Page created by Duane Perkins

      C H O O S E Y O U R P E R F E C T M AT C H

V This item is suitable for vegetarians
Denominations, both in wines and in food, identify what is unique,
                                                                 unmistakable, incomparable and that the product is made in a specific
                                                                 area under specific rules, which respect high quality standards.

                                                                 A DOC, DOCG, DOP, IGT and IGP ingredient or product embodies
                                                                 history and tradition, dating all the way back to its original roots, in the
                                                                 locations where it has been cultivated since centuries.
                                                                 In Bottega we are ambassadors of the Italian winemaking tradition and
                                                                 Italian excellences and this tradition is protected by the Consortiums and
                                                                 their denominations.
                                                                 Here below some of the main Italian denominations you will discover in
                                                                 our menu and wines list:

                                                                 DOCG means Denominazione di Origine Controllata Garantita
                                                                 (Controlled and Guarranteed Designation of Origin).This protection
                                                                 mark is attributed exclusively to particularly prestigious wines that are
                                                                 recognised both nationally and internationally, which follow the highest
                                                                 production standards to obtain an excellent quality product that is one
            In Italy, we believe wine is best enjoyed            of its kind.
            when paired with the finest food.
            This ethos is at the heart of everything we          DOC
            do here at the Bottega Prosecco Bar.                 DOC means Denominazione di Origine Controllata (Controlled
                                                                 Designation of Origin).This mark recognises the quality and typicality of
            Our team have carefully matched the                  wines produced in limited small- and medium-sized areas and controlled
            perfect wine & food to deliver you a true            by strict regulations that define the production methods and times,
            Italian experience.                                  and this mark can only be applied after careful chemical and sensorial
            We invite you to share our passion and               analyses.

            have a truly unique Bottega experience.              IGT
                                                                 IGT means Indicazione Geografica Tipica (Typical Geographical
                                                                 Indication). IGT wines are made from autochthonous vines coming from
                                                                 well-defined areas; for example, Merlot IGT Trevenezie Bottega can be
                                                                 produced only in the area of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province
                                                                 of Trento, using Merlot grapes.

                                                                 DOP means Denominazione di Origine Protetta (Protected Designation
                                                                 of Origin).This mark indicates origin protection, and it is attributed by the
                                                                 European Union to food whose quality characteristics depend essentially
                                                                 or exclusively on the production area and traditional production

                                                                 IGP means Indicazione Geografica Protetta (Protected Geographical
                                                                 Indication).This European Union recognition is granted only to those
                                                                 products which respect specific fundamental parameters: from the
                                                                 specific connection to the area where it is traditionally produced, to
                                                                 Italian-only production according to the traditional recipe, to respect of
                                                                 precise product quality and organoleptic characteristics.

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                   V This item is suitable for vegetarians
                                                                                                                          APERITIF SNACKS

                                                                                              SLICED BREAD WITH VENETIAN SOPRESSA                 3,00€
                                                                                              Crostino con Sopressa Veneta
                                                                                              Perfect match with
                                                                                              Pinot Grigio Rosé Doc Delle Venezie                 5,50€

                                                                                              SLICED BREAD WITH IGP MORTADELLA                    3,00€
                                                                                              Crostino con Mortadella IGP
                                                                                              Perfect match with
                                                                                              Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Rosè                 5,50€
                                                                                              Spumante Brut

                                                                                              SLICED BREAD WITH PDO SAN DANIELE HAM               3,00€
                                                                                              Crostino con Prosciutto di San Daniele DOP
   BRAND HISTORY                                                                              Perfect match with
   Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa. Since the 17th    Bottega Gold Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut             7,00€
   century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with our
   wines, grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world, thanks to the creative     SLICED BREAD WITH IGP SPECK                         3,00€
   technical innovations and original design.                                                 Crostino con Speck IGP
   4 wineries and 1 distillery based in some of the most prestigious and historical areas
                                                                                              Perfect match with
   of Italian viticulture.                                                                    Merlot IGT Trevenezie                               5,50€
   Our company is only 50 km away from the city of Venice, a lodestar of both art and
   culture and a constantly reassuring presence.                                              SLICED BREAD WITH WHIPPED CODFISH V                 3,00€
   Over the years, we have created a concept aimed at enhancing and sharing our               Crostino con baccalà mantecato
   Italian wines, genuine food and convivial lifestyle, all over the world and in different
                                                                                              Perfect match with
   environments, from airports to hotels and shopping centres.
                                                                                              Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Biologico Doc Extra Dry 6,00€
   In 2014 the first BOTTEGA PROSECCO BAR opened on board of a cruise ship in
   Scandinavia and since then a number of stunning locations welcome you around the           SLICED BREAD WITH STRACCHINO FRESH                  3,00€
   world! In 2022 we have opened the Bpb you are visiting today.                              CHEESE AND DRIED TOMATOES V
                                                                                              Crostino con stracchino e pomodori secchi
   Enjoy the experience!                                                                      Perfect match with
                                                                                              Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Rosè Spumante Brut   5,50€

