Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015

Page created by Marilyn Bush
Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015
Summer Information

www.S kyr
Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015

Welcome from Linda S. Paulk ............................................................................................................................3

2015 Locations, Dates, Arrival & Departure...................................................................................................4

Emergency Contacts Information.....................................................................................................................5

Health Information.................................................................................................................................................5

Important Information..........................................................................................................................................6

What to Bring and What NOT to Bring.............................................................................................................7

Sky Ranch LifeMap..................................................................................................................................................8

Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015
Welcome from our President & CEO, Linda Paulk

Dear Camper Parents,

Thank you for providing Sky Ranch the opportunity to serve your family this summer. It has been a privilege
to serve families for 60 years, providing a fun, Christ centered encounter for all of our campers. The
opportunity to work together with Hawaiian Falls, to carry out the mission of impacting lives for eternity, is
exciting to us. As part of celebrating Sky Ranch’s 60 years of camping ministry, Sky Ranch Wave Camp at
Hawaiian Falls provides a fantastic new venue that aligns our goals of fun and purpose.

It is our desire to communicate effectively with all of our families in an effort to manage your expectations,
answer your questions, and provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your child is in great hands at Sky
Ranch. Within this packet, you will find up-to-date information, FAQs, and other material that will be helpful
as you and your child prepare for their week with Sky Ranch.

Please read the information carefully. Once you have had a chance to review the materials, please do not
hesitate to contact our Guest Services department at 800-962-2267 with any additional questions or
concerns you might have.

Thank you again for selecting Sky Ranch for your child’s camp experience. We are looking forward to a
terrific summer. Please know that it is an honor and a pleasure to provide an environment where your child
can relax, have fun, build life long relationships, and most importantly, learn how to be the full expression of
what God has created them to be!

See you soon!

In His Grip,

Linda S. Paulk
President and CEO of Sky Ranch Camps

Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015
2015 Locations, Dates, Arrival & Departure

Check-in time is Monday thru Friday at 8:00 am. There will be no one to handle the registration or care for
campers before this starting time. If your child will be late or absent, please call Sky Ranch's Wave Camp
Manager Kenli Edwards, at 325.518.1373. Pick-up Monday through Thursday is at 3:00 pm. If your child will be
picked up early, please notify us when you drop your child off. Friday pick-up is following the Closing
Ceremony, which begins at 2:00 pm.

Check-in/out is located at the main entrance of all the Wave Camp Locations. You will see Sky Ranch flags
directing you to the entrance.

If you have any questions, please contact Wave Camp Manager, Kenli Edwards at 325.518.1373.

 Wave Camp at Hawaiian Falls Locations & Dates

 The Colony                                               Mansfield
 Session 2: June 8-12                                     Session 5: June 29-July 3
 Session 3: June 15-19                                    Session 7: July 13-17
 Session 5: June 29-July 3                                Session 8: July 20-24
 Session 6: July 6-10                                     Session 9: July 27-31
 Session 7: July 13-17
 Session 8: July 20-24                                    Roanoke
 Session 9: July 27-31                                    Session 3: June 15-19
                                                          Session 4: June 22-26
 Garland                                                  Session 10: August 3-7
 Session 4: June 22-26                                    Session 11: August 10-14
 Session 6: July 6-10
 Session 11: August 10-14

 White Settlement
 Session 2: June 8-12
 Session 10: August 3-7

Summer Information WAVE CAMP 2015
Emergency Contact Information

Parents will receive a card with the emergency contact information of each Site Representative at check-in on Monday.
Site Representative phones will only be available during day camp hours. During off camp hours, please contact Kenli Edwards or Kyle Heidelberg.

                                      Site Representatives:                   Hawaiian Falls Sites:
                                      • Amy Shaw                              • The Colony
                                      • Rachel Brighton                       • Garland
                                      • Sarah Ellison                         • Roanoke
                                      • Nikki Spina                           • Mansfield
                                      • Jessica Coats                         • White Settlement
                                      • Taylor Slack

                                                             Wave Camp Manager:
                                                               Kenli Edwards

                                                           Wave Camp Coordinator:
                                                              Kyle Heidelberg

 Health Information

 Every Sky Ranch camper is required to fill out the Sky Ranch Online Health Form. This should be completed
 prior to your session start date. Please go to our Parent Portal at to complete.

Important Information for WAVE Camp

 The best way to contact Sky Ranch is through email. Please address all correspondence to We check our email regularly and respond in a timely manner.
 You may also call 800-962-2267.

 Lost and Found
 Our goal is to not have any! Help us by labeling EVERYTHING your child brings and by making
 sure that you have all of their belongings before you leave each day. Sky Ranch cannot be
 responsible for lost or broken items.

