13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 26, 2022 - St. Pius X Parish Catholic Church

Page created by Betty Morales
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 26, 2022 - St. Pius X Parish Catholic Church
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
         June 26, 2022
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 26, 2022 - St. Pius X Parish Catholic Church
Staff Information                                                       Parish Calendar
  Staff Member              Phone(757) Email                                 Key:    CH-Church; PH-Parish Hall; TL- Teacher’s Lounge;
                                                                                     PL: Parking Lot; PO: Parish Offices
  Fr. Sean Prince,          583-0291        pastor@spxnorfolk.org
    Pastor                                                                   Monday, 6/27 - Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Mt 8:18-22
  Deacon HV Le              381-7126        deaconle@spxnorfolk.org
                                                                             Tuesday, 6/28 - Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Mt 8:23-27
  Deacon Bob Wash           381-7147        deaconwash@spxnorfolk.org         8:30 a.m.      Mass/Rosary - Thomas McGehrinV
  Yaylin Aponte,            381-7110        youth@spxnorfolk.org
  MS Youth Ministry                                                          Wednesday, 6/29 - Acts 12:1-11; Mt 16:13-19
  Vy Barto,                 381-7124        stewardship@spxnorfolk.org
                                                                              8:30 a.m.    Mass/Rosary - SI Edna Caron
                                                                              3:30 p.m.    Soup & Sandwich Ministry (PH)
   Stewardship Dir.                                                           5:00 p.m.    OLPH Novena (CH)
  Vanessa Bruhn,    381-7112                finance@spxnorfolk.org
   Business Manager                                                          Thursday, 6/30 - Am 7:10-17; Mt 9:1-8
  Cass Hooker,         381-7122             evangelization@spxnorfolk.org
                                                                              8:30 a.m.     Mass/Rosary - Romeo LigutanV
   Evangelization Dir.                                                       Friday, 7/1 - Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Mt 9:9-13
  Rob McBride,              381-7117        music@spxnorfolk.org             8:30 a.m.       Mass - SI Vanessa Bruhn
    Director of Music
  Barbara Morrison,         381-7159        bookkeeper@spxnorfolk.org
                                                                             Saturday, 7/2 - AM 9:11-15; MT 9:14-17
                                                                             3:45 p.m.       Reconciliation
    Bookkeeper                                                               5:00 p.m.       Mass- Norman MayoV
  Courtland Wash,           381-7159        communications@spxnorfolk.org
   Communications                                                            Sunday 7/3 - Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20
                                                                              8:00 a.m.      Mass - SI Jeanette Mendoza
                                                                             10:30 a.m.      Rosary
                           Sacraments                                        11:00 a.m.      Mass - Dorothy NolanV

 Anointing of the Sick                                   Fr. Prince
 Baptism                                                 Cass Hooker        The SPX Food Pantry is in need of the following items:
 Confirmation (High School Youth only)                   Cass Hooker        • Powdered          • Canned Meat           • Dry Milk
                                                                                Milk            • Spaghetti             • Canned
 First Eucharist                                         Cass Hooker        • Jelly                  Sauce                  Ravioli
 First Reconciliation                                    Cass Hooker
 Homebound/Sick requesting Communion                     Deacon Le
 Marriage                                                Fr. Prince                        Parish Registration
                                                                            Welcome to St. Pius X Catholic Church! We are so glad to have
    Interested in becoming Catholic?                                        you at our parish. If you are interested in registering, you can
                                                                            do so by visiting our website at spxnorfolk.org or visiting us in
Please contact Cass Hooker to learn more about entering the                 the parish office.
church and/or completing your sacraments of initiation (First
Communion or Adult Confirmation)
                                                                                          Memorial Donations
                      Parish Finances                                                     The Altar Candle is in Memory of
                      Week Ending June 12, 2022                                                    Roberto Pachao
Mail & Parish Office                                           $2,017.90    If you would like to donate to the altar flowers or candles in
                                                                            memory or honor of someone, please contact the parish office.
Sunday                                                         $5,054.79
Online Giving                                                  $3,248.67
Total Gifts this week                                         $10,321.36                      Prayer Requests
                                                                            •   Mirtha            •   Fredy Osores       •   Melville Julie
                      Week Ending June 19, 2022                                 Montero           •   Truman Elliott     •   Joan Zehl
                                                                            •   Maureen           •   Tim O’Donnell      •   Charlie Prasad
Mail & Parish Office                                           $2,609.50        Montgomery        •   Carissa Santos     •   Deepak Day
Sunday                                                         $5,387.00    •   Alan Prasad           Kee                •   Patricia Hoeft
Online Giving                                                  $3,811.11    Prayer requests are for those who are ill. Names will remain
                                                                            on the prayer list for one month. Please contact the parish
Total Gifts this week                                         $11,807.61    office to have your name placed on the prayer list.
View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 26, 2022 - St. Pius X Parish Catholic Church
Happenings at St. Pius X
Thank you!                                                          Men’s Club Flea Market - The Men’s Club sponsored
Thank you to all who assisted in any way with Fr. Prince’s 10th     Flea Market will be on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 7:00
Anniversary Celebration! Volunteers assisted in many ways           AM - 1PM in the Church Parking Lot. Do you need to
from all our liturgical ministers, musicians, and choir to behind   make room for new treasures, empty your closets, or
the scenes with set up and preparation. Thank you to our art        clean out your garage? Join us and fill up your car or
and environment team for the beauty of the church space             trailer with the things you’ve been meaning to get rid of.
and to Tom Spratt and his team for the wonderful reception.         Attention Vendors: 18x18’ vendor spaces are available for
Thank you to our ushers and greeters who welcomed the               $20. You must provide your own set-up equipment. Setup
many friends, family, and guests of Fr. Prince. Thank you to        for vendors begins at 6:00 AM. For more information or
our photographers who captured the day. Thank you to the            to reserve a space, contact Tom Spratt (757) 777-5349 or
staff for all they did as well.                                     tjs3149@aol.com.
                                                                    St. Pius X Charity Golf Tournament
                                                                    Join us on Friday, September 30, 2022, when we hit the River
                  Faith Formation                                   Course at the beautiful Championship PGA Course at Kingsmill
                                                                    in historic Williamsburg, VA. Grab your friends and make it a
Religious Education for children K-5 is now on Summer Break;        foursome! The entry fee is $125/player and includes: Green
we will gather again in September.                                  Fees, Golf Cart, Range Balls, Buffet Lunch, and Prizes. In
Join us at the table of the Lord. If you would like to look into    addition, we have various sponsorship opportunities available.
the Catholic faith or complete your sacraments, please do           Register online or contact our Development Director, Vy Barto,
not wait until Fall to contact our office. We welcome your call     at development@piusxparish.org for more information or
to inquire more about the RCIA process for adults and those         visit the tournament page at: https://bit.ly/3MhO3S6.
over 7 yrs of age.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available each weekend            Attention SPX Alumni! We are restarting an Alumni database
at the 11AM Mass. All children aged 3-6 yrs of age may              and need your help! If you graduated or attended St. Pius
participate, and no registration is necessary. Children will        X Catholic School, we want to keep in touch and hear from
discuss the readings at their level and rejoin their families       you! We are planning to have some alumni events in the near
at the collection time. If your child is hesitant, a parent may     future and want you to be invited. Please help spread the
accompany them until they are comfortable.                          word to other alumni not in the area or at other parishes.
Baptisms: Our next Baptisms are in July! Parents who wish to        Please get in contact with Vy Barto, Development Director
have their child Baptized should contact the Parish Office to       (c/o ’94) at development@piusxparish.org, or visit https://
register for the July 12th Baptism Prep Class.                      bit.ly/3sxspS3 to add your information.
                                                                    St. Pius X Catholic School is now enrolling for the 2022-2023
                                                                    school year. The school serves the families of the Hampton
                                                                    Roads Area from PreK to 8th grade and offers before and after-
                                                                    school care. We are a proud Virginia Designated Purple Star
                                                                    School and fully accredited. Predominantly Catholic, we are
                                                                    a strong family-centered community and welcome children
                                                                    of all faiths at St Pius X School. Enroll online at: https://
                                                                    stpiusxschoolva.org or contact the school office for more info
                                                                    (757) 588-6171.

                                                                               Opportunities to Serve
                                                                    Lectors: There is a need for more Lectors to serve. Training
                                                                    will be provided. Contact Barbara in the Parish office for more
We welcome all children 3 yrs old through rising 5th graders.       info.
Older children are invited to participate and volunteer as          Sunday Counters: We are in need of a few counters that
our needed assistants. The VBS registration form is available       can come in on Sundays. It will be once every 5 weeks for
online now or you may come to the parish office to register.        about 3 hours Training will be provided. Contact Barbara in
Please let Cass know if you would like a form emailed to you.       the Parish office for more info.
The cost is $10.                                                    Wanted: Volunteers to Serve on the Tech Team
                                                                    Do you enjoy using tablets or computers? Are you interested
The Men’s Club is facilitating a 7 Session Second Corinthians       in learning how to operate video cameras and/or sound
scripture study by Little Rock Scripture Study between the          systems? Have you ever created your own video for YouTube
Sunday Masses in the Parish Hall. The first session is THIS         or TikTok? If you answered, “Yes” to any of these, then please
SUNDAY, June 26. We will watch the introduction video and           consider serving our Lord and his Church by joining the newly
hand out the study guide booklet. Hope to see you there!            formed Tech Ministry at St. Pius X. Rob McBride, our new
                                                                    music director, will be training volunteers so that they are
Time Apart will return Thursday, September the 8th at 6:15          able to run our sound system through an iPad app and our
p.m. We will be starting with reading Women of the Bible by         livestream through a computer program. No prior experience
Kathy Collard Miller subtitled The Smart Guide to the Bible!        is needed. Scheduling is flexible. If interested, please email
If you interested in joining, please contact Dorothy Pittard at     Rob at music@spxnorfolk.org or call him at (757) 381-7117.
dorothyepittard@gmial.com or (757) 364-3480.                        You can also talk with him after mass.
                                                                                              View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
View Our Parish Supporters at www.DiscoverMass.com

                                                                                For Advertising Information CALL 1-800-233-8200

                                                                                  Online at Diocesan.com/Business

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