North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...

Page created by Denise Young
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...

           North Ridgeville
          Parks & Recreation
                          2020 WINTER PROGRAM GUIDE

                                                December 9

       Register Early, Register Often

Youth Baseball-Softball                            Yoga Club                    Daddy Daughter Dance
 Open to boys-girls ages 4-18. New this       Is a fun and engaging way for     Come out and enjoy an evening all
year will be a separate boys & girls t-ball   children to practice the art of   dressed up with your special little
     & coach pitch league. Page 6                      yoga. Page 5             girl. Have fun dancing and playing
                                                                                games with our DJ. Page 8
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...
General Information                                  Adult Education

  Message From The Mayor ..…………………..…          Page 3    Aromatherapy 101………………………………….                   Page 7
  Staff Information …………………………………..            Page 3    The Healing Power of Essential Oils……...…...     Page 7
  Office Information ……..………………………….           Page 3    Necessary Nutrients For Optimum Health………        Page 7
  Refund Policy ……………………………………..               Page 3    Vitamins 101……….………………………..……..                  Page 7
  Photo Policy ……………………………………....              Page 3    Nuts & Bolts Of Trusts……………….…………..              Page 7
  Program Cancellation ……………………………             Page 3    Special People, Special Planning ………..….….       Page 8
  Rainout Line …………………..………………….               Page 3    Estate Planning Essentials……..………………..           Page 8
  How To Register ………………………………….               Page 3    Top 10 Medicaid Planning Mistakes…..…………         Page 8
                                                         How To Avoid Nursing Home Poverty…………..          Page 8
                                                         Loving Without A License…………………………               Page 8
  Tot Programs                                           Caregiver Children & Their Elder Parents………      Page 8
                                                         String Art……………………………………………                      Page 8
  Tumble Bugs..……………………………………..                Page 4   Adult Sports
  Rumble, Tumble & Roll……………………………             Page 4
  Tiny Twirlers……………………………………….                Page 4
  Tots T-Ball………………………………………….                 Page 4   Men’s Basketball League…………..……………… Page 8
  Magical Munchkins…………………………………               Page 4
  Tiny Movers…………………………………………                  Page 4   Special Events
  Star Shiners……….……………………………….                Page 4
  Hummingbirds Soccer……………………………..             Page 4   Daddy Daughter Dance..…………………………… Page 8
  Little Hoop Stars……………………………………              Page 4   Madden Tournament……………………………...... Page 8
  Hoop Stars………………………………………….                  Page 4   Fishing Derby ………………………………………. Page 8
  Tot Karate…………………………………………..                 Page 4
  Jr Pony Camp….…………………………………..                Page 5        Thank You, Parks & Recreation Sponsors
                                                         NRPRD recognizes sponsors for helping to keep recreation
 Youth Programs                                         programs going. NRPRD, provider of numerous recreational
                                                        and community activities in North Ridgeville, wants to thank
                                                         the more than 50 businesses that sponsors our recreation
 Pony Camp.………….…………………………….                   Page 5                     programs and teams.
 Karate……………………………………………….                     Page 5
 Big Magic…………….……….……………………                   Page 5                  PLATINUM SPONSORS
 Next Level Big Magic…….……………………….             Page 5                    NR Corn Festival Inc.
 Advanced Fencing.………….…………………….               Page 5
                                                                    North Ridgeville Family Dentistry
 Valentines Sweet Treat Cooking Class….……...   Page 5
 Explorations in Acting….………………………….           Page 5
                                                                            Legacy Roofing
 Beginning Art………..….………………………….               Page 5
 Yoga Club………………………………………….                    Page 5                    GOLD SPONSORS
                                                                   Amica Mutual Insurance Company
                                                                   Lorain County Community College
 Youth Sports Programs                                                        Dollar Bank
                                                                           Snider Recreation
 Junior Browns Cheer Program……….……….….         Page 5
 Junior Ranger Cheer Program……………………           Page 5                    SILVER SPONSORS
 Junior Browns Flag Football…….………………..        Page 6                Spacewalk of North Ridgeville
 Junior Ranger Tackle Football….………………..       Page 6                 Nate Courtney, State Farm
 Baseball-Softball Program.……………………….          Page 6                  Arby’s of North Ridgeville
                                                                          Kalt Manufacturing
 Fitness                                                                       Sportsville
                                                                           Center Cleaning
 All Levels Yoga…..……………………………….. Page 6                             Lions Club of North Ridgeville
 Beginner Bootcamp………………………………. Page 6                               Westside Community Church
 Chair Yoga………………………………………… Page 6                                   North Ridgeville Arts Council
 Cardio Bootcamp…………………………………. Page 6
 Gentle Yoga…….………………………………….. Page 6                                   BRONZE SPONSORS
 Indoor Walking….………………………………….. Page 6                                Butternut Corners Market
 Intro To Yoga Series……..………………………. Page 7                               Costin & Kendall CPAs
 Mama Bootcamp………………………………….. Page 7                             O’Neill Healthcare of North Ridgeville
 Zumba Fitness….…………………………………. Page 7                                        Dough Daddy
 Stroller Strong….………………………………….. Page 7
                                                                 South of the Square Collision Center
 Yogalates……………………………………………. Page 7
                                                                          Dog Daze Industrial
                                                                    Alex Sismour Memorial Fund

2 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department             (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...
Message from the Mayor…
                         Dear Residents,
                         It’s hard to believe this will be my last message in the Parks & Recreation newsletter as your Mayor. It’s bittersweet but I am looking forward to
                         retirement and starting a new chapter in my life. That chapter will include spending more time with my family, traveling and during boating season
                         spending time on Lake Erie catching a fish or two! I will still be around and hope to see you at Giant Eagle or at a local eatery!