 We will have a 30-minute lunch period each day. Daily lunch is included with your Wave Camp
 tuition. In, addition, campers will be served a daily snack in the afternoon before check-out.
 Monday’s lunch menu will be pizza and their choice of goldfish, chips (baked or regular), carrots,
 or celery sticks. Drinks include: water, powerade, lemonade, or tea. Please let us know at check-in
 if you would like to substitute this meal for a salad.

 Want to learn about what your campers will be doing during their week at Wave Camp? Check

 Closing Ceremony
 Our Wave Camp closing ceremony, which you and your family are invited and encouraged to
 attend, begins at 2:00pm on Friday. During this time, each child will be given an award to
 acknowledge their hard work at camp. It will be a time for you to interact with your child, their
 counselors, and hear stories about the week. We hope you will all attend.

 Camper Check-Out Policy
 Campers leaving camp will be released only into the care of their parent or legal guardian.
 Before you pick up your child, you will be required to show your driver's license to you child's
 counselor, place your signature on the check-out form, and note the time of pick-up. No camper
 will be released to any individual for any reason without following the check-out policy. No other
 person may pick-up your child without written permission from YOU, the parent or legal
 guardian. Please fill out the Authorized Pick-Up information in the Parent Portal of our website

 Stay Connected During Camp Week (and All Year Long!)
 Sky Ranch has an active presence in several areas of social media. You can find our official Sky
 Ranch fan pages on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and stay connected with us through a variety
 of blogs.

What to Bring to WAVE Camp
As you prepare for Sky Ranch Wave Camp at Hawaiian Falls, below is a list of items you will need to pack
each day for your camper. When you pick up your child at the end of the day, you will receive information
concerning the activities for the following day. Please read the information and be sure to note the
additional items of clothing, since we will do water activities every day.

Daily - in a gym bag or backpack:
Water bottle
Extra clothes (just in case)
Tennis shoes
Sunscreen (please apply in the morning, we will reapply)
Swimsuit (under your child’s clothes, please!)
Water shoes (required for water activities)

Please send your child to camp every day wearing shorts and the Wave Camp Safety Tee. Tennis shoes are a
MUST! We will spend a lot of time running and playing during games and special events. It is easier (and
more fun) for your child if they don't have to worry about messing up any new clothing or their shoes falling
off. Please send your child with the above items in a bag or backpack every day. Many of our activities will
include water features to help us cool off in the heat of the day. We require the campers to wear shoes at
ALL times, so it might be helpful for your child to have a pair of water shoes to wear for those events, so that
they don't spend the dry parts of their day in wet shoes. Any kind of "Teva" style or "Aqua Sock" will be

Girls: Modest one-piece. No V-Necks.
Boys: Appropriate length shorts. No Speedos.

What NOT to Bring to WAVE Camp
Any electronic device that can access the internet breaches our security policy. In addition, Sky Ranch
cannot be responsible for lost or broken articles. Please do not bring anything that would break easily or
cause loss if misplaced. Please do not bring the following items to camp:

Cell phones                                             Computers
iPads                                                   Money
Handheld video game systems                             Any web-enabled devices
Alcohol                                                 Illegal drugs
Tobacco products                                        Pets
Weapons (including pocket knives and multi-tools)       Fireworks
Personal sports equipment (everything you need will be provided for your activities)

Cell phones are not permitted for safety and security reasons. If a cell phone is discovered by a counselor, it
will be collected and stored until the end of the camper's session.
The Sky Ranch LifeMap

At Sky Ranch, we are honored to have the opportunity to impart solid Christian principles and the Word of
God into your child’s life. Sky Ranch’s faith and character development program is divided into three parts,
and it’s called the LifeMap. As your child grows older, he or she will progress through each phase until the
completion of the program.

Phase 1: Learn
Beginning with our first-time campers and going through the early teen years, Phase 1 creates a culture where
kids learn foundational concepts that build strong character and vibrant faith.

Phase 2: Experience
In Phase 2 camps students begin the C.O.R. Leadership Track based on I Corinthians. These camps are
designed to stand alone or tie together over the course of six summers to help develop a deep faith and the
character of a servant leader. Campers are challenged to dig deeper beyond their childhood beliefs as they
begin to challenge their thinking and their faith. Phase 2 is an immersion into experiences that help turn teens
into Christ-centered servant leaders.

Phase 3: Become
As young adults, some campers choose to become counselors. Phase 3 is the fusion of content, context, and
the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of young adults as they prepare for their adult years, all while giving
back to the next generation of children.

It is our hope that the Sky Ranch program can have an eternal impact on your child’s life by being an
instrumental element of their spiritual and personal growth. We hope each phase will challenge them and
help them move forward to become the person God created them to be.


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