Page created by Ida Jensen
                    BANKING EXPERIENCE
              A WNS PERSPECTIVE

Over the past decade, mobile                      that they don't lose customers. This     Banks need to recognize this
banking technology has established                has meant offering apps with basic,      ground reality as their window of
itself as a critical part of all                  easy-to-use functions such as            innovation to drive the next phase of
customer-focused banking                          checking account balances, viewing       growth. Users are now looking
strategies. Research shows that                   transaction histories and paying         beyond the basic informative
mobile banking apps are not only                  bills. Some banks offer more             features to assess whether the
enabling enhanced customer loyalty                advanced transactional features          mobile banking app can truly
and advocacy, but are helping banks               such as remote deposit capture and       replace a trip to the bank.
significantly reduce transaction                  peer-to-peer payments.3 Though
                                                                                           Also, most of the early adoption
costs as well.1                                   this shallow approach helped banks
                                                                                           was driven by millennials and other
                                                  witness a surge in mobile banking
Apps are also becoming an                                                                  tech-savvy customers. Banks will
                                                  adoption initially, diminishing
imperative for banks to beat                                                               have to drive further growth in
                                                  returns in recurrent usage and
disruptive competition from tech                                                           adoption by addressing the fears
                                                  stickiness have already set in.
giants and FinTech startups                                                                and concerns of the older and
entering the payments and peer-to-                A 2016 survey by Bain & Co.,             more conservative demographic.
peer lending space. No wonder                     covering 137,000 consumers               Banks thus need to look at
retail banks cite customer                        across 21 countries, has confirmed       deepening the mobile banking
acquisition and retention, and                    that the rate of growth in mobile        experience and assessing how it
disruptive competition as the                     banking transactions is now leveling     compares to a person-to-person
primary reasons for offering mobile               off, with China actually seeing a        interaction at the branch.
banking apps to their customers.2                 decrease in the number of
                                                                                           Here are three ways in which banks
                                                  interactions per customer.4
The initial focus for banks, however,                                                      can re-define the mobile banking
has been on entering the digital fray             This phenomenon is the result of         user experience to unlock the next
with a mobile app of their own so                 saturation in user experience.           level of value.


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Ways to Enhance Mobile Banking

                        Road to                          Analytics &                     Open
                     Simplification                   AI-driven Banking                 Banking

             Road to Simplification
According to the Bain & Co. global                 simplifying and streamlining their    one transaction to the user – for
survey, millennials are calling banks              complex portfolio of offerings to     example, loan approval – may
for support 1.7 times more than                    reduce the number of options          involve multiple departments
older customers aged 55 years and                  customers need to choose from.        and workflows. When porting
above.5 Most of these calls are for                                                      these offerings to the digital
help with managing their accounts                  Another example of simplification     channel, however, banks need
and resolving issues. This proves                  is transactions — customers           to present each user scenario
that despite being tech-savvy,                    usually have to scroll through         as one seamless flow.
younger customers are finding it                  lengthy transaction reports to
difficult to figure out complex                   search for one specific                For example, a leading bank in
banking products.                                 transaction. Banking apps with         the U.S., one of the few to offer
                                                  higher ratings are allowing            loan applications on mobile,
Digital-only banks, on the other                  customers to search for individual     recently launched its digital
hand, offer few, simple to                        transactions using natural language    mortgage service to guide
understand products, and have been                commands and filters.                  customers seamlessly through
successful in attracting customers                                                       the loan application process
who prefer transparent offerings.                 Internal banking processes are         on its mobile app.
Leading banks are looking at                      complex, and what may appear as


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                                                                                                     Welcome to your bank, my
                                                                                                     name is RC, how can I help
                                                                                                     you today?

                                                                                                               Where is the nearest

                                                                                                     Do you want me to look for the
                                                                                                     nearest atm in your current
                                                                                                     location, or do you want me to
                                                                                                     find in a different area?


