Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico

Page created by Kyle Byrd
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
            Plans and

E. W. Hoppe, presenting

With contributions from the electroforming community:
K. S. Thommasson (PNNL), C. T. Overman (PNNL),
R. N. Saldanha (PNNL), J. Hall (SNOLAB), G. Gerbier
(Queens University), K. Nikolopoulos (Univ of
Birmingham), P. Knights (Univ of Birmingham), G.
Giroux (Queens University), C. D. Christofferson
(SDSMT), C. Peña (LSC), S. Borjabad (LSC)

              Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022
                                                        Scenes from our Badlands trip 6/14/22
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
Motivation for Electroforming Copper

Copper can be made very pure.
(NIM A 775 (2015) p 93–98, PNNL electroformed copper
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
Electroforming at SURF for LEGEND-200 and beyond

                                                       MJD Clean Machine Shop reduced from
Electroforming baths in MJD (Majorana
                                                       original size and scope but can process
Demonstrator) “electroforming lab”
                                                       all mandrels for machining of copper at
                                                       MPIK (Max Planck Institute –

                        Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                                       3
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico

• Currently over 120kg of electroformed copper produced in the Davis campus
  provided for construction of this experiment located at LNGS
• Range of material provided was for use in detector and fiber cable holders
• This newly produced Cu stock is verified at background of
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico

• Greatest plate thickness achieved : 20mm when pulled from electrochemical bath
  yielding a stock of over 18mm for detector parts
• Typical MJD shield plate thickness ~14mm before machining

                            Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                     5
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
LEGEND-1000 baseline

• Electroforming at SURF going
    • Cooperative agreement to
      continue operation of the lab
      at SURF through at least 2025
      which allows for the
      production time frame of
      cryostats and component
      needed in the L1000 design
    • Currently the plan is for 6-8
      baths producing reentrant
      tubes (4-6mm thickness) and
      stock plates for parts (14-
      20mm thickness
    • Each tube could take less
      than a year to produce (H:
      ~4.5m, D: ~0.8m)
    • Conservative projection 10%
      of the background goal
                                                                    Legend Cryostat
    • >1% of the background goal

                               Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                     6
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
CES (Copper Electroforming Service)
                            Improvements and setup (2021)

• Underground clean room (Class ISO 6/7)
• Monitoring and Control System: parameters under control, remote connection,
  telegram/email alarms, automatic/manual operation
            optimized process time, programmed waveforms
• Power Supply (PSU): 120A, 12.5V, programming mode
            x6, increase EF-Cu surface (pieces-mold)
Since 2014, LSC has performed electroformed copper pieces for: ANAIS, DAMIC-M and
R&D in collaboration with LNGS (Italy), Jagiellonian University (Poland)

          Set-up at the LSC Clean Room                 Monitoring & Control System and PSU
                                 Eric Hoppe LRT2022 June 15, 2022
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
3D Cu Printer Project
                                                        LSC-LNGS Collaboration

The copper powder used to feed the 3D Cu printer has to be produced in a totally controlled
ultraclean way. One of the aims of this project is therefore the production of ultrapure copper
powder starting from EF copper.

AIM: radiopure EF-Cu part with around 6 mm of thickness

    • EF-Cu part: hole cylinder, 82 mm Dint, 100 mm height, 6-7 mm of thickness
    • Process parameters: pulse-reverse electroplating (2-4 A dm-2), mold turning

                                                                                                       Process time: 425h
                                                                                                             1.575 g
                                                                                                         Raw EF-Cu part
                                                                                                     (without machining and
  LSC (C. Peña, S. Borjabad), UNIZAR (J. C. Amaré), LNGS (S. Pirro, S. Nisi, A. Ianni, D. Orlandi)
                                                 Eric Hoppe LRT2022 June 15, 2022
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
Top and bottom lids for CCD
                                         LSC Service to DAMIC-M Collaboration

  The DAMIC-M collaboration (LSC EoI-21-2018) requested electroformed copper parts for the
  low background chamber at LSM to reduce the radioactive background from the components
  closest to the CCD. These pieces are top and bottom lids to cover the skippers CCDs.

  AIM: radiopure plane EF-Cu parts with different thickness (pocket and frames)

         • EF-Cu part: plate, 180x180 mm2 , 2.5-5.5 mm of thickness
         • Process parameters: pulse-reverse electroplating (2-4 A dm-2), previous EF-Cu thin
           layer (mold or cathode), plastic masks (process in steps)

                                                                                                       Process time: 500-600h
                                                                                                     Final machining & cleaning

LSC (C. Peña, S. Borjabad), UNIZAR (J. C. Amaré), DAMIC-M (R. Smida, D. Baxter, R. Vilar), PNNL (T. Hossbach)
                                                  Eric Hoppe LRT2022 June 15, 2022
Electroforming Plans and Facilities - E. W. Hoppe, presenting - Indico
Electroplating of SNOGLOBE NEWS-G Detector in LSM

• NEWS-G uses spherical                           Contamination levels of
                                                  inner surface reduced by
  proportional counters to search                 2 orders of magnitude!
  for dark matter
• SNOGLOBE 1.4 m dia sphere
  made of two hemispheres using
  4N Aurubis Cu
• Based on ICPMS assays the
  background would be higher
  than desired
• Plating 500 μm of high purity
  copper to inner surface results
  in background reduction by
  factor 2.6 from 210Pb
Electroplating of SNOGLOBE NEWS-G Detector in LSM

