85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook

Page created by Paula Lindsey
85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook
85 Sandalwood Parkway East
Ontario L6Z 4S3
(905) 846-7314
Website      www.hluc.ca
Facebook     www.facebook.com/HLUCBrampton

      Information Package – HLUC Search 2020
85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook
OUR LIVING FAITH STORY                             We deepen our faith each week through
                                                   worship that is lively, biblically
                                                   grounded and relevant and through our
                                                   Sunday School (BLAST) and our Youth
                 Heart Lake United Church          Group (SURGE).
                 has identified its mission:
                                                   Our youth are eager to learn about the
                                                   faith and to enter into thoughtful
To live an active faith connecting God,            conversation. We appreciate variety in
people and community.                              worship through different uses of
                                                   media, different music, a balance of
We do this through a four-fold focus:              words, silence, conversation and drama.
                                                   Our sanctuary space allows for such
   Deepening faith,                                variety while providing a sense of the
   Connecting with each other,                     holy.
   Connecting with the community
   and Administration.                             We use our website to offer a weekly
                                                   online Bible Study, and prayer
This mission focus was developed with              suggestions. We have a Book Club that
the congregation over a number of                  reads faith focused books, an annual
congregational      meetings,   Council            Spiritual Retreat and an annual
discussions and informal meetings.                 Vacation Bible Camp.

With this mission in mind, the                     We have shared opportunities for
congregation of HLUC is looking for a              deepening faith with other United
minister to help us grow in this active            Churches in the area.
faith, connecting to our diversified
community.                                         Many of our members have lives that
                                                   are full and fluid. New immigrants from
Our mission        focus    and    minister        around the world bring their own
opportunities:                                     experiences of the Christian faith to our
                                                   community and everyone is enriched by
DEEPENING FAITH                                    the diversity. Finding employment and
                                                   achieving        Canadian      academic
Deepening people’s faith is an essential           qualifications add to the busyness of our
goal of any church. People coming to               already demanding culture. Social
church are seeking a deeper, more                  media opportunities to deepen faith
meaningful relationship with God. Our              are important.
faith enables us to achieve a balanced
and meaningful life and to face the
problems life brings.

                             Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                        2
85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook
We rely on our minister to provide               These     planned      gatherings    are
Content and guidance for our faith               opportunities for us to get to know each
development, interaction with the                other and each other’s needs. Lots of
congregation to identify their interests         individual caring happens outside of
and needs. Also, to provide worship (in          them. The community around us is very
partnership with our music director)             fluid and new people with very diverse
that teaches the bible, inspires hope,           backgrounds and needs are coming
lifts our spirits and motivates faithful         through our doors.
                                                 We need a minister who can relate to
We rely on our minister to provide:              people of all ages and backgrounds,
                                                 both those with a mature faith, those
  A meaningful relationship with God            with little faith experience and those
  Worship that is lively, biblically            who are recovering a lost faith.
   grounded and relevant
  Variety in worship                            Our minister needs to be able to support
  Sermons that are enlightening and             refugees and new immigrants and who
   relevant to our times                         can lead us in identifying and responding
  Faith development alternatives                to needs such as housing, finances, and
  Involvement of youth in worship               support both within and beyond our
  Encouragement of youth                        congregation.
  Delivery of the sacraments of                 We need someone who can reach out to
   Communion and Baptism                         those who attend sporadically, through
                                                 phone calls, email and visits if
CONNECTING WITH EACH OTHER                       appropriate.

We are all part of the human race and as         We know that social media, (Facebook,
such we need to care for each other. For         Instagram      and     Snapchat)     and
those of us who are participants at HLUC         communication skills will continue to be
the church is the focal point of our care.       essential to our church.

We welcome everyone. We all belong.              We are looking for a minister who can:
We share each other’s joys and sadness,
triumphs and struggles.                             Be welcoming to a wide range of
We do this as we gather each week for               Be understanding of those from
worship and through groups such as our               diverse backgrounds
Book Club, Women’s Night Out, Men’s                 Relate to people of all ages and
Breakfast, Walk and Talk, SURGE (youth)              backgrounds
activities and other social gatherings.

                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                         3
85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook
 Connect and reach out through                 We need our minister to:
   social media
  Contribute a “Message from the                   Be a visible presence within the
   Minister” to our weekly email                     community, connecting with other
   mailing                                           faith groups and other community
  Be familiar with social media and                 groups (e.g. city government,
   other internet based options to                   conservation authority, mental
   expand these options                              health groups)
                                                    Help us respond to God’s call to be
CONNECTING WITH THE COMMUNITY                        a leader in our community

We believe the gospel of Jesus is worth          ADMINISTRATION
sharing and worth living and in order to
do that we need to connect with people           Our administration is simple and
outside our church.                              efficient based on the needs of our
                                                 people. Our Council, which meets
We also know from our online survey              monthly, assigns to each member one
(2018) that loneliness is a major concern        area of ministry for which they are an
in our community. When we bring                  advocate. The council then encourages
people in the outer community                    and supports ministry activities making
together, it may result in people in the         necessary decisions to enable the
outer community coming into our inner            mission.
                                                 A part-time secretary and paid cleaning
Our Community Engagement Survey                  and repair help keep the church
indicated that the environment, mental           functioning on a daily basis. We have
health and violence were the most                been dependent on a volunteer
pressing concerns in our community.              property coordinator and a volunteer
This work has been done collaboratively          treasurer to deal with rental issues.
with other United Churches in the area
and we value these relationships.                We need a minister who:

We have a Food Cupboard and a                      Has experience in supporting and
Community Garden. We have facilitated               coordinating volunteer groups
Neighbour to Neighbour dinners at                  Provides good leadership
which we help people talk about issues             Coordinates and communicates
relating to mental health.                         Keeps us on track with our mission
Our September Community BBQ and                    Solicits both adult and youth
annual Winter Craft Sale also provide               involvement in worship and
opportunities to the community to                   administration
gather in our space. These activities              Will be a contributing member of
show we care and want to help.                      Shining Waters Regional Council

                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                          4
85 Sandalwood Parkway East Brampton Ontario L6Z 4S3 - (905) 846-7314 Website Facebook
Community Engagement and Social                        DEEPENING FAITH and
Media Projects                                        CONNECTING WITH EACH
Our Council has received $15,000 grant                       OTHER
monies for 2020 from the Shining
Waters Regional Council and the                  Our History
National Embracing the Spirit Initiative
for Community Engagement and social
media projects.

Previous grants have allowed us to
complete a Community Engagement
Survey and act on the results. This led to
outreach initiatives on mental health
and environmental concerns that
included community dinners and                   The congregation of Heart Lake United
discussions, as well as additional               Church (HLUC) in the north end of
information sharing through social               Brampton was founded in the 1980’s by
media.                                           a small group of people initially meeting
                                                 at the local Terry Fox School.
These programs have enabled us to
partner with other local United                  This dedicated congregation grew and
Churches and non-church goers to grow            eventually in 1993 helped in the
awareness in the community of these
                                                 construction of its own place of worship
                                                 on Sandalwood Parkway.
These new funds will allow us an option          We have continued to grow and serve
to create an additional contract position        the community of Heart Lake providing a
to continue this work.
                                                 safe place for worship as well as running
                                                 an Outreach food bank.
Whatever role the minister takes in this
program, they are expected to work               We also help        other   Christian
closely and collaboratively with this
                                                 communities to grow by providing our
                                                 worship and building space for their

                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                        5
Our Congregation                                 The number of children attending can
                                                 vary depending on their parents’ busy
                 The       congregation          lives, but they are encouraged to join in
                 reflects the diversified        the service and participate with us with
                 community of the                songs and the Lord’s Prayer before
                 Brampton Heart Lake             having their own time in Sunday school.
                 area which is made up
                 of new families to the          The Sunday school program consists of a
                 area, newcomers to              BLAST program for younger children and
                 Canada and older                a SURGE program for our older children.
members who have lived in the
Brampton area for some time.                     Our Children’s Ministry

This brings those who may be new, not                                 HLUC has a strong
just to the United Church, but to the                                 children’s ministry
Christian Faith itself. Those who do                                  that has used a
come with a previous Christian                                        variety of programs
background, often come from other                                     over the years.
Christian traditions.
                                                                       The Bible Learning
Due to this diversity of Faith                   Adventure Stations program (BLAST) is
backgrounds, our worship style blends            presently used. This is focused on a
familiar traditions along with new forms         rotational format with Bible stories,
of worship.                                      games, crafts and other activities being
                                                 utilized for each age group.
The busy lifestyles of our surrounding
community with the challenges that this                             The Students
brings is apparent within our                                       Understanding &
congregation. We have many who juggle                               Reaching God’s
busy personal and work lives but who                                Expectations
still regard HLUC as their place to                                 (SURGE) program
ground their Faith. Consistent worship                              is in place for our
attendance is sometimes not possible             older children who also meet for special
and we strive to provide additional              programs outside of Sunday worship.
worship resources outside the Sunday
service.                                         The youth also lead us in the occasional
                                                 Sunday worship. The current program is
We see children as vital to our                  run by a group of volunteers.
continued growth and HLUC continues
to provide children’s education for

                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                        6
Our Worship – Music and Audio Visual            Bible Camp

               Over the years, the              A week long summer Bible Camp for
               congregation has made            children 4 to 12 has been an annual
               it clear that music is a         event for many years. This has used the
               very important part of           Group VBS curriculum with 30-40
               what they are looking            campers usually attending along with 5
               for       from     their         to 7 adult volunteers and about 15 to 20
               experience with HLUC.            teen volunteers.

John Chalmers was hired as our Music            Campers rotate through different
Director in 2008 and has helped us have         stations of Bible Adventures, Craft
music as a key focus of the worship             Imagination, High Energy Games and Kid
experience. John is a music educator            Stories from children around the world.
who has worked with musicians of all
ages, from preschool children to senior         The camp is well attended and is
citizens.                                       available to the community at large.
                                                Previous years’ attendees are now
The HLUC music team, under John’s               returning to help out and join in the fun
direction, makes use of piano, guitars,
drums and occasionally additional                                  This year’s camp is titled
instruments as part of regular worship.                            Rocky Railway. Campers
                                                                   will have mountains of fun
The vocal team makes use of Voices                                 on a faith-filled adventure.
United and More Voices hymn books                                  Camp will be held August
along with other music sources. There is                           10-14, 2020.
also a large file of contemporary songs
available.                                      Our Groups

Extensive use is made of our projection         Our present groups include our Book
capabilities, having songs available on         Club, Women’s Night Out, Men’s
screen for the congregation. The                Breakfast, Walk and Talk, SURGE (youth)
technical team is made up of volunteers         activities and Cards Night.
trained to use the audio and visual
equipment. During worship, they control         These groups are run by their
microphones, projector and lighting.            participants, and welcome all who want
                                                to just join in from time to time.

                                                Additional informal gatherings are often
                                                arranged around particular interests
                                                that arise.

