St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -

Page created by Grace Lloyd
St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
St. Joseph Catholic Church
936 Lake Street. Kalamazoo, MI. 49001 (269)343-6256, Fax: 269-343-1214.

                                              FIFTH WEEK OF LENT
St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
Mission Statement
  Rooted in God’s Love, St. Joseph Parish takes as its mission to be a welcoming faith community that lives and shares the Gospel of
  Jesus Christ through Prayer, Faith Formation, Evangelization, Fellowship and Service.
  Arraigada en el amor de Dios, la parroquia de St. Joseph es una comunidad que “da la bienvenida en la fe”; que vive y comparte el
  evangelio de Jesucristo a través de la veneración, la oración , la formación , la evangelización, la hermandad y el servicio voluntario.

     The Story of the Annunciation of the
                                                                                         Mass Intentions
                                                                          Saturday, March 20, 2021
                     Lord                                                 4:30 † Helen Starnes Req. by Family
                                                                          7:00 † José Angel Ibarra Torres Req. by Family
 The feast of the Annunciation, now recognized as a solem-
 nity, was first celebrated in the fourth or fifth century. Its           Sunday, March 21, 2021. V Sunday of Lent
 central focus is the Incarnation: God has become one of us.              8:30 † Juan and Mary Muniz Req. by Sara Miller
 From all eternity God had decided that the Second Person
                                                                          11:00 Brian & Michelle Buchman (Their intentions)
                                                                          1:00 † Juana María Hernández
 of the Blessed Trinity should become human. Now, as Luke
 1:26-38 tells us, the decision is being realized. The God-               Monday, March 22, 2021
 Man embraces all humanity, indeed all creation, to bring it              8:30 † Rose Nowak Req. by Sara Miller
 to God in one great act of love. Because human beings have
 rejected God, Jesus will accept a life of suffering and an               Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Saint Turibius of
 agonizing death: “No one has greater love than this, to lay              Adoration 4-6
 down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).                         6:00 Maria & Agustin Cruz (Their intentions) Req.
                                                                                by Fam. Durán
 Mary has an important role to play in God’s plan. From all
 eternity, God destined her to be the mother of Jesus and                 Wednesday, March 24, 2021
 closely related to him in the creation and redemption of the             8:30 Tony Ciluffo (His intentions)
 world. We could say that God’s decrees of creation and
 redemption are joined in the decree of Incarnation. Because              Thursday, March 25, 2021 The Annunciation of
                                                                                the Lord
 Mary is God’s instrument in the Incarnation, she has a role
 to play with Jesus in creation and redemption. It is a God-              Friday, March 26, 2021 (Penance Service 6 PM)
 given role. It is God’s grace from beginning to end. Mary                8:30
 becomes the eminent figure she is only by God’s grace. She
 is the empty space where God could act. Everything she is                Saturday, March 27, 2021
 she owes to the Trinity.                                                 4:30 † Charles Woroniecki Req. by Gwen & Fam
                                                                          7:00 † Ma. Elena Escobedo & José de Jesús
 Mary is the virgin-mother who fulfills Isaiah 7:14 in a way                    Chavez Olague Req. by Family
 that Isaiah could not have imagined. She is united with her
 son in carrying out the will of God (Psalm 40:8-9; Hebrews               Sunday, March 28, 2021. Palm Sunday
                                                                          8:30 † Sally Lynn Barnes Req. by Bill Barnes Jr.
 10:7-9; Luke 1:38).
                                                                                † Leonard Wilcox Req. by Family
 Together with Jesus, the privileged and graced Mary is the               11:00 † Anne Hentkowski Req. by Family
 link between heaven and earth. She is the human being who                1:00 † Ma. Trinidad Enriquez Villagrana Req. by
                                                                                Familia Mares Enriquez
 best, after Jesus, exemplifies the possibilities of human ex-
 istence. She received into her lowliness the infinite love of
 God. She shows how an ordinary human being can reflect
                                                                       If you want to keep-up-to-date with all the events in our
 God in the ordinary circumstances of life. She exemplifies
                                                                       wonderful parish, myParish App is the solution. All you have
 what the Church and every member of the Church is meant
                                                                       to do is text App to 88202 to download. After downloading
 to become. She is the ultimate product of the creative and
                                                                       select our parish (St. Joseph Kalamazoo) and you will be all
 redemptive power of God. She manifests what the Incarna-
 tion is meant to accomplish for all of us.

