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Build your career. Enrich your life - Carroll ...
                                      Winter – Spring 2019

                        Build your career. Enrich your life.

MILLER Helps Small Businesses
Launch & Grow > pg. 14
Manufacturing & Trades:
Hiring for Spring! > pg. 23

Examine a Career as a
Medical Assistant > pg. 33             Non-Credit Class Schedule
                                       Carroll Community College
Shape Your Ceramics Skills > pg. 58    Continuing Education & Training
Build your career. Enrich your life - Carroll ...
Easy Ways
                      to Register                                       Upcoming Event Highlights
                                                                        AT C ARROLL COMMUNIT Y COLLEGE
                                                                        For a complete list of Carroll events, visit our website at

                                                                        December                                                            February
                                                                        Athletic Information Session                                        Carroll 101
Register Early!                                                         For all athletes who are interested in men's and women's soccer     Explore your local government. Get a first-hand look at several
Courses that have not met the minimum                                   and cross country for Fall 2019.                                    allied agency facilities and their operations. (See pg. 65)
enrollment may be cancelled one week                                    Monday, Dec. 3 | 6 p.m. |                                           Wednesdays, Feb. 13 – Mar. 13 | 7 – 9 p.m. | L287
before the start date. Ensure that the course                           Theater in the Scott Center | Free                                  Free. Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.
you want will be held by registering early!
                                                                                                                                            The Harvest
                                                                        Guitar Ensemble Performance                                         Written by Samuel D. Hunter. Directed by John Kenneth DeBoer.
Office Hours                                                            Directed by John Knoll                                              With special permission from Samuel French Inc. Not intended
Monday – Thursday | 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.                                  Tuesday, Dec. 4 | 7:30 p.m.                                         for children under age 13.
Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.                                          Theater in the Scott Center | Free                                  Thursday – Sunday, Feb. 21 – 24
                                                                                                                                            Theater in the Scott Center | $10 general admission
1. Online                                                               Rock & Roll Ensemble                                                $5 Seniors (65+), Carroll students, faculty and staff
Go to                               Directed by Matthew Everhart
                                                                        Wednesday, Dec. 5 | 7:30 p.m.                                       March
and follow instructions. You will need to pay                           Theater in the Scott Center | Free
in full with a credit card when registering.                                                                                                Book Fair Movie Night
                                                                        Away We Grow!                                                       Two showings of a family movie to kick off our Book Fair event.
For fast registration, use your college ID#                             A retreat for small business owners                                 Friday, March 1 | 4:30 and 7 p.m.
to login. For help, call Continuing Education                           Friday, Dec. 7 | 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. | Bollinger Family                 Theater in the Scott Center
and Training at 410-386-8100.                                           Conference Center (K100)
                                                                        $89 | Includes a light breakfast and lunch                          The Penguin Random House Book Fair
2. Mail                                                                 Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.                           Discounted book sale, book talk and author signing, crafts and
                                                                                                      activities for children. Stop by the Summer! Kids@Carroll table
Mail a completed and signed registration                                                                                                    to ask questions and register for your favorite camps.
form with total payment to:                                                                                                                 Saturday, March 2 | Free admission
                                                                        Westminster Symphony Orchestra Performance
Carroll Community College                                               In partnership with McDaniel College. Director: Linda Kirkpatrick
Business Office CET                                                     Assistant Director: Cindy Rosenberg                                 Get Business Now!
1601 Washington Road                                                    Saturday, Dec. 8 | 3 p.m.                                           Carroll County’s Signature Small Business Conference. (See pg.
Westminster MD 21157                                                    Alumni Hall at McDaniel College | Free                              15 for info.)
                                                                                                                                            Friday, March 15 | 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
3. Walk-In                                                              January                                                             Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.
Register in-person in Room A115 on the                                  Living Healthy Through Good Nutrition                               Child Care Training Day
Washington Road Campus                                                  Registered dietician Barb Walsh takes us through the healthy        Regional Professional Development Day. (See pg. 21.)
                                                                        steps we can all take to improve our lives. In partnership with     Saturday, March 23 | 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
On Saturdays and after regular office hours,                            Carroll Hospital and the Partnership for a Healthier Carroll        Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.
registrations and check or credit card                                  County. (See pg. 61 for details.)
payments may be left in the drop box next to                            Monday, Jan. 14                                                     April
the Cashier’s Office.                                                   6:30 – 8 p.m. | L287 | $5
                                                                        Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.                           Spring Career Fair
                                                                                                                                            Discover a variety of local employment opportunities
4. Fax                                                                  Drone Pilot Information Session                                     Wednesday, April 10 | 1 – 4 p.m. | Babylon Great Hall
Fax completed and signed registration form                              Learn about the world of drone technology and how you can 
with credit card payment information to                                 train to become a drone pilot. Flight demonstration to follow.
410-386-8111.                                                           Thursday, January 17 | 9 – 10 a.m. or 6 – 7 p.m.                    American Red Cross Blood Drive
                                                                         K115 | Free                                                        For donor eligibility info, call 1-866-236-3276.
5. Telephone                                                            Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.                           Wednesday & Thursday, April 10 & 11
Call 410-386-8100. Have the course details                                                                                                  9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Harman Student Center (A202)
and your credit card information ready.                                 Health Care Training Information Session
                                                                        Learn about high-demand, non-credit health care training pro-       Spring Open House
                                                                        grams. (See pg. 28 for details.)                                    RSVP: Admissions (A101) or 410-386-8430
                                                                        Thursday, Jan. 17 | 6 – 7:30 p.m. | M157 | Free                     Wednesday , April 17 | 6 – 8 p.m.
                                                                        Registration required. Call 410-386-8100.                           Babylon Great Hall | Free
Numbers to Know
                                                                                                                                            Guys and Dolls
Admissions for Degree Programs.........410-386-8430                                                                                         A Musical Fable of Broadway Based on a Story and Characters of
                                                                                                                                            Damon Runyon. Music and Lyrics by: Frank Loesser. Book by: Jo
   for Degree Programs.......................410-386-8435
                                                                                          PowerBrew                                         Swerling and Abe Burrows. Presented through special arrange-
                                                                                 FREE Monthly Business Webinar
                                                                                                                                            ment with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized
Career Services......................................410-386-8523                                                                           performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Cashier’s Office..................................... 410-386-8040                 3rd Tuesday of Every Month                               ( Please no children under age 5.
Disabilities.............................................410-386-8329                       9 – 10 a.m.                                     Thursday – Sunday, April 25 – 28
General College Information............... 410-386-8000                                                Theater in the Scott Center | $15 general admission
Records/Registration                                                                                                                        $10 seniors (65+), Carroll students, faculty and staff
   for Degree Programs...................... 410-386-8440
Build your career. Enrich your life - Carroll ...
In addition to our Continuing Education
            and Personal Enrichment courses, explore
            Carroll Community College's degree programs
            and credit classes by visiting our website at