                          Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                              7
                                                 Refugee Sponsorship

Community Food Cupboard

                  The     Heart    Lake
                  Community        Food
                  Cupboard has been
                  supporting        our
                  community with food
                                                 At the start of the Syrian refugee crisis
                  assistance for the
                                                 HLUC completed fundraising to help
                  past 7 years. Over
                                                 these refugees as they arrived in
                  these years, we have
supported individuals and families who,
for a multitude of different reasons,
                                                 The process moved very slowly with the
seek our support.
                                                 complications     of     the      Federal
                                                 government’s change in procedures.
In 2019 we served approximately 40
                                                 During this time we also participated in
different families or individuals. Quite a
                                                 joint sponsorship with other local United
few of the newer families are
                                                 Church congregations.
newcomers to Canada, arriving within
the past 2 years.
                                                 Over this period we helped in the
                                                 sponsorship of two Syrian families and
The north of Brampton continues to be
                                                 their children. We were also honoured
an underserviced area in terms of the
                                                 to assist two other families, from Africa,
availability of food support such as food
                                                 who were reunited in Canada.
banks and food cupboards.
                                                 In 2019 we fulfilled our refugee
Support to the food cupboard, in the
                                                 sponsorship program obligations to our
form of financial donations and grocery
                                                 sponsored families.
supplies, continues to come from HLUC
members, individual donors, and from a
                                                 All families are now successfully settled
number of organizations, other local
                                                 in their new lives in Canada.
United Churches, Building Blocks
Nursery School, Boy Scouts and a local
                                                 We still have a small amount of money
Rotary Club.
                                                 left in our Refugee Fund. Our Council is
                                                 recommending that we use this as
Our volunteers continue to come from
                                                 necessary for any emergencies that
HLUC members, as well as individuals
                                                 come up in 2020. If funds are still
from other United Churches and from
                                                 unused in September, they will be
the wider community.
                                                 distributed to our families to help with
                                                 back to school expenses.
                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                         8
Community Engagement                            Heart Lake Run

Our social media presence continues to          A number of our members helped with
grow.                                           the coordination of Brampton’s 2019
                                                Heart Lake Run that raised awareness of
Our plans are to continue to use our            food hunger, environmental issues and
New Ministry Initiative Grant to support        climate action. Its focus was on local
our social media and the online                 initiatives that can make a difference in
presence of Caledon East United Church          these important issues.
and Mayfield United Church.
                                                We have agreed to be a partner in the
Our Community Engagement Survey has             2020 Heart Lake Run community walk
previously identified two important             set for June 6th, and will use this event
concerns to people in our community:            to raise money for our Food Cupboard
mental health and the environment.              as well as to increase our presence in
                                                the community.
We held four community dinners and
discussions on mental health issues with
participants    coming     from      the        Community Garden
community and from the congregation.
                                                We began an expansion to our
To promote environmental awareness, a           community garden in 2019 with the help
monthly newsletter continues to be              of our refugee families and other
distributed to some 200 people who had          participants from the community. This
participated in earlier meetings. This          allowed our Food Cupboard to provide
newsletter is used to inform and                fresh produce to families in need.
encourage action on environmental
issues. Topics included: reducing waste,
growing local food, voting for the              Plans for 2020
environment, having a green holiday
celebration.                                    Our Council has received combined
                                                grants totaling $15,000 from the Shining
We have recently included Knox United           Waters Regional Council and the
in Caledon and Cheltenham United in             National Embracing the Spirit Initiative.
our shared social media postings to
promote connections between our                 These will be used to continue and
church groups.                                  expand our Community Engagement
                                                and social media projects.

