Your rent and other charges - Herefordshire Housing

Page created by Elaine Daniel
Your rent and other charges - Herefordshire Housing
Your rent
and other charges

                    Creating quality choices for communities
Your rent and other charges - Herefordshire Housing
Your Rent and other charges

    Your rent and other                         How can I pay my rent?
    charges                                     Herefordshire Housing offers a number
    We aim to ensure that our rents             of different ways for you to pay your
    are good value for money and are            rent so you can choose which one is
    affordable. Your rent and other charges,    easiest for you.
    where applicable, pay for the services
                                                Using your Allpay Swipe Card
    you receive and our running costs. This
    includes general management and             • At any Post OfficeTM with
    maintenance costs, major repairs and          cash, cheque or debit card
    improvement costs, as well as the costs
                                                • By cash or debit card at any local
    of meeting our loan commitments.
                                                  store displaying the Pay Point logo

    2       How can I pay my rent?
                                                • By telephone - Debit or credit card 24
    3       Rent statements
                                                  hours a day, 7 days a week – just dial
    3       When are my rent and                  0844 557 8321 and follow the simple
            other charges due?                    instructions

    4       Rent Statement Explained            • By internet - Debit or credit card 24
                                                  hours a day, 7 days a week at
    6       Rent arrears and other      
            debt problems
                                                Payments using your Allpay swipe card
    7       Help & Support                      will show on your rent account within 1
    8       Your rent                           working day.

    10      What if I just don’t pay my rent?   ALWAYS KEEP YOUR RECEIPT.

Your rent and other charges - Herefordshire Housing
Direct to Herefordshire Housing:             Rent Statements

• By telephone - Debit or credit card        We will send you a minimum of one
  payments over the phone from               rent statement per year for your
  8am to 6pm weekdays only.                  information. It is important that you
  Telephone 0300 777 4321.                   check your rent statement. Rent
                                             statements are also available on
• By direct debit - Any week day/date of
  the month, week, fortnight.
                                             When are my rent and other
• By post - Cheques made payable to
                                             charges due?
  ‘Herefordshire Housing Ltd’ posted to
  Income Services, Legion Way,               The rent and charges week runs from
  Hereford, HR1 1LN.                         Monday to Sunday. Payments should
  DO NOT SEND CASH.                          be made weekly in advance. You
                                             can choose to pay monthly but this
• By Housing Benefit paid direct to
                                             must also be paid in advance. For the
  Herefordshire Housing by the Council
                                             majority of tenants there are two weeks
  which is the responsibility of the tenet
                                             in the year when rent is not due. If you
  to ensure payment.
                                             are in arrears you must continue to pay
For more information about any of the        during these weeks.
payment options above please contact
Income Services Team on
0300 777 4321 or email
Your Rent and other charges

    Your rent statement explained
    To explain what all the different elements that make up your rent statement mean,
    we have set out a diagram below.

    N.B. Please note that the information below is a sample
    only and is not your actual statement.
    If you have any queries regarding your rent account or statement, please contact
    the Income Services Team on 0300 777 4321.

                Mrs J. Bloggs               2 Tenancy No: 000001
        1       11 Coronation Street
                Sunny Town                  3 Date of statement
                Herefordshire                 MAIN ACCOUNT / CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNT

    4                       5           6           7             8             9         10
     WEEK        DATE           RENT    CHARGES      BENEFIT      PAYMENTS      ADJUSTS   BALANCE

            1    04/04/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  20.00

            2    11/04/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  40.00

            3    18/04/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  60.00

            4    25/04/13       40.50        5.00       - 80.00       25.50 -                   0.00

            5 02/05/13          40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  20.00

            6    09/05/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  40.00

            7    16/05/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  60.00

            8    23/05/13       40.50        5.00       - 80.00       25.50 -                   0.00

            9    30/05/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  20.00

         10      06/06/13       40.50        5.00                     25.50 -                  40.00