V Week of Lent                                                   Page 2                                                March 21, 2021
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St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
Prayers For The Sick
           Readings for the Week of
               March 21, 2021
Sunday              Fifth Sunday of Lent
                    Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15;
                    Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33
                                                                 Please pray for our friends                  Josie Gutiérrez
                    Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8;                                                   Tim Harrington
                    Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45
                                                                 each day and during Mass                   José Angel Ibarra
                                                                                                               Shaid Juarico
Monday              Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or                Maria Isabel Almaguer                     Gerald Kistka
                    13:41c-62;Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Jn 8:1-         Bradford M. Baldwin                       John Moore
                    11                                                   Tony Baldwin                       Andrew J. Pineda
                                                                         Karen Barnes                         Bryan Phillips
Tuesday             Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop               William Barnes Sr.                     Jeannette Pushell
                    Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21; Jn         Laura Buccarelli-Young                      Frank Raith
                                                                     Luz Elena Chavez E.                      Maria Ramsey
                                                                          Jim Carow                         Roxanne Reisterer
Wednesday           Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52, 53, 54,             Manuel Cordoba                      Michael VanArkel
                    55, 56; Jn 8:31-42                                 James Duncan Sr.                     Maria VanderPloeg
                                                                        Marlene Estrada                      Yareli Velázquez
Thursday            Solemnity of the Annunciation of the                Mary Fitzpatrick                         Martínez
                    Lord                                                 Pat Fitzpatrick                     Leonard Wilcox
                    Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10,           Edward Frybarger                      Francisca Zepeda
                    11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Friday              Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7;
                    Jn 10:31-42
Saturday            Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13;
                    Jn 11:45-56
Sunday              Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
                    Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7;
                    Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-
                    11; Mk 14:1—15:47or 15:1-39

                                                                   To Our Wonderful Parishioners Whose
                                                                   Birthday Fall between March 21st and
Week of Offertory from 3/14/2021                                               March 28th☺
Envelopes (Checks and Cash)                   $ 5,106.00
                                                                Colleen Ball                      Joseph Locey
Loose cash                                    $ 551.25          Ann Marie Brissette               Dennis Reist
Total                                         $ 5,657.25        Otto Cerda                        Olivia Rice
Holy Days                                     $
Miscelaneous Income                           $   218.50        Elen Comiskey                     Patricia Sellers
                                                                Pat De Anda                       Ted Skartsiaris
Other Ministries
(Food Pantry, Dioc. Of Lodwar, Food Pantry…   $ 852.20          Pamela De Young                   Alice Vemich
Rent                                          $   500.00
                                                                Jane Grau                         Debra Walraven
Thank you for your generosity                                   Luann Leverette                   Kathleen White

V Week of Lent                                                  Page 3                                              March 21, 2021
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St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
First Communion Date
    Holy Week Schedule of Events
                                                                           First Communions have been scheduled for May 22nd.
 Holy Thursday: Bilingual Mass 7PM                                          The retreat and first reconciliation will happen on May
                                                                           15th. More information to come
 Good Friday: Bilingual Service 1:30PM
                                                                             soon. If you have questions
 Stations of the Cross: 3:00 PM (English)                                  please call us at 269-343-6256,
                                                                             or by email to Marta Melero,
 Viacrucis: 6:00 PM (Spanish)                                        
 Confession Schedule on Good Friday:
 12:30-1:20 PM                                                                 St. Joseph’s Drive through Fish Fry’s; upon reviewing
                                                                               COVID19 plans and having a meeting, we have decid-
 3:30 PM English (until all heard)                                             ed to begin fish fry’s starting Friday March 5, 2021
 5:00 PM Spanish (hasta terminar)                                              through Friday March 26, 2021. (4-7 PM)

 Holy Saturday: Vigil Mass 9:00PM                                              We will ask patrons to enter off Lake Street and go to
                                                                               the backside of the Bennett Building. We will take your
 Easter Sunday:                                                                order and cash at the first window and you will proceed
 8:30 AM Mass                                                                  to the next window to pick up your order and exit onto
 11:00 AM Mass                                                                 Race St.