            04   Workforce Training Certificates for Career Entry
            08   Workforce Training Certificates for Career Advancement
            10   Exam Preparation for Industry Credentials
            14   Business
            21   Child Care and Educational Professionals
            22   Construction Trades
            24   Health Care and Human Services
            39   Information Technology
            45   Occupational Training
            51   Real Estate
            51   Test and Academic Skills Preparation
            57   The Arts
            61   Health and Wellness
            64   History, Culture & World View
            67   Kids@Carroll
            68   Language
            69   Lifestyle and Popular Culture
            72   Writing
       73   INFORMATION
            76   Registration Form
            78   Index
Build your career. Enrich your life - Carroll ...
Workforce Training

          Take Flight as a
          Commercial Drone Pilot > page 4
          Prescribe Your Career
          as a Pharmacy Technician > page 6

          Have a Look into
          Home Inspection Training > page 7
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                                                                                                                                           Career &
                                                                          Workforce Training Certificates                                  Training

To earn a Workforce Training Certificate, please notify us of the
certificate you wish to earn at the time of registration.

    Our certificate programs are specifically           To become employed or to receive state or
    developed to meet regional employers’               national certification or licensure, other require-
    needs for a skilled workforce.                      ments in addition to training may apply. These
                                                        may include a high school diploma, residency                       YOUR PROGRAM
    Why earn your Workforce Training                    or additional exams.
    Certificate from Carroll?
                                                        Many occupations require a high school
•     Shorter time to completion. Gain a valuable       diploma. If you do not have one, contact
      credential within weeks or months,                the College’s Adult Education Program at
      instead of years.                                 410-386-8630 to learn about free options to

                                                                                                               Prove it.
•     Certification and licensure exam preparation.     earn your diploma.
      Prepare to sit for a state or national
      certification or licensure exam.
•     In-demand knowledge and skills. Demon-              Need Help Paying for
      strate to employers and clients that you are
      committed to your profession and are well
                                                          Career Training?
      trained.                                                                                                  Show off your
                                                           Non-Credit Tuition Assistance
•     Expert faculty. Learn from faculty members
      with both academic and professional experi-         Tuition assistance may be available for
      Career support. Receive direction and
                                                          eligible non-credit students. Visit
                                                                                                                with a Digital Badge
      guidance from a dedicated career navigator.
                                                          Affordable Payment Plan                               Upon successful completion of a
    More detailed information for each Certificate,                                                             Workforce Training Certificate,
                                                          Tuition $200 or more? Pay in installments!
    including any occupational requirements,
                                                          Visit                    receive a Digital Badge to validate
    information unique to the training, related
    Continuing Education courses and estimated                                                                  your new skills across all online
    hourly wage, can be found at www.carrollcc.                                                                 platforms:

    See the Course Index (pp. 78 – 80) to locate                                                                • LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter
    the complete course listing within this
                                                                                                                • Email signatures
    schedule. Not all courses are offered in each
    schedule.                                                                                                   • Digital résumés
                                                                                                                • Online portfolios
                                                                                                                • Personal & business websites

                                                                                                                Offered in partnership with
                                                                                                                Acclaim, you can:
                                                                                                                • Instantly let employers know
                                                                                                                   what you have to offer.
                                                                                                                • Explore Acclaim’s labor market
                                                                                                                   insights to search and apply for
                                                                                                                   job opportunities.

                                                                                                                For more information, visit
                                                                                                                or call 410-386-8100.

                 Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | 410-386-8100 | Register at
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  Career &
  Training                            Workforce Training Certificates

Workforce Training                                               Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                                                                              CCT-101 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
Certificates for                                                *Note: Not all courses are offered in each                             (classroom)
                                                                 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                 or
Career Entry                                                     complete course listing within this schedule.                CCT-434 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
Animal Control and Care                                         Child Care Professional                                       or
                                                                Infant/Toddler Teacher                                        CCT-452 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
 Veterinary Assistant                                            This program is for those who seek responsible
 Veterinary assistants support veterinary                                                                                     and
                                                                 positions in the field of early childhood                    CCT-072 School Age Child Care Training (classroom)
 technicians and veterinarians in a small animal                 education. An infants and toddlers child care
 hospital environment. Duties may include                                                                                     or
                                                                 teacher works for a child care center providing              CCT-336 School Age Child Care Training (hybrid)
 providing customer service, processing lab                      care and educational experiences for children
 specimens, prepping animals for surgery,                                                                                     Approximate Number of Hours
                                                                 birth through age 2. He or she develops lesson               90 hours
 monitoring medications and radiology logs,                      plans, integrates curriculums, teaches lessons,
 setting up and tearing down surgical suites,                                                                                 Approximate Training Cost
                                                                 establishes age-appropriate environments,                    $880
 autoclaving instruments and communicating                       disciplines children, maintains records and
 effectively between the vet and the pet owner.                                                                               Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                                 interacts with parents. This program meets the               None
 Courses                                                         state requirements for the 90 clock hours of
 VOC-336 Preparation for the Veterinary Assistant Training                                                                   *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                                 training in an infants and toddlers program for              schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
           Course Series                                         children birth through age 2.
 VOC-691 Veterinary Assistant Training I: Outpatient Care,                                                                    complete course listing within this schedule.
           Diagnostics and Pharmacy                              CCT-101 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
 VOC-692 Veterinary Assistant Training II: Patient Care          or                                                          Drone
           and Treatment, Surgery, Anesthesia and                CCT-434 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
           Emergency Care                                                   (online)                                         Commercial UAS (Drone) Pilot
 VOC-430 Veterinary Assistant Training III: Clinic Externship    or                                                          Prepare for an exciting career as a Commercial
 Approximate Number of Hours                                     CCT-452 Growth and Development in Early Childhood           Drone Pilot. This training prepares you to earn
 250 hours                                                                  (hybrid)                                         the FAA Remote Pilot in Command Certificate.
 Approximate Training Cost                                       or                                                          Gain hands-on experience flying a variety of
 $3,176                                                          CCT-102, or CCT-338 Materials and Methods for Early         drones, including the DJI Inspire, in real world
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                              Childhood Education                             scenarios. You will also train on software and
 Students are eligible to sit for the National                   and                                                         applications to manipulate photos, video and
 Veterinary Assistant exam and become an AVA                     CCT-103 or CCT-435 Infants & Toddlers: Development & Care   data captured by the drones. UAS (Drone) use
 (Approved Veterinary Assistant).                                Approximate Number of Hours                                 has boomed across a wide range of commercial
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                       90 hours                                                    and industrial applications in which the tech-
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                    Approximate Training Cost                                   nology has provided a number of advantages
 complete course listing within this schedule.                   $880                                                        including data collection, workforce safety and
                                                                 Licensure/Certification Earned                              cost benefits. This implementation has created
Child Care                                                       None                                                        a need for trained pilots and the Association
                                                                *Note: Not all courses are offered in each                   for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
 Child Care Professional                                         schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                (AUVSI) predicts over 100,000 drone related jobs
 Early Childhood Teacher                                         complete course listing within this schedule.               will be created by 2025.
This program is for those who seek responsible
positions in the field of early childhood
                                                                Child Care Professional School Age Teacher                   DRN-001 Introduction to UAS (Drone) Technology
                                                                This program is for those who seek responsible               DRN-005 UAS (Drone) Ground School
education. An early childhood teacher provides
                                                                positions in the field of early childhood educa-             DRN-006 UAS (Drone) Flight School
care and educational experiences for children
                                                                tion. A school age teacher works for a child                 DRN-007 UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot Certificate Prep
ages 3-5 at a child care center. Teachers develop
                                                                care center providing care and educational                   DRN-002 UAS (Drone) Advanced Flight School
lesson plans, integrate curriculums, teach
                                                                experiences for children ages 6-14 most often                DRN-003 Foundations of Aerial Photo & Video Editing
lessons, establish age-appropriate environ-
                                                                before and after school in public and private                DRN-004 Foundations of Aerial Data
ments, discipline children, maintain records and
                                                                institutions. Teachers develop lesson plans,                 DRN-008 UAS (Drone) Pilot Capstone
interact with parents. This program meets the
                                                                integrate curriculums, teach lessons, establish              DRN-009 UAS (Drone) Flight Log
state requirements for the 90 clock hours of
                                                                age-appropriate environments, discipline                     Approximate Number of Hours
training in a school-aged program.
                                                                children, maintain records and interact with                 95 hours
                                                                parents. This program meets the state require-               Approximate Training Cost
CCT-434 Growth and Development in Early Childhood
                                                                ments for the 90 clock hours of training in a                $2,980 (includes text)
CCT-102 Materials and Methods for Early Childhood
          Education                                             school age program for children ages 6-14.
Approximate Number of Hours
90 hours
Approximate Training Cost

