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The congregation is G ATHERING A ROU ND TH E W ORD invited to reflect WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS silently during the The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Music for And also with you. Preparation Let us now prepare our hearts to worship God. as a time of prayer and meditation. MUSIC FOR PREPARATION Introduction and Toccata in G Major William Walond (1725-1770) Please join in reading CALL TO WORSHIP aloud those parts of Bless the Lord at all times, O people. the service printed in Our praise for the Most High will ring continually. bold. Come and magnify the Lord; let the Lord’s name be exalted. Our trust is in God, our refuge and strength. Come let us worship the Lord. When this symbol (*) *PROCESSIONAL HYMN — NO. 610 precedes an element O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing AZMON of the service, please rise in body or spirit. *CALL TO CONFESSION *CORPORATE PRAYER OF CONFESSION We lay before God Gracious God, our own sins, we confess that we have all sinned and fallen short of your glory. the sins and We have neglected and misused your holy worship. brokenness of our We have dealt unjustly and unkindly with our neighbors. fellow worshipers, We have not sought first your kingdom nor your righteousness. the church universal, You have revealed your wonderful love to us in Christ and the world. and have offered us pardon and salvation in Him; but we have turned away. We have run into temptation. The sin we should have hated, we have committed. Have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. *SILENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us (Kyrie Eleison) John Weaver (1937-2021)
*ASSURANCE OF PARDON The astoundingly good news of our reconciliation to *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE God through Jesus Glory to God! GELOBT SEI GOTT Christ frees our tongues to sing mighty praise to God. We exchange *PASSING THE PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY OF CHRIST TO OTHERS reconciling words The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. and gestures And also with you. among the people of God. LISTENING FOR THE WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT READING: Job 42:1-6, 10-17 Large Print Pew Bible, pages 600-601 We listen for what Pew Bible, page 488 God is saying to God’s people The Word of the Lord. through scripture, Thanks be to God. song, and sermon. ANTHEM I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health William Byrd (1543-1623) Chancel Choir I have longed for Thy saving health, O Lord; Thy law is my delight, O Lord. O let my soul live and it shall praise Thee, and Thy judgements shall help me. -Psalm 119: 174, 175 GOSPEL READING: Mark 10:46-52 Large Print Pew Bible, page 57 Pew Bible, page 47 The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ. SERMON: Restorative Justice Rev. Taylor Barner
R ES P ONDING TO T HE W O RD Our response to hearing God’s *HYMN OF RESPONSE – NO. 802 Word includes The King of Love My Shepherd Is ST. COLUMBA singing and saying what we believe. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from The Confession of 1967 The reconciling work of Jesus was the supreme crisis in the life of humankind. His cross and resurrection become personal crisis and present hope for women and men when the gospel is proclaimed and believed. In this experience, the Spirit brings God’s forgiveness to all, moves people to respond in faith, repentance, and obedience, and initiates the new life in Christ. MOMENT FOR MISSION: Church World Services Anne Louise Pass, CARE Coordinator, Immigration & Refugee Program PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS MUSIC AT THE OFFERTORY Be Thou My Vision setting by Alice Parker (b. 1925) Chancel Choir Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; nought be all else to me, save that thou art. Thou my best thought by day or by night, waking or sleeping, thy presence my light. Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word: I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord; thou my great Father, I thy true son; thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one. Riches I heed not, nor vain empty praise, thou mine inheritance now and always; thou and thou only, first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won, may I reach heav’ns joys O bright heaven’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, still be my vision, O Ruler of all. *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow LASST UNS ERFREUEN BEARING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD God blesses and *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION sends us in mission to the *RECESSIONAL HYMN – NO. 726 world. Will You Come and Follow Me KELVINGROVE *VOLUNTARY Finale William Hine (1687-1730) Taylor Barner, M. Div., Associate Pastor for Student Ministries J. Patrick Murphy, M. Mus., Organist-Choirmaster Elizabeth Davis, liturgist Harry Jefferson, acolyte Bob Jefferson, crucifer
