Inside - Carroll Community College

Page created by Alice Klein
Inside - Carroll Community College

                             Non-Credit Class Schedule
                                              Fall 2022

                             •	Career Training
                                NEW Programs this Fall.
                                Scholarships Available.
                             • Personal Enrichment
                             • Business & Leadership

        Build your career. Enrich your life.
Inside - Carroll Community College
Starting This Fall

              NEW CAREER
Advanced Manufacturing                                            UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot
 Prepare for Certified Manufacturing Associate                    Become a commercial remote pilot. Our all-new
 (CMfgA) Certification. Demonstrate your potential                program includes National Institute of Standards &
 for in-demand, entry level roles in this technology-             Technology training, night flight, more hands-on flight
 rich industry with opportunities for advancement                 time with industry-leading drones and fewer classes.
 into higher level positions. Topics include assembly,            Leave with a portfolio of captured footage to show
 maintenance, machining, inspection and more.                     potential clients or employers.
 For more information about courses, go to page 17.               For more information about courses, go to page 34.

Automotive Technician
                                                                      See all non-credit career training programs
 Prepare to test for individual ASE certifications,                   on pp. 3 – 15.
 that can lead to the Maintenance and Light Repair
                                                                      We offer more than 40 short-term training
 professional certification, through a combination
                                                                      programs for career entry and advancement in
 of interactive learning and virtual/hands-on
                                                                      business, technology, healthcare, skilled trades
 demonstrations. Learn about brakes, electrical systems,
                                                                      and more.
 steering and suspension from trained mechanics.
 For more information about courses, go to page 18.

 Learn the basic skills you need to get hired in the
 cannabis industry. Learn how to grow, process and
 dispense in the Maryland medical cannabis industry.
 For more information about courses, go to page 48.

 CDL Class A Commercial Driver’s License
 Prepare for the Maryland Class A Commercial Driver’s
 License (CDL) in 8 weeks! Training starts in the
 classroom, then moves to a driving range for behind-
 the-wheel practice. Gain the knowledge and skills
 needed to qualify for your Class A commercial
                                                                                                                             072-14-22 1021

 driver’s license.
 For more information about courses, go to page 51.

Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | 410-386-8100 | Register at
Inside - Carroll Community College
                  02   WORKFORCE TRAINING
                       04 Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry
                       12 Workforce Training Certificates for Career Advancement
                       14 Exam Preparation for Industry Credentials

                       CAREER AND CONTINUING
                  16   PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
                       17     Advanced Manufacturing
                       20     Business
                       29     Computers & Technology
                       35     Construction Trades
                       35     Environmental & Conservation
                       36     Health Care and Human Services
                       47     OSHA and Safety
                       48     Additional Career Training
                       53     Adult Basic Education

                  56   PERSONAL ENRICHMENT
                       57     Art
                       59     Food and Drink
                       60     History, Culture & World View
                       64     Home & Hobby
                       64     Languages
                       65     Motorcycle & Personal Safety
                       66     Music
                       68     Photography
                       70     Kids@Carroll/Teen College
                       71     Wellness & Outdoor Adventure
                       73     Writing

                  74   INFORMATION
                       76     Registration Form
                       78     Index

Numbers to Know        Admissions for Degree Programs.............................. 410-386-8430
                       Advising/Transfer for Degree Programs.................. 410-386-8435
                       Career Services.............................................................. 410-386-8523
                       Cashier’s Office..............................................................410-386-8040
                       Disabilities....................................................................... 410-386-8329
                       General College Information.......................................410-386-8000
                       Records/Registration for Degree Programs............410-386-8440
Inside - Carroll Community College

Make Pet Care Your Career
Become a Veterinary Assistant > page 5

Help Brighten People’s Smiles
Train to be a Dental Assistant > page 7

Prescription for a Fulfilling Future
As a Pharmacy Technician > page 8
Inside - Carroll Community College
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                               WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                          REGISTER NOW                                                                          TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                                    Workforce Training Certificates                                             PROGRAMS

To earn a Workforce Training Certificate, please notify us of the                                                         TR            CE
certificate you wish to earn at the time of registration.



                                                                                                                                             IFIC TE
Our certificate programs are specifically         See the Course Index (pp. 78 – 80) to

developed to meet regional employers’             locate the complete course listing within
needs for a skilled workforce.                    this schedule. Not all courses are offered
                                                  in each schedule.
                                                                                                                      YOUR PROGRAM
Why earn your Workforce Training
Certificate from Carroll?                        To become employed or to receive state
                                                 or national certification or licensure, other
                                                 requirements in addition to training may

• Shorter time to completion. Gain a valu-
  able credential within weeks or months,        apply. These may include a high school
  instead of years.                              diploma, residency or additional exams.
• Certification and licensure exam

                                                                                                         It Off.
  preparation. Prepare to sit for a state or      Many occupations require a high school
  national certification or licensure exam.       diploma. If you do not have one, contact
• In-demand knowledge and skills.                 the College’s Adult Education Program at
  Demonstrate to employers and clients            410-386-8630 to learn about free options
  that you are committed to your profes-          to earn your diploma.
  sion and are well trained.
• Expert faculty. Learn from faculty                                                                     Broadcast your
  members with both academic and
  professional experience.
                                                     NEED HELP PAYING FOR                                accomplishment
• Career support. Receive direction
                                                     CAREER TRAINING?                                    with a Digital Badge
  and guidance from a dedicated career
  navigator.                                        Non-Credit Tuition Assistance
                                                                                                         Upon successful completion of
                                                    Tuition assistance may be available for
                                                    eligible non-credit students. Visit                  a Workforce Training Certificate,
More detailed information for each
Certificate, including any occupational                    receive a Digital Badge to
requirements, information unique to the                                                                  validate your new skills across
training, related Continuing Education              Affordable Payment Plan                              all online platforms.
courses and estimated hourly wage,                  Tuition $200 or more?
can be found at                                     Pay in installments! Visit                           •   LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter                          •   Email signatures
                                                                                                         •   Digital résumés
                                                                                                         •   Online portfolios
                                                                                                         •   Personal & business websites

                                                                                                         Offered in partnership with
                                                                                                         Credly, you can:

                                                                                                         • Instantly let employers know
                                                                                                           what you have to offer.
                                                                                                         • Explore Credly’s labor market
                                                                                                           insights to search and apply
                                                                                                           for job opportunities.

                                                                                                         For more information, visit
                                                                                                         or call 410-386-8100.