                 Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | 410-386-8100 | Register at
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                                                                                                                                                   Career &
                                                                           Workforce Training Certificates                                         Training

 Licensure/Certification Earned                            Approximate Training Cost                           Approximate Training Cost
 Students are prepared for FAA Part 107 Remote             $1,825 (excluding prerequisites)                    $799 (excluding prerequisites)
 Pilot Certification (certification required to            Licensure/Certification Earned                      Licensure/Certification Earned
 enroll in DRN-002)                                        Students who successfully complete the              Successful completion prepares students to
 Students are prepared for USI Small UAS Safety            training are eligible to apply for a CNA license    sit for the Certified Cardiographic Technician
 Certification ™                                           from the Maryland Board of Nursing.                 Examination administered by Cardiovascular
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                *Note: Not all courses are offered in each           Credentialing International (CCI).
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the              schedule. See the Course Index to locate the       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 complete course listing within this schedule.             complete course listing within this schedule.       schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                               complete course listing within this schedule.
Fitness                                                   Dental Assistant
                                                           Dental assistants play a vital role in dental      Emergency Medical Technician
Personal Fitness Trainer                                   offices helping dentists and dental hygienists      Emergency Medical Technicians respond
 Personal fitness trainers facilitate rapport,             provide services to patients. Duties may include    to emergency calls to provide efficient and
 adherence, self-efficacy and behavior change              maintaining medical records, assisting with         immediate care to the critically ill and injured.
 in clients as well as design programs that help           collection of patient information, instrument       They also provide transport to medical facilities.
 clients to improve posture, movement, flex-               and patient preparation, taking and developing      Hours may span days, evenings and weekends.
 ibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory        x-rays, and casting impressions. Hours are          Courses
 fitness, muscular endurance and strength, and             generally standard daytime with some evening        AHE-319 Emergency Medical Technician 1
 sports performance.                                       and weekend flexibility.                            AHE-320 Emergency Medical Technician 2
 Courses                                                   Prerequisite                                        Approximate Number of Hours
 VOC-617 ACE Certification for Personal Fitness Trainer    AHE-196 Professional Preparation in Healthcare      135 hours
 Approximate Number of Hours                               Courses                                             Approximate Training Cost
 60 hours                                                  AHE-063 Introduction to Dental Assisting            $1,516
 Approximate Training Cost                                 AHE-298 Oral Radiography                            Licensure/Certification Earned
 $574                                                      Approximate Number of Hours                         Successful completion of Emergency Medical
 Licensure/Certification Earned                            87 hours (excluding prerequisites)                  Technician 1 and Emergency Medical Techni-
 Students are prepared to take the American                Approximate Training Cost                           cian 2 prepares students to sit for the National
 Council on Exercise Certified Personal Fitness            $1,820 (excluding prerequisites)                    Registry Emergency Medical Technician written
 Trainer Exam.                                             Licensure/Certification Earned                      exam and MIEMSS practical evaluation.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                 Students who successfully complete Oral            *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the              Radiography will be eligible to take the Radia-     schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 complete course listing within this schedule.             tion Health and Safety examination through the      complete course listing within this schedule.
                                                           Dental Assisting National Board (DANB). This
                                                           certification is required in Maryland for anyone   Medical Assistant
Health Care                                                who takes dental x-rays.
                                                                                                              A certified clinical medical assistant is an
                                                          *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)                                                                             unlicensed multi-skilled healthcare practitioner
                                                           schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                              competent in a variety of clinical and laboratory
CNAs perform routine tasks under the                       complete course listing within this schedule.
                                                                                                              procedures and administrative roles. Medical
supervision of nursing and medical staff. Duties                                                              assistants perform routine administrative
include answering patients’ call lights, serving          EKG Technician                                      and clinical tasks to keep physician, podiatry,
meals, making beds, and helping patients eat,             EKG technicians perform diagnostic tests to         chiropractic and other health practitioner
dress and bathe. CNAs work day, evening and               assess the heart’s rate and rhythm. They may        offices running smoothly.
weekend shifts in hospitals and long-term care            work in clinical laboratory settings, hospitals     Courses
facilities.                                               or physicians’ offices. EKG technicians may set     Module 1 (approx. 170 hrs.)
Prerequisites                                             up and administer EKGs, stress tests and Holter     AHE-149 Medical Terminology for Health Careers
AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider          monitors. Hours may span days, evenings and         AHE-144 Introduction to Health
            CPR card                                      weekends.                                           AHE-145 Introduction to Health Care Systems
AHE-257 CNA Preparation                                   Prerequisites                                       AHE-312 Professional Preparation for Medical Assistants
Courses                                                   AHE-196 Professional Preparation in Healthcare      AHE-146 Basic Math for Health Care Workers
AHE-042 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Part 1       AHE-149 Medical Terminology for Health Careers      AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider
            (Theory)                                               (Online courses also accepted)                       CPR card
AHE-580 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Part 2       AHE-282 Anatomy & Physiology for Health Careers     AHE-147 HIPAA Training
            (Clinical)                                             (Online courses also accepted.)            AHE-275 Pharmacology
AHE-455 GNA Skills Lab                                    AHE-315 BLS Provider, or current AHA BLS Provider   Module 2 (approx. 330 hrs.)
Approximate Number of Hours                                        CPR card                                   AHE-282 Basic Anatomy & Physiology for Health Careers
138 hours (excluding prerequisites)                       Courses                                             AHE-160 Basic Patient Intake
                                                          AHE-358 EKG Technician Training I                   AHE-288 Basic EKG Training
                                                          AHE-359 EKG Technician Training II                  AHE-212 Introduction to Electronic Health Records
                                                          Approximate Number of Hours                         AHE-243 Medical Administrative Assistant
                                                          66 hours (excluding prerequisites)                  AHE-211 Intro Lab Techniques for Medical Assistants
                                                                                                              AHE-289 Phlebotomy for Health Careers

               Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | 410-386-8100 | Register at
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  Career &
  Training                       Workforce Training Certificates

 AHE-199 Medical Billing for the Physician’s Office     Licensure/Certification Earned                          AHE-306 Sterile Processing Technician Training
 Module 3 (approx. 120 hours)                           This course prepares students to sit for one of                    Externship 3
 AHE-240 Medical Assistant Clinical 1                   the national pharmacy technician certification          AHE-307 Sterile Processing Technician Training
 AHE-241 Medical Assistant Clinical 2                   exams: the PTCE offered by the Pharmacy                            Externship 4
 Approximate Number of Hours                            Technician Certification Board and the ExCPT            Approximate Number of Hours
 620 hours                                              offered by the National Healthcareer Associa-           496 hours (excluding prerequisites)
 Approximate Training Cost                              tion. Individuals who pass either exam are given        Approximate Training Cost
 $7,999 (plus texts)                                    the designation of CPhT (Certified Pharmacy             $1,890 (excluding prerequisites)
 Licensure/Certification Earned                         Technician).                                            Licensure/Certification Earned
 Students will be prepared to take the certifica-      *Note: Not all courses are offered in each               Successful completion of AHE-299 prepares
 tion exam and will be eligible for national            schedule. See the Course Index to locate the            students to take the Certified Registered Central
 certification as a Certified Clinical Medical          complete course listing within this schedule.           Service Technician (CRCST) certification exam
 Assistant through the National Healthcareer                                                                    offered by the International Association of
 Association (NHA).                                    Phlebotomy Technician                                    Healthcare Central Service Materiel Manage-
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                                                                      ment (IAHCSMM). Students must then complete
                                                        Phlebotomy technicians work in clinical
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                                                                   400 hours of externships to apply for CRCST
                                                        laboratory settings, hospitals and sometimes
 complete course listing within this schedule.                                                                  certification.
                                                        physicians’ offices. Their primary responsibility
                                                                                                               *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                        is to collect blood specimens as ordered by the
Medical Biller                                          physician. Hours may span day, evening, night
                                                                                                                schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                                complete course listing within this schedule.
 Medical billers use a multi-step process that          and weekend shifts.
 begins with generating an insurance claim              Prerequisite Courses
 and continues through a series of collection           AHE-196 Professional Preparation in Healthcare         Information Technology
 and payment activities. They must be familiar          AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider
 with the claim requirements for a variety of                      CPR card                                    Computer Graphic Designer
 insurance companies including government               Courses                                                 Computer graphic designers are responsible for
 payers. Hours are generally daytime with some          AHE-200 Phlebotomy Technician Training I: Theory        the design and layout of print and web-based
 evening and weekend flexibility.                       AHE-077 Phlebotomy Technician Training II: Clinical     marketing materials, brochures, flyers and logos.
 Courses                                                AHE-078 Phlebotomy Technician Training III: Clinical    They often work for graphic design firms or as
 AHE-199 Medical Billing for the Physician’s Office     Approximate Number of Hours                             freelance designers.
 AHE-149 Medical Terminology for Health Careers         168 hours (excluding prerequisites)                     Core Courses
 AHE-212 Introduction to Electronic Health Records      Approximate Training Cost                               DAP-185 Photoshop Level 1
 AHE-147 HIPAA Training                                 $2,163 (excluding prerequisites)                        DAP-440 Illustrator Level 1
 Approximate Number of Hours                            Licensure/Certification Earned                          DAP-441 InDesign Level 1
 101 hours                                              Successful completion prepares students to              Elective Courses (complete two)
 Approximate Training Cost                              sit for the PBT exam administered through the           DAP-186 Photoshop Level 2
 $1,314                                                 American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)          DAP-573 Illustrator Level 2
 Licensure/Certification Earned                         Board of Certification.                                 DAP-574 InDesign Level 2
 Successful completion prepares students for           *Note: Not all courses are offered in each               Approximate Number of Hours
 the Certified Professional Biller (CPB) national       schedule. See the Course Index to locate the            35 hours
 certification exam offered by the American             complete course listing within this schedule.           Approximate Training Cost
 Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC).                                                                         $745 plus texts
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each             Sterile Processing Technician                            Licensure/Certification Earned
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                                                                   None
                                                       Sterile processing technicians work behind
 complete course listing within this schedule.                                                                 *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                       the scenes in healthcare settings such as
                                                       hospitals, surgical centers and physicians’              schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
Pharmacy Technician                                    offices to ensure instruments and equipment              complete course listing within this schedule.
Pharmacy technicians work in pharmacy                  are properly cleaned, handled, sterilized and
settings in clinics, retail locations, hospitals and   safe for patients. This program trains individuals      To earn the Computer Graphic Designer
sometimes in physicians’ offices. Their primary        to become sterile processing technicians and            Workforce Training Certificate, please notify
responsibility is to assist the pharmacist in the      prepares you for sterile processing technician          us of the certificate you wish to earn at the
preparation and packaging of prescription              certification.                                          time of registration. After completing the final
drugs. Hours may span day, evening, night and          Prerequisite Courses                                    course in the certificate program, complete
weekend shifts.                                        AHE-315 BLS Provider or current AHA-BLS Provider        and submit a Student Request for a Workforce
Courses                                                           CPR card                                     Training Certificate, which can be obtained
AHE-356 Pharmacy Technician Training I                 Courses                                                 online at or by
AHE-361 Pharmacy Technician Training II                AHE-316 Foundations for Healthcare Careers              calling Customer Service at 410-386-8100. Upon
Approximate Number of Hours                            AHE-299 Sterile Processing Technician Training          verification of completion, the certificate will be
105 hours (excluding prerequisites)                               Fundamentals                                 mailed to you at the address on file within five
Approximate Training Cost                              AHE-304 Sterile Processing Technician Training          business days.
$1,497 (excluding prerequisites)                                  Externship 1
                                                       AHE-305 Sterile Processing Technician Training
                                                                  Externship 2

