Half Term Activities - Thirteen Group
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Contents Hartlepool ..................................................................................................................3 Stockton .....................................................................................................................6 Middlesbrough .........................................................................................................10 2
Hartlepool Activity Date and For Ages Location How to book Time(s) Self Portrait station Sat 26th All ages Hartlepool https://www.culturehart 10am-5pm Art Gallery lepool.com/events/febru and Museum ary-half-term-activities/ of Hartlepool Make Your Own Thursday 24th All ages Hartlepool https://www.culturehart Rocket Ship 10am – Art Gallery lepool.com/events/febru 11am, and Museum ary-half-term-activities/ 11.15am – of Hartlepool 12:15pm Storytime with Friday 25th All ages Hartlepool https://www.culturehart Simon Bartram February Art Gallery lepool.com/events/febru Award Winning 10am – and Museum ary-half-term-activities/ children’s Author 11am, of Hartlepool 11.15am – 12:15pm Tips and Tricks with Saturday 26th 5+ Hartlepool https://www.culturehart Artist Rebecca 10am – Art Gallery lepool.com/events/febru Bennett 11am, and Museum ary-half-term-activities/ 11.15am – of Hartlepool 12:15pm CHILDREN'S STORIES Monday 21st For Community Drop in & RHYMES 10am - 11am children Hub Central, & 1pm - 2pm under 5 York Road, years Hartlepool, TS26 9DE Daisy Chain Family Monday 21st N/A Community Drop in Engagement - These Drop in Hub Central, sessions are for between York Road, families of children 4pm - 5pm Hartlepool, who display TS26 9DE characteristics associated with neurodevelopmenta l conditions including autism, sensory diversity and attention-deficit 3
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is for those pre, during and post diagnosis. No diagnosis needed. Junior Pirate Craft Tuesday 21st Suitable Community Booking required please Session 1.30pm - for Hub Central, contact 2.30pm children York Road, hubevents@hartlepool.g up to 10 Hartlepool, ov.uk with your contact years TS26 9DE information or call 07768 841306 to reserve your place Baby Babble - Songs Wednesday Under Community Drop in and rhymes for 22nd 10.30am 2’s Hub Central, under 2's - 11.30am & York Road, 1.30pm - Hartlepool, 2.30pm TS26 9DE Code Club @Fab Lab Wednesday 9-13 Community Booking required please - The coders will nd 22 3:45pm Hub Central, email complete a weekly – 5:00pm York Road, community.hubs@hartle project such as Hartlepool, pool.gov.uk to reserve a making a game or TS26 9DE space programming a robot, as well as unplugged coding activities to develop their computer coding skills in a fun environment. Children's Stories & Thursday 24th Under 5s Community Drop in Rhymes 10.00am - Hub Central, 11.00am & York Road, 11.30am - Hartlepool, 12.30pm TS26 9DE Dancercise - Easy Friday 25th N/A Community Drop In steps - movement to 2:30pm – Hub Central, music fun and 3:25pm York Road, uplifting session Hartlepool, TS26 9DE Daisy Chain Family Monday 21st N/A Community Drop in Engagement - These Drop in Hub South, 4
sessions are for between Wynyard families of children 10am – 12pm Road, who display Hartlepool, characteristics TS25 3LQ associated with neurodevelopmenta l conditions including autism, sensory diversity and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is for those pre, during and post diagnosis. No diagnosis needed. CHILDREN'S STORIES Tuesday 22nd For Community Drop in & RHYMES 10am - 11am children Hub South, & 1pm - 2pm under 5 Wynyard years Road, Hartlepool, TS25 3LQ Sensory Room Available all N/A Community Booking available for week Hub South, individual/group Wynyard sessions, contact Road, Community Hub South Hartlepool, 01429 272631 for TS25 3LQ further details 5