                                                                                              SMALL MARGHERITA PIZZA WITH                         5,00€
                                                                                              MOZZARELLA CHEESE AND TOMATOES V
                                                                                              Pizzetta Margherita
                                                                                              Perfect match with
                                                                                              Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut        5,50€

                             COME AND VISIT US!                                               DEEP FRIED PORK AND BEEF MEATBALLS                  7,00€
     Bottega opens the doors of its cellar for a fascinating guided tour to the               Polpette croccanti di carne
                              discovery of Prosecco:                                          Perfect match with
          from the visit to the vineyards, the cellar and to wine tasting.                    Acino d’Oro Chianti Docg                            7,00€
                 WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING
                        YOU AGAIN!
          Email: Telephone number: +39 0438 4067

                                VIENI A TROVARCI!
       Bottega apre le porte della propria cantina per un appassionante tour
                         guidato alla scoperta del Prosecco:
             dalla visita ai vigneti, alla cantina fino alla degustazione.
         Email: Numero di telefono: +39 0438 4067

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                                                       V This item is suitable for vegetarians
TAGLIERI                                              BOCCONCINI
                                          BOARDS                                             SMALL SANDWICHES

                                                                      BOCCONCINO CAPRESE WITH TOMATOES AND V                  5,00€
                                                                      Bocconcino Caprese con pomodoro e mozzarella
                                                                      Perfect match with
                                                           15,00€     Il Vino Dei Poeti Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco     6,50€
CURED MEATS BOARD - Venetian Sopressa, PDO San
                                                                      Superiore Docg Spumante Extra Dry
Daniele ham, IGP Mortadella with olives and dried tomatoes
Tagliere di salumi - Sopressa Veneta, Prosciutto di San
                                                                      BOCCONCINO WITH PDO SAN DANIELE HAM                     5,00€
Daniele DOP, Mortadella IGP accompagnati da olive e
                                                                      Bocconcino San Daniele con Prosciutto di San Daniele
pomodori secchi
Perfect match with                                                    DOP
                                                                      Perfect match with
Merlot Igt Trevenezie                                       5,50€
                                                                      Bottega Gold Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut                 7,00€
CHEESES BOARD - PDO Asiago Fiordimaso, Stracchino V 15,00€
                                                                      BOCCONCINO WITH VENETIAN SOPRESSA                       5,00€
fresh cheese, PDO Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months with fig
                                                                      Bocconcino con Sopressa Veneta
                                                                      Perfect match with
Tagliere di formaggi - Asiago DOP Fiordimaso, Stracchino,
                                                                      Pinot Grigio Rosé Doc Delle Venezie                     5,50€
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 24 Mesi accompagnati da
mostarda di fichi
Perfect match with
Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico Docg                  12,00€
CURED MEATS AND CHEESES BOARD - Venetian                     15,00€                                     SANDWICHES
Sopressa, PDO San Daniele ham, IGP Mortadella, PDO Asiago
Fiordimaso, Stracchino fresh cheese with olives and dried
Tagliere di salumi e formaggi - SopressaVeneta, Prosciutto
San Daniele DOP, Mortadella IGP, Asiago DOP Fiordimaso,
Stracchino accompagnati da olive e pomodori secchi
Perfect match with
Brunello Di Montalcino Docg                                  12,00€
                                                                      PARADISO AL SAN DANIELE SANDWICH WITH                   7,50€
                                                                      PDO SAN DANIELE HAM
                                          INSALATE                    Paradiso al San Daniele con Prosciutto di San Daniele
                                           SALADS                     DOP
                                                                      Perfect match with
                                                                      Merlot Igt Trevenezie                                   5,50€