Calendar October 24-29 Sunday, October 24 9:00 a.m. John Knox Fellowship Gathers — John Knox Room 9:20 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal — Sanctuary 9:45 a.m. Session meets for prayer — Board Room 10:00 a.m. In-Person and Live-Streamed Worship Service — Sanctuary 11:15 a.m. Poetry Class with Dr. Harry Brown — Room 122 11:15 a.m. Church World Services Information Session — Room 203 5:00 p.m. Boo Drive-Thru 6:00 p.m. Middle and High School Youth Groups Meet — Calvin Hall Monday, October 25 Noon Local Missions Zoom Meeting Tuesday, October 26 6:45 a.m. Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study — Calvin Hall 8:00 a.m. Lectio Divina Meditation Group Meets via Zoom 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting — Room 203 7:00 p.m. BSA Troop #17 — Garrison Joyner Activities Building Wednesday, October 27 8:00 a.m. Mediation Group Meets via Zoom 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Bible Study via Zoom 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal — Sanctuary 7:00 p.m. Enrichment Class Gathers via Zoom 8:00 p.m. UKIRK—The Truitt Center (Elon) Thursday, October 28 6:45 a.m. Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study — Witherspoon Room 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Gathers — Room 201 Friday, October 29 5:00 p.m. Wyldlife—Garrison Joyner Activities Building Staff Directory Ron Shive, Pastor and Head of Staff Kathleen Seagroves, Church Office Administrator 336-228-1703 X214 336-228-1703 X213 336-263-1884 (cell) Jane Cunningham, Communications Coordinator Taylor Barner, Associate Pastor for Student Ministries 336-772-5063 336-228-1703 X216 412-613-0835 (cell) Boyce Bishop, Building Superintendent Amanda Anderson, Interim Parish Associate for Pastoral Care 336-228-1703 X222 336-290-2534 (cell) Tracy Barker, Interim Director, Child Development Center Patrick Murphy, Organist — Choirmaster 336-226-7055 336-228-1703 X218 Eddie Lee Lipscomb, Buildings and Grounds Member 336-228-1703 X222 Charlotte Nance-Allbright Director of Christian Formation and Education Robert Jeffers, Buildings and Grounds Member 336-228-1703 X222 336-228-1703 X223 Peggy Brown, Part-Time Kitchen Supervisor 336-228-1703
An n o u n c e m e n t s A Warm And Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship with us this Sunday. We hope in this service you will encounter the living Christ and experience the warmth of our caring family of faith. Offering plates are located in the narthex. Please feel free to place your offering in the plate as you leave worship today. If you are not receiving the weekly e-newsletter, please feel free to pick up a copy today in the narthex and then contact the church office to be added to the weekly email list. Cover Art: Jesus Cures the Man Born Blind, Jesus Mafa (Cameroon) Music Notes: Music texts and impressions, along with streaming music, are provided with permission from One License, License #A -715495. All rights reserved. Live Telephone Worship: To listen to the worship service, simply call 888-969-5508 each Sunday. You will also be given an option of receiving a weekly call prior to each worship service. Please help us and pass this information along to any church member or community member who would benefit from this opportunity. Live Video Streaming Service: Boxcast will not only stream to our website each Sunday morning, but also to our Facebook page. The service will be available to view on our website and on the FPC Facebook page. Pastoral Care Information: If you have a personal emergency, hospitalization, or pastoral care need, please call the church office. If it is after office hours or on the weekend, you may call the minister on call: 10/22-10/24 Taylor Barner (412-613-0835). Church World Services: Welcoming the Afghan Refugees Information Meeting – Approximately 500 Afghan refugees will come to North Carolina and Church