March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."

Page created by Sherry Shelton
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
March 2023
    Suntree, FL       Our Mission Statement:
Melbourne Beach, FL     “We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world.”
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
From the Pastor’s pen. . .
    Meaningful Things to Do (or                          •   Talking first: listen more and ask more
    Give Up) for Lent this Year!                             questions

Lent is the 40 days (technically 46 days, since          •   Fast Food
Sundays don't "count") starting on Ash                   •   Social Media
Wednesday and leading up to Easter.                      •   Meat
Typically, Christians give something up for
Lent to replicate Jesus' period of temptation            •   Alcohol
in the desert before the start of his ministry.          •   Soda
Finding something meaningful to give up (or              •   Caffeine
start doing) for Lent this year can help you
give your life a bit of a 'reset': reflect on your
priorities and realign your will with God's.             10 Meaningful Things to Do for Lent This Year
                                                         Want to try a new spiritual practice or a
Forty days is a significant period of time in            habit that will help to declutter your life
both the Old and the New Testament. In                   (literally or metaphorically) and focus more
Genesis, the flood that destroyed the earth              on God? Try out one of these ideas.
was brought on by 40 days and nights of                  •   Start a gratitude journal.
rain. The Israelites spent 40 days in the                •   Start a prayer journal.
wilderness before reaching the promised
land. Moses fasted for 40 days before                    •   Throw away (or donate) 40 things for 40
receiving the 10 Commandments at Mount                       days.
Sinai. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness             •   Volunteer somewhere new.
fasting in preparation for his ministry.                 •   Compliment someone every day.
                                                         •   Read a book.
Lent doesn't have to be about giving                     •   Read the Bible each day.
something up. While traditionally, Christians
                                                         •   Give to ELCA Good Gifts
have observed Lent by fasting from
                                                             ( or a similar
something, the purpose of Lent is to prepare
our hearts for Easter. You can do this by
giving up something or adopting a spiritual              •   Bring people meals.
practice or a new habit for 40 days. And                 •   Write letters or send cards to people.
that new habit might be something you
carry into the rest of your year.
                                                         Prayers for a meaningful
                                                         Lenten Journey as we
10 Meaningful Things to Give up for Lent this            celebrate this springtime
Year                                                     for our souls.
•   Screen Time                                          Take Care, and God
•   Gossip                                               Bless,
•   Complaining
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
Week 4: March 18/19, 2023:
         Worship Series
                                                    Prayer and Attitude
       Come, Follow Me:                             Jesus continues to teach about the Kingdom
                                                    of God and the different facets of
      A Disciple's Journey                          discipleship. How are we engaged in the
         Through Lent                               work of introspection, prayer, and fasting?
If we identify ourselves as Jesus' disciples,
everything we do falls under the                    Week 5: March 25/26, 2023:
guidance of Christ. Our lives are less
                                                    Commitment to Discipleship
about attending church and more about
being the church. We commit to Christ               Jesus and his disciples engage in hands-on
through the church and all our actions.             ministry. What is our ministry? How are we
Our commitment to Christ becomes our                following Christ in ministry and mission?
passion for following Jesus and serving
others. Come, Follow Me: A Disciple's
Journey Through Lent looks at defining               Dinner, Drama, & Discussions
moments in Jesus' ministry as presented in          March 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
the Gospel of Matthew and how we can                Suntree Campus
be the best followers of Jesus Christ for the
sake of the world.                                  March 1 will be in the Education Building.
                                                    Rest of the Wednesdays in the Fellowship
Week 1: February 25/26, 2023:                       We are bringing back our Wednesday night
Baptism of Jesus                                    Dinner, Drama, and Discussions for the
Jesus sought baptism from John. What                Season of Lent. This year we will be watching
does it mean for us to be baptized into             the series The Chosen. The Chosen is the first-
Christ?                                             ever multi-season TV show about the life of
                                                    Jesus. The Chosen allows us to see Jesus
                                                    through the eyes of his disciples, who knew
Week 2: March 4/5, 2023:                            him the best.
Wilderness Temptations
Following baptism, Jesus went into the              Easter Egg Hunt
wilderness. There he experienced severe
                                                    Easter Sunday, April 9
temptation concerning his identity. What
are the challenges to our identity as               10:15 a.m. Suntree Campus
Christian followers? How do we face such            Children and families are invited to an Easter
temptation?                                         Egg Hunt at our Suntree Campus on Easter
                                                    morning. We will be gathering by the lawn
                                                    between the education building and the
Week 3: March 11/12, 2023:
                                                    parking lot. Please bring a basket or bag to
Jesus Calls Us to be Disciples                      collect your eggs and goodies.
Jesus calls his disciples to follow him and
fish for people. How is Jesus calling you to
be his disciple? How can you enhance
the ministry of Advent through your
discipleship?                                   3
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
Lenten Musings
This season of Lent is my first as a seminarian
and my first as your Vicar. As a way of
moving closer in our relationship with Christ,
many of us make intentional changes to our
lives and routines during Lent. Some
changes are sacrifices, like abstaining from
something we enjoy. Some changes are
‘additional’, like setting aside extra prayer
time or perhaps increasing the time we
spend on helping others.