                                                                                       Plating cleanroom at LSM

                                             Hemisphere after plating 500 μm of high
                                             purity copper to inner surface

                                                                                       Close up view of
                                                                                       hemisphere inner surface

Setting up plating cleanroom at LSM

                                      Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                                          11
Size of many future experiments demand larger
           scale electroforming

  Previous and Current Scale                                       Future Scale
                 Tubes of Ultrapure
                 Copper used to
                 produce ultra-Low
                 Counters, 25 liter

                 Copper plating                                                          LEGEND
                 for MJD, a 0vBB
                 PNNL designed
                 and constructed
                 the 230 liter                                   H: 1.3 m, Dia: ~1.3 m
33 cm diameter

                                                                                         H: ~4.5m, Dia ~0.8m
                            Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                                                 12
PNNL: Scaling Up for the Next Generation of

• New electroforming capabilities are needed on-site to accommodate size and avoid
  cosmogenic activation from surface exposure. Specific project support:
    • ECuME (Electroformed Cuprum Manufacturing Experiment for spheres) plan
      to electroform an intact (seamless) 140 cm diameter sphere for NEWS-G
    • nEXO desire to electroform an intact 130-140 cm diameter right cylinder of
      same length
• Existing designs using space filled anode do not scale well
    • Space filling anode design (refer to pictures on previous slide) is used in all our
       existing electrochemical baths such as those shown used for proportional
       counting tubes or Majorana
• A major modification requires physical model tests
    • Existing computer simulations do not adequately inform designs of long
      performance duration electrochemical systems: Modify bath or mandrel/holder
      design as needed based on physical model
    • Build scaled bath, mandrel, and holder to electroform intact sphere. Test with
      cylindrical mandrel where we have lots of experience.

                             Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                         13
Modeling the Electroforming Bath Design
                  • Modeling of electrical fields, electrolyte flow velocity and bulk mixing,
                    and copper deposition performed

Top View:13 jets per return leg         5 jets per return leg

                                                                                                  Ground   Potential

                                                                                 Field/Deposition Modeling
          Fluid Dynamics Modeling

                                                                           Relative copper
                                                                           deposition rates:
                                                                           Analytical Code
                                  Cross sectional view
                                                                           COMSOL Input
                                  of predicted flow
                                                                           Surface Current with
                                  velocity for a 13 jet
                                                                           30 deg Tilt and

                                          Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                                           14
Redesigning the
            Electroforming Bath

                                 Prototype Design with
                                 mini-ECuME mandrel                                Prototype Design
                                                                                   Roughly 1:5 scale

                                                                                           Electrical bus for
   Modular anode holders                                                                  uniform field around
       for easy copper                                                                          mandrel
 replenishment, scalable to
full-scale (height and radius)
                                                                           37.7”           Overflow container
                                                             13”                            to keep constant
                                                                                             electrolyte level   42”
     Porous HDPE for
     Cu ion permeation
                                                                                          Designed with scale
                                                                                          up to full-size nEXO
                                                                                              TPC in mind
    Directed nozzles to
                                                                                          (shown with existing
        ensure good
                                                                                           Majorana mandrel)
     electrolyte mixing

                                                                                    Volume of acid ~ 405 L
                                                                                   (Majorana bath ~ 230 L)
                                      Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022                                               15
PNNL: 1/5 scale electroforming
bath as built
             •    Bath during construction (top)

             •    Bath running with 13” (33 cm)
                  diameter mandrel (from Majorana)
                  plating in Shallow Underground
                  Laboratory at PNNL (below)

             •    Copper produced from test run will
                  be evaluated for purity and
                  physical properties

             •    Later will electroform mini-ECuME

            Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022         16
•    ECuME design is based on the new PNNL bath but ~ 5 times larger, ~4000 L
•    Dimensions allow for a modular seam welded tank construction in order to fit into
     SNOLAB cage
•    Preliminary design dimensions and layout subject to change

                       Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022       2.50 m                   17

                         1.65 m

Once ECuME is electroformed
nEXO and other projects intend to
use the capability

                                    Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022   18
Plans to Electroform in Boulby, UK

• Continuous effort to establish EFCu
• Early Technology Development Capital
  Funding used to purchase EFCu
  equipment for Boulby
• Modeling based on ECuME facility,
  similar scale and using experience of
  PNNL, ECuME facility, and NEWS-G
• Current status: Requisition of parts
• Commissioning of facility will begin
  after materials requisition is complete

                       Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022   19
DarkSPHERE Plans to Electroform in Boulby

•   DarkSPHERE: ⌀300 cm SPC with low-
    background water shield
•   Fully electroformed, intact in UG lab
•   Target host: Boulby's Large Experimental
•   2.5m thick water is sufficient for

• Electroforming is not a new process and its use is expanding

• Its use reduces background over commercially available
  copper significantly even if it is used as a low background

• Efforts are underway to:
    • increase the speed of producing it
    • increase the size that it can be made, perhaps to once
       unthought of scales
    • improve the intricacies under which it can be utilized
    • increase the strength while minimally impacting its
       radiopurity using alloys

• Demonstrated that electroforming capability can be setup for
  project use and later decommissioned and removed

                 Eric Hoppe   LRT2022 June 15, 2022              21
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