                         Now that most of the orange barrels are put away for the upcoming winter months, let’s talk about what lies ahead. Yes, the holidays! I love this time
                         of the year – Christmas and spending time with the family and friends. And, let’s not forget those that are less fortunate than us. North Ridgeville
                         Community Care is a great resource for individuals and families that are in need of assistance. Community Care draws predominantly on volunteers
                         and private donations to provide goods and services including free food, clothing, rent and utility assistance, counseling and holiday programs for those
                         less fortunate. As you are out and about doing your holiday shopping or making out your Christmas list, consider Community Care. If you would like to
                         volunteer or make a donation, please call Community Care at (440) 353-9716.

 I hope you take the time to browse through the many offerings contained in this winter issue of the program guide. If you have ideas for additional programming, please contact
 the Parks & Recreation Department at (440) 353-0860.

 To find out more about upcoming projects, ask a question or just hear what fellow residents are asking, please join me at my last coffee and conversation as your Mayor –
 Friday, December 6, 2019 from 8-9 AM at City Hall in Council Chambers. If you are unable to attend and have questions, please don’t hesitate to call my office at (440) 353-

 Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.

 Mayor Dave Gillock

 Parks & Recreation Staff                                    Refund Policy                                                 How To Register
 Mayor Dave Gillock                                          View the NRPRD Refund Policy at
 Kevin M. Fougerousse                                                                                                      Online
 Parks & Recreation Director                        Click on policy tab to view
 Phone: (440) 353-0825                                       the department’s policy.                                      Visit Login or create
 Email:                                                                                       your account to register. Forgot your user name or
 Mayor Dave Gillock                                          Photo Policy                                                  password? Contact Parks & Recreation at (440) 353-
 Melissa Shirley                                                                                                           0860 to have the information emailed to you.
                                                             The North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department
 Tot & Youth Program Supervisor                              reserves the right to take photos of participants
 Phone: (440) 353-1503                                                                                                     By Mail
                                                             enrolled in programs or those attending a Parks &
 Email:                             Recreation event. These photos are to be used strictly        Mail in a completed registration form with payment to:
                                                             by the Parks & Recreation Department for the purpose
 Brandon Sweet                                               of advertising in future brochures, catalogs, pamphlets,      North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department
 Program Supervisor                                          fliers and on the department website. Organizations,          7327 Avon Belden Road
 Phone: (440) 353-0880                                       including media relations, must have permission from          North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
 Email:                               the Parks & Recreation Director or Program Supervisor
                                                             prior to taking photographs.                                  In-Person
 Office Information                                                                                                        Drop off completed registration form with payment at
                                                             Program Cancellation                                          the Parks & Recreation Department Monday-Friday
 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation                                                                                       between 8:00AM-4:30PM.
                                                             The North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department
 7327 Avon Belden Road
                                                             reserves the right to cancel any activity, program or
 North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
                                                             event based on insufficient registrations, supervision or     Drop Box
                                                             facilities. All activities, programs or events will either    Can’t make it during the hours of operation? Place your
 Phone:     (440) 353-0860
                                                             be rescheduled or fees refunded.                              registration form and check payment (NO CASH) in an
 Fax:       (440) 353-0845                                   All classes require a minimum number of participants          envelope and place in our secure drop box on our
                                                             in order to be conducted. If the class minimum is not         office door, 24 / 7. Make checks payable to NR
 Weather                                                     met by the deadline date, the activity is canceled.           PARKS & REC.
 Hotline: (440) 210-6226                                     Please register at least 5 days prior to the beginning
                                                             of the activity.
                                                             Rainout Line
 Office     8:00AM-4:30PM Monday-Friday
 Hours:     Closed Saturdays & Sundays                       Download the free app and sign-up to receive text
                                                             alerts regarding field status and program cancellations
                                                             through Rainout Line.
                                                             Don’t want to sign up for text alerts but still want to be
                                                             in the know? Call (440) 210-6226 for field status &
                                                             program cancellations.