                11    At the statement date your account was £40.00 in arrears

1. This will show your name and               If you have any queries about your
   address. If these details are              Housing Benefit, please phone
   incorrect, please let us know as           Herefordshire Council’s Housing
   soon as possible.                          Benefit department on (01432)
2. This will show the unique tenancy
   reference number for your account.      8. This column will show any
                                              payments we have received from
3. This will show the date that your
                                              you, either directly to us or via
   statement was printed. Your
                                              the Allpay Swipecard system. The
   account details will be correct as of
                                              payment will be shown with a
   this date.
                                              minus sign (credit) after the amount.
4. These columns will show the rent
                                           9. This column will show any changes
   weeks, numbered 1 – 52 (unless a
                                              to your rent account, such as
   53 week year), and the first date of
                                              payments transferred to a garage
   each week beginning with Monday.
                                              account, etc.
5. This column will show how much
                                           10. This column will show the balance
   rent is charged each week.
                                               of your account at any week. If
6. This column will show any other             you have a figure with a minus sign
   charges that you may pay. For               after the amount, this will mean that
   example, communal area cleaning             you are in credit for that amount.
   charges, insurance charges, Careline        A balance of 0.00 will mean that
   alarm charges.                              you owe nothing, but if you have a
                                               figure with no minus sign, this will
7. This column will show any Housing           mean that you are in arrears for that
   Benefit payments sent directly from         amount.
   the Housing Benefit department
   to your rent account. These are         11. This information will tell you the final
   normally paid to us every 4 weeks           balance of your rent account as at
   in arrears. Payments may not                the date that your statement was
   always be the same throughout               printed.
   the year, which could be due to a
   change in your circumstances.

Your Rent and other charges

    Rent arrears and other                     bills (such as your gas and electricity
                                               bills) and council tax before you pay
    debt problems                              any other bills (such as catalogue and
    What should I do if I have trouble         credit card bills). If you are thinking of
    paying my rent and other charges?          borrowing a lump sum to pay off your
                                               arrears and other debts, get advice first.
    We understand that paying rent can
    sometimes be difficult. If you are         If you have several debts, contact us
    getting behind with your rent, or think    on 0300 777 4321 and ask for help. We
    that you might not be able to pay          can refer you to the Citizen’s Advice
    your rent in the future, then please       Bureau via our direct referral scheme.
    contact us on 0300 777 4321. It is
                                               You could also contact The National
    always best to let us know if you have
                                               Debt Line who offer free, confidential,
    a problem. It is often possible to make
                                               independent advice on FREEPHONE
    an arrangement to pay your arrears by
                                               0808 808 4000 or visit the website
    If you do not currently receive Housing
    Benefit, because your income level
    has been slightly above the qualifying
    level, you may now be entitled to some
    benefit. Contact the Herefordshire
    Council’s Housing Benefit department
    on (01432) 260333 to make a claim.
    You can also contact our Tenancy
    Sustainment Advisers (TSA) on 0300
    777 4321 for help and advice on
    welfare and housing benefit.

    What if I am struggling with more than
    one debt?

    Your rent should be your number one
    priority because if you don’t pay it
    you run the risk of losing your home.
    It is also important to pay your utility

Help & Support                              We also can help with advice about
                                            benefits that may be available to you.
What Support can Herefordshire              For example, if you are unemployed,
Housing Offer?                              sick, an employed / unemployed
                                            single parent, a state pensioner. We
We have Tenancy Sustainment
                                            can also help with the completion of
Advisers, who can help you to address
                                            benefit applications, or liaise with other
any financial problems that you may be
                                            agencies such as the Department
experiencing. We can help you to set
                                            of Work and Pensions and the Local
up a household budget and prioritise
                                            Authority. Contact our TSA’s and ask for
your payments. In addition to this we
                                            a benefit health check.
can help you to open a bank account
and signpost you to more specialised        Alternatively you can contact the
financial services if necessary, and to     Herefordshire Council’s Housing and
identify additional support services that   Council Tax Benefit Department direct
may be available to you. Please ring        on 01432 260333 or at their offices
0300 777 4321 to speak to the Tenancy       at The Hereford Centre, Hereford
Sustainment Advisers or to make an          Customers Services, Franklin House,
appointment.                                4 Commercial Road, Hereford, HR1 2BB

