Page created by Bonnie Adkins

UNC Health Care Epic@UNC Training Program

      Epic@UNC.............................................................................................................. 5
      Epic@UNC Training Program................................................................................. 5
           Training Methodology........................................................................................................................... 7
           PreLearning, Prerequisites, Class Registration, & Assessments ...................................................... 7
           Training dates to remember ................................................................................................................ 7
           Training Plans in LMS .......................................................................................................................... 8
           Course Catalog ..................................................................................................................................... 8

      Epic@UNC Training Facility Guidelines & Location .............................................. 9
           Location #1: West Wing Training Lab ................................................................................................ 9
           Location #2: Learning Street ........................................................................................................... 10
           Other Training Information for all facilities ...................................................................................... 12

      Epic@UNC Training & Support Team .................................................................. 13
           Instructional Designers ..................................................................................................................... 13
           Credentialed Trainers ....................................................................................................................... 13
           Super User Coordinator .................................................................................................................... 13
           Super Users ....................................................................................................................................... 14
           Contractor Super Users (“Elbow Support”) ...................................................................................... 14
           End Users........................................................................................................................................... 14

      LMS Instruction Guide ........................................................................................ 15
           Registering for Classes within a Training Plan ................................................................................ 15
           Canceling from an Activity within a Training Plan ........................................................................... 18
           Re-registering for an Activity within a Training Plan ........................................................................ 19
           Managers: Registering Others for Classes within a Training Plan ................................................. 19

      Emulating Users ............................................................................................... 19
      Training Plan Quick Reference ........................................................................... 21
           Contacts for Help............................................................................................................................... 21

      Primary Role-Based Training Plans .................................................................... 22

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UNC Health Care Epic@UNC Training Program

      Ambulatory & Wisdom (Clinical) Training Plans ................................................. 23
      Ambulatory & Wisdom Clinical Course Descriptions.......................................... 25
           Ambulatory and Wisdom for Dental Specialties .............................................................................. 25
           Ambulatory (Non-Wisdom) for Dental Specialties ........................................................................... 26
           Personalization Lab........................................................................................................................... 27
           Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants ................................................................................. 28
           Ambulatory Nurse.............................................................................................................................. 29
           Ambulatory Provider .......................................................................................................................... 29

      Clinic Manager Training Plans ............................................................................ 30
      Clinic Manager Course Descriptions .................................................................. 31
           Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants ................................................................................. 31
           Wisdom Schegistrar 100 .................................................................................................................. 32
           Wisdom Schegistrar 101 .................................................................................................................. 33
           Wisdom Front Desk 200 ................................................................................................................... 34
           Professional Billing Charge Capture Management & Charge Router ............................................ 35
           Ambulatory Clinic Manager ............................................................................................................... 35
           Provider Template Editing................................................................................................................. 36
           Epic@UNC Reporting (Optional)........................................................................................................ 36

      Cadence Scheduling & Registration Training Plans........................................... 37
      Cadence Scheduling & Registration Course Descriptions ................................. 38
           Wisdom Schegistrar 100 .................................................................................................................. 38
           Wisdom Schegistrar 101 .................................................................................................................. 39
           Wisdom Front Desk 200 ................................................................................................................... 40
           Professional Billing Charge Entry & Charge Review ........................................................................ 41
           Provider Template Editing................................................................................................................. 41

      Resolute Professional Billing Training Plans ...................................................... 42
      Resolute Professional Billing Course Descriptions ............................................ 44
           Professional Billing Fundamentals................................................................................................... 44
           Professional Billing Insurance Follow-Up & Reviewing Claims ....................................................... 44
           PB Guarantor Payments & Payment Arrangements for Wisdom ................................................... 44

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           Professional Billing Payment Posting............................................................................................... 45
           Professional Billing Credit Analyst.................................................................................................... 45
           Professional Billing Charge Entry & Charge Review ........................................................................ 45
           Professional Billing Charge Capture Management & Charge Router ............................................ 46
           Professional Billing Prior Approval for Wisdom ............................................................................... 46

      Beaker Lab Training Plans .................................................................................. 47
      Beaker Lab Course Descriptions ........................................................................ 48
           Lab Processor .................................................................................................................................... 48
           AP Lab Technologist .......................................................................................................................... 48
           Pathologist ......................................................................................................................................... 49
           Lab Manager ..................................................................................................................................... 49
           Ancillary Scheduler ............................................................................................................................ 50

      Research Training Plans ..................................................................................... 51
      Research Course Descriptions ........................................................................... 52
           Research Coordinator – Study Maintenance .................................................................................. 52

      HIM Training Plans .............................................................................................. 53
      HIM Course Descriptions .................................................................................... 54
           HIM – Release of Information .......................................................................................................... 54

      Secondary Training Plans ................................................................................... 55
      Advanced Reporting Training Plans ................................................................... 56
      Advanced Reporting Course Descriptions .......................................................... 57
           Epic@UNC Reporting ......................................................................................................................... 57
           Business Objects/WebI .................................................................................................................... 58

      OnBase Scanning Training Plans ....................................................................... 59
           OnBase Scanning: Clinical ................................................................................................................ 60
           OnBase Scanning: Registration ........................................................................................................ 60
           OnBase Scanning: HB/PB ................................................................................................................ 61
           OnBase Scanning: HIM ..................................................................................................................... 61

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       Wisdom Clinical Abstractor Training Plans ......................................................... 62
       Wisdom Clinical Abstractor Course Description ................................................. 63
            Wisdom Clinical Abstractor ............................................................................................................... 63

    Our goal with the Epic@UNC project is to create an information system solution across all UNC Health Care
    locations integrating patient access, ambulatory, clinical, inpatient, and revenue workflows. When fully
    implemented, Epic@UNC provides “one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, and one bill”.
    Epic@UNC utilizes a single database ensuring reliability of information, workflow efficiency, and a complete
    portal for our patients, providers, and co-workers. This transformation allows us to share information, generate
    meaningful reports, conduct research, and identify opportunities for process improvements.

