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St. Patrick’s Shamrock et and K no wledge Me ith Where Fa August 2020 Principal’s Message Thank you for your patience while This will save us a tremendous we fine tuned our reopening details amount of time while ensuring for this fall. We are so excited to our school is sanitized and come back to school and see all of ready to go each day! Stu- the students and families again dents will be bringing their own face to face! If you have not yet water bottles to school this seen the exciting video that was year. The Recruitment Com- posted on the school Facebook mittee has graciously offered page, please visit to purchase two more water ytHcyCSmYoA. bottle filling stations for the I have been meeting with several school so that we can have Fall always marks a special time in people throughout the summer to one on each floor. Our Build- our hearts as it is a new beginning, ensure we are making the best ings and Grounds and Finance a fresh start, and a time for us to choices in returning to school. I Committees are working with celebrate the wonderful start to a have worked closely with our su- our head of maintenance, brand new school year. Now more perintendent, Thomas Reichen- Rhonda Ready, to improve our than ever, this is a special time for bacher, the Juneau County Health ventilation and comfort levels all of the teachers and staff here at Department, superintendents in all within the school by adding air St. Patrick’s.We want students to of Juneau County schools, other conditioning units. come back feeling excited and reju- principals in the Diocese of La- venated. We understand the toll Crosse, and several other stake- Thank you again for your pa- that this pandemic has placed on holders. I formed a reopening tience, understanding, and col- everyone, especially our children. committee and worked with com- laboration as we work through Our students thrive on social inter- mittee members and staff to form the plan to make the return to actions and being present. While a successful, streamlined plan. school safe, healthy, and we are so happy to offer this again seamless. I hope that the rest this school year for them, we have We have a lot of great things we of your summer is enjoy- to have measures in place to en- are implementing this year, and able and relaxing! We cannot sure that we are taking all reason- we are continuously looking for wait to start this year off with able precautions to keep our stu- ways to improve our learning you all. dents, staff, and families as safe spaces. We have purchased two and healthy as possible. We not sanitizing fogging/spraying sys- Sincerely, only want to come back to face to tems. Within these tools, electro- face instruction, but we want to be static spray is electrically charged, able to continue to stay safe and allowing sanitizers, mold preventa- stay in school. tives and disinfectants to wrap around and evenly coat all types of surfaces for a more complete clean in every area of the school.
New Staff Introductions St. Patrick’s would like to send a warm welcome to Gretchen Smith joins us as our new computer teacher and daytime tech coordinator. She has several years of teaching experience and is thrilled to join our staff. Bill Tourdot joins us as our new second grade teacher. Bill has years of experience as both a teacher and an administrator. We are thrilled to have Bill joining us! Terrie Hollenbeck is joining us as a new teacher aide. Terrie has spent time filling in at school as needed in previous years, and she is happy to be joining us full time. Page 2 St. Patrick’s Shamrock
Seth Peterson Cottage One of the auction items at this past year’s Gala was an overnight stay at the famous Seth Peterson Cottage in Lake Delton. These are a few of the pictures our winners shared with us during their stay. Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 12
Announcements Thank you to all those who donated to the new steam table in the lunch room, especially the Sunday, September 13th. PCCW, Hunters Night Out, and We have decided to change the festival for Knights of Columbus this year. In order to keep everyone safe, we will be limiting our event. We’ll be of- fering a “drive thru” meal; “drive-thru” raffle ticket drop off and ticket sales; and an on-line silent auction. The raffle drawing will be at 2:30 PM. We’ll be posting more information about these events as the festival draws near including a lunch menu. If you have not yet picked up your family’s envelope of raffle tickets, please do so. If you have stubs and THANK YOU to everyone who ticket money to return, you may leave it in the donated to our GYM ROOF collection boxes. Thank you for buying (and REPLACEMENT project through our selling) tickets! “200 Envelopes Campaign”. We raised $12,024.00!! If you have purple envelopes to return St. Pat’s is in search of yet, please feel free to do so at your someone to help sanitize convenience. The balance of this pro- the school from 3:30-8:30 Mon- ject will be paid from donations from day thru Friday. If you know the Hunters’ Night out and Gala Com- of anyone or are able to help mittees and from the generous bequest left to our parish by Marcella (Judy) yourself until we can hire some- Prengel. Our parish is truly blessed one fulltime please call with generous people! 847-5844. Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 12
