Half Term Activities - Thirteen Group

Page created by Jonathan Holt
Half Term Activities - Thirteen Group
Half Term

Hartlepool ..................................................................................................................3
Stockton .....................................................................................................................6
Middlesbrough .........................................................................................................10

Activity                Date and        For Ages       Location        How to book
Self Portrait station   Sat 26th        All ages       Hartlepool      https://www.culturehart
                        10am-5pm                       Art Gallery     lepool.com/events/febru
                                                       and Museum      ary-half-term-activities/
                                                       of Hartlepool
Make Your Own           Thursday 24th   All ages       Hartlepool      https://www.culturehart
Rocket Ship             10am –                         Art Gallery     lepool.com/events/febru
                        11am,                          and Museum      ary-half-term-activities/
                        11.15am –                      of Hartlepool
Storytime with          Friday 25th     All ages       Hartlepool      https://www.culturehart
Simon Bartram           February                       Art Gallery     lepool.com/events/febru
Award Winning           10am –                         and Museum      ary-half-term-activities/
children’s Author       11am,                          of Hartlepool
                        11.15am –
Tips and Tricks with    Saturday 26th   5+             Hartlepool      https://www.culturehart
Artist Rebecca          10am –                         Art Gallery     lepool.com/events/febru
Bennett                 11am,                          and Museum      ary-half-term-activities/
                        11.15am –                      of Hartlepool
CHILDREN'S STORIES      Monday 21st     For            Community       Drop in
& RHYMES                10am - 11am     children       Hub Central,
                        & 1pm - 2pm     under 5        York Road,
                                        years          Hartlepool,
                                                       TS26 9DE
 Daisy Chain Family     Monday 21st     N/A            Community       Drop in
Engagement - These      Drop in                        Hub Central,
   sessions are for     between                        York Road,
 families of children   4pm - 5pm                      Hartlepool,
     who display                                       TS26 9DE
   associated with
     l conditions
  including autism,
  sensory diversity
and attention-deficit

  disorder (ADHD).
This is for those pre,
   during and post
    diagnosis. No
 Junior Pirate Craft     Tuesday 21st   Suitable       Community      Booking required please
        Session          1.30pm -       for            Hub Central,   contact
                         2.30pm         children       York Road,     hubevents@hartlepool.g
                                        up to 10       Hartlepool,    ov.uk with your contact
                                        years          TS26 9DE       information or call 07768
                                                                      841306 to reserve your
Baby Babble - Songs   Wednesday     Under              Community      Drop in
  and rhymes for      22nd 10.30am 2’s                 Hub Central,
     under 2's        - 11.30am &                      York Road,
                      1.30pm -                         Hartlepool,
                      2.30pm                           TS26 9DE
Code Club @Fab Lab Wednesday        9-13               Community      Booking required please
   - The coders will     nd
                      22 3:45pm                        Hub Central,   email
 complete a weekly – 5:00pm                            York Road,     community.hubs@hartle
    project such as                                    Hartlepool,    pool.gov.uk to reserve a
  making a game or                                     TS26 9DE       space
    programming a
   robot, as well as
  unplugged coding
activities to develop
    their computer
      coding skills
        in a fun
 Children's Stories & Thursday 24th Under 5s           Community      Drop in
        Rhymes        10.00am -                        Hub Central,
                      11.00am &                        York Road,
                      11.30am -                        Hartlepool,
                      12.30pm                          TS26 9DE
  Dancercise - Easy   Friday 25th   N/A                Community      Drop In
steps - movement to 2:30pm –                           Hub Central,
     music fun and    3:25pm                           York Road,
   uplifting session                                   Hartlepool,
                                                       TS26 9DE
 Daisy Chain Family      Monday 21st    N/A            Community      Drop in
Engagement - These       Drop in                       Hub South,

sessions are for      between                        Wynyard
 families of children    10am – 12pm                    Road,
      who display                                       Hartlepool,
    characteristics                                     TS25 3LQ
   associated with
      l conditions
  including autism,
  sensory diversity
and attention-deficit
  disorder (ADHD).
This is for those pre,
   during and post
     diagnosis. No
CHILDREN'S STORIES       Tuesday 22nd    For            Community     Drop in
& RHYMES                 10am - 11am     children       Hub South,
                         & 1pm - 2pm     under 5        Wynyard
                                         years          Road,
                                                        TS25 3LQ
   Sensory Room          Available all   N/A            Community     Booking available for
                         week                           Hub South,    individual/group
                                                        Wynyard       sessions, contact
                                                        Road,         Community Hub South
                                                        Hartlepool,   01429 272631 for
                                                        TS25 3LQ      further details

All provision is for children 5-16 who are eligible for benefit related free school meals
Activity Date and Time(s) Location              Activity Description          How to book
Creative Monday 21/2/22 Stockton Arts Each day there will be a call 01642 525199
Activities Tuesday 22/2/22 Centre               creative activity led by a
            Thursday 24/2/22 The Arc            Tees Valley based artist.
            Friday 25/2/22 Dovecot Street Following the creative
            All 9:30am –        Stockton-on- activity there will be a
            1:30pm              Tees            screening of a family
                                TS18 1LL        friendly film.

                                           Popcorn and drinks
                                           provided for movie. Hot
                                           lunch will be prepared
                                           onsite by ARC’s
           Monday 21/2/22 Billingham       Children will play boxing To book call 07939
Boxing     Tuesday 22/2/22 Boxing          inspired games, both with 513574
Inspired Thursday 24/2/22 Academy          a
Games      Friday 25/2/22                  partner and on punching
           All 10am – 2pm Unit 31-35       bags and at the end of
                            West Precinct every day a talk around a
                            Billingham     different topic each day
                            Stockton on    (Anti-bullying, healthy
                            Tees           eating etc.)
                            TS23 2NN
                                           Each day lunch will consist
                                           of a sandwich, a packet of
                                           crisps, a drink, a yoghurt or
                                           fruit bar, and 2 pieces of
Various Tuesday 22/2/22 BCT Aspire         Activities include trips to To book email
activities Wednesday        Billingham     Jump 360, Golfing             colin.liddle@bctaspire
           23/2/22          Synthonia Club Sessions,                     .org.uk
           Thursday 24/2/22 Belasis Avenue varied theme arts and
           Friday 25/2/22 Billingham       crafts, music and drama

All 11am – 3pm   TS23 1LH     and more.

                                           A Hot meal provided every
                                           day on site and a packed
                                           lunch for offsite trips.
Billingha Monday 21/2/22 Marsh House Multi Sports Activities will To book call 01642
m Town    Tuesday 22/2/22 Sports           be run in partnership with 551171
Council   Wednesday         and Community NESC by qualified             Or email
Indoor    23/2/22           Centre TS23    Instructors.                 info@billinghamtownc
Football  Thursday 24/2/22 3QJ                                          ouncil.co.uk
and Multi Friday 25/2/22                   They will deliver a
Sports    All 9am – 3pm                    nutritious
ActivitiesThis provision                   hot lunch for each
          offers an                        individual attendee.
          early drop off
          option from
          8am, this must be
          in advance
Billingha Monday 21/2/22 Community         The Arts and Crafts          To book call 01642
m Town Tuesday 22/2/22 Hub,                sessions will allow          551171
Council Wednesday           John           children to get as creative Or email
Arts and 23/2/22            Whitehead Park as they possibly can be,     info@billinghamtownc
Crafts    Thursday 24/2/22 TS23 2NB        they will be making fairy ouncil.co.uk
Sessions Friday 25/2/22                    doors to put into the
          All 9am – 3pm                    garden to let magical
          This provision                   creatures enter.
          offers an
          early drop off                   They will deliver a
          option from                      nutritious
          8am, this must be                hot lunch for each
          booked                           individual attendee.
          in advance
          Tuesday 22/2/22 Eastern Ravens Children will have the         To book call 01642
          Wednesday         Trust & EPIC   option of numerous           678454
          23/2/22           Teesside       different activities such as
          Thursday 24/2/22 Elim Hope       board games, table-tennis,
          Friday 25/2/22 Centre,           arts and craft and outdoor

All 11am – 3pm   3 Ragpath Lane activities (weather
                           TS19 9AT       dependent)

                                           Each child will get a snack
                                           during the day and will be
                                           provided with a hot
                                           nutritious meal for lunch
Craft /    Monday 21/2/22 Family Action Each day will have craft       This provision is for
Family     Tuesday 22/2/22 Stockton Family activities and a family     clients
Activities Wednesday        Hub,           activity to encourage       of Family Action only
           23/2/22          Yarm Road      parent and child
           Thursday 24/2/22 TS18 3PJ       teamwork,
           All 10am – 2pm                  on Thursday children will
This                                       be taken to a local
provision                                  museum
is for                                     in the area.
of Family                                  Each day the young people
Action                                     will be provided with a
only                                       “help yourself” breakfast,
                                           Hot lunch, and a dessert
                                           that families can prepare
Various Monday 21/2/22 Flying Futures Activities will include a        To book call 07827
Activities Tuesday 22/2/22 Stockton        Treasure Hunt, Rock         838239
           Wednesday        Baptist Church Climbing, Capture the Flag,
           23/2/22          Stockton-on- and making fruit kebabs.
           Thursday 24/2/22 Tees
           Friday 25/2/22 TS18 1TE         Each day will include a
           All 10am – 2pm                  healthy lunch, along with
                                           fruit and healthy snacks.
Soft play Monday 21/2/22 Groundwork NE Activities include trip to To book email
and den Tuesday 22/2/22 Norton Grange a Soft Play area and a           Natalie.Whitworth@gr
building Wednesday          Community      trip to Norton Sports to    oundwork.org.uk
           23/2/22          Resource       take part in Woodland       or
           All 10am – 2pm Centre           activities such as den      Kelly.Potts@groundwo
                            64 Somerset    building.                   rk.org.uk
TS20 2ND        Lunch will include options
                                          such as Pasta (with a
                                          range of toppings)
                                          Sandwiches, yoghurts,
                                          jelly and carrot and
                                          cucumber sticks.

         Monday 21/2/22 Hopefields        Activities will include      To book call 01642
         Tuesday 22/2/22 Education CIC Active group team               205233
         Wednesday        The Robert      games, Drama, Daily
         23/2/22          Atkinson Centre Crafts and learning the
         Thursday 24/2/22 Thorntree Road steel pan drums.
         Friday 25/2/22 Thornaby
         All 9:30am – 1pm TS17 8AP        Each day will include
                                          breakfast consisting of
                                          toast/cereal/pastries. A
                                          hot lunch which will be
                                          cooked by staff and
Crafts   Monday 21/2/22 Iron Guidance Activities over the week         To book on either of
         Tuesday 22/2/22 St Aidan’s       will include making          the Iron Guidance
         Wednesday        Church Hall     snuggly blankets to          provisions go to
         23/2/22          Tintern Avenue deliver to the PDSA for       https://forms.gle/9BKJ
         Thursday 24/2/22 Billingham      poorly animals.              cbtFg5XMoF8Y8
         All 2pm – 6pm    TS23 2DR
                                          Each day a hot meal will
                                          be provided by a local
         Monday 21/2/22 Iron Guidance Activities over the              To book on either of
         Tuesday 22/2/22 64 Brunswick week will include                the Iron Guidance
         Wednesday        Street          making snuggly               provisions go to
         23/2/22          Stockton on     blankets to deliver          https://forms.gle/9BKJ
         Thursday 24/2/22 Tees            to the PDSA for              cbtFg5XMoF8Y8
         All 9am – 1pm    TS18 1DR        poorly animals

                                          Each day a hot
                                          meal will be
                                          provided by a
                                          local business.
Practical    Monday 21/2/22      Working Well     Activities include        Book at this link
training –   Tuesday 22/2/22     Training         teaching children
first aid    Wednesday           St John the      practical first aid,      https://bookwhen.co
health       23/2/22             Baptist School   calling for help,         m/workingwelltraining
and help     All 9:30am – 2pm    St John’s Way    introduction to           #focus=ev-s2zb-
                                 TS19 0FB         mental health and         20220221093000
                                                  talks around
                                                  diabetes and               or call 0779862556

                                                  Fruit and Pastries
                                                  will be available
                                                  upon arrival,
                                                  Healthy fruit
                                                  snacks handed out
                                                  Lunch will be at
                                                  the Ragworth

 Activity           Date and          For         Location          How to book
                    Time(s)           Ages
 creative           Monday,           5-16        Grove Hill –      Contact Kids Kabin -
 workshops 12-      Thursday                      Kids Kabin        admin@kidskabin.org.uk
 4pm                and Friday
                                                                    0191 295 3655
                    Saltergill and
                    Breckon Hill


creative          Tuesday          5-16       Breckon Hill –    Contact Kids Kabin -
workshops 12-     Saltergill and              Kids Kabin        admin@kidskabin.org.uk
                                                                0191 295 3655

creative          Wednesday        5-16       Thorntree –       Contact Kids Kabin -
workshops 12-                                 Kids Kabin        admin@kidskabin.org.uk
                                                                0191 295 3655
The Dorman        Tuesday –        All ages   Dorman            http://www.dormanmuseum.co.uk/
Museum            Sunday                      Museum,           Just turn up!
                  10am- 4pm                   Linthorpe
                                              TS5 6LA
Nesting Bird      Tuesday,                    Albert Park       Just turn up
Mobiles           February 22
                  session 10am
                  - noon

What the          Thursday,        Under      Albert Park       Just turn up
Ladybird          February 24      5’s
Heard             10am -
                  10.45am &
                  11am -
Farmers           Sunday,                     Stewart Park      Just Turn up
Market            February 27,
Stewart Park,     9am - 2pm

Roller skating    Daily 9am -                 Albert Park       Contact Albert Park visitor centre
                  4pm                                           on 01642 819808 for more
Trinity Youth &   Monday 21st      N/A        Trinity Youth &   Drop in
Children’s        and Tuesday                 Children’s
Project - Face    22nd                        Project – North
to Face           February                    Ormesby
themed            2022

Youth Focus   Activities        Pallister Park Centre
North East    throughout        Ormesby Road
              the week          Middlesbrough
                                TS3 7AR
                                Tel: 0731 178 7719

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