June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net

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June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net
June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321
June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net
The Rosary is prayed before Holy Mass M-F @ 7:35 am                     SERVANTS SCHEDULE
                 MASS INTENTIONS                                                 Knights of the Altar:
                                                                              Please volunteer to serve
  Monday, June 6                                                            whenever you are at Holy Mass.
  The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
                                                                  Saturday, June 11th - 4:30 p.m. Mass
  Church                                                          Knights of the Altar:  Frederick Ellis/Daniel Clements
   8:00 a.m. - Intention of Mary Ann and Ken                      Ordinary Minister:     Deacon Jason Hutzler
   Schelfhout                                                     Lector:                Paul Squire
                                                                  Ushers:                Ryan Clements/David Coppens
  Tuesday, June 7th
   8:00 a.m. - † Repose of the Soul of Tammy                      Sunday, June 12th - 7:30 a.m. Mass
   Brown                                                          Knights of the Altar: Knights
                                                                  Ordinary Minister:    Deacon Jason Hutzler
  Wednesday, June 8th                                             Lector:               Mona Craig
                                                                  Ushers:               Robert Rifenberg/Curt Riley/
   8:00 a.m. - Living and deceased members of the                                       Colin Riley/Steve Marx
  Delagrave family
                                                                  Sunday, June 12th - 9:30 a.m. Mass
  Thursday, June 9th                                              Knights of the Altar: Dan and Joseph Dobson/Johannes
  Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the                                                Miles
  Church                                                          Ordinary Minister:    Deacon Jason Hutzler
                                                                  Lector:               Mary McConaghy
   8:00 a.m. - † Paul Hundt                                       Ushers:               Gary Brauer/John Koelbl/
                                                                                        Tom McConaghy
  Friday, June 10th
   8:00 a.m. - † Bernie and Gerry Besl                            Sunday, June 12th - 11:30 a.m.
                                                                  Traditional Latin Mass
  Saturday, June 11th                                             Master of Ceremony: William Coppernoll
  Saint Barnabas, Apostle                                         Thurifer:             Rhett Pronschinske
   8:00 a.m. - Intentions of Haryadi Pranata                      Acolyte 1:            Reed Pronschinske
                                                                  Acolyte 2:            Henry Olson
   4:30 p.m. - Intentions of Earl and Elaine                      Crucifer:             Leo Olson
   Bonsack                                                        Boat Bearer:          Michael Heilman
                                                                  Torchbearers:         William Olson/Paul and John
  Sunday, June 12th– The Most Holy Trinity                                              Heilman/Vincent Coppernoll/
   7:30 a.m. - Intentions for Robert and Kathy                                          Parker Pronschinske/Konstantin
   Maney family                                                                         Van Hoof/Weston Doll/Isaac
   9:30 a.m. - † Gregory and Mary Jo Yehle                                              Coppernoll/Andrew Dixon
  11:30 a.m. - Saint James the Less Parishioners

                 CHURCH SUPPORT
                                                                           EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
                   May 29, 2022                                                      First Friday
                                      $ 2,177.00
                                      $ 497.00
                                                                                 9:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
    Vigil candles                     $    74.50
    Ascension                         $ 355.00
    Giving Online                     $ 550.45                              PRIESTLY ORDINATION
                            Total     $ 3,653.95
                                                                    Priestly Ordination of Deacon Matthew Bowe and
                                                                Deacon Steven Weller will be on Saturday, June 25,
                                                                2022, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph the Workman Cathe-
  We offer an option for people who prefer to make              dral.
donations online, called Online Giving.
For quick access to Online Giving, visit our website:
                                                                   “As the soul is the life of the body, so the
and follow the instructions provided. For any questions
                                                                     Holy Spirit is the life of our souls.”
about Online Giving, please contact Maria at: 608-782-                        St. Peter Damian
                                                                Anointing of the Sick: Those who are seriously ill or have
Visitation of the Sick: If you become homebound because of      been sick for a long period of time should receive the Sacra-
illness and would like to be visited, please call Saint James   ment of the Sick and Holy Communion. Please call St. James
office 608-782-7557.                                            office to make arrangements: 608-782-7557.
June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net
HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS                                           Weekly Readings
                                                                         June 6th – June 12th, 2022
  Monday-Friday      8:00 am Novus Ordo
  Saturday           8:00 am Traditional Holy Mass           Monday    Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14/Ps 87:1-2, 3
                     4:30 pm Vigil - Novus Ordo                        and 6, 6-7/Jn 19:25-34
  Sunday Masses      7:30 am Novus Ordo                      Tuesday   1 Kgs 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8/Mt 5:13-16
                     9:30 am Novus Ordo                      Wednesday 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab and 8,
                    11:30 am Traditional Holy Mass                     11/Mt 5:17-19
                                                             Thursday 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13/Mt 5:20-
  SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                          26
  Saturdays after m orning Holy M ass and from 3:45          Friday:   1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-
  -4:15 pm and First Fridays after morning Holy Mass                   14/Mt 5:27-32
                                                             Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4,
                                                                       5-6/Mt 5:33-37
  FAMILY CATECHESIS FOR THE ENTIRE                           Sunday:   Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [2a]/Rom 5:1-5/
                                                                       Jn 16:12-15

Building up the Church, The Mystical Body of
Christ, One Family at A Time!                                    “A soul, that possesses the Holy Spirit,
                                                                    tastes such sweetness, in prayer,
No meeting on Thursday June 16, Corpus Christi.
                                                                 that it finds the time, always too short,
    Next Catholic Family Catechesis at Saint James             it never loses, the holy presence of God.”
Thursday June 23, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Murphy
                                                                            Saint John Vianney
    In June, July, and August, Catholic Family Cat-
echesis will meet twice a month on the following                       CORPUS CHRISTI
dates: June 2, June 23, July 7, July 21, August 4, Au-              TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS
gust 18.
    Catechesis will focus on the Sacraments, the Di-            There will be a Traditional Latin Mass on
vine Means by which we are made JUST and HO-                Thursday, June 16 at 5:30 p.m. for the Feast of
LY. "I came that they may have Life, and have it            Corpus Christi.
more abundantly" (John 10,10). Our Blessed Lord
came to give Life to His flock. He instituted the Sev-          A procession with the Blessed Sacrament
en Sacraments, outward signs of His Actions in our          will follow after Mass.
soul. By the Sacraments, Christ gives or increases the
Supernatural Life of Grace in our souls; He gives and
increases the power of the Holy Spirit in each of                CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSIONS
us. Please join us for Catholic Family Catechesis
Thursday evening, June 23.                                      Corpus Christi this year falls on Sunday, June 19,
                                                            and in 2022 signals the start of the United States’ Eu-
    Catholic Family Catechesis is free of charge and is     charistic Revival, a three-year grassroots revival of
facilitated by Marian catechist Luna Chou. Marian           devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the
Catechist Apostolate is an apostolate dedicated to the      Eucharist. In many places a procession with the
training of parents and catechists for the faithful hand-   Blessed Sacrament will be held. “The annual proces-
ing on of the Catholic Faith. Refreshments will be          sion on the feast of Corpus Christi…has a special im-
provided.                                                   portance and meaning for the pastoral life of the parish
    Please call the Parish Office, 608-782-7557, for        or city…. When the Eucharist is carried through the
more information.                                           street in a solemn procession with singing, the Chris-
                                                            tian people give public witness of faith and devotion
           FIT PRAYER INTO YOUR                             toward the sacrament” (Roman Ritual).
             SUMMER SCHEDULE                                Questions and Answers about Corpus Christi and its
                                                            procession are available at:
   If we are too busy to pray, then we are busier than
God intends us to be. Consider taking 15 minutes a
day for quiet time with Jesus. Visit diolc.org/deeper
and choose one prayer that provides a simple process
to make prayer more personal.
                                                                  JESUS, I Trust in YOU!
June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net
THANK YOU, DONNA!                                               + SACRAMENTS +
    Father Pace and the Parishioners                            St. James the Less Parish welcomes
of Saint James the Less Parish wish to                               William Mark Coppernoll
thank Donna Walz for her 16 years of
selfless service as the Religious Edu-                        Son of William and Abigail Coppernoll, who
                                                           was baptized on Sunday, May 22nd, 2022, here
cation Director.                                           at St. James the Less Church. Let us pray for
    Please join us Saturday, June 4th                      William Mark and for his family as he begins
                                                           the life of a Christian.
after the 4:30 p.m. Mass and Sunday,
June 5th after the 9:30 a.m Mass for
Ice Cream Social to show apprecia-                         Sacrament of Reconciliation
tion.                                                         Saturdays after morning Holy
        God Bless you, Donna!                                Mass and from 3:45 - 4:15 p.m.,
                                                             and First Fridays after 8:00 a.m.
