School Ondersteunings Profiel (SOP) van Rivers International School Arnhem - De Basis

Page created by Ruben Christensen
School Ondersteunings
         Profiel (SOP)
            Rivers International
              School Arnhem
                               De Basis


Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 1
The School Support Profile clarifies the following areas:

                           knowledge and

        Extra Support
                                                                           Extra support
      through external
                                                                           within school

                                  SCHOOL Support
                  Basic Support            Achievements            Goals

Algemene gegevens:

School Year                                            2019-2020
School                                                 Rivers International School Arnhem
Location *                                             Arnhem Schuytgraaf
Brinnummer                                             29XG
Schoolgroep en/ of percentage gewichtsleerlingen       Percentage gewichtsleerlingen kleiner
                                                       dan 2 % ( 0 okt 2019)
Adress                                                 Parnassusstraat 20
Telephone                                              026-320 2822
Director                                               Gill Eaton
e-mail directeur                             
Head of Primary Department                             Gill Eaton
Naam ib-er R-Y7                                        Ilse (roepnaam: Ilona) van Dantzig/
                                                       Sarah Argyle
Aantal groepen per 1/10/2019                           11
Aantal leerlingen per 1/10/2019                        209
Subregio                                               Arnhem

Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 2

Analysis of the school Monitor of Basic support.
What are the results of the monitor of your school? In which areas is it going well? Which
areas need more attention?

Areas of Strength:

   ●   Small class sizes. Average of 18, class size range from 11 up to 24 (under
       exceptional circumstances if more children, class will be split or given extra
   ●   Strong LS team- more than 1 WTF dedicated to Learning Support and 0,6 WTF LS
       TA; 3 in-class Teaching Assistants (2,6 WTF)
   ●   Small class size and LS allocation allows for students to be quickly assessed and
       given appropriate tasks
   ●   Teachers ability to differentiate in class, the children feel appropriately challenged,
       valued and understood as people and as learners
   ●   Experience teaching students with EAL
   ●   Procedure for referring students to LS is in place.
   ●   Procedure for learning support in place (with on site remedial teaching - language
       and maths)
   ●   System in place to analyse test scores and class monitoring- Student Monitoring
   ●   Monitoring system in place (PASS) to monitor student wellbeing and schoolwide
       wellbeing course; positive relationships between pupils and teachers.
   ●   Regular 2 way feedback between LSCo and teachers about pupils in school
   ●   Weighting system is addressing the workload for teachers in relation to learning
       support/the needs in each class.
   ●   High level parental involvement.
   ●   Protocol for application (including Dutch Nationals) tightened

Attention Points:

   ●   Social skills support provision in English.
   ●   Coaching each other– make more use of internal expertise /get training in coaching
   ●   As school is growing, evaluate current LS provision and vision with project group.
   ●   Training in executive functions for teachers.

Specific Knowledge and Expertise *

Binnen de school is specifieke deskundigheid op het gebied van (Within school we have
experience in the following areas):
# Staff      Specific Training / Expertise
Members: (diploma, work experience, course...)
1            Master’s Degree in Education
1            Dyslexia- British Dyslexia Association (course/certificate)
all          Teaching children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) (work
1            TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
70% of       Philosophy 4 Children- Level 1 (course, 4 with certificate)
staff        Level 2 (2x)
             Level 3
             1 x in house teacher training level.

Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 3
2             Interne begeleiding, LSCO (work experience)
  2             Worked in a SBO school (work experience)
  1             Advanced maths diploma in helping children overcome barriers in maths
  1             Holistic Art diploma (personal)
  1             Creative Writing Degree
  1             Creating Compassionate Cultures (1 year course)
  6             Talk for writing course
  2             EAL Specialist Coaching other teachers (work experience)
                & diplomas (1x CLIL - Content & Language Integrated Learning)
  1             NASEN SEN-certificate
  1             PYP certificate
  3             Visible Learning course
  3             STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Maths)
  1             Continuous provision course
  3             Behaviour
                1x Course ‘Incredible Years’
                1x Positive Behaviour Facilitation
  10            15+ years teaching experience
  Verder zijn er kortere cursussen, trainingen en studies die door diverse teamleden zijn

Extra Support within SCHOOL

Describe: How this is organized and who does this?                                      Wtf, in the area
                                                                                        of support
IB-er,(s) Teacher/student/parent support; coordinating support, assessment etc-         1,1
This task is carried out by two people (one in training - working 1 ½ -2 days as IB;
the other 4 days but with                                                               with

Remedial Teaching / Extension Teaching One IB-er also works as a Remedial               max 0,4 RT (of
Teacher for up to 2 days. She assesses children and prepares programmes of              that time)
remediation/intervention or extension in maths. Support is provided on an individual
basis for students with gaps and support is provided to teachers who have a group
of students struggling in an area of maths or for enrichment.
Teachers Provide interventions and differentiation in their own classes, where          All staff time
needed supported by the IB-er’s with extra strategies, programmes, and

Teaching Assistant/ RT The teaching assistant prepares the support programme in         0,60
consultation with the teachers and/or the IB-er. She works with children individually
and in small groups. Mostly in language areas. (reading/spelling/phonics/dyslexia)
She also provides in-class TA support - programmes organised by the teachers
Teaching Assistants – providing in-class support under direction of the teacher. 3 in   2,6
class, one in training.                                                                 0,6 in training

  Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 4
Extra support in cooperation with External Agencies (denk hierbij aan een andere school,
jeugdhulpverlening, fysiotherapie, logopedie, Karakter, etc)

Description: How is it organized and by whom?               Frequency:

Kinderfysiotherapie, in the school in English               Structurally (weekly)

Speech Therapist in English (in Dutch - provide a list of   Structurally (weekly) - has stopped:
possible in area)                                           currently looking for new one
Marant i.v.m. begeleiding dyslexie                          incidentally

RED i.v.m. begeleiding dyslexie                             incidentally

Marant- cognitive assessment in English                     incidentally (in the past)

BRAAMS Deventer (dyslexia in English; dyscalculia)          incidentally

Psychologist- Cognitive Assessment in English,              incidentally
organized by the school contact person (and using
Psychologist- social skills training                        Incidentally previously (but having trouble
                                                            finding this again)
Bureau Jeugdzorg / School Doctor                            incidentally (screenings structurally)

Rots en Water in English (paid by parents but in school)    In past (not continued)

Kindercoach in English                                      Children referred via parents

Rigtering, praktijk voor kinderpsychologie                  incidentally

RIO                                                         incidentally

Karakter                                                    incidentally

Grote Klimmendaal                                           incidentally

Cluster 2                                                   incidentally

Cluster 4                                                   incidentally

Wijkteam                                                    Our families come from around the
                                                            Gelderland area. We have contact in
                                                            Lingewaard, Zevenaar, Elst and various
                                                            wijken in Arnhem.
Leerplicht                                                  incidentally

VeilgThuis                                                  incidentally

CBO Nijmegen                                                incidentally

Het Moziëk, Arnhem                                          incidentally

  Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 5
Boundaries and Possibilities

We do our best to identify, recognize and meet the needs of our student population,
however we have our limits:

   •   Children with specific medical needs, where teachers do not have the knowledge or
   •   Children who have behavioural problems such that the safety of other children and /
       or the teacher is at stake.
   •   Children who need a very intensive support (more than 6 sessions combined) to
       achieve development, cognitive, social-emotional and/or behavioural terms.
   ●   If there are more than 24 children in the group considerations will be looked at in
       terms of what is or is not possible, giving staffing and classroom size.
   ●   Weighting of the class needs will be seriously considered as well as if we can meet
       the needs of the child when placing a child in the school during the application
       process; Carefully checking eligibility and previous schooling progress, for Dutch
       nationals, especially from local area schools.

Goals for current year and the short term (max 4 years) in the following areas:

   ●   For basic support
   ●   Specific knowledge and expertise
   ●   Extra Support
2019 - 2020:

   ●   To improve tracking of social emotional needs in children, extend the use of the
       data from PASS and integrate it further (e.g. by cross-referencing with other GL
       Assessments; more analysis of data with/by teachers).
   ●   Look into the pros and cons of the tracking module in iSams versus Class Monitor,
       to decide which is most useful and efficient for tracking formal summative
   ●   To more effectively track student progress by rolling out Classroom Monitor to Year
       2-7 as part of a project group.

   ● To support students with social emotional needs - continue to research and network
      to extend the support for social skills available in English
   ● To meet the needs of children who need challenging or are gifted, extend learning
      support aimed at this group.
   ● To explore new dyslexia programmes.

Policy and Communication
    ● To integrate the Privacy Law updates through use of OSO and further use of

Vragenlijst Schoolondersteuningsprofiel 2019-2020 PassendWijs Pagina 6
●   To further increase the involvement of parents and children in their child’s learning
       goals, extend/ refine use of parent meetings with regards children with an IEP.
   ●   To complete the latest update of the Child Safety Policy and Reporting Code and
       provide a training on the changes to staff.
   ●   To develop a gifted protocol.
   ●   To explore and research a positive behaviour system, and investigate how to
       implement this into our school.
   ●   To develop the vision of learning support in light of the growth and changes within
       the school (to re-assess needs and expectations) and expectations of the role by de
       Basis and adjust the policies accordingly.

Professional Development
   ● To increase awareness of Executive Functions (and its role in a child’s learning
       journey) by providing a workshop on it for teachers and staff.
   ● To mentor (induct) the new LSCo into the role.
   ● Attend the Student Support Conference.
   ● Language learning support TA - look into dyslexia courses from BDA (British
       Dyslexia Association).

Over 2-4 jaar:
   ● Have had learning support TA follow a formal dyslexia course.
   ● Complete the vision of learning support and begin implementing the changes/
       adjustments decided on.
   ● Extending our relationship with the secondary department and the preschool with
       regards sharing resources, expertise and contacts.
   ● Focus on the transition from primary to secondary for all students and especially
       continuation of services for the learning support students.
   ● Coordinate policies between all departments related to learning support eg:
       acceleration, dyslexia…
   ● Follow up on and continue the development of the above mentioned goals for 2019-
   ● Keep up to date screening and assessment resources
   ● Continue to look for English speaking social skills support (with help of Passendwijs)
   ● To build expertise for teachers in different learning support areas (like working
       memory, dyslexia etc); through coaching, workshops and PLCs (and is indicated in
       new vision)..

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