SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...

Page created by Ramon Daniel
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
         July 3, 2022

         SAINT ANNE
 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
See, I am doing something new!
                          Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19

Dear Parishioners,

Through this oracle of the prophet Isaiah, God emboldened his chosen people to dream big. No need for them
to think solely of the past wonders of the exodus from Egypt; equally great is the exodus from Babylon. They
could dream of a future when they could return home and give glory and praise to God for His wondrous deeds
in their lives.

In reading my assignment letter from the Archbishop of Chicago, Blase Cardinal Cupich, it dawns on me that
the Archdiocese of Chicago is inviting us to do something similar. As of July 1st, I have been appointed the first
pastor of SS. Joseph, Anne and Emeric to be formed by the unification of Saint Joseph in Homewood, Saint
Anne in Hazel Crest and Saint Emeric in Country Club Hills with Father Ralph Zwirn as associate pastor.

Parishioners of the three parishes are founding members of a new parish, except that we do not need to
“construct a material structure, but to renew the church itself.” All three parishes had done tremendous work
over the years to bring people closer to God and lead them to the path of salvation through the sacramental life
of the Church: Saint Joseph for about 112 years, Saint Anne 73 years and Saint Emeric 62 years.

The task ahead of us now is to envision a new reality in one of these same buildings but with a new and differ-
ent conception. First, we need to think of a church beyond the physical building. Second, we need to approach
our mission in traditionally Christian spaces with a “renewed missionary impulse, an expression of a new, gen-
erous openness to the gift of grace” that invites people to encounter Jesus Christ and to become his disciples.
We will not start from scratch. As a parish, we will need to examine what has been most fruitful about our pas-
toral outreach then identify areas of vitality, and recognize the different needs of our parish.

Uniting our parishes will require prayer and reflection, planning, collaboration, and the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. The talents and gifts of all parish communities are needed. I count on your full participation to make our
parish “a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey,
and a center of constant missionary outreach.” (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 28)

In this period of Operations Transition, a project manager assigned to our grouping by the archdiocese will as-
sist me. With other parish leadership, we are forming a parish unification team comprised of equal members of
the three parishes to assist me in bringing the people, ministries, and goods of the parishes together. A naming
team will also be formed as well as a liturgical and communication team. The role of the naming team is to
facilitate the search of a new name for our parish.

Rooted in Christ Jesus (Jn 15:1-17), we call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us as we begin this journey of faith

