Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King

Page created by Don Mckinney
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Contact GFL with waste collection questions
1.866.421.5625 | wasteline@gflenv.com

                              Waste Collection Calendar
2021                          Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection                                                   What’s Inside
                                Calendar 2021                                                      Approved Recycling/Garbage Containers ..............................4
                                                                                                   Battery Disposal ..............................................................4, 13
                                                                                                   Bulky Item Pickup (furniture, carpets, toilets etc.) ...............15
                                On behalf of council, I am pleased to welcome you to the           Cell Phone Recycling .......................................................4, 13
                                2021 Waste Collection Calendar. This calendar is full of           Christmas Trees ...............................................................5, 16
                                important information about our waste collection program,          Collection Map......................................................................2
                                along with tips to be more environmentally responsible.            Construction / Demolition Waste.........................................15
                                King Township joined a growing movement across the world           Curbside Collection Reminders..............................................1
                                by declaring a climate emergency last year. This declaration was   Electronic Recycling.............................................................13
                                made to help deepen the commitment to being leaders in the         Fats & Oil Disposal ..............................................................14
Important                       environmental and climate change field and help keep climate       Garbage Tag Pickup Locations...............................................4
Calendar disclaimer:            change at the forefront when considering the impacts it may        Green Bin Sorting Guide........................................................6
Due to the ongoing and          have on our community today, tomorrow and in the future.           Household Hazardous Waste (paint, solvents, etc.) .......11, 13
quickly changing nature                                                                            Lyme Disease.......................................................................10
of the COVID-19 pandemic,       King has recently updated our Energy Conservation and
information in this             Demand Management Plan, setting new targets and goals              Mayors Message ...................................................................1
calendar may by outdated,       aimed at reducing our corporate carbon footprint on the            Metal Item Pickup (appliances, bbq, bed frames etc.) .........15
particularly our regularly      community as outlined in the 2019-2023 King Township               Medications ........................................................................13
scheduled Special Events                                                                           Recycling Guide...................................................................17
                                Corporate Energy Management and Conservation Plan.
like Soupfest and the Craft
Beer and Food Truck Festival.   These are just a few examples of how King Township is              Sharps .............................................................................7, 13
For the most up-to-date         showing leadership and taking strong actions to help fight         Textile Recycling....................................................................4
information on programs         climate change.                                                    Tire Recycling ........................................................................3
and services, please visit                                                                         Tree Planting .........................................................................9
www.king.ca                                                                                        Waste & Recycling Drop-Off Depot Locations .......................3
For the most up-to-date list                                                                       West Nile Virus....................................................................12
of Special Events, please
                                                                                                   Yard Waste ............................................................................8
visit www.king.ca/
                                Mayor Steve Pellegrini                                             Yard Waste Drop-Off Depot ...................................................3
                                                                                                   New Year – January 2022....................................................16
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Purchase garbage,
metal, or bulky item
 tags online. Visit
 Online Services
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Days

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        Collection Day                                                                       TO
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Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King


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Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Waste Collection Calendar - Garbage, Green Bin, Recycling & Yard Waste - www.king.ca - Township Of King
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
January 2021                                                         Have a question?
                                                             Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                            for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY              MONDAY                          TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY               FRIDAY               SATURDAY

                                                  CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION IS ON JANUARY 11.
                                                                                                                          1    New Year’s Day   2
                                                  Remove ALL decorations, nails, tree stands, and plastic tree bags.      NO SERVICE
                                                  Please note crews will not dig out a tree or climb a snow bank to       Collection one day
                                                                                                                          later this week.
                                                  retrieve one.

3                   4                               5                        6                       7                    8                     9

10                  11                              12                       13                      14                   15                    16
                    Christmas Tree
                    Collection day
                    Maximum 6’ (1.8 m) -
                    cut in pieces, if necessary

17                  18                              19                       20                      21                   22                    23

24                  25                              26                       27                      28                   29                    30

     Garbage Collection Week                              Green Bin & Blue Box                                Christmas Tree                        Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                            WEEKLY (No Limit)                                   Collection Day                        Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
February 2021                                                  Have a question?
                                                       Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                               Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY               FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
                       1                      2                       3                4                     5                       6

7                      8                      9                       10               11                    12                      13

14   Valentine’s Day   15 Family Day          16                      17               18                    19                      20
                       Family Day
                       (*see note below)

21                     22                     23                      24               25                    26                      27

28                                                                                          Family Day Winterfest
                        1 in 7 items we put in our blue box does not belong there &
                                                                                            *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm
                        contaminates the entire waste truck load. Better Blue starts                                                                         6
                                                                                             details of all events and for the most up-to-date list
                        with YOU! www.york.ca/bluebox.
                                                                                             of Special Events.

