It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th

Page created by Elmer Baldwin
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th
Volume 22 Issue 6     June 2021                                                     

hapeville           HOMETOWN

                                                                             Hapeville Movie Night Under the Stars
                                                                                 Friday, June 18th, Jess Lucas Park

It’s Happening in Hapeville!
Chapman’s Drug Celebrates         The City of Hapeville will sponsor        Kumandra, where humans and
100 Years in Hapeville            their 100 Year Anniversary                dragons lived together in
                                  Celebration on July 17th from 4           harmony long ago. But when
Save the Date! July 17th
                                  p.m. - 8 p.m. at Chapman Drug             an evil force threatened the
                                  Store, 615 N. Central Avenue and          land, the dragons sacrificed
                                  surrounding downtown Hapeville.           themselves to save humanity.

                                  For more info. contact the Economic The festivities will begin at 7:30
                                  Development Dept. at (404)                     p.m. with the movie showing at
                                  669-8269                                       dusk. Free admission and
                                  ............................................. parking. Bring a blanket or
Pleae join us on July 17th to
celebrate Chapman Drug            Hapeville Movie Night Under lawn chair. For more
                                                                                 information, please contact
Company’s 100th Anniversary.      the Stars: Friday, June 18th                   Holli Stephens-Lovins at
Chapman Drugstore has existed     Join us for Hapeville Movie Night
and has been an important part    Under the Stars! “Raya and The                 (404) 669-2136.
of the Hapeville Community for    Last Dragon” rated PG will be
100 years. They have served the   shown on Friday, June 18th in Jess In the News:
citizens of Hapeville and the     Lucas Park, 680 S. Central Ave.               Community News               2
surrounding areas through
                                                                           Hispanic Relations          3
WWII, Korean War, Vietnam,        Walt Disney Animation Studios'
                                                                           It’s Happening in Hapeville 3
stock market crashes, housing     “Raya and the Last Dragon”
                                                                           Notices/Meeting Calendar 4
crashes, and more!                travels to the fantasy world of
                                                                                                              Pg. 1
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th
Volume 22 Issue 6        June 2021                                                                       

                                                                                     Programas de Bridging the Gap:
                                                                                     Una Comunidad Educada es
                                                                                     Una Comunidad Unida

                                                                                     2021 Busy Bee Summer Camp
                                                                                     ¡Vea de qué se trata todo el alboroto en
                                                                                     nuestro campamento de verano Busy Bee! De
                                                                                     5 a 12 años. Ofrecemos dos sesiones: del 7
                                                                                     de junio al 2 de julio y del 6 de julio al 30 de
                                                                                     julio, de 7:30 a.m. a 6 p.m. El costo de cada
                                                                                     campamento para residentes es de $ 250
                                                                                     por sesión. Una tarifa de inscripción única de
                                                                                     $ 20 incluye una camiseta del campamento
                                                                                     que se usará en días especiales. Contacto:
                                                                                     Ashley Moody en o
                                                                                     llame al (404) 669-2136.

                                                                                     Las Noches de Cine de Hapeville
                                                                                     Las Noches de Cine de Hapeville se llevan a
                                                                                     cabo el tercer viernes de junio y Julio en Jess
                                                                                     Lucas Park ubicado en 680 S. Central
                                                                                     Avenue en el centro de Hapeville. Los
                                                                                     eventos de películas comienzan a las
                                                                                     7:30 p.m. con la película proyectada al
                                                                                     anochecer. Entrada y estacionamiento
                                                                                     gratuitos! Traiga una manta o una silla de
                                                                                     jardín. Selecciones de películas por
 Hapeville Seeks Artists for Two Projects                                            determinar. Visite para
 City of Hapeville is seeking artists for a mural at the                             obtener información actualizada.
 Hapeville Community Garden. This project will be a
 digital line design that will be painted by community                               Ven y Unete a Nosotros:
 volunteers. Three finalists will be chosen and                                      Bridging the Gap es una organización
 compensated for their design. Chosen artists will                                   comunitaria que levanta las voces de nuestra
 receive a $500 stipend for their concept. Deadline is                               comunidad Latinx en Hapeville. Buscamos
 Friday, June 4, 2021. Full details of the proposal can                              voluntarios que puedan ayudarnos a liderar
 be found online at:                                         diferentes proyectos para nuestra
                                                                                     comunidad. Para obtener más información,
 City of Hapeville is also seeking an artist or team of                              comuníquese con Shayla Rodríguez.
 artists to submit a design to enhance an existing
 crosswalk. One artist or artist team will be selected                               Ayuda a la Comunidad
 and paid $6000 for labor and up to $500 for                                         Si hay un problema en Hapeville que le
 materials. Deadline is Saturday, June 5, 2021. Details                              gustaría que lo llevaran a la atención en las
 of the proposal can be found online at:                             juntas del City Council no dude en
 3y4U5z0.                                                                            comunicarse con Shayla Rodríguez a
                                                                                     (678) 938 - 7546.
 For more information, please contact the Economic
 Development Department at (404) 669-8269.

Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville. Pg. 2
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th
Volume 22 Issue 6   June 2021                                               

   It’s Happening in Hapeville: Upcoming Events
                                                                           June 18

        Movie Night

                                                                           July 16

        Movie Night

                                                                           July 17

     Jazz & Seafood

                                                                           Aug. 21

Downtown Live
                                                                           Sept. 17-18

Happy Days
                                                                           Oct. 31

      Trick or Treat

                                                                           Nov. 23

      Holiday Event

                                                                     FROM THE FINANCE
                                                                    Homestead Exemptio
                                     Save the Dates!                                   n
Downtown Live Concert                                                A homestead exempt
                                     Saturday, July 17th                                     ion is a legal
Series Begins July 17th                                              provision that reduces
                                                                                               the amount
                                     Saturday, August 21st           of proper ty taxes on
Save the Date!                       Saturday, Sept. 17th-18th                              owner-
                                                                     occupied homes. In ad
                                     Saturday, October 16th                                     dition to
                                                                    basic homestead exem
Downtown Hapeville comes alive                                                                ption, there
                                     Saturday, October 16th.        are three exemptions
at Jess Lucas Y-teen Park, located                                                          available for
                                     Visit us online at http://     the City of Hapeville
in downtown Hapeville, 680                                                                 residents that
                                    are age 65+, Veteran
                                                                                            , or 100%
South Central Avenue.                Special-Events for            disabled. Verification
                                                                                             is required.
                                     information on upcoming       Once granted, exempt
                                                                                             ions are
                                     performers and event          automatically renewe
This series features live music from                                                       d each year.
                                     times. For more               The renewal continues
local bands and a variety of food                                                            as long as
                                     information, contact Holli   the homeowner continu
vendors. Free admission and                                                                   ally
                                     Stephens-Lovins at           occupies the proper ty
parking.                                                                                   under the
                                 same ownership. The
                                                                                           deadline to
                                     or (404) 669-2136.           apply for the City Spec
                                                                  exemption is June 30
                                                                                         , 2021.

 Code Corner: Sec. 8-3-11        other person having custody of the     potencialmente peligrosos, a
                                 dog unless dog is securely under       excepción de los gatos. Será ilegal
 Animals Running At Large
                                 leash; said leash being not more than  que el dueño, custodio de cualquier
 Prohibited: The running of      six feet long, and under the control   perro permita o que el perro salga
 large dogs, domestic animals,   of a competent person.                 de las instalaciones del dueño u otra
 livestock, owned wildlife,                                             persona que tenga la custodia del
 exotic animals, or dangerous       Código Esquina Ciudad Código
                                                                        perro a menos que el perro esté bien
 or potentially dangerous dogs Sec. 8-3-11 Prohibición de los           sujeto con una correa; dicha correa
 is prohibited, except for cats. It animales que corren libremente: no mide más de seis pies de largo y
 shall be unlawful for the          Está prohibido correr libremente en está bajo el control de una persona
 owner, custodian of any dog to general perros, animales domésticos, competente.
 allow or permit dog to leave       ganado, animales salvajes, animales
 the premises of the owner or       exóticos o perros peligrosos o
Pg. 3
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th
Volume 22 Issue 6            June 2021                                                                              

  City                                 Tuesday                                Wednesday                             Thursday

  Meetings                             1  On this day                         2  Quote of the Day                   3
                                       (1938) Superman                        “You have not lived today             Dev. Authority, 6:30 p.m.

  June                                 appears for the first time
                                       in D.C. comics.
                                                                              until you have done
                                                                              something for someone
                                                                                                                    Municipal Annex
                                                                                                                    700 Doug Davis Drive
                                                                              who can never repay you.”
                                                                              ~John Bunyan

  for meeting information              8                                      9                                     10
                                       Council Meeting, 6 p.m.                Main Street, 6 p.m.
  or call (404) 669-2100.                                                                                               National Egg Roll Day
                                       Municipal Annex                        Municipal Annex
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive                   700 Doug Davis Drive

                                       15                                     16                                    17  On this day
                                       Planning Commission                    Design Review Committee               (1928) Amelia Earhart
                                       6 p.m., Municipal Annex                Municipal Annex                       becomes 1st women to fly
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive                   700 Doug Davis Drive                  across the Atlantic.

                                       22                                     23    On this day                     24
                                       Council Meeting, 6 p.m.                (1989) The movie                      Board of Appeals
                                       Municipal Annex                        “Batman” premiered                    Municipal Annex
                                       700 Doug Davis Drive                   across the U.S.                       700 Doug Davis Drive

Spotlight                                      Camp! Ages: 5 to 12 years old. Community Calendar
                                               We offer two sessions: June 7th -
                                               July 2nd and July 6th - July      Submission Instructions
 Community Events                              30th, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Each     To submit community/event meeting
 June 2021                                     camp cost for residents is $250   information to the Community
                                               per session.                      Calendar listing, please visit
 Register Today!                                                        and click on the
                                                A one-time registration fee of   Services menu and follow the
 Busy Bee Summer Camp                                                            instructions listed under the Newsletter
                                                $20 includes a camp t-shirt to
                                                be worn on special days. Camp tab.
                                                opens at 7:30 a.m. and ends at
                                                6 p.m.                                          For addiitonal information, please
                                                                                                contact the Economic Development
                                                For more information, please                    Department at (404) 669-8269.
                                                contact Ashley Moody at
                                                                                                Please note: the June 2021 Exchange
 See what all the buzz is all                   (404) 669-2136 or
                                                                                                Club meeting has been cancelled.
 about at our Busy Bee Summer         
PROGRAM                          DAY                                          TIME                                      COST

BO H.I.I.T Fitness               Monday & Wednesday                           6 p.m. - 7 p.m.                           $15/class
Cub Scouts                       Varies by age (Zoom)                         5:00 p.m.                                 $2/meeting

Girl Scouts (Summer)             Mondays                                      TBD                                       $25/Year or Free with
                                 (Begins June 7th)                                                                      certain insurance
  Note: All events/activities will adhere to current social distancing guidelines put forth by the GA Dept. of Public Health & the City of Hapeville.
Pg. 4
It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th It's Happening in Hapeville! - Chapman's Drug Celebrates 100 Years in Hapeville Save the Date! July 17th
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