Stockton All provision is for children 5-16 who are eligible for benefit related free school meals Activity Date and Time(s) Location Activity Description How to book Creative Monday 21/2/22 Stockton Arts Each day there will be a call 01642 525199 Activities Tuesday 22/2/22 Centre creative activity led by a Thursday 24/2/22 The Arc Tees Valley based artist. Friday 25/2/22 Dovecot Street Following the creative All 9:30am – Stockton-on- activity there will be a 1:30pm Tees screening of a family TS18 1LL friendly film. Popcorn and drinks provided for movie. Hot lunch will be prepared onsite by ARC’s commercial kitchen. Monday 21/2/22 Billingham Children will play boxing To book call 07939 Boxing Tuesday 22/2/22 Boxing inspired games, both with 513574 Inspired Thursday 24/2/22 Academy a Games Friday 25/2/22 partner and on punching All 10am – 2pm Unit 31-35 bags and at the end of West Precinct every day a talk around a Billingham different topic each day Stockton on (Anti-bullying, healthy Tees eating etc.) TS23 2NN Each day lunch will consist of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a drink, a yoghurt or fruit bar, and 2 pieces of fruit Various Tuesday 22/2/22 BCT Aspire Activities include trips to To book email activities Wednesday Billingham Jump 360, Golfing colin.liddle@bctaspire 23/2/22 Synthonia Club Sessions, .org.uk Thursday 24/2/22 Belasis Avenue varied theme arts and Friday 25/2/22 Billingham crafts, music and drama 6
All 11am – 3pm TS23 1LH and more. A Hot meal provided every day on site and a packed lunch for offsite trips. Billingha Monday 21/2/22 Marsh House Multi Sports Activities will To book call 01642 m Town Tuesday 22/2/22 Sports be run in partnership with 551171 Council Wednesday and Community NESC by qualified Or email Indoor 23/2/22 Centre TS23 Instructors. info@billinghamtownc Football Thursday 24/2/22 3QJ ouncil.co.uk and Multi Friday 25/2/22 They will deliver a Sports All 9am – 3pm nutritious ActivitiesThis provision hot lunch for each offers an individual attendee. early drop off option from 8am, this must be booked in advance Billingha Monday 21/2/22 Community The Arts and Crafts To book call 01642 m Town Tuesday 22/2/22 Hub, sessions will allow 551171 Council Wednesday John children to get as creative Or email Arts and 23/2/22 Whitehead Park as they possibly can be, info@billinghamtownc Crafts Thursday 24/2/22 TS23 2NB they will be making fairy ouncil.co.uk Sessions Friday 25/2/22 doors to put into the All 9am – 3pm garden to let magical This provision creatures enter. offers an early drop off They will deliver a option from nutritious 8am, this must be hot lunch for each booked individual attendee. in advance Tuesday 22/2/22 Eastern Ravens Children will have the To book call 01642 Wednesday Trust & EPIC option of numerous 678454 23/2/22 Teesside different activities such as Thursday 24/2/22 Elim Hope board games, table-tennis, Friday 25/2/22 Centre, arts and craft and outdoor 7
All 11am – 3pm 3 Ragpath Lane activities (weather TS19 9AT dependent) Each child will get a snack during the day and will be provided with a hot nutritious meal for lunch Craft / Monday 21/2/22 Family Action Each day will have craft This provision is for Family Tuesday 22/2/22 Stockton Family activities and a family clients Activities Wednesday Hub, activity to encourage of Family Action only 23/2/22 Yarm Road parent and child Thursday 24/2/22 TS18 3PJ teamwork, All 10am – 2pm on Thursday children will This be taken to a local provision museum is for in the area. clients of Family Each day the young people Action will be provided with a only “help yourself” breakfast, a Hot lunch, and a dessert that families can prepare themselves. Various Monday 21/2/22 Flying Futures Activities will include a To book call 07827 Activities Tuesday 22/2/22 Stockton Treasure Hunt, Rock 838239 Wednesday Baptist Church Climbing, Capture the Flag, 23/2/22 Stockton-on- and making fruit kebabs. Thursday 24/2/22 Tees Friday 25/2/22 TS18 1TE Each day will include a All 10am – 2pm healthy lunch, along with fruit and healthy snacks. Soft play Monday 21/2/22 Groundwork NE Activities include trip to To book email and den Tuesday 22/2/22 Norton Grange a Soft Play area and a Natalie.Whitworth@gr building Wednesday Community trip to Norton Sports to oundwork.org.uk 23/2/22 Resource take part in Woodland or All 10am – 2pm Centre activities such as den Kelly.Potts@groundwo 64 Somerset building. rk.org.uk Road 8
