Working with children and young people at the BBC - Code of conduct06/Online Checklist03/Child protection04

Page created by Johnny Hughes
Working with children and
young people at the BBC.

Checklist /Child protection /
                        03                    04

Code of conduct /Online

safety /Staff checks /Consent /
               07                        08             10

Licences /Risk assessment
                       11                          12
Working with children and
        young people at the BBC
                                    workingwithchildren                                                                           02

                                                                                                        In this guidance
Informing, educating and entertaining                     Who is this guide for?                        The term “children and
young audiences is right at the                           If you are working directly with children     young people” (often
heart of the BBC’s remit as a public                      for, or on behalf of, the BBC then this       shortened to just “children”)
                                                                                                        means people under 18
service broadcaster.                                      guide is for you. That includes BBC           years old.
                                                          employees in all divisions and in any role,
To achieve this we work directly with                     Talent (presenters/actors/celebrities);       Editorial issues for making
                                                                                                        children’s content are not
a significant number of children and                      freelancers, contractors, and Indies          covered in this publication;
young people as contributors to                           (independent production companies).           these can be found within
content; actors/performers under                                                                        BBC Editorial Guidelines
                                                                                                        Section 5: Harm & Offence.
licence; spectators and participants                      How to use this guide
at shows and events; and visitors to                      This guide will lead you through
our buildings.                                            the process of working with children
                                                          and young people in a way that
                                                          safeguards their welfare at all times.
                                                          Start with the Checklist on page 03.
                                                          It lists all the key points you need to
                                                          consider – then click through for more
                                                          detailed information.

Version 1
September 2013

Checklist                                                                           Back to index

This checklist includes all the key       	Do you know who your local
points you need to consider when            Contact at the BBC is for child
working with children for, or on behalf     protection?
of, the BBC in any capacity.                 Page 13

Have you read:                            	Have you carried out the
	                                          appropriate Staff checks to ensure
	The BBC Child Protection Policy?          that everyone working directly with        children on your project is suitable?
                                             Page 08
	The BBC’s Code of Conduct for
   working with children?                 	Do you have appropriate records
   Page 06                                  of Consent?
                                             Page 10
 Online Safety Guidance?
   Page 07                                	Do you have the correct
                                            performance Licences in place?
                                             Page 11

                                              oes your Risk assessment
                                             take into account specific risks
                                             to children?
                                             Page 12

Child protection

                                                                                          Back to index

 ur approach
At the BBC, child protection is
                                             People often worry they might make a
                                             situation worse by reporting a concern       At the BBC,
everybody’s business. We all have a          of this nature. Everyone has a duty to       child protection
responsibility to report any concerns
and keep children and young people
                                             raise their concern, but you will not be
                                             expected to make a judgement call or         is everybody’s
safe. Our child protection policy and        take the matter forward - that is the role   business.
protocols apply to everyone working          of your local Contact (page 13).
for, or on behalf, of the BBC. This
includes BBC employees in all divisions
and in any role, Talent (presenters/
actors/celebrities); freelancers,
contractors, and Indies (independent
production companies).

If you are at all concerned about the
welfare of a child, or the behaviour of an
adult working with children, you should
refer to the BBC Child Protection Policy,
and alert your local Contact at the BBC
for child protection (page 13), who will
take the matter forward as appropriate.

Child protection

                                                                                       Back to index

Working directly with children             Bringing children to work
If you work directly with children in      If anyone working for or on behalf of the
any capacity for, or on behalf of, the     BBC has problems meeting childcare
BBC, it is essential that you read and     needs, they should not bring their
comply with:                               children into the workplace. However,
• The BBC Child Protection Policy;         it is recognised that sometimes        exceptional circumstances can arise
                                           which mean this is necessary. In such
•	Our Code of Conduct – ten golden        cases the individual must get permission
   rules to guide your behaviour           from their line manager; contracting
   around children; and                    manager or commissioning editor.
  Page 06

•	Our Online Safety Guidance,             If permission has been given for a
   which explains how to keep              child to be brought into the workplace,
   children safe in online spaces.         the child must remain under the direct
  Page 07                                  supervision of their parent/guardian at
                                           all times.
It’s also crucial that you know who your
local Contact at the BBC is for child      This applies to BBC employees in
protection (page 13).                      all divisions and in any role, Talent
                                           freelancers, contractors, and Indies
                                           (independent production companies).

Code of conduct                                                                         Back to index

Follow these ten golden rules when you interact directly with children and young
people in any capacity on behalf of the BBC:

01	         the safety and wellbeing        07	Listento and respect children at all
   of the child at all times.                   times; don’t patronise them.
02	Never  take sole responsibility for a    08	Avoidfavouritism, and treat children
   child; if a child needs care alert the       and young people fairly and without
   parent or chaperone.                         prejudice or discrimination.
03	Only take on practical caring            09	Always act within professional
   responsibilities, for example, taking        boundaries; ensure all contact
   a child to the toilet, in an emergency.      with children is essential to the
04	Never  give out your personal               programme/event/activity/project
   contact details, and do not ‘friend’         you are working on.
   or ‘follow’ children you are working      10	Ultimately,if you feel anyone is
   with on social networking sites.             behaving inappropriately around
05	Remember  they are children first,          children, you have a duty to report
   and contributors or participants             your concern to your local Contact
   second.                                      at the BBC for child protection
                                                (page 13).
06	Neverlose sight of the fact that
   you are with children – behave
   appropriately and use appropriate
   language at all times.

Online safety                                                                              Back to index

                                                                                                   Please note
Children and young people can be            Talk to your local Contact (page 13) at                As stated in the BBC
particularly vulnerable in online spaces.   the BBC for child protection for advice                Code of Conduct for Child
When you’re working with children you       about safeguarding under 18s online                    Protection, do not ‘friend’
                                                                                                   or ‘follow’ children or young
must consider online safety as part of      and also if you have more serious                      people you are working with
your risk assessment, particularly if the   concerns such as:                                      on social networking sites.
project has an online element.              •	If you think that a BBC presenter,
                                               actor, production team or brand -
Production/project teams should have           particularly if it is one that is popular
a conversation about the possibility           with children or young people - is
of unwanted attention online as part           being impersonated online.
of their initial discussions with young
contributors/on-screen talent and       •	If you have been sent something
their parents/chaperones/management.       that you have reason to believe may
                                           be child abuse images or video
For example, depending on the              (NEVER open or forward suspect
circumstances, it may be appropriate       attachments).
to recommend that a young               •	If you have reason to think a child is
contributor’s social media profiles are    being groomed online.
temporarily suspended.

Remember that most social networks
are not intended for children under the
age of 13, and therefore should not be
used to speak to this age group.

Staff checks

                                                                                        Back to index

When you are planning a production,          In addition to the above, you must make
event, activity or project involving         sure everyone working on your project
children, you must take steps to ensure      is fully aware of the BBC’s approach
that everyone working with you who will      to child protection. It’s particularly
(or might) interact directly with children   important to highlight the
is suitable for this role.                   Code of Conduct (page 06).

Some suggestions of how to approach          Record your conclusions and any
this are below:                              related actions in your risk assessment.
•	If eligible, request a DBS/PVG check
   (page 09)
•	Take into account their previous
   experience of working with children
•	Consider any training they have
   done or could do
•	Ask for references

Staff checks

                                                                                                Back to index

What are DBS/PVG checks?                  as part of their normal duties or     For the full details of the   How do I request a DBS/
                                                                                types of role that can        PVG check?
DBS checks and PVG scheme                 for intensive periods.                be DBS checked visit
membership will reveal all unspent      •	
                                          Drive a vehicle solely for children   the Disclosure & Barring      BBC staff
convictions, and spent convictions,       without supervision.
                                                                                Service website:              should follow the
                                                                                  guidance available on
cautions, final warnings and reprimands                                         disclosure-barring-           Gateway (search for
which are not eligible for filtering.   •	
                                          Monitor online content or services    service-check                 Working with Children)
They can help to prevent unsuitable       used mainly by children for the
people from working with vulnerable       purposes of child protection          For full details of the       Indies
                                                                                types of role that can        (independent production
groups, including children, and         •	
                                          Provide a service as a registered    be PVG checked, visit         companies) should
therefore play an important role           professional, such as a doctor       the Disclosure Scotland       check their own staff
                                                                                website:                      and liaise with their
in safeguarding their welfare.             or solicitor.                        http://www.                   Commissioning Editor.
                                            Manage someone taking on
What are the criteria for a DBS/                                                                              Freelancers
                                             an activity eligible for a DBS/                                  should raise any queries
PVG check?
                                             PVG check.                                                       they have with their
We are only permitted by law to request                                                                       contracting manager
checks for specific activities and                                                                            at the BBC.
positions. Typically, in the context of
the work of the BBC, a DBS/PVG check
might be carried out when an individual
is required to:
  Care for, teach, train, supervise
  or personally assist (eg. costume
  fitting or removing make-up) a child

Consent                                     Back to index

Informed consent from the child and
an individual or organisation with
parental responsibility for the child
should always be obtained in advance
of working with children in any
capacity. Keep documented evidence
of consent.

16–17 year olds can sign their own
consent form if the project is not
contentious as stated in the BBC
Editorial Guidelines.

If you’re on location it’s a good idea to
print a few spare consent forms and
have them with you. Use the template
consent letter and form available at

Licences                                                                            Back to index

A child or young person contributing to    For daily news, documentaries and
BBC content as an actor or performer       some other appearances a licence
may need a ‘Child Licence’. These are      may not be required. Seek legal advice
granted by the Local Authority for the     before proceeding.
area where the child lives.
                                         The BBC’s full Guidelines for Child
There are specific regulations regarding Licensing and forms for recording
working with children under licence –    working hours and tuition are available
for example, limited working hours or    at
number of breaks.

Children working as actors, performers
or ‘under licence’ in other instances
must always be accompanied by an
adult. This can be a parent or guardian
of the child, but a licensed chaperone
is preferable. In either case, the adult
should be solely focused on the safety
and wellbeing of the child – make sure
they don’t get carried away by the
excitement of programme making!

Risk assessment                                                                          Back to index

Finally, all of your thinking around         Aftercare
safeguarding children and young              It’s also really important to consider
people should be recorded in your            any potential long-term consequences
risk assessment.                             for the child.

Some additional points to consider           Are there likely to be any post-
in your risk assessment:                     transmission repercussions such as
                                             bullying or unwanted attention? If you
Health & Safety                              do identify this kind of risk, ensure you
When considering health and safety           explain it clearly to the participant and
risks, remember that children are            their responsible adult at the time of
generally:                                   seeking consent. You might also need
•   Less able to recognise danger;           to consider what sort of support might
                                             be helpful to the child when the filming
•    ikely to be in an environment
    L                                        has finished.
    which is unfamilar to them;
•    ery inquisitive, which can mean
    V                                        Access the BBC’s risk assessment tool
    they are more likely to take risks;      online at
•    ikely to be more prone to tiredness,
    anxiety and stress in response
    to pressure and long hours.

Contacts                                    Back to index

If you are concerned about a child, or
about the behaviour of an adult around
a child, you should raise the matter with
your local contact at the BBC as soon
as possible.

BBC staff should contact the
‘nominated manager’ responsible for
child protection in their division. An
up to date list of nominated managers
can be found on Gateway (search for
Working with Children)

Indies (independent production
companies) should contact their
Commissioning Editor.

Freelancers should contact their
contracting manager.
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