Your Rent and other charges

What is Housing Benefit?                    Your Rent
Housing Benefit is designed to help         When you accept a property from
those on low incomes to pay their rent      Herefordshire Housing Limited you
and service charges.                        sign a Tenancy Agreement. This is
Housing Benefit will cover your rent        a legal contract between you and
and the majority of service charges.        Herefordshire Housing and it includes
The only elements of service charges        a responsibility for you to pay the
that do not qualify are those that relate   rent, and other service charges where
to personal heat, light and water (this     applicable. You are told how much
only affects some schemes, which            the rent and charges are when your
have shared meters), home contents          tenancy starts.
insurance and alarms.                       We will notify you in writing annually
You should make arrangements to pay         of the new year charges applicable to
any other charges (e.g. personal heat,      your property.
light, water and insurance) as these will
not be covered by Housing Benefit.
Social Rents                               In accordance with Government
                                           guidelines, General Need rents will be
All authorities and Registered Providers
                                           decreased by 1% annually from 2016
are expected to work out their rents in
                                           to 2020. The rent reduction will apply
the same way. Herefordshire Housing
                                           to supported housing for 3 years up
works out a ‘target’ rent for each
                                           to and including 2019/20, with rents in
individual property using a formula set
                                           these properties decreasing by 1% per
by the government.
From 1st April 2016 the ‘target’ was the
                                           Affordable Rent
greater of:
                                           This is a gross rent encompassing rents
• the rent charged as at 8th July 2015
                                           and service charges on a property and
  less 1%
                                           are charged on some of our properties
• the formula rent as detailed below       in Hereford City and Ross. If you are
                                           paying Affordable Rent this will have
The rent formula is made up of three       been clearly marked as part of the
factors:                                   advertising and letting process.

• 30% on how much your home was            In accordance with Government
  worth in January 1999, compared          guidelines, rents will be decreased by
  with the national average value of a     1% annually from 2016 to 2020.
  social housing property
                                           Service Charges
• 70% on the average local wage
  compared with the national average       A service charge is a payment made by
  wage, and                                a tenant to cover the cost of services
                                           provided, such as communal area
• A property size ‘weighting’ based on     lighting, cleaning, grounds maintenance
  the number of bedrooms in your           and door entry systems etc. Service
  home                                     charges will not apply to all properties.

Your Rent and other charges

     What if I just don’t pay my                arrears. It is therefore very important
                                                that you attend any court hearing to
     rent?                                      present your case. Outcomes include:
     Herefordshire Housing will make
                                                Adjournment - The court hearing date
     every effort to contact you about your
                                                is ‘put back’, usually to give you more
     arrears, including by letter, telephone
                                                time to prepare your case or to chase
     and home visits and it is vitally
                                                an outstanding Housing Benefit claim.
     important that you respond to any
                                                Your case could also be adjourned if
     attempt to contact you regarding your
                                                you have cleared all, or most, of your
     arrears so that we can offer you help
                                                arrears or on condition that you pay off
     and advice to resolve the situation.
                                                a certain amount of your arrears each
     If you do not make an arrangement to       week / month.
     clear your account we may serve you
                                                Suspended Possession - This means
     with a Notice of Seeking Possession
                                                that as long as you keep to certain
     which is the first legal step towards
                                                conditions (e.g. paying your rent plus
     recovering possession of the property.
                                                an amount to clear your arrears on a
     Once the date on the notice has passed
                                                regular basis) you will be able to remain
     we can apply to the County Court for
                                                in your home.
     a Possession Order. The court costs of
     £325.00 will usually be added to your      Outright Possession - This means that
     arrears. Any county court judgment         you must leave your home, on the date
     made against you will remain valid until   set by the district judge, and we will
     the arrears are cleared and the costs      apply to the County Court Bailiff for an
     paid in full.                              Eviction Warrant.

     The Enforcement Team will confirm          If you are evicted Herefordshire
     the date of the court hearing in writing   Housing will continue to take action to
     and will make every effort to agree a      recover the amount owed.
     suitable repayment arrangement with
     you before the hearing. The outcome
     of a court hearing can vary, dependent
     on your individual circumstances and
     the efforts you have made to clear your

Ending your tenancy with Arrears                  If you refuse to pay, we may take you
                                                  to court and obtain a county court
If you are in rent arrears and leave your
                                                  judgment which may make it more
home, you will still owe Herefordshire
                                                  difficult for you to obtain future credit
Housing money as a former tenant.
                                                  such as loans or a mortgage.
This will seriously affect your ability to
be re-housed by Herefordshire Housing             To make sure the debt is paid you
and other social landlords.                       should contact our Housing Services
                                                  Team on 0300 777 4321 who will
We may be able to trace you and pass
                                                  be able to discuss your options and
your details to a debt collection agency
                                                  to make an appropriate repayment
that will contact you and require

       If you require this information leaflet in Braille,
            large print or audio format please call
                        0300 777 4321

          Minicom users please call: (01432) 378 487

    Versions in other languages
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 Stay informed. Follow us on:

Head Office
> Herefordshire Housing Ltd, Legion Way, Hereford HR1 1LN
> Telephone 0300 777 4321 > Fax 01432 384198
> Email > Website
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