                                     Carroll Community College                   Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                  Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100        3         Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                 Register at                   Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
Inside - Carroll Community College
 TRAINING                                                     REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry

                                                           WORKFORCE                                                          Manufacturing Associate
                                                           TRAINING                                                           Manufacturing is a technology-rich

                                                                                                                              industry filled with opportunities for
                                                           CERTIFICATES FOR                                                   continued growth and advancement

                                                                                                                              into higher level positions. Employers in
                                                           CAREER ENTRY                                                       the manufacturing field are looking for
                                                                                                                              individuals who are not only comfortable
                                                                                                                              with new technology but can also use
  for Workforce                                            ADVANCED
                                                                                                                              time-proven solutions to solve problems

  Training Certificates                                     Automotive Technician                                             Courses
                                                           Automotive Technicians work in well-                               MFG-008 Introduction to Manufacturing
                                                           ventilated and well-lit repair shops,                              MFG-009 Manufacturing Math and Measurements
  More than $100,000                                       service departments of car dealerships                             MFG-010 Blueprints and Precision Measurements
                                                           or any other type of mechanic shop. They
  in scholarship                                           inspect a driver’s vehicle, inform them
                                                                                                                              MFG-011 Introduction to Assembly
                                                                                                                              MFG-012 Robots in Manufacturing
  funds available!                                         of any issues and provide necessary
                                                           maintenance to get the car working                                 MFG-013 Industrial Safety
                                                           effectively again. Automotive Technicians                          MFG-014 Troubleshooting and Quality Control
                                                           typically repair basic car parts like brakes,                      MFG-015 Manufacturing Capstone
                                                           steering wheels and engines. They can
  ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE                                                                                                     Approximate Number of Hours
                                                           also inspect and fix a vehicle’s electrical
  FOR STUDENTS TO:                                         system. Most of them must perform                                  123
  • Start a new career                                     automotive care tasks daily, like checking                         Approximate Training Cost
                                                           fluid levels, rotating tires and changing oil
  • Upgrade skills                                                                                                            $2,102
  • Earn an industry                                        Courses                                                           Licensure/Certification Earned
    credential                                                                                                                Students who successfully complete the certification exam
                                                            VOC–749 Introduction to Automotive Technician
                                                                                                                              administered in the Manufacturing Capstone course will earn
                                                            VOC–750 Automotive Electrical Systems                             the SME Certified Manufacturing Associate Certification.
  AVAILABLE SCHOLARSHIPS:                                   VOC–751 Automotive Brake Systems
                                                                                                                             *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
  • Maryland Workforce                                      VOC–752 Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems
                                                                                                                              See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
    Development Sequence                                    Approximate Number of Hours                                       within this schedule.
    Scholarship                                             129
  • Governor’s Emergency
                                                            Approximate Training Cost
    Education Relief (GEER) Fund
  • Maryland Promise Scholarship
                                                            Licensure/Certification earned
  Scholarships are limited,                                 Each class prepares students to test for the ASE individual
                                                            certification in the respected area. Three individual ASE
  so act fast!                                              certifications in addition to 6 months of work experience in
                                                            a related field qualifies students to test for the ASE Mainte-
                                                            nance and Light Repair.
                                                           *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                            See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                            within this schedule.
                                      074-10-20-0919 CAR

   For more information, contact
  Beth Lee at 410-386-8096 or visit

                                  Carroll Community College                                              Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
               Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                               4             Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
              Register at                                              Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
Inside - Carroll Community College
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                                WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                             REGISTER NOW                                                                                        TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                     Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry                                                                            PROGRAMS

ANIMAL CONTROL                                                      CHILD CARE                                                    Child Care Professional
AND CARE                                                                                                                          Infant/Toddler Teacher
                                                                    Child Care Professional                                       This program is for those who seek
 Veterinary Assistant                                               Early Childhood Teacher                                       responsible positions in the field of early
 Veterinary assistants support veterinary                          This program is for those who seek                             childhood education. An infants and
 technicians and veterinarians in an animal                        responsible positions in the field of early                    toddlers child care teacher works for
 hospital environment. Duties may include                          childhood education. An early childhood                        a child care center providing care and
 providing customer service, processing                            teacher provides care and educational                          educational experiences for children birth
 lab specimens, prepping animals for                               experiences for children ages 3 – 5 at                         through age 2. He or she develops lesson
 surgery, monitoring medications and radi-                         a child care center. Teachers develop                          plans, integrates curriculums, teaches
 ology logs, setting up and tearing down                           lesson plans, integrate curriculums, teach                     lessons, establishes age-appropriate envi-
 surgical suites, autoclaving instruments                          lessons, establish age-appropriate envi-                       ronments, disciplines children, maintains
 and communicating effectively between                             ronments, discipline children, maintain                        records and interacts with parents. This
 the vet and the pet owner.                                        records and interact with parents. This                        program meets the state requirements for
                                                                   program meets the state requirements for                       the 90 clock hours of training in an infants
 Courses                                                           the 90 clock hours of training in a school-                    and toddlers program for children birth
 VOC-336 Preparation for the Veterinary Assistant Training         aged program.                                                  through age 2.
         Course Series
                                                                    Courses                                                       Courses
 VOC-691 Veterinary Assistant Training I: Outpatient Care,
         Diagnostics and Pharmacy                                   CCT-514    Growth and Development in Early Childhood          CCT-514    Growth and Development in Early Childhood
                                                                               (online)                                                      (online)
 VOC-692 Veterinary Assistant Training II: Patient Care
         and Treatment, Surgery, Anesthesia and                     CCT-513    Materials and Methods for Early Childhood          or CCT-513 Materials and Methods for Early Childhood
         Emergency Care                                                        Education                                                     Education
 VOC-430 Veterinary Assistant Training III: Clinic Externship                                                                     and CCT-512 Infants & Toddlers: Development & Care
                                                                    Approximate Number of Hours
 Approximate Number of Hours                                        90 hours                                                      Approximate Number of Hours
 250 hours                                                                                                                        90 hours
                                                                    Approximate Training Cost
 Approximate Training Cost                                          $880                                                          Approximate Training Cost
 $3,348                                                                                                                           $880
                                                                    Licensure/Certification Earned
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                     None                                                          Licensure/Certification Earned
 Students are eligible to sit for the National Veterinary Assis-                                                                  None
                                                                   *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 tant exam and become an AVA (Approved Veterinary Assistant).       See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing   *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                within this schedule.                                         See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing                                                                       within this schedule.
 within this schedule.

                                                                                                                                             Your job search
                                                                                                                                               starts here!
                                                                                                                                     Carroll’s exclusive job board for students,

                                                                                                                                     alumni and community members.

