Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

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Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Zion Messenger
                       A Monthly Publication of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church--Elgin, ND
Volume 33, Number 6                    *Phone: 584-2902 * Email: zelc@westriv.com *                    June-July 2021

Retraining Our Eyes to View the World                         “If God Does Exist …”
Biblically                                                                                      by Clayton Zacher

What do you see when you step outside and look at             When we were young
the ground, the grass, or a tree? What do you see             people, we would hang
when you lift up your eyes to a cloud or, at night,           around the street of our
to the stars? As a modern person, you see                     small town at night. At
elements of creation. Grass to mow. A tree for                some point, a few kids
shade. Pretty stars. If you are of a more scientific          got their driver’s licenses,
mindset, you may think of weather patterns,                   and some kids even had a
astrological facts, or horticulture.                          car to drive. So, we
                                                              would pile in and drive
All of those perspectives are fine; they are also             around town.
                                                              One dark night, we were
I challenge you to retrain your eyes to see the               driving with a friend and
world—both in its totality and in its individual              a discussion came around
parts—as a kind of pictorial book, a graphic novel            about proving that God
by God, readable by those whose vision has been               exists. At some point, the
informed by the Scriptures.                                   driver stopped the car
                                                              near a street light. “Okay,” the driver said. “If God
What is a star? A “self-luminous, self-containing             does exist, ask him to turn out that street light. God
mass of gas, etc.”? Yes, but that is incomplete.              should do that for you as proof.”
The stars in the night sky are iconic of Abraham’s
offspring (Gen. 15:5). Step outside, look up, and             I’ll admit at that point I was trapped. I knew that
each shining light from heaven mirrors back the               God could do that, but I also knew that it was not
whole multitude of the church, the children of                likely to happen. God stepped in and saved me by
Abraham, heirs of the promise. (And that’s only               inserting a thought in my brain. I replied that it
the beginning of the biblical view of stars.)                 did not make sense for God to do that because
                                                              people need that light to see where they are going
What is a tree? A “tall, woody plant having great             at night.
height and a single trunk.” Yes, but that is
incomplete. To see a tree is to see the image of              Over the years, as I think back to that night, I
person, rooted in the earth, reaching toward                  believe God’s answer was right on target. Why
heaven, who brings forth either good fruit or evil            would God turn off that street light? God is very
fruit (Matt. 7:17-19). To see a tree is to see the            well pleased with the light that he created. Why
kingdom of God, full of branches, where the birds             would he extinguish that light just because some
(=believers) rest (Ezek. 17:23; Mark 4:30-33). To             wise guy wanted to prove a point?
see a tree is to see where sin and the curse began
(Genesis 3) and where sin was atoned for by Jesus,            And one last thing … it may not be in our best
who became the curse for us (Galatians 3:13). This            interest for God to waste His time on ridiculous
too, is only the beginning of the biblical view of            requests. God likely has more important matters
trees.                                                        to attend to.

                              (continued on page 2)
Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
WELCA News                                                   Retraining Our Eyes …
                                                                                           (continued from page 1)
Serving - Group 3 serves next. It was decided at
the May meeting that WELCA will resume serving               In today’s Unveiling Mercy devotion, we talked
for funerals.                                                about wormwood, (la’anah [ ‫)] ַל ֲענָה‬, a plant that
                                                             produces a bitter oil. But in the biblical view, that
Personal Care Kits - Thank you to everyone who               is incomplete. Wormwood is iconic of idolatry,
contributed supplies or money to purchase                    adultery, divine punishment, and the star which
supplies for personal care kits. WELCA was able              falls from heaven to embitter the world (Rev.
to send 77 kits to Lutheran World Relief. The                8:11).
value of these kits is estimated to be about $539.
                                                             Of course, we can go on and on with examples
Bibles for Prairie Recovery Center - Thank you               from creation.
to everyone who helped our neighbors at Prairie
Recovery Center by donating Bibles and other                 Here’s my challenge: look at the world with fresh
Christian books.                                             eyes. Read it as an iconographic book that teaches
                                                             us about God, humanity, sin, redemption, the
Next Meeting - Tuesday, June 8, at 4:30 pm. July             kingdom, and so much more. Don’t just see grass;
meeting is on Tuesday, July 6, at 4:30 pm.                   see the picture of humanity’s short-lived life.
                                                             Don’t just see water; see the image of baptism,
Pies in the Park - June 25                                   life, the Spirit. Don’t just see bread; see the Word
                                                             of God, Holy Communion, our total dependence
We are happy to be able to                                   on our Father’s gracious provision.
again join the Lion’s at
Hamburgers in the Park. On                                   The world around us is waiting to be read with
Friday, June 25, WELCA                                       eyes that have been trained by the Scriptures to see
will be selling pies.                                        reality in the ancient way.

