MEETING MINUTES - Brevard Public Schools


      Date:     April 26, 2021
      By:       Debbie Weaver
      Re:       Capital Outlay Committee Meeting

Meeting Date:         April 26, 2021
Meeting Time:         1:30 PM
Meeting Location:     Brevard County Public Schools Educational Services Facility
                      2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL
                      Board Room

Attendees:            Voting Attendees:
                      Amanda Elmore          Brevard County (Member)
                      Peggy Busacca          City of Titusville (Vice Chair)
                      Susan Hann             Brevard Public Schools (Member)
                      Christie Andersen      City of Cocoa Beach (Member)
                      Mark Ryan              City of Indian Harbour Beach (Member)
                      John Cooper            City of Rockledge (Member)
                      Jason Mahaney          Town of Grant-Valkaria (Member)
                      Laurence Bradley       City of Palm Bay (Member)
                      Alexandra Bernard      City of Cocoa (Member)
                      Cindy Dittmer          City of Melbourne (Member)
                      David Lindemann        Brevard Public Schools (Alternate)
                      Brenda Defoe-          City of Cape Canaveral
                      Michael Casey          City of Indialantic
                      Lisa Morrell           Town of Malabar

                      Non-Voting Attendees:
                      Matt Susin          Brevard Public Schools
                      Cynthia Lesinski    Brevard Public Schools
                      Valerie Londono     Brevard Public Schools
                      Karen Black         Brevard Public Schools
                      Wendy Knippel       Brevard Public Schools
                      Debbie Weaver       Brevard Public Schools

April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                              Page 1 of 6
1.     Call to Order

       Mr. Lindemann called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM.
       Note: This meeting of the Capital Outlay Committee was publicly advertised in Florida
       Today on April 19, 2021. This meeting was audio recorded.

       Roll Call

       Ms. Weaver called the roll. All attendees introduced themselves and are listed above. A
       quorum was present.

2.     Pledge of Allegiance

       All attendees stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.     Introductions

       As noted above, all attendees introduced themselves.

4.     Approval of Agenda

       Ms. Bernard made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Ms. Dittmer. The
       motion passed unanimously.

5.     Approval of Minutes of July 13, 2020 COC Meeting

       Ms. Dittmer made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 1, 2021 meeting,
       seconded by Ms. Bernard. The motion passed unanimously.

6.     Standing Agenda Items

       Capital Outlay Committee
       At the January 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting the following officers were
                   Mark Ryan, Chair
                   Peggy Busacca, Vice Chair
                   David Lindemann, Secretary

       Capital Outlay Committee Appointment Updates:

                      The School Board appointed David Lindemann, as their representative,
                       with Karen Black serving as Alternate at their February 9, 2021 School
                       Board Meeting.
                      On January 12, 2021, The City of Cocoa appointed Senior Planner,
                       Alexandra Bernard, as their representative, with Dodie Selig moved to
                       Alternate on the Capital Outlay Committee.
                      The Town of Malabar appointed Lisa Morrell Interim Town Manager in
April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                              Page 2 of 6
July 2020 to serve while Matt Stinnett is away. Lisa will serve as the
                       Town’s representative as a voting member on the Capital Outlay
                       Committee in Matt’s absence.
                      The City of Cape Canaveral appointed City Planner, Brenda Defoe-
                       Suprenant as representative and Sustainability Manager & Planner,
                       Zachary Eichholz, as alternate.
                      An updated member list was provided in the Agenda Package.

       School Board Local Planning Agency (LPA) Representatives
                   A copy of the approved 2021-22 Student Accommodation Plan was
                     provided to each LPA representative.
                   Vacancies:
                     Brevard County, Titusville, Melbourne, Indialantic, and Melbourne
                     Representative recommendations are welcome.

7.     Budget Workshop Presentation: Cindy Lesinski, CFO

       Ms. Lesinski spoke about funding sources and the direct impact of enrollment for school
       – year 2022. Concerns of dropped enrollment to impact not only teachers, but
       administrative and support staff, as well as the upkeep of schools. Parents have choices
       and Brevard Public Schools need to market themselves with the increase of enrollment at
       charter schools.

8.     Sales Surtax Update

       Ms. Hann gave the committee an update on the sales surtax program.

9.     Impact Fee Legislation HB337 & SB750

       New legislature states impact fees collected and not spent in six years will go back to the
       payer. High cost of new schools and new legislation for collecting funds will make
       building new schools more difficult.

10.    Real Estate Services Contract
       Mr. Lindemann stated the School Board approved a contract for Real Estate Services.
       The contracted firm is Waterman Real Estate, Inc., Broker – Meili Viera Porter. The
       initial contract shall commence April 24, 2021 and continue until April 13, 2024 with the
       possibility of one additional two-year renewal period.

April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                                 Page 3 of 6
The first properties to be listed will be Neiman Heights, along Herring and Butler Streets
       in Melbourne and the North Merritt Island Property along North Courtenay Parkway,
       McGruder Road, and North Tropical Trail.

