Page created by Louise Erickson

                           FALCONFLIER                                                      October

 Important Days in
      Friday, 10/7
     No MHD Busing

      Friday, 10/14
    Grandparent’s Day

   Wednesday, 10/19
    No MHD Busing

Thursday-Friday, 10/20-21
No School. Teacher in-svc.

Monday – Friday, 10/24-28
  OCC Collection Week

       Monday, 10/31
 Beginning of Elementary
 Spiritual Emphasis Week

                                Boys to Men Bible
                                 In college, Mr. Lange had
                                 several men pour into his
                                  life – helping him understand how God made men distinct, in His
                                  image, and God looked at all he created and said that ‘it was good’!
                                  (Genesis 1:31)
                                 The influence these men had on Mr. Lange’s life prompted him to
                                 start a ‘Boys to Men’ Bible Study at PCS, to help our young men
                                 come to understand what it looks like to be a godly man, created in
                                 His image. He and Mr. Burgstahler meet with 30-50 7-12th grade
   PARK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL          young men weekly during lunch to discuss and study questions
                                  surrounding men and masculinity through the book of John.
2                                   students on the move
Yearbook Team Receives Award                                   Jost and Krause Named Finalists in the
The 2021-2022 PCS Yearbook Team received the                   National Merit Scholarship Program
prestigious National Yearbook Program of Excellence            Leah Jost and Nate Krause, both 2022 PCS graduates,
Award under the direction of Editor, Lawton Burgstahler.       advanced from 1,500,000 entrants down to 7,500 Merit
This award is given based on the following criteria:           Scholar Winners! Furthermore, they were both also
                                                               given the distinction of being Merit Scholar Designees
• Creating A Meaningful Yearbook For All Students –
                                                               receiving scholarships to the University of Minnesota,
making sure every student is included and tagged 3 times
                                                               Twin Cities.
throughout the whole book.
                                                               We are extremely proud of Leah and Nate’s
· A Yearbook In Every Student‘s Hands – creation of
                                                               achievements! Congratulations!
a meaningful book that students want to purchase. They
met the sales goal of 110 Jr/Sr high books sold 150
elementary books Sold.
                                                               Same Teacher for PK and 12th Grade!
· Effective Project Management – They did not miss a
                                                               Mrs. Ryding (K teacher) began teaching at PCS 14
submission deadline throughout the year.
                                                               years ago. Isaiah Tofibam (current senior) was in
Congratulations!                                               that first PK class. This year, as a senior, Isaiah is
                                                               Mrs. Ryding’s Kindergarten class E.T. (E.T. stands for
                                                               Educational Training and is an educational assistant in
                                                               the classroom.)
                                                               Mrs. Ryding recently found a
                                                               book with his picture from PK to
                                                               show her class and they thought
                                                               it was so great that their senior
                                                               E.T. was in her PK class so many
                                                               years ago! His first and last year
                                                               with the same teacher. Where
                                                               else can that happen??? We
                                                               love K-12 in the same building!

                                                                              Mrs. Ryding’s K class with Isaiah T.
                   Mrs. Jost’s 3rd graders with Kyler
                   Mrs. Jost’s class with Kyler C.

Reason #535 why we love K-12th grade in one school!
Recently, one of Mrs. Jost’s 3rd grade students came into class quite distraught. The student had dropped the snack
and was crying. Mrs. Jost attended to the student. Once the student was calm, they walked into the hallway to see
how they could clean it up. The snack was completely cleaned up. They saw Mr. Tofibam’s cart near the bathrooms,
so their first thought was that he had cleaned it up. As they approached him to thank him for taking care of that, he
said, “Oh, it wasn’t me. Kyler Card (12th grade) had stopped what he was doing and cleaned up the mess before I
could get to it.” Kyler is the E.T. for Mrs. Jost, so she thought it was extra special that he noticed, watched out for the
student, and cleaned up a mess in such a caring way!! “WOW WOW WOW!! It was a day brightener for ME and turned
my student’s day around too”, said Mrs. Jost.
Junior High retreat                                                                   3
                                  PCS 7th & 8th graders had a GREAT Jr High retreat at
                              Inspiration Point Christian Camp & Retreat Center. Two days
                                 of singing praises to the Lord, enjoying Biblical teaching,
                               God-honoring fellowship, Spirit-filled time of meditation and
                                reflection, and Christ-exalting prayers. We are grateful for
                                    this kick-off to the year for our 7th and 8th graders.
Kate N., Paige L.

                                                                                                     Jonah R.

 Katie N., Elsie S., Analise H., Brenna D.

                                                                                                         Logan G.

       Demora Y., Payton D., Olivia H., Greta A.
                                                                 Grace W., Demeri S., Elizabeth K.

                                                                                                       Micah W.
   Sunday                Monday              Tuesday
                                                                PCS SCHOOL CALENDAR

                                                               Wednesday        Thursday                  Friday        Saturday

Student photos
on the calendar
                                                                                                                        Powder Puff,
                                                                                                                        10 am, PCS
                                                                                                                        football field
  page do not                                                                                                           Homecoming
correspond with                                                                                                         game vs Cass
   birthdays.                                                                                                           Lake Bena,
                                                               Rylan W.         Harper W.                               6 pm, MHD

                  2    8th gr. DC
                                       3                 4                 5                     6    No Moorhead
                                                                                                                    7                8
                       Fundraising                                             7-12 Chapel,
                       Meeting                                                                        Blue Book
                                                                               8:05 am, and K-2       Contest
                       7:30 pm,                                                Chapel, 9:05 am,       concludes,
 Paige C.              Front commons       Kinsley D.
                                                                               everyone welcome.      4:00 pm

