2020 Winter SKI & SNOWBOARD - Ski club saint-louis

Page created by Pauline Moody
2020 Winter SKI & SNOWBOARD - Ski club saint-louis


Membership for the season (incl. licenses, insurance, registration forms) :
by e-mail : vicepresident@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
by post to Catherine LEQUIN, 3 Rue de l’étoile 68220 HESINGUE
(+33 6 42 45 43 35)

Registration for Sundays’ outings :
by e-mail (our preference) : sorties@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
by phone : Claudine MOULIN au +33 6 07 16 78 43

All information (dates, prices, resorts, photos) and the registration form can be found on our
website: www.skiclubsaintlouis.fr
You can also follow us like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SkiClubSaintLouis

Payment by bank transfer (our preference):
        Iban FR76 1470 7508 5501 1940 0851 536 (BIC CCBPFRPPMTZ)
        Code banque : 14707 Code guichet : 50855 N° Compte : 01194008515
        Clé RIB : 36 Domiciliation : BPALC SAINT LOUIS

Or by French cheque (to Ski-Club Saint-Louis) posted or delivered at:
Christophe Lauffer, 1 rue du Temple 68300 Saint-Louis.

On Sundays only in case of emergency, the following number can be reached :
+41 764 629 325 (also by text message)

      Responsibilities                   Name                          Phone / email

President                      André ADLER                  +33
Vice-president,                                             +33
                               Catherine LEQUIN
memberships, registrations                                  vicepresident@skiclubsaintlouis.fr

Secretary                      Nathalie LEGRENZI            +33

Financial controlling          Christophe LAUFFER           +33

Webmaster                      Johan KUHN                   webmaster@skiclubsaintlouis.fr

Ski school manager,                                         +33
                               Claudine MOULIN
Sundays’ registrations                                      ecoledeski@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
Program and timetables
       10.01.2021                 Sörenberg                         With instructors
       17.01.2021                 Sörenberg                         With instructors
       24.01.2021              Lenk / Adelboden                     No instructors
                           (Ski-club Huningue is invited)
       31.01.2021            Gstaad / Zweisimmen                    With instructors
       06.02.2021                                                   With instructors
                              (it’s on Saturday)
       14.02.2021                  Hoch-Ybrig                       With instructors
       07.03.2021        (organised by Ski-club Huningue)           No instructors
                                Meet in Huningue,
                        parking du cimetière, Place Chérin
       14.03.2021           Gstaad / Saanenmöser                    With instructors
       21.03.2021                 Hasliberg                         With instructors
       28.03.2021                Sörenberg                     Final tests, competition
                               (Daylight saving time)
       10.04.2021       End of ski season celebration                       /

                          How to reserve your spot ?
   You can book your seat anytime up to the Thursday evening before each Sunday outings,
    ideally by e-mail: sorties@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
    When booking, please specify for each person attending that week:
             Name, surname
             Year of birth
             Member of the Ski-Club St-Louis (or not)
             Saint-Louis or Basel stop
             Phone number
             Address
             E-mail address
   You can also leave a voice-mail on +33 6 07 16 78 43 with all details listed above for each
   As seats feel fast, please register as early as possible (ideally on Monday) to guarantee your
    seat in the bus.

                           Payment in the bus is not accepted !

          for cancellation after Thursday evening, 25€ corresponding to the
                           transportation fee is non-refundable.
     Days with instructors (lessons taken or not, same price)
                                  Kids (6-15)                  Juniors (16-19)              Adults (20+)
                           (born between 2005 and 2014)   (born between 2001 and 2004)   (born in 2000 or before)
   Per Sunday (*)
                                      45€                            56€                          66€
   (Bus + lift-pass)
   Pack 8 Sundays                     315€                           392€                        462€

* Instructors follow the French Ski Federation program (Fédération Française de Ski - FFS). Courses are in French,
most of the teachers speak German or English.
Pack 8 Sundays: full payment before the first Sunday – non refundable (except in case of cancellation by the Ski-
 WARNING even with a pack you still need to register each time by Thursday to confirm your seats in the bus !