    Epic@UNC Training Program
    The goals for Epic@UNC training are to deliver a constructive, interactive, and self-motivated training program
    that allows users to develop knowledge, skill, and confidence using Epic@UNC and ensure a safe and high
    quality experience for our patients from the first day of our go-live. All the components of this training program
    exist to assure patient safety and quality care by providing you with a similar familiarity when using the
    Epic@UNC integrated system.
    We have provided Epic@UNC training for over 40,000 people over the past 5 years. Our Epic@UNC Training
    Program is based on the following Guiding Principles established at the outset of this project.

                      UNC Health Care requires Epic@UNC training and a proficiency test for all users.
                      Users will not receive log-on credentials until a proficiency test is passed. This is a “no
                       pass, no access” policy.
                      Proficiency is a condition of medical staff privileges.
                      Training is required and will be compensated under standard work policies.
    Assessments to determine proficiency are administered at the end of instructor-led class and require a
    minimum score of 80%. Failure to achieve a minimum score of 80% after three attempts requires a repeat of
    the appropriate instructor-led class before advancing to the next step in the training plan toward receiving
    system access to the Epic@UNC application.
    The Epic@UNC Training Team is committed to provide our customers with a meaningful learning experience. We
    have an excellent team of smart, creative, energetic, and loyal people conscientiously working to design,
    develop, and deliver appropriate training for our go-live events as well as ongoing training with an infrastructure
    to support and sustain user readiness. Team roles and responsibilities align with our objective to help you learn

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                         Training Program

    to use Epic@UNC and ensure you have the information necessary to complete the correct training plan for your
    role. I encourage you to read the information contained in this document as it provides a lot of important and
    useful information.
    If you have questions or need more information, please send an email to epictraining@unchealth.unc.edu.
    Training Plan and course information in this document may change as Instructional Designers and Analysts
    adjust the build, testing, and confirmation requirements of the Epic@UNC project.
    Refer to the “As of MM/DD/YYYY” located in the document footer for the current updated information.

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                         Training Program

    Training Methodology
    Learning Epic@UNC involves a blended approach of eLearning courses, hands-on classroom instruction,
    80% or better on after-class assessments, access to a Playground environment for self-initiated practice,
    and, for some groups, proficiency
    checks with a Super User from
    your work area. Practice using
    Playground reinforces proficiency
    and confidence prior to go-live.
    Personalization Lab for providers allows users to customize their own profile using Smart phrases, text,
    preference lists, etc.

    PreLearning, Prerequisites, Class Registration, & Assessments
    Completion of the correct role-based Training Plan is the responsibility of each person and their direct
    manager to ensure Epic@UNC application access is correct. The LMS (Learning Made Simple) learning
    management system tracks registration, completion of eLearning courses, class attendance, and
    assessment scores for demonstration of proficiency.

    Training dates to remember
                                                  Milestone                                                          Date

                     Epic 2018 e-Learning courses available in SumTotal LMS                                          Now

                             Class Schedules available in SumTotal LMS                                               July

                                   Super User Training (first 2 weeks)                                        11/6-11/27

          End User Classroom Training (last 7 weeks – Super Users support classes)                             12/2-1/20

                                               Playground Live                                                  Early Nov

                                                 Go-live Date                                              January 28, 2020

    Early registration is the best action to ensure a seat in the classes required for each role. Complete
    eLearning courses and prerequisite instructor-led courses so that you are prepared for each class in your

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    training plan. Coming prepared also helps avoid delays with class end time from having to use unplanned
    class time to provide this instruction.

    Training Plans in LMS
    Each training plan contains instructor-led courses required for access to the Epic@UNC application.
    Training Plans could include courses from one or more Epic@UNC Applications, depending on the role. You
    can complete more than one training plan if your role at your organization requires it.

    Course information in this document may change as Instructional Designers and Analysts adjust the build,
    testing, and confirmation requirements of the Epic@UNC project.
    Refer to the “As of MM/DD/YYYY” located in the document footer for the current updated information.

    Course Catalog
    The Course Catalog section is organized according to Epic@UNC Applications and provides additional
    details about the courses you need to complete.

