17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A - 26th July 2020 - Catholic Parish ...

Page created by Holly Coleman
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A - 26th July 2020 - Catholic Parish ...
26th July 2020
                17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A
                 Parish Administration and Mission Centre
We now have final costings and details for the proposed Parish Administration
and Mission Centre in Napier. A Parish meeting is planned in the next few weeks
to outline to parishioners the scope and cost of the project before we seek
approval from the Diocese.The date for that meeting will be confirmed in next
week's newsletter.
There has been much work and planning over the past 18 months to get to this
stage. You will remember that:
        the Diocese wishes the Church to have a presence in the centre of the
         city of Napier;
        the proposed new building was not only for Administration but must
         also include a Mission Centre for outreach and hospitality to the wider
        the first preliminary drawing was rejected because of the roof-line;
        a new design was overwhelmingly accepted and has been displayed in
         the foyer of each Church for the past few months;
        Resource Consent for the project from the Napier City Council was
         received in April 2020;
        while we considerable funds available for the building a fund raising
         campaign will be required;
I hope that all parishioners are able to attend this presentation. It will most
probably take place on a Sunday afternoon and we will have an ‘afternoon tea’ so
parishioners from all three churches can catch up.

 First Sacraments of Initiation - Reconciliation, Holy Communion and
The sacramental programme for our primary and secondary school students has
been compromised this year because of COVID-19. We normally begin
preparation in the first school term and celebrate the sacraments during Terms 2
and 3. The ‘lockdown’ during March, April and May now makes it most unlikely
that we can celebrate these sacraments this year. The sacramental programme
relies on a number of people to prepare the material and some of these are
teachers in our schools. I am still seeking advice on whether it is possible but my
feeling is that it is unlikely that we can offer the First Sacraments in 2020.

Father Barry Scannell s.m.
Parish Priest
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A - 26th July 2020 - Catholic Parish ...
Sacred Heart College                                              St Joseph's Maori Girls' College
Our annual Touch of Class event will take place on Tuesday 28 July.      Kia ora totou. This week we welcomed back Staff and Students for
We host Year 7 and Year 8 girls and let them experience a day in the     Term 3. We hope and pray that it won’t be quite as eventful as last
life of a high school student. Please let your family and friends know.  term! The weather interrupted the arrival of some of our Students
Our Open Evening takes place on Wednesday 5 August 6.30pm.               from up North and the East Coast. School Student Reports were
                                         God Bless, Maria Neville-Foster completed for the first half of the year and “manaaki” (tutorial
                                                                         classes) for the Senior Students, has started 4:30-5:30pm each week
               Sacred Heart College Scholarships                         day. The Junior Students have Kapa Haka practice from 4-5pm
Scholarship applications for 2021 are now open. Forms are available each week day this term. We have a busy term ahead. Let us pray
from our school website or contact the school office. Applications close for God to bless our work and for St Joseph to bless us as we go.
Thursday 13 August. Enrolment enquiries please call the school office                                                  Arohanui, Sister Sarah.
on 835 3761 or email admin@sacredheartnapier.school.nz.                  Follow the link for our YouTube Channel, showcasing and
                                                                           highlighting the events at St Joseph's Maori Girls' College.
                   St Johns College, Hastings
Good to be back at school after a two week break. The boys have                     Sacred Heart College - Work Placements
returned refreshed and ready for the new term. This week was all           We are looking for work placements for our Gateway students in
about settling in and refocusing. We had Tuesday Mass in the Chapel        Future Pathways in fields of Travel/Tourism/Hospitality-Front of
and Benediction for our Year 13 students on Thursday. Sport practices      House, Early Childhood, Retail, Accounting, Real Estate and
were on and our young men were fully involved in competitive sport         general office administration businesses. Usually 1 half day or 1
over the week. Fr Marcus was in on Wednesday to talk with some of          day of unpaid work per week, or however much you can commit
our students which was great.                                              to in these strange times! Our Gateway programme provides
                                                 Conor Bolton (DRS)        broader educational opportunities and strengthens pathways for
                                                                           our senior students into further education and training or
                    St Patrick's School Napier
                                                                           employment. If you can offer a placement to one of our girls, we
                                                                           would love to hear from you. Please contact Fiona Quane, 835
                                                                           3761 ext.841 or fquane@sacredheartnapier.school.nz

                                                                               St Johns College, Hastings - Enrolments for 2021
                                                                           Enrolments are now open for 2021. Enrolment appointments can
                                                                           be made over the phone at the College office 06 878 6853. Any
                                                                           parents of Year 8 students needing information please contact Deb
                                                                           Smith. (dsmith@stjohns.school.nz).
                                                                           Please note the names of our advertisers & remember to support them.
                       Taste of St Johns Day
Our promotion day for Year 8 students will be held on Wednesday
29 July 2020. RSVP is required. For further information and to register,
please call the school office on 878 6853.

                   St Johns College - Open Day
Our Open Day will be held on Sunday 2nd August at 2pm. This is a
great way for you to see what St. John’s College has to offer. Please
mark the day and time in your diary.
“Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to
Him. That is all the doing you have to worry about. ”
                            St. Jane Frances de Chantal
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A - 26th July 2020 - Catholic Parish ...