              Carroll Community College | Continuing Education & Training | 410-386-8100 | Register at
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                                                                                                                                                  Career &
                                                                            Workforce Training Certificates                                       Training

IOS App Developer                                        Real Estate                                            Courses
                                                                                                                VOC-174 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 1: Part 1
 iOS App Developers are software developers
                                                                                                                VOC-030 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 1: Part 2
 that create and write code for applications that        Home Inspector
                                                                                                                VOC-577 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 2: Part 1
 will run on Apple iOS devices such as iMacs,             Home inspectors conduct inspections of                VOC-032 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 2: Part 2
 iPads and iPhones. This hands-on, project-               homes, condominiums, apartments and                   VOC-578 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 3: Part 1
 based course is delivered in a hybrid format             other residential dwellings. They are hired by        VOC-034 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 3: Part 2
 with both in-person and online classes. This             prospective home buyers to inspect and report         VOC-579 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 4: Part 1
 program is designed for new and experienced              on the condition of a home’s systems, compo-          VOC-036 Electrical Apprenticeship Year 4: Part 2
 programmers. Students will learn the founda-             nents and structure, including the interior and       Approximate Number of Hours
 tions of the Swift programming language.                 exterior and all of the home’s systems such as        627 classroom hours / 8,000 on-the-job training
 Students select an independent project and               HVAC and electrical. This training is approved        hours
 design, prototype and build an app of their              by the Maryland Commission of Real Estate             Approximate Training Cost
 own. Prerequisites: None.                                Appraisers and Home Inspectors to provide             Varies based on the agreement the student has
 Courses                                                  home inspector pre-licensing training, which is       with his or her employer.
 DAP-156 App Development with Swift, Part 1               required to receive a home inspector license in       Licensure/Certification Earned
 DAP-157 App Development with Swift, Part 2               Maryland.                                             Journeyman certification from the Maryland
 Approximate Number of Hours                              Courses                                               Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
 180 hours                                                VOC-330 Home Inspection Training                      (DLLR).
 Approximate Training Cost                                Approximate Number of Hours                           For more information, call 410-876-0484.
 $2,500                                                   81 hours
 Licensure/Certification Earned                           Approximate Training Cost
 None.                                                    $1,058
                                                                                                                Floral Designer
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                Licensure/Certification Earned                         Floral designers, also called florists, cut and
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the             Upon completion, students will be eligible to sit      arrange live, dried, or silk flowers and greenery
 complete course listing within this schedule.            for the National Home Inspector Examination.           to make decorative displays. They also assist
                                                         *Note: Not all courses are offered in each              customers with selecting flowers, containers,
                                                                                                                 ribbons and other accessories for special
Media                                                     schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                                 occasions. Most floral designers work in retail
                                                          complete course listing within this schedule.
                                                                                                                 businesses, usually in flower shops or grocery
Media Production Specialist                                                                                      stores, and some are self-employed.
 Media production specialists produce, edit and          Real Estate Sales Agent                                 Courses
 manipulate images, graphics, audio and video             Real estate agents help clients buy, sell and rent     VOC-457 Introduction to Floral Design
 for a wide audience to inform or entertain.              properties. Agents will work with customers            VOC-370 Wedding and Party Design
 This program will train individuals to pursue a          to develop contracts, advertise properties,            VOC-371 Remembrance and Memorial Design
 freelance or professional career to edit audio,          negotiate pricing and process all required             VOC-460 Floral Design, Mastery
 video and operate a variety of camera equip-             paperwork through closing.                             Approximate Number of Hours
 ment and devices. This certificate is conducted          Courses                                                96 hours
 in partnership with, and on location of, the             REA-266 Maryland Real Estate Principles & Practices    Approximate Training Cost
 Community Media Center and its staff.                    Approximate Number of Hours                            $1,734
 Courses                                                  60 hours                                               Licensure/Certification Earned
 MMD-005 Introductory Seminar in Media Production         Approximate Training Cost                              None
 DAP-842 Media Pre-Production                             $829                                                  *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 DAP-843 Audio Production                                 Licensure/Certification Earned                         schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 MMD-002 Media Production                                 Students are prepared to sit for the Real Estate       complete course listing within this schedule.
 MMD-003 Media Post-production                            Sales Agent License exam.
 MMD-004 Formatting Media Content for Online Platforms   *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                                                                                HVACR Apprentice
 MMD-001 Media Production Specialist Capstone             schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 Approximate Number Hours                                 complete course listing within this schedule.         HVACR apprentices are tradesmen specializing
 98 hours                                                                                                       in heating, ventilation and air conditioning/
                                                                                                                refrigeration systems. Work may include
 Approximate Training Cost                               Trades                                                 installing, servicing and repairing heating and
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                 air conditioning systems in residences and
                                                         Electrical Apprentice                                  commercial establishments. Apprentices usually
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each               Electrical apprentices work as tradesmen               begin by assisting experienced technicians with
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the            specializing in the installation of electrical         carrying materials, insulating refrigerant lines
                                                         wiring and fittings in new construction or the         or cleaning furnaces, and move on to more
 complete course listing within this schedule.
                                                         maintenance of existing electrical infrastructure.     difficult tasks such as cutting and soldering
                                                         This trade is regulated for safety by the State        pipes and checking electrical and electronic
                                                         of Maryland and its respective counties. Most          circuits.
                                                         work is completed during the day.                      Courses
                                                                                                                VOC-315 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 1: Part 1
                                                                                                                VOC-316 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 1: Part 2
                                                                                                                VOC-357 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 2: Part 1

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  Training                     Workforce Training Certificates