     Application                  Epic@UNC application
     Epic@UNC Course              The name of the course
                                  The duration of the class from Start to End. Comfort breaks are included for all
     Course Length                classes. A 30-60-minute meal break is included for courses with 6 or more hours
                                  of content.
     Roles                        Who performs the work
     Course Description           High-level content summary
                                  Online lessons to prepare you for the instructor-led class.
                                  Includes content to reduce instructor-led class time.
     PreLearning or
                                  Average duration of 5-10 minutes for each eLearning course.
                                  Note: Failure to complete preLearning before coming to class may result in the instructor
                                  having to teach content not included in the time allocated for the class and could delay
                                  end time.
     Course prerequisites         Course or courses that must be completed before taking the course.
     Post-learning                Recommended learning following class to advance knowledge and skill.
                                  Information about a class location other than the UNC Learning Street training
     Class location

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    Epic@UNC Training Facility Guidelines & Location
    Classes for the Epic@UNC Go-live event are being taught at:

    Location #1: West Wing Training Lab

    ISD Hospital West Wing Training Lab
    UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill, NC
    The ISD Hospital West Wing Training Lab is located in the West Wing of the Hospital (sometime referred to as
    the Old Infirmary or Old Clinic). Follow the instructions listed below, from various landmarks in the hospital, to
    get to the ISD Hospital West Wing Training Lab. If you have any trouble finding the location that day, call the
    ISD Hospital West Wing Lab at 919-843-0357 (or 3-0357 inside the hospital).
    PLEASE NOTE: You cannot access the 3rd floor of the West Wing from the 3rd floor of the Hospital. The
    3 West inpatient unit access is a restricted area and not a pass through except as an emergency (fire) exit. It is
    blocked - you must go up to 4th floor or down to 2nd floor and then come back up or down to the 3rd floor of
    the West Wing.

    • From the lobby of the Main Hospital: Enter the Main lobby of the hospital - you are on the ground floor.
    Walk to the left of the Information desk and go up the escalators to the 1st floor. Once you get off the
    escalator on the 1st floor, walk down the hallway diagonally to your left. You will walk past the Chaplain's
    office. Take a left at the next hallway intersection. This hallway will meet with another hallway - continue
    down the joined hallway. Take the next left down the hallway with the post office at the end. Take the stairs or
    elevator to the 3rd floor. Take a right and the training lab (ISD Hospital West Wing) is all the way at the end of
    the hallway. Go into the suite, and the door is at the end of the hallway.

    • From the front of the hospital (coming from the parking deck, bus stop, etc.): Park in the appropriate
    parking deck (Cardinal is for designated staff, Dogwood is a pay deck for visitors) or get off at the bus stop –
    both are across from the front of the hospital. Walk towards the main entrance of the hospital, which is to the
    left side of the complex. To the left of the main entrance (about 40 feet to the left) is a driveway that leads
    between the main hospital and the Burnett-Womack building. At the end of this driveway is a loading dock on
    the left. This is the West Wing/Old Clinic building. Go up the ramp and enter the back door of this building.
    There are snack and drink machines immediately to your right. Walk past these and take an immediate right,
    past the Mailroom. Take the elevator on the left to the 3rd floor. Take a right out of the elevator and walk
    about 20 feet until you come to a suite. Enter the suite and the computer lab is at the end of the hallway.

    • From the Mailroom: Go to the Mailroom on the 1st floor of the West Wing. Take the elevator or stairs to the
    3rd floor. Take a right off the elevator/stairwell and the training lab (ISD Hospital West Wing) is all the way at
    the end of the hallway. Go into the suite, and the door is at the end of the hallway.

    • From the Clinic Auditorium: The Clinic Auditorium is a common meeting place. The Auditorium is on the 4th
    floor and near the West Wing. Upon exiting the Clinic Auditorium, take a right. Eventually, you will come across
    a sign indicating you are entering Memorial Hospital. Just after that, take a right into the long hallway. Go into
    that hallway and take the stairs or elevator down to the 3rd floor. From the stairs or elevator, take a right and
    the training lab (ISD Hospital West Wing) is all the way at the end of the hallway. Go into the suite, and the
    door is at the end of the hallway.

    • From the Bondurant/Brinkhous-Bullitt: Enter the West Wing through the area between the West Wing and
    the Brinkhous-Bullitt building behind the hospital (by the dining facility). Upon entry through the 2 sets of

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    double doors, walk forward past the Cath Lab waiting area (about 25 feet) past Invasive Cardiology, and go
    up the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor. Take a right and the training lab (ISD Hospital West Wing) is all the
    way at the end of the hallway. Go into the suite, and the door is at the end of the hallway.

    Location #2: Learning Street
    “Learning Street”, our Epic@UNC training center at 2001 Carrington Mill Blvd., Morrisville, NC 27560.

    • From I-40 Westbound (Johnston): Take I-40 East to exit 284, turn left onto Airport Blvd. Cross over the
      bridge, then just after the Cracker Barrel turn right onto Perimeter Park Drive, then right onto Paramount
      Parkway and go all the way to the end of the street to a lighted intersection. Turn left onto Carrington
      Mill Blvd and Learning Street will be the first facility on your right.

    Learning Street has 24 classrooms, ample parking, and a break room to accommodate the training
    demands of providers and co-workers in classes. The majority of training will be held at Learning Street.

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    IMPORTANT REMINDERS: Classroom name and location appears in the confirmation email you receive
    from the LMS upon registering for a class. When arriving at Learning Street, check in with the front desk
    and with the information on monitors and directional signs to locate the correct classroom.

    Logistics for Learning Street

                     The Learning Street classrooms are accessible from the main front entrance.

                     There are 24 classrooms in Learning Street. A greeter sits at the entrance to help get you to
                      the correct class. The classrooms are organized in numerical order, starting with 100 – Tulip
                      going all the way to 315 – Persimmon. Three suites are defined with the facility: 100 in the
                      front section, 200 in the middle, and 300 on the back hallway.

                     Please wear your badge for identification purposes.

                     There are restaurants within a short drive.

                     When you go on break or lunch, you must reenter Learning Street through the main

                     Parking is free; however, you cannot park at Learning Street overnight.