               Baptism Preparation Course                                                 Catholic Women's League
                                                                          We have been collecting soap this month for Women’s Refuge for
                                                                          our Mission at home. We are now also collecting toothpaste
                                                                          toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner, combs, body lotion or any
                                                                          spare toiletries. (Don’t forget the children). If everyone put a single
                     Coast to Coast Rosary                                item in the box in the foyer over the next six weeks we would have a
                                                                          very special collection. Empty the bottom drawer and see what you
                                                                          can find. Big or small gratefully received. Thank you for your

                                                                                         Planned Giving and Donations
                                                                          If you wish to make a donation by direct debit to the Parish via
                  Rosary Prayer Meeting                                   internet banking. The account details are:
Join us in Rosary Prayer for pleading an end of abortion in NZ and               Bank:                 BNZ
stablishing a new generation of life. Every Friday, 6pm at St Patrick's          Account:              02-0630-0288045-09
Church. Families and young people welcome.                                       Account Name:         The Catholic Parish of Napier
                                                                                 Reference:            Your planned giving number
                                                                                 Code:                 Your surname
Red, Lourdes Rosary Beads in grey pouch. They have sentimental            If you are unsure of your planned giving number, or if you would
value. If found, please phone Rose 843 6230.                              like to change from envelope giving to an automatic payment, please
                                                                          phone Carmel Jones at the Parish office, 844 2224.
This Week: 1 Kg 3:5, 7-12; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52                                        St Thomas More Notices
Next Week: Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21                                                  Church Lotto
                                                                   Lotto - Round 3 - Draw 8, No. 33 Joan Campbell. Jan has one spare
               Ignatian Spirituality NZ Retreat                    number available. Round 4 will commence in a couple of weeks,
Ignatian Spirituality NZ is offering a 6 day Residential Silent please get your $20 to Jan soon.
Individually Guided Retreat from 25 October, 10am to 30 October Attention to all Maori/Pacifica Ladies - Te Rina Murphy from Te
4pm. St. Francis Retreat Centre, 50 Hillsborough Rd, Auckland. See Kupaga Hauora will be in the Hall after Mass to discuss matters
noticeboard for more details.                                      relating to health screening. Please grab a cuppa and go into the Hall
Last Week’s Collection                                             Ministry Rosters are now available: If you are on any ministry,
                                                                   please pick up a copy for your family from the table in the foyer.
Total - $6,741
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A - 26th July 2020 - Catholic Parish ...
Mass Intentions and Anniversaries                                    News & Events - Don’t Miss Out!
 Recently Deceased: Opal Reiri,                                         28th July: Sacred Heart College Touch of Class event.
                                                                        29th July @ 10am: Marion Mother’s Prayer Meeting,
 Anniversaries: Fr John Mori sm (24/7), William Lewis {Jim} (01/8),
 Julie Halpin (21/8) , William John van der Linden.                 4th August @ 6pm: St Patrick’s School PTA meeting,
                                                                                         St Patrick’s School Staff Room.
 Prayers for the Sick: Sid McCann, Tom McLean, Mandy th
                                                                    5 August @ 6:30pm: Sacred Heart College Open Evening.
 Lane, Mark Spalding, Chris Spalding, Peter Israel, Tony
                                                                    15th August @ 3pm: Coast to Coast Rosary for Life and Faith, St
 Murphy, John Huggins, Chris St Clair, Peggy Lynex, Marie
 Stanford, Leo Baltussen, Pauline Salmon, June Brodie,                                     Mary’s Centre, Greenmeadows.
 Margaret Minehan and Rosemary Martin.                              23 August @ 2-4pm: General Elections 2020: Meet the Candidates

                                                                                             St Paul's Presbyterian Church, Tennyson Street
          Care of Creation - Tip of the Month                       30 August @ 2-4pm: Public Forum on Cannabis Referendum,

 We need ecological conversion (Pope Francis), to change                                     EIT, Lecture Theatre 1.
 everything we need everybody. For information and eco tips see 13 September @ 10am: St Patrick’s School Mass.

 our Parish website, http://cpon.org.nz/careofcreation.htm.         25th - 30th October: Residential Silent Individually Guided Retreat, St.
                                                                                     Francis Retreat Centre, 50 Hillsborough Rd, Auckland
                      Donation Rebates
 Each year many of our Parishioners donate their tax rebates back
 to the Parish. If you would like to do that please contact Carmel.

              Marion Mother’s Prayer Meeting
 Join us on Wednesday 29th July at 10am, 7 Tukes Place
 Greenmeadows. All mother's of young children are welcome.
 Contact Rebecca 021 144 3753.
Catholic Saint of the Day: July 25, Saint James, Apostle
   Patron Saint of Spain, equestrians, and pilgrims.

            Napier Community Foodbank Trust
 Napier Foodbank is currently short of baked beans and pasta. We
 are also short of bags, including paper bags from click & collect or
 home delivery. Your donations are gratefully appreciated.
Please note the names of our advertisers & remember to support them.
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