If you would bake (or                                        Chad Bird. (2021, May 27). Retraining Our Eyes to View the
                                                             World Biblically What do you see when you step outside and
purchase) a couple pies to                                   look at the [Status update]. Facebook.
bring, it would be greatly appreciated. Please sign          https://www.facebook.com/writingsofchadbird/
the sheet on the table in the narthex so we know             posts/328744055287990
approximately how many pies we’ll have.
                                                             Get Your Cards from WELCA
Pie keepers will be available for you to pick up in
the church kitchen. Bring your pies to the park by           Beautiful Father’s Day,
4:30. And then stay and enjoy a delicious                    wedding, and
hamburger and a scrumptious piece of pie!                    anniversary cards are
                                                             for sale for only 50
                          Council Seeks Bids                 cents! You can find
                                                             these cards on the
                          The church council is              library table. Father’s
                          seeking bids for the remodel       Day, which is on June
                          of the bathroom in the             20, is rapidly
                          parsonage basement. For            approaching.
                          information on the project,
                          please contact Lance               Rada quick mixes (soups, dips, and desserts) have
                          Ottmar at 584-2729.                been moved to the counter in the library. Just pick
                                                             out your selection and drop your payment in the
                                                             slotted box in the corner of the library.
          Identification statement: Zion Messenger,
          A Church Newsletter Published Monthly
                        June-July 2021                             For where there is forgiveness of sins,
              Contents not necessarily views of
                    Zion ELC or members.                              there is also life and salvation.
             Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
                       400 2nd AVE NE
                        Elgin ND 58533                                                            ~Martin Luther
Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Worship Assistants for June
                                                          In the event you are unable to be present, please
                                                          switch with someone. Thank you!

                                                          June 6                         June 20
                                                          Acolyte: Senora                Acolyte: Sloan
Summer vacation is here! Time to register for this        Lector: Kay                    Lector: Yvonne
year's local Vacation Bible School Program. Bible         Communion: Joy                 Communion: Yvonne
lessons, songs, memory verses, great games, and           Organist: Elijah O             Organist: Lance
fun activities in a Christ-centered environment
await! Don't miss out on this faith-enriching             June 13                        June 27
experience for your kids!                                 Acolyte: Kade                  Acolyte: Jaden
                                                          Lector: Kaci                   Lector: Fred
This year the Elgin/New Leipzig Community                 Communion: Steph               Communion: Bridget
Vacation Bible School program is hosting a 5-Day
Club by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) for             Organist: Virginia             Organist: Elijah O
students ages 5-12. Alongside the program,
preschool students ages 3 and 4 are invited to            Worship Assistants for July
attend Preschool VBS. Preschool VBS will be at
the same time and place as the 5-Day Club. It will        In the event you are unable to be present, please
be coordinated and run by volunteers helping with         switch with someone. Thank you!
the Elgin/New Leipzig Community Vacation Bible
School program.                                           July 4                         July 18
                                                          Acolyte: Quincey               Acolyte: Kylor
The program will be held on June 21-25 at the
                                                          Lector: Shawna                 Lector: Eric
Elgin Assembly of God Church. It will be held
from 3:30-5:00 each day. It is FREE for all               Communion: Rosemary            Communion: Jill
children to attend!                                       Organist: Virginia             Organist: Elijah O

REGISTRATION LINK - https://forms.gle/                    July 11                        July 25
jSqvMdjA1wbiam8d8 or visit the Facebook page              Acolyte: Aiden                 Acolyte: Mykayla
"Elgin/New Leipzig Vacation Bible School" for a           Lector: Joy                    Lector: Kay
direct link. Contact Kaci Ulrich at 605-850-3866 if       Communion: Steph               Communion: Shawna
you have any questions.                                   Organist: Lance                Organist: Virginia

Congratulations, Graduates!
Connor Ottmar, Trevor Rafteseth, and Christy Finck were
honored on May 16 with a blessing during worship and a
reception afterward. They, along with Isabelle Boyer and
Ethan Hoffman (not pictured) graduated from Grant County
High School on May 23.

