2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health

Page created by Pauline Yang
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
2022 Sponsorship

       HO   INSP
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Why Sponsor Hope?
                                          Your sponsorship serves the underserved.
                                          As a nonprofit clinical, educational, and therapeutic provider
                                          for people with disabilities, Hope bridges the gap between
      HOPE’S TOTAL IMPACT                 people with disabilities and the services they deeply need.
                                          Hope’s vision is to provide state of the art services in the most
5415                                      inclusive environments to encourage persons to fulfill their
 Hope’s Total                             individual potential through evidence-based treatment,
                                          advocacy, and community education. Through your
                                          sponsorship, individuals with disabilities receive necessary
                                          treatment and interventions that lead to happy, productive,
                                          independent lives.
                                          Your sponsorship reaches new people.
HOPE VOCATIONAL ACADEMY: 40               Hope’s impact stretches across the state of Illinois and
                                          beyond—and we’re constantly growing! Over the past
                                          two years, The Hope Autism Clinic opened locations in TN
                                          and AL while Hope added service to Wrentham MA. Our
HOPE RESIDENTIAL ACADEMY: 75              biggest impact occurs here in our home state of Illinois,
                                          where we have two schools, four autism clinics, and over a
                                          dozen locations for The Autism Program of Illinois and the
HOPE LEARNING ACADEMY                     Illinois Crisis Prevention Network. Annually, Hope trains and
- SPRINGFIELD: 150                        educates over 1,000 people, provides essential therapy
                                          services to nearly 1,700 people, reaches nearly 1,000 people
                                          with crisis prevention services, and provides life-changing
                                          Autism services to 2,000 people through The Autism
                                          Program of IIllinois. With your sponsorship, Hope can connect
                                          thousands of individuals to transformative services that make
                                          a lasting impact on their lives.

- CHICAGO: 300


THERAPY RELIEF AT HOPE: 650               Your sponsorship is transformative.
                                          Your sponsorship dollars have power to make a change.
                                          Sponsorship money directly impacts the programs that need
ILLINOIS CRISIS PREVENTION NETWORK: 900   it most. In FY20 92.5% of funding goes directly into programs.
                                          At Hope, children with disabilities have the opportunity to play,
                                          learn, and grow in a safe, supportive environment as they
                                          cultivate their maximum potential. Your sponsorship funding
FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS : 1,000            provides education and residential placement for children with
                                          acute disabilities and medically necessary therapies (as well
                                          as diagnostics and evaluations) for young children with Autism
                                          Spectrum Disorders.
                                          With your help, Hope touched over 5,000 precious lives in 2021.
                                          We are thankful for your sponsorship as we seek to reach more
                                          individuals in need in 2022.
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Hope’s Mission
                        Hope’s vision is to provide state of the art services in the most
                        inclusive environments to encourage persons to fulfill their
                        individual potential through evidence-based treatment, advocacy,
                        and community education.

Clint W. Paul                      Craig Humphrey                      Tim Baker
President & CEO                    Chief Quality Officer               Chief of Comm.
                                                                       Based Services

Amanda Brott                       Jodi Ogilvy                         Kristi Davison
Chief Operating                    Chief                               Chief HR Officer
Officer                            Communications

Skylar Tierney                     Leigh Grannan                       Steve Helm
Chief Bus. Dev                     Chief of Clinic                     Chief Financial
Fundraising                        Services                            Officer

                  Hope Foundation Board Members
                          Josh Renken, Chair
    Julie Cellini           Taryn Grant              Sarah Phalen
    Susan Danenberger       John Jordan              Erin Bromley
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
2022 Events
                        Due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the COVID-19
                       pandemic, Hope may cancel, postpone, or reimagine these
                          events to promote our community’s ongoing safety.

                                   Hopeful Futures Gala
                               Wyndham Springfield City Centre
                                      Springfield, IL

                                          Style of Hope
                                    Bank of Springfield Center
                                          Springfield, IL

                                          Hope Pavilion
                                          Springfield, IL

                         Ambassador Induction & Holiday Reception
                                      Springfield, IL


                     As Hope continues to grow,
                       so does our online presence!

                   Visit our website and follow us on
 @Advancing_Hope   social media for the latest updates
                          and event information.
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Hope’s Major
                                   Fundraising Events

                                  March 19, 2022

 Launched in April 2016, the Hopeful Futures gala highlights the history, challenges,
and accomplishments Hope has experienced these many years. Join us and see how
your support changes lives and creates Hopeful Futures for the children and families
we serve. This exciting event features a full three course meal, musical showcase from
  our youth, keynote speaker, and a high-end Golden Ticket raffle and live auction.

                                 September 2022

     Style of Hope is a wildly successful fashion event like no other in Central Illinois. In
   2016, we took this event to new heights, holding it in the fall season and on the main
  floor of the Bank of Springfield Center, opening it up to more new possibilities than
 ever before. Over 1,000 people turn out for this collaborative community and runway

 This fast-paced, high-energy, exciting experience features runway entertainment
 from the Springfield Ballet Company’s Rock Ballet, local models, a heartwarming
  segment with Hope’s youth models, clothing from local high-end boutiques, gourmet
   hors d’oeuvres, an upscale raffle and silent auction, and always new surprises.