                                            Carroll Community College                                          Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                            5            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                          Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
Inside - Carroll Community College
 TRAINING                                                                    REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                               Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry

 Child Care Professional                                                   DRONE                                                         FITNESS
 School Age Teacher
This program is for those who seek                                         UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot                                  Personal Fitness Trainer
responsible positions in the field of                                      UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) AKA                           Personal fitness trainers facilitate rapport,
early childhood education. A school age                                    drones can be utilized in nearly every                        adherence, self-efficacy and behavior
teacher works for a child care center                                      industry imaginable. From marketing to                        change in clients as well as design
providing care and educational experi-                                     construction to inspection, drones can be                     programs that help clients to improve
ences for children ages 6-14 most often                                    flown to collect data and gather images                       posture, movement, flexibility, balance,
before and after school in public and                                      that can be processed, edited, and shared.                    core function, cardiorespiratory fitness,
private institutions. Teachers develop                                     Whether you want to diversify your                            muscular endurance and strength, and
lesson plans, integrate curriculums, teach                                 abilities or start an exciting new career,                    sports performance.
lessons, establish age-appropriate envi-                                   becoming a commercial drone pilot is
ronments, discipline children, maintain                                    a great way to do it. The newly revised                       Courses
records and interact with parents. This                                    program adds more flight time that                            VOC-746 ACE Certification for Personal Fitness Trainer
program meets the state requirements for                                   includes Night Flight, NIST training, and                     Approximate Number of Hours
the 90 clock hours of training in a school                                 condensed hybrid classes.
                                                                                                                                         60 hours
age program for children ages 6 – 14.
                                                                                                                                         Approximate Training Cost
 Courses                                                                   DRN-020    Commercial Remote Pilot Pt. 1
 CCT-514     Growth and Development in Early Childhood                     DRN-021    Commercial Remote Pilot Pt. 2
             (online)                                                      DRN-022    Advanced Remote Flight                             Licensure/Certification Earned
 CCT-516     School Age Child Care Training (online)                       DRN-023    Foundations of Aerial Photo and Data               Students are prepared to take the American Council on
                                                                                                                                         Exercise Certified Personal Fitness Trainer Exam.
 Approximate Number of Hours                                               Approximate Number of hours
 90 hours                                                                                                                               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                                         See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 Approximate Training Cost                                                 Approximate Training Cost                                     within this schedule.
 $880                                                                      $1996
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                            Licensure/Certification Earned
 None                                                                      Students are prepared to sit for the Unmanned Aircraft
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                       General exam and earn their Remote Pilot Certificate
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 within this schedule.                                                     See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                           within this schedule.

       GET HELP
               More than $100,000 in
            scholarship funds available,
             plus tuition assistance for
            eligible non-credit students.
                 For info, visit
     or contact Beth Lee at 410-386-8096.

                                            Carroll Community College                                                 Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                                   6            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                                 Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                                WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                         REGISTER NOW                                                                                            TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                     Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry                                                                            PROGRAMS

 HEALTH CARE                                                    Dental Assistant                                                Emergency Medical Technician
                                                                Dental assistants play a vital role in dental                   Emergency Medical Technicians respond
 Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)                              offices helping dentists and dental hygien-                     to emergency calls to provide efficient
 CNAs perform routine tasks under the                           ists provide services to patients. Duties                       and immediate care to the critically ill and
 supervision of nursing and medical staff.                      may include maintaining medical records,                        injured. They also provide transport to
 Duties include answering patients’ call                        assisting with collection of patient infor-                     medical facilities. Hours may span days,
 lights, serving meals, making beds, and                        mation, instrument and patient prepara-                         evenings and weekends.
 helping patients eat, dress and bathe.                         tion, taking and developing x-rays, and
                                                                casting impressions. Hours are generally                        Courses
 CNAs work day, evening and weekend
                                                                standard daytime with some evening and                          AHE-373 Emergency Medical Technician 1
 shifts in hospitals and long-term care
 facilities.                                                    weekend flexibility.                                            AHE-320 Emergency Medical Technician 2

 Prerequisites                                                  Prerequisite                                                    Approximate Number of Hours
 AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider               AHE-196 Professional Preparation in Health Care                 141.5 hours
         CPR card                                               Courses                                                         Approximate Training Cost
 AHE-257 CNA Preparation                                        AHE-063 Introduction to Dental Assisting                        $1,509
 Courses                                                        AHE-298 Oral Radiography
                                                                                                                                Licensure/Certification Earned
 AHE-042 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Part 1            Approximate Number of Hours                                     Successful completion of Emergency Medical Technician 1
         (Theory)                                               90 hours (excluding prerequisites)                              and Emergency Medical Technician 2 prepares students to
 AHE-580 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Part 2                                                                            sit for the National Registry Emergency Medical Technician
         (Clinical)                                             Approximate Training Cost                                       written exam and MIEMSS practical evaluation.
 AHE-455 GNA Skills Lab                                         $1,870 (excluding prerequisites)
                                                                                                                               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 Approximate Number of Hours                                    Licensure/Certification Earned                                  See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 138 hours (excluding prerequisites)                            Students who successfully complete Oral Radiography will be     within this schedule.
                                                                eligible to take the Radiation Health and Safety examination
 Approximate Training Cost                                      through the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB). This        Medical Assistant
 $2,043 (excluding prerequisites)                               certification is required in Maryland for anyone who takes
                                                                dental x-rays.                                                 A certified clinical medical assistant is
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                                an unlicensed multi-skilled health care
 Students who successfully complete the training are           *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.            practitioner competent in a variety of
 eligible to apply for a CNA license from the Maryland Board    See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing     clinical and laboratory procedures and
 of Nursing.                                                    within this schedule.                                          administrative roles. Medical assistants
                                                                                                                               perform routine administrative and
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                                                                           clinical tasks to keep physician, podiatry,
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing                                                                    chiropractic and other health practitioner
 within this schedule.                                                                                                         offices running smoothly.

                                                                                                                               All new Medical Assistant training
                                                                                                                               program starts this fall. For information
                                                                                                                               call 410-386-8100.
                                                                                                                                Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                                                                                Students will be prepared to take the certification exam
                                                                                                                                and will be eligible for national certification as a Certified
                                                                                                                                Clinical Medical Assistant through the National Healthca-
                                                                                                                                reer Association (NHA).
                                                                                                                               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                                See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                                                                                within this schedule.

                                            Carroll Community College                                      Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                        7            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                      Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
 TRAINING                                                           REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                                Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry

 Medical Biller                                                   Pharmacy Technician                                             Phlebotomy Technician
 Medical billers use a multi-step process                         Pharmacy technicians work in pharmacy                           Phlebotomy technicians work in
 that begins with generating an insurance                         settings in clinics, retail locations,                          clinical laboratory settings, hospitals
 claim and continues through a series of                          hospitals and sometimes in physicians’                          and sometimes physicians’ offices. Their
 collection and payment activities. They                          offices. Their primary responsibility is to                     primary responsibility is to collect blood
 must be familiar with the claim require-                         assist the pharmacist in the preparation                        specimens as ordered by the physician.
 ments for a variety of insurance compa-                          and packaging of prescription drugs.                            Hours may span day, evening, night and
 nies including government payers. Hours                          Hours may span day, evening, night and                          weekend shifts.
 are generally daytime with some evening                          weekend shifts.
 and weekend flexibility.                                                                                                         Prerequisite Courses
                                                                  Courses                                                         AHE-196 Professional Preparation in Health Care
 Courses                                                          AHE-356 Pharmacy Technician Training I                          AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider
 AHE-199    Medical Billing for the Physician’s Office            AHE-361 Pharmacy Technician Training II                                 CPR card
 AHE-149    Medical Terminology for Health Careers
                                                                  Approximate Number of Hours                                     Courses
 AHE-212    Introduction to Electronic Health Records
                                                                  105 hours (excluding prerequisites)                             AHE-200 Phlebotomy Technician Training I: Theory
 AHE-147    HIPAA Training
                                                                  Approximate Training Cost                                       AHE-077 Phlebotomy Technician Training II: Clinical
 Approximate Number of Hours                                                                                                      AHE-078 Phlebotomy Technician Training III: Clinical
                                                                  $1,500 (excluding prerequisites)
 101 hours
                                                                  Licensure/Certification Earned                                  Approximate Number of Hours
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                                        168 hours (excluding prerequisites)
                                                                  This course prepares students to sit for one of the national
 $1,328                                                           pharmacy technician certification exams: the PTCE offered       Approximate Training Cost
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                   by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the          $2,173 (excluding prerequisites)
 Successful completion prepares students for the Certified        ExCPT offered by the National Healthcareer Association.
 Professional Biller (CPB) national certification exam offered    Individuals who pass either exam are given the designation      Licensure/Certification Earned
 by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).           of CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician).                        Successful completion prepares students to sit for the PBT
                                                                 *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.             exam administered through the American Society for Clinical
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                                                                              Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification.
                                                                  See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 within this schedule.
                                                                  within this schedule.                                          *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                                  See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                                                                                  within this schedule.

                                             Carroll Community College                                       Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                          Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                         8            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                         Register at                                       Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                              WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                         REGISTER NOW                                                                                          TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                     Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry                                                                          PROGRAMS

 Registered Behavior Technician                                 Sterile Processing Technician                                 REAL ESTATE
 Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs)                        Sterile processing technicians work
 work primarily with individuals on the                        behind the scenes in health care settings                      Home Inspector
 autism spectrum in the home, community                        such as hospitals, surgical centers and                        Home inspectors conduct inspections of
 and school settings. Working under the                        physicians’ offices to ensure instruments                      homes, condominiums, apartments and
 close supervision of a behavior analyst, an                   and equipment are properly cleaned,                            other residential dwellings. They are hired
 RBT is responsible for the direct imple-                      handled, sterilized and safe for patients.                     by prospective home buyers to inspect
 mentation of skill acquisition and behavior                   This program trains individuals to become                      and report on the condition of a home’s
 reduction plans. RBTs provide interven-                       sterile processing technicians and                             systems, components and structure,
 tions that encourage socially acceptable                      prepares you for sterile processing techni-                    including the interior and exterior and
 behaviors, and build and improve upon                         cian certification.                                            all of the home’s systems such as HVAC
 communication, social interaction and                                                                                        and electrical. This training is approved
 problem solving skills. Hours may span                         Prerequisite Courses
                                                                                                                              by the Maryland Commission of Real
 days, evenings and weekends.                                   AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider
                                                                                                                              Estate Appraisers and Home Inspectors
                                                                        CPR card
 Courses                                                                                                                      to provide home inspector pre-licensing
                                                                Courses                                                       training, which is required to receive a
 AHE-368 Registered Behavior Technician Training I
                                                                AHE-316 Foundations for Health Care Careers                   home inspector license in Maryland.
 AHE-369 Registered Behavior Technician Training II
                                                                AHE-299 Sterile Processing Technician Training                Courses
 Approximate Number of Hours                                            Fundamentals                                          VOC-330 Home Inspection Training
 40 hours
                                                                Approximate Number of Hours                                   Approximate Number of Hours
 Approximate Training Cost                                      96 hours (excluding prerequisites)                            81 hours
                                                                Approximate Training Cost                                     Approximate Training Cost
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                 $1,374 (excluding prerequisites)                              $1,058
 Successful completion meets the Behavior Analyst Certifica-
 tion Board (BACB) 40-hour education requirement for the        Licensure/Certification Earned                                Licensure/Certification Earned
 Registered Behavior Technician examination.                    Successful completion of AHE-299 prepares students to         Upon completion, students will be eligible to sit for the
                                                                take the Certified Registered Central Service Technician      National Home Inspector Examination.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.            (CRCST) certification exam offered by the International
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing     Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Manage-   *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 within this schedule.                                          ment (IAHCSMM). Students must then complete 400 hours         See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                of work experience to apply for CRCST certification.          within this schedule.
                                                               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                                                                              Real Estate Sales Agent
                                                                within this schedule.                                         Real estate agents help clients buy, sell
                                                                                                                              and rent properties. Agents will work with
                                                                                                                              customers to develop contracts, advertise
                                                                                                                              properties, negotiate pricing and process
                                                                                                                              all required paperwork through closing.
                                                                                                                              REA-266 Maryland Real Estate Principles & Practices
                                                                                                                              Approximate Number of Hours
                                                                                                                              60 hours
                                                                                                                              Approximate Training Cost
                                                                                                                              Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                                                                              Students are prepared to sit for the Real Estate Sales Agent
                                                                                                                              License exam.
                                                                                                                             *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                              See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                                                                              within this schedule.

                                            Carroll Community College                                      Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                        9            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                      Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
 TRAINING                                                                   REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                               Workforce Training Certificates for
                                                                        | Exam

TRADES                                                                    Electrical Apprentice                                         HVACR Apprentice
                                                                          Electrical apprentices work as tradesmen                      HVACR apprentices are tradesmen
 Electrical Helper                                                        specializing in the installation of electrical                specializing in heating, ventilation and
There is a wide variety of career oppor-                                  wiring and fittings in new construction                       air conditioning/refrigeration systems.
tunities in the electrical trade. Electrical                              or the maintenance of existing electrical                     Work may include installing, servicing
helpers measure, cut, bend wire and                                       infrastructure. This trade is regulated                       and repairing heating and air conditioning
conduits utilizing measuring instruments                                  for safety by the State of Maryland and                       systems in residences and commercial
and various hand tools. Additional duties                                 its respective counties. Most work is                         establishments. Apprentices usually begin
include maintaining tool inventories, equip-                              completed during the day.                                     by assisting experienced technicians with
ment, and parts and supplies. This program                                                                                              carrying materials, insulating refrigerant
                                                                          Courses                                                       lines or cleaning furnaces, and move on
will prepare the students to understand
                                                                          VOC-174    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 1: Part 1           to more difficult tasks such as cutting and
basic electrical theory, interpret blueprints
and schematics, and the installation of                                   VOC-030    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 1: Part 2           soldering pipes and checking electrical and
basic electrical devices.                                                 VOC-577    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 2: Part 1           electronic circuits.
                                                                          VOC-032    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 2: Part 2           Courses
 VOC-735 Introduction to the Electrical Trade—Part 1                      VOC-578    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 3: Part 1           VOC-315   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 1: Part 1
 VOC-736 Introduction to the Electrical Trade—Part 2                      VOC-034    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 3: Part 2           VOC-316   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 1: Part 2
                                                                          VOC-579    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 4: Part 1           VOC-357   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 2: Part 1
 Approximate Number of Hours                                              VOC-036    Electrical Apprenticeship Year 4: Part 2           VOC-358   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 2: Part 2
 90 hours
                                                                          Approximate Number of Hours                                   VOC-405   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 3: Part 1
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                                              VOC-406   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 3: Part 2
                                                                          627 classroom hours / 8,000 on-the-job training hours
 $1,520                                                                                                                                 VOC-582   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 4: Part 1
                                                                          Approximate Training Cost
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                                         VOC-583   HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 4: Part 2
                                                                          Varies based on the agreement the student has with his or
 None.                                                                    her employer.                                                 Approximate Number of Hours
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                      Licensure/Certification Earned                                630 classroom hours (157 hours per year)
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing               Journeyman certification from the Maryland Department of      8,000 on-the-job training hours
 within this schedule.                                                    Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR).                       Approximate Training Cost
                                                                          For more information, call 410-876-0484.                      Varies based on the agreement the student has with his or
                                                                                                                                        her employer.
                                                                                                                                        Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                                                                                        Students who successfully complete this training are awarded
                                                                                                                                        an HVACR Journeyman’s license.
                                                                                                                                        For more information, call 410-431-8889.