Whatever our Lenten offering might be, the                           St. Paul Lutheran Church
most important aspect of it is to come closer                         105 W. Hibiscus Blvd.
                                                                       Melbourne, FL 32901
to Christ. This time around it is my intention to
                                                                      Reverend David Young
give more time to prayer and reflection, to                     
work to better hear the voice of God in my                                 321 723-8393
life and in the world.
Whatever your offering
                                                        Thank you for delivering the boxes of
may (or may not) be, I
                                                        material and other quilting supplies to us at
pray that you will find what
                                                        St. Paul's last week. It was such a blessing to
God is intending for you to
                                                        have them delivered.
find, and may God’s
peace be with you!
                                                        Please share our thanks with the quilting
                                                        ladies at Advent Melbourne Beach. We are
-Vicar Andy
                                                        so grateful for the supplies. All will be used
                                                        sooner rather than later.

                                                        Again, we extend an invitation to anyone
                                                        who would like to either come quilt with us
                                                        on Wednesdays or have discussion to meet
                                                        another day. As it is said, old quilters never
                                                        die; they just go to pieces. St. Paul’s is willing

     Advent has received                                to help them pick up the pieces if anyone
                                                        wants to continue to create quilts.

       donations from
                                                        In Christ,
      Helen Morr and                                    Janet L. Jodoin, President
      Audrey Heater in                                  St. Paul’s Women of the ELCA
                                                        321-729-9659 or 321-474-0562
         memory of                            
      Dorothy Jensen.                               4
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
Holy Week                  Food Pantry Weekends
  Paraments                 Our neighbors need our help, so in
                            March, we will be introducing a new way
The special scarlet         to follow Jesus’ command that we feed
paraments that we use       the poor. There will be 3 Food Pantry
for Holy Week at our        Weekends, the first being March 25 & 26.
Suntree campus were         Please bring your non-perishable
created by our very         unexpired food items up to the altar. At
own Dij Pacarro,            the end of the service, the Pastor will
commissioned by             bless them, thus remembering Jesus’
Pastor Rick and Pam         words in Matthew 25:40: “…Truly I tell you,
Hartmann. Here you          whatever you did for one of the least of
can see the late Don        these brothers and sisters of mine, you did
Rydeen modeling the         for me.”
stole from that set.

March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
Advent Lutheran Church
 7550 N. Wickham Road
 Melbourne, FL 32940
 1805 Oak Street
 Melbourne Beach, FL 32951

                                                                               March 2023

                                                   “We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world.”
                CONTACT US
                                                          Worship Services in March 2023
  (It’s always best to call before stopping by!)
        E-Mail:                                  SUNTREE CAMPUS
        Web:                     Saturday Service: 5:00 pm - Informal Traditional
        STAFF                                          Sunday Services:   9:00 am - Contemporary
                           Worship Media and
    Senior Pastor:           Publications:                               11:00 am - Traditional
    Jeremy Freye            Cathy Guilford

Director of Operations:                                          MELBOURNE BEACH CAMPUS
                           Custodian / Sexton:
   Ashley Drake-Poe        Tom Hawk, Suntree           Sunday Service: 8:30 am - Traditional
  Pastor’s Assistant:
   Lynda Herrman
                           Melbourne Beach                 Holy Communion is offered at every service
                           Preschool Director:
                              Deb Hogan
 Katherine Andrews          CHURCH COUNCIL                   MARCH GOSPEL READINGS
 Financial Secretary:         Jerry Jamison
     Renee Hawk                                    Come, Follow Me: A Disciple's Journey Through Lent
                             Vice President:
 Director of Choirs /         Carol Wilson
      Organist:                                                         March 5, 2023
  Betty Jo Couch               Treasurer:                    Second Sunday in Lent -- Matthew 4:1-11
                             Norm Prescan
      Lori Jahn                Secretary:                                March 12, 2023
    Betsy Stansifer          Kathryn Pulver                   Third Sunday in Lent -- Matthew 4:18-25
Contemporary Music         Members-at-Large
 Director and Praise
                            Melanie Arnold                               March 19, 2023
    Band Leader:
Vicar Andy Harrington
                             Dean Boston                      Fourth Sunday in Lent -- Matthew 6:1-18
                             Nancy Brown
                             Doris Jannke
                            Lynn Newman                                   March 26, 2023
   Michelle Widere
                                                              Fifth Sunday in Lent -- Matthew 8:14-27


  Submissions for publication are due the 20th of each month to Subject to approval.
March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." March 2023 "We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world."
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