                                                                      PARABOLA DELLE DOLOMITI SANDWICH WITH                   7,50€
                                                                      IGP SPECK
                                                                      Parabola delle Dolomiti con Speck IGT
                                                                      Perfect match with
SFIZIOSA SALAD - mozzarella, dried tomatoes V                10,50€   Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Rosè Spumante Brut       5,50€
and olives
Insalata Sfiziosa con Mozzarella, Pomodori Secchi                     SANDWICH WITH GRILLED VEGETABLES, PDO                   7,50€
e Olive                                                               PARMIGIANO REGGIANO AND OLIVES V
Perfect match with                                                    Mulino con verdure grigliate, Parmigiano Reggiano
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Rosè Spumante Brut             5,50€   DOP e olive
                                                                      Perfect match with
BOTTEGA CAESAR SALAD - mixed leaves, chicken                 12,00€   Sauvignon Igt Trevenezie                                7,00€
breast, tomatoes, PDO Parmigiano Reggiano, Caesar
dressing and Focaccia
Bottega Caesar Salad con misto Foglia, petto di pollo,
pomodori, Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, salsa Caesar e focaccia
Perfect match with
Il Vino Dei Poeti Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco           6,50€
Superiore Docg Spumante Extra Dry

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                               V This item is suitable for vegetarians
TRAMEZZINI VENEZIANI                                                                    DOLCI
                VENETIAN TRAMEZZINI                                                                    DESSERT

VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH TOMATOES V                  2,50€   CREAM TART WITH ALMONDS                              4,00€
AND MOZZARELLA                                               Crostatina Della Nonna con Crema e Mandorle
Tramezzino Pomodoro e Mozzarella                             Perfect match with
Perfect match with                                           Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€
                                                             TART WITH WILD BERRIES                               4,00€
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH TUNA AND V                  2,50€   Crostatina ai Frutti di Bosco
TOMATOES                                                     Perfect match with
Tramezzino Tonno e Pomodoro                                  Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Perfect match with
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€   TART WITH FIGS AND NUTS                              3,90€
                                                             Crostatina con Fichi e Noci
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH TUNA AND V                  3,00€   Perfect match with
OLIVES                                                       Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Tramezzino Tonno e Olive
Perfect match with                                           CHEESECAKE WITH STRAWBERRIES                         4,90€
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€   Cheesecake con Fragoline
                                                             Perfect match with
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH HAM AND EGGS                3,00€   Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Tramezzino Prosciutto e Uova
Perfect match with                                           CHEESECAKE WITH PEAR AND COCOA                       4,90€
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€   Cheesecake con Pere e Cacao
                                                             Perfect match with
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH HAM AND                     3,50€   Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Tramezzino Prosciutto e Funghi                               BLACK FOREST CAKE                                    4,90€
Perfect match with                                           COCOA SPONGE CAKE FILLED WITH CREAM,
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€   CHERRY SYRUP AND CHOCOLATE
                                                             Foresta Nera
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH HAM,TOMATOES                3,50€   Pan di Spagna al Cacao Farcito con Crema, Sciroppo
AND MOZZARELLA                                               di Amarene e Cioccolato
Tramezzino Prosciutto Cotto, Pomodoro e Mozzarella           Perfect match with
Perfect match with                                           Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€
                                                             TIRAMISÙ                                             4,90€
VENETIAN TRAMEZZINO WITH SHRIMPS AND V               3,50€   Tiramisù
ROCKET SALAD                                                 Perfect match with
Tramezzino Gamberetti e Rucola                               Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                    5,00€
Perfect match with
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€

Tramezzino Mortadella e Stracchino
Perfect match with
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€

Tramezzino Verdure e Hummus
Perfect match with
Il Vino Dei Poeti Prosecco Doc Spumante Brut         5,50€
V This item is suitable for vegetarians                      V This item is suitable for vegetarians
DOLCI AL BICCHIERE                                                                   FRUTTA
                DESSERT BY THE GLASS                                                                   FRUIT

DESSERT BY THE GLASS - Bottega Tiramisù with        4,50€   RED AND GREEN APPLE SALAD                             4,90€
Bottega Tiramisù cream liqueur and crumble of               Macedonia di mela rossa e mela verde
Bussolà bisquits                                            Perfect match with
Dessert al bicchiere - Bottega Tiramisù con Crema           Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€
Tiramisù Bottega e crumble di biscotti Bussolà
                                                            SELECTION OF YELLOW-FLESHED FRUITS SALAD              5,20€
                                                            Macedonia di frutta gialla
                                                            Perfect match with
                                                            Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€
                            CAFFÈ SPECIALI
                           SPECIAL COFFEES                  PINEAPPLE SALAD
                                                            Macedonia di ananas

                                                            Perfect match with
                                                            Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€

                                                            FRESH FRUIT SALAD                                     5,20€
                                                            Macedonia di frutta fresca
                                                            Perfect match with
                                                            Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€

