Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference

Page created by Harold Barnes
Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
Celebrating 14 Years!
Top Hat                          Theatre

     2018-2019 Performing Arts Season
       Barry J. Houglum Auditorium
        27 2nd Street NW, Ulen, MN 56585
Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
Welcome to our exciting 14th season, which includes a variety of great entertainment at an exceptional value! Remember, this is only possible because of the important
partnerships within our community — Friends of the Theatre, business sponsors, and the school district. We invite you to enjoy this season and all that it has to offer!

All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays, except for Buckets and Tap Shoes on Friday, May 10, 2019, at the Barry J. Houglum Auditorium, Ulen, Minnesota.

In the event a performance is cancelled due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, Top Hat Theatre will make every effort to reschedule the
performance. However, we can make no guarantees due to booking schedules of performers. If the weather is questionable, please check Top Hat Theatre’s Facebook
page or call 218-596-8262 for a recorded message. You can also sign up on Top Hat Theatre’s website to receive direct email message

Season Tickets in Person
Season tickets are available at the Ulen-Hitterdal School office, Northwestern Bank in Ulen, and State Bank of Lake Park in Hitterdal. Cost is $75 for an individual ticket
and $160 for a family (2 adults and 2 students; add $5 for each additional student).

Season Tickets by Mail
Send check to Ulen-Hitterdal School, PO Box 389, Ulen, MN 56585 (see form on
pg. 7). You can either pick up opening night, or pay $2 mailing fee.

Single Performance Tickets
($18 adult, $10 student) Tickets are available in the school office, or they may be
reserved by calling 218-596-8853 or by email to Therese Vogel at, and then picked up at the door the night of the
show. They may also be ordered by credit card through Top Hat Theatre’s website: with no extra fees. Tickets will also be sold at the door
unless a performance sells out.

2                                                                                                                     Top Hat Theatre
Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
Vitaly - An Evening of Wonders                                                                  The Hunts
                                                           October 13, 2018                                                                             November 3, 2018
Master illusionist Vitaly Beckman has mystified fans from all over the world, including Las    The Hunts are an indie-alternative-folk band comprised of seven brothers and sisters.
Vegas superstars Penn & Teller whom he has successfully fooled in their hit TV show, Fool      Born and raised in the south lands of Chesapeake, Virginia, the siblings grew up in a
Us. Vitaly’s signature illusions leave even the most jaded audience awestruck, with many       musical home and fell in love with composing their own music. Josh (guitar, lead vocals),
coming back to re-experience his jaw-dropping feats.                                           Jenni (violin, lead vocals), Jonathan (keys, vocals), Jordan (drums, vocals), Justin (bass,
                                                                                               vocals), Jamison (mandolin, vocals), and Jessi (viola, banjo, vocals) pour their blood,
                                                     Hailed as one of the most captivating     sweat, and tears into every song and strive to write music that moves hearts with beauty,
                                                     and enjoyable illusionists performing     power, and joy.
                                                     in the world today, Vitaly breathes
                                                     innovation and artistry into the field
                                                     of magic. He invented every single
                                                     illusion in his stage show, An Evening
                                                     of Wonders, treating spectators to
                                                     theatrical entertainment not seen
                                                     anywhere else in the world. Faces
                                                     that disappear from drivers’ licenses.
                                                     Paintbrushes that paint on their own.
                                                     Photographs that literally come to life
                                                     right before your eyes. Brace yourself
                                                     for a whole new take on magic, and
                                                     step into Vitaly’s world.

Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
The Holy Rocka Rollaz                                                                           Country Roads                                                January 12, 2019

Holiday Show                                                December 8, 2018
                                                                                                                                             - A Tribute to John Denver
                                                                                                Headlined by Dennis Curley, Country Roads is a tribute show to one of America’s best-loved
                                                                                                performers and draws deeply on Curley’s own love of John Denver’s music. Backed by a
If you like your Christmas music fun, festive, and in the spirit of 1950s early American rock   fantastic six-piece band, Curley’s renditions of the music of John Denver are sure to bring a
’n’ roll . . . why . . . you’ve found your dream concert! At times you’ll really think, “Hey,   smile to audience members of all ages. Some of the featured tunes include “Take Me Home,
Buddy Holly sent us a Christmas record from rock ’n’ roll heaven!”                              Country Roads,” “Rocky Mountain High,” “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” and “Thank God I’m a
                                                                                                Country Boy.” Frontman Dennis Curley intersperses the songs with personal recollections of
                                                                 Their show features classics   growing up with John Denver’s music, as well as stories from friends and family that will
                                                                 from the ’50s — and all        touch your heart and tickle your funny bone.
                                                                 with a holiday twist.

Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
Stevie Ray’s Improv - The Life and Death Comedy Show                                                                                                                February 9, 2019

Let’s face it . . . end-of-life planning isn’t typical dinner talk. But nothing is more important than making decisions about how you or a loved one will meet the end. The end of life is a subject
we all avoid; Stevie Ray says, “No matter how old we are, we all think we have one more year.” That’s why the folks at Stevie Ray’s Improv Company worked with healthcare professionals
from major organizations in Minnesota to create The Life and Death Comedy Show: Celebrate One While Preparing for the Other: “a hilarious look at how to prepare for the inevitable”!

Stevie Ray’s Comedy Troupe is in the business of making people laugh, and they have created a show that makes talking about the end of life less stressful. Ray says, “The show doesn’t
make fun of death; it pokes fun at how silly it is that we avoid talking about the one inevitable part of life.” The show will leave you in stitches and will take the fear out of having “the
talk” with your family.

This activity is made possible by the voters
of Minnesota through grants from the Lake
Region Arts Council, thanks to a legislative
appropriation from the Arts and Cultural
Heritage fund.

Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
7th Avenue Band                                                                                Buckets and Tap Shoes
                                                                  March 9, 2019                Friday, May 10, 2019
From the mind of Chris Rupp, founder of Home Free and “The Chris Rupp Project,” comes a        Minneapolis-born brothers Rick and Andy Ausland comprise the heart of Buckets and Tap
vocal quartet ready to forge a new identity in the music world. Each member has a unique       Shoes, and they will bring their high-energy blend of music, dance, and drumming from
musical and performance background, allowing for exciting possibilities. Combining             the streets of Minneapolis to the Top Hat stage.
elements of pop, swing, rockabilly, country, and much more, 7th Ave aims to reinvent and
uproot the standard definitions of all of those genres through its innovative arrangements.    These multi-talented performers
On top of all that, the vocal quartet will be joined by their backing band and the spectacle   take audiences on a rhythmic
of a light show.                                                            journey using percussion
                                                                                               instruments including tap
                                                                                               shoes, found objects, drums,
                                                                                               and buckets. They use humor
                                                                                               and wit, and engage each other
                                                                                               and the audience with their
                                                                                               dancing, which is filled with
                                                                                               footwork at breakneck speed.
                                                                                               Percussion pours through them,
                                                                                               and the rhythms of hip-hop,
                                                                                               rock, and R&B spin through the

Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
Become a “Friend of the Theatre”                                                Season Tickets Available Through November 3, 2018
An annual contribution is an important way for you to show your support of the arts in our community and
to contribute to the experiences that have been close to your heart. Consider making a donation. Please                        Mail Ticket Order Form
complete the membership form below and return with your donation. Thank you!
                                                                                                             ______individual season @ $75 each             $__________
                                        Soloist       Chorus      Director  Producer  Corporate              ______family season @ $160                     $__________
 Benefits of Membership:               $25-$49       $50-$99     $100-$199 $200-$499 $500 & Over
 Tax-Deductible Donation                  x             x            x         x          x                  $2 mailing fee (or pick up at the door)        $__________
 Name on Plaque                                         x            x         x          x                              Total Enclosed                     $__________
 Name in Program                                                     x         x          x
 Reception with Performer                                            x         x          x                  Name        ______________________________
 Two Single Complimentary Tickets                                    x         x          x                  Address     ______________________________
 Two Season Tickets                                                                       x
                                                                                                             Phone       ______________________________

                                                                                                             Email       ______________________________

                          Friend of the Theatre                               Please indicate your level of support below. Please check one.
                                                                                                                                                 Please make checks payable to
                        2018-2019 Membership Form
                                                                                 Soloist    Chorus    Director     Producer  Corporate           Ulen-Hitterdal School and mail
                Yes, I/we wish to support the Top Hat Theatre.
                                                                                $25-$49    $50-$99   $100-$199    $200-$499 $500 & Over          or drop off to
  Name ________________ Address _________________
                                                                                                                                                       Ulen-Hitterdal School
                                                                             How would you like your program listing to read?
  City________________ State ________ Zip _________                                                                                                        P.O. Box 389
                                                                             _________________________________                                           Ulen, MN 56585
  Telephone ______________ Email _________________                           _____I/we do not wish to be listed on programs.

Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
October 13, 2018

     Vitaly - An Evening of Wonders                         Non-Profit Organization
                                                            US Postage
           November 3, 2018                                 PAID
                                                            Permit #5
              The Hunts                                     Ulen, MN 56585
                                           P.O. Box 389
           December 8, 2018                Ulen, MN 56585

    The Holy Rocka Rollaz

           Holiday Show

            January 12, 2019

Country Roads - A Tribute to John Denver

            February 9, 2019

       Stevie Ray’s Improv

       - The Life and Death Comedy Show

              March 9, 2019

         7th Avenue Band

         Friday, May 10, 2019

     Buckