am
              In the MMAE Sukkah                              In the MMAE Sukkah
          FREE - No RSVP is necessary                     FREE - No RSVP is necessary
                 Cookies for All                                     Treats

                               L’Dor Va Dor
                  Generation to Generation Hebrew Class
         Sundays, beginning on October 14th from 10:00 - 11:30 am
                     Classes will be led by Ann Schwartz - Artist & Educator

          Intergenerational Hebrew learning open to anyone who already knows the
                       English alphabet and can read and write words.
                 Reading, Writing, and the Arts: visual, music, dance, theater
         Children MUST be accompanied by a relative - this is NOT a drop off program
                        Adults may attend on their own, or with a friend.

                     Class will be NO CHARGE, but donations are welcome.

Please call the office if you
are interested in attending
       this new class.

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
FREE                        SHOFAR BLOWING
                   CONCERT                          CONTEST
                  By Cantor Shlomo
                     Abramson                    Thursday Night, September 13th
                                                         6:45 - 7:00 pm
                                                       (Minyan - 7:00 - 7:30 pm)
Thursday Night, September 13th
     Part 1 - 6:00-6:45 pm                       Open to Men, Women, and
    Part 2 - 7:30 - 8:30 pm                              Children
      Cantor Abramson’s mix of
    soulful ballads and Israeli Rock
           will get you in the
          Yom Kippur spirit.
             No Charge !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                    SAFETY FIRST
For your safety and the safety of everyone in our shul,
please note the closest exits to be used in the event
of an emergency. Emergency exits are indicated by lighted green EXIT
signs throughout the building.

                    9th Annual Veterans’ Day Shabbat at MMAE
               The past eight years, we have been proud to honor and celebrate our
               veterans on Shabbat. This has been such a great program that we plan to
               honor and celebrate our veterans every year. This year, plan to join us on
               Shabbat, November 10th for this special Shabbat. If you are a veteran or
               are on active duty, please let the shul office know so you can be included
               and acknowledged.

Also, in respect to our members who suffer from allergies,
which can result in headaches, asthma, and other
respiratory problems, please limit your use of perfume
or cologne.

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
                       Greengate Jewish Center
             7000 Rockland Hills Drive ~ Baltimore, MD 21209
              410-653-7485                    www.mmae.org

                        Selichos Program
             Saturday night, September 1, 2018
                      9:00 pm             Video Presentation

                      “When the Smoke Clears”
True stories of young Israeli soldiers whose injuries leave them fighting for the strength to live.
Making breakthroughs and finding meaning by reaching out to those in need, they discover
that what didn’t kill them really did make them stronger. Their trauma disconnects them from
all they once valued, turning their lives upside down. Banding together in a family of wound-
ed soldiers, they learn to face their obstacles together and discover that in conquering their
pain, they might have more to offer than ever before. When the Smoke Clears follows this
band of brothers during the darkest times of their lives, and proves that massive growth and
healing can come through giving to others, transforming them into heroes in their own lives,
and in the lives of those around them.

                                                             10:00 pm
                                                         Selichot services
                                                        Cantor Shlomo Abramson
                                                      will lead us in a most inspiring
                                                              Selichot service.

                                                        Light Refreshments

High Holiday Bulletin 2018 - Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah
UNITED HEBREW CEMETERY                                                          In Memoriam
    3901 Washington Blvd.
    Halethorpe, MD 21227

Our Board of Directors wish                                              We remember those MMAE
 everyone a very healthy,                                                members who physically left this
  happy, and prosperous                                                  world, but whose spirit and inspi-
        New Year.                                                        ration continue to live on.
                                                                                    Rivka Cohen
          Allan Diener                                                               Esther Elkin
           President               MMAE’s Annual Tashlich Trip                    Dr. Robert Fisher
                                        with Rabbi Shapiro                          Shirley Gudis
        Larry Dobres                                                              Florence Kaplan
                                         and Rabbi Herstic
      Cemetery Manager                                                                Harry Katz
                                   Wednesday, September 12th
                                                                                    Sidney Levin
For information about purchasing         Meet at 6:00 pm at                      Judge Dana Levitz
 lots, please call 410-526-6527.         Meadowood Park                           Irvin Lieberman
Discounts for MMAE members.                 on Falls Road                          Jean Margolia
                                       All ages are welcome.                        Frieda Miller
If you would like to speak to           No RSVP is needed.                         Evelyn Rofsky
                                                                                 Norma Rosenthal
 Rabbi Herstic about how to        Bring bread and all your sins.
                                                                                Lorraine Schlossberg
    honor your loved ones,         ----------------------                         Esther Schnabel
please call the shul office at     PLEASE CONSIDER A BEQUEST TO                      Sipora Shiff
       410-653-7485.                    MMAE IN YOUR WILL                           Sylvia Stone
                                   You can continue to show your              Robert (Ruby) Sugarman
-------------------------          support even after you have                      Jerry Trager
                                   passed on by leaving a bequest in
 IN ETERNAL MEMORY                 your Will to MMAE. Leaving a be-        PET MEMORIAL BOARD
                                   quest from your estate is one way
                                   that you can ensure that the great    Pet owners have a special bond
  Memorial takes on a new                                                with their furry family members
                                   work done by your shul can con-
meaning when the names of          tinue into the future. When we        and would do anything for them.
 your beloved departed are         leave a legacy to our shul, we are    When the idea was proposed to
permanently displayed in our       expressing our hopes for the next     install a memorial board to our
        synagogue.                 generation as those who came          beloved departed pets, we said
                                   before us did. We have several        “YES”. What a great idea. A
                                   attorneys who have volunteered        dedication board has been in-
Please consider dedicating a
                                   to help you write or change your      stalled in the Ginsberg Youth
 plaque to remember your                                                 Room. You can memorialize your
                                   Will so that you can add a gift to
 beloved and to perpetuate         MMAE as a lasting show of your        beloved pets on this board for
     the family name.              devotion to MMAE and its good         only $100. If you are interested
                                   work. Please consider calling the     in having your pet’s name includ-
   Please call the office at       office to set up a meeting with       ed on this unique board, please
       410-653-7485.               someone who can assist you in         call the office.
                                   this critical and worthy display of
   Plaques are $400 each.          love and support.

Help Support MMAE and the Rabbis - “I Didn’t Know That”
     Rabbi Shapiro’s                  Donations to MMAE that                   Weddings, Parties,
   and Rabbi Herstic’s                Will Not Cost You a Cent                Hall and Room Rentals
 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS                  Help our shul in a simple and FREE             at MMAE
A contribution to the Discretion-     way. Just bring in your used ink       Beautiful wood laminate floors
ary Fund enables new programs         cartridges. We get $2 in Staples       and 5 beautiful chandeliers in the
and ideas to enhance what we          rewards credit per cartridge and       banquet hall; beautiful furniture
offer to our congregation and         as a non-profit, we can turn in 20     and flooring in the main lobby;
community. Often, speakers and        per month. That’s $40 worth            modern furniture and flooring in
classes, books and materials,         of FREE office supplies each           the Chapel; and a beautiful newly
programs and commemorations           month! Drop them                       renovated Youth Room, an out-
are funded through the Discre-        off in the office.                     side gazebo - see for yourself the
tionary Fund in order to avoid a      Thanks!                                beauty MMAE can add to your
financial burden on our operating                                            simcha.
budget. Your contributions “in
                                                                             Call the office and ask about our
honor of” or “in memory of” are       CONSIDER BUYING YOUR
always appropriately acknowl-                                                prices for weddings, Bar and Bat
                                        CARDS FROM MMAE                      Mitzvah ceremonies and parties,
edged. If you appreciate some-
thing that the synagogue and/or       Remember MMAE when you need            Bris and Baby namings, special
staff have done, a contribution to    to send a card. Our cards are only     birthdays, family reunions; you
the Discretionary Fund enables        $5, including postage, and are tax     name the simcha and we are
more to be done for the benefit of    deductible!! We have cards for         here and ready to help whether
all. Think of the Discretionary       Mazel Tov, Speedy Recovery,            you want a small event in the
Fund when you think of saying,        Thinking of You, Birthday, Purim,      Kiddush Room or a big event in
“thanks for a job well done”. It      Chanukah, Sympathy, New                the Banquet Hall. We offer
also helps organizations and          Year’s, and Pesach.                    affordable, discounted rates for
people in need.                                                              members.
                                      Simply call the shul office and tell
Both Rabbi Shapiro and Rabbi          us the name and address of                  MMAE KIDDUSH
Herstic have a Discretionary Fund     where you would like the card               BIRTHDAY CLUB
for their use.                        sent, and we will take care of it.
                                      You don’t have to run to the card      Become a member of our new,
Call the shul office if you would                                            “MMAE Kiddush Birthday Club”.
                                      store and you don’t have to worry
like to make a donation.                                                     Simply make a donation of $18,
                                      if you have a stamp. We do it
                                                                             or $1 for every year of your life,
  WEBSITE DONATIONS                   all for only $5.
                                                                             before the first of the month of
Did you know that you could go to                                            your birthday. Everyone who
www.mmae.org and make a do-                  AMAZON SMILE                    makes a donation will be listed
nation to the shul for any reason?    If you shop at Amazon, be sure to      on the first Shabbat of the
You can even make a payment on        go to smile.amazon and select          month, and you will receive a
your account. Simply go to our        Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah          special Shabbat birthday blessing
website and click the “DONATE”        as your charity of choice. We          from the Rabbi on that Shabbat
button. Fill in the information and   receive a percentage for all shop-     morning.
we will take it from there. Daily     ping done through the “Smile”          For info or questions, contact Iris
reports are emailed to our office.    program and it doesn’t cost you        Friedman at 410-484-2287.
                                      any extra. So, remember us when
                                      you shop on Amazon.
 The Brotherhood brings community and support to MMAE events and offers an enriching experi-
ence for all who enter MMAE. As such, all new MMAE members are given a free membership to the
Brotherhood for their first year.
 Regular dues are only $36 a year and we invite all male members to join us and participate in our
various activities. Your ideas and energy are welcomed and appreciated.
Brotherhood Meetings: We have periodic meetings at MMAE or Kosher restaurants where the
Brotherhood subsidizes the meals and makes it a good experience for all who attend. Meeting are
typically every other month with advance notice given.
  The High Holidays are a special time to reflect on life with gratitude for our blessings while we ask
Hashem for guidance to overcome our challenges and forgiveness for our weaknesses. Our hope for
you is that your experience at MMAE brings meaning to you and shrouds you and your family with
the light of Hashem.
Please contact Irv Lustman at irvnog@aol.com                                 Upcoming Activities:
or 410-415-0404 for all event questions and to
                                                                     Summer BBQ
RSVP.                                                                High Holiday Ushers
Vito Simone, President, MMAE Brotherhood                             Veterans’ Day Shabbat
410-952-5595                                                         Ravens Tailgate December 2nd at MMAE
vsimone@TodaysHomeRenovations.com                                    Brotherhood Shabbat in May

  How exciting, summer coming to an end, and the High                         Opening Meeting
Holidays just a few weeks away. You are saying,                          Tuesday, August 28 at 7:00 pm
“exciting” or challenging”; don’t worry, we can make it;
                                                                         Please come and bring a friend
we always do, with G-d’s help.
                                                                        We look forward to greeting you.
  Our wonderful Sisterhood members have been active-
ly working to generate a schedule for the year that you
will find irresistible. Our opening meeting greeting new
                                                                               Giant Gift Cards
members, as well as our cadre of dedicated members,              All denominations, Can be used for prescriptions
will be Tuesday, August 28th at 7:00 pm. This is an                    Call Glenda Schlaifer - 410-653-0230
evening meeting, featuring Rabbi Shapiro discussing,                     Also available in the shul office
“Sex in the Bible”. Of course, light refreshments will be                       Mitzvah Cards
served. By the way, we welcome sponsors for all or any
                                                                      Call Marlene Rubin - 410-484-0326 or
part of our meetings. Any questions, call Marilyn Sherr,
Program Co-chair, at 410-484-5729.                                        Hinda Sokolow - 410-486-3734
  With each new year it reminds us of what’s most im-                            Prayer Books
portant - the ones we love, the lives we live, and hope               Call Dottie Finkelstein - 410-486-5024
for peace!
                                                                                  Tree of Life
 Wishing you and yours everything that brings happi-                   Call Hinda Sokolow - 410-486-3734
ness, everything that means the most, in the coming
year. L’Shana Tova.                                                        Happy Occasions Board
               Marlene Resnick, President                              Call Hinda Sokolow - 410-486-3734

Social Club
 The Social Club was created as a group of synagogue mem-
bers and friends providing an avenue of enjoyable, creative,             Saturday, October 27, 2018 at 8:30 pm
and most of all, interesting programs and events. Of course,
an additional goal of the Club was to introduce possible new
members to the very rewarding experience of joining
                                                                               “Square Dance”
MMAE.                                                                         Swing Your Partner and Do-si-do
  Last year, the Club had several enjoyable and successful                 Featuring Kenny Farris, Professional Caller
events all raising awareness and, best of all, successfully rais-
ing funds for the shul. In addition, we also participated in                         Desserts & Snacks

                                                                                BYOB (Kosher, of course) *
other auxiliary events. We had a successful membership
brunch, a wonderful theater party to see the off-Broadway
play, “Bad Jews” (amusing, nothing to do with the title), trip
to the Sands Casino and outlet in Pennsylvania. The trip was                             $16 per person
so successful that we are planning to go at the end of the
                                                                                 Members, Friends, & Family
 We are now planning our annual fall dance; details shown.               Make checks payable to MMAE Social Club
 The Social Club wishes everyone a healthy, happy, and                                and mail to MMAE
sweet New Year. L’Shanah Tovah.
                                                                            For more info contact: Mary Begleiter
       Paulette Pollack, President
                                                                           410-486-2497 or mbegleiter@verizon.net
410-486-0698      jaypampol@verizon.net
                                                                           * Check at www.star-k.com/cons-appr-liquor.htm


                                       Golden Circle
The Golden Circle was formed to create an atmosphere of friendship among those                                 MMAE
individuals 70 years old and older. Our purpose is to have good, social programs, and                          Golden
make friends. We have a delicious lunch and program once a month with interesting                              Circle
speakers or entertainment, and trips to Maryland LIVE Casino.

                                                                                     The officers of the Golden
                                                                                     Circle wish our members,
                                                                                        family, and friends a
                                                                                    happy and healthy New Year.
       Watch for information for a trip to
       Maryland Live! Casino in the fall.                                             Dues $18 per person/$35 per couple

If you are NOT a member of the Golden Circle ,                                            Mona Gudis, President
 but are interested in being on the contact list                                             410-486-3531
         for the casino trip, please call                                                 monagudis@verizon.net
         Mona Gudis at 410-486-3531

High Holiday Services and Information
We wish to maintain the time            A Message from the Ushers               Delicious Honey Cake
schedule as much as possible,
                                        Upon your arrival at the door to      MMAE serves delicious hon-
especially for the Shofar, Kol
Nidre, and the sermon. Please be        the sanctuary, you will be greeted    ey cake and juice throughout
                                        by one of our ushers. To maintain     services on both days of Rosh
in your seats early so services can
                                        a decorum that is respectful to       Hashanah. Look
continue and be completed at the
proper time. Arrange your sched-        those who are davening, you may
                                        be asked to remain in the hallway
                                                                              for it in the lobby.
ule to remain in the synagogue for
                                        until the conclusion of certain
most, if not all, of the services, so
                                        prayers and during the Rabbi’s
they will continue to be meaning-
                                        sermon. Please refrain from
ful. Please limit your entrances
and exits.                              conversation while waiting out of        Free High Holiday CD
                                        respect for those around you who
--------------------------                                                    Stop in the office for your
                                        wish to listen to the prayers or
Babysitting will be available           the sermon. Thank you for your        free CD of our High Holiday
in the Ginsberg Youth Room              patience.                             songs sung by our own High
and Youth Activities will be                                                  Holiday Cantor,
                                        The ushers will help maintain the
Supervised in the Frier                 dignity of the services. Your help,   Shlomo Abramson.
Lounge.                                 especially when children are vis-
                                        iting, is essential. We know you
Rosh Hashanah, Sept 10 & 11             understand the need for proper                   Provisions are
10:00 am - 1:00 pm                      decorum so everyone will be able                 made at the syna-
Kol Nidre night, Sept 18                to pray without interruption. The
                                        outdoor exits will be opened at
                                                                                         gogue for those
6:00 - 9:00 pm                          specific times to allow for move-                desiring to light
Yom Kippur day, Sept 19                 ment of worshippers.                             candles after they
10:00 am - 3:00 pm                                                                       have arrived at the
                                        If you have a problem during the                 synagogue before
Yom Kippur night, Sept 19               services, please contact an usher                Kol Nidre services
6:00 - 8:00 pm                          for help.

                               The Rabbis Want You to Know . . .
Please call our office if a visit         MMAE’s Kiddush Patron               We thank the previous years’
from a rabbi is requested.                                                    patrons:
                                             of the Month
Simchas are more special when
                                                                              Bruce Goldman, Drs. Ruth &
shared with your rabbi. A visit         Do you want your business or
from the rabbi to someone in the                                              Neal Grossman, Nina & David
                                        your name prominently
hospital could really brighten                                                Kowarski, Dr. Arell Shapiro,
                                        shown in the Shabbat
their day or provide much need-                                               Dr. Russell Hendel, Barbara
ed comfort. Unfortunately, we
                                        handout at the top of our
                                                                              Strauss, Tobey Roland, Ira
also deal with sorrow and the           Kiddush donors for an entire
                                                                              Jaslow, Yvette Diamond, Dr.
loss of a loved one. Our rabbis         month?
                                                                              Lou & Rona Halikman.
can console and provide spiritual       Call Rabbi Shapiro for details.
comfort at this sorrowful time.

Sukkot Schedule and Events
Erev Sukkot, Sunday, Sept 23                   Chol Hamoed, Friday, Sept 28
9:00 am       Shacharit                        7:00 am        Shacharit
6:45 pm       Candlelighting                   6:37 pm        Candlelighting
7:00 pm       Ma’ariv                          7:00 pm        Ma’ariv
1st Day, Sukkot, Monday, Sept 24               Chol Hamoed, Shabbat, Sept 29
8:45 am       Shacharit                        8:45 am        Shacharit
12:45 pm      Minchah                          12:15 pm       Minchah
7:00 pm       Ma’ariv                          Hoshanah Rabbah, Sunday, Sept 30
7:43 pm       Candlelighting                   9:00 am        Shacharit
2nd Day, Sukkot, Tuesday, Sept 25              6:33 pm        Candlelighting
8:45 am       Shacharit                        7:00 pm        Ma’ariv
12:45 pm      Minchah                          Shemini Atzeret, Monday, Oct 1
7:00 pm       Ma’ariv                          8:45 am        Shacharit
7:41 pm       Yom Tov ends                     12:45 pm       Minchah
Chol Hamoed, Wednesday, Sept 26                6:30 pm        Ma’ariv
7:00 am       Shacharit                        6:50 pm        Hakafot
7:00 pm       Ma’ariv                          7:32 pm        Candlelighting
Chol Hamoed, Thursday, Sept 27                 Simchah Torah, Tuesday, Oct 2
7:00 am       Shacharit                        8:45 am        Shacharit
7:00 pm       Ma’ariv                          6:30 pm        Minchah/Rabbi’s Class
                                               7:30 pm        Ma’ariv
                                               7:30 pm        Yom Tov ends

           Help Wanted - Sukkah Decorating - Get Creative

 *               Sunday, September 23 at 10:00 am
           Join us in decorating the MMAE family Sukkah

                          MMAE Annual Sukkot Party
   Wednesday, September 26 from                                           Sponsored by:

    5:00 - 7:00 pm   NO CHARGE
           RSVP REQUIRED no later than
              Friday, September 24
             Minyan from 7:00-7:30 pm
One of the many mitzvot of Sukkot is to eat in the sukkah when we have a bread meal. If you
do not have your own sukkah, you are welcome to eat in the synagogue sukkah at any time.
Please be sure to bring whatever you need, including a trash bag, and please be neat and clean
up after yourself.
                                                                                               Non-Profit Org.
Greengate Jewish Center                                                                       US POSTAGE
7000 Rockland Hills Drive                                                                           PAID
Baltimore, Maryland 21209                                                                     Baltimore, MD
                                                                                              Permit No. 22

                                L’Shana Tova to

      We are proud and                            HIGHLIGHTS                 Daily Services
                                                                             Shacharit 7:00 am
      excited to observe                    Saturday, September 1
                                                   9:00 pm                Evening Service 7:00 pm
      the High Holidays                 Selichos Program and Services        (Sunday-Thursday)
                                                                               Friday 7:00 pm
          with Rabbi                       Thursday, September 13             Shabbat 8:45 am
                                                   6:00 pm
     Yerachmiel Shapiro,                    Shofar Blowing Contest            Sundays 9:00 am
                                             and Cantor’s Concert
     Rabbi Seth Herstic,
          and Cantor                      Wednesday, September 12             OFFICIANTS
                                                 6:00 pm
                                                                         Rabbi Yerachmiel Shapiro
     Shlomo Abramson!                            Tashlich
                                                                            Rabbi Seth Herstic
                                                                         Cantor Shlomo Abramson
            JOIN US !!                          November 10
                                                   8:45 am
                                                                               Steven Land
                                                                             Ronnie Raigrodski
                                              Veterans’ Shabbat             Zalman Soloveichik

                                                      HIGH HOLIDAY TICKET SALES
                                         LAST DAY - Sunday, August 26 from 10 am - 11:30 am
                                                  or call the office at 410-653-7485
                                                            Non-members welcome
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