                                                            EXOTIC FRUIT SALAD WITH PINEAPPLE, PAPAYA,            5,90€
                                                            COCONUT AND MANGO
                                                            Macedonia esotica con ananas, papaya, cocco e mango
ESPRESSO COFFEE WITH BOTTEGA GIANDUIA               3,50€   Perfect match with
CREAM LIQUEUR, MILK CREAM, COCOA POWDER                     Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€
Macchiato Gianduia
                                                            AUTUMN FRUIT SALAD                                    5,90€
ESPRESSO COFFEE WITH BOTTEGA TIRAMISÙ               3,50€   Macedonia autunnale
CREAM LIQUEUR, MILK CREAM, COCOA POWDER                     Perfect match with
Macchiato Tiramisù                                          Il Vino Dell’amore Petalo Moscato                     5,00€

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                     V This item is suitable for vegetarians
                                                        CAPPUCCINO WITH SOYA MILK                 2,40€
                                                        Cappuccino con Latte di Soia

                                                        ESPRESSO WITH SOYA MILK                   1,90€
                                                        Macchiatone con Latte di Soia

                                                        SOYA MILK COFFEE                          2,40€
                                                        Caffè e Latte di Soia
ESPRESSO                                        1,70€
Caffè                                                   DOUBLE CAPPUCCINO WITH SOYA MILK          4,10€
                                                        Cappuccino Doppio con Latte di Soia
CAFFEINE-FREE ESPRESSO                          1,80€
Caffè Decaffeinato                                      CAMOMILE                                  3,10€
BARLEY ESPRESSO                                 1,80€
Caffè D’orzo                                            TEA                                       3,10€
AMERICAN COFFEE                                 3,50€
Caffè Americano                                         FRESH ORANGE JUICE                        4,60€
                                                        Spremuta di Arance
BIG GINSENG COFFEE                              2,50€
Caffè Ginseng Grande                                    GLASS OF WATER                            1,00€
                                                        Acqua Minerale in Bicchiere
SMALL GINSENG COFFEE                            2,30€
Caffè Ginseng Piccolo

CAPPUCCINO                                      2,40€

CAFFEINE-FREE CAPPUCCINO                        2,50€
Cappuccino Decaffeinato

BARLEY CAPPUCCINO                               2,50€
Cappuccino D’orzo

MILK COFFEE                                     2,40€
Caffè e Latte

Caffè e Latte Decaffeinato/Orzo

ESPRESSO WITH MILK                              1,90€

Macchiatone Decaffeinato/Orzo

ESPRESSO WITH COCOA POWDER                      1,90€

DOUBLE CAPPUCCINO                               4,10€
Cappuccino Doppio

DOUBLE ESPRESSO                                 3,10€
Espresso Doppio

FLAT WHITE                                      1,90€
Latte in Bicchiere

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                 V This item is suitable for vegetarians
                CROISSANTS & DESSERTS
                                                              CREAM TART WITH ALMONDS                              4,00€
                                                              Crostatina della Nonna con Crema e Mandorle

                                                              TART WITH WILD BERRIES                               4,00€
                                                              Crostatina ai Frutti di Bosco

                                                              TART WITH FIGS AND NUTS                              4,00€
PLAIN CROISSANT                                       2,20€
                                                              Crostatina con Fichi e Noci
Cornetto Vuoto
                                                              CHEESECAKE WITH STRAWBERRIES                         4,90€
CROISSANT WITH HONEY AND GINGER                       2,60€
                                                              Cheesecake con Fragole
Cornetto Miele e Zenzero

                                                      2,60€   CHEESECAKE WITH PEAR AND COCOA                       4,90€
                                                              Cheesecake con Pere e Cacao
Cornetto alla Confettura di Albicocca
                                                              BLACK FOREST CAKE                                    4,90€
CROISSANT WITH CREAM                                  2,60€
                                                              COCOA SPONGE CAKE FILLED WITH CREAM,
Cornetto alla Crema
                                                              CHERRY SYRUP AND CHOCOLATE
                                                              Foresta Nera
CROISSANT WITH HAZELNUT                               2,60€
                                                              Pan di Spagna al Cacao Farcito con Crema, Sciroppo
Cornetto alla Nocciola
                                                              di Amarene e Cioccolato
WHOLE GRAIN CROISSANT WITH HONEY                      2,50€                                                        4,90€
Cornetto Integrale al Miele
VEGAN CROISSANT WITH TURMERIC                         2,50€
Cornetto Vegano alla Curcuma Vuota