                                                                        Holy Mass.

                                                              “The Holy Spirit is like a gardener,
                                                                   cultivating our souls.”
                                                                                      St. John Vianney

                                                            SUMMER ADULT FAITH FORMATION
                                                                    BOOK STUDY
              CALLED TO MORE
                                                               This summer we invite you to take time to step
    What if there was more? What if I could be more?       away from the turmoil of the world and use that time
Sometimes we can look around and think that there          to get to know your Heavenly Father.
isn’t anything more that can be offered to us, that this       This Father’s Day, June 19, join us as we begin a
is the best I can get. We settle for something that        33-Day self-study understanding God the Father by
leaves us feeling empty and hungering for more. Per-       reading Fr. Gaitley’s “33 Days to Greater Glory”
haps this is an opportunity to ask the Lord what He is     book. This book study leads you through the Gospel
calling you to do. As we turn to God in the midst of       of John, which is known as the Gospel of love, and
human mediocrity, we can find something that is eter-      will end on Friday, July 22nd, the Feast of Mary Mag-
nally greater. Consider your vocation and where God        dalene, who was the first on to see the risen Jesus.
may be leading you. Could it be a call to the priest-
hood?                                                          Each day you will read 2-4 pages of the book and
                                                           the corresponding Gospel passages from the Gospel of
    To begin the conversation or to inquire about what     John (found in the back of the book.) This journey
it means to be a priest, please contact me: Fr. Nate       leads you into a deeper understanding of God the Fa-
Kuhn, Director of Vocational Recruitment for the Dio-      ther and His love and mercy.
cese of La Crosse, 3710 East Ave. S. PO Box 4004,              This is a self-study program with 3 optional group
La Crosse, WI 54602; or by phone at: 608.791.2667.         discussion meetings at St. Patrick’s Parish Sunday af-
                   God bless you!                          ternoon June 26, July 10, and July 24 from 4:30 – 6:00
           GOLF OUTING AND DINNER                              Books are $13.00 each and can be purchased at St.
                  MONDAY JUNE 13                           Patrick’s, Cathedral, and MMOC parish offices or by
    A Golf outing and dinner, sponsored by Diocese of      contacting Amy Capelli at (608)783-0847 or
La Crosse Office For Vocations, will be held at Fox        amy_capelli@charter.net
Hollow Golf Course on Monday, June 13, 2022. Con-              Pick up your book TODAY so you can begin
tact rorth@diolc.org to golf, join for dinner or if you    reading on June 19th.
are interested in being a Hole or Birdie Sponsor.
June 5th, 2022 - Pentecost Sunday - Page 321 - cloudfront.net
Catholic Traditions
                             “… stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught,
                              either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.” 2 Thess 2:15

                                          Pentecost Sunday 2010
                                   HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
     In the solemn celebration of Pentecost we are invited to profess our faith in the presence and in the action of the Holy
Spirit and to invoke his outpouring upon us, upon the Church and upon the whole world. With special intensity, let us make
our own the Church's invocation: Veni, Sancte Spiritus! It is such a simple and spontaneous invocation, yet also extraordi-
narily profound, which came first of all from the heart of Christ. The Spirit is indeed the gift that Jesus asked and continues
to ask of his Father for his friends; the first and principal gift that he obtained for us through his Resurrection and Ascen-
sion into heaven.
     Today's Gospel passage, which has the Last Supper as its context, speaks to us of this prayer of Christ. The Lord Jesus
said to his disciples: "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you
another Counsellor, to be with you for ever" (Jn 14: 15-16). Here the praying heart of Jesus is revealed to us, his filial and
fraternal heart. This prayer reaches its apex and its fulfilment on the Cross, where Christ's invocation is one with the total
gift that he makes of himself, and thus his prayer becomes, so to speak, the very seal of his self-gift out of love of the Fa-
ther and humanity. Invocation and donation of the Holy Spirit meet, they permeate each other, they become one reality.