11.    Brevard Public Schools Facilities Planning Report
               Approved Attendance Boundary Changes for SY 2021-22
                      o Quest to Viera Elementary
                      o Pinewood to Mims Elementary
               School Concurrency Update: Year to Date numbers
                      o Concurrency applications to date totaling 1243 preliminary units (532
                         single family & 711 multi-family) primarily in the Palm Bay and West
                         Melbourne areas.
                      o Reservations submitted totaling 1299 units, (835 single family and 384
                         multi-family -80 mobile homes).
                      o In some areas where a large amount of development is planned, school
                         concurrency analysis are determining that the zoned school is unable
                         to accommodate the projected number of students, which may signify
                         the need for a new school. In these cases, we are looking into the
                         adjoining schools and may proactively recommend attendance
                         boundary changes to balance school capacity. We will continue to
                         work with each municipality as needed to best meet the needs of future
                         student enrollment.
               2021-22 Student Accommodations Plan
                     o The School Board approved the 2021-2022 SAP on March 23, 2021
                     o View the approved pan via this link: 2021‐2022 Student Accommodation
                     o SAP includes the expansion of the Brevard Learners Achieving
                       Successful Transition (B.L.A.S.T.) program to Merritt Island High
                       School and provides for three (3) relocatable classrooms and one (1)
                       modular bathroom facility with full utility services. The SAP
                       recommends the expansion of the Transition and Behavioral Support
                       (T.A.B.S.) program in the South Pine Grove School (South ALC) and
                       provides for two (2) relocatable classrooms and one (1) modular
                       bathroom facility with full utility services.
                     o Another project in the 2021-22 plan is a classroom addition at Viera
                       High School. Viera High School is currently operating at 92% of total
                       capacity with six (6) relocatable classrooms. As housing growth in the
                       Viera area is continuing at a fast pace, enrollment is expected to
                       increase 19% over the next five year.
                     o Section 8 of the SAP has been enhanced with additional data and
                       analysis. Graphs have been added to illustrate enrollment history and
                       population demographics. Additional graphs illustrate Brevard
                       traditional school enrollment compared to charger, private, and home
                       education enrollment.
April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                                Page 4 of 6
o This analysis of the continued growth in charter school membership
                       illustrates that as of Fall of 2021 the percentage of public-school
                       students in Brevard County attending a charter school is just over 10%,
                       having increased from 9.2% of the total students the previous school
                       year. Over half, 64% of the students enrolled in charter schools had a
                       home residence in Palm Bay, Melbourne, or West Melbourne. Five of
                       the twelve charter schools in the district are located in Palm Bay, while
                       three are located in the City of West Melbourne. Pineapple Cove
                       Classical Academy and Imagine Schools at West Melbourne
                       experienced the highest percentage of growth.
                           o Pineapple Cove Classical Academy experienced the largest
                                charter school growth between 2015-2020, 118%. The three
                                school zones that contain the highest number of resident
                                students attending Pineapple Cove are Southwest Middle,
                                Westside Elementary and Central Middle. Student Membership
                                for these schools remained consistent showing only slight
                                increases or decreases annually.
                           o The two school zones containing the highest number of resident
                                students enrolled in Imagine Schools at West Melbourne are
                                Riviera and University Park. Between 2015 and 2020, student
                                membership at University Park Elementary dropped 30%, while
                                Riviera Elementary remained consistent until this year when
                                enrollment declined 138 students. During this time Imagine
                                Charter experienced a 104% growth in membership.
                           o It is also interesting to note that 15% of the total number of
                                kindergarten students in Brevard Public Schools are attending a
                                Charter School. (as of Survey III, 02/12/2021)

                     o Ms. Defoe-Surprenant suggested viewing the differences in Brevard
                       Public Schools and the charter schools. Start working on aesthetic
                       repairs, like carpet, paint, and lighting.
                     o Ms. Black requested help from all members on what trends in the area,
                       as well as when charter schools are looking to expand.

               2020-21 District 5-year Work Plan is completed.
                     o October 28, 2020 sent to COC members for review and comments.
                     o November 17, 2020 School Board approved 2020-21 Plan
                     o Submitted to FDOE and emailed approved version to COC members on
                        November 18, 2020.
                     o Link provided on the Facilities webpage: 2020-21 District 5-Year Work

12.    2021 COC Meeting Schedule

       Ms. Black stated the following are the tentative dates for the COC 2021 meetings:

April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                               Page 5 of 6
       Monday, July 12, 2021 at 1:30 PM
                   Monday, October 11, 2021 at 1:30 PM

13.    Tentative 2022 COC Meeting schedule

       Ms. Black requested that the committee check their calendars and let her know if there
       are any scheduling conflicts.

                    Monday, January 10, 2022; 1:30 pm
                    Monday, April 11, 2022; 1:30 pm
                    Monday, July 11, 2022; 1:30 pm
                    Monday, October 17, 2022; 1:30 pm

14.    Additional Discussion

       No further discussions.

12.    Adjournment

        Adjourned the meeting at 1:50 PM.

Approved by the Capital Outlay Committee: July 12, 2021

David Lindemann, Secretary
                                          End of Minutes

April 26, 2021 Capital Outlay Committee Meeting Minutes                               Page 6 of 6
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