       GET HELP
              More than $100,000 in
           scholarship funds available,
            plus tuition assistance for
           eligible non-credit students.
                 For info, visit
     or contact Beth Lee at 410-386-8096.

                                            Carroll Community College                                                Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                                 10            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                                Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                             WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                          REGISTER NOW                                                                                        TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                     Workforce
                                                                   for Industry
                                                                            for Career
                                                                                       Entry                                                                          PROGRAMS

 HVACR Technician                                                Welder/Advanced Welding                                       TRANSPORTATION
HVACR technicians work in entry-level                            Welders are employed in all phases
positions with large or small contracting                        of industrial operations in fields such                       Truck Driver
companies, manufacturers or wholesalers                          as construction, manufacturing and                            Local drivers may provide daily service for
of environmental systems equipment.                              infrastructure. They assist with the                          a specific route while other drivers make
They install, service and repair heating                         construction of industrial equipment,                         intercity and interstate deliveries that
and air conditioning systems in residences                       buildings, bridges and pipelines. Welders                     take longer and may vary from job to job.
and commercial establishments.                                   work from a set of blueprints, interpret                      Long- distance heavy truck and tractor-
                                                                 symbols and follow specifications to                          trailer drivers spend most of their time
 Courses                                                         apply their knowledge of metallurgy and                       behind the wheel but may load or unload
 VOC-220 Applications in Environmental Systems I                 welding techniques to fuse a variety of                       their cargo at their destination. Drivers
 VOC-094 Applications in Environmental Systems II                metal components together. Welders                            frequently travel at night, on holidays and
                                                                 need to wear protective equipment and                         weekends to avoid traffic delays.
 Approximate Number of Hours                                     follow specific protocol to maintain a safe
 90 hours                                                        working environment. Welders can earn                         Courses
 Approximate Training Cost                                       certifications to enhance their skillset and                  For information on CDL-A classes, call 410-386-8100.
 $1,178                                                          increase their employment opportunities.
                                                                                                                               Approximate Number of Hours
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                  Courses                                                       CDL-A: 280 hours
 Upon successful completion of this training and the refrig-     VOC-015 Basic Welding
                                                                                                                               Approximate Training Cost
 erant handling certification exam administered during           VOC-467 Advanced Welding
                                                                                                                               CDL-A: $5,225 (plus applicable fees)
 class, students are eligible for EPA Refrigerant Reclamation    VOC-728 Advanced Welding 2
 Certification.                                                                                                                Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                 Approximate Number of Hours                                   Upon successful completion of this training and the MVA
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.             120 hours                                                     written and driving tests administered during class, a MD
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing                                                                    CDL-A license will be awarded.
 within this schedule.                                           Approximate Training Cost
                                                                 $2,702                                                       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                 Licensure/Certification Earned                                See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                 Students who successfully complete the certification          within this schedule.
                                                                 testing administered during the Advanced Welding 2 class
                                                                 will receive AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Certification.
                                                                *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                 within this schedule.

                                            Carroll Community College                                       Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                        11            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                       Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
 TRAINING                                                                    REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                               Workforce
                                       Exam Preparation
                                                             Industry Credentials
                                                                       for Career Advancement

WORKFORCE                                                                  Medicine Aide Training                                        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
TRAINING                                                                  Currently employed Geriatric Nursing
                                                                          Assistants may safely prepare, administer                      Digital and Social Media Professional
CERTIFICATES                                                              and chart routine medicines in a nursing
                                                                                                                                         Digital and social media is a driving force
                                                                                                                                         in business, marketing and development.
FOR CAREER                                                                 Courses                                                       It may include branding, public affairs,
ADVANCEMENT                                                                AHE-588 Medicine Aide Training
                                                                                                                                         marketing communications or community
                                                                                                                                         outreach and engagement. Digital and
                                                                           Approximate Number of Hours                                   social media professionals may plan,
 HEALTH CARE                                                               74 hours                                                      execute and assess a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                         and effective social media campaign for
 Assisted Living Manager                                                   Approximate Training Cost                                     corporations, government agencies or
                                                                           $935                                                          non-profit organizations.
This is an OHCQ approved 80-hour
training to prepare assisted living                                        Licensure/Certification Earned                                Prerequisite Course
managers. Topics include the philosophy                                    Eligible to become a Certified Medicine Aide in Maryland      None
of assisted living, aging process and its
impact, assessment and level of care                                      *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.           Courses (in order)
waiver, service planning, clinical manage-                                 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing    DAP-772 Introductory Seminar in Digital and Social Media
ment, admission and discharge criteria,                                    within this schedule.                                         DAP-837 Social Media Strategies and Tactics
nutrition and food safety, dementia,                                                                                                     DAP-775 Social Media Analytics: Measuring and Assessing
mental health and behavior manage-                                                                                                               Metrics and ROI
ment, end-of-life care, management and
                                                                                                                                         DAP-807 Advertising on Social Media
operation, emergency planning, quality
assurance and the survey process. To                                                                                                     DAP-778 Digital and Social Media Program Capstone
meet OHCQ requirements, 100% atten-                                                                                                      Approximate Number of Hours
dance is required.
                                                                                                                                         33 hours
 Courses                                                                                                                                 Approximate Training Cost
 AHE-113    Assisted Living Manager                                                                                                      $767
 Approximate Number of Hours                                                                                                             Licensure/Certification Earned
 80 hours                                                                                                                                None
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                                              *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 $972                                                                                                                                    See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                                          within this schedule.
 Successful completion meets the OHCQ requirements for
 Assisted Living Managers.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 within this schedule.

           Your job search
             starts here!
    Carroll’s exclusive job board for students,

    alumni and community members.

