EST 310 Design of Computer Games - Spring 2021 Syllabus

Page created by James Holland
EST 310 Design of Computer Games
                         Spring 2021 Syllabus

   ▪ Name – Matthew Henigman
   ▪ Office – Old Computer Science 1436
   ▪ E-mail –
   ▪ Office Hours –By Appointment
   ▪ Course Website -

MEETING TIMES: Monday and Wednesday, 10:30AM-11:50AM. All lecture recordings will be
available for later viewing. Bonus points will also be awarded for students who attend the
live lecture recording.

  1. Faculty-Student Interaction: Zoom meetings/lectures (recorded and available for
      later viewing) and Blackboard discussions
  2. Academic Integrity: Blackboard discussions, Turn It In, SafeAssign, etc.
  3. Minimum Technology Needs: Computer and internet access to all Stony Brook
      University learning management systems (LMS) and active remote access systems.
  4. Course Delivery Mode & Structure: This is an asynchronous online course.

DESCRIPTION: Fundamental ideas underlying the design of games, which occurs before the
programming stage. How games function to create experiences, including rule design, play
mechanics, game balancing, social game interaction and the integration of visual, audio,
tactile and textual elements into the total game experience. Game design documentation
and play testing. Students will design their own game during the semester. This course is
offered as both EST 310 and ISE 340.

   ▪ Understand the process of game design.
   ▪ Analyze the needs, desires, and constraints of the audience that a game is designed
   ▪ Design games using proven guidelines, tricks, and principles for designing an
      effective game.
   ▪ Demonstrate an ability to use digital prototyping tools to create a digital game

   ▪ Game Design Workshop, 3rd Edition; CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014;
      ISBN-13: 978-1-4822-1716-2
   ▪ Starcraft 2, Blizzard Entertainment, Free Online Download

COURSE WEB PAGE: You can access class information on-line at If you have used Stony Brook's Blackboard system
previously, your login information (NetID and Password) has not changed. If you have
never used Stony Brook's Blackboard system, you may sign into SOLAR for your NetID and
to set a secure password.

For help or more information, you can visit
help-desk. If you have problems logging in, go to the helpdesk in the Main Library SINC Site
or the Union SINC Site. You can also call 631-632-9602 or e-mail

The course website will contain important information and documents. You should visit
the site daily. The Announcements page will indicate the latest additions/updates to the
website and where these additions/updates can be found. Project and homework
assignments will be posted on the Assignments page. Links to course notes and
presentation files will be placed in folders on the Course Documents page. Information
about the instructor and teaching assistant will be posted on the Staff Information page. A
link to the syllabus will also be available under the Course Documents page. You will also
be able to check your grades by selecting the My Grades link on the Student Tools page.


   ▪   Team Projects – 50%
       Over the course of the semester, you will work in teams on three (3) game designs.
       For the first game, you will be assigned to a team; for the second game, you get to
       choose 1 teammate; for the third game, you define the team (or may work by
       yourself). Designs must be presented via a group online recording.

   ▪   Online Discussions – 25%
       Group online discussions will be regularly assigned covering both in-class and
       textbook material. These are also used to determine your class participation.

   ▪   Exams – 25%
       Three quizzes, corresponding to the three parts of the textbook, will be given
       throughout the semester. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the
       term. The exam will be closed book/notes.

Percentage %             Equals Letter Grade
           >= 94%                             A
           >=90%, but less than 94%           A-
           >=87%, but less than 90%           B+
           >=83%, but less than 87%           B
           >=80%, but less than 83%           B-
           >=77%, but less than 80%           C+
           >=73%, but less than 77%           C
           >=70%, but less than 73%           C-
           >=67%, but less than 70%           D+
           >=64%, but less than 67%           D
       All work submitted must be your own, original work. Submitting other student’s
assignments, work from a previous class, solution sets from previous classes, and
plagiarized works will not be tolerated. We will be using anti-plagiarizing detection
software that provides a detailed report of the source and extent of the copied work. Please
do not put me in a position to report anyone to Academic Judiciary as it is not necessary for
your successful completion of the course. You can absolutely succeed to the highest extent
providing your own, original work.

       Computer and Internet access to all Stony Brook University learning management
systems (LMS) and active remote access systems is required. Minimum computer
requirements are also posted below.

       This course uses Blackboard for the facilitation of communications between faculty
and students, submission of assignments, and posting of grades and feedback. The
Blackboard course site can be accessed at If you are
unsure of your NetID, visit
password for more information. You are responsible for having a reliable computer and
Internet connection throughout the term. Caution! You will be at a disadvantage if you
attempt to complete all coursework on a smart phone or tablet. It may not be possible to
submit the files required for your homework assignments and some areas of the
Blackboard LMS may not be visible at all!
       Students should be able to use email, a word processor, and presentation software
to complete this course successfully. Students should have some underlying software
development understanding as well.
       The following list details minimum recommended computer specifications and the
software packages you will need to have access to, and be able to use:
    ▪ PC with Windows 8 or higher (we recommend a 3-year Warranty). Macintosh
       computers are not recommended in general, due to their generally inferior specifications,
       substantially higher cost, and planned obsolescence.
          o Intel Core i5 or higher
          o 250 GB Solid State Drive
          o 8 GB RAM
          o Integrated Video Card (Discrete Video Card Recommended/Preferred)
          o Latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer (A complete list of supported
              browsers and operating systems can be found on the My Institution page when you
              log in to Blackboard)
          o High speed internet connection
          o Microsoft Office Suite (included for free as an enrolled SBU student)
          o Speakers (either internal or external) or headphones
          o Webcam (including microphone) with a resolution of at least 720p
          o Ability to download and install free software applications and plug-ins (note: you
              must have administrator access to install applications and plug-ins).

o    Adobe Flash player with the latest update is crucial for playing multiple videos
                 throughout the course

Americans with Disabilities Act:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please
contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room128, (631)
632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All
information and documentation is confidential.

Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with
their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website:

Academic Integrity:

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted
work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any
suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center
(School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of
Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on
academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary
website at

Critical Incident Management:

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people.
Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their
ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.
Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures.

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