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    Other Training Information for all facilities

    Parking and Transportation at Training Facilities
    Parking is available at all training facilities at no charge. Please be conscious of your surroundings and
    keep valuables out of sight in your car. Lock your car while in the training class.

    Personal comfort, food, beverages, and electronic devices
    We want you to feel comfortable when attending training. Make a note of the following guidelines when
    preparing to attend training.
                      Dress in layers to accommodate personal preference.
                      We require a fragrance-free environment due to health conditions triggered from sensitivity
                       to scents.
                      Food is not permitted in the classrooms.
                      Covered beverage containers may be permitted in the classroom.
                      Break room space is available if you want to bring food for breaks or a meal.
                      Restaurants and cafeterias are close to the other training rooms for food.
                      Turn electronic devices to ‘stun’ or ‘silence’ during class.
                      Power outlets are often not available in the classroom to charge laptop or electronic

    Adverse weather
    If adverse weather threatens or cancels classes, we will communicate through the email listed for you in
    SumTotal LMS (Learning Management System). Please monitor this email for updates on classes.

    Ongoing Epic@UNC Training
    New employees and other clinical staff complete the same or very similar Epic@UNC training requirements
    going forward. You would use the LMS to sign them up for the appropriate curriculum in the future.

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                Epic@UNC Training
                         Training Program

    Epic@UNC Training & Support Team
    Instructional Designers
    Our team of Instructional Designers (IDs) is part of the Epic@UNC Core Team. These individuals are
    certified in many different Epic 2018 applications and are responsible for developing all aspects of our
    Epic@UNC training including:
                      Planning the curriculum.
                      Building and maintaining the training environment.
                      Constructing scenario-based instruction within the training environment.
                      Setting the class schedules.
                      Training and credentialing our Credentialed Trainers.
                      Conducting provider personalization instruction and coaching.

    Epic Certification requires completion of required training at the Epic Training Campus in Verona,
    Wisconsin, demonstrated mastery of material, and completion of projects.

     Epic Application ID                             ID Name                          Email
                                                     Lauren Hayes                     Lauren.Hayes@unchealth.unc.edu
     Wisdom Clinical                                 Jackie Cobb                      Jacqueline.Cobb@unchealth.unc.edu
                                                     Nkem Granger                     Nkem.Granger@unchealth.unc.edu
     Wisdom Cadence Scheduling &                     Walter Gaudet                    Walter.Gaudet@unchealth.unc.edu
     Registration                                    Evan Howell                      Evan.Howell@unchealth.unc.edu

     Wisdom Professional Billing                     Denise Ellington                 Denise.Ellington@unchealth.unc.edu

     Beaker Lab                                      Johanna Miller-Bellew            Johanna.Miller-Bellew@unchealth.unc.edu

     Research & HIM                                  Anne Sargent                     Anne.Sargent@unchealth.unc.edu

    Credentialed Trainers
    Credentialed Trainers (CTs) are the classroom instructors who will teach Epic@UNC to all UNC Health Care
    providers and co-workers. They are responsible for ensuring that each user completes his or her required
    training plan to gain access to Epic@UNC. We are in the process of hiring Credentialed Trainers to join our
    training team for the duration of this project.

    Super User Coordinator
    Our Super User Coordinator, Dean Hondros, work directly with providers and co-workers to ensure they
    have the information necessary for their support role and to assist in scheduling their training. The Super
    User Coordinator will contact management and super users to get them prepared for her role as super

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    Super Users
    Super Users (SUs) focus their attention during and following go-live by actively supporting Epic@UNC and
    ensuring users know how to use Epic@UNC properly in their work area.
    We have already started the process of identifying the super users to help support this rollout. In most
    cases, Super Users concentrate on supporting the team in their area. For example, a nurse working in a
    clinic provides support to his or her co-workers in that clinic or facility. She would typically not be asked to
    support a clinic in another city.
    Super Users begin their training with an orientation session. These orientation sessions will be
    communicated soon. Then, each Super User receives the appropriate Epic@UNC training for their job.
    Super User classes start 2 weeks prior to the End User Training.
    Following this initial training, Super Users are expected to sit in again on the same job-appropriate
    Epic@UNC training when it is held during End User Training. During this time, Super Users continue
    developing proficiency and assist the Credentialed Trainer with questions about operational practices or
    processes. When not in class, super users should encourage their co-workers to play in the Playground
    and practice what they have learned in class.
    Finally, Super Users attend a Readiness Session in the week before their Go-live to ensure they are
    prepared to provide support on their unit, clinic, or work area. During this Readiness Session, Super Users
    receive all of the necessary details, instructions, and contacts to reference for issues that arise at and
    following Go-live.

    Contractor Super Users (“Elbow Support”)
    In addition to our co-workers who serve as Super Users, we may bring in consultants for ‘at the elbow
    support’ who will be stationed in our units, practices, and work areas during the period after each Go-live to
    assist both our Super Users and End Users as we make the transition to Epic@UNC.

    End Users
    Anyone requiring access to Epic@UNC is classified as an “End User”.

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                            Catalog Program                                                               LMS Instruction Guide

       LMS Instruction Guide
       System access to the LMS requires a UNC Health Care active domain account. Contact the UNCHCS
       Service Desk at 984.974.5647 if you need assistance with system access or using the LMS.

