Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America

Page created by Irene Alexander
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America
Cat Tracks
                                      Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association
                                               January 2022

                                    Compiled &
                                    Edited by

   A Message From Our New President
             Susan Frantz                        friends. If you choose to go out tomorrow
                                                 night, be very careful, especially concerning
       Happy New Year! I hope everyone           the people around you. After all it is amateur
had a wonderful Christmas celebration and        night.
that you are looking forward to a new year       I wish to thank Susan Frantz , Sarah Baxter
full of good health, good times, and good        and Marsha Lietz for the fantastic
friends to share it with.                        Christmas party and dinner. I also wish to
       I am honored to be your 2022              thank Susan and Sarah, Sandy and Ben
President. I hope I can live up to both your     Ratzlaff, Dick and LaNeal Russ, Susan
expectations and the standards and successes     Laurence and Al Leitz for their
of so many who previously held this              contributions to this issue of Cat Tracks.
position.                                        Also I wish to thank the membership in
       Be sure to check out the calendar of      having the confidence in my editing and
events at the end of this and each month’s       writing skills to for me to continue as your
Cat Tracks to mark your personal calendars       editor. Congratulations to all the new and
for our fun activities. We will begin the year   continuing officers and directors elected at
the way we ended last year: with FOOD!!!         the Christmas Dinner.
A perennial favorite, Dick & LaNeal Russ
will organize a trip to Okarche for the best
chicken in Oklahoma. Watch for details to                  Christmas Dinner 2021
                                                                 By Susan Frantz
                                                        How delightful to be able to gather
        A Message From the Editor
                                                 again with our dear COJA friends. It’s fun to
                                                 dress up once in a while and enjoy an
I echo Madam President in wishing you a
                                                 excellent meal in such good company. We
very happy, enjoyable and uneventful (in a
                                                 had a nice sized group of 32 at our recent
negative way) New Year. I am a bit
                                                 Christmas dinner. We met at Legends Times
pessimistic in thinking that because of
                                                 Two, a private event venue owned by
Covid, it will be just more of the same but if
                                                 Legends Restaurant in Norman. (These are
we stick together, we will have each other
                                                 the same people who catered last year’s
for some good times. I trust that you had a
                                                 dinner.) The food was delicious, hot, and
very Merry Christmas with family and
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America
well-cooked. We had time to greet and catch
up with each other before dinner, and some                  Ladies Luncheon
took advantage of the clean-up time by the                    By Susan Laurence
waitstaff to chat as well.                     Is everyone ready to move beyond holiday
        We held our usual short business       plans and get back to our regular schedules?
meeting after dinner. There was a brief        For sure, I am!
review of the proposed 2022 events calendar    Toward that end, let’s start off January with
(see the most recent updated calendar          a Ladies’ Luncheon at Pearls on Classen
attached to this Cat Tracks). Randy            Curve. This luncheon has been set for
reminded the members that an email survey      January 29 at Noon. As before, please send
has been distributed concerning an offer       off an RSVP to me, Susan Laurence
regarding a Concours. We also held the         (405.640.0545) or Susan Frantz
election of officers and board members.        (405.250.1082). Another reminder will be
Outgoing President Randy McCormick was         coming out a couple of weeks prior to that
presented with a new name tag, bearing the     event. Please come – your face will be
title of “Past President”. Our officers and    missed if you don’t! Love to you all and the
directors for 2022 are:                        happiest of New Year wishes! Susan
            Susan Frantz - President
       Robert Drummond - Vice President
                                                        First Americans Museum
       Sarah Baxter - Secretary/Treasurer                  By Ben and Sandy Ratzlaff
        Harry Frantz - Cat Tracks editor
       Randy McCormick - Past President        February 18,2021
                Sandy Ratzlaff                 First Americans Museum
                  Jeff Hand                    659 First Americans Blvd
                                               Oklahoma City, Ok 73129
                                               ( Off Eastern)
      Upcoming Events                          We will meet at museum at 11:00 am.
                                               Admission – Seniors $10.00
          Road Trip to Eischen’s                Self touring of the museum…lots of seating
            By Dick and LaNeal Russ
                                               through out building.
                                               There are theaters with some film
We have scheduled a trip to Eischen’s for
                                               presentations or live performances & story
chicken for January 15. We are to meet at
                                               telling (TBA)
the McDonalds parking lot at 10:30 AM
                                                Lunch at THIRTY NINE café at 12:30pm
located NW Expressway and Council road.
                                               We’ve tried the Hominy stew, fry bread and
Departure time to be 10:45. I am concerned
                                               turkey sandwich. HUMM
about the COVID spread and being around
                                                Hope to get a guide for our group. 15
people we do not know. I think we will still
                                               people in a group is needed.
plan on it but if things get worse we may
                                               Please let us know by February 15,2022 for
need to cancel at the last minute.
                                               tour & restaurant reservations.
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America
tally the results as we need to respond to
                                                both the Dallas Club and Tulsa Club as soon
            Miscellany                          as possible.
                                                     2022 CALENDAR OF EVENTS
                                                                By Sarah Baxter
             DUES ARE DUE
                By Sarah Baxter                   Attached at the back of the Cat Tracks is a
                                                copy of the updated 2022 Calendar of
   Statements for 2022 Club Dues were e-        Events. For the members who are
mailed the week of November 15th. Dues          organizing an event, please pick a date and
are payable on December 1st and are             send to me as soon as possible so that I can
delinquent and the member dropped from          update the Calendar of Events. It helps
the Club on January 31st. If you did not        members to know ahead of time so that they
receive your dues statement, please let me      can plan accordingly. We would like to get
know. The dues are $60/year ($30 for COJA       more people involved at the monthly events
and $30 for JCNA). Please make your             and letting them know early might help.
check payable to “COJA” and mail to me
at the following address:
                                                       COJA PICTURE ROSTER
                                                                By Sarah Baxter
      c/o Sarah L. Baxter
      11008 S. Eastside Drive                     I will be preparing the updated Club
      Oklahoma City, OK 73165                   Member Picture Roster at the end of
                                                January. If you have not submitted a copy
  I will submit the amount to JCNA when I       of a digital photo, please consider doing so
prepare the JCNA Renewal Form at the end        as it helps new members with putting a face
of January.                                     with a name. If anyone would like to submit
                                                a new photo for the next Picture Roster,
                                                please send to me as well by January 20th
             COJA SURVEY
                By Sarah Baxter