     Garbage Collection Week                       Green Bin & Blue Box                                                                  Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                     WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                                     Inside Back Cover
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
March 2021                                                    Have a question?
                                                      Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY                      MONDAY             TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY                   FRIDAY               SATURDAY
                            1                  2                   3                   4                         5                     6

7                           8                  9                   10                  11                        12                    13
                                                                                                                                       Cold Creek
                                                                                                                                       Maple Syrupfest
                                                                                                                                       (*see note below)

14 DST begins               15                 16                  17 St. Patrick’s Day 18                       19                    20
     (turn clocks forward                                                                                                              First day of Spring
     one hour at bedtime)

21                          22                 23                  24                  25                        26                    27 Earth Hour
                                                                                                                                            8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

28                          29                 30                  31                      Cold Creek Maple Syrupfest                  Purchase garbage,
                                                                                           *Visit                                      metal, or bulky item
                                   Week                                                    www.king.ca/communitycalendar to            tags online. Visit           7
                                   Beginning                                               confirm details of all events and for the   www.king.ca
                                                                                           most up-to-date list of Special Events.     Online Services

      Garbage Collection Week                       Green Bin & Blue Box                                                                   Recycling Guide
      BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                     WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                                      Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
April 2021                                                      Have a question?
                                                        Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                  Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY                  TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY             FRIDAY                SATURDAY
    King’s Clean-up Day and Curbside Giveaway Day are                Grasscycling can     1                   2    Good Friday      3
    April 24. Get involved in Clean-up Day by collecting garbage     help your lawn                           NO SERVICE
    in an area of your choice in your community. Visit               choke out weeds by                       Collection one day
    www.king.ca/communitycalendar for more information               denying them the                         later this week.
    and to confirm details of all events.                            light and air.
4    Easter Sunday      5    Easter Monday      6                   7                     8                   9                     10

11                      12                      13                  14                    15                  16                    17

18                      19                      20                  21                    22   Earth Day      23                    24  King Clean-Up
                                                                                                                                    Curbside Giveaway
                                                                                                                                    Day (*see note above)
                                                                            Earth Week (April 19-25)
25                      26                      27                  28                    29                  30

    Earth Week
      Garbage Collection Week                        Green Bin & Blue Box                             Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
      BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                      WEEKLY (No Limit)                                Collection                        Inside Back Cover
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
May 2021                                                                Have a question?
                                                                Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                           for online payments and service requests.

      SUNDAY                   MONDAY                      TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                FRIDAY              SATURDAY
                                                          Schomberg Fair, Nobleton Victoria Day Fair, and Curbside Giveaway Day                1
    Don’t forget to compost egg shells, tea               *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm details of all events and for the    Spring Indoor
    bags/leaves, coffee ground/filters, wood               most up-to-date list of Special Events.                                             Community Yard Sale
    chips, rice, bread and pasta.                                                                                                              (*see note to the left)
                                                          *REMINDER: For the most up-to-date information on programs and services, please
                                                           visit www.king.ca                                                                   Youth Week (May 1-7)
2                        3                            4                       5                     6                      7                   8

                                                               Youth Week (May 1-7)
9     Mother’s Day       10                           11                      12                    13                     14                  15

16                       17                           18                      19                    20                     21                  22
                                                                                                    Schomberg Fair         Schomberg Fair      Schomberg Fair
                                                                                                    (*see note above)      (*see note above)   (*see note above)
                                                                                                                                               Community Pollinator
23Schomberg Fair         24    Victoria Day           25                      26                    27                     28                  29
                         Nobleton Victoria
     (*see note above)   Day Fair (*see note above)                                                                                            Curbside
                                                                                                                                               Giveaway Day              9
30                        31                                                                                                                   (*see note above)

       Garbage Collection Week                              Green Bin & Blue Box                                   Yard Waste                      Recycling Guide
       BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                            WEEKLY (No Limit)                                      Collection                      Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
June 2021                                                      Have a question?
                                                       Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                            Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY                  TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY             FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival, King          1                   2               3                   4                      5
Classic, and Curbside Giveaway Day
*Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
 to confirm details of all events and for the
 most up-to-date list of Special Events.