3 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                 (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...
Magical Munchkins Tap/Ballet                                   Hummingbirds Soccer presented by Jump Start
                                                          With Cleveland Dance To Evolve                                 Children will have fun while learning the basics of soccer,
                                                          This gentle introductory combination kid's dance class         dribbling, passing, trapping, shooting and positioning.
 Tumble Bugs                                              of tap, ballet, tumbling and games is fun, energetic,          Each session consists of instruction in each aspect of the
 Do you like to turn upside down? To climb & jump?        and expressive that will have your Magical Munchkin            game, participation in fun drills that are designed to teach
 Tumbling, gymnastic & acrobatic basics are               learning all the basics for their first dance class.           skills in a low-key non-competitive game. All participants
 explored together with music, mats & movement.           Classes start with tap and then transition into ballet         will receive a team shirt and a participation medal
 Increase balance, mobility & socialization skills        each week. Parents (or caregivers) presence required
 using imagination & increasing listening skills.                                                                        Instructor: Jump Start Sports Staff
                                                          as parents participate as needed.
                                                                                                                         Ages: 3-4 & 5-6 year olds
 Instructor: Claire Kingsley                              Each session is 7 weeks.
                                                                                                                         Fee: $75 Resident / Non-Resident
 Ages: 2-3 year olds                                      Instructor: Dance To Evolve                                    Registration taken only at
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                      Ages: 2-3 year olds                                            Location: Shady Drive Football Fld. 37077 Shady Dr
 Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                     Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
 Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd                                                                      Day         Date             Time              Age
                                                          Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident
                                                                                                                         WED         04.15-05.20      5:30-6:30PM       3-4
 Session Day          Date        Time                    $10 discount for siblings
                                                                                                                         WED         04.15-05.20      6:30-7:30PM       5-6
 Ses I   MON          01.20-02.24 5:30-6:15PM             Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd
 Ses II  MON          03.02-04.06 5:30-6:15PM                                                                            Little Hoop Stars presented by Jump Start
                                                          Session Day         Date               Time
                                                                                                                         Coaches from Jump Start Sports will run this instructional
                                                          Ses I     TUES      01.14-02.25        3:40-4:25PM
 Rumble, Tumble & Roll                                                                                                   and recreational basketball program for children in
                                                          Ses II    TUES      03.03-04.21        3:40-4:25PM
 Introduces boys and girls to tumbling and apparatus                                                                     preschool (must be 4 years of age to participate) and
                                                          No class on 03.17.2020
 skills. The class is designed to develop flexibility,                                                                   kindergarten. Players are taught the basics of dribbling,
                                                          Ses III   TUES      04.28-06.09        3:40-4:25PM
 strength, balance, coordination and self-confidence.                                                                    passing, shooting, positioning, defense, and rebounding in a
                                                          Tiny Movers Tap/Ballet                                         fun-oriented program. Then they apply what they’ve
 Instructor: Claire Kingsley                              With Cleveland Dance To Evolve                                 learned in a low competitive game. All participants receive
 Ages: 4-6 year olds                                      A combination dance class of tap and ballet with               a team shirt and a participation medal.
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                      tumbling and dance games for kids, this energetic and
 Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                                                                                    Instructor: Jump Start Sports Staff
                                                          expressive class will have your Tiny Mover learning            Ages: Pre-K - Kindergarten
 Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd       basic dance and motor skills, musicality and rhythm to         Fee: $75 Resident / Non-Resident
 Session Day         Date         Time                    reach class goals in fun, creative ways. Classes start         Registration taken only at
 Ses I      MON 01.20-02.24 6:30-7:15PM                   with tap and then transition into ballet each week. This       Location: NRHS Main Gym 34600 Bainbridge Rd
 Ses II     MON 03.02-04.06 6:30-7:15PM                   is the first ‘big girls and boys’ class as parents watch
                                                          from outside of the room. Class is designed to be              Day         Date             Time
 Tiny Twirlers                                            progressive, continuing session to session.                    TUES        04.07-05.12      5:30-6:30PM
 The perfect introduction to dance, this class focuses on Each session is 7 weeks.                                        Hoop Stars presented by Jump Start
 music, movement, balance, and basic dance steps.         Instructor: Dance To Evolve                                     Coaches from Jump Start Sports will run this instructional
 Students will develop rhythm and coordination skills     Ages: 3-4 year olds                                             and recreational basketball program for children in grades
 while being introduced to dance and music in a fun and Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                               1-2. Players are taught the basics of dribbling, passing,
 creative way. Each session is 4 weeks.                   Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident                           shooting, positioning, defense, and rebounding in a fun-
 Instructor: Emily Dezort                                 $10 discount for siblings                                       oriented program. Then they apply what they’ve learned
 Ages: 18 months-3 years old                              Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd                  in a low competitive game. All participants receive a team
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                      Session Day          Date         Time                          shirt and a participation medal.
 Fee: $30 Resident / $40 Non-Resident                     Ses I     TUES       01.14-02.25  4:30-5:25PM                   Instructor: Jump Start Sports Staff
 $5 discount for siblings                                 Ses II    TUES       03.03-04.21  4:30-5:25PM                   Ages: 1st & 2nd Grade
 Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd.           No class on 03.17.2020                                          Fee: $75 Resident / Non-Resident
                                                          Ses III   TUES       04.28-06.09  4:30-5:25PM                   Registration taken only at
 Session    Day       Date          Time
 Ses I      SAT       01.11-02.01   10:30-11:00AM                                                                         Location: NRHS Main Gym 34600 Bainbridge Rd
                                                          Star Shiners Tap/Ballet
 Ses II     SAT       02.08-02.29   10:30-11:00AM         With Cleveland Dance To Evolve                                  Day        Date              Time
 Ses III    SAT       03.07-03.28   10:30-11:00AM         Keep your Star Shiner moving in this ballet & tap class         TUES       04.07-05.12       6:30-7:30PM
 Ses IV     SAT       04.04-04.25   10:30-11:00AM         for boys and girls. This progressive class introduces
                                                          curriculum goals through fun movement allowing your             Tot Karate
Tots T-Ball                                               dancer to be challenged while expressing themselves.            Children will have the opportunity to develop
This five-week program is designed to teach boys and      Students develop dance, listening, and coordination             coordination and flexibility while having fun! This class
girls the basic fundamentals such as throwing, catching   skills, including an emphasis on ballet terminology,            will incorporate numbers and letters into learning the
and hitting. The kids will have fun while learning the                                                                    fundamentals of karate.
                                                          technique, AND FUN! Each session is 7 weeks.
fundamentals of baseball thru basic stations and non-
competitive ball games. Sign up online or in-person       Instructor: Dance To Evolve                                     Instructor: Jeff Bowen
before April 24 to receive our early bird rate.           Ages: 5-6 year olds                                             Ages: 3-5 year olds
After April 24 program fee increases by $10.              Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                             Class Size: 04 minimum / 08 maximum
                                                          Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident                           Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
Ages: 3 year olds                                                                                                         Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Fee: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident                      $10 discount for siblings
BB/SB Family discount doesn’t apply                       Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd                  Session Day            Date            Time
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr              Session Day         Date               Time                     Ses I     M/FRI        01.27-02.24     4:30-5:00PM