TS20 2ND Lunch will include options such as Pasta (with a range of toppings) Sandwiches, yoghurts, jelly and carrot and cucumber sticks. Monday 21/2/22 Hopefields Activities will include To book call 01642 Tuesday 22/2/22 Education CIC Active group team 205233 Wednesday The Robert games, Drama, Daily 23/2/22 Atkinson Centre Crafts and learning the Thursday 24/2/22 Thorntree Road steel pan drums. Friday 25/2/22 Thornaby All 9:30am – 1pm TS17 8AP Each day will include breakfast consisting of toast/cereal/pastries. A hot lunch which will be cooked by staff and children. Crafts Monday 21/2/22 Iron Guidance Activities over the week To book on either of Tuesday 22/2/22 St Aidan’s will include making the Iron Guidance Wednesday Church Hall snuggly blankets to provisions go to 23/2/22 Tintern Avenue deliver to the PDSA for https://forms.gle/9BKJ Thursday 24/2/22 Billingham poorly animals. cbtFg5XMoF8Y8 All 2pm – 6pm TS23 2DR Each day a hot meal will be provided by a local business Monday 21/2/22 Iron Guidance Activities over the To book on either of Tuesday 22/2/22 64 Brunswick week will include the Iron Guidance Wednesday Street making snuggly provisions go to 23/2/22 Stockton on blankets to deliver https://forms.gle/9BKJ Thursday 24/2/22 Tees to the PDSA for cbtFg5XMoF8Y8 All 9am – 1pm TS18 1DR poorly animals Each day a hot meal will be provided by a local business. 9
Practical Monday 21/2/22 Working Well Activities include Book at this link training – Tuesday 22/2/22 Training teaching children first aid Wednesday St John the practical first aid, https://bookwhen.co health 23/2/22 Baptist School calling for help, m/workingwelltraining and help All 9:30am – 2pm St John’s Way introduction to #focus=ev-s2zb- TS19 0FB mental health and 20220221093000 talks around diabetes and or call 0779862556 asthma Fruit and Pastries will be available upon arrival, Healthy fruit snacks handed out mid-morning, Lunch will be at the Ragworth Café. Middlesbrough Activity Date and For Location How to book Time(s) Ages creative Monday, 5-16 Grove Hill – Contact Kids Kabin - workshops 12- Thursday Kids Kabin admin@kidskabin.org.uk 4pm and Friday 0191 295 3655 Tuesday Saltergill and Breckon Hill Wednesday Thorntree 10
creative Tuesday 5-16 Breckon Hill – Contact Kids Kabin - workshops 12- Saltergill and Kids Kabin admin@kidskabin.org.uk 4pm 0191 295 3655 creative Wednesday 5-16 Thorntree – Contact Kids Kabin - workshops 12- Kids Kabin admin@kidskabin.org.uk 4pm 0191 295 3655 The Dorman Tuesday – All ages Dorman http://www.dormanmuseum.co.uk/ Museum Sunday Museum, Just turn up! 10am- 4pm Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough TS5 6LA Nesting Bird Tuesday, Albert Park Just turn up Mobiles February 22 Drop-in session 10am - noon What the Thursday, Under Albert Park Just turn up Ladybird February 24 5’s Heard 10am - 10.45am & 11am - 11.45am Farmers Sunday, Stewart Park Just Turn up Market February 27, Stewart Park, 9am - 2pm Roller skating Daily 9am - Albert Park Contact Albert Park visitor centre 4pm on 01642 819808 for more information Trinity Youth & Monday 21st N/A Trinity Youth & Drop in Children’s and Tuesday Children’s Project - Face 22nd Project – North to Face February Ormesby themed 2022 activities 11
Youth Focus Activities Pallister Park Centre North East throughout Ormesby Road the week Middlesbrough TS3 7AR Tel: 0731 178 7719 12
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