WHOLE GRAIN VEGAN CROISSANT WITH                      2,50€
Cornetto Vegano ai 3 Cereali con Confettura di More

DONUT                                                 2,60€

TART NEST WITH APPLE                                  2,40€
Fagottino alle Mele

TART NEST WITH CHOCOLATE                              2,40€
Fagottino al Cioccolato

TART SHELL WITH MILK CREAM                            2,70€
Gemma con Crema di Latte

TART SHELL WITH HAZELNUT CREAM                        2,70€
Gemma con Crema di Nocciole

Esse al Cioccolato

VENETIAN CLASSIC BISQUIT                              2,70€

JAM BISQUIT                                           2,70€
Frolla alla Marmellata

CHOCOLATE BISQUIT                                     2,70€
Frolla al Cioccolato

V This item is suitable for vegetarians                       V This item is suitable for vegetarians
                                                                                                                                                       150ml    bottle

                                                                                           IL VINO DEI POETI PROSECCO DOC                              5,50€   22,00€
                                                                                           SPUMANTE BRUT
                                                                                           GLERA Alc. 11%
                                                                                           Fresh, delicate, with scents of apple, pear and white
                                                                                           flowers, characterized by balanced acidity
                                                                                           Fresco, delicato, con sentori di mela, pera e fiori
                                                                                           bianchi, caratterizzato da un’acidità equilibrata

                                                                                           IL VINO DEI POETI CONEGLIANO                                6,50€   26,00€
                                                                                           VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO
                                                                                           SUPERIORE DOCG SPUMANTE EXTRA
BRAND HISTORY                                                                              DRY
Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa. Since the 17th    GLERA Alc. 11,5%
century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with our     Typical, elegant, with fruity notes of green apple, pear,
wines, grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world, thanks to the creative     citrus and floral aromas of wisteria and acacia
technical innovations and original design.                                                 Tipico, elegante, con note fruttate di mela verde,
                                                                                           pera, agrumi e aromi floreali di glicine e acacia
4 wineries and 1 distillery based in some of the most prestigious and historical areas
of Italian viticulture.
Our company is only 50 km away from the city of Venice, a lodestar of both art and         BOTTEGA GOLD PROSECCO DOC                                   7,00€   32,00€
culture and a constantly reassuring presence.                                              SPUMANTE BRUT
Over the years, we have created a concept aimed at enhancing and sharing our               GLERA Alc. 11%
Italian wines, genuine food and convivial lifestyle, all over the world and in different   Intense, harmonious, elegant and typical with fruity
environments, from airports to hotels and shopping centres.                                scents of green apple, pear and peach
                                                                                           Intenso, armonioso, elegante e tipico, con sentori
In 2014 the first BOTTEGA PROSECCO BAR opened on board of a cruise ship in                 di mela verde, pera e pesca
Scandinavia and since then a number of stunning locations welcome you around the
world! In 2022 we have opened the Bpb you are visiting today.

Enjoy the experience!                                                                      IL VINO DEI POETI PROSECCO ORGANIC                          6,00€   25,00€
                                                                                           BIOLOGICO DOC EXTRA DRY
                                                                                           GLERA Alc. 11%
                                                                                           Elegantly floral and fruity, with hints of ripe apple
                                                                                           Elegantemente floreale e fruttato, con sentori di mela

                   COME AND VISIT US!                                                                           PROSECCO ROSÈ
 Bottega opens the doors of its cellar for a fascinating guided tour to the
                          discovery of Prosecco:                                                                                                       150ml    bottle
      from the visit to the vineyards, the cellar and to wine tasting.
                                                                                           IL VINO DEI POETI PROSECCO DOC                              5,50€   22,00€
          WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING                                                        ROSÈ SPUMANTE BRUT
                 YOU AGAIN!                                                                GLERA, PINOT NERO Alc. 11,5%
     Email: Telephone number: +39 0438 4067                      Fresh, delicate, with floral notes of peach blossom and
                                                                                           fruity aromas of apple, citrus and wild strawberries
                                                                                           Fresco e delicato, con note floreali di fiori di pesco
                                                                                           e aromi fruttati di mela, agrumi e fragoline di bosco
                     VIENI A TROVARCI!
  Bottega apre le porte della propria cantina per un appassionante tour
                    guidato alla scoperta del Prosecco:
        dalla visita ai vigneti, alla cantina fino alla degustazione.
    Email: Numero di telefono: +39 0438 4067
WHITE WINES - VENETO                                                          RED WINES - VENETO
                                                         150ml   bottle                                                              150ml    bottle