Day     Date              Time                            Ses I     TUES      01.21-02.25        5:30-6:25PM              No class 02.17.2020
FRI     05.29-06.26       6:00-8:00PM                     Ses II    TUES      03.03-04.14        5:30-6:25PM              Ses II    M/FRI        03.02-03.27     4:30-5:00PM
                                                          No class on 03.17.2020                                          Ses III   M/FRI        03.30-04.24     4:30-5:00PM
                                                          Ses III   TUES      04.21-05.09        5:30-6:25PM
4 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                     (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...
Junior Pony Camp with Pony Tale Farms                     Next Level Big Magic with The Magic Man                         Beginning Art
 You will play games, sing with a cowboy, groom and        Take your child’s magic skills to the next level. With          Kids will begin to develop a love for art! We will start to
 play with the ponies and then ride them. Participants     this advanced magic class children will learn how to            learn different techniques and explore different
 must wear long pants, flat shoes and a helmet. There      become a master magician.                                       mediums. Each week the children will create a unique
 is a 125 lb. weight limit. For more info call Lorraine    Instructor: Keith Heidenreich, The Magic Man                    piece of art, all of which will be displayed during an art
 Schaffner at (440) 891-9992.                              Ages: 8-12 year olds                                            show on the last day. Please wear clothes that can get
                                                           Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum                             dirty.
 Ages: 2-6 year olds
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                       Fee: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident                            Instructor: Amanda Hamilton
 Fee: $40 Resident / $45 Non-Resident                      Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd                   Ages: 3-10 year olds
 Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St        Day       Date        Time                                      Class Size: 05 minimum / 12 maximum
                                                           SAT       03.14-04.04 9:00-10:00AM                              Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident
 Session Day        Date          Time
                                                                                                                           Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
 Ses I   SAT        03.21 & 03.28 10:00-10:45AM           Advanced Fencing
 Ses II  SAT        04.18 & 04.25 11:00-11:45AM           The art of swordsmanship has been practiced for centuries.       Session    Day      Date              Time
                                                          First, it was to train for deadly combat—the duel. Now, it is    Ses I      SAT      02.01-02.22       11:30AM-12:30PM
                                                          fun and safe for boys and girls, men and women. Join             Ses II     SAT      02.29-03.21       11:30AM-12:30PM
                                                          instructor Tom Nagy and the On Target Fencing Team as            Ses III    SAT      03.28-04.18       11:30AM-12:30PM
                                                          they teach you Foil and Epee in an advanced setting. For         Ses IV     SAT      04.25-05.16       11:30AM-12:30PM
Pony Camp with Pony Tale Farms                            more info contact Tom Nagy at (440) 327-0808 or                  Yoga Club
Children will learn introductory riding skills, safety                                             Yoga Club is a fun and engaging way for children to
issues and general pony care. Participants must wear      Instructor: Tom Nagy                                             practice the art of yoga, a form of exercise that builds
long pants, flat shoes and helmet. There is a 125lb.      Ages: 8 and Up                                                   mind, body and spirit through stretching, breathing,
weight limit. For more info call Lorraine Schaffner at    Fee:                                                             movement, poses, strengthening activities and games.
(440) 891-9992.                                           $60 Resident / Non-Resident (equipment rental)                   Yoga Club is for students seeking to stay active and
Instructor: Pony Tale Farms Staff                         Each additional family member: $30                               strengthen themselves in a safe, non-competitive
Ages: 7-12 year olds                                      $30 Resident / Non-Resident (no equipment rental)                environment. It is not necessary for members to be
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                       Location: Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd                      knowledgeable in yoga but to have an attitude and
Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident                                                                                       willingness to participate with an open heart and mind.
                                                          Session Day              Date        Time
Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St                                                                         Yoga Club is taught by a 200-hour certified Yoga
                                                          Ses I   TH/SAT           01.02-01.30 8:00-9:30PM (TH)
Day      Date        Time                                                                      9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)
WED      04.08-04.29 5:00-6:00PM                          Ses II       TH/SAT      02.01-02.29 8:00-9:30PM (TH)            Instructor: Heather Gillespie
                                                                                               9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)        Ages: boys & girls in Grades 6-8
 Karate                                                   Ses III      TH/SAT      03.05-03.28 8:00-9:30PM (TH)            Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
 Children learn and develop a new variety of offensive                                         9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)        Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident
 techniques such as kicks, blocks, punches, chops         Ses IV       TH/SAT      04.02-04.30 8:00-9:30PM (TH)            Location: NR Academic Center 5 Yellow
 and elbow strikes. Learn confidence and self-esteem                                           9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)        Session Day         Date        Time
 while learning to become more self-motivated and         Valentines Special Sweet Treat Cooking Class                     Ses I     TUES      01.21-02.25 3:00-4:00PM
 energized. Each session is 4 weeks.                      Come learn to make fresh, healthy, sweet treats all while        Ses II    TUES      03.03-04.21 3:00-4:00PM
 Instructor: Jeff Bowen                                   having fun. Recipes are sampled in class and can be taken        No class 03.17.2020 and 03.24.2020
 Ages: 6-12 year olds                                     home. Parents are welcome to join their child during this
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                      sweet and exciting class.
 Fee: $60 Resident / $70 Non-Resident                     Instructor: Christie Ollerton
 Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd       Ages: 6-12 year olds                                            Junior Browns Cheer Program
 Session    Day     Date             Time                 Class Size: 04 minimum / 16 maximum                             Jr. Browns Cheer will include basic cheer instruction
 Ses I      SAT     02.01-02.22      10:00-11:00AM        Fee: $20 Resident / Non-Resident                                including intro to tumbling, chants, cheers, pyramids,
 Ses II     SAT     03.07-03.28      10:00-11:00AM        Location: NR Senior Ctr. 7327 Avon Belden Rd                    and stunts. This is a local league with no travel
 Ses III    SAT     04.04-04.25      10:00-11:00AM                                                                        involved. Each girl will receive a uniform & pom-poms.
                                                          Day       Date     Time
                                                                                                                          Practices will be held at Shady Drive Complex and
                                                          WED       02.05    6:00-8:00PM
 Big Magic with The Magic Man                                                                                             games will be played on Saturdays during the season.
 Is your child an aspiring magician? Is he or she         Explorations in Acting
                                                          This class will introduce students to acting and improv.        Ages: Kids entering grades K-2nd
 fascinated by magic tricks? If so, Keith                                                                                 Date: August-October
 Heidenreich, The Magic Man, will teach your child        Acting techniques will be introduced to help students build
                                                          confidence, spontaneity, and creative thinking. During this     Fee: $70 Resident / $80 Non-Resident
 the fundamentals of what it takes to be a magician                                                                       Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Drive
 and impress the crowd.                                   class, students will work together to stage a short one-act
                                                          play that will be performed at the end of the session.          Junior Ranger Cheer Program
 Instructor: Keith Heidenreich, The Magic Man
                                                          Instructor: Emily Dezort                                        Jr. Ranger Cheer will include basic cheer instruction
 Ages: 6-12 year olds
                                                          Ages: 10-14                                                     including intro to tumbling, chants, cheers, pyramids
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
                                                          Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                             and stunts. This program will be part of our Jr. Ranger
 Fee: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident
                                                          Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident                            Football program so the girls will cheer at their home
 Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd
                                                          $10 discount for siblings                                       and away games.
 Day     Date        Time                                 Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd                   Ages: Kids entering grades 3rd-6th
 SAT     02.08-02.29 9:00-10:00AM
                                                          Session     Day    Date           Time                          Date: August-October
