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FAITH UNITED MINISTRIES’ ANNUAL CONSECRATION AND FAST 2021… "THE COMEBACK: THE REMNANT'S RESTORATION!" Virtual: Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9881592857?pwd=cFlYK1ZrMnNUcSs3R09TNzN2Rjdndz09 Meeting ID: 988 159 2857 Passcode: 7905 Date: Monday January 4th (Midnight) through Thursday January 14th (Midnight) Time: Nightly Zoom Prayer: Monday – Saturday 7pm – 8pm
J.E. & P.D. STURDIVANT, WELCOME PASTORSADDRESS Pastor and Co-Pastor Welcomes You All To Our Corporate Consecration And Fast, Entitled… "THE COMEBACK: THE REMNANT'S RESTORATION!" Beloveds, welcome to our CORPORATE CONSECRATION AND FAST, themed "THE COMEBACK: THE REMNANT'S RESTORATION!" "Now in that day the remnant of Israel, and those of the house of Jacob who have escaped, will never again rely on the one who struck them, but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return..." _Isaiah 10:20-27 We praise the Almighty God for His faithfulness through this past year. We have all experienced the difficulty and uncertainty of this past year: the pandemic, social injustices and terrible governance. Yet, the steadfastness of our Redeemer has been our confidence, as well as, our consolation. "For I am the LORD, I do not change, therefor you are not consumed..." _ Malachi 3:6 This year’s CONSECRATION AND FAST, just like last years', will prove to be impactful and life changing for those (the remnant) who choose to participate. It will be a time of prayers and petitions; repentance and restitution; intercessions and insights, along with bridge building and beseeching for the family, the Body and the world! I invite each of you to join me and CoPastor and FULLY participate in this Consecration. Please, don’t simply stop eating, but engage in the daily devotionals, prayer points, scripture readings, nightly zoom prayer sessions, weekly teachings and seed sowing. All of this is the Consecration, and not just the portions that we choose. "The young man said to Him, 'I have kept all these things [from my youth]; what do I still lack?" _ Matthew 19:20 The invitation for a comeback is an opportunity presented to all. The desire and the expectation of what the LORD is promising is available. However, only "the remnant"__
(DEF.) "a usually small part, member or trace remaining; a small surviving group." __ will make a comeback and experience the prophesied restoration. I invite you to join me as one of those. Welcome to this CONSECRATION OF RESTORATION. RISE UP REMNANTS! Because of Him, we remain J.E and P.D Sturdivant Pastors
“2021: "THE COMEBACK: THE REMNANT'S RESTORATION!" (Daniel 1:11-20) (Please read prior to fasting) The fast will begin on Monday January 4th (Midnight) through Thursday January 14th (Midnight). The fast will consist of the following: -Water -Salads -Vegetables (fresh or canned) NOTE: You CAN use condiments in moderation such as: -Salad Dressing -Butter -Salt/Pepper -Etc. PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT—SALADS should NOT include ANY meat and/or PASTA PRODUCTS! THERE SHOULD BE NO: Snacks of any kind (“junk food”), including candies, mints, gum, etc. Breads Meats/dairy products/pastas/cheeses Sodas, coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc. Newspapers/ secular reading material TV/secular movies and/or music No Fried Foods Abstain from all sexual activities Avoid sensuous phone calls/conversations/internet searches/reading material, etc. Discontinue addictive attitudes, habits, etc. A very strong caution is issued to those who excessively use Facebook, Instagram and all other social media venues. NOTE: Those who are under doctor’s care or have health problems, please consult your physician prior to participating in the fast. NOTE: Parents may modify the fast for all children who wish to share.
NOTE: If you are already a practicing vegetarian, discontinue those things that you are aware of that keep the Holy Spirit from having free reign in your life.
*Each member is asked to set aside a minimum of $21.00 per day of the fast. (A minimum seed of $210.00 should be prepared for sowing at the conclusion of the fast.) *Children under 12(modified FAST w/ Parental assistance) set aside ($21.00 total) SELECT A CONVENIENT TIME FOR YOU EACH DAY TO: Resubmit yourself to the Lordship of Christ, to avoid repeating “old” habits. (Luke 6:46) Commit yourself to being an on-time, active member in the ministry. (Hebrews 10:25) Pray for the leadership and vision of Faith United Ministries (Hebrews 13:17) Purpose to become a “soul winner” for the advancement of the Kingdom (Proverbs 11:30) *(1 soul per month) Determine to be a faithful tither and seed sower in the ministry. (Proverbs 3:9) Commit yourself to being a "good steward" over the finances that God allows to come your way. (Matthew 18:23-35) NOTE: We will have virtual Communion on line this week, then again as a Ministry on zoom with anointing, the following week. RECOMMENDED READING (In addition to your personal devotionals) Our Daily Bread (Devotional) “Free” from the church Proverbs (1 Chapter per day during January) “In Your Bible” Open Heavens (Devotional), E. A. Adeboye (Available from Pastor) No Longer Crippled (Available from Pastor) Daily Confessions for Impacting Your World (Available from Pastor) Learning To Soar (Available from Pastor) Hearing & Knowing the Voice of God (Available from Pastor) Encouragement in Small Doses (Available from Pastor) • First Come/First Serve! Available ~ Open Heavens Books: Adult ($20) and Teens ($15) • A communion/anointing oil/bracelet packet will be available for pick- up from Faith United NEXT week (1/13) for conclusion of Fast on 1/14. RECOMMENDED ATTENDANCE Co-Pastor and I strongly encourage you to, not only attend each meeting VIRTUALLY yourself, but also, for spouses to bring their spouse; parents bring your children and singles; bring your friend(s). Going through this together, (1) promotes unity (2) stimulates conversation and (3) creates an atmosphere of understanding “why we do this.” When
everyone in the house is ‘not on the same page’, it makes it more difficult for the one(s) who are participating.