                          Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                        9

Office Support                                   Building Design

A fully equipped minister’s office and           The building was designed to be able to
secretary’s office is available.                 be used for many functions other than
                                                 worship, with a number of additional
Our secretary is a part-time paid                meeting rooms also available.
position presently based on four days a
week. The secretary duties are presently         Details of the building are as follows:
as a supporting role of office
administration and management in                     • Sanctuary: 2925 sq. ft. with
addition to providing support for the                  capacity for 300
minister.                                            • Four (4) wheel accessible pews in
Our secretary, Helen Spence, has been                • Fellowship room: 1500 sq. ft. with
the Church secretary for many years and                unlicensed capacity for 360
is a member of HLUC. She has brought                   standing, 192 in chairs and 152
to the position a strong ability to                    with tables and chairs. (Licensed
organize and knowledge of computer                     events for 240 standing and 130
systems. Helen is able to maintain                     with tables and chairs)
strong     friendships     within     the            • Board room: 260 sq. ft. with
congregation, while still maintaining the              comfortable capacity for 12
confidentiality that is required in the                under its present configuration
role of Church secretary.                            • Kitchen: 320 sq. ft. capable of
                                                       serving 80. Two sink areas (one
                                                       single and a triple sink). Industrial
                                                       dishwasher installed
                                                     • Nursery: 240 sq. ft. with capacity
                                                       for 14
                                                     • Minister’s study: 220 sq. ft.
                                                     • Church office: 190 sq. ft.
                                                     • Four (4) additional meeting
                                                     • Narthex area: 895 sq. ft. with
                                                       ample coat hanging facilities
                                                     • Washrooms: 1 women’s, 1 men’s
                                                       and 1 wheelchair accessible
                                                     • Two (2) storage rooms
                                                     • Fully heated and air conditioned
                                                       throughout the building

                           Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                          10
Use of Building                                 Sharing of Worship Areas

An early education provider, Building           A number of other congregations use
Blocks Nursery School, uses the building        the sanctuary area for worship on the
for a morning and afternoon program             weekend and during weekday evenings
during the school weekdays. Building            based on an annual contract basis.
Blocks pay a rental fee for use of the
facility based on an annual contract,           These     include     Welcome       Home
renewable yearly.                               Evangelistic Ministries, Word to World
                                                Ministries Canada, Brampton Adventist
Other groups also use the building              Church, Living in Christ Church, and Door
during evening and weekends. These              of Hope Community Church.
uses include Girl Guides, our Food
Cupboard Group, our Cards Night group,          On occasion, joint services have been
occasional HLUC functions and other             arranged with these congregations to
worship groups.                                 allow us all to join in common worship
                                                and get to know each other better.
Rentals of various rooms are also made
available to outside groups that fit
within our specified uses.

                          Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                       11
BRAMPTON                                            Brampton is a fast growing community,
                                                    with a large and diverse ethnic

                                                    The racial profile of Brampton is very
                                                    mixed, with a large South Asian
                                                    population. Although English is the
                                                    predominant language spoken, many
                                                    different languages are also spoken.

                                                    Brampton Demographic Data
Profile of Brampton
   • 4th largest city in Ontario                    Citizenship:
   • 3rd largest city in GTA                               86% Canadian
   • One of Canada’s fastest growing                       13% Non Canadian
   • Population of 593,638 in 2019                  Immigration:
   • Average age of 36.5 – youngest of                    52.5% born outside Canada
     Canada’s largest cities
   • High annual growth rate (~6.6%)                Birthplaces of immigrants to Brampton:
     due mostly to immigration,                            Asia                 63.2%
     especially within the Asian                           The Americas         20.0%
     community                                             Europe               11.4%
   • Community has more than 234                           Africa                5.2%
     distinct backgrounds with
     approximately 115 different                    India is the most common birthplace of
     languages spoken                               the immigrant population of Brampton,
   • Excellent access to highways 410,              approximating over 40% of the total
     407, 403, 401 & 427                            population born outside of Canada.
   • Easy access to Toronto Pearson
     International Airport                          Cultural Profile:
   • 8,900 acres of parkland and 217                       East Indian        33.4%
     recreational trails                                   Canadian           10.8%
   • Network of sports and recreation                      Jamaican            7.8%
     facilities                                            English             7.4%
   • 2 hospitals                                           Scottish            5.1%
   • 7 public libraries                                    Irish               5.3%
   • Easy access to transit                                Punjabi             5.0%
        (Brampton Transit, Zum, Via Rail,                  Italian             4.3%
        GoTrain/GoBus, – with links to                     Portuguese          4.1%
        Mississauga Transit)                               Filipino            3.7%
(All information from Census Canada (2016) and
City of Brampton information.)