       Registering for Classes within a Training Plan
           1. Login to LMS. You can access from MyApps –
              https://myapps.unch.unc.edu/Citrix/MyAppsWeb/ – or through direct access HERE. Your
              LMS and MyApps login and password are the same; if you do not know your login, contact the
              UNC Service Desk at 984-974-4357.

           2. From the Home dashboard, click the Self menu                         and select the expand arrow to the right
              of Development and select Training Plans:

           3. Use the search bar on the top left to locate the appropriate Training Plan by typing part of the
              Training Plan name:

           4. Locate the appropriate training plan and click the                           button to the right of the
              Training Plan to view all associated instructor-led activities.

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           5. To see the available offerings for each activity, click                          to the right of the course,
              then click          .
           6. All classes with availability show on this next page. Review the 1) date and time, 2) location,
              and 3) capacity of the offerings.

       *Please note: If classes are located at multiple locations, you may filter to the location you are trying
             to schedule via the Location dropdown menu, otherwise it is defaulted to all locations:

           7. Select the radio button to the left of the activity you wish to register. “Registration Allowed”
              appears if you do not have any activities already scheduled in LMS during this time.

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           8. Select            , then click     to return to the previous page and then click
              to register for the remaining courses in your Training Plan.
                   Be sure to schedule courses by date and time in the sequence listed in your Training

                         NOTE: If you happen to select the linked course name, you can close the window by
                          clicking      .
                         This will then return you to the Goals where you can select the View Activities for
                          registration OR                              if you need to go back to the Training Plan list.

           9. Repeat steps 5-8 until you have selected a class offering for each required course in the
              Training Plan.

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       Canceling from an Activity within a Training Plan
       If needing to cancel from an instructor-led class within a Training Plan, you must first navigate to the
       training schedule to view your scheduled training plan activities.

       1. Select My Training Schedule from the Quick Links menu on the Home screen:

       2. Find the activity that needs to be canceled and select the check box to the left of the activity:

       3. Select the Cancel Registration button located above your registrations.
       4. Verify that the appropriate activities are selected.

       5. Select the Cancel Marked button located in the bottom right corner.

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       Re-registering for an Activity within a Training Plan

       1. From the Home dashboard, click the Self menu                       and select the expand arrow to the right of
       Development and select Training Plans:

                Return to pp. 13-15 for how to register for an activity with an Epic@UNC Training Plan

       Managers: Registering Others for Classes within a Training Plan

       Emulating Users
       With the proper security permission, you can emulate a managed or viewable user from the Manager
       Dashboard. Emulation allows you to view the user’s pages as if they were your own. You can also
       perform some actions on behalf of the user like canceling or registering.

       1) In the Header menu, click My Team>Manager Dashboard.

       2) Under the defaulted Users screen, you can search on any of the users listed in your domain with
       the search bar to the right hand side of the screen.

       3) Enter the name of the user into the search field to the right of the screen and press Enter or click
                 on your keyboard.

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      4) Once the results are displayed, you can select the Profile drop-
      down arrow to view several options to choose from to begin your
      emulation of the user.

      5) Select Training Schedule from the menu.

      From this point, you can navigate through the user’s profile, view
      their information, and perform available actions. Your menu
      options and permissions change to reflect the user you are

      6) Continue with instructions from pages 15-17 until the user is registered for all required activities.

      Once the user is completely registered for training via their role-based Epic@UNC Training Plan, exit
      emulation mode to return to your profile. Follow these steps for each user you wish to register for

      Exit Emulation
      1) In the Header menu, click              .

                        2) Click Exit Emulation.

       NOTE: If a user needs to be canceled for training, emulate the user, then follow the steps on pages
       18 and 19 to cancel and re-register the user for training. Be sure to exit emulation once you have
                                      processed their new registration(s).

      Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill   | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 20
Training Plan Quick Reference
Role-based Training Plans carry the name of the function and may not match exactly the name of
your Job Class or Working Title. Read the course descriptions in the application-specific section of
this catalog to help you self-identify the correct Training Plan for your area of responsibility.
Training Plans and course information in this document may change as Instructional Designers and
Analysts complete the final build, testing, and confirmation requirements of the Epic@UNC project.
Refer to the “As of MM/DD/YYYY” located in the document footer for the current updated
Courses in each Training Plan must be taken in the order listed. Refer to the application-specific
section of the course catalog to read a high-level description of the course content, pre-learning and
course prerequisites, and other relevant information.
Register into a class according to the course sequence in the Training Plan because content builds
from one learning to the next. Refer to the LMS Instructions in this document for assistance using
the LMS.
NOTE: Comfort breaks are included in Classroom Hours. Classes with duration of 6 or more hours also include
a 30-60 minute meal break.

Contacts for Help
Help using LMS: Call the ISD Service Desk at 984.974.4357
Questions about Epic@UNC Training: Send an email to epictraining@unchealth.unc.edu.

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Primary Role-Based Training Plans
The following Training Plans are the primary role-based Training Plans for the ASOD Go-Live. There
may be secondary Training Plans that you or your staff may need to sign up for, depending on your
role. These include Advanced Reporting, Scanning, and Clinical Abstractor and start on page 53 in
the Secondary Training Plans section.

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Ambulatory & Wisdom (Clinical) Training Plans
Role-based Training Plans carry the name of the function and may not match exactly the name of
your Job Class or Working Title. Read the course descriptions in the application-specific section of
this catalog to help you self-identify the correct Training Plan for your area of responsibility.
Courses in each Training Plan must be taken in the order listed. Refer to the application-specific
section of the course catalog to read a high-level description of the course content, pre-learning and
course prerequisites, and other relevant information.
Register into a class according to the course sequence in the Training Plan because content builds
from one learning to the next. Refer to the LMS Instructions in this document for assistance using
the LMS.