Building and Grounds Meeting Minutes St. Patrick Building and Grounds July 1, 2020 6:45 p.m. Reardon Hall Meeting Called to Order at 6:45 pm by Father John Roll Call: Present: Father John, Don, Rhonda, Eric and Bev Absent: Rich, Brad, Russ, Brian Father Led Opening Prayer Because there was only one committee member present nothing could be decided but we did discuss some of the projects going on. Rhonda updated the committee on school and parish projects: Playground updates – A survey was sent out to parents and they had a good response. Two new pieces of equipment have been ordered and should be delivered in August. Rhonda checked on the price of rubber mulch: 4” deep would be $17,000+ and 6” deep would be $24,000+. 4” is sufficient. Karla has requested we investigate air conditioning for the classrooms. Portable units would cost around $630.00 per classroom. There is one already in first grade and one in the computer lab. The seventh and eighth grades could not have portable units because they could not be vented out the win- dows. Rhonda recommended we put split units in these rooms (like those in the church basement). They would cost about $1112.00 per classroom. The total would be approximately $9100.00. Is it possible to put ceiling fans in classrooms on 3rd floor and in the 7 th & 8th grade classrooms? There are ceiling fans in the second floor classrooms. Also check with Brian to see if BTU would have other solutions. It is a lot of money for a short-term fix. Finance meets next week and will have to decide if they want to spend money on air conditioning. Reopening of School – Karla, Father and the staff are in the process of working through the guidelines for reopening school for fall. They are looking at Diocesan, state, and county health department guide- lines. The Diocese will be surveying the parents to see how they are feeling. Many families have not enrolled yet because they are waiting to see if in person classes will be held. Some feel they do not want to pay tuition if it is going to be online. They can get that through the public school for free. Thursday of this week Gym Boys will be here to install the electric winches on the backboards in the gym (the one in front of the stage and two above the bleachers). Brian Fox will do the electric hook up. Hunters Night Out will pay for this. Gym roof and roof over lobby/library will be replaced in July. Rhonda will put in condensate tank on boiler in August with help from Don. Comments and/or concerns from Father John Masses are going well. It takes the volunteers about 10 minutes to wipe down everything after Mass. The 8:00 AM Mass on Sundays will begin on July 12 th. Date for next meeting was set for Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30 PM in the church basement. Father Closed the Meeting with Prayer at 7:45 PM. Page 6 Volume 1, Issue 12
Words from Father What a summer, what a year so far! Nonetheless we are a people of hope. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Jesus has told us to trust in Him. That is the rock we are to build our lives on. For 125 years St. Patrick School has opened its doors to students eager (or not), ready (or not) to grow in wisdom and knowledge. There is a difference between those two words. Over the summer there has been a great deal of planning and work to pre- pare our school to open wide its doors to all of our families. The focus in the media has been what to do and how to teach in a pandemic. We have done a great deal of planning for that and we have also gone beyond safety precautions and virus protocols. In July you may have noticed the boom truck and all the material for the new roof on the gym and lobby area. It was a number of years beyond its life span and was beginning to leak. So it is good we caught it now. The steps and entrance way by the school museum have all been redone. It not only looks better but is far safer especially when it is wet from rain or snow. Our purple envelope campaign and other generous benefactors helped us reach over half of the cost, so that we could get this important project underway and completed before our students returned. We will be welcoming some new staff and happy to have back our veteran teachers that have done so much (thank you) preparing and planning so that this coming year will be a great one even though it will be different. I ask for your prayers for the upcoming year for staff, students and all who are so generously involved with our school. (Left) Our new stairs leading downstairs and up to the second floor (Right) Construction has started on the new roof Page 7 St. Patrick’s Shamrock
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