VOC-358 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 2: Part 2    Approximate Training Cost                            Courses
VOC-405 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 3: Part 1    $2,660                                               AHE-113 Assisted Living Manager
VOC-406 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 3: Part 2    Licensure/Certification Earned                       Approximate Number of Hours
VOC-582 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 4: Part 1    Students who successfully complete the               80 hours
VOC-583 HVAC Apprenticeship Training Year 4: Part 2    certification testing administered during the        Approximate Training Cost
Approximate Number of Hours                            advanced welding class will receive AWS              $920
630 classroom hours (157 hours per year)               General Welding Certification.                       Licensure/Certification Earned
8,000 on-the-job training hours                       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each            Successful completion meets the OHCQ
Approximate Training Cost                              schedule. See the Course Index to locate the         requirements for Assisted Living Managers.
Varies based on the agreement the student has          complete course listing within this schedule.       *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
with his or her employer.                                                                                   schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
Licensure/Certification Earned                        Transportation                                        complete course listing within this schedule.
Students who successfully complete this
training are awarded an HVACR Journeyman’s                                                                 Medicine Aide Training
                                                      Truck Driver
                                                       Local drivers may provide daily service for a        Currently employed Geriatric Nursing Assistants
For more information, call 410-431-8889.
                                                       specific route while other drivers make intercity    may safely prepare, administer and chart
                                                       and interstate deliveries that take longer and       routine medicines in a nursing home.
HVACR Technician                                                                                            Courses
                                                       may vary from job to job. Long-distance heavy
 HVACR technicians work in entry-level positions       truck and tractor-trailer drivers spend most of      AHE-588 Medicine Aide Training
 with large or small contracting companies,            their time behind the wheel but may load or          Approximate Number of Hours
 manufacturers or wholesalers of environmental         unload their cargo at their destination. Drivers     74 hours
 systems equipment. They install, service and          frequently travel at night, on holidays and          Approximate Training Cost
 repair heating and air conditioning systems in        weekends to avoid traffic delays.                    $912
 residences and commercial establishments.             Courses                                              Licensure/Certification Earned
 Courses                                               Course numbers vary for CDL-A and                    Eligible to become a Certified Medicine Aide in
 VOC-220 Applications in Environmental Systems I       CDL-B classes.                                       Maryland
 VOC-094 Applications in Environmental Systems II      Approximate Number of Hours                         *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 Approximate Number of Hours                           CDL-A: 240 hours                                     schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 90 hours                                              CDL-B with Passengers: 65 hours                      complete course listing within this schedule.
 Approximate Training Cost                             Approximate Training Cost
 $1,178                                                CDL-A: $3,642 (plus applicable fees)                Nurse Refresher
 Licensure/Certification Earned                        CDL-B Hospitality: $1,758 (plus applicable fees)     Provides learning experiences for nurses who
 Upon successful completion of this training           Licensure/Certification Earned                       have been out of the workplace and who are
 and the refrigerant handling certification exam       Upon successful completion of this training and      planning on returning to work. This training
 administered during class, students are eligible      the MVA written and driving tests administered       meets the Maryland Board of Nursing require-
 for EPA Refrigerant Reclamation Certification.        during class, either a MD CDL-A or CDL-B license     ments to reactivate an RN/LPN license. Topics
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each             will be awarded.                                     include managing patient care, documenta-
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the         *Note: Not all courses are offered in each            tion, medication administration, emergency
 complete course listing within this schedule.         schedule. See the Course Index to locate the         procedures, evaluation of patient care and
                                                       complete course listing within this schedule.        team member responsibilities. A session in
Welder                                                                                                      our state-of-the-art simulation lab is included.
Welders are employed in many industry
groups and manufacturers. They assist with the
                                                      Workforce Training                                    Criminal background checks and drug testing,
                                                                                                            at additional cost, are required at least 30 days
construction of industrial machinery for the          Certificates for                                      prior to the start of this training.
agricultural, construction and mining sectors.
They are involved with material handling, food        Career Advancement                                    Courses
                                                                                                            NRS-419 Nurse Refresher Pt. 1: Theory
processing, papermaking and printing equip-                                                                 NRS-420 Nurse Refresher Pt. 2: Clinical
ment and textiles and office machinery. Welders       Health Care                                           Approximate Number of Hours
work from drawings or specifications, or use                                                                163 hours
their knowledge of fluxes and base metals to          Assisted Living Manager                               Approximate Training Cost
determine the best way to permanently join            This is an OHCQ approved 80-hour training             $1,920
metal parts. Welders are exposed to a number          to prepare assisted living managers. Topics           Licensure/Certification Earned
of hazards, including intense light, poisonous        include the philosophy of assisted living,            Students who successfully complete the
fumes and extremely hot materials and must            aging process and its impact, assessment and          training are eligible to apply to reactivate their
wear protective equipment while working.              level of care waiver, service planning, clinical      RN/LPN license with the Maryland Board of
Courses                                               management, admission and discharge criteria,         Nursing.
VOC-015 Basic Welding                                 nutrition and food safety, dementia, mental          *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
VOC-467 Advanced Welding                              health and behavior management, end-of-life           schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
VOC-728 Advanced Welding 2                            care, management and operation, emergency             complete course listing within this schedule.
Approximate Number of Hours                           planning, quality assurance and the survey
120 hours                                             process. To meet OHCQ requirements, 100%
                                                      attendance is required.

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                                                                                                                                                   Career &
                                                                             Workforce Training Certificates                                       Training