Congratulations, graduates! We pray God blesses each one of
you richly as you embark on the next chapter in your life

      May the Lord go before you to show you the way,
               behind you to encourage you,
                beside you to befriend you,
             above you to watch over you, and
               within you to give you peace.

Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Offerings & Gifts - May                                           What is Mission Support? What is a Synod?
                      Undesignated              Attendance
                                                                  The term, “Mission Support”, has been used for over
May 2                       $2,645                      74        thirty years. Yet, in some congregations there is still
May 9                        1,730                      82
May 16                       2,140                      77
                                                                  confusion about what it is. Some congregations use
May 23                       1,250                      48        other terms, such as “benevolences” or “missions”
May 30                       1,393                      59        for the shared offerings they send to the synod.
Total Undesignated          $9,158      Avg Attendance: 68
                                                                  When individuals and families make a financial gift
Bulletins                      20                                 or offering to their congregation, the congregation
Audio                         100                                 sets aside a portion of that gift for Mission Support.
Parish Ed                     100                                 The congregation then sends the Mission Support
                                                                  dollars to the synod office, and the synod office
Miscellaneous                  33
                                                                  sends a some of these dollars to the churchwide
Missions                      400                                 organization. These dollars flow back to members
Sun School/Conf                11       Avg SS/Conf Att: 12       and congregations through the synodical and
                                                                  churchwide ministries.

Income & Expenses - Year to Date                                  What is the synod office? The English word “synod”
Income                   Undesignated                Other
                                                                  comes from two Greed words, syn hodos, which
                                                                  literally mean “a way together.” This word points to
            $47,361           $44,880                $2,481       the fact that we are part of an interdependent church.
Expenses                     Budgeted     Designated Funds        The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
             28,011            27,247                  764        (ELCA) has three expressions: nearly 10,000
                                                                  congregations, 65 regional synods, and the
Income vs Expense
                                                                  churchwide organization. The Western North Dakota
             19,350                                               Synod is a regional expression of the ELCA. (The
                                                                  synod office is located at 1000 Tacoma Ave., Suite
                                                                  300, in Bismarck.)

                                                                  Our synod covers nearly 2/3 of the state, has 162
                                                                  congregations, and four outdoor ministry sites. We
                                                                  are divided geographically into 7 conferences, each
                                                                  represented by a dean who serves as liaison between
                                                                  the bishop’s office and the congregations in the area.

                                                                  Your offerings and Mission Support make it possible
                                                                  for synod staff to offer care of congregations, offer a
                                                                  candidacy process for new Pastors and Deacons,
                                                                  walk with congregations in the call process, and
                                                                  enables the Bishop to be able to support
             Fri, June 18, 8:00-5:00                              congregations in crisis if needed.
            Sat, June 19, 8:00-noon                               In 2020, congregations of the Western North Dakota
                     at Zion                                      Synod shared $1,063,396.29 in offerings. These
                                                                  offerings were shared in the following manner:
You may bring your donations for the sale and
place them in the southeast corner room in                        •   47% with ELCA Churchwide,
Fellowship Hall. The best time to bring your                      •   40% with synod ministries, operations, and
donations is Wednesdays from 8:00-5:00, but                           facilities,
another day and time may be arranged by calling                   •   9% with Lutheran Campus Ministry, and
Virginia at (701) 400-9393. Please ensure your                    •   4% with Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
items are clean and not torn or broken.
                                                                  Thank you for your generosity, your financial gifts
Watch the weekly bulletins and emails for days                    make ministry possible.
when you may help set up for the sale.
                                                                               Faith Simonieg, Associate to the Bishop
Then come and shop on Friday and Saturday!                                             for Stewardship and Generosity
Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church                      2) Endowment - Committee has not yet met.
               Council Meeting                               3) Non-Essential Pantry Suggestion – No action.
                 May 9, 2021                                 4) Committees – Lance will contact someone for the
                                                                Audit Committee.
Present: Lance Ottmar, Stephanie Lince, Ryan                 5) Review of Secretary/Bookkeeper Job
Rivinius, Marty Heid, Quentin Pfutzenreuter, Aaron              Description – No contacts received; will post
Friesz, Clayton Zacher, Tabitha Zimmerman, Fred                 again near fall.
Eslinger, and Virginia Rivinius. Absent: Cindy               6) Request to Install Privacy Fence on West Side
Marxen and Verrick Schock.                                      of Trees on East End of Cemetery – Ryan stated
                                                                the City’s position is the fence needs to be on the
The meeting was called to order by Lance Ottmar,                east side of the trees or on the fence line that is
president, and the Lord’s Prayer was recited.                   there. He will see how the trees come back this
                                                                spring, and made a motion, seconded by Fred to
Secretary’s Report: It was moved by Ryan and                    table it. Motion carried.
seconded by Tabitha to approve the minutes of April
11, 18, 23, and 25, as distributed. Motion carried.          New Business:
                                                             1) Superintendent – Lance will contact Kaci about
Treasurer’s Report: April income was $12,253.98;                another term as Superintendent.
expenses were $5,291.93. Aaron moved and Ryan                2) Use of Fellowship Hall – It was moved by
seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion               Clayton and seconded by Marty to allow the use
carried.                                                        of the hall on June 20 for Karen Sabin’s brother’s
                                                                memorial service. Motion carried. It was moved
Correspondence: None.                                           by Ryan and seconded by Marty to allow use of
                                                                the hall on June 2 for Becca Zetocha’s bridal
Committee Reports:                                              shower. Motion carried.
1) Parish Education – Committee has not met.                 3) Synod Offering – Kenny and Doris Friedt are not
   After this week, confirmation students’ status will          able to attend the Synod Assembly. Post in the
   be tabulated, and letters will go out to parents.            bulletin if anyone wants to attend. It was moved
   The committee will need to look at teacher needs             by Ryan and seconded by Marty to send $250 for
   for the fall in Sunday School and Confirmation.              offering at Synod Assembly. Motion carried.
2) Property – No change, except the parsonage                4) Summer Worship – Consensus to table.
   window has been replaced by Delbert Weishaar.
   It was moved by Stephanie and seconded by                 Other Business:
   Marty to go ahead with getting the parsonage              Work day – Rescheduled to May 15.
   plumbing issue resolved. Motion carried. Jim
   Zimmerman will repair the roof leak on a warmer           It was moved by Fred and seconded by Quentin to
   day. Clayton will take his diagrams for the bell          adjourn. Motion carried.
   wheel to Stelter’s Repair. It was moved by Marty
   and seconded by Quentin to proceed with the bid           Virginia Rivinius, Recording Secretary
   process for the parsonage basement bathroom
   remodel. Motion carried.
3) Everlasting Care – The committee will mail
   postcards tomorrow, May 10, asking for donations
   to help with financial support of our cemeteries.
   They will go to our church members and other
   family members we have found who have family
   buried at the cemeteries.

Old Business:
1) Status of Worship and Activities – After
   discussion about concerns regarding Pastor
   Gene Anderson’s fit as an interim pastor for our
   congregation, it was moved by Aaron to keep
   looking for another interim pastor, amended by
   Clayton to discontinue moving forward with
   Pastor Anderson. Motion was seconded by
   Tabitha. On a roll call vote, with all members
   voting in favor of the motion, the motion passed
Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
L - Lector
G - Greeter
A - Acolyte
AG - Altar Guild
U - Usher

      Sun                    Mon                     Tue                   Wed                 Thu                      Fri                    Sat
                                                                 1                     2                    3                       4                       5
                                                                                                                                              AG: Luann D
                                                                                                                                                   Patty Z

                                                                                                                                Gavin H
                                                                                  Gertie O              Leona H               Ramona W                Rhonda H
10:30 Fellowship
  via Facebook     6                       7                     8                     9                10                       11                     12
                                                                                                                                               AG: Carol H
A: Senora
L: Kay                                            4:30 WELCA                                                                                      Dorita H
C: Joy
O: Elijah O

                                                                                                                                Jace R
                                                                                                Jacob & Kayla H                 Kade R
                                       Travis F                                   Shawna O     Glenn & Yvonne S                Amber S