Dental Providers with Wisdom
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Ambulatory and Wisdom for Dental Specialties                                  7          Ambulatory & Wisdom
     Personalization Lab                                                           2


Dental Providers without Wisdom (Radiology & Pathology)
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Ambulatory (Non-Wisdom) for Dental Specialties                                4               Ambulatory
     Personalization Lab                                                           2

Dental Hygienists and Assistants
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants                                  7           Ambulatory & Wisdom

Dental Hygienists and Assistants Who Cover Front Desk
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants                                  7           Ambulatory & Wisdom
     Schegistrar 100                                                              9                Cadence
     Schegistrar 101                                                              9                Cadence
     Front Desk 200                                                               9                Cadence

Ambulatory Nurse (OMFS Nurses)
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Ambulatory Nurse                                                             7               Ambulatory


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Ambulatory Provider (OMFS Providers)
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Ambulatory Provider                                                          8                Ambulatory

Clinical Transcriptionist
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                  Classroom Hours    Epic@UNC Application
     Virtual Class to be Set up by ID (not in LMS)                                3            Ambulatory & Beaker

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Ambulatory & Wisdom Clinical Course Descriptions
                         Ambulatory and Wisdom for Dental Specialties
  Course Length: 7 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:
  This course is intended for Dental Faculty, Dental                                   eLearning: MD100 – Overview of
  Residents, and DDS Students who will be using                                         Hyperspace
  EpicCare Ambulatory (Outpatient application) and
  Wisdom to edit and document on the Tooth Chart                                       eLearning: CLN055 – Overview of
  and use the Treatment Plan activities in Epic.                                        Writing Notes
                                                                                       eLearning: MD103 – Finding
  NOTE: For Faculty and Residents in Peds and Dental                                    Patient Information
  Ecology who are already using Wisdom at the Dental
  Clinic in the hospital, please reach out to Instructional                            eLearning: MD108 – Overview of
  Designers: lauren.hayes@unchealth.unc.edu or                                          In Basket
  Jacqueline.cobb@unchealth.unc.edu to waive training                                  eLearning: MYC001 – Overview of
  and for a potential shortened/specialized training
                                                                                        MyChart Patient Portal
  session closer to the Go-Live date.
                                                                                       eLearning: MYC010 – Sending and
  In this course you will learn the basics of using                                     Reviewing Patient Questionnaires
  the EpicCare Ambulatory & Wisdom applications,                                       WSD001: Using the Tooth Chart
  including how to:                                                                    POS127: It’s Possible… Treatment
       - Navigate in Epic in an outpatient setting                                      Plan
       - Work with the schedule and find patients
       - Review information in the patient's chart
       - Enter findings, existing treatments, and
           planned procedures on the tooth chart
       - Create, modify, and complete treatment
           plans for your patients
       - Generate multiple procedure options for
           your patients                                                               West Wing Training Lab (Main
       - Generate estimates                                                             Hospital, Chapel Hill, NC)
       - Place orders
       - Write a note
       - Wrap up a visit and close an encounter
       - Use In Basket to respond to messages
       - Faculty, Resident, & Student sign off and
           co-sign workflows

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Ambulatory (Non-Wisdom) for Dental Specialties
  Course Length: 4 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for Dental Faculty &                                         eLearning: MD100 – Overview of
  Residents who will be using Epic’s Ambulatory                                         Hyperspace
  (outpatient) application.                                                            eLearning: CLN055 – Overview of
                                                                                        Writing Notes
  NOTE: Only Faculty and Residents in certain divisions
  who will not use Wisdom/Treatment Plans will take
                                                                                       eLearning: MD103 – Finding
  this class. This includes Pathology and Radiology.                                    Patient Information
                                                                                       eLearning: MD108 – Overview of
  All others will take the Ambulatory and Wisdom
                                                                                        In Basket
  course above instead.
                                                                                       eLearning: MYC001 – Overview of
                                                                                        MyChart Patient Portal
  In this course you will learn the basics of using                                    eLearning: MYC010 – Sending and
  the EpicCare Ambulatory application for Dental                                        Reviewing Patient Questionnaires
  users, including how to:
  - Navigate in Epic in an outpatient setting                       Location:
  -Work with the schedule and find patients                                            West Wing Training Lab (Main
  -Review information in the patient's chart,                                           Hospital, Chapel Hill, NC)
  including viewing the Tooth Chart
  -Place orders
  -Write a note
  -Wrap up a visit and close an encounter
  -Use In Basket to respond to messages
  -Faculty and Resident co-sign workflows

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Personalization Lab
  Course Length: 2 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This is course is intended for Dental Faculty,                                       n/a
  Residents, and DDS Students.
  In this course you will learn the basics of
  personalization in Epic, including how to:
       -    Create SmartPhrase note templates and
            share them with your colleagues                                            West Wing Training Lab (Main
       -    Create personal preference lists                                            Hospital, Chapel Hill, NC)
       -    Customize your schedule and toolbars