PINOT GRIGIO VENEZIA DOC                                 5,50€   22,00€   MERLOT IGT TREVENEZIE                                     5,50€    22,00€
PINOT GRIGIO Alc. 12%                                                     MERLOT Alc. 12,5%
Dry, fresh and harmonic with delicate floral notes and                    Intense, with hints of blueberry, violet, blackcurrant
fruity hints of pear and peach                                            and aromatic spices like oregano and thyme
Secco, fresco e armonico con delicati sentori                             Intenso, con sentori di mirtillo, viola, ribes nero e
floreali e aromi fruttati di pera e pesca                                 spezie aromatiche come origano e timo

CHARDONNAY IGT TREVENEZIE                                6,50€   25,00€
CHARDONNAY Alc. 12%                                                       RIPASSO DELLA VALPOLICELLA                                7,00€    30,00€
Fresh, smooth and balanced, with delicate fruity notes                    SUPERIORE DOC
of apple and peach, floral hints                                          CORVINA, CORVINONE, RONDINELLA Alc. 14,5%
Fresco, morbido ed equilibrato, con delicati sentori                      Dry, with pleasant notes of plum, red berries, ripe
fruttati di mela e pesca e floreali                                       cherry and sweet spices, hints of vanilla and raisins
                                                                          Secco, con piacevoli note di prugna, bacche rosse,
                                                                          ciliegia matura e spezie, sentori di vaniglia e uva
SAUVIGNON IGT TREVENEZIE                                 7,00€   28,00€   passa
Smooth, with a pleasant acidity and freshness, with
floral notes and hints of bergamot
Morbido, con una piacevole acidità e freschezza,                          AMARONE DELLA VALPOLICELLA                                 12,00€ 60,00€
con sentori floreali e note fruttate di bergamotto                        CLASSICO DOCG
                                                                          CORVINA, CORVINONE, RONDINELLA Alc. 15%
                                                                          Intense and full bodied, with hints of red fruit, black
                                                                          cherry, raspberry jam, nutmeg and chocolate
                                                                          Intenso e di corpo, con sentori di frutta rossa,
                                                                          amarena, marmellata di lamponi, noce moscata e

                 ROSÈ WINES - VENETO
                                                         150ml   bottle

PINOT GRIGIO ROSÈ DOC DELLE                              5,50€   22,00€
                                                                                           RED WINES - TOSCANA
PINOT GRIGIO Alc. 12%                                                                                                               150ml    bottle
Asciutto con un’acidità bilanciata e una nota
minerale nel finale                                                       ACINO D’ORO CHIANTI CLASSICO                              7,00€    35,00€
Dry with balanced acidity and mineral notes                               DOCG
in the finish                                                             SANGIOVESE, CABERNET, MERLOT Alc. 12,5%
                                                                          Characteristic, complex, with notes of ripe black
                                                                          berries and a good structure
                                                                          Caratteristico, complesso, con note di frutta
                                                                          matura a bacca nera e una buona struttura

                                                                          BRUNELLO DI MONTALCINO DOCG                               12,00€ 60,00€
                                                                          SANGIOVESE GROSSO Alc. 14%
                                                                          Dry, persistent, well-structured with elegant tannins,
                                                                          balsamic notes, hints of berries and violet
                                                                          Asciutto, con tannini eleganti, aromi balsamici,
                                                                          sentori di frutti di bosco e violetta
                                                        150ml    bottle
BOTTEGA 0 WHITE SPUMANTE                      5,00€             20,00€
BOTTEGA 0 WHITE Sparkling 0 Alcohol
Sweet, delicate and balanced with fresh scents of
apple, pear, acacia and white flowers
Dolce, delicato ed equilibrato, con freschi sentori
di mela gialla, pera, acacia e fiori bianchi


               BOTTEGA SPRITZ 		                                6,00€
               Limoncino Bottega, Il Vino dei Poeti Pro-
               secco DOC Brut, soda water
               Limoncino Bottega, Il Vino dei Poeti
               Prosecco DOC Brut, Soda

               VENETIAN SPRITZ 			                              6,00€
               Bitter Bottega, Il Vino dei Poeti Prosecco
               DOC Brut, soda water
               Bitter Bottega, Il Vino dei Poeti Prosecco
               DOC Brut, Soda

               GIN TONIC			                                     8,00€
               Bottega Gin Bacur, tonic water
               Bottega Gin Bacur, acqua tonica

