For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...

Page created by Jeanne Owen
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
A Publication of First Christian Church of North Hollywood
                       A Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
                       Rev. Randy Spleth, Interim Pastor
                       Jennifer Le’au, Director of Children’s Ministries
                       Luis Oliart, Interim Youth Director
                       Alfredo Gomez & Loydi Rivas Gomez, Pastors, Spanish Speaking Congregation

Volume LXIV No. 18		                                                      September 29, 2021

                                  For the bread of God is the bread
                                    that comes down from heaven
                                               and gives life to the world.
                                                                                – JOHN 6:33

                                        JOIN US THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3RD for

                              world communion sunday

    or check out recent service streams and more at
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
Page 2                              September 29, 2021                          First Christian News

There is a FCCNH connection albeit once re-           be even more important once the war was over.
moved. The originator of our service this coming           He was right and this Sunday almost all
Sunday was a friend of your interim pastor. Not       Christians will celebrate communion as a sign of
me, not your current interim pastor. But your in-     global unity. It is not surprising, given our connec-
terim pastor prior to Pastor Bob, Owen Kellison.      tion to its founder, that World Communion Sunday
You can find his picture on the clergy wall in the    is a strong tradition in our church.
narthex.                                                   I’m eager to celebrate it with you and am lift-
    Owen Kellison retired from Wilshire Christian     ing a page from Pastor Bob’s 2016 playbook. This
Church as the senior pastor and served not once       is what he wrote: The point of World Communion
but twice as interim at our church. His distin-       Sunday is to demonstrate that the Body of Christ,
guished pastoral career included both his work        The Church, is one through the breaking of bread.
at Wilshire and in Ponca City, OK. But it is his      It is a day where every denomination, regardless of
friend’s ministry that impacted Sunday’s service.     how different we might be, can celebrate together
His friend was Jesse Bader.                           the one thing that unites us. I would like to invite
    Their friendship began at Drake as college        you to bring a loaf of your favorite bread. It can be
students but flourished at the United Christian       home-made or purchased. It can be dark or light,
Missionary Society where Owen served as the           sour or sweet. When you bring it just give it to one
Superintendent for Education and Jesse Bader          of the Elders who will be greeting you at the door.
was Superintendent for Evangelism. Both were               It is a terrific idea, and we will use the bread
gifted in church growth. Together, they coined a      displayed on the Lord’s Table the following day by
phrase, “Each one, win one.”                          resourcing our food pantry. While the tradition is
    In 1932, Bader left the denominational posi-      to come forward to receive the bread and wine,
tion to work with the Federal Council of Churches.    this year, due to COVID concerns, we will partake
His hope was to take his passion for growth into      in the pew. Afterwards, we will sustain the interna-
an ecumenical work as a way to express unity. He      tional meet and greet flavor, not as a pitch-in but
didn’t know that soon the world would turn to con-    in global dips at our Meet and Greet.
flict. By 1939, a war, not unity was clearly on the        I invite you to come. But in keeping of your
horizon.                                              former interim pastor and founder of World
    This led Bader to propose and work for a year     Communion Sunday, each one, win one. Invite
to promote and launch World Communion Sunday,         someone to join you at the table, as a sign of unity
October 6, 1940. The world was already descend-       but also as a way to win one for Christ.
ing into the World War that America was to enter
later the next year. Bader’s vision and commit-
ment however, told him that a regular occasion to
remind Christians of what bind us together might
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
First Christian News                        September 29, 2021                                     Page 3

                                       an announcement from
                       DAVID BLAIR at DEE’S FLOWERS
    I would like to take a moment to thank those of you who have supported Dee’s Flowers over
    the past 12 years of my ownership.
        As we’ve all seen these past 2 years, COVID-19 has created great difficulty for large and
    small businesses alike, and Dee’s Flowers has not been spared. Therefore and with regret, we
    will be closing Dee’s Flowers permanently, on or before December 14, 2021, thus ending our
    76 year presence here in Studio City.
        Again, my personal thanks to those of you who have kindly supported us to this end. I will
    miss you all, especially my CWF ladies.
                                                                                      David Blair
                                                                    Dee’s Flowers • 1945–2021

                     join a weekly bible study
                            with   dr. ann updegraff spleth

