THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School

Page created by Milton Crawford
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
            Tel: 01274 664864 or 07949899113        Follow us on Twitter: @CarrwoodPrimary

                       Weekly Newsletter : Friday 3rd July 2020
Dear Parents,
As you were aware Miss Parry has been Acting Head of School for the past year.
The Governors were very keen to allow her the time to settle into the role and to put
her mark on the school. However, I can now inform you that following a successful
interview last week Miss Parry is now the permanent Head of School at Carrwood.
I am delighted that Carrwood will have the stability that it needs in the Leadership
Team and I hope that you will wish her well and continue to support
her as she continues to drive the school forwards for your children.

Mrs Nicky Kilvington
Executive Headteacher

                                Kelsie-Leigh, in Year Six,
                              returned to school this week
                               and brought with her this
                                     beautiful card!

                    We have some spaces available in September for Petals, our two
                   year old provision. To be eligible for a place, you must receive one
                       of the following benefits: Income Support, Income–Based
                     Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Related Employment & Support
                   Allowance, the ‘Guarantee’ element of State Penson Credit Support
                   under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax
                    Credit and/or Working Tax Credit with an annual income of less
                   than £16,190 or Universal Credit with an income of no more than
                For more information please call the school office on 01274 664864.
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
Home Learning
                   Please continue to use our website to find links to
                           work and tasks for your children.

                                                 The Oak National Academy are continuing to
                                                 place daily lessons online to support with home learning. Click
                                                on the link below to find lessons and videos for each year group
                                                                        and area of need.

At the moment, Classroom Secrets
 Kids is available completely free                                          Online Learning with BBC
            of charge.                                                     You'll find daily lessons for
Click on the link below to access                                         homeschooling in Maths and
 lots of activities and games to                                      English for every year group, as well
                                                                      as regular lessons in Science, History,
  support with home learning.                                                 Geography and more.
                                                                        The homeschooling lessons have                                     been created with teachers and other
      home-online-learning/                             educational experts and feature a mix of videos,
                                                       animations, practice activities, quizzes and games.
                                                       Check back every weekday for brand new lessons.

We will continue to update ‘Purple
                                                     Each week we will give you a link to a Picture News
 Mash,’ ‘Education City’ and the
                                                     Virtual Assembly. You can watch these online at any
  school website with work and
activities. Please ensure that you
                                                                  The link for this week is:
check regularly to keep up to date
   with the work that has been

            British Council
LearnEnglish Kids is brought to you
 by the British Council, the world's
 English teaching experts. We have
  lots of free online games, songs,
  stories and activities for children.
   For parents, we have articles on
    supporting children in learning
 English, videos on using English at
        home and information
about English courses for your child.
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
This Week at Home
      Here are some of the activities that have been completed at home this week.

                                                                       Codie went to
Anastasia has been                                                          and
enjoying gardening                                                        enjoyed
  and feeding the                                                        spending
  horses with her                                                       time at the
 brother. She’s also                                                       beach.
been busy riding her

                                     Lacey has been
                                      spending time
                                    looking after her
                                   horse and it’s foal.
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
This Week in School
  As you are all aware, school has remained open for our Key Worker
 children. We also welcomed Year Five and Year Six children back into
school this week. Here are some of the activities that the children have
                        been busy completing.
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School

       Definition: A heavy fall of rain.
 Synonyms: rainstorm, deluge, cloudburst,
Example: A sudden downpour had filled the
            gutters and drains.

            What are you reading?
     Have you read a book that you’d love to
 Write a recommendation with title, author, your
name and reason why you’d recommend it. Please
email your recommendations into school, to be in
with a chance of it appearing in next weeks news-

                                     Read it or watch it?
 Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers is currently on the CBBC iPlayer. Enid Blyton has sold
  over 500 million books. She wrote Malory Towers after the Second World War and
  injected her stories with tales of hope and camaraderie. The programmes are often
            good but nothing beats reading the book first. Read these books and then
           watch the programme – email us to let us know which you prefer
                                        and why..

                              An Interview with Miss Ulrich
What’s your favourite children’s book and why? My favourite children's book is
Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. It is set in Victorian London and follows the life story of a
fiery-haired girl who is brought up in the harsh institution of the Foundling Hospital. She is sent to
live with a foster family in the country, where she comes across the dazzling Madame Adelaide
and her six performing horses at the circus. I love historical books and find it very interesting to learn how we
used to live. There are 6 Hetty Feather books in total, each one has a different adventure be it performing as a
mermaid or as the circus ring master. There are also some very funny character names, which Hetty plays on,
such as 'Matron Stinking Bottomly!'
Book or Kindle? Previously, I only read books but recently found that I prefer a Kindle much more as I
can have all of my books in one place. When I’m on holiday, I do prefer books as there is always a book
swap somewhere - a great way to broaden my taste!
Currently reading?
I am currently reading 'Inside The Worm' by Robert Swindells. After we started reading 'Room 13' in Year 4
Ruby as part of our Whitby work, I found the author's work really intriguing as each book has an eerie feel.
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
Sports Day Challenges
 As we are all aware, Sports Day at Carrwood will not be going ahead this year,
but that doesn’t mean Sports Day doesn’t have to happen. We are inviting you to
  have a go at Sports Day at home. Each week we will be setting you challenges
   that children (and adults) can participate in. You can record yourself or take
pictures and send them in to celebrate your successes on our weekly newsletters or
                                social media pages.
                         This week the challenge will be:
                        Three Legged Race / Hopping Race

Time how long it takes you to get from one side of the garden/room and back by
                              hopping on one leg.
Ask someone in your household to have a three legged race, if you have space. Tie
your legs together and see how long it takes you to get from one end of the garden
                                  to the other.

    Try the races in your house, garden, the park and even in the street if it is
                    safe to do so (with social distancing rules).

                                Have a go at this
                                  week’s maths
                               challenges. Email or
                                  tweet us your
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
Term Dates
Thinking ahead to the next academic year, our term dates are as follows:

            School Re-Opens: Thursday 3rd September 2020
          School Closes (Half Term): Friday 23rd October 2020

            School Re-Opens: Monday 2nd November 2020
          School Closes (Christmas): Thursday 17th December


              School Re-Opens: Monday 4th January 2021
         School Closes (Half Term): Friday 12th February 2021

             School Re-Opens: Monday 22nd February 2921
            School Closes (Easter): Friday 26th March 2021

                School Re-Opens: Monday 12 April 2021
           School Closed (May Day): Monday 3rd May 2021
           School Closes (Spring Bank): Friday 21st May 2021

               School Re-Opens: Monday 7th June 2021
            School Closes (Summer): Friday 23rd July 2021
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
Wellbeing and Mindfulness
           Each week we will provide some suggested activities and challenges that you can
          complete individually, or with others in your household, to help us all maintain our
                      mental health and wellbeing during this challenging time.

           This Week’s Challenge!                       Mindfulness Activity—Gratitude
                                                      Think about all of the things you are
                                                    grateful for. This could be people, objects,
                                                    events or nature. Draw and label them in
                                                                      your jar.

               Weekly Quiz
  Please email or tweet us your answers.
 We will give the answers in the next weeks’
1.  Why don’t birds fall off branches
          when they are asleep?
  2. What type of animal is a sea
3. What is the Harry Potter’s middle
  4. If I was biting into a ‘Granny                           Quote of the Week
    Smith’, what would I be eating?
5. How many sides does a pentagon

          Answers from 26/06/20
 1) 1,000 2) Jupiter 3) Edinburgh 4) Three 5)
THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School THE CARRWOOD TIMES - Carrwood Primary School
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