Patient Care Technician                                    *Note: Not all courses are offered in each             Approximate Training Cost
                                                            schedule. See the Course Index to locate the          $745 includes texts
 Advance your CNA skills to work in a variety
                                                            complete course listing within this schedule.         Licensure/Certification Earned
 of health care settings, including hospital
 setting. Patient care technicians are part of a
 multi-disciplinary team responsible for caring            Fundamental Office Technology                         *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                                                                                  schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 for patients requiring acute and chronic care.             This training recognizes achievement in gaining
 You will expand your skills to include complex                                                                   complete course listing within this schedule.
                                                            knowledge in computer applications for
 health care procedures such as electrocardio-              business and personal use.
 grams, glucose monitoring, intravenous therapy,                                                                 To earn the Advanced Office Technology
                                                            Core Courses
 wound care and urinary catheterization.                                                                         Workforce Training Certificate, please notify
                                                            DAP-014 Word Level 1
 Courses                                                                                                         us of the certificate you wish to earn at the
                                                            DAP-017 Excel Level 1
 AHE-318 Patient Care Technician                                                                                 time of registration. After completing the final
                                                            DAP-020 PowerPoint Level 1
 Approximate Number of Hours                                                                                     course in the certificate program, complete
                                                            Elective Courses (complete two)
 92 hours                                                                                                        and submit a Student Request for a Workforce
                                                            DAP-052 Outlook Level 1
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                       Training Certificate, which can be obtained
                                                            DAP-029 Access Level 1
 $1,145                                                                                                          online at or by
                                                            DAP-483 Publisher Level 1
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                  calling Customer Service at 410-386-8100. Upon
                                                            Approximate Number of Hours
 Students who successfully complete this course                                                                  verification of completion, the certificate will be
                                                            35 hours
 are eligible to take the Certified Patient Care                                                                 mailed to you at the address on file within five
                                                            Approximate Training Cost
 Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A) exam from the                                                                     business days.
                                                            $745 includes texts
 National Healthcareer Association.                         Licensure/Certification Earned
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                  None                                                 Innovative Office Technology
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the              *Note: Not all courses are offered in each             Maximize efficiency and productivity within the
 complete course listing within this schedule.              schedule. See the Course Index to locate the          suite of Office products. Tasks and functions of
                                                            complete course listing within this schedule.         a variety of applications enhance deliverables
Information Technology                                                                                            and increase workflow in an office setting.
                                                           To earn the Fundamental Office Technology              Utilize software to its full potential, and make
                                                           Workforce Training Certificate, please notify          decisions to implement the collaborative
Digital and Social Media Professional                                                                             environment of the entire suite to increase
                                                           us of the certificate you wish to earn at the
Digital and social media is a driving force in             time of registration. After completing the final       productivity for corporations, government
business, marketing and development. It may                course in the certificate program, complete            agencies or nonprofit organizations.
include branding, public affairs, marketing                and submit a Student Request for a Workforce           Prerequisite Courses
communications or community outreach                       Training Certificate, which can be obtained            DAP-015 Word Level 2
and engagement. Digital and social media                   online at or by       DAP-018 Excel Level 2
professionals may plan, execute and assess                 calling Customer Service at 410-386-8100. Upon         DAP-083 PowerPoint Level 2
a comprehensive and effective social media                 verification of completion, the certificate will be    Core Courses
campaign for corporations, government agen-                mailed to you at the address on file within five       DAP-781 Adobe Acrobat Power: More than just PDFs
cies or non-profit organizations.                          business days.                                         DAP-780 Maximizing Access: Reports and Queries
Prerequisite Course                                                                                               DAP-784 Connecting Office: Dynamic Linking
                                                           Advanced Office Technology                             DAP-783 Innovative Office Technology Capstone
Core Courses (in order)                                                                                           Elective Courses (complete 2)
DAP-772 Introductory Seminar in Digital and Social Media   This training enhances technology and
                                                                                                                  DAP-786 Microsoft Visio for Professionals
         or                                                computer application skills through advanced
                                                                                                                  DAP-797 Microsoft Project for Professionals
DAP-771 Introduction to Social Media Tools                 functions of a variety of Office products to
                                                                                                                  DAP-744 Effective Collaboration and Communication
DAP-837 Social Media Strategies and Tactics                increase efficiency and productivity.
                                                                                                                            in the Digital World
DAP-775 Social Media Analytics: Measuring and Assessing    Prerequisite Courses
                                                                                                                  DAP-785 Desktop Publishing for the Professional
          Metrics and ROI                                  DAP-014 Word Level 1
                                                                                                                  Approximate Number of Hours
DAP-778 Digital and Social Media Program Capstone          DAP-017 Excel Level 1
                                                                                                                  50 hours
Elective Courses                                           DAP-020 PowerPoint Level 1
                                                                                                                  Approximate Training Cost
(complete one prior to capstone course)                    Core Courses
                                                                                                                  $1,160 includes texts
DAP-776 Inbound E-Marketing: QR Codes, Prospect            DAP-015 Word Level 2
                                                                                                                  Licensure/Certification Earned
          Databases and More                               DAP-018 Excel Level 2
DAP-777 Viral Marketing Technologies: Viral, Buzz and      DAP-083 PowerPoint Level 2
                                                                                                                 *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
          Guerilla Strategies                              Elective Courses (complete 2)
                                                                                                                  schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
DAP-839 Presentation with Prezi                            DAP-786 Microsoft Visio for Professionals
                                                                                                                  complete course listing within this schedule.
Approximate Number of Hours                                DAP-797 Microsoft Project for Professionals
40 hours                                                   DAP-744 Effective Collaboration and Communication
Approximate Training Cost                                            in the Digital World
$850                                                       DAP-785 Desktop Publishing for the Professional
Licensure/Certification Earned                             Approximate Number of Hours
None                                                       35 hours

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  Career &

QuickBooks Pro Specialist                             To earn the Management Development                        Health Care
                                                      Workforce Training Certificate, please notify
 Keep financial records complete by using
                                                      us of the certificate you wish to earn at the
 QuickBooks Pro accounting software. Compute,                                                                   Clinical Medical Assistant Certification
                                                      time of registration. After completing the final
 classify and record numerical data. Perform any
                                                      course in the certificate program, complete
                                                                                                                Exam Prep
 combination of routine calculating, posting and                                                                 While medical assistants are not required to
                                                      and submit a Student Request for a Workforce
 verifying duties to obtain primary financial data                                                               be certified, employers prefer to hire certified
                                                      Training Certificate, which can be obtained
 for use in maintaining accounting records for                                                                   assistants. This course prepares students for the
                                                      online at or by
 small businesses. May also check the accuracy                                                                   National Healthcareer Association’s Certified
                                                      calling Customer Service at 410-386-8100. Upon
 of figures, calculations and postings pertaining                                                                Clinical Medical Assistant (NHA CCMA) exam.
                                                      verification of completion, the certificate will be
 to business transactions.                                                                                       This exam prep is open to students who are
                                                      mailed to you at the address on file within five
 Courses                                                                                                         already working in the field as a medical
                                                      business days.
 DAP-591 QuickBooks Pro Level 1                                                                                  assistant. Training is aligned to the NHA CCMA
 DAP-762 QuickBooks Pro Level 2
 DAP-124 QuickBooks Pro Certified User Exam Prep      EXAM                                                       exam requirements and the Medical Assistant
                                                                                                                 Training program. Upon completion of this
 Approximate Number of Hours
 30 hours                                             PREPARATION                                                course, students may sit for the NHA Certified
                                                                                                                 Clinical Medical Assistant exam.
 Approximate Training Cost
 $830 includes text, exam voucher and
                                                      FOR INDUSTRY                                               Courses
 trial software                                       CREDENTIALS                                                AHE-293 Clinical Medical Assistant Certification Exam Prep
                                                                                                                 Approximate Number of Hours
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                                  60 hours
 Students are prepared to take the Certiport          Start a new career or build your résumé with a
                                                      state or national certification. Test preparation          Approximate Training Cost
 Intuit QuickBooks Certified User (QBCU) exam.                                                                   $770
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each            classes help you earn your industry certification.
                                                                                                                 Licensure/Certification Earned
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                                                                    Students who pass the exam will be CCMA
 complete course listing within this schedule.        If you complete an exam preparation class
                                                      that is 30 hours or more, you will also receive a          certified by the NHA.
                                                      Workforce Training Certificate.                           *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
Management                                                                                                       schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                                 complete course listing within this schedule.
Management Development
 A manager accomplishes department                    UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot                              Home Improvement
 objectives by managing and motivating staff,
                                                       If you hold a current Remote Pilot Certification
 planning and evaluating department activities.
                                                       and need to brush up on your knowledge
                                                                                                                 Home Improvement Contractor:
 They may select, hire and orient employees; are
                                                       for recertification, or are a new pilot looking
                                                                                                                 MHIC Exam Prep
 responsible to maintain a safe, secure and legal
                                                       to obtain your Remote Pilot Certification for             Prepare to take the Maryland Home Improve-
 work environment; communicate job expecta-
                                                       commercial or business use, this course will              ment Contractors (MHIC) exam with an
 tions, monitor results, coach employees; and
                                                       cover the application process and prepare you             intensive review of the self-study contractor’s
 establish strategic, departmental or team goals
                                                       for the exam. Focus on the objectives that                manual used for the exam. Topics include the
 and evaluate outcomes.
                                                       relate to the Aeronautical Knowledge Test                 MD Home Improvement Law, Door-to-Door
                                                       which will allow successful students to obtain            Sales Act, and a review of the various business
 MGT-410 Management Basics: Foundations for Success
                                                       the FAA Airman Certificate. This certificate is           and employee laws included in the exam.
          (must be taken first)
                                                       necessary to apply for and obtain the Remote              Business planning, start-up and operating
 MGT-401 Building a Winning Team: Interviewing,
                                                       Pilot Certificate.                                        considerations including sales and estimating
          Selecting & Hiring Employees
                                                       Prerequisite Course                                       are also covered. An MHIC license is required to
 MGT-380 Effective Performance Appraisals
                                                       DRN-006 UAS (Drone) Flight School, comparable ground      practice in Maryland.
 MGT-381 Coaching Employees to Peak Performance
                                                                 school, or current/previous FAA Remote Pilot    Courses
 MGT-399 Managing Using Emotional Intelligence
                                                                 certificate holder                              VOC-373 MHIC License Exam Preparation
 MGT-400 HR Legal Issues for Managers
                                                       Course                                                    Approximate Number of Hours
 MGT-411 Conflict Management
                                                       DRN-007 UAS (Drone) FAA Remote Pilot Certificate Prep     12 hours
 MGT-412 Fostering Diversity in the Workplace
                                                       Approximate Number of Hours                               Approximate Training Cost
 MGT-413 Communications Skills for Managers
                                                       18 hours                                                  $222
 MGT-414 Leading Change in the Workplace
                                                       Approximate Training Cost                                 Licensure/Certification Earned
 MGT-415 Leading High Performance Teams
                                                       $779                                                      Students are prepared to take the MHIC License
 Approximate Number of Hours
                                                       Licensure/Certification Earned                            exam.
 69 hours
                                                       Students are prepared to sit for the Aeronautical        *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 Approximate Training Cost
                                                       Knowledge Test which will allow them to                   schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                       obtain the FAA Airman Certificate and obtain              complete course listing within this schedule.
 Licensure/Certification Earned
 None                                                  the Remote Pilot Certificate.
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each            *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the          schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 complete course listing within this schedule.         complete course listing within this schedule.