"And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor, to be with you for ever". In reality, Jesus' prayers that
of the Last Supper and that on the Cross form a single prayer that continues even in heaven, where Christ sits at the right
hand of the Father. Jesus, in fact, always lives his intercessional priesthood on behalf of the people of God and humanity
and so prays for all of us, asking the Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
     The account of Pentecost in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles we listened to it in the First Reading (cf. Acts 2: 1-11)
presents the "new course" of the work that God began with Christ's Resurrection, a work that involves mankind, history
and the cosmos. The Son of God, dead and Risen and returned to the Father, now breathes with untold energy the divine
breath upon humanity, the Holy Spirit. And what does this new and powerful self-communication of God produce? Where
there are divisions and estrangement the Paraclete creates unity and understanding. The Spirit triggers a process of reuni-
fication of the divided and dispersed parts of the human family. People, often reduced to individuals in competition or in
conflict with each other, when touched by the Spirit of Christ open themselves to the experience of communion, which can
involve them to such an extent as to make of them a new body, a new subject: the Church. This is the effect of God's
work: unity; thus unity is the sign of recognition, the "business card" of the Church throughout her universal history. From
the very beginning, from the Day of Pentecost, she speaks all languages. The universal Church precedes the particular
Churches, and the latter must always conform to the former according to a criterion of unity and universality. The Church
never remains a prisoner within political, racial and cultural confines; she cannot be confused with States nor with Federa-
tions of States, because her unity is of a different type and aspires to transcend every human frontier.
     From this, dear brothers, derives a practical criterion for discerning Christian life: when a person or a community limits
itself to its own way of thinking and acting, it is a sign that it has distanced itself from the Holy Spirit. The path of Chris-
tians and of the particular Churches must always coincide with the path of the one, catholic Church, and harmonize with it.
This does not mean that the unity created by the Holy Spirit is a kind of egalitarianism. On the contrary, that is rather the
model of Babel, or in other words, the imposition of a culture characterized by what we could define as "technical" unity.
In fact, the Bible tells us (cf. Gen 11: 1-9) that in Babel everyone spoke the same language. At Pentecost, however, the
Apostles speak different languages in such a way that everyone understands the message in his own tongue. The unity of
the Spirit is manifest in the plurality of understanding. The Church is one and multiple by her nature, destined as she is to
live among all nations, all peoples, and in the most diverse social contexts. She responds to her vocation to be a sign and
instrument of unity of the human race (cf. Lumen gentium, n. 1) only if she remains autonomous from every State and
every specific culture. Always and everywhere the Church must truly be catholic and universal, the house of all in which
each one can find a place.
     The account of the Acts of the Apostles offers us another very concrete indication. The universality of the Church is
expressed by the list of peoples according to the ancient tradition: We are "Parthians, Medes, Elamites", etc. Here one may
observe that St Luke goes beyond the number 12, which itself always expresses a universality. He looks beyond the hori-
zons of Asia and northwest Africa, and adds three other elements: the "Romans", that is, the Western world; the "Jews
and proselytes", encompassing in a new way the unity between Israel and the world; and finally "Cretans and Arabians",
who represent the West and the East, islands and land. This opening of horizons subsequently confirms the newness of
Christ in the dimension of human space, in the history of the nations. The Holy Spirit involves individuals and peoples and,
through them, overcomes walls and barriers.
     At Pentecost the Holy Spirit is manifest as fire. The Spirit's flame descended upon the assembled disciples, it was kin-
dled in them and gave them the new ardor of God. Thus what Jesus had previously said was fulfilled: "I came to cast fire
upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!" (Lk 12: 49). The Apostles, together with diverse communities of
the faithful, carried this divine flame to the far corners of the earth. In this way they opened a path for humanity, a lumi-
nous path, and they collaborated with God, who wants to renew the face of the earth with his fire. How different is this fire
from that of war and bombing! How different is the fire of Christ, spread by the Church, compared with those lit by the
dictators of every epoch of the last century too who leave scorched earth behind them. The fire of God, the fire of the Holy
Spirit, is that of the bush that burned but was not consumed (cf. Ex 3: 2). It is a flame that blazes but does not destroy, on
the contrary, that, in burning, brings out the better and truer part of man, as in a fusion it elicits his interior form, his voca-
tion to truth and to love.
                                  Come, Holy Spirit! Enkindle in us the fire of your love!
Ron Hammes
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