                                            Carroll Community College                                                 Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                                  12            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                                 Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                  WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                        REGISTER NOW                                                                               TRAINING
PROGRAMS Workforce                                Training Certificates for Career Advancement                                                             PROGRAMS

 QuickBooks Pro Specialist                                     MANAGEMENT

 Keep financial records complete by using
 QuickBooks Pro accounting software.                           Management Development
 Compute, classify and record numerical                       A manager accomplishes department
 data. Perform any combination of routine                     objectives by managing and motivating
 calculating, posting and verifying duties                    staff, planning and evaluating department

 to obtain primary financial data for use in                  activities. They may select, hire and orient
 maintaining accounting records for small                     employees; are responsible to maintain a
 businesses. May also check the accuracy                      safe, secure and legal work environment;
 of figures, calculations and postings                        communicate job expectations, monitor
 pertaining to business transactions.                         results, coach employees; and establish
 Courses                                                      strategic, departmental or team goals and
                                                              evaluate outcomes.
 DAP-591 QuickBooks Pro Level 1
 DAP-762 QuickBooks Pro Level 2                                Courses
                                                               MGT-410 Management Basics: Foundations for Success
 Approximate Number of Hours                                           (recommended first in series)
 24 hours                                                      MGT-401 Building a Winning Team: Interviewing, Selecting
                                                                       & Hiring Employees
                                                                                                                                   Help With
                                                                                                                                   Career Choices
 Approximate Training Cost
 $450                                                          MGT-380 Effective Performance Appraisals
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                MGT-381 Coaching Employees to Peak Performance
                                                               MGT-399 Managing Using Emotional Intelligence                       Need help choosing a career?
 Students are prepared to take the Certiport Intuit Quick-
 Books Certified User (QBCU) exam.                             MGT-400 HR Legal Issues for Managers                                Attend a free monthly session.
                                                               MGT-411 Conflict Management                                         No cost, but please register to
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                                                                               reserve your seat. All sessions
                                                               MGT-412 Fostering Diversity in the Workplace
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing                                                                        take place in person on campus.
 within this schedule.                                         MGT-413 Communications Skills for Managers
                                                               MGT-414 Leading Change in the Workplace
                                                               MGT-415 Leading High Performance Teams                              # XXB-138 | No Cost
                                                               Approximate Number of Hours                                         B1 Mon. | Aug. 22 | 6 – 7 p.m.
                                                               69 hours                                                               1 session | Main Campus
                                                               Approximate Training Cost                                              Instructor: Beth Lee
                                                                                                                                   A2 Mon. | Sept. 26 | 6 – 7 p.m.
                                                               Licensure/Certification Earned                                         1 session | Main Campus
                                                               None                                                                   Instructor: Beth Lee
                                                              *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                               See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing          B2 Mon. | Oct. 24 | 6 – 7 p.m.
                                                               within this schedule.                                                  1 session | Main Campus
                                                                                                                                      Instructor: Beth Lee
                                                               To earn the Management Development Workforce Training
                                                                                                                                   C2 Mon. | Nov. 28 | 6 – 7 p.m.
                                                               Certificate, please notify us of the certificate you wish to earn
                                                               at the time of registration. After completing the final course
                                                                                                                                      1 session | Main Campus
                                                               in the certificate program, complete and submit a Student
                                                                                                                                      Instructor: Beth Lee
                                                               Request for a Workforce Training Certificate, which can be
                                                               obtained online at or by
                                                                                                                                                                          001-04-21 0520 CAR

                                                               calling Customer Service at 410-386-8100. Upon verification
                                                               of completion, the certificate will be mailed to you at the
                                                               address on file within five business days.

                                                                                                                                          Register online at
                                                                                                                                    or call Continuing Education
                                                                                                                                   and Training at 410-386-8100.

                                            Carroll Community College                                       Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                        13            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                       Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
 TRAINING                                                        REGISTER NOW
PROGRAMS                               Exam Preparation for Industry Credentials

 EXAM                                                          HOME IMPROVEMENT                                              HUMAN RESOURCES
 PREPARATION                                                   Home Improvement Contractor:                                  Human Resources for Professionals
 FOR INDUSTRY                                                  MHIC Exam Prep                                                and Certification Exam Preparation
 CREDENTIALS                                                  Prepare to take the Maryland Home
                                                              Improvement Contractors (MHIC) exam
                                                                                                                             Enhance your skills as a human resources
                                                                                                                             (HR) practitioner and prepare for HR
                                                              with an intensive review of the self-study                     certification through expert instruction,
 Start a new career or build your résumé                      contractor’s manual used for the exam.                         peer discussion and a comprehensive
 with a state or national certification. Test                 Topics include the MD Home Improvement                         review of critical topics essential to HR
 preparation classes help you earn your                       Law, Door-to-Door Sales Act, and a review                      professionals. Topics include the role of
 industry certification.                                      of the various business and employee                           the HR professional, strategic business
 If you complete an exam preparation class                    laws included in the exam. Business                            functions of HR, measuring employee
 that is 30 hours or more, you will also                      planning, start-up and operating consider-                     effectiveness, and ethical and legal
 receive a Workforce Training Certificate.                    ations including sales and estimating are                      aspects of human resources. Visit HRCI at
                                                              also covered. An MHIC license is required             and SHRM at
                                                              to practice in Maryland.                                       for certification levels, options and exam
 DRONE                                                                                                                       eligibility requirements.
 UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot                                  VOC-373 MHIC License Exam Preparation                         Course
                                                                                                                             MGT-572 Human Resources for Professionals and
If you are a new pilot looking to obtain                       Approximate Number of Hours                                           Certification Exam Preparation
your Remote Pilot Certification for                            12 hours
commercial or business use, this course                                                                                      Approximate Number of Hours
will cover the application process and                         Approximate Training Cost                                     30 hours
prepare you for the exam. Focus on the                         $222
objectives that relate to the Aeronau-                                                                                       Approximate Training Cost
                                                               Licensure/Certification Earned
tical Knowledge Test which will allow                                                                                        $1,159
successful students to obtain the FAA                          Students are prepared to take the MHIC License exam.
                                                                                                                             Licensure/Certification Earned
Airman Certificate. This certificate is                       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
necessary to apply for and obtain the                                                                                        Students are prepared for industry-recognized certification
                                                               See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing    exams through HRCI and/or SHRM.
Remote Pilot Certificate.                                      within this schedule.
 Course                                                                                                                     *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                             See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 DRN-020 Commercial Remote Pilot Pt. 1
                                                                                                                             within this schedule.
 DRN-021 Commercial Remote Pilot Pt. 2 (optional)
 Approximate Number of Hours
 20 hours
 Approximate Training Cost
 Licensure/Certification Earned
 Students are prepared to sit for the Unmanned Aircraft
 General exam and earn their Remote Pilot Certificate.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 within this schedule.