World Service is looking for cosponsors. The FPC Mission Team has spent time in conversation and prayer to discern how God is calling us to respond. As a cosponsor, we need eight people to welcome, show hospitality, and aid the family in learning to navigate living in a new place. This is a short-term commitment that will make a big impact. Anne Louise Pass and Lorrie Nyland will host a brief information session on Sunday, October 24 at 11:10 a.m. in Room 203 for you to learn more about how God might be calling you to walk alongside a refugee family/individual that will come to Burlington. Please contact Charlotte Nance-Allbright ( or 336-228-1703 x 223) if you are interested in finding out more but cannot attend the meeting. Adult Classes in October: The Enrichment Class gathers via zoom on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Contact Jane Wellford ( or Catherine Matthews ( for more information or to receive the zoom link. John Knox Fellowship — October 24 & 31 – “Psalms for All Seasons” class led by Rev. Frank Covington at 9:00 a.m. in the John Knox Room. Poetry class led by Harry Brown will meet at 11:15 a.m. in Room 122. Men of the Church Oyster Roast & BBQ: We will gather on Saturday, October 30, at Hugh Cummings’s Farm (2609 Pitts Road, Elon) at 5:00 p.m. to watch college football and at 6:00 p.m. enjoy Hugh Cumming’s steamed oysters and Phil Langley’s BBQ. We will conclude the evening around 7:30 p.m. Bring a pair of gloves and shucking knife if you have one. You will greatly enjoy the time together and can’t beat the cost — $10 for oysters, BBQ, and beverages! If you have questions, call Jerry Bailey (336- 270-1442) or Hugh Cummings (336-260-8071). Call the church office (336-228-1703) to make your reservation. The Boo Drive-Thru — A Festive Event for Everyone today from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Children are invited to dress in your Halloween costumes and stand along our FPCB “drive-thru” to receive treats. ALL members and friends of First Presbyterian Church are invited to BRING CANDY for the children. You drive by and drop candy into their bags/buckets. Bring an extra bag, if you are able, and the children will make treat bags for the children in the Morrow Town Community. (Adults do not need to dress up or decorate your car, but if you want to, we would love to see it!) Feed the Hungry Food Collection: Our church can still reach out to help those in need by donating food. Collection boxes are located outside the church entrance adjacent to the main parking lot and all you have to do is drive by and drop off your food donation. Thanks for doing whatever you can! Crossroads — October Local Mission: As a supporter of CrossRoads through our Local Missions, you can help by providing non-perishable snacks for the Center. This would include granola bars, goldfish crackers, chips, sugar free pudding cups, bottled water, Capri Sun Fruit Punch Ready-to-Drink soft drinks. They could also use paper towels, Kleenex and disinfectant spray. During the month of October, you will find boxes outside the CDC entrance from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. where we are collecting snacks to support this important mission. Feel free to contact Patti Bates ( for any questions. Thank you for your support! Presbyterian Women reach out to FPC college students each year to let them know we are praying for them. Would your college student like to receive correspondences from Presbyterian Women? If so, please send email addresses to Cathy Wall @ If they prefer to receive correspondences by mail, then send the mailing address also. FPC Furniture Ministry After a brief hiatus due to the Covid resurgence, the Furniture Ministry is open and we need your help! We especially need dishes, flatware, pots and pans, and lamps. Donations can be brought to the warehouse on Mondays from 1:00- 4:00 pm. We will also be picking up donations from church members and others on a selective case-by-case basis. Also, we need volunteers to sort and tag items in the warehouse and to assist with pick-ups. Contact us at 336-212-2937. Even during the downtime, the Furniture Ministry was able to serve 13 families, deliver eight beds and mattresses to Allied Churches, and pick up several donations of furniture. This unique First Presbyterian Ministry continues to bring vital assistance to our Alamance County brothers and sisters in Christ at their time of greatest need. Thank you for your support!
Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan – Sunday, October 31 It has been a couple of years since we have celebrated with a Kirk’ o’ the Tartan Service, but on Sunday, October 31, the vividly colored Scottish tartans and the joyful sound of bagpipes will once again fill our sanctuary. On Reformation Sunday, we will celebrate our spiritual heritage as Presbyterians as we participate in a Kirkn’ o’ the Tartan Service. The Kirkn’ (churching) of the tartans dates back to the period during the English occupation of Scotland (post 1745) when the tartans, kilts and the clans were outlawed and mass deportation was forced, often to the American colonies. Scots secretly carried small patches of tartan plaid to their kirk (church), and when a sympathetic clergyman was presiding, the pieces of the tartans, representing family members past, present and future, were held up for blessing. Today the tradition has evolved into a ceremony using large banners of tartan and includes a blessing of the tartans. Since Reformation Sunday is the day that we look back at our roots in the reformation, we will look back to our reformation roots and to Scotland, the land of John Knox, the creator of our Presbyterian form of government. This is an exciting way to celebrate the Presbyterian Church’s past and look with excitement to her future ministry. For those participating in the tartan procession and recession, there will be a short rehearsal in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. If the church stores your tartan, it will be in the sanctuary for you that morning. If you have your tartan, please locate it now and bring it with you to rehearsal on Sunday, October 31. American Red Cross Blood Drive: Save the Date! — Tuesday, October 26 in Calvin Hall. The American Red Cross is planning to hold the First Presbyterian Church Blood Drive on Tuesday, October 26 in Calvin Hall from 2:00-6:30 p.m. The blood drive is held in memory of Harold and Barbara Lloyd. Many members may remember the Lloyds and their dedication to the Red Cross. Harold organized a number of blood drives at FPC and Barbara Lloyd was a faithful Red Cross volunteer for many years. Donor registration is now available. To schedule an appointment go to and use the sponsor code FPC. If you need assistance or information you may contact Lucy Kernodle, Site Coordinator, at Please schedule your appointment as soon as possible so you will get the time you want. The site, also gives information about guidelines about who may donate blood and what to expect as a blood donor. A tool, RapidPass enables donors to complete pre-reading and questions online on the day of the blood drive reducing their onsite registration time by 15 minutes. Visit to get your pass on October 26. Rapid Pass does not take the place of scheduling an appointment. You can put the power of faith into action and help save a life! Please consider donating blood on October 26! Give blood. Help save lives! All Saints’ Sunday has long been a tradition at First Presbyterian Church. Since All Saints’ 2021 is the first time we have worshiped on this day in person since 2019, we will include those in our congregation and beyond who have died since January 2020. If you have a loved one who is not a church member, whom you desire to be remembered, please call the church office before November 3. The service will follow the pattern of A Witness to the Resurrection and will include the Chancel Choir singing anthems by Maurice Duruflé (from Requiem), Z. Randall Stroope (composed as a remembrance for those who lost their lives during this pandemic), Franz Joseph Haydn, and Kim André Arnesen (from Requiem for Solace). Organ music from Maurice Duruflé and Jean Langlais will also be presented. A prayer of thanksgiving will incorporate the names of those saints we remember this day. We hope you will join your fellow living saints as we reflect and remember God’s power to heal and comfort those who mourn on Sunday, November 7 at 10:00 a.m. (in-person and livestreamed). Reminders about worship service protocol from the FPC COVID-19 Re-Entry Task Force. In an effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, please: 1) Masks are required. 2) Select a seat in the pews marked by the green crosses; please sit in family groups toward the ends of the pews. 3) Sign in using the pew register and pass it to others to sign in. Tear the completed sheet off and leave it on top of the register for ushers to collect. 4) Exit from the side aisles after the service has ended. Please do not exit through the center aisle. Go all the way outside spend time visiting with others and greet the pastors. Please do not congregate inside the sanctuary or narthex. Christmas Decorations Poinsettias ($28 each) for use in the sanctuary may be ordered as memorial or honorary flowers. Contributions as memorials or honoraria may also be made to defray costs of wreaths for our church doors, lamp posts, sanctuary sconces, balcony garland, etc. Please submit checks made payable to First Presbyterian Church (marked Christmas Decorations) and the order form below to the Church Office or place your notated check and the order from below in the offering plate. The deadline to order is Tuesday, December 7. Christmas Decorations Order Form Poinsettias ($28 each) Checks made payable to First Presbyterian Church (“Christmas Decorations” notated in the memo line In Memory of __________________________________________________________________________ Donor ______________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of ____________________________________________________________________________ Donor _______________________________________________________________________________
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