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                                                                                                                                             Career &
                                                       Exam Preparation for Industry Credentials                                             Training

Human Resources                                         Adobe Certified Associate: Visual                   CompTIA A+
                                                        Communication Using Adobe Photoshop                  Prepare to sit for the CompTIA A+ Certifica-
Professional in Human Resources (PHR)                    Prepare to take the certification exam and be       tion exam. Topics covered include installing,
Exam Prep                                                recognized as an Adobe Certified Associate          upgrading, troubleshooting and configuring
 Prepare for HRCI’s PHR or SPHR exams and                (ACA) in Photoshop. Gain an understanding of        hardware, configuring operating systems and
 earn the most widely known credential in the            the exam content and hone your skills through       computer maintenance.
 HR industry. This course will review the six            hands-on activities. Master features of Photo-      Courses
 key competency areas and provide practice               shop such as understanding tools, working           DAP-799 CompTIA A+ Certification Prep
 test opportunities for those who plan to take           with layers, adjusting images and working with      Approximate Number of Hours
 the exam. To qualify to take the exam, you              filters. Includes test voucher.                     14 hours
 must meet HRCI’s minimum education and                  Courses                                             Approximate Training Cost
 experience requirements. Visit for         DAP-794 Adobe Photoshop CC Exam Prep                $492
 requirements, testing windows and exam fees             Approximate Number of Hours                         Licensure/Certification Earned
 (student is responsible for exam fees).                 7 hours                                             Students are prepared to sit for the CompTIA
 Course                                                  Approximate Training Cost                           A+ Exam.
 MGT-394 PHR/SPHR Exam Preparation Course                $224 plus text                                     *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 Approximate Number of Hours                             Licensure/Certification Earned                      schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 24 hours                                                Students are prepared to sit for the Visual         complete course listing within this schedule.
 Approximate Training Cost                               Communication Using Adobe Photoshop Exam.
 $1,125 plus the costs of practice exams                *Note: Not all courses are offered in each          CompTIA Network+
 Licensure/Certification Earned                          schedule. See the Course Index to locate the        Prepare to sit for the CompTIA Network+
 Students are prepared to sit for the HRCI’s PHR         complete course listing within this schedule.       Certification exam. Topics covered include
 or SPHR exams.                                                                                              managing, maintaining, troubleshooting,
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each              AutoCAD                                              installing and configuring basic computer
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the            Further your drafting career. Prepare to sit for    network infrastructure.
 complete course listing within this schedule.           the AutoCAD Certification exam. A certification     Courses
                                                         in Autodesk AutoCAD validates knowledge             DAP-800 CompTIA Network+ Certification Prep
Information Technology                                   and skills in the latest Autodesk software. This    Approximate Number of Hours
                                                         industry-accepted credential can boost careers      14 hours
Adobe Certified Associate:                               in the design and visualization industries.         Approximate Training Cost
                                                         Courses                                             $460
Graphic Design & Illustration Using                                                                          Licensure/Certification Earned
                                                         DAP-721 AutoCAD Certification Prep
Adobe Illustrator Exam Prep                              Approximate Number of Hours                         Students are prepared to sit for the CompTIA
 Prepare to take the certification exam and be           15 hours                                            Network+ Exam.
 recognized as an Adobe Certified Associate              Approximate Training Cost                          *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 (ACA) in Illustrator. Gain an understanding of          $197 includes text                                  schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
 the exam content and hone your skills through           Licensure/Certification Earned                      complete course listing within this schedule.
 hands-on activities. Master features of Illustrator     Students are prepared to sit for the AutoCAD
 such as advanced drawing tasks, transforming            Certification exam.                                CompTIA Security+
 objects, manipulating text and incorporating a         *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
 variety of graphics. Includes test voucher.                                                                 Prepare to sit for the CompTIA Security+ exam.
                                                         schedule. See the Course Index to locate the        Topics include cryptography, access control
 Courses                                                 complete course listing within this schedule.
 DAP-793 Adobe Illustrator CC Exam Prep                                                                      and identity management, application, data
 Approximate Number of Hours                                                                                 and host security, threats and vulnerabilities,
 7 hours                                                                                                     compliance and operational security and
 Approximate Training Cost                                                                                   network security.
 $224 plus text                                                                                              Courses
 Licensure/Certification Earned                                                                              DAP-801 CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep
 Students are prepared to sit for the Graphic                                                                Approximate Number of Hours
 Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator                                                               14 hours
 Exam.                                                                                                       Approximate Training Cost
*Note: Not all courses are offered in each                                                                   $570
 schedule. See the Course Index to locate the                                                                Licensure/Certification Earned
 complete course listing within this schedule.                                                               Students are prepared to sit for the CompTIA
                                                                                                             Security+ Exam.
                                                                                                            *Note: Not all courses are offered in each
                                                                                                             schedule. See the Course Index to locate the
                                                                                                             complete course listing within this schedule.

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