                                            Carroll Community College                                     Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                      14            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                     Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
WORKFORCE                                                                                                                                                               WORKFORCE
 TRAINING                                                            REGISTER NOW                                                                                        TRAINING
PROGRAMS                                                      Exam Preparation for Industry Credentials                                                                 PROGRAMS

 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                            CompTIA Network+                                              QuickBooks Pro Specialist
                                                                   Prepare to sit for the CompTIA Network+                       Certification Preparation
 CompTIA A+                                                        Certification exam. Topics covered include                    Keep financial records complete by using
 Prepare to sit for the CompTIA A+                                 managing, maintaining, troubleshooting,                       QuickBooks Pro accounting software.
 Certification exam. Topics covered include                        installing and configuring basic computer                     Compute, classify and record numerical
 installing, upgrading, troubleshooting and                        network infrastructure.                                       data. Perform any combination of routine
 configuring hardware, configuring oper-                           Courses                                                       calculating, posting and verifying duties
 ating systems and computer maintenance.                                                                                         to obtain primary financial data for use in
                                                                   DAP-819 CompTIA Network+ Certification Prep
                                                                                                                                 maintaining accounting records for small
 Courses                                                                                                                         businesses. May also check the accuracy
                                                                   Approximate Number of Hours
 CMP-067 Basic CompTIA A+ Certification Prep                                                                                     of figures, calculations and postings
                                                                   24 hours
 Approximate Number of Hours                                                                                                     pertaining to business transactions.
                                                                   Approximate Training Cost
 24 hours                                                                                                                        Courses
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                                       DAP-124 QuickBooks Pro Certified User Exam Prep
                                                                   Licensure/Certification Earned
 $125                                                                                                                            Approximate Number of Hours
                                                                   Students are prepared to sit for the CompTIA Network+
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                    Exam.                                                         6 hours
 Students are prepared to sit for the CompTIA A+ Exam. This       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.           Approximate Training Cost
 course gives you the knowledge to base the rest of your           See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing    $255 includes practice exam and voucher
 CompTIA A+ certification studies for the 220-1001 and             within this schedule.
 220-1002 exams.                                                                                                                 Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                                                                                 Students are prepared to take the Certiport Intuit QuickBooks
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.                                                                             Certified User (QBCU) exam.
 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
 within this schedule.                                                                                                          *Note: Not all courses are offered in each schedule.
                                                                                                                                 See the Course Index to locate the complete course listing
                                                                                                                                 within this schedule.

                                                                                                                                           Your job search
                                                                                                                                             starts here!
                                                                                                                                    Carroll’s exclusive job board for students,

                                                                                                                                    alumni and community members.

                                            Carroll Community College                                         Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                         Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                          15            Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                        Register at                                         Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
Make a Great Impression Online
Digital & Social Media Professional
> page 33

Draw on Our Top-Notch Training
Become a Phlebotomy Technician > page 43

Earn While You Learn to Become a
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) > page 45
CAREER &                                                                                                                                                CAREER &
PROFESSIONAL                                                REGISTER NOW                                                                                PROFESSIONAL
  TRAINING                                                                            Advanced Manufacturing                                              TRAINING

 ADVANCED                                                 NEW! Blueprints and Precision                              NEW! Robots in Manufacturing
 MANUFACTURING                                            X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3
                                                                                                                     X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3
                                                                                                                     Learn how manufacturers increasingly
                                                          Gain a thorough understanding of                           use industrial robots to perform tasks to
 ADVANCED                                                 blueprints and how they help ensure that                   speed up production, improve part quality,
 MANUFACTURING                                            finished parts will function in a way that                 preserve operator safety and perform
                                                          meets the original intent. Read and inter-                 repetitive or dangerous tasks with a high
 NEW! Introduction to Manufacturing                       pret blueprint instructions and require-                   degree of accuracy. Understand the
                                                          ments necessary to manufacture and                         basics of industrial robotics, including
 X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3   inspect parts to accurate specifications                   types, applications and programming
 Explore the basics of advanced manu-                     and ensure that finished parts will function               methods. Explore the basic robot
 facturing processes including additive                   in a way that meets the original intent. Use               components, types, applications and the
 manufacturing (3D printing) and subtrac-                 common gauging and variable inspec-                        programming methods used in manu-
 tive manufacturing (CNC) and the methods                 tion tools and methods to take specific                    facturing. Recognize safety protocols
 that streamline these processes to                       measurements of part features using                        associated with the various ways to
 improve products and profitability. Learn                common devices such as calipers and                        prevent robot accidents.
 how these manufacturing approaches                       micrometers. Describe common methods                       # MFG-012 | $159 (includes fees: $70)
 help companies optimize their processes                  used for part tolerancing, the impact
 through organization and waste reduction,                tolerances have on part production and                     A2P Thu, Tue | Nov. 17 & 22 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.
 therefore becoming more efficient.                       quality, and how consistent measurement                        2 sessions | Main Campus
 # MFG-008 | $299 (includes fees: $220)                   and inspection maintains standardization,
                                                          while balancing the use of a product with                  NEW! Industrial Safety
 A2     Thu, Tue | Sept. 22 – Oct. 4 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.      the cost required to produce that product.
        4 sessions | Main Campus                                                                                     X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3
                                                          # MFG-010 | $259 (includes fees: $70)                      Examine the various aspects of industrial
 NEW! Manufacturing Math and                              A2P Thu, Tue | Oct. 27 – Nov. 8 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.            safety. Discuss the effects of imple-
 Measurements                                                 4 sessions | Main Campus                               menting proper safety standards in the
                                                                                                                     workplace. Explore the purpose of OSHA
 X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3                                                              and other safety standards and guidelines.
                                                          NEW! Introduction to Assembly                              Investigate how these regulations affect
 Examine basic mathematical and units of
 measurement operations and how they                      X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3     both employers and employees, and
 are used in a variety of manufacturing                   Investigate the various methods and                        how compliance creates a safe working
 environments. Use basic arithmetic                       processes, often performed on assembly                     environment.
 operations including addition, subtrac-                  lines, used to assemble various compo-                     # MFG-013 | $359 (includes fees: $70)
 tion, multiplication and division. Practice              nents into finished parts. Discuss the main
 concepts of negative numbers, integers,                  assembly methods including mechanical                      A2P Tue, Thu | Nov. 29 – Dec. 15 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.
 order of operations and grouping symbols.                fastening, adhesive bonding and welding.                       6 sessions | Main Campus
 Apply methods used to perform basic                      Identify the different tools that are used
 mathematical operations including                        to assemble fasteners including their                      NEW! Troubleshooting and Quality
 fractions, decimals and percentages, as                  advantages and disadvantages. Engage in                    Control
 well as conversions between fractions,                   the analysis of different safety guidelines
 decimals, mixed numbers and improper                     to perform various assembly operations
                                                                                                                     X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3
 fractions. Interpret fractions and decimals              safely and effectively. Recognize point of                 Explore the methods and tools used
 in blueprint measurements. Review the                    operation safety precautions and equip-                    to troubleshoot problems. Investigate
 English and Metric systems, including how                ment, proper fall prevention, ergonomics                   methods of finding the root cause of a
 the units of measurement are used every                  and tool-handling procedures.                              problem and learn how to distinguish devi-
 day in a production environment, and how                                                                            ations from problems and early warning
                                                          # MFG-011 | $159 (includes fees: $70)
 conversion between them occurs.                                                                                     signs. Identify the various tools used
                                                          A2P Thu, Tue | Nov. 10 & 15 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.                to collect and interpret troubleshooting
 # MFG-009 | $309 (includes fees: $70)
                                                              2 sessions | Main Campus                               data to find possible solutions. Recognize
 A2P Thu, Tue | Oct. 6 – 25 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.                                                                          the importance of organizations using
     6 sessions | Main Campus                                                                                        methods, such as quality management
                                                                                                                     systems and quality standards. Describe
                                                                                                                     how each department of an organization
                                                                                                                     plays a role in achieving quality.
                                                                                                                     # MFG-014 | $259 (includes fees: $70)
                                                                                                                     A3P Tue, Thu | Jan. 10 – 19 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                         4 sessions | Main Campus

