July 25, 2021 - Peekskill, NY
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131 UNION AVE.—PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 | (914) 737-2071 | (914) 737-1633 ~ FAX July 25, 2021 St. Anne & St. Joachim Father Esteban Sanchez, Pastor pastor@assumptionpeekskill.org Scan this QR code to be directed to: Deacon Carlos Campoverde, Church of the Assumption Permanent Deacon Special Events page or go to deaconcarlos@assumptionpeekskill.org www.assumptionpeekskill.org and click on Special Events.
WEEKLY TITHING REPORT Rosary at Dawn Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2021…..$10,171.45 (Includes WeShare amount of $1,225.45) Last Saturday of the month Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2020.......$6,615.00 July 31th (Includes WeShare amount of $320.00) 6:15am If you would like to enroll in We Share, please go to At the Peekskill Riverfront assumptionpeekskill.churchgiving.com OR call the Rectory. Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Every First Friday of each month Friday, August 6 6:00pm—6:45pm Every First Sunday of the month we invite In the Church you to bring a friend to Mass! SUNDAY, AUGUST 1ST Meeting Every Wednesday Confessions: 7:00pm Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: 4:00pm-5:00pm St. Kateri Room in the Church or by appointment in the Rectory Novena to Novena por Our Lady of the Nuestra Señora de Assumption la Asunción August 6-14 6-14 de agosto After all Masses. Después de todas las misas. ADORATION CHAPEL: CAPILLA DE ADORACION: Confessions Confesiones: August 6-14 August 6-14 6-14 de agosto Church Iglesia 6-14 de agosto Open 24 hours! 4:00pm-5:00pm ¡Abierto 24 horas!
FEAST OF OUR LADY OF Assumption FESTIVIDADES DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA Asunción AUGUST 14 14 DE AGOSTO VIGIL MASS MISA DE VISPERAS 5PM |7PM ENGLISH MASS SPANISH MASS AUGUST 15 15 DE AGOSTO 8AM, 10AM | 8AM,10AM ENGLISH MASS SPANISH MASS (ST. FRANCIS GYM) 12NOON ~ BILINGUAL MASS MISA BILINGÜE Celebrant Celebrante : Bishop Gerald Walsh PROCESSION AFTER MASS PROCESION DESPUES DE LA MISA OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION FESTIVAL FESTIVAL EN HONOR A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA ASUNCION 2PM-10PM CHURCH PARKING LOT & RECTORY PATIO ESTACIONAMIENTO DE LA IGLESIA & PATIO DE LA RECTORIA The procedes will help cover costs to fix the Parking lot blacktop. Las ganancias ayudarán a cubrir los gastos para arreglar el asfalto del estacionamiento de la Iglesia. To donate food and to make contributions contact the Rectory. Para donar alimentos y hacer contribuciones, llame a la Rectoría.
MASS INTENTIONS MEMORIALIZATIONS Sunday, July 25 - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ALTAR CANDLES 8:00a Pro-populo In Memory of the Carey and Eible families 8:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall) Requested by: Family 10:00a Brian Boryk Requested by: Mr. and Mrs. Carmine DeLuca PRAY FOR David W. Moschiano Requested by: His brother, Douglas THOSE WHO ARE ILL Salvador Rivera Julio Tenezaca, Thomas Mullo, Requested by: Wife and children Linda McGarr, Mustafa Joseph, 10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall) 12:00p Pasquale Ronca Kevin Joseph, Janet Fortier, Requested by: Family Maria Gallagher, George Rooutis, 7:00p Spanish Mass Emilio Santos, Nicole Neidhardt, Monday, July 26 - Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Kathy Neidhardt, Dunbar John, 7:00a Maria Ciotti Matarazzo and Filomena Ciotti Cicalini Nelly Hermina, Wayne Roberts, Requested by: Elsa Salvate 7:00p Spanish Mass Angela Suarez, Marlene Costanza, Tuesday, July 27 Barbara Gorbecki, Lady Michelle Martinez, 7:00a The Hosovsky family Requested by: Adriana Sarova Arthur “Artie” Bromback, Judy Mastronardi, 7:00p Spanish Mass Esperanza Enriquez, Melissa McDonagh, Wednesday, July 28 7:00a Claire O’Connor Mary Lou Fortier, Robert Fortier, Requested by: Joseph and Kathleen Ronca and family Garry McDonagh, Janet Koulikoordis 7:00p Spanish Mass Thursday, July 29 - Saint Martha Angel Carabella and Anthony Viola 7:00a John A. Isabella (13th year in Heaven) Requested by: The Isabella family RECENTLY DECEASED 7:00p Spanish Mass † Emma Samania Friday, July 30 † Alberto P. Dominguez 7:00a Maria V. DeLuca † Mary Katherine Burns Requested by: Family Alberto Suarez † August Weise Requested by: Jacqueline Suarez, daughter † Zoila Pauta 7:00p Spanish Mass Saturday, July 31 - Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest † Adele Lunghi 8:00a Purgatorial Society † Angel R. Fajardo Pauta 5:00p John A. Isabella Requested by: The Isabella family † Margaret Chichitano 7:00p Spanish Mass † Frances Paulson Sunday, August 1 - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00a Caterina Clemente Requested by: Lucia Clemente and family Constancio Clemente Requested by: Family 8:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall) 10:00a P-populo 10:00a Spanish Mass (Father Wilson Hall) THE 12:00p Caterina Clemente ADORATION CHAPEL Requested by: Family Annunziata Silviani IS OPEN Requested by: Rocco and Elaine Mastronardi 8:00am-9:00pm 7:00p Spanish Mass