July 3, 2022                                      - Page 2 -                Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
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July 03 2022       - Page 3 -       Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
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LITURGY CORNER                                                               STEWARDSHIP CORNER
DISCOVERING CHRIST                                                           RICHES TO RAGS
A friend once told me that he lives every day of his life look-              Why would a wealthy heiress leave a life of luxury for one
ing for a chance to meet the Lord. I agreed that this was the
                                                                             of poverty and service? The life of Saint Katharine Drexel
way I led my life also, until one day when I discovered exact-
ly what he meant. He had been traveling in my neighborhood
                                                                             (1858–1955) is a “riches to rags” story that turns the con-
and had come across a young man, with no shoes on his                        ventional American success story upside down. Katharine
feet, who was asking people for money outside the local con-                 was the middle daughter of a wealthy, socially prominent
venience store. He told the young man that he would do                       Philadelphia banker. Her father was convinced that their
what he could to get him some shoes and fresh clothing. And                  large fortune meant that God had greater expectations of
where did he bring this young man to find these shoes and                    them concerning its use. Katharine saw the impact of her
clothes? To my house! I was taken aback when the two ar-                     family’s generosity, which influenced her to devote her life
rived at my front door and my friend explained the situation.                and money to the poor. Initially she wanted simply to re-
He told me how excited he was that another day had passed                    nounce her fortune. She even asked Pope Leo XIII to
and he found this opportunity to meet the Lord. I was dumb-                  send missionary priests to serve Native Americans. He
founded, yet profoundly humbled by the very presence of                      suggested she do it herself, so Katharine gave up her
Christ in my home. I went to my dresser drawer and hesitat-                  place of privilege to found the Sisters of the Blessed Sac-
ed briefly as I drew out some clothes I hadn’t worn in a long                rament, devoted to serving African-Americans and Native
time. Something inside me said to go to the closet. There I                  Americans. Using twenty million dollars of her own mon-
pulled out my favorite jeans, a fairly new shirt and sweater,                ey, she founded over sixty schools and established Xavi-
some new underclothes, a pair of shoes and socks. The                        er University in New Orleans, the only Catholic university
young man went into the bathroom to change and when he                       for African Americans. As they spread across the United
emerged, his face was nothing less than radiant. In the                      States, Katharine and her sisters extended themselves
meantime my friend had raided my refrigerator, had made up
                                                                             tirelessly in caring for those on the margins of American
a “to-go” meal, and took the young man to a place where he
could spend the night.                                                       society. Like the seventy disciples in today’s Gospel, they
                                                                             and their work were despised by some. They were called
                                                                             vicious names and spat upon in the street. Mother
THE CALL ROOTED IN DISCOVERY                                                 Katharine, as her sisters called her, renounced wealth
                                                                             and embraced poverty because of her deep love for Je-
This experience taught me so much about what it means to
be someone who tries to follow Christ. I discovered that in                  sus Christ, gratitude for his sacrifice on the cross, and
order to get to know Christ more and more, we have to be                     desire to be united with him forever. In Jesus’ name, she
the ones who are diligently searching for him in the people                  and her sisters brought education, material assistance,
we encounter every single day of our lives. Today the Lord                   and above all, the Good News to those despised or
Jesus asks us to pray that the abundant harvest will have                    avoided by society at large. Blessed Sacrament Sisters
more laborers. Let us pray that more and more people will                    continue serving today, bringing the message of today’s
have the courage to search for Christ in their everyday lives.               Gospel: “The kingdom of God is at hand for you” (Luke
And perhaps some will hear the voice of the Lord calling                     10:9).
them into ordained ministry.                                                 Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Today’s Readings: Isaiah 66:10–14c; Psalm 66:1–7, 16, 20;                    Living Stewardship Now
Galatians 6:14–18; Luke 10:1–12, 17–20 [1–9]
Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.           Decide to offer prayers and financial support to a mission-
                                                                             ary organization of your choice.
           R                                      W                          Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Monday              Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9;
                    Mt 9:18-26
Tuesday             Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38                                       Bibles Available
                                                                                          Through a very generous donor,
Wednesday           Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7
                                                                                             we have Bibles for anyone
Thursday            Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16;                           who wants to grow in their knowledge of
                    Mt 10:7-15                                                                 Scripture and the Lord.
Friday              Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;                               (Available while quantity lasts.)
                    Mt 10:16-23
                                                                                        If you would like an adult Bible, or,
Saturday            Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33                                a Children’s Bible (limited quantity),
Sunday              Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37;                                contact Elaine
                    or Ps 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37                  or 708 269-6209

July 3, 2022                                                         - Page 4 -                     Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
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It is not enough to do good; it must be done well...and you must tell everyone about it. — Vincent de Paul
July 3, 2022                                          - Page 5 -                  Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
M    I                                 THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2022
                                                      8:30am @ St. Joseph Church
SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2022                                             Special Int Sean Bodnar
 4:30pm @ St. Anne Church                                          Consolacion E. Fajardo
              John Graf                                             Martha Gadrim
 5:00pm @ St. Emeric Church                                         Special Int Laura Lynn Bodnar Kooi
Healing Annie Aberilla-Rance Family                                Jim Wilson
              Healing Edna Austin Family              FRIDAY, JULY 8, 2022
              Mary Lou Kaufman                        8:30am @ St. Joseph Church
              Special Int Middleton Family                         Health & well being Rosario Avalos
 5:15pm @ St. Joseph Church                                        Health & well being Sue Brown
              Julia & Justin Berschinski                           Darius Hogans
Genevieve Hayes                                                    Emma Hogans
SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2022                                   8:00am Rosary; 8:30 Communion Service; 9:00am-
 8:00am @ St. Joseph Church                            10:00am Adoration at St. Anne Cjurcj
             William Hand                             SATURDAY, JULY 9, 2022
              Corinne Schillings Andrew               5:00pm @ St. Anne Church
              Roccella                                            Betty Carlos
 9:30am @ St. Anne Church                                         Birthday Blessing Douglas Ellis Jr.
              Russell Forde                                       Hazel Fee
              Dorothy Ireland                                     Jean Fidanza
 10:30am @ St. Emeric Church                                      Joyce Lockhart-Fisher
              Special Int Bodnar Families                         John Graf
              Maria de la Paz Castillo                            Helen C. Kuzma
              James George Key                                    Special Int. Middleton Family
              Iris Zahara                             SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2022
 10:30am @ St. Joseph Church                          8:00am @ St. Joseph Church
              John Hac                                            Anita Haran
              Sally Peters                                        Herminia Villacrusis Cortes
MONDAY, JULY 4, 2022                                  9:30am @ St. Anne Church
8:30am @ St. Joseph Church                                        John Haddon
              Betty J. Barnum                               Marcus Bradshaw
             Birthday Blessing Cynthia F. Carter      10:30am @ St. Emeric Church
             Lucinda Fajardo                                     John & Mary McCloskey
              Audrey M. Matthews                                 Alice Slaughter
 9:00-10:00am Adoration @ St. Joseph Church                      Anthony Thompson
TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2022                                 10:30am @ St. Joseph Church
                                                                 Rosemary Stewart
8:30am @ St. Joseph Church                                       Maureen Milord
             Eleanor Bandera
             Hazel Fee
             Bob Schablaske
             Birthday Blessing Janet Tennie
 8:00am Rosary and 8:30 Communion Service @ St.
 Anne Church
8:30am @ St. Joseph Church
             Patrick Campbell                        PLEASE NOTE effective July 1, 2022 all 8:30 AM
             Special Int O’Brien, Rakowicz,          Weekday Masses will be celebrated ONLY at St.
                Montero, Woosley Families            Joseph Church in Homewood, Illinois. Weekday Mass
                                                     Intentions for St. Anne and St. Emeric will be trans-
             Janet Porter                            ferred to St. Joseph.

July 3, 2022                                 - Page 6 -               Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
THOSE TO SERVE AT THE LITURGY – July 9, 2022—Julye 10, 2022
                                   5:00 PM                           9:30 AM

E               M                  Stephanie Thompson                Mary Paetsch

L         :                        Marge Isom                        Linda Owens

                    S                                                        S       R                       F
                        June 26, 2022                                                                   ,            :

Sunday Envelope Collection                      $1,633.00                             Debbie Baker    Mary Kraft
                                                                                 Jimmie Bernstein     Mary Leonas
Number of Envelopes Used                        35                                     Jerry Bosco    Walter Maney
                                                                                   Carolyn Collins    Cecilia Meza
Average Per Envelope Used                       $44.20                            Gradling Collins    Tom Nadrchal
                                                                                        Helen Cook    Joanne Nason
                        Other Collections                                       Jessica Domerset      Ed Niemiec
                                                                                  Colleen Dunlavy     Estee Polaris
Building Fund                                   $55.00                      Karen & Dave Erickson     Cindy Robertson
                                                                               Maria Elana Estrada    John Rodriguez
St. Vincent de Paul Society                     $235.00                              Marge Fasano     Christopher Sawyer
                                                                                   Mary Fernandez     Sharon Scanlon
Peter’s Pence                                   $60.00
                                                                                        John Flynn    Shawn Scanlon
Father’s Day                                    $10.00                                Ethel Gaines    Sam Sciabica
                                                                                     Vern Glaenzer    David Sinwelski
                                                $0.00                                 Karen Griffin   Jane Straton
                                                                                       Molly Hobbs    Tony Tovo
                                                $0.00                                Paul Hutchins    Robert Van Slette
                                                                                       Marge Isom     Mia Wakefield
                                                                                    Vesta Jamison     Neil Walgenbach
                12 Step Recovery Mass                                               Naima Jeffries    Audrey Winfrey
                                                                                             Kate K   Mary Zwirn

       Last Sunday of every month –
              Next Mass: July 31
    Please join our Presider, Fr. Len Dubi,
as we celebrate the Eucharist as a 12 Step Re-
                  covery Mass.
 All people in any 12 Step Recovery Program
              are invited to attend.                                                  I M
          The Mass will begin at 2:00 at                                 The parish family of St. Anne expresses our
                                                                               condolences to the families of:
                St. Anne Church
              16801 S. Dixie Hwy.
              Hazel Crest, Il. 60429

 If you have any questions or concerns, please
                 708 269-6209

                                                     SAVE THE DATE
SVdP St. Emeric Conference Summer Ice Cream Social Here is the Scoop We are having an Ice Cream Social as a
small token of our appreciation for the support given to SVdP-St. Emeric Conference Come Chill with us in rooms 1 & 3
or take it with you after the 5 PM Mass on Saturday July 16th or after the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday July 17th
                                                    SEE YOU THERE
July 3, 2022                                                - Page 7 -                 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SAINT ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH - FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 3, 2022 16801 S. Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 - e ...
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