                                                          Ses I       SAT    01.11-02.08    11:30AM-12:30PM               Fee: $70 Resident / $80 Non-Resident
                                                          Ses II      SAT    02.15-03.21    11:30AM-12:30PM               Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Drive
                                                          Ses III     SAT    03.28-05.02    11:30AM-12:30PM
5 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                  (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS Registration December 9 Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville Parks and ...
Junior Browns Flag Football (5 V 5)                                                                                          Chair Yoga
In Partnership with USA Football NFL Flag                                                                                    This class allows you to perform postures and
This flag football league will partner with the                                                                              breathing exercises with the aid of a chair. You can
Cleveland Browns and USA Football. All teams will                                                                            experience the many benefits of yoga without having
receive an official NFL team-branded jersey, flag                                                                            to get up or down from the floor. Benefits of this class
belts, footballs, and a free USA membership. Teams                                                                           include increased balance, strength, flexibility, range
will compete against each other at Shady Drive                                                                               of motion, and stress reduction.
Sports complex in a local league. Eligibility to play in
regional tournaments and championships at the Pro                                                                            Instructor: Heather Gillespie
Bowl. Sign up online or in-person before May 29                                                                              Ages: 15 and Up
to receive our early bird rate. After May 29 the                                                                             Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
program fee increases by $10.                                                                                                Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident
                                                                                                                             Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Ages: Kids entering grades 1st & 2nd
Date: August-October                                                                                                         Session Day         Date             Time
Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident                                                                                         Ses I   FRI         01.24-02.28      8:00-9:00AM
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr                                                                                 Ses II  FRI         03.06-04.10      8:00-9:00AM
                                                                All Levels Yoga
Junior Ranger Tackle Football                                   Our class, beginners to experienced students will do         Cardio Bootcamp
The program is designed to teach the fundamentals of            poses focusing on alignment, focus-point and breath.         Perfect combination of cardio and body toning /
football. Games are played on Saturdays with                    The class is a low-to-medium paced flow of                   strength training. Strengthen all muscles with simple
practices being held during the week. This is a                 movement. You will receive personalized instruction          movements geared towards all ages and fitness levels.
competitive travel football league. Registration is             in this 6-week course that shows the fundamentals            Overall head to toe workout that will get your heart
limited so sign up early. This program will be coached          of yoga. You will explore classic yoga poses, learn          pumping and blood flowing while burning calories.
in the same philosophies as the North Ridgeville High           healthy body alignment, experiment with                      Instructor: Jessica Beckett
School Varsity Staff. Sign up online or in-person               modifications and props, and become comfortable              Ages: 15 and Up
before May 29 to receive our early bird rate. After             with the nature of yoga.                                     Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
May 29 the program fee increases by $10.
                                                                Instructor: Danielle Smith                                   Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident
Ages: Boys /Girls entering 3 & 4 / 5 & 6 grades                 Ages: 15 and Up                                              Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Date: August-October                                            Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                          Session Day            Date             Time
Fee: $145 Resident / $155 Non-Resident                          Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                         Ses I   WED            02.19-03.25      6:15-7:15PM
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr                    Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd           Ses II  WED            04.01-05.06      6:15-7:15PM
2020 Baseball and Softball Program                              Session    Day         Date            Time                 Gentle Yoga
Have a son or daughter that is ready to play ball? Here is      Ses I      THUR        01.30-03.05     7:30-8:30PM          A calming stress-relieving yoga class designed to
your chance to sign them up. Make sure that your son            Ses II     THUR        03.12-04.16     7:30-8:30PM          stretch and strengthen the body gradually. Emphasis is
and daughter have a spot in this year’s leagues by              Ses III    THUR        04.23-05.28     7:30-8:30PM          on building awareness of the body and breathing
signing them up early. Players’ not registered last             Beginner Bootcamp                                           techniques. Yoga poses are practiced at a slow pace
season must bring a birth certificate or other proof of birth   This energetic 50-minute boot camp style class is           with attention to alignment and detail. Props, such as
date with them. Teams are drawn in late March with              designed to provide a lower intensity boot camp as the      chairs, straps, and blocks, are used to assist the
practices beginning in April. First games are scheduled         instructor gets your heart pumping! This class focuses      participant in the yoga postures. Seniors also welcome.
for late May and the last games are scheduled for July.         on basic cardio and strength exercises using body           Instructor: Diana Jancura
We will be partnering with surrounding communities to           weight and weights. Each class will be different but you    Ages: 15 and Up
improve the quality of our baseball/softball program.           are always guaranteed a great workout. This class is        Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
Sign up online or in-person before February 28 to               perfect for beginner and intermediate fitness levels.       Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident
receive our early bird rate. After February 28 the                                                                          Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
program fee increases by $10.                                   Instructor: Jessica Beckett
                                                                Ages: 15 and Up                                             Session Day            Date              Time
Ages: 4-18 year olds                                            Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum                         Ses I   THUR           01.16-02.20       9:00-10:00AM
Fee (T-Ball):                                                   Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                        Ses II  THUR           02.27-04.02       9:00-10:00AM
$60 Resident / $70 Non-Resident                                 Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Fee (Remaining Leagues):                                                                                                    Indoor Walking
$70 Resident / $80 Non-Resident                                 Session    Day     Date              Time
                                                                                                                            With North Ridgeville Heart And Sole
Resident Family Discount: First 2 children at full price        Ses I      THUR    01.16-02.20       6:15-7:15PM
                                                                                                                            Get out and get walking this winter! Don’t like walking
(2 most expensive). Each additional child is $10.00.            Ses II     THUR    02.27-04.02       6:15-7:15PM
                                                                                                                            in the cold? All members of the community are invited
                                                                Ses III    THUR    04.09-05.14       6:15-7:15PM
                                                                                                                            to join us for free indoor walking this winter! Program
Baseball League        Age By: May 1, 2020
                                                                                                                            is free to attend with no pre-registration required.
T-Ball                 4 & 5 yrs. old
                                                                                                                            There will be informative talks by local health
Coach Pitch            6 & 7 yrs. old
                                                                                                                            professionals and city officials.
H-League               8-10 yrs. old
G-League               11 & 12 yrs. old                                                                                     Ages: Open to all ages
F-League               13-15 yrs. old                                                                                       Fee: FREE to the general public
                                                                                                                            Location: Liberty Elementary 5700 Jaycox Rd
Softball League        Age By: May 1, 2020
T-Ball                 4 & 5 yrs. old                                                                                       Day      Date               Time
Coach Pitch            6 & 7 yrs. old                                                                                       THUR     01.09-03.26        6:00-7:30PM
Junior                 8-10 yrs. old                                                                                        No walk on 02.27.2020
Intermediate           11-13 yrs. old
Majors                 14-18 yrs. old