Prayer of the Rosary Every Saturday after the 8am Mass In the Church Welcome new members! We are enriched by your presence! Please visit or call the rectory at your convenience to register with your full name, address, and phone number or you may e-mail: secretary@assumptionpeekskill.org If you are moving or change your address, please contact the rectory to inform us of said change. Meeting every Saturday 9:00am-10:00am PRIESTS NEED OUR PRAYERS! at the Bean Runner Cafe HAS A PRIEST AS A PASTOR, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR, We believe that God has given us a desire to belong to a community, SPEAKER, CONFESSOR OR FFRIEND MADE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE? which should be based on our love for Him and each other. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE A ONE-MINUTE VIDEO, We form this Men’s Group as a safe place to gather to share our OR SEND A PICTURE AND CAPTION TELLING A time, treasure and talents for the betterment of the group and each STORY OR EXPRESSING CRATITUDE. SEND IT TO other. CHRISTY.VAISSADE@ARCHNY.ORG AND WE WILL POST IT ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR With the grace of God with St. Michael as our Patron. #THANKAPRIESTTHURSDAY CENACLE OF THE MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS Every Saturday After the 8am Mass in the St. Kateri Room SIGN UP FOR RCIT CLASSES!! Do you have a high school teen who needs the sacrament of Baptism? Holy Eucharist? Confirmation? Registration is open for the 2021-2022 year Classes begin TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th 5:00-6:30pm Monday- Thursday | 2:00pm-5:00pm Would you like to help as a Greeter? Classroom Aide? Translator? Religious Education Office: (914) 737-2231 Contact the Rectory: (914) 737-2071 WEDDING BANNS Fridays 5pm - 6:30pm Rectory Third Time: Luis Antonio Loja Pizha & Maria Parking Lot Juana Pauta Minchala Donations are appreciated and accepted. Contact the Rectory for more information.
MISA MENSUAL EN HONOR AL MISA Y ORACION NIÑO VIAJERO POR LOS ENFERMOS Domingo, 1 de agosto 10:00am Misa Mensual en Honor a La Virgen de Guadalupe Jueves, 5 de agosto 7:00pm SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO (Niños menores de 6 años) VIERNES 30 DE JULIO | 7:00PM Iglesia de la Asunción Oficiada por: P. BENJAMIN PALACIOS Animación: Diácono Carlos Campoverde Se celebran regularmente todos los días sabados a partir de la 1:00 PM. Tambien ofrecemos Alabanza y Música: María del Carmen Parrales el Sacramento del Bautismo el ultimo sabado de cada mes dentro de nuestra Misa (7:00 PM). “Vengan a mí, los que Se requiere llenar el formulario; asistir padres y padrinos a la catequesis pre-bautismal. están cansados y Nota: Deben traer al momento de la inscripcion el agobiados y yo los aliviare” certificado de nacimiento del nino (a). Los padres deben estar participando en nuestras Misas regulares. Mateo 11:28 Para que alguien sea admitido como padrino, es necesario que cumpla con los siguientes requisitos: Tener la aptitud y la “intencion de cumplir” con MISA MENSUAL EN los HONOR AL deberes y obligaciones sagrados de un Padrino de bautismo. - Tener al menos 16 anos DIVINO NIÑO Haya recibido el Sacramento de Bautismo, la Sagrada Eucaristía y la Confirmacion en la Iglesia Sabado, 7 de agosto Catolica, y llevar “una vida congruente con la fe y con la mision.” -Practicar fielmente la Fe Catolica, obedecer los Mandamientos de Dios y los Preceptos de la Iglesia, 6:00am incluyendo: (1) Asistir y participar la Santa Eucaristía cada Domingo y días de obligacion. Oficina de Catecismo (2) Recibir dignamente los Sacramentos de la (914) 737-2231 Iglesia Catolica. - Para casados: Estan casadas lícitamente de acuerdo con las leyes de la Iglesia Catolica. -Para solteros: No viven con una pareja, y hayan Inscripciónes han comenzado para recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmacion, no estar el año 2021-2022 afectados por una pena canonica o legítimamente impuesta o declarada. Lunes– jueves | 2:00pm-5:00pm
Invita al Taller de Teología ¡LOS SACERDOTES NECESITAN NUESTRAS ORACIONES! "CATOLICO CONOCE TU FE" ¿UN SACERDOTE COMO PASTOR, DIRECTOR ESPIRITUAL, ORADOR, DOMINGO 8 DE AGOSTO-2:00PM CONFESOR O AMIGO HA TENIDO UN IMPACTO POSITIVO EN SU VIDA? Auditorio Padre Wilson TE INVITAMOS A HACER UN VIDEO DE UN MINUTO, O ENVIAR UNA FOTO Y UNA HISTORIA EXPRESANDO GRATITUD. Temas e Invitados: ENVÍALO A “Dogma Mariano” CHRISTY.VAISSADE@ARCHNY.ORG P. Esteban Sánchez Y LO PUBLICAREMOS EN NUESTRAS REDES SOCIALES PARA “Espiritualidad Católica” Hno. Néctor García #THANKAPRIESTTHURSDAY Música: María del Carmen Parrales Costo: $ 5 por persona Confesiones: No hay cuidado de niños Martes, jueves y sábados: 4:00pm-5:00pm En la iglesia O con cita en la Casa Parroquial Terminaremos con una Hora Santa y DISTRIBUCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS Celebración Eucarística Viernes | 5:00pm - 6:30pm Estacionamiento de la rectoría Las donaciones son apreciadas y aceptadas. EXCLUSIVO PARA SERVIDORES DE LOS GRUPOS Para mayor información contacte a la rectoría. APOSTOLICOS, DEVOCIONES Y MINISTERIOS
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