             Analytics & AI-driven Banking
One of the key reasons why mobile                  savings, credit management and                for specific transactions or make
apps have been so successful                       investments through their apps.               peer-to-peer payments.
across industries is their potential               A lot of these features leverage
to drive personalization. They offer               integrated virtual assistants with            Banks lose anywhere between
banks customer-specific data and                   natural language capabilities.                25 and 51 percent of secondary
usage patterns, opening the door                                                                 product and investment sales
for in-context service, assistance                 For instance, in 2016, a North                to competing banks and
and offerings.                                     American bank launched its mobile             FinTech firms.6 And in close to
                                                   app-integrated virtual assistant to           half such cases, customers
Banks are now leveraging Artificial                help customers perform day-to-day             simply receive better-timed
Intelligence (AI), advanced and                    transactions, save money and                  offers from competitors.
predictive analytics, machine                      make investment decisions.                    Banks can leverage AI and
learning and natural language                      Another retail bank in the U.S. was           predictive analytics to make
processing to offer features                       one of the first to enable voice-             personalized product offers within
such as bill payment reminders,                    activated banking. Using the iPhone           the mobile app, keeping in mind
spend analysis and even                            OS, customers can simply ask their            the customer's financial history
recommendations on monthly                         app to check their balance, search            and purchase behavior.


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Open Banking
Customers now want seamless                      phone number. However, only 14          features. Focused promotions
transactions and information across              percent allow payments to an            and incentives to use mobile
all their accounts and investments,              e-mail address and two percent          banking apps for certain
spurred on by institution-agnostic               using social media.7 The last two       transactions are other means
offerings such as digital wallets.               categories are where banks face the     of driving greater adoption.
Open banking enables seamless                    most competition from technology
                                                                                         Continued focus on ensuring
transactions across accounts, and                platforms and digital wallets
                                                                                         simplicity and ease of user
gives customers a comprehensive                  allowing peer-to-peer payments.
                                                                                         experience will become even more
view of their spending. Such apps
                                                 Despite the slowdown in growth,         important as complex features are
also offer opportunities for services
                                                 the business value of mobile            added. According to Mapa Research,
such as instant loan approvals, as
                                                 banking is still intact. According      around one-third of the leading
the most pertinent information
                                                 to a 2016 U.S. Retail Banking           mobile banking apps are phasing
regarding the customer's existing
                                                 Satisfaction Survey, mobile banking     out older functionality even as they
assets and loans would be available
                                                 users register up to 27 points higher   add new ones, in a bid to streamline
in one place.
                                                 satisfaction scores than non-users.8    the overall user experience.10
The recently launched app of a                   Another study found that customers
                                                                                         Eventually, with open banking
Europe-based multinational bank is               registered an increase of 11 percent
                                                                                         allowing any one bank to open
a good example of open banking.                  in their product holdings with a
                                                                                         up transactions in other bank
The app allows customers to sync                 bank within three months of
                                                                              9          accounts, user experience will
all their accounts, get smart                    adopting mobile banking.
                                                                                         be the key determining factor in
insights on their spending, and even
                                                 As banks continue to broaden the        driving customers to a specific
make international money transfers.
                                                 capabilities of their mobile apps, an   mobile banking app.
One of the top features that                     increased focus on promoting these
customers look for in mobile                     features will be required to pave the
banking is the ability to make                   way for improved adoption. When          As mobile banking
payments across channels with                    customers visit the branch, training
                                                                                          transactions taper
ease. More than 90 percent banks                 the front office staff to show
already allow consumers to make                  customers how they can complete          off, banks have to
payments to an existing payee, and               the same transaction through the         innovate & enhance
around half allow immediate                      app can be a great way to introduce
                                                                                          their apps
payments to a new payee or mobile                some of the more advanced


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About WNS
                         WNS (Holdings) Limited (NYSE: WNS) is a
                         leading global Business Process Management
                         (BPM) company. WNS offers business value to
                         350+ global clients by combining operational
                         excellence with deep domain expertise in key
                         industry verticals, including banking and
                         financial services, consulting and professional
                         services, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing,
                         media and entertainment, retail and consumer
                         packaged goods, telecommunications and
                         diversified businesses, shipping and logistics,
                         travel and leisure, and utilities and energy. WNS
                         delivers an entire spectrum of business process
                         management services such as customer care,
                         finance and accounting, human resource
                         solutions, research and analytics, technology
                         solutions, and industry-specific back-office and
                         front-office processes. WNS has delivery centers
                         world-wide, including China, Costa Rica, India,
                         the Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa,
                         Sri Lanka, Turkey, U.K. and U.S.

            To know more, write to us at
            marketing@wns.com or visit us at www.wns.com

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