6 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                    (440) 353-0860
Stroller Strong                                                     The Healing Power of Essential Oils
                                                         Is an energetic, total-body workout designed for moms               Learn which essential oils to use for specific health
                                                         with kids in tow! Each 60 minute workout focuses on                 conditions from A-Z. Make your own blends specific to
                                                         strength training, basic cardio, and core restoration, all          your health concerns. Receive recipes for personal
                                                         while entertaining little ones with songs, activities, and fun!     care needs and cleaning. This class is a companion
                                                         The Stroller Strong instructor is skilled to meet you where         class to Aromatherapy 101 The Basics of Essential
                                                         you are mentally and physically by providing motivation             Oils. Class includes a 75-page booklet.
                                                         and modifications in a judgment free zone so you get the            Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
                                                         best workout possible! You'll leave class feeling                   Ages: 18 and Up
                                                         connected, successful, and energized. No mommy guilt                Class Size: 02 minimum / 20 maximum
                                                         here! This class is all about self-care in a supportive and         Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident
Introduction to Yoga Series                              encouraging environment.                                            Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd
All body shapes and levels of fitness are welcome to     Instructor: Danielle Stribula
come play, explore, and learn about yoga. Come                                                                               Day        Date       Time
                                                         Ages: 15 and Up                                                     WED        01.22      6:30-8:30PM
experience the benefits that yoga enables such as        Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
mindfulness, mental focus, stress management, and        Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                                Necessary Nutrients for Optimum Health…
relaxation… as well as stretching and strengthening      Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd                  Are You Getting Yours?
of your body. This series builds with each class but                                                                         A few key daily essentials for optimum health are water,
can also be taken to refresh or revisit a seasoned       Session Day            Date              Time
                                                         Ses I   THUR           01.23-02.27       10:30-11:30AM              protein, vitamins, probiotics and Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty
yogis practice.                                                                                                              acids. Which fat is which? Learn how these nutrients
                                                         Ses II  THUR           03.05-04.09       10:30-11:30AM
Instructor: Diana Jancura                                                                                                    function and why they are important to the body. What
Ages: 13 and Up                                          Yogalates                                                           is a good probiotic? Get the answers to these questions
Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                      An upbeat class that combines the breathing,                        and more. Class includes a 76 page booklet.
Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                     stretching, and flows of Yoga with the core tightening
                                                         and strengthening of Pilates, for a new twist on                    Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd                                                                           Ages: 18 and Up
                                                         traditional moves. This class will leave you feeling
Session Day         Date             Time                recharged with a side of empowerment. All ages,                     Class Size: 02 minimum / 20 maximum
Ses I   MON         01.13-02.17      10:00-11:00AM       body types & fitness levels welcome. Please bring a                 Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident
Ses II  MON         02.24-03.30      10:00-11:00AM       yoga mat. Previous exposure to Yoga is helpful.                     Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd

                                                         Instructor: Heather Gillespie                                       Day        Date       Time
Mama Bootcamp
                                                         Ages: 15 and Up                                                     MON        02.10      6:30-8:30PM
Mighty Mama Bootcamp is a HIIT (high intensity
interval training) and resistance based class full of    Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                                 Vitamins 101
power and community! This experience brings moms         Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                                This class will educate you on different types of vitamin
together to focus on improving their minds, health,      Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd                  supplements. Topics to be discussed are gummy vs.
and well-being. These workouts are designed to           Session Day      Date                 Time                          chewable, solids vs. capsules and the function of each
challenge, empower, and recharge you so that you         Ses I     WED 02.05-03.11             7:30-8:30PM                   vitamin and mineral in the body. Learn which vitamins
can reconnect with your strength and release your        Ses II    WED 03.18-04.29             7:30-8:30PM                   are water or fat soluble, signs and symptoms of vitamin
inner Mighty Mama! By participating in Mighty Mama       No Class 04.15.2020                                                 deficiencies and possible prescription drug depletion.
Bootcamp, you also have the opportunity to become                                                                            RDA, what is it? Receive a description of each vitamin
part of our optional Mighty Mama online community                                                                            from A-Z with dietary sources included. Class includes a
where we host play dates, Moms Night Outs, and                                                                               71-page booklet.
special events.
                                                                                                                             Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
Instructor: Danielle Stribula                                                                                                Ages: 18 and Up
Ages: 15 and Up                                                                                                              Class Size: 02 minimum / 20 maximum
Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                                                                                          Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident
Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                                                                                         Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
                                                                                                                             Day        Date       Time
Day  Date        Time                                                                                                        MON        03.09      6:30-8:30PM
TUES 04.07-05.12 7:00-8:10PM
                                                                                                                             Nuts & Bolts of Trusts
Zumba® Fitness                                          Aromatherapy 101-The Basics of Essentials Oils                       Trusts can be one of the most useful and cost-effective
Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s      This class covers all the basics of essential oils. Learn            legal tools to help people maintain control over their
exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It’s      how to use essential oils while gaining insight into their           assets during good health, illness and at death –
an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-      health benefits. Study safety, carrier oils, properties,             without court costs or delays. This workshop gives an
inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that’s    methods, terminology, and how to buy quality oils.                   overview of how trusts work, the pros and cons and
moving millions of people toward joy and health.        Class includes a 75-page booklet.                                    costs, when to consider using trusts and what should be
Class is an hour and offered year-round.                                                                                     included in the trust provision.
                                                        Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
Instructor: Isa Serra                                   Ages: 18 and Up                                                      Instructor: Candace M. Pollock
Ages: 15 and Up                                         Class Size: 02 minimum / 20 maximum                                  Ages: 18 and Up
Class Size: 04 minimum / 20 maximum                     Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident                                     Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum
Fee: $4 Resident / $5 Non-Resident                      Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd                        Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident
No pre-registration required, drop-in only              Day        Date        Time                                          Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd
Day        Time                Location                 WED        01.08       6:30-8:30PM                                   Day        Date       Time
T/TH       6:30-7:30PM         NR Senior Center                                                                              THUR       02.06      6:30-8:00PM