               NEGRONI			                                       8,00€
               Bottega Gin Bacur, Bottega Vermouth
               Rosso, Bottega Bitter

               AMERICANO			                                     8,00€
               Bottega Vermouth Rosso, Bottega Bitter

ALEXANDER GRAPPA PROSECCO                                        3,50€
Pleasant, powerful, vigorous and elegant, with
prevalent hints of apple
Piacevole, potente, vigorosa ed elegante con                                                  SOFT DRINKS
sentori di mela

                                                                         MINERAL WATER - STILL 50CL                             2,00€
ALEXANDER EXQUISITE GRAPPA                                       4,50€   ACQUA MINERALE NATURALE 50CL
Intense with aromas of dried fruit, vanilla and spices                   ELITE MINERAL WATER - SPARKLING 75CL                   2,80€
Intensa, con sentori di frutta secca, vanigliati e speziati              ACQUA ELITE GASSATA 75CL

                                                                         SAN BENEDETTO MINERAL WATER - STILL 75CL               2,80€
                                                                         ACQUA SAN BENEDETTO NATURALE 75CL
                                                                         VARIOUS SOFT DRINKS                                    3,90€
                                                                         Coca Cola, Coca Cola Zero, Coca Cola Lemon Zero,
BITTER BOTTEGA			                                                4,50€   Fanta, Fanta Lemon, Sprite
Balanced, with citrus hints of chinotto and citron,
spicy tones and an original fruity note of pomegranate                   SCHWEPPES LEMON 50CL.			                               3,70€
Equilibrato, con sentori agrumati di chinotto e cedro,
toni speziati e un’originale nota fruttata di melagrana
                                                                         SCHWEPPES TONICA 50CL.			                              3,70€

                                                                         THE’ SAN BENEDETTO 50CL                                3,20€
                                                                         Limone/Lemon, Pesca/Peach, Verde/Green

                            VERMOUTH                                     TÈ VERDE CON MIELE                                     3,30€
                                                                         Green tea with honey
WHITE VERMOUTH		                                                 4,50€
VERMOUTH BIANCO                                                          TÈ VERDE CON MELOGRANO                                 3,30€
Velvety and charming, with spicy notes and citrus                        Green Tea with pomegranate
notes, mainly of bitter orange
Vellutato e ammaliante, con note speziate e agrumate                     TÈ FREDDO ALLA PESCA                                   3,30€
in particolare aroma di arancia amara
                                                                         Peach iced tea

                                                                         ACQUA VITAMIN SAN BENEDETTO                            3,00€
RED VERMOUTH                                                             Limone/Lemon, Kiwi-Mela-Melograno/Kiwi-Apple-
VERMOUTH ROSSO                                                   4,50€
Velvety and smooth with spice hints and herbaceous                       Pomegranate, Frutti rossi/Red fruits, Arancia/Orange
notes, particularly of radicchio
Vellutato e morbido con note speziate e note                             FRUIT JUICES                                           3,20€
erbacee, in particolare aroma di radicchio                               Ananas/Pineapple, Arancia/Orange, Pera/Pear, Pesca/
                                                                         Peach, Mirtillo/Blueberry, Mela/Apple, ACE

                                                                         CEDRATA CORTESE					                                   3,50€

                                VODKA                                    CHINOTTO CORTESE                                       3,50€

  ALEXANDER COLORS VODKA BIO                           ORGANIC   4,50€
  Morbida, delicata ed elegante
  Smooth, delicate and elegant
BOTTEGA CREAMS AND LIQUEURS                                                                                          DOLCI AL BICCHIERE
        CREME E LIQUORI BOTTEGA                                                                                           DESSERT BY THE GLASS

              ORGANIC                                                                               3,50 €   DESSERT BY THE GLASS - Bottega Tiramisù with        4,50€
LIMONCINO BIO                                                                                                Bottega Tiramisù cream liqueur and crumble of
Sweet and juicy, with intense aroma of ripe lemons                                                           Bussolà bisquits
Dolce e succoso con un intenso aroma di limoni maturi
                                                                                                             Dessert al bicchiere - Bottega Tiramisù con Crema
                                                                                                             Tiramisù Bottega e crumble di biscotti Bussolà
PANNACOTTA CREAM LIQUEUR                                                                            3,50 €
Delicato profumo di panna, con note di vaniglia e un
fragrante aroma di latte in chiusura
Delicate scent of cream, with notes of vanilla and a
fragrant aroma of milk aftertaste
                                                       I F I CA
                                                    RT          T

