Aberfoyle Park High School Music 2021

Page created by Josephine Schneider
Aberfoyle Park High School Music 2021
Aberfoyle Park
 High School
 Music 2021
Aberfoyle Park High School Music 2021
INTRODUCTION                                              COURSE OVERVIEW

The purpose of this publication is to inform all new      Students wishing to commence or continue learning
students, including current Year 7 students and their     an ensemble instrument and participate in music
parents, of the music courses, instrumental music         ensembles should nominate for our full year Music
program and ensembles available in the APHS Music         Specialist Program. The performance-based courses
Program.                                                  provide students with access to free, small group
Studying music provides opportunities for the             instrumental lessons. Students participate in year
development of creativity, critical thinking,             level ensemble rehearsals and performances, study
persistence, resilience, self-discipline, identity,       the theory of music, learn basic keyboard, aural and
connection and confidence. It also helps students to      composition skills, engage in music technology
develop quality life skills such as organisation, self-   projects and explore musical styles and history
discipline, time management, patience, tolerance,         through practical music-making. There is a large
communication, commitment, team work and                  emphasis on the practical application of musical
leadership - skills transferrable across study, work      skills. Technology is incorporated, making use of
and social environments.                                  student’s iPads and our dedicated Performing Arts
                                                          iMac Computer Suite and software such as Sibelius,
This is achieved through experiences that encourage
                                                          Auralia, Musition and Garageband.
collaboration and creative problem-solving, the
acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding,       YEAR 8 (Music Specialist - Full Year Program)
and the development of aesthetic awareness.               This subject caters for both the beginning musician
                                                          and those with prior musical knowledge. It is
                                                          designed for students who wish to commence or
                                                          continue learning an ensemble instrument.
Aberfoyle Park High School has a proud and                The course is delivered in 4 lessons per week.
successful music program since the inception of the       Students participate in Year 8 Ensemble rehearsals
school.                                                   and performances, are introduced to basic keyboard
It has one of the largest music programs in the public    playing, engage in music technology projects, study
school system outside of the Specialist Interest Music    the theory of music and develop aural awareness.
Centres. We offer a broad curriculum, which exposes       Students have tuition on an ensemble instrument
students to many styles of music through a strong         either at school in a 30-minute small group lesson
performance-based program.                                during school hours or they learn privately.
                                                          Commitment to perform in one o f t h e evening
The music students at Aberfoyle are a very
                                                          performances is expected each semester.
supportive group, who enjoy each other’s company.
They work hard to further their skills and the            YEAR 8 (Music General)
reputation of the school through their music.             Students who do not undertake the full year Music–
Students are exposed to music in the classroom            Specialist course complete the compulsory Arts
setting as well as many regularly committing to co-       rotation that includes a 10-week course in each of
curricular ensembles to extend their learning,            the following: Music General (no instrumental
including:                                                tuition), Visual Art, Drama and Dance.
    Concert Band                                         YEAR 9/10 (Music Specialist)*
                                                          Students can continue their study of music and
    Big Band
                                                          further develop their instrumental playing by
    Choir                                                continuing with instrumental lessons and playing in
    String Ensemble                                      class and co-curricular ensembles. They continue to
    Percussion Ensemble                                  study theory, aural, aspects of music history, musical
                                                          styles and elementary composition, and engage in
These ensembles rehearse after school or at lunch         music technology projects.
times and regularly perform in prestigious SA Arts
                                                          *Selection of this subject requires the student to have
venues. International and country tours and entry in
                                                          previous knowledge of music through the study of it in
competitions such as the James Morrison
                                                          Year 8 Music Specialist, or previous lessons outside of the
“Generations in Jazz” National Big Band                   school. It is advised to speak to Mr Kammermann if
Championships and ABODA Competition provide               choosing this without previously learning music.
fabulous musical and personal growth opportunities
for our music students.
Aberfoyle Park High School Music 2021
SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2 Music Subjects
In the senior years of secondary school, the various           complement and support the learning. Students can
music courses offered within SACE such as Music                also participate in a variety of co-curricular
Performance - Solo, Music Performance – Ensemble               ensembles, once they attain a suitable note reading
and Music Explorations, are designed and structured            and technical standard.
to suit specific interests and areas of study within
                                                               Students indicate their instrument preferences on
the music subject. Students select the components
                                                               the Music Nomination Form and we endeavour to
that reflect their individual strengths and interests.
                                                               give students one of their highest preferences. We
                                                               have a limited allocation of the Department’s
               INSTRUMENT SELECTION                            instrumental lessons for each instrument type and
                                                               the viability, balance and effectiveness of our
New students to Aberfoyle Park High School who
                                                               school’s ensemble program i s c o n s i d e r e d
undertake the Year 8 Music Specialist Full Year
                                                               when making these decisions. However, Year 7
Program learn an ensemble instrument. The school
                                                               students intending to continue their current study