7 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                     (440) 353-0860
Special People, Special Planning                          How To Avoid Nursing Home Poverty
This workshop will provide an overview of the             This class is designed to give attendees an overview
fundamentals every family needs to consider when          of the primary ways long term care can be paid for,
planning for the future of a person with special needs.   what each law requires in terms of eligibility for                 Men’s Basketball League
Attendees will learn about federal disability programs;   coverage of care expenses, and how to navigate the                 Looking to stay active this summer? Register today for
guardianships; wills, trusts, and the essential legal     various systems for the best outcome without                       a 5 v. 5 men’s basketball open recreation league.
directives the family must have as well as the            “overpaying” under the rules.                                      Teams will play an 8 game regular season, followed
consequences of failing to formally plan; how to keep                                                                        by a single elimination tournament. Prizes will be
                                                          Instructor: Candace M. Pollock                                     awarded to the champions & runners up of the
the plan current; and the reasons for “letters” of
                                                          Ages: 18 and Up                                                    tournament. Team uniforms required for game play.
instruction. Attendees will understand the types of
                                                          Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum
advisors to consult, what to ask and how to organize                                                                         Ages: 18 and Up
                                                          Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident
information to ensure their plan will take care of the                                                                       Fee: $250 per team
                                                          Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd
future needs of the special needs loved one.                                                                                 $28 per team, per game official fee paid onsite
                                                          Day          Date     Time                                         Location: NR High School & NR Academic Center
Instructor: Candace M. Pollock                            THUR         03.19    6:30-8:00PM
Ages: 18 and Up                                                                                                              Day        Date             Time
Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum                       Loving Without A License                                           WED        06.03-08.05      6:00-9:00PM
Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident                          Unmarried couples, who share households, co-mingle
Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd            or jointly own assets can trigger many unintended
                                                          legal and financial consequences that married couples
Day        Date       Time                                don’t face. This workshop provides an overview of the
THUR       04.02      6:30-8:00PM                         things committed unmarried couples need to consider
                                                          to protect themselves, especially during a time of crisis          Daddy Daughter Dance
Estate Planning Essentials
                                                          such as disability or death.                                       Come out and enjoy an evening all dressed up with
Attendees will learn about the core directives every
                                                                                                                             your special little girl. Have fun dancing and playing
person should have to protect themselves. They will       Instructor: Candace M. Pollock                                     games with our DJ. Light refreshments will be served
get an overview of the various legal directives used in   Ages: 18 and Up                                                    and there will be plenty of dancing and a photographer
estate planning and the role each plays in an overall     Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum                                to capture the evening full of memories. Register early
estate plan - whether the plan is geared toward           Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident
protecting minors, avoiding nursing home costs or                                                                            there is limited space. For more info please contact
                                                          Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd
saving estate taxes. They will leave with a worksheet                                                                        Melissa Shirley.
that helps them rate their existing plan for              Day          Date      Time
                                                                                                                             Ages: K-5th grade
effectiveness.                                            THUR         04.16     6:30-8:00PM
                                                                                                                             Size: maximum of 95 couples
                                                          Caregiver Children & Their Elder Parents                           Fee: $30 Resident / $40 Non-Resident
Instructor: Candace M. Pollock
                                                          Longer life spans mean that statistically adult children           Event is per couple, each additional child is $10
Ages: 18 and Up
                                                          will spend as much time caring for aging parents as                Location: NR Academic Center Cafetorium
Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum
Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident                          they do for their own children. This workshop provides             Day         Date       Time
Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd            an overview of the factors families should consider for            SAT         02.08      7:00-9:00PM
                                                          the care and safety of their parents and their assets              No admittance until 6:30PM
Day        Date       Time                                while protecting the child from parental debts.                    Madden Tournament
THUR       01.30      6:30-8:00PM                                                                                            Want to show your skills on the joysticks? Register
                                                          Instructor: Candace M. Pollock
Top 10 Medicaid Planning Mistakes                                                                                            today for the Madden NFL 20 tournament. The winner
                                                          Ages: 18 and Up
Most strategies about conserving an applicant’s                                                                              will receive a brand new X-Box 1 gaming system.
                                                          Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum
resources under Medicaid rules involve the nature,                                                                           Second place will receive a $50 gift card.
                                                          Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident
amounts and timing of expenditures of the                 Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd                     Ages: 9th-12th grade
applicant’s resources or the timing of the application
                                                          Day          Date      Time                                        Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident
itself. This workshop covers the top 10 mistakes
                                                          THUR         03.05     6:30-8:00PM                                 Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd
families make regarding Medicaid and the long-term
care issues. It explains terminology, important dates     String Art                                                         Day     Date       Time
and strategies authorized under Ohio Medicaid rules,                                                                         FRI     02.21      6:00-9:00PM
                                                          Sign up to attend this class to learn how to create a
including the myths about the new Medicaid laws.
                                                          beautiful piece of art by threading string through and
Instructor: Candace M. Pollock                            around each nail. Don't miss out on this opportunity to           Fishing Derby
Ages: 18 and Up                                           make your own masterpiece! Each participant will leave            Sponsored By: NRPRD & NRFD
Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum                       class with a finished wood & string project. Please bring         Can you tell fish stories? Want bragging rights for a
Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident                          your own hammer, all other supplies will be provided.             year? Then come join us for a fun-filled morning of
Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd                                                                              fishing. Bring your own bait & fishing rod, if you don’t
                                                          Instructor: Kelly McCarthy                                        have one we will provide one. For more info please
Day        Date       Time                                Ages: 12 and Up                                                   contact Brandon Sweet.
THUR       02.20      6:30-8:00PM                         Class Size: 05 minimum / 12 maximum
                                                          Fee: $25 Resident / Non-Resident                                  Ages: 3-18 year olds
                                                          $5 supply fee included                                            Fee: FREE
                                                          Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd                     $5 donation for Aluminum Cans for Burned Children
                                                                                                                            Location: South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd
                                                          Day          Date     Time               Design
                                                          WED          02.12    6:30-8:30PM        Heart                    Day     Date        Time
                                                          WED          03.11    6:30-8:30PM        Horseshoe                SAT     05.02       8:00AM-NOON
                                                          WED          04.01    6:30-8:00PM        Bunny
8 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                     (440) 353-0860
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