                  9               10                    11                12                   13                  14               15
                       9th grade DC                                            7-12 Chapel,
                       trip meeting,       PA meeting,                         8:05 am, and 3-6       Grandparent’s
                       7:30 pm,            7:00 pm, library.                   Chapel, 9:05 am,       Day. See NEW
Dane E.                Commons             Everyone welcome!                   everyone welcome.      SCHEDULE!         DC trip

                16                17                    18                19                   20                  21              22
                                                                                               No School.
                                                               No MHD Busing                Teacher in-service.
DC trip                DC trip              DC trip             DC trip        DC trip

               23                 24                    25                26   7-12
                                                                               8:05 am,
                                                                                               27                  28              29
                                                          OCC Collection Week
                                                                               and K-2 Chapel,
                                                                               9:05 am,
            Reese F.
                                                                               everyone welcome.      Picture Retakes    Dane G.

               30                 31                           TAG Time (Time Alone with God)
                       Beginning of
                       Elementary             Miss Hoiberg’s students are having TAG time (Time Alone with God) and writing
                       Spiritual              prayer journals that were gifted to them by a PCS grandparent. “It is so fun to see
                       Emphasis Week        them investing in their relationship with God!” says 3rd grade teacher, Miss Hoiberg.
PCS NEWS                                                     5
October is Operation Christmas
Child Month at PCS
Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to
children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-
filled shoeboxes and the Good News of God’s love.
In order to bless as many children as possible, Park
Christian students are again taking part in a school wide
drive to help these children. If you can, please help us fill
as many shoeboxes as possible. Here are ways we can
make a difference in the lives of these children:
PRAY Please pray that God will touch the heart of every
child who receives a shoebox gift from Park Christian
students and that He will bring many children and
families to faith in Christ.
GIVE                                                                       ALL NEW SCHEDULE!
 K-6th Grade       Should buy items for children their own age
                                                                                Friday, October 14
 7-8th Grade       Should buy for 2-4 year olds
                                                                 Parent Association Update
 9-10th Grade      Should buy for 5-9 year olds
                                                                 The Turkey Trot is coming - November 21st and
 11-12th Grade     Should buy for 10-14 year olds                22nd! Watch for details!!
                                                                 Some items purchased with last year’s Turkey Trot funds:
During the week of Oct. 24-28 students should bring              Lab aprons, box organizers, counting sets, storage
the following items for shoeboxes: a quality “wow” item          trolley, recess equipment, wiggle chairs, individual white
such as a small stuffed animal or soccer ball with pump,         boards, computer speakers, stand up desk, headsets,
school supplies, hygiene items, clothing, accessories            calculators, books, general supplies for 3rd/K/4th grade,
and toys. Please do NOT include any liquids, candy or            Phy. Ed. equipment, learning center equipment, and the
toothpaste. (This includes hand sanitizer, shampoo and           list goes on...!!!
lotion. Also, please no war related toys). PCS will provide      Sky Zone Party, January 13th. Be ready to jump!
the shoeboxes.
                                                                 Next PA Meeting – October 11th, 7:00 pm in the library.
SEND Please send $10 for shipping costs. Why $10?                Everyone welcome.
A donation of $10 per shoebox is critical. It provides for
collection, processing, shipping and gospel materials
costs. A check made out to Samaritan’s Purse can be
dropped off at the Operation Christmas Child shoebox
                                                                           Little Women
located in the PCS office. Our students will enclose                      presented by PCS Sr High Theatre
personal letters in the boxes and pray over them before                       Directed by Jen Dobbins
they’re sent. More detailed information will be sent
home with your child in the upcoming weeks. Check                            November 4 and 5
out samaritanspurse.org for more details, pictures and                   Watch for ticket information and ways
videos of this amazing ministry in action. Please direct                        you can get involved!!
your questions to Mr. Hansen, Mrs. Weinberger, or Miss
Rogness, our 6th grade teachers. Thank you for touching
the lives of so many children in need this Christmas.

New Gym Lights
THANK YOU SLR Electrical, the Jon Rude family, &
the Park Christian School Booster Club.
We have new LED lights and LED light fixtures in the
gym. Be sure to come to a game and check it out!

           570 Students!
  Once again, PCS is celebrating the highest
                                                                      Football Team Recognizes
                                                                      Mr. Burgstahler
                                                                      The PCS Football family presented an appreciation
  enrollment in the history of the school with 570                    plaque and gift cards to Mr. Burgstahler thanking him
  students, for a 7.5% increase over last year. These                 for his leadership of the football program over that past
  numbers reflect a 98% retention rate.                               6 years. The presentation was a complete surprise and
                                                                      happened during the football players lunch time while
  PCS welcomes 84 new students from 43 new
                                                                      they were watching film.
  We are pleased to have three sections each of K-6
  except for two sections in 5th grade.

7th-12th grade New Student Pizza
Lunch Celebration
Each year, we host a FREE Pizza lunch for all the new
7-12th grade students.
September 22nd, we celebrated with the six new 9-12th
graders and fifteen new 7-8th graders!

                                                                                     THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING
                                                                                     PARK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL

                                                                           Thank you to each Park Christian family for
                                                                          choosing a Christ-centered education at PCS
                                                                            for your child/ren. We are grateful for the
                                                                          opportunity to love, nurture, challenge, teach,
                                                                             and encourage your child/ren each day.
       Molly D.

                                  Gavin O.

                       4th grade Water Festival field trip

                                   Margaret H., Macie S., Claire K.             Mrs. Cuda’s class
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