   On December 10th, a COJA Survey was e-             Jaguar Club Support Vehicle
mailed to all members. When we donated                 I think it’s time has come.
our inventory of trophies and other                               By Al Leitz
Concours items to the Dallas Club rather
than just storing them, the Dallas Club         Over the years when the Jaguar Club hits the
offered to do all the work in putting on a      road, we have occasionally had a sick
Concours for us and only asked that we find     kitty. In October, when we were at Mt.
a venue for the show. Also, the Tulsa Club      Magazine State Park, we had Glenn’s flat
has contacted us regarding doing some joint     tire adventure. As we stood around looking
events next year. Your input is important.      at the problem, we all wished for a trolley
Please take a moment to fill out the survey     tire jack and an air compressor…we all have
(if you can’t find the e-mail, please let me    them but they were safety tucked away at
know and I will re-send to you) and return to   home. Luckily, our Jaguar came with a
me. The officers and directors will then        small air compressor. It got the job done but
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America
it was not as easy as it could have been. A       borrow them from another COJA member.
few years earlier, Jess had a flat tire and got
it changed, but a trolley tire jack would have
made the repair so much quicker. Our
garages are full of the tools we would need              The Ubiquitous Henry Ford
to make these repairs much easier. We just                          By Dick Russ
need to bring a few more with us. I bet if we
ever put all our tools together in one place      In 1917 Henry Ford was looking for a Chief
we could probably open a Jaguar service           Engineer to develop the new Model T Ford
center!                                           and had interviewed several promising
                                                  engineers. The last interview he suggested
It seems that every time we go on a road          the two of them go to lunch and visit about
trip, we now have at least one member             the new position. At the restaurant they both
driving a truck or SUV because the Jaguar is      placed their orders and visited more about
needing repair or they just want a bigger         the position he was offering. Mr. Ford was
vehicle for the longer drive. So we already       very impressed by the engineers credentials
have the vehicle…we just need to load it          and felt he just might be the best for the job
up.                                               and told the engineer he was impressed with
                                                  him. The luncheon was served and like
Here is a list of a few items the support         many of us, the engineer immediately salted
vehicle should bring at a minimum:                and peppered the steak he had ordered. The
                                                  two of them visited more while having
Air compressor                                    lunch. When they were through eating the
Trolley jack                                      engineer ask Mr. Ford if he was going to
Few pair of gloves                                hire him for the job. Much to his surprise
Old blanket to lay on                             Mr. Ford said he would not hire him even
Roll of duck tape                                 though he was impressed with him. The
                                                  Engineer ask why he wasn't going to hire
You all are much more aware of what would         him if he was impressed with him. Mr. Ford
be nice to have in the support vehicle than I     replied that he was going to hire him until
am…and if you have any suggestions,               the luncheon was served. He said that you
please let me know. My guess is that the list     immediately assumed the meal needed salt
will grow over time. As Glenn said “once          and pepper without even tasting it to see if
we have the support vehicle then nothing          in fact it needed the Salt and Pepper. Mr.
will break”. I’m not sure that is possible,       Ford said he would not hire an engineer that
but I like the way he thinks.                     assumed anything. Engineers are needed for
                                                  factual decisions and not to assume
So if anyone one wants to do this, please         anything. True story from "The Ubiquitous
contact the person who is coordinating the        Henry Ford"
road event for the month and just tell them
you will be the support vehicle. If you don’t
have all the tools needed, just reach out and
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America
Cat Tracks Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association - Jaguar Clubs of North America

                  President                     Susan Frantz           405-250-1082
                  Vice President                Robert Drummond        405-308-1731
                  Secretary/Treasurer           Sarah Baxter           405-408-8878
                  Editor                        Harry Frantz           405-496-0850
                  Board Member (Past Pres.)     Randy McCormick        806-217-2594
                  Board Member                  Jeff Hand              405-590-4167
                  Board Member                  Sandy Ratzlaff         405-213-4535


   Annual membership is $60. Note, this includes membership in Jaguar Clubs of North America.


Business Card size space $10 per month, 3 month minimum or $100 per year. Full page $30 per month
($360/yr.), half page $25 per month ($300/yr.). Personal ads for members (non-commercial) are free.
This newsletter is published monthly by the Central Oklahoma Jaguar Association.                 Opinions
expressed in this publication are those of your editor and correspondents and do not necessarily reflect
the views or policies of the Jaguar Clubs of North America or Jaguar cars. Neither the editor, members,
nor contributors to the publication are responsible for the statements or claims made by advertiser.
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