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Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants
  Course Length: 7 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for Dental Hygienists,                                       eLearning: MD100 – Overview of
  Dental Assistants, and Dental Hygiene Students.                                       Hyperspace
                                                                                       eLearning: CLN055 – Overview of
                                                                                        Writing Notes
  In this course, you will learn the basics of using                                   eLearning: MD103 – Finding
  the EpicCare Ambulatory and Wisdom (dental)                                           Patient Information
  application, including how to:                                                       eLearning: MD108 – Overview of
       -    Navigate in Epic in an outpatient setting                                   In Basket
       -    Find, schedule, and reschedule patients                                    eLearning: MYC001 – Overview of
            on the Snapboard schedule                                                   MyChart Patient Portal
       -    Work with the multi-provider schedule                                      eLearning: MYC010 – Sending and
            and find patients                                                           Reviewing Patient Questionnaires
       -    Review information in the patient’s chart                                  WSD001: Using the Tooth Chart
       -    Place orders                                                               POS127: It’s Possible… Treatment
       -    Write a note                                                                Plan
       -    Wrap up a visit and close an encounter
       -    Enter findings, existing treatments, and
            planned procedures on the tooth chart
       -    Document a periodontal exam
       -    Create, modify, and complete treatment
            plans for your patients                                                    Learning Street (Morrisville, NC)
       -    Generate multiple procedure options for
            your patients
       -    Generate estimates
       -    Use In Basket to respond to messages

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Ambulatory Nurse
  Course Length: 7 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for Clinic Nurses in

  In this course, you learn to use the multi-provider
  schedule, room a patient, place orders, and                                          Learning Street (Morrisville, NC)
  manage In Basket messages and tasks.

                                              Ambulatory Provider
  Course Length: 7 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for Adjunct Faculty in
  OMFS who have no previous Epic training.


                                                                                       Learning Street (Morrisville, NC)

Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill       | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 29
Clinic Manager Training Plans
Role-based Training Plans carry the name of the function and may not match exactly the name of
your Job Class or Working Title. Read the course descriptions in the application-specific section of
this catalog to help you self-identify the correct Training Plan for your area of responsibility.
Courses in each Training Plan must be taken in the order listed. Refer to the application-specific
section of the course catalog to read a high-level description of the course content, pre-learning and
course prerequisites, and other relevant information.
Register into a class according to the course sequence in the Training Plan because content builds
from one learning to the next. Refer to the LMS Instructions in this document for assistance using
the LMS.

Dental Clinic Manager with Clinical Responsibilities
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                   Classroom Hours     Epic@UNC Application
     Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants                                    7           Ambulatory & Wisdom
     Schegistrar 100                                                                9                 Cadence
     Schegistrar 101                                                                9                 Cadence
     Front Desk 200                                                                 9                 Cadence
     Professional Billing Charge Capture Management and Charge Router for           3            Professional Billing
     Ambulatory Clinic Manager                                                    Online             Ambulatory
     Provider Template Editing                                                    Online              Cadence
     OPTIONAL: Epic@UNC Reporting                                                   4                 Reporting

Dental Clinic Manager without Clinical Responsibilities
     Epic@UNC Course Name                                                   Classroom Hours     Epic@UNC Application
     Schegistrar 100                                                                9                 Cadence
     Schegistrar 101                                                                9                 Cadence
     Front Desk 200                                                                 9                 Cadence
     Professional Billing Charge Capture Management and Charge Router for           3            Professional Billing
     Ambulatory Clinic Manager                                                    Online             Ambulatory
     Provider Template Editing                                                    Online              Cadence
     OPTIONAL: Epic@UNC Reporting                                                   4                 Reporting

Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill     | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 30
Clinic Manager Course Descriptions
                           Wisdom for Dental Hygienists and Assistants
  Course Length: 6 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for Dental Hygienists,                                       eLearning: MD100 – Overview of
  Dental Assistants, and Dental Hygiene Students.                                       Hyperspace
                                                                                       eLearning: CLN055 – Overview of
                                                                                        Writing Notes
  In this course, you will learn the basics of using                                   eLearning: MD103 – Finding
  the EpicCare Ambulatory and Wisdom (dental)                                           Patient Information
  application, including how to:                                                       eLearning: MD108 – Overview of
       -    Navigate in Epic in an outpatient setting                                   In Basket
       -    Find, schedule, and reschedule patients                                    eLearning: MYC001 – Overview of
            on the Snapboard schedule                                                   MyChart Patient Portal
       -    Work with the multi-provider schedule                                      eLearning: MYC010 – Sending and
            and find patients                                                           Reviewing Patient Questionnaires
       -    Review information in the patient’s chart                                  WSD001: Using the Tooth Chart
       -    Place orders                                                               POS127: It’s Possible… Treatment
       -    Write a note                                                                Plan
       -    Wrap up a visit and close an encounter
       -    Enter findings, existing treatments, and
            planned procedures on the tooth chart
       -    Document a periodontal exam
       -    Create, modify, and complete treatment
            plans for your patients                                                    Learning Street (Morrisville, NC)
       -    Generate multiple procedure options for
            your patients
       -    Generate estimates
       -    Use In Basket to respond to messages