6                       7                       8                   9               10                  11                     12
                                                                                                                               King City Craft Beer
                                                                                                                               & Food Truck Festival
                                                                                                                               (*see note above)

13                      14                      15                  16              17                  18                     19

20   Father’s Day       21                      22                  23              24                  25                     26     King Classic
                                                                                                                                      (*see note above)
First day of Summer                                                                                                            Curbside
                                                                                                                               Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                               (*see note above)
                                                                National Pollinator Week (June 21-27)
27                      28                      29                  30              Broken or damaged green or blue bins?      Purchase garbage,
King Classic                                                                        Contact GFL directly at 1-866-421-5625     metal, or bulky item
(*see note above)                                                                   to arrange for replacement right at your   tags online. Visit         10
                                                                                    door! Bins must have a visible logo for    www.king.ca
                                                                                    replacement.                               Online Services

     Garbage Collection Week                         Green Bin & Blue Box                       Yard Waste                         Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                       WEEKLY (No Limit)                          Collection                         Inside Back Cover
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
July 2021                                                     Have a question?
                                                      Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                 for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY               MONDAY                  TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY               FRIDAY            SATURDAY
                        Curbside Giveaway Day                                             1   Canada Day       2                   3
                        *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar to confirm details of
                         all events and for the most up-to-date list of Special Events.   NO SERVICE
                                                                                          Collection one day
                        For the most up-to-date information on programs and services,
                                                                                          later this week.
                        please visit www.king.ca
4                   5                        6                      7                     8                    9                  10

11                  12                       13                     14                    15                   16                 17

18                  19                       20                     21                    22                   23                 24

25                  26                       27                     28                    29                   30                 31
                                                                                                                                  Giveaway Day             11
                                                                                                                                  (*see note above)

     Garbage Collection Week                      Green Bin & Blue Box                                  Yard Waste                     Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                    WEEKLY (No Limit)                                     Collection                     Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
August 2021                                            Have a question?
                                               Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                              Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY              MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY                 FRIDAY               SATURDAY
1                   2   Civic Holiday   3                   4                      5                       6                    7

8                   9                   10                  11                     12                      13                   14

15                  16                  17                  18                     19                      20                   21

22                  23                  24                  25                     26                      27                   28
                                                                                                                                Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                (*see note below)

29                  30                  31                  Curbside Giveaway Day
                                                                                                           Broken or damaged green or blue bins?
                                                                                                           Contact GFL directly at 1-866-421-5625
                                                            *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
                                                                                                           to arrange for replacement right at your     12
                                                             to confirm details of all events and for
                                                                                                           door! Bins must have a visible logo for
                                                             the most up-to-date list of Special Events.

     Garbage Collection Week                 Green Bin & Blue Box                                 Yard Waste                        Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)               WEEKLY (No Limit)                                    Collection                        Inside Back Cover
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
September 2021                                                    Have a question?
                                                          Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.               for online payments and service requests.

       SUNDAY                  MONDAY               TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY            FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
    Going back to school? Use reusable         Purchase garbage,      1                   2                 3                       4
    containers for meals; carpool or bike      metal, or bulky item
    rather than driving; reuse binders and     tags online. Visit
    school supplies. In addition, never idle   www.king.ca
    in a school zone to protect young lungs.   Online Services

5                         6    Labour Day      7                      8                   9                 10                      11

12                        13                   14                     15                  16                17                      18

19                        20                   21                     22                  23                24                      25
                                                                      First day of Fall                                             Curbside
                                                                                                                                    Giveaway Day
                                                                                                                                    (*see note below)

26                        27                   28                     29                  30                 Curbside Giveaway Day
                                                                                                             *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar
                                                                                                              to confirm details of all events and for      13
                                                                                                              the most up-to-date list of Special Events.

       Garbage Collection Week                      Green Bin & Blue Box                             Yard Waste                         Recycling Guide
       BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                    WEEKLY (No Limit)                                Collection                         Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
October 2021                                                  Have a question?
                                                      Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                                     Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY                 MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
             Pumpkins, straw, cornstalks and leaves are             Holland Marsh Soupfest, Haunting on            1                      2
             collected with yard waste. Please do not put           King Road, and Curbside Giveaway Day                                  Holland Marsh
             these materials in the garbage.                        *Visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar                                  Soupfest
             Spread shredded leaves and grass clippings on           to confirm details of all events and for                             (*see note to the left)
             your lawn to boost nutrients and water retention.       the most up-to-date list of Special Events.
3                      4                      5                    6                       7                       8                      9

10                     11   Thanksgiving      12                   13                      14                      15                     16

17                     18                     19                   20                      21                      22 Haunting on King Road
                                                                                                                      (*see note above)

                                                                 Waste Reduction Week (October 18-24)
24                     25                     26                   27                      28                      29                     30
Waste Reduction Week                                                                                                                      Curbside
                                                                                                                                          Giveaway Day              14
31   Halloween                                                                                                                            (*see note above)

     Garbage Collection Week                       Green Bin & Blue Box                                   Yard Waste                          Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                     WEEKLY (No Limit)                                      Collection                          Inside Back Cover
Purchase garbage,
metal, or bulky item
 tags online. Visit
 Online Services
Visit our newly designed website at www.king.ca
November 2021                                         Have a question?
                                              Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                     for online payments and service requests.

     SUNDAY              MONDAY           TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
                    1                2                   3                   4                       5                      6
                                                                                                                            DST ends
                                                                                                                            (turn clocks back
                                                                                                                            one hour at bedtime)

7                   8                9                   10                  11   Remembrance        12                     13

14                  15               16                  17                  18                      19                     20

21                  22               23                  24                  25                      26                     27

28                  29               30                           Please refrain from blowing fallen leaves into the street. Leaves and other debris
                                                                  can build up and interfere with storm water drainage. Alternatively, you can:
                                                                   • sweep or blow your leaves for collection and bagging                            15
                                                                   • rake or blow leaves into a compost pile where they can
                                                                     decompose and act as a natural fertilizer

     Garbage Collection Week              Green Bin & Blue Box                              Yard Waste                          Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)            WEEKLY (No Limit)                                 Collection                          Inside Back Cover
Don’t know where it goes?
December 2021                                                    Have a question?
                                                         Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.
                                                                                              Try the Bindicator – york.ca/bindicator

     SUNDAY                  MONDAY                TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY             FRIDAY                SATURDAY
 Try giving waste-friendly        *REMINDER: Visit www.king.ca/       1               2                   3                     4
 gifts this year. You can wrap    communitycalendar to confirm                                                                  Main Street
                                  details of all events and for the                                                             Christmas,
 gifts using reusable materials
                                  most up-to-date list of Special                                                               Schomberg
 like a scarf or gift bag.        Events.                                                                                       (*see note to the left)
5                       6                     7                       8               9                   10                    11
Nobleton Tree
(*see note above)

12                      13                    14                      15              16                  17                    18

19                      20                    21                      22              23                  24                    25    Christmas Day
                                              First day of Winter

26    Boxing Day        27                    28                      29              30                  31                     HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
                                                                                                                                 Best wishes for a
                                                                                                                                 safe and happy
                                                                                                                                 holiday season.

     Garbage Collection Week                        Green Bin & Blue Box                                                            Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                      WEEKLY (No Limit)                                                               Inside Back Cover
Have a question?
January 2022                                                Happy New Year!                                               Call GFL 1-866-421-5625.

     SUNDAY              MONDAY                        TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY              FRIDAY              SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                1    New Year’s Day
 Teach your children the value of recycling. Together with                       To confirm the 2022 Christmas tree pick up
 them, sort through toys and donate unused, good quality                         day, please refer to the 2022 calendar or
 toys and books to charity.                                                      visit www.king.ca/communitycalendar

2                   3                             4                   5                6                    7                   8

9                   10                            11                  12               13                   14                  15
                    Christmas Tree
                    Collection day
                    Maximum 6’ (1.8 m) -
                    cut in pieces, if necessary

16                  17                            18                  19               20                   21                  22

23                  24                            25                  26               27                   28                  29
30                  31

     Garbage Collection Week                           Green Bin & Blue Box                    Christmas Tree                       Recycling Guide
     BI-WEEKLY (Two Bag Limit)                         WEEKLY (No Limit)                       Collection Day                       Inside Back Cover
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