 1:00 PM Mass (Spanish)                                                        We will be serving; 12oz. of fried cod and baked cod,
                                                                               French fries, coleslaw and tartar sauce. Cost: $9 per
                                                                               dinner. At this point we are not offering children’s
                                                                               meals or preorders. You can call the Rectory at 269-
                                                                               343-6256 or visit our website for
  Lent Penance Service at St. Joe                                              more info.
March 26th, 6 PM, English
March 29th, 6 PM, Spanish
You are welcome to come at any
service. Please join us.

                                                                                         UPDATE!! Soup Supper on
                       Stations of the Cross                                                     Holy Thursday
  Join us this and every Friday of Lent after 8:30 mass to remember our         Mark your calendars! The
                              Lord’s Passion.
                                                                                Liturgy Commission will
                   Please join us. No registration required.                    be hosting a soup supper
                                                                                on Holy Thursday, April
         An Evening of Music and Prayer
                                                                                1st. Soup will be available
   To prepare for Holy Week and the Easter season, St                           from 4:30-6:00 to go only.
   Joseph Catholic Church will be offering an evening                           No preordering available.
     of music and prayer on March 26th at 7:30PM.                               Look at the insert for soup
        The service will be ecumenically friendly.                              options! First come first
                    All are welcome.

V Week of Lent                                                        Page 4                                         March 21, 2021
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St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
Eventos de Cuaresma...                               St. Joseph Catholic Church
                                                                              936 Lake Street • Kalamazoo, MI 49001
  Servicio de Penitencia en St. Joe                                        
                                                                    Phone .......................................................(269) 343-6256
 Viernes 26 de marzo 6 PM en Inglés                                                email:
 Lunes 29 de marzo 6 PM en Español
                                                                                             Office Hours
 Es bienvenido a cualquiera de las dos                              Monday-Friday ................................................................
 servicios. Por favor únete a nosotros.                                                         Your Parish Staff
                                                                    Pastor .................................................. Fr. Antony Rajesh
Cena de “Fish Fry” Pescado Frito para llevar todos                  Deacon .............................................. Deacon John Ryder
los viernes. “Drive thru”                                                                  (269) 270-5885

Entre por la calle Lake hacia la parte trasera del Bennett, pida    Deacon ........................................Deacon Timothy Kistka
                                                                                          (517) 617-6513
y pague. En la siguiente ventana le dan su orden. $9.00 No
hay menus para niños. Salga por la calle Race. No se podrá          Pastoral Associate ................. Sr. Yurany Henao Zuluaga
ordenar con anticipación.
                                                                    Parish Secretary ........................................ Myrna Phillips

                                                                    Maintenance & Groundskeeper .................. Geary North

                                                                    Part-time Receptionist ..................................... Pat Dent

                                                                    Director of Music and Liturgy.......................... Dan Hurst

                                                                    Dir of Religious Ed. K-8 .............................. Marta Melero
                                                                                         (269) 343-6256
What is a Mass intention?
        A Mass intention                                            Youth Ministry Grades 6-12 ......................Joy Livingston
means that the sacrifice is
                                                                    Bookkeeper .......................................... Amy Schmeding
offered for some person(s)                                
living or dead. Also called
the application of a Mass, it
pertains to the ministerial
fruits of the Mass. These                                                     Bulletin Sponsor the Week
fruits are both extensively                                                                Shoemaker’s Garage
and intensively finite in vir-                                     To view their full advertisement, see the back
tue of the positive will of                                        page of the bulletin. And please, remember to
Christ. Other things being                                         patronize        Shoemaker’s Garage
equal, the more often the                                          and all of our sponsors. They make our bulletin
sacrifice is offered the more                                      possible.
benefit is conferred.
                                                                    Online Giving~ If you are interested in setting
 Call us to schedule a Mass                                          up an     account for online giving, visit our
    Intention at least a week before the desired date.               website and select online giving from the drop
                                                                   down menu on top of the page, or call 1-800-348-
                                                                    2886 ext 2. for help or questions. Or for simple
                                                                         questions, we are here to serve you.

V Week of Lent                                        Page 5                                                          March 21, 2021
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St. Joseph Catholic Church - FIFTH WEEK OF LENT -
St. Joseph En Español
             Cene Sopa El                                             La Anunciación de Nuestro Señor
             Jueves Santo                                                           (25 de marzo)
    ¡Marquen sus calendarios!                                    Nada se sabía de la Madre de Jesús. Vivía en Nazaret.
  Tendremos nuestra tradicional                                 Oculta a los ojos de los hombres, pero no a los ojos de
  cena de sopa el Jueves Santo, 1                              Dios. Más adelante contará Ella misma los hechos que la
    de abril, a partir de las 5:00                               llevan a la maternidad, y a descubrir su vocación y su
                                                               misión en la vida y en los planes de Dios. Hasta la anun-
   PM. Solo para llevar. Ordene                                 ciación del arcángel Gabriel, María de Nazaret era una
  personalmente el Jueves Santo.                                mujer israelita perfectamente desconocida. Su vida tra-
                                                                sciende la historia por el libre y amoroso cumplimiento
  Vea el volante adjunto con las                               de la misión que le fue asignada desde la eternidad y que
  opciones.                                                                Ella conoció a través del arcángel.
  Gracias                                                                          Los planes de Dios
                                                                Cuando cumple trece años, la familia de María siguien-
                                Viacrucis                      do las costumbres del momento, deciden poner los medi-
                                                                 os para que se case del mejor modo posible. Para eso
  Acompáñenos este y cada viernes de cuaresma a se-            miran entre los varones de la tribu, y descubren uno que
                                                                  tiene todas las condiciones: José, vecino también de
  guir la pasión de Nuestro Señor virtualmente. Cada             Nazaret. Era justo, es decir, cumplidor de la ley, hon-
  viernes a las 7 PM a través de zoom. Para obtener el         rado, trabajador, piadoso. Un buen hombre a ojos de to-
   link por favor llame a Maggie al 269-447-3949, o             dos, que puede encajar muy bien con el carácter de Ma-
         deje un mensaje para ella en la oficina.              ría. Los planes de Dios siguen su curso. Ahora podrá ser
                                                               Madre virginal protegida a los ojos de todos por el Mat-
                                                                                    rimonio con José.
      Horario de Eventos para la
                                                                                  El saludo del ángel
                        Semana Santa                            Al poco tiempo acontece uno de los momentos culmen
                                                                 de la historia de los hombres. María está en su casa,
  Jueves Santo: Servicio Bilingüe 7:00 PM                      probablemente, recogida en oración. Cuando, de repente
                                                               entró un ángel. Quizá es una aparición con el resplandor
  Viernes Santo: La Pasión de Nuestro Señor                    de los que están en la vida eterna cerca de Dios, quizá es
  1:30PM Bilingüe                                                    más sencillo. Poco importa el modo; pues lo
                                                                sorprendente son sus palabras: "Alégrate, llena de gra-
  3:00 Viacrucis en Inglés                                         cia, el Señor es contigo Ella se turbó al oír estas
                                                                  palabras, y consideraba qué significaría esta salu-
  6:00 Viacrucis en Español                                                            tación"(Lc).
                                                                          Momento solemne para la historia
  Horario de Confesión el Viernes Santo:                         Aquel fue un momento solemne para la historia de la
                                                                 humanidad: se iba a cerrar el tiempo del pecado para
  12:30-1:20                                                   entrar en el tiempo de la gracia; se pasa del tiempo de la
  5:00 - hasta terminar                                        paciencia de Dios al de mayor misericordia. La creación
                                                               entera está pendiente del sí de una joven israelita. Es un
  Sábado de Gloria: Servicio en Inglés 9 PM                       momento de gran alegría en los cielos y en la tierra,
                                                                llega al mundo un gran amor divino. Dios habita en su
  Domingo de Resurección:                                      alma de un modo pleno, gozoso, amoroso. Ella es la hija
  Misa 8:30 AM                                                  de Dios Padre que siempre ha correspondido al querer
                                                                de Dios. María se sorprende, pero sin perder la sereni-
  Misa 11:00 AM                                                    dad, pues reflexiona sobre el significado de estas
  Misa en Español 1:00 PM                                          palabras. Respeto y sorpresa. “¿Es de Dios lo que