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Wisdom Schegistrar 100
  Course Length: 9 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for users who schedule                                       eLearning: GEN006 – Overview of
  outpatient appointments, including:                                                   Hyperspace for Revenue and
                                                                                        Access Applications
  Admin staff, Hygienists and Dental Assistants
                                                                                       eLearning: CAD002 – Basic
  who cover the front desk, Clinic Managers
                                                                                        Appointment Entry
                                                                                       eLearning: CAD003A – Scheduling
  Course Objectives:                                                                    and Registering a New Adult
                                                                                        Patient Part 1
           Appointment Scheduling (new and                                            eLearning: CAD003B – Scheduling
            existing patients)                                                          and Registering a New Adult
           New Patient Registration (Demographics,                                     Patient Part 2
            Coverage(s), Guarantor Accounts)                                           eLearning: CAD009 – Recall
           Real Time Eligibility (RTE)                                                 Appointments
           Manual Eligibility                                                         eLearning: CAD010 – Cancelling
           Provider Schedules                                                          and Rescheduling Appointments
           Cancelling & Rescheduling Appointments                                     eLearning: PRE050 – Overview of
           Snapboard                                                                   Workqueues for Access
           Patient Recalls                                                            eLearning: MYC001 – Overview of
           Front Desk In-Basket Messaging                                              My Chart Patient Portal
           Hospital Account Record (HAR) basic                                        eLearning: MYC007 – Handling
            management                                                                  Appointments from MyChart
           Front Desk Follow Up Report
           Wait List with Fast Pass Intro


                                                                                       Learning Street (Morrisville, NC)

Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill       | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 32
Wisdom Schegistrar 101
  Course Length: 9 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for users who practice                                       Prerequisite Course: Schegistrar
  advanced scheduling, schedule referrals orders,                                       100
  manage referral records, visit authorizations, and                                   eLearning: RFL001 – Using
  front desk scheduling workqueues.                                                     Referrals in Epic
                                                                                       eLearning: RFL002 – Create a
  Roles: Admin staff, Hygienists and Dental
  Assistants who cover the front desk, Clinic
                                                                                       eLearning: RFL003 – Schedule a
                                                                                       eLearning: RFL004 – Responding
  Course Objectives:                                                                    to Required Referral Warnings

            Advanced Scheduling Workflows & Tools
             (multiple visits and/or multiple providers)
            Front Desk Workqueues (Referrals,
             Schedule Orders, Patient Registration,
             and Dental/Treatment Plan)
            Scheduling from an order via the
             Appointment Desk                                       Location:
            Scheduling from Workqueues
            Workqueue Management                                                      Learning Street (Morrisville, NC
            Different Payor (Coverage) Types
            Transcribing Incoming Referral orders
             (from non-UNC providers)
            Updating Referral Records
            Visit Authorizations
            Linking Appointments to Orders

Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill       | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 33
Wisdom Front Desk 200
  Course Length: 9 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This course is intended for users who work at the                                    Prerequisite Course: Schegistrar
  Dental Clinic front desk, or check patients in and                                    100
  out.                                                                                 eLearning: EBL006 – Balancing
                                                                                        Your Cash Drawer
  Roles: Admin staff, Hygienists and Dental                                            eLearning: EBL060 – Overview of
  Assistants who cover the front desk, Clinic                                           the Estimates Acitivity
                                                                                       eLearning: CAD011 – Patient
  Course Objectives:                                                                   eLearning: CAD013 – Checking in
                                                                                        a Patient with Incorrect
           Department Appointment Report (DAR)                                         Registration Information
            Setup                                                                      eLearning: CAD015 – Viewing
           Snapboard Rescheduling                                                      Provider Schedules
           Walk-Ins                                                                   eLearning: CAD019 – Checking
           Check-In                                                                    Out Appointments
           Check-Out                                                                  eLearning: CAD024 – Follow-Up
           My UNC Chart Intro & eCheck In Warnings                                     with Cancels and No Shows
           Generic Payors                                                             eLearning: CAD051 – Overview of
           Advanced HAR management                                                     the Department Appointments
           Advanced registration edits                                                 Report
           PB Dental Payor Estimates                                                  eLearning: AMBMC_GS – My UNC
           Department Specific Questionnaires                                          Chart Get Started (eCheck-In)
           MSPQ and requirements for Medicare
           Workers Compensation
           Appointment Statistics
           Point Of Service (POS) Collections and
            payment functions                                       Location:
           Referral-required payor workflow
                                                                                       Learning Street (Morrisville, NC
           Balancing Cash Drawer

Getting to ONE: one patient ID, one problem list, one medication list, one bill       | As of 9/17/2019 11:53 AM | Page 34
Professional Billing Charge Capture Management & Charge Router
  Course Length: 2 hours                                            Recommended Pre-class Learning:
  In this course, you learn how to reconcile charges                                   Course: Schegistrar 100
  at the end of the day, monitor charge volume and
                                                                                       Course: Schegistrar 101
  end user productivity. You learn the workflows
  associated with Professional Billing Charge                                          Course: Front Desk 200
  Review work queues and Charge Router work                                            Course: Professional Billing
  queues.                                                                               Charge Entry & Charge Review

  Roles: Billing Manager, Medical Coding &
  Insurance Specialist, SOD Clinic/Practice

                                         Ambulatory Clinic Manager
  Course Length: ONLINE                                             Recommended Pre-class Learning:

  This online course is designed for the Practice                                      none
  Manager who is responsible setting up and
  managing the In Basket Pools for your practice.

  During this demonstration you will learn how to:
                                                                    Class Date:
           Access the In Basket Management
            Dashboard                                                                  N/A – Online training in LMS
           Add the people you manage so that you
            can monitor their In Basket performance
           Find your designated In Basket Pools

  Assign the staff who would be responsible for
  managing the messages sent to the pool.

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You can also read