 9:30 Worship  13
10:30 Fellowship /
                                        14                   15                     16                  17                       18                     19
  Council Meeting         9:00-11:00 &                                                                                                        AG: Nicole B
                          5:00-7:00                                     9:00-11:00 &                                                             Sydney B
A: Kade                     Setup for                                   5:00-7:00                                 8:00-5:00                8:00-noon
L: Kaci                     Rummage Sale                                  Setup for                                 Zion’s                   Zion’s
C: Steph                                                                  Rummage Sale                              Rummage                  Rummage
O: Virginia                            Ember L
                               Perry & Velvet F                                                                     Sale                     Sale
                             Dr John & Mary S                                                                                              12:30 Pack up
        Alan & Evelyn A       Brian & Amber S                                                                                                Remaining
         Blake & Kaci U     Russell & Colette W             Arlene K               Ashley L                                                      Allen & Misti H

 9:30 Worship  20
10:30 Fellowship
                                        21                   22                     23                  24                       25                     26
                                                                                                                                             AG: Thelma H
                                                                                                                                                 Helena R
                     A: Sloan                                                                                     5:30 Pies in the
                     L: Yvonne                                                                                      Park (Have
                     C: Yvonne                                                                                      your pies there
                     O: Lance
                                                                                                                    by 4:30)
                  Jpy O
               Leona Z
      Merlin & Lorele L                                                                                                                                 Shelly B
       Blaine & Linda O               Colleen E                                                                      Clarence & Ashley L       Scott & Brenda E

 9:30 Worship  27                       28                   29                     30
10:30 Fellowship
A: Jaden                                                                                      Is prayer your steering wheel
L: Fred
C: Bridget                                                                                          or your spare tire?
O: Elijah O
                                                                                                                      ~ Corrie ten Boom

              Sydney B        Daniel & Ember L       Barry & Sheila H                Jim Z
Church Office: 584-2902                                                                                       Church Email: zelc@westriv.com
Deacon Deb: (703) 463-6905 or Parsonage: 584-2263                                                   Deacon Deb’s Email: zelcpastor@westriv.com
Zion Messenger - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
L - Lector
G - Greeter
A - Acolyte
AG - Altar Guild
U - Usher

      Sun                   Mon                   Tue             Wed                Thu                   Fri                  Sat
                                                                                                1                     2                   3
                                                                                                                             AG: Virginia R
   Faith sees the invisible, believes the                                                                                           Kim B
 incredible, and receives the impossible.
                                                ~ Corrie ten Boom                                                  Alma R
                                                                                             Dale L        Butch & Linda K
                                                                                           Sherri R         Ben & Heidi M              Lynn M

 9:30 Worship
10:30 Fellowship   4                    5                  6                  7                 8                     9               10
                                                                                                                             AG: Dorothy M
                     A: Quincey                4:30 WELCA                                                                         Darleen B
                     L: Shawna
                     C: Rosemary
                     O: Virginia

                                      Judy R                                                 Jade S
           Matt & Jan B        Jim & Wanda Z            Cathy E          Connor O    Kip & Danielle H            Heston S             Jaden L
 9:30 Worship
10:30 Fellowship /                   12                 13                14                 15                    16                 17
  Council Meeting                                                                                                              AG: Velvet F
                                                                                                                                  Christy F
A: Aiden
L: Joy
C: Steph
O: Lance

                                                                                           Nancy K
                                                                                          Quentin P              Janice K            Rhonda B

 9:30 Worship
10:30 Fellowship
                18                   19                 20                21                 22                    23                 24
                                                                                                                             AG: Shawna O
A: Kylor                                                                                                                          Cyndy Z
L: Eric
C: Jill
O: Elijah O

                 Eric F
  Quentin & Rosemary P               Ricki R                                                                                         Thelma H

  9:30 Worship
10:30 Fellowship
                25                   26                 27                 28                29                    31                 31
                                                                                                                               AG: Chris G
A: Mykayla                                                                                                                         Dani G
L: Kay
C: Shawna
O: Virgnia

                                                                                                                                      Butch K
                                                                                                                                        Bob L
                 Clay L                                   Ivy S   Darvin & Robin B                                                    Daniel L

Church Office: 584-2902                                              7                                  Church Email: zelc@westriv.com
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