                                           Carroll Community College                              Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                        Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                17           Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                       Register at                              Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
PROFESSIONAL                                                            REGISTER NOW
  TRAINING                          Advanced Manufacturing

 NEW! Manufacturing Capstone                                          NEW! Automotive Electrical Systems                         COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN
 X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3               X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3     (CAD)
 Analyze the manufacturing industry and                               Working on modern cars is like working
 the various activities that are required to                          on a computer. Understanding the                           AutoCAD 1 - Basic 2D 
 create a product. Investigate the various                            electrical system is one of the top skills                 Learn the basic 2D features of the latest
 fields and common tasks within the manu-                             an auto technician needs. Learn how to                     versions of AutoCAD. This introductory
 facturing industry to become familiar with                           diagnose and repair electrical problems in                 course covers drawing setup, basic
 the variety of career opportunities and                              everything from batteries to the instru-                   construction and editing tools, layer
 select a career in this industry. Prepare                            ment panel. At the end of the course, you                  management, object properties, basic
 to complete the Certified Manufacturing                              will be prepared to take the Individual ASE                annotation with text and dimensions, and
 Associate (CMfgA) Certification exam. This                           Electrical/Electronic Systems Certification.               an introduction to layouts and plotting.
 industry-driven certification demonstrates                           No prior work experience is required. This                 Students will be able to receive a free
 that the individual has basic knowledge                              is the second class in the Auto-Technician                 copy of the latest version AutoCAD from
 of manufacturing and may be an ideal                                 program Prerequisite: Introduction to Auto                 Autodesk (valid for three years).
 candidate for entry-level manufacturing                              Technician                                                 # XXP-070 | $845 (includes fees: $835)
 employment. Certification is not guaran-                             # VOC-750 | $549 (includes fees: $90)
 teed.                                                                                                                                 Online   Start Anytime   3 months to complete
 # MFG-015 | $299 (includes fees: $145)                               A2P Mon, Wed | Oct. 10 – Nov. 21 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.
                                                                          13 sessions | Main Campus                              AutoCAD Fundamentals Certificate
 A3P Tue, Thu | Jan. 24 – Feb. 2 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.                          Instructor: Anthony Brady
     4 sessions | Main Campus
                                                                                                                                 This Certificate training program covers all
                                                                      NEW! Automotive Brake Systems                              aspects of 2D Computer Aided Drafting
 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN                                                X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3     and Design with the latest versions of
                                                                      Gain the knowledge and know-how to                         AutoCAD. It also includes an introduction
 NEW! Introduction to Automotive                                      diagnose and repair different types of                     to basic 3D modeling concepts ensuring
 Technician                                                           brake systems. At the end of the course,                   the graduate of this program will have
                                                                      you will be prepared to take the Individual                a sound fundamental understanding of
 X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3               ASE Brakes Certification. This is the third                both 2D and 3D skills for working with
 If there is one thing you can count on, it’s                         class in the Auto Technician program.                      AutoCAD. These three basic courses
 that your car will need to be repaired at                            Prerequisite: Automotive Electrical                        are essential for architects, engineers,
 some point and it’s going to cost you big!                           Systems or comparable training.                            interior designers and all those involved
 Instead of paying someone to fix it, have                                                                                       in the production of technical drawings.
                                                                      # VOC-751 | $549 (includes fees: $90)
 people pay you to repair their car troubles.                                                                                    Students will be able to receive a free
 No experience is needed to start your                                A2P Wed, Mon | Nov. 30 – Feb. 1* | 6 – 9:15 p.m.           copy of the latest version AutoCAD from
 journey as an entry-level auto-technician.                               13 sessions | Main Campus                              Autodesk (valid for three years) at the
 Review the topics covered in the Auto-                                   Instructor: Anthony Brady                              time of enrollment. Instructions on how to
 Technician Certificate and how it can be a                               *No class 12/19, 12/21,12/26,12/28,01/2/2023,          do this will be included in their welcome
 launching pad to attain your Maintenance                                 1/16/2023                                              letter.
 and Light Repair in only a year. Learn the                                                                                      # XXP-071 | $2,455 (includes fees: $2,445)
 basics of what it will take to be successful                         NEW! Automotive Suspension and
 in the program and the industry.                                                                                                      Online   Start Anytime   9 months to complete
                                                                      Steering Systems
 # VOC-749 | $299 (includes fees: $180)
                                                                      X Part of a Workforce Training Certificate; see page 3
 A2     Mon, Wed | Sept. 26 – Oct. 5 | 6 – 9:15 p.m.                  Continue building your auto technician
        4 sessions | Main Campus                                      knowledge by learning the suspension
        Instructor: Anthony Brady                                     and steering of automobiles. Gain an
                                                                      understanding of how to diagnose and
                                                                      repair steering, suspension and wheel
         GET HELP                                                     alignment problems. At the end of the
                                                                      course, you will be prepared to take the
        PAYING FOR                                                    Individual ASE Suspension and Steering
      CAREER TRAINING                                                 Certification. This is the final class in the
                                                                      Auto Technician program. Prerequisite:
            More than $100,000 in                                     Automotive Brake Systems or comparable
         scholarship funds available,                                 training.
          plus tuition assistance for                                 # VOC-752 | $549 (includes fees: $90)
         eligible non-credit students.
                  For info, visit                                     A3P Mon, Wed | Feb. 13 – April 3* | 6 – 9:15 p.m.
                                                          001-02-23                                 13 sessions | Main Campus
      or contact Beth Lee at 410-386-8096.                                Instructor: Anthony Brady
                                                                          *No class 3/20/2023,3/22/2023

                                           Carroll Community College                                          Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $10 per course
                        Continuing Education & Training: 410-386-8100                            18           Maryland Non-Carroll County residents: DEDUCT $5 per course
                       Register at                                          Maryland senior adults pay fees only.
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