                              Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                     12
Religions in Brampton                               Brampton Health Care

There are a number of different religions           The Brampton Civic Hospital and the
practiced, with Christianity being the              Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated
most common religion.                               Health and Wellness, both sites within
                                                    the William Osler Health System, are
Religious Profile:                                  located within easy reach of the Heart
                                                    Lake area.
   Christian                       50.5%
   Sikh                            18.8%            The Brampton Civic Hospital serves
   Hindu                           12.1%            Brampton and the surrounding areas in
   Islam                            7.1%            emergency care and together with the
   No religious denomination        >10%            Peel Memorial Centre provides a wide
                                                    range of patient care for both admitting
                                                    and outpatient visits.
Church buildings in the Heart Lake area:
                                                    Brampton also has many walk-in and
   • Heart Lake United Church                       after-hours clinics within the city, and
   • Heart Lake Baptist Church                      there are several long-term care
   • Heart Lake Presbyterian Church                 facilities in Brampton.
   • St. Leonard’s (Catholic)
   • Church of the Holy Family                      Brampton Transportation
   • Coptic Orthodox Church                         Brampton Transit provides a network of
                                                    buses to serve the whole of the
There are also a variety of church groups           Brampton area. These bus routes are
meeting in schools, recreation centers or           linked through four main terminals that
alternative locations in the area.                  also provide links to other Ontario
                                                    transit agencies.

                                                    The GO Transit train system provides
                                                    daily train service to Toronto. GO Trains
                                                    are used extensively by Brampton
                                                    residents working in the downtown
                                                    Toronto areas.

                                                    A population usage estimate            of
                                                    transportation means to work:
(All information from Census Canada (2016) and
City of Brampton information.)                              14.0% rely on public transit
                                                            75.9% use car/truck etc.
                                                            10.1% use other methods
                              Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                       13
Brampton Employment Trends                          Recreation & Lifestyle

Median household Income $ 87,290                    Brampton residents have access to
                                                    many recreation and sport centers
These economic sectors are important                throughout the city. A wide range of
within Brampton’s infrastructure:                   activities are available for all ages
                                                    through the centers. Heart Lake offers
  •    Advanced Manufacturing                       easy access to these close-by amenities:
  •    Retail Administration and Logistics
  •    Food and Beverage                               • Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre
  •    Health & Life sciences                             (under renovation until Fall 2020)
  •    Business services                               • Jim Archdekin Recreation Centre
                                                       • Brampton Soccer Centre
Brampton is home to the headquarters                   • Cassie Campbell Community Centre
of 80 organizations.
                                                    There are also a large number of
Major employers in the Brampton area                organized sports opportunities for youth
include:                                            and adults throughout the city.

   •    Rogers Communications                       Schools & Daycare
   •    Chrysler Canada
   •    Loblaw Companies                            Many schools are available in the Heart
   •    Maple Lodge Farms                           Lake area covering Kindergarten, Junior
   •    Canadian Tire                               and Senior schools in both the Peel
   •    Coca-Cola Bottling Company                  District School Board and the Dufferin-
   •    Amazon Distribution Centre                  Peel Catholic District School Board.
   •    Indigo Distribution Centre
   •    Air Canada                                  A number of daycare facilities are also
   •    Peel District School Board                  available locally.
   •    Dufferin Peel Catholic District
        School Board                                Housing in Heart Lake
(All information from Census Canada (2016) and
City of Brampton information.)                      The general housing mix is townhouses
                                                    and single dwelling housing.

                                                    At present there are no large apartment
                                                    buildings in the immediate Heart Lake
                                                    area, however one is under construction
                                                    close to HLUC. This building will create a
                                                    significant increase in the local
                                                    population density. The close proximity
                                                    to HLUC may bring opportunities of
                                                    membership growth.

                              Information Package – HLUC Search 2020                           14
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