PISTACHIO CREAM LIQUEUR		                                                                           3,50 €


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Soft and delicate with an intense aroma of pistachio
and delicate hints of almond
Morbida e delicata con un intenso aroma di
pistacchio e delicati sentori di mandorla                                                                                      CAFFÈ SPECIALI
                                                                                                                              SPECIAL COFFEES
TIRAMISÙ CREAM LIQUEUR			                                                                           3,50 €
TIRAMISÙ                                                                                                     ESPRESSO COFFEE WITH BOTTEGA GIANDUIA 3,50€
Harmonious balance among Savoiardo biscuits,
coffee and cocoa with hints of cream and mascarpone                                                          CREAM LIQUEUR, MILK CREAM, COCOA POWDER
Armonioso equilibrio di cacao, caffè e                                                                       Macchiato Gianduia
savoiardo con sentori di panna e mascarpone
                                                                                                             ESPRESSO COFFEE WITH BOTTEGA TIRAMISÙ  3,50€
                                                                                                             CREAM LIQUEUR, MILK CREAM, COCOA POWDER
                                                                                   I F I CA
                                                                                RT          T

DARK GIANDUIA CREAM LIQUEUR		                                                                       3,50 €


                                                                                                             Macchiato Tiramisù
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Hints of toasted hazelnuts and delicious dark
Sentori di nocciola tostata e di prelibato cioccolato

STAR ANISE LIQUEUR                                                                                  4,50 €
Harmonious with persistent scents of anise
Armonico con persistenti sentori di anice

ELIXIR AMARO			                                                                                     4,50 €
Fresh and scented, with a rich bouquet of alpine herbs
and delicate hints of underbrush
Fresco e profumato, con un ricco bouquet di erbe
alpine e delicati sentori di sottobosco
SOYA MILK COFFEE                                                  2,40€
                                                  Caffè e Latte di Soia

                     CAFFETTERIA                  DOUBLE CAPPUCCINO WITH SOYA MILK                                  4,10€
                                                  Cappuccino Doppio con Latte di Soia
ESPRESSO                                  1,70€
Caffè                                             CAMOMILE                                                          3,10€
CAFFEINE-FREE ESPRESSO                    1,80€
Caffè Decaffeinato                                TEA                                                               3,10€
BARLEY ESPRESSO                           1,80€
Caffè D’orzo                                      FRESH ORANGE JUICE                                                4,60€
                                                  Spremuta di Arance
AMERICAN COFFEE                           3,50€
Caffè Americano                                   GLASS OF WATER                                                    1,00€
                                                  Acqua Minerale in Bicchiere
BIG GINSENG COFFEE                        2,50€
Caffè Ginseng Grande

SMALL GINSENG COFFEE                      2,30€
Caffè Ginseng Piccolo

CAPPUCCINO                                2,40€

CAFFEINE-FREE CAPPUCCINO                  2,50€
Cappuccino Decaffeinato

BARLEY CAPPUCCINO                         2,50€   BOTTEGA GOLD PROSECCO DOC                                         5,00 €
Cappuccino D’orzo                                 SPUMANTE BRUT - 20CL
                                                                                                   I F I CA
                                                                                                RT          T


                                          2,40€   BOTTEGA ROSE GOLD SPUMANTE - 20CL                                 5,00 €


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Caffè e Latte                                                                           VEGAN

CAFFEINE-FREE/BARLEY MILK COFFEE          2,50€   IL VINO DELL’AMORE PETALO MOSCATO                                 5,00 €
Caffè e Latte Decaffeinato/Orzo                   - 20CL

ESPRESSO WITH MILK                        1,90€
Macchiatone                                       SPRITZ PRONOL - 20CL                                              5,00 €

Macchiatone Decaffeinato/Orzo
                                                        WHY DON’T YOU PAIR WITH ONE OF
                                          1,90€          OUR CICCHETTI / SNACKS TO GO
Marocchino                                              freshly made with passion
DOUBLE CAPPUCCINO                         4,10€
                                                                 for you?
Cappuccino Doppio

DOUBLE ESPRESSO                           3,10€
Espresso Doppio

FLAT WHITE                                1,90€
Latte in Bicchiere

CAPPUCCINO WITH SOYA MILK                 2,40€
Cappuccino con Latte di Soia

ESPRESSO WITH SOYA MILK                   1,90€
Macchiatone con Latte di Soia
@bottegagold                    #bottegaproseccobar #bottegamoments

V This item is suitable for vegetarians
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