V Week of Lent                                             Page 6                                       March 21, 2021
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From The Diocese and More                                                                                               and m

                                                                    For more information on events
                                                                    happening within our Diocese, please
                                                                    visit :
                                                                    - Aquinas College Scholarship Aquinas Colleges and The
                                                                    Diocese of Kalamazoo offer three opportunities for post tra-
                                                                    ditional learners to access 50% tuition reduction in any
                                                                    course of study. Learn more at
                                                                    - The Trauma Recovery Program is a faith-based program for
                                                                    adult Catholic survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. The pro-
                                                                    gram focuses on the present, rather than the past, and teaches skills
                                                                    for more effective functioning.
                                                                    Trauma Recovery Associates is offering a Virtual TRP Group
                                                                    beginning Monday, April 12 through Monday, June 28. TRP
                                                                    meets in small groups for ten weeks at 2.5 hours/week and is led
                                                                    by trained mental health professionals. There is no charge to par-
                                                                    ticipate in this group. Each participant meets with a facilitator for
                                                                    an individual assessment session and an individual follow-up ses-
                                                                    sion. To register or ask questions, contact Trauma Recovery As-
                                                                    sociates at 269.459.2121 or email Karen
                                                                    at To find out more
                                                                    about TRA visit our website
                                                                    at Any Catholic in the Dio-
                                                                    cese of Kalamazoo that is an adult survivor of childhood abuse or
                                                                    neglect can apply to participate in the Trauma Recovery Program.
                                                                     Anyone can also access the online program called RENEW/
                                                                    RENOVARSE for free at the same website. It introduces infor-
                                                                    mation and skills for dealing with the pandemic.
                                                                    Mid-life Singles: Are you looking for a renewed sense of
                 From Sr. Mary Cate:                                connection & purpose during this pandemic? Register today
                                                                    for a REFLECT Day of Reflection at the St. Francis Retreat
Join us during this Holy Week to experience the time-               Center, in DeWitt, MI (10 miles north of Lansing), on April
honored prayer of the Psalms for free. The Psalms are pray-         10, 2021. Take a chance and get involved... you won't regret
ers through which people of many faith traditions find com-         it! Cost is $45 including continental breakfast and lunch.
                                                                    Visit, e-mail,
fort, strength, and direction for their lives. I n praying the      or call (586) 770-1772 for details.
Psalms, our prayer joins that of those who came before us,
including Jesus himself. This prayer gives language to the          Programa de Asistencia de Inmigración Servicios
deepest longings of the human heart. Come and sit, and                          Remotos Disponibles
share, come and be with community.                                  Aunque la oficina está cerrado por el orden de queda-en-
 Register with this link:              casa, el Programa de Asistencia de Inmigración continua
programs-and-retreats/praying-the-psalms/                           de ofrecer los siguientes servicios por remoto: Reno-
                                                                    vaciones de DACA
Pease have your Bible ready and join us on Wednesday,                         Renovaciones de tarjetas de residencia
March 31, 10:30 - Noon. Registrations encouraged and all
are welcome!                                                                  Renovaciones de permisos de trabajo
Suggested donation of $10.                                                    Consultas (limitadas)
Gratitude abounds and much work to do!                              Para más información, por favor enviar un correo
Questions? at 616.514.3325 or          electrónico a Miguel Rosas:

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