Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School

Page created by Mark Ramirez
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning
    Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Glossary of Terms                                 Glossary Of Terms
Remote Learning Pack:       A pack of resources will be created by classroom teachers to support
                            learning from home.

Learning Experience (LE):   The lesson/activity

Q&A                         Parents will be able to send emails to teachers through SeeSaw. Teachers
                            will reply to messages between 10:00 – 11:00 & 2:00 – 3:00

Brain Breaks:               These are 15 minute activities to break up the school day and are encouraged
                            to be utilised before learning focus is lost.

The Learning:               The main purpose of the lesson

The Success:                How a student will know if they have been successful upon completion of
                            the learning experience

The Collective:             This is the explicit instruction

The Builders:               This is where students apply the learning that takes during the Collective
The Showtime:               Students share their learning by uploading their work

                                          Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

          • To allow continuity of learning in the
            event of a school closure.
          • To ensure that all students have access
Purpose     to education, teachers and schooling.
          • To maintain connections between
            home and school.
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

           • Teachers will work in teams to provide
             structured lessons that ensure the
             continuation of learning.
           • Teachers will provide students with an
             Offsite Resource Learning Pack (RLP).
Scope        The school will contact families on how and
             when families will receive these resources.
Teachers   • Usernames and passwords for all
             online programs will be provided for each
             student in RLP.
           • Teachers will provide dedicated question and
             answer time between 10:00 – 11:00 & 2:00 –
             3:00. Outside of these hours, teachers will be
             providing feedback and working with students.
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

                                             • Provide a positive learning space for your child,
                                               try to minimise distractions and promote focus.
                                             • Create a daily routine to promote continuity of
                                               learning that meets your family's care and work
                                             • Ensure that your child is accessing the learning
Scope                                          presented through SeeSaw and Microsoft Teams.
                                               Note: Microsoft Teams will need to be accessed
                                               from Week 4
Parents                                      • Ensure that your child has the correct login in
                                               details for school based applications.
                                             • Use headphones (if possible) for Microsoft check-
We appreciate and understand that              in video sessions.
all families have different circumstances.   • Allow time for your child to think, process and
These are guidelines are to assist.            engage with learning material before offering
                                               help and support.
                                             • Take note of any questions or wonderings you
                                               have about the content and share during Q&A
                                             • Department Resources for other helpful tips
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

            • Four new Learning Experiences will be
              sent out via SeeSaw daily by 9:00am.
            • Learning Experiences will be provided in
              the following curriculum areas: Reading,
              Writing, Mathematics and Inquiry. These
              experiences will support our Bilingual
Stage 1     • Specialist team will provide daily 'Brain
              Breaks' through SeeSaw.
            • Teachers will provide feedback to
Weeks 1-3     submitted work through SeeSaw.
            • Teachers will connect with
              students/families via phone and will only
              respond to learning via SeeSaw.
            • Learning Experiences will be archived
              and inaccessible after 24 hour
              cycle. Completed work will not archived,
              only the Learning Experience
Remote Learning Strategy - Newlands Primary School
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

               • Families will ensure their child has
                 access to a device with an internet
               • Families will support their child
Stage 1          in accessing the learning presented
Expectations     through SeeSaw.
               • Families will support their child in
Weeks 1 -3       uploading completed work onto
                 SeeSaw for teachers to provide
               • Families engage their children in
                 creating a learning space at home to
                 maximize learning time.
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

Stage 1 Example Weeks 1 -3
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

Stage 1 Example Weeks 1 -3

  Here is a snapshot of how the learning will be displayed through SeeSaw.
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

                • Learning Experiences will continue to be allocated
                  via SeeSaw daily.
                • Targeted Learning Experiences will continue to be
                  covered in the following areas: Reading,
                  Writing, Mathematics and Inquiry
Stage 2 Scope   • Our Specialists (Physical Education, Visual Art,
                  Performing Art and Music) will continue to assign their
Weeks 4 - 6       Learning Experiences through SeeSaw.
                • Students will be allocated 2 x 15 minute times to video
                  conference with their home room teacher via Microsoft
                  Teams. More details to come.
                * Formal Assessments/Group Workshops/ Individual
                Conferences will only take place if the duration of Offsite
                Learning is longer than five weeks. More details to come.
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

                       • Families will ensure access to a device for daily
                         video conferences on Microsoft Teams
                       • Families will continue to support students in
                         uploading completed learning through SeeSaw
                       • Families will ensure that students have access
Stage 2 Expectations     to school approved applications
                       • No recording of any online content will take
Weeks 4-6                place as directed by DET including any live
                         Microsoft Teams sessions.. No Newlands
                         content is to be posted on any platform
                         including social media.
                       • Students are responsible for participating in
                         allocated learning and submitting work
                         through approved forms (Microsoft Teams and
Stage 2 Example (More than 1 Week)

                  *It will be expected that students are signed in to Microsoft
                  Teams to allow teachers to provide assistance to learning.
Stage 2 Example (Week 4 Onwards...)

Here is a snapshot of how the learning will   Here is a snapshot of how a MicroSoft Teams
      be displayed through SeeSaw​.                     video conference will look.
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

            Students will need access the following…

                             Prep/1             2/3               4/6
Stage 1           SeeSaw              SeeSaw            SeeSaw
Weeks 1-3         Bug Club            Bug Club          Study Ladder
                                      Study Ladder      Typing Club
                                                        Read Theory
                                                        Essential Assessment
Stage 2           Microsoft Teams     Microsoft Teams   Microsoft Teams
Weeks 4-6         SeeSaw              SeeSaw            SeeSaw
                  Bug Club            Bug Club          Study Ladder
                  Raz Kids            Study Ladder      Typing Club
                                      Raz Kids          Read Theory
                                      Typing Club       Essential Assessment
Remote Learning Strategy - 2020

                   Classroom Teachers
                   • Will upload daily learning experiences by 9:00 am. They
                     will provide feedback to submitted work throughout the day.
                   • Teachers will reply to parents' questions and queries about
                     Learning Experiences between 10:00 – 11:00am and 2:00 –
                   Wellbeing, Educational Support Team & OSHC Teachers
Staff Roles and    Will check in with students and families as social and emotional
                   support during the day. Parents can contact Sonya directly through
Responsibilities   SENTRAL. To contact Rhonda and the OOSH team please email –
          In the subject of the email
                   please type Att: Wellbeing Team / Child's Name
                   Administrative Teachers
                   Will support families with technical support issues including
                   logging on and supporting families with navigation. Parents can
                   contact the school by email at In
                   the subject of the email please type Att: Admin Team / Child's
                   Name. You will then be contacted by phone.
If you have any questions, please
  email In the
subject of the email please type Att: Leadership and
provide your question. We will create a FAQ that we
   will provide to families to answer any queries.

              Newlands Primary School
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