can provide tuition in the following instruments:
                                                               of an instrument privately can choose to nominate
         Flute                                                the study of a different instrument at school.
         Clarinet                                             If you are unfamiliar with a particular instrument,
         Saxophone - Alto or Tenor                            please make contact with the Music staff so the
         Trumpet                                              instrument can be explained or demonstrated.
         Trombone                                             Year 7 students nominating for the Music Specialist
                                                               program will be involved in introductory music
         Violin - continuers only
                                                               sessions at the beginning of Year 8. These sessions
         Viola - continuers only                              have been useful in confirming students’
         Cello - continuers only                              instrumental preferences and often identify
         Percussion - drum kit, tuned and untuned*            “instrument-specific” potential and suitability
                                                               amongst some incoming students. Confirmation of
         Electric Bass*                                       instruments will then be communicated within the
*Please note that positions for Percussion and Electric        first fe w weeks of the beginni ng o f the school
Bass are limited. In 2020, there were 72 Year 8 Music          year.
students in total, and 8 positions for Electric Bass, and 14
positions available for Percussion. Preference is given to     All Year 8 students also learn basic keyboard skills
students who have been learning these instruments in           within the Music Specialist curriculum as well as
primary school through Instrumental lessons where the          their ensemble instrument. Voice, guitar and piano
reading of traditional music notation is taught (not Tab).     tuition are not available through the school,
Students benefit most from our school’s music                  however many students sing in the school choir and
program by learning one of these instruments. Year             make private vocal, guitar or piano lesson
level ensemble rehearsals in Years 8 to 10 constitute          arrangements outside of school hours.
the major focus of the learning programs, with                 New students’ access to instrumental lessons and
theory, aural and composition tasks designed to                music at other year levels is by negotiation with the
                                                               Director of Music and the Wellbeing Leaders.
                                                               Previous study of an instrument and note reading is
                                                               generally required.
What commitments are required?
                        COSTS                                      Students need to undertake regular and substantial
Students choosing to undertake Music in Years 9 to                 instrument practice, approximately 30 minutes a
12 are required to pay the annual Music Program fee                day, and attend their instrumental lessons weekly.
($230 in 2021).                                                    Students in co-curricular ensembles need to avoid
                                                                   other commitments such as part-time work, on
The fee structure is set by the school’s Finance                   rehearsal nights and attend the few out of school
Committee and endorsed by the APHS Governing                       hours’ performances scheduled throughout the
Council to ensure it is fair for all students. This fee            year.
can be paid by instalments.
                                                                   How are classes organised?
If students f r o m Year 8 to 12 need to hire an                   In instrumental lessons, students are grouped with
instrument, they can do this privately or another                  other students of similar ability. In class music
option is through the school. Instruments hired                    lessons, students work at individual theory levels,
through the school are hired for a minimum of one                  representative of their knowledge. In some cases
term and cost $72.50 per term.                                     students may be accelerated. This is done in
Students involved in ensemble performances may                     consultation with the parents, student, Wellbeing
also incur a $10 bus fee for transport to external                 Leaders and Music teachers.
concert venues.                                                    Is there a pathway that includes Music study
                                                                   within the SACE at APHS?
               NOMINATION PROCESS                                  There have been strong numbers of students that
                                                                   study music as part of their SACE at APHS. In both
Year 7 students wishing to participate in the Music                SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2, Year 11 a n d 12,
Specialist Program will need to complete the Music                 students undertake single units or a combination
Specialist Nomination Form 2021 which will be                      of the various Music units that best fit their skills,
included in APHS application packs later this year.                abilities, interests and post-secondary pathways.
These will need to be returned to Aberfoyle Park                   Some of our past students have gone on to study
High School by Friday 28 August 2020.                              Bachelor of Music degrees at the Elder
Any questions regarding the Nomination Form or the                 Conservatorium, University of Adelaide. Other
Music Program at APHS should be addressed to:                      students have taken another music path through
  Steve Kammermann                                                 study at TAFE and many still enjoy music through
  Senior Leader – Visual and Performing Arts                       their involvement in Community Bands.
  Director of Music                                                What are the other costs?
  Email: steve.kammermann@aphs.sa.edu.au                           Students need to purchase tutor books/repertoire
                                                                   pieces as determined by their instrumental teacher
          FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                               and minor equipment/spares associated with their
                                                                   instrument such as reeds, strings, valve oil etc.
How many students do music?
Currently we have approximately 180 Music Program                  Students in the co-curricular ensembles are required
                                                                   to purchase a black performance shirt.
students in Years 8 to 12.
                                                                   Students in the co-curricular ensembles are
                                                                   encouraged to participate in music tours organised.

                                         The APHS Choir performing at Elder Hall
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