     This event is in the heart of downtown Springfield and has become a
      highly-anticipated annual event for the community.
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Hope Event Partnership

Angel of Hope Sponsor -$25,000
    •   Featured logo placement on all marketing materials, Hope’s website, social
        media, event materials and digital event displays

    •   Mention on all media coverage and press releases

    •   Acknowledgement of corporate support at major fund raising events

    •   Recognition inside front cover of program with full-color ad at events with
        program handouts

    •   Exclusivity of promotion for your industry

    •   Included as a sponsor of Hope’s Speaker Bureau

    •   40 exclusive tickets to the Hopeful Futures Gala; 60 reserved front row
        seats at Style of Hope

Platinum Sponsor -$10,000
    •   Featured Sponsor logo placement on Hope’s website, event materials, and digital
        event displays

    •   Mention on media coverage, social media, and press releases

    •   Full page ad in event program booklet

    •   30 exclusive tickets to the Hopeful Futures Gala; 50 reserved front row seats at
        Style of Hope

 Due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, Hope may cancel,
   postpone, or reimagine these events to promote our community’s ongoing safety.
    If an event is canceled or postponed, your sponsorship will still be celebrated on
  Hope’s social media platforms and website, and all event attendees, ambassadors,
 and sponsors will receive an email thanking you by name. We deeply appreciate your
contribution, and we will make every effort to ensure your sponsorship is advertised to
                            Hope and the broader community.
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Hope Event Partnership

Gold Sponsor - $6,000
  •    Recognition as sponsor on Hope’s website

  •    Mention on social media and press releases

  •    Listed on print materials and digital displays at event

  •    20 exclusive tickets to the Hopeful Futures Gala; 40 reserved seats at Style of Hope

Silver Sponsor - $4,000
  •    Recognition as sponsor on Hope’s website

  •    Recognition on social media, event print materials and digital displays

  •    16 exclusive tickets to the Hopeful Futures Gala; 30 reserved seats at Style of Hope

Bronze Sponsor - $2,000
  •    Recognition as sponsor on Hope’s website

  •    Recognition on print materials and social media

  •    10 tickets to The Hopeful Futures Gala; 20 reserved seats at Style of Hope

Designer Sponsor - $1,000
  •    10 reserved seats at Style of Hope

Table Sponsor - $1,000
   •   10 tickets to The Hopeful Futures Gala
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
Hope’s Sponsorship
We have a new and very exciting opportunity this year! We are offering an exclusive level of
sponsorship to one lucky business. If you would like to officially sponsor the Hope Vocational
Academy, please contact Skylar Tierney, Chief of Business Development and Fundraising, at
217-553-5566 or Clint Paul, President and CEO, at 217-553-0731 to discuss further details.

Hope Vocational Academy Mission and Vision:
The mission of the Hope Vocational Academy is to support individuals and their families to
responsibly achieve optimum growth, independence, and joy through vocational endeavors.
At the Hope Vocational Academy, our goal is to prepare our students for the world and to
prepare the world for our students. Through an in-depth assessment of skills, training at the
Hope Vocational Academy Training Center and eventual placement into competitive jobs
in the community, our vocational program equips students with the skills to allow them to
reach their optimal level of independence. Once students are ready for community-based
employment, they might be placed in jobs at local banks, car dealerships, caterers, food service
establishments, or any of our Hope Certified Businesses!
In addition to serving students attending the Hope Learning Academy in Springfield, the
Hope Vocational Training Center also serves students in area school districts.

The Hope Vocational Academy also has several in-house businesses which teach our students
vital job skills to prepare them for employment in the community.
•       Me4Me – Hope’s embroidery business
•       Hope On-The-Go – Hope’s vending machine business
•       Hope Keeping – Hope’s janitorial and cleaning business
•       Hope is in the Details – Hope’s car detailing business
•       The Hope Café and the Hope Inclusion Café and Play – Hope’s community-based cafes,
        exclusively run by our staff and students

Through these businesses, Hope is
not only able to educate our students
through job-based training, but also able to interact
with the community in a meaningful, inclusive way.

       Hope Vocational Academy Exclusive Sponsorship Level
  •     Naming rights for the Hope Vocational Academy
  •     Named Hope Certified Business
  •     Recognition as sponsor on Hope’s website and all of Hope’s marketing materials
        where the Vocational Academy is named
  •     Recognition on targeted advertising on Hope’s social media accounts
  •     Recognition on targeted advertising for Hope Vocational Academy
  •     Listed on print materials and digital displays at all of Hope’s events
  •     Exclusive tickets to Hope’s events
  •     Signage on Hope’s Vocational Academy building
  •     Exclusive sponsor of the Hope Vocational Academy awards ceremony banquet
2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health 2022 Sponsorship Opportunities - hope.us - Memorial Health
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