     Days without instructors
                                     Kids (6-15)               Juniors (16-19)              Adults (20+)
     Per Sunday (*)
                                         40€                          50€                         70€
     (Bus + lift-pass)

Family hit : from the 3rd person from the same family (kid or junior only), each Sunday fee is 35€ only.

Seat in the bus (ski-pass not included): 25 € for members (for one day only, “Pass Découverte” (*) needed)

          Young participants under 18 to days without instructors are requested to deliver
                                      a disclaimer at the beginning of the season

                                Where and when to meet ?
                         Departure Saint-Louis :
                         6:45am                                       Location           Saint-Louis
      Schedules          Return : 6:30pm (depending
                                                                             Parking du Forum
                         on the traffic)

                         Departure Basel : 7:05am                     Location                Basel
      Schedules          Return : 6:10pm (depending
                         on the traffic)                                 Badischer Bahnhof Station

In case of cancellation, you will be contacted by e-mail, text message or by phone. You may
also want to consult : www.skiclubsaintlouis.fr or www.facebook.com/SkiClubSaintLouis

         (*) A person who is not a member of the Ski-Club is allowed to join us ONE day in
                         the season using a « Pass découverte » for 6€.
        From the 2nd Sunday on, the participant will need to become a member and apply for a
                        “Carte Neige” (from which the 6€ will be deducted).
Membership & Insurance

The fees include :

-    Membership for the winter season giving access to the ski or snowboard lessons, bus ride
    and cheaper prices for lift passes.

-     Joining the French Ski Federation (Fédération Française de Ski - FFS) (mandatory
    insurance, public liability).

           Membership for the season : (including basic mandatory insurance)

                                    Kids & junior (6-18)                    Adults
                                     (born in 2002 or later)

        Membership fees                      56 €                             66 €

      The Ski-club does not cover the costs of rescue in the event of an accident.

           Insurance « Carte-Neige » :

For all participants to ski or snowboard lessons, the Carte-Neige option « Primo Insurance » is

                                                     In addition per
                                                                        In addition per adult
      « Primo Insurance » *                              11.45 €                  11.45 €

      « Medium Insurance » *                             19.64 €                  19.64 €

                     * For all details related to the « Carte-Neige » options :

Family hit :
   4 members from the same family : 30 € for Medium Insurance
   For 5 or more members from the same family : Medium Insurance is offered for all
Registration form

       A medical certificate allowing the practice of the chosen activity is
                 required for validating your first registration

Please fill in with capital letters

           M.    Mrs                       Name - Surname                     Date of birth

Zip code:                             City :

E-mail :                                                         @

I accept to communicate my e-mail address to the FFS to get latest news : YES / NO

Phone (home) :                                     Mobile :

                                                         Fee         Number        Total

    Adult membership                                     66 €                                 €

    Kid/junior membership (6-18)                         56 €                                 €

                                       Sub-total                                              €

                               Primo                   11.45 €                                €
    (adult, junior, kid)
                               Médium                  19.64 €                                €
    Family Insurance                                 30 € (4 pers)
                               Médium                                                         €
    (4 members or more)                               or 0 € (>4)
                                         Total                                                €

                Please send by e-mail : vicepresident@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
                  or by post to Catherine Lequin, 3 Rue de l’étoile 68220 HESINGUE
Registration to
                        the Ski or Snowboard (*) school
  (*) Unfortunately, due to the lack of instructors, we cannot accept snowboarder beginners this
  year – intermediate level will be required

                                                             Date of      Selected activity
                                                                                                reached *
  M.       Mrs             Name - Surname
                                                              birth                  Snow-
                                                                                    board (*)

   * Please indicate last level reached

        Ski : 1ère étoile / 2ème étoile / 3ème étoile / étoile de bronze / étoile d’or or others.

        Snowboard : 1er surf / 2ème surf / 3ème surf or others.

Zip code :                          City :

E-mail :                                                            @

Phone (home) :                                        Mobile :

                                  The minimum age for ski lessons is 6.
                                  No snowboarder beginners this year.
                        Beginners with instructors will no longer be accepted
                                  after the second Sunday.

            Please send by e-mail : vicepresident@skiclubsaintlouis.fr
              or by post to Catherine Lequin, 3 Rue de l’étoile 68220 HESINGUE
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