FAITH UNITED MINISTRIES’ CORPORATE FAST AND CONSECRATION “2021: "THE COMEBACK: THE REMNANT'S RESTORATION!" The Daily Thought, Scripture Readings, Memory Verse and Prayer Points are designed guides to (1) keep you focused, (2) replace what you are abstaining from with the Word of God, (3) have you operating in a spirit of corporate unity, and finally (4) prepare you and I for living in dominion, in every phrase of our lives. This is a full package. Please don’t eliminate any phase of it. Remember, partial obedience is full disobedience. God bless you as you journey with us… Shalom! (I Samuel 15:22, 23) DAY 1: REFLECTIONS THOUGHT: Many only want to escape, or put bad experiences behind them. However, failure to learn all that we can from it, puts us in danger of repeating it. Reflect on your actions/choices or you will repeat them! SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 19:16-22 MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119:59, 60 PRAYER: "Father, bring to the surface of my mind, any and all issues that I have ignored dealing with, IJMN" Amen! *Watch This Video: "How To Build In 2021" (On Youtube) Dr. Mensa Otabil DAY 2: EXPECTATIONS THOUGHT: Please don't allow the disappointments of last year, cause you to lose hope in this year. If you raise your gaze from your substance to your Source, you will never be put to shame! SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 62:1-12 MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 102:13 PRAYER: "Father, I have made the mistake of looking around me...instead of looking above me. Give me the sense to look to You, IJMN", Amen! DAY 3: MASTERY
THOUGHT: The fact that many of us are not where we desire to be, is not because of the devil; not because the odds are against us; some of it is because we lack the discipline in our flesh, to accomplish our goals! SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 MEMORY VERSE: Romans 7:23 PRAYER: “Father, give me the grace to master my flesh, before my flesh (habits) master me, IJMN" Amen! DAY 4: NAME IT THOUGHT: Name the thing that you want to be able to say that you accomplished at the conclusion of this New Year. Write it down!*DID YOU WATCH THE VIDEO? SCRIPTURE READING: Habakkuk 2:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: Habakkuk 2:1 PRAYER: "Father, I have a tendency to be easily distracted from goals; by Your Spirit, like never before, help me to stay focused this year, IJMN", Amen! DAY 5: AFFLICTION THOUGHT: It is inevitable that affliction will come. Jesus said so (John 16:33). However, it is also possible to use our adversity to our advantage. SCRIPTURE READING: John 16 (ENTIRETY) MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 116:71 PRAYER: "Father, that which was meant to destroy me, this year, let it be used to catapult me into my destiny, IJMN" Amen! DAY 6: NAKED THOUGHT: There is nothing that we do privately, that is not layed naked before the LORD. What we don't want exposed later, let's put it under the blood TODAY! SCRIPTURE READING: Isaiah 32:9-15 MEMORY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 5:3
PRAYER: "Father, as I humble myself to You, clothe me in righteousness, IJMN", Amen! DAY 7: TRUTH THOUGHT: It has become commonplace for many to handle the truth rather loosely. So much so, until we start to believe our version of truth and the lies we have told ourselves...and others. Purpose to walk in the truth of God, and not our personal opinions. SCRIPTURE READING: John 8:31-47 MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 51:6 PRAYER: "Father, we know that liars have a place in hell (Revelation 21:8). Therefore, whenever I speak, help me to keep eternity in my view, IJMN", Amen! DAY 8: IDENTITY THOUGHT: Everyone is trying so hard to "fit in" with everyone, until believers are no longer resembling their LORD. to get Heaven and earth to acknowledge the Christ in us...we must have Christ in us! SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 5 (ENTIRETY) MEMORY VERSE: 1 Corinthians 11:1 PRAYER: "Father, I want to honor You in all that I do. Give me the ability to represent You in a righteous way, IJMN" Amen! DAY 9: ARMOR THOUGHT: What impacted us negatively last year, was because we were ill prepared for it. If we are going to have Kingdom success, we must dress the part! SCRIPTURE READING: Colossians 3:1-17 MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 6:10, 11 PRAYER: "Father, I don't want to lose another battle unnecessarily. Help me, through You, to be more than a conqueror, in every facet of my life, IJMN" Amen!
DAY 10: MOVEMENT THOUGHT: Many feel that they have lost time due to the events of 2020. But, God who is time, considered all of that when He promised to restore us! SCRIPTURE READING: Joel 2 (ENTIRETY) MEMORY VERSE: Joel 5:15-17 PRAYER: "Father, I totally submit my New Year to You. As You order my steps, give me the grace to follow your lead, without reservation, IJMN" Amen!
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