                  MONDAY EVENING                                         TUESDAY MORNING
                     (IN PERSON)                                         (ONLINE VIA ZOOM)
               7:00-8:30pm • in the Annex                                  10:00–11:30am
  Dr. Ann Updegraff Spleth leads our Monday evening study              Tuesday morning Zoom Bible
  with a Bible basic overview. Bible 101 is a course created by        study has been led by Ed Esau.
  Ann, originally for Geist Christian Church. Since its creation, it   The class begins each week
  has been taught by many Disciples pastors across the USA.            using Lectio Divina to focus on
  It has been shown to be popular with both experienced Bible          a Bible passage. Then a Biblical-
  readers and newcomers to the Bible, surveying how the Bible          related presentation is shared.
  came to be, different types of literature and approaches in          For the next 6 weeks, Ann
  understanding. Ann says, “Through this course, participants          Updegraff Spleth will present the
  will learn new ways to study the Bible, which you can use long       Bible 101 class as described at
  after the class has ended. Join us, you’ll be glad you did!”         left. Join the Zoom study HERE.
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
Page 4                         September 29, 2021         First Christian News

  GROUP 2021
  • FUN FACT •
 Saturday October
  23rd • 5:30PM

     Sunday Mornings                Sunday Evenings   Wednesday Afternoons
      9:30AM-11:00AM                 5:30PM-7:30PM       3:00PM-5:30PM
 Middle School & High School           High School        Middle School
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
First Christian News                      September 29, 2021                                   Page 5


   pulpit committee

   FCC NORTH HOLLYWOOD                           The 10 members of the Pulpit Committee that you,
                                                 the FCCNH congregation, elected on August 1st,
        Pulpit Committee Progress
                                                 have now had 7 meetings, including one with our

    1      FCCNH members and friends             Regional Minister Rev. Richie Sánchez, to review
           commit ourselves to prayerful         the steps in finding our next Senior Pastor. We
           guidance under the Holy Spirit for    are nearly finished preparing our Congregational
           the Search Process.                   Survey of what you’d like to see in our new Senior
    2      Board selects a slate of members of
           the Pulpit Committee with approval
                                                 Pastor. Along with our questions, we’ll provide
                                                 ample narrative space for your input.
           by the Congregation.
                                                     Our target date for the Survey release is
    3      Pulpit Committee meets with the
           Regional Minister to discuss the
                                                 October 10th for both an electronic version
           search process.                       (preferred method) and a paper version which will

    4      Pulpit Committee surveys the
           congregation and completes a
                                                 then be available in the narthex at Sunday worship
                                                 services, in the Church Office, and can be mailed
           Congregational Profile.               to you upon request.

    5      Pulpit Committee does independent
           research and receives profiles of
                                                     More information is forthcoming in two weeks
                                                 (October 10th). We seek participation from all
           potential candidates.
                                                 members and friends of FCCNH by November
   6       Pulpit Committee creates a list of
           candidates to interview.
                                                 1st so we can prepare a comprehensive
                                                 Congregational Profile and find the right minister
   7       Pulpit Committee interviews
                                                 next year.
                                                     Thank you for your continuing prayers for us
   8       Pulpit Committee recommends one
           candidate to the church Board.
                                                 and for the folks who will apply to join our church

                                                 family in leadership.
           Congregation votes on the
           recommended candidate.                                                          Blessings,

  10       FCCNH joins with Regional Minister                                         Richard Follett,
           to welcome our new Senior Pastor.                                Chair, Pulpit Committee
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
Page 6                                                                              September 29, 2021                               First Christian News

    SEPT 22 - OCT 5                                                                                        WOULD YOU HOST A SUNDAY
                                                                                                                MEET & GREET?
                                                                                                     Individuals, families, study groups, friends
 CNS Book Fair is taking place online this year
                                                                                                       ... if any would consider hosting a Meet
      from September 22nd to October 5th!                                                             & Greet after one of our Sunday morning
     Join us online and shop over 200 new                                                             services, please contact Alberto Sigala at
  and premium book titles. All orders ship to                                               or 310-569-9908.
 your home, and every purchase benefits CNS!
    Shop the CNS Book Fair online or go to

                 TODAY ONLY                                                                          September is Suicide Prevention month. This seminar will look
                                                                                                       at suicide and how we as individuals can make a difference.
                                                                                                   We will look at the keys to suicide awareness and successful tips for

           ONLINE ONLY
                                                                                                   knowing what to do. Those grieving the death of someone by suicide
                                                                                                     will learn of programs and resources for this special kind of loss.

          GIVE BACK DAY
         Wednesday, September 29th, 2021 | 11:00AM – 9:00PM
                                  STUDIO CITY PLAZA
                                    11960 Ventura Blvd.
                                   Studio City, CA 91604
                                                                                                       Ulises Gutierrez of Healing Connections, an extension of
         ADD COUPON CODE FCC929 AT CHECKOUT AND                                                      iNSPIRE in Monrovia, CA, will be with us to talk about suicide
          WE’LL DONATE 20% OF THE TOTAL PROCEEDS                                                     and its prevention. His story is compelling. His wisdom is hard
                                                                                                             earned. His advice is straight-forward and clear.

                     Valid only for online orders at
                             (must enter code FCC929 at checkout page).
                Catering, 3rd party delivery, call-in, and walk-in orders are not eligible.
                                                                                                         For more information, contact Galen Goben at
                Discounts, coupons, or offers are not valid during the fundraiser night.
                      Tax, tip, and delivery fee will not be included in donation.                              800.204.3131ext. 4662, or visit
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
First Christian News                  September 29, 2021                                  Page 7

                                 11 Richard Follett     26		Alison Sky Kaufman
                                 12 Vienna Elson        		David Izzard
                                		Danielle Kohberger    		Donovan Sylla
                                		Phillip Perry          27 Tommie Mamara Botero
                                		Noah Rodriguez         28 Sean Graf
                                 13 Christopher Conte   		Gabriella Mathevosian Gomez
    1 Stacey Constantine        		Evie Pacula           		Jason Owen
    		Nicole Metivier            14 Manny Chavez        		Thomas Rogillio II
    		Ken Wilson                		Christopher Sansone    29 Georgia Collister
      2 Irion DeRouen           		Lily Stassen          		Charlie Drastal
      3 Lulu (Loralei) Bishop    16 Cole Le’au          		Maggie Webber
    		Matthew Cooper            		Yvonne Demery          30 James Jeffries
    		Beth Owen                 		Idan Gould            		Julie Hovis-Diaz
      4 Shaun Houlihan          		Mike Hamm              31 Garrett Brooks
      5 Sheryl Conte             17 Kim Darian          		Brenden Carlson
    		Daniel Graf               		Jack Houlihan         		Shaun Wolfe
    		Barbara Ann Meade         		Judy Gordon
    		Marilyn Pieper            		Torey Jagel
    		Linda Wolf                 19 Frankie Gage
      6 Carson Miller           		Jeannine Schofield
      7 Annabel Berthold        		Jeremiah Hinkel
    		Richard Kline              20 Lance Turner
      8 Brady Bridges           		Justin Floyd
    		Ryan Hicks                 21 Daila Melendez
    		Sandra Hernandez          		Arden Lewis-Mount       3 Mike & Rae Eiklor
    		Michael Immel              22 Julianna Acomb      		Scott & Marla Fain
    		Jean Johnson              		Dusty Ann Holdren       4 Joy Brittain & Elaine Harris
    		Barbara Little            		Brianna Parrish       		Michael & Angela Hayes
    		Alice Pitts                23 David Blair           7 Doug & Karen Richardson
      9 Deborah Bock            		Rebecca Campbell       10 Richard Price & Tyana Parr
    		Caroline Keenan           		Brandon Hill           11 Kim & Craig Darian
    		Emma Pharr                		Helen Jacobs           12 Bill & Susan Hayes
    		Lena Stranahan            		Gina Quintero         		John & Julie Houlihan
    		Augie Treibach            		Aden Sigala            13 Scot & Adriann Bowers
     10 Danielle Bax             24 Nathan Burkart       16 Alan Renshaw &
    		Hudson Briggs             		Becket Christoph      			       Molly Niles Renshaw
    		Austin Haugen             		Will Janos             18 Harris & Marilyn Pieper
    		Alden Istook              25		Mia Culpepper        23 Lance & Jennifer Turner
    		Duncan Murray             		Charles Hirsch        30 Stacey & Geriann McIntosh
    		James Schutt              		Declan Houlihan       		Dan Miller & Nola Sarkisian-Miller
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
Page 8                             September 29, 2021                             First Christian News

                                                        Eunice Cox (,
                                                        Irion DeRouen (,
                                                        Barbara Wiles (,
                                                        or Janet Bruce (
                                                      • Via email on the church website:
                                                      • Via phone call to the church office:

          PRAYER                                        818-763-8218
                                                     If you are at the church, prayer cards are available

           is always there                           at the Prayer Cabinet outside the Chapel. Fill one
                                                     out and put it in the cabinet slot, or drop it off in the
                                                     church office.
As always, there are many ways to reach us with         Prayers received during the week in one of
your prayer needs.                                   these ways will be emailed out to Prayer Group
   On Sundays, there are cards in the morning        members. Unless urgent, prayers received on
bulletins. You can write your prayers on the back    Saturday or Sunday will be compiled for the list
and put them in any of the offering plates set out   given to members on Monday mornings.
near the doors from the Sanctuary. You may also         The sole purpose of the Prayer Group has always
slide your prayer cards through the slot in the      been to pray for those in need. Prayers are lifted
Prayer Cabinet near the drinking fountain outside    aloud in the Chapel on Monday mornings, and then
the Chapel doors.                                    become part of the daily prayer discipline of our
   During the week, your prayers can reach us in     members. As always, all prayers that come to us
several ways:                                        are kept strictly confidential and are not shared
 • Via email to one of our Prayer Group leaders:     elsewhere.

                          THE MEN HAVE MOVED ...
                         The Coffee on the Corner Men’s Group
                             weekly meeting has moved to
                                      7PM THURSDAY
                               Interested in joining?
                   For Zoom info Email:
         Be doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.
                                            – JAMES 1: 22
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
First Christian News                     September 29, 2021                                     Page 9

                                                       To order flowers to decorate the chancel on an

         OCTOBER 3rd is
                                                       upcoming Sunday, please fill out the following
                                                        form and place in the offering box or drop at
WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY                                   the church office with your check for $40.

Please plan to join us THIS SUNDAY at 10am as we    Today’s Date:

mark this day of unity with Christ and His Church   Name(s):
in all nations of the world with Communion.
As we have done in the past, we invite you to
bring a loaf of your favorite bread -- any kind!    Daytime Phone:

                                                    Available dates:
                                                    10/3 10/17 10/24       11/7 11/14    11/21 11/28
                                                    Floral Dedication:
                                                    (Please check one of the following and write the
                                                    specifics of your dedication in the space provide

                                                                In Honor of ...
                                                                In Celebration of ...
                                                                In Memory of ...

       7:30pm FRIDAYS
          email for Zoom info                          Check enclosed for arrangement ($40)                            Arrangements are supplied by Dee’s Flowers.
                                                       Checks should be made payable to FCCNH.
For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world - First Christian Church of North ...
Page 10                                  September 29, 2021                      First Christian News

   PACK BAGS • 2 people at Temple Beth Hillel on Mondays (9:30- 11:15am)

   TRANSPORT BAGS • in Pantry Van (One hour) - Monday through Friday
            (3:30pm - 5:30pm) begin at Temple Beth Hillel, end at FCCNH

            Sandwich-making • Hygiene Kits • Pet Kits


             NORTH HOLLYWOOD
               SPECIFIC NEEDS
   Hearty meal-type SOUPS (“ready to eat”and
     other) • DOG FOOD • CHILD DIAPERS
            (loose or open bags okay)                                  1
   STILL LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO                            

     ... loves to write and share information on
    social media. The Food Pantry would like to                       2
  reach more people via a Vlog or Blog postings.                              @fccnh
       Public Relations Lead - Can be done
     from home! We have connections with                          3
    various neighborhood councils. We have              First Christian Church of North Hollywood
       some school connections. We need
     other civic groups, major corporations,                4    On our website at:
     realtors or TV networks to embrace us!
                                 Rae Eiklor,            5     Mail donations to the church office at:
                                                              First Christian Church of North Hollywood
                   FCCNH Food Pantry Liaison
                                                              4390 Colfax Avenue • Studio City, CA 91604
First Christian News                         September 29, 2021                                  Page 11

           BY WAY OF REPORT                                                CHURCH STAFF
                                                         Rev. Randy Spleth
 Week Ending Sunday, September 26, 2021___               Interim Pastor
  10:00 AM Worship Attendance                      90    Alfredo Gomez
                                                         Pastor, Spanish Speaking Congregation
  Sunday School Children		                          8
                                                         Jennifer Le’au
  Youth				                                        10    Director of Children’s Ministries
  Evening Youth		                                   4    Luis Oliart
                                                         Interim Youth Director
                                                         Tyana Parr
  10:00 AM Worship Offering		 $7,366.00
                                                         Director of Children’s/Youth Choirs
  Sunday School Offering		         $2.00                 David Rigsby
  Human Needs		                 $150.00                  Music Director/Organist
 Credit Card Offering 9/20/21-9/26/21___                 Christine Karasseferian
                                                         Director of Finance
 		General Offering		                    $448.00         Chris Carson
                                                         Church Administrator
                                                         Gabriela Dorantes
PUBLICATION                                              Administrative Assistant
                                                         Glenda Morgan Brown
                                                         Administrative Assistant
     FCCNH NEWSLETTER                                    Terri Burton

        DEADLINE                                         Church Publications
                                                         Trudie Kirkland
                                                         Event Planner
         IS MIDNIGHT SUNDAY                              Elmer Maldonado
                                                         Building & Grounds Superintendent
 PLEASE SUBMIT ARTICLES VIA EMAIL TO: or               Miriam Mancilla
                                                         Director of Christian Nursery School
    Articles can also be delivered to the office         Greg Kirkland
        Monday thru Friday, 9am to 5pm.                  Media Director

                                                         VOLUNTEER STAFF
                                                         Jacob Beam, Craig Brooks
                                                         Sound Technicians
                                                         Luis Oliart

                                                         IN MEMORIAM
                                                         Robert M. Bock
                                                         Senior Pastor
                                                         Earle Immel
                                                         Minister of Music Emeritus
                                                         Merle E. Fish, Jr.
                                                         Minister Emeritus
      F  C
               hristian  Hhurch of   orth      ollywood
       A Congregation of the Christian Church
       (Disciples of Christ)
       4390 Colfax Avenue
       North Hollywood, CA 91604 - 2898

                      THINK GREEN! PLEASE RECYCLE!
                NOTE: If you would like to receive this newsletter via Email, which saves
                 on printing/mailing costs and is better for the environment, please
                contact us. Annual subscription cost for first class mail version is $24.

First Christian Church of North Hollywood
818/763-8218 • FAX 818/763-8457

Proofreading		              Glenda Morgan Brown
Art Direction		             Terri Burton
Production Services			      Byron Armantrout


Robert M. Bock		 Mary Ann Steuterman
Billie Kline		 Lillian Carlson
Heather Kenney		 Margaret Defibaugh
Cathy Melendez		 Fern Donald
Chuck Mont		 Jean Johnson
Wanda Kanoy		 Helen Scarna
Kay Smith		 Betty Van Zanten
Shirley McClure		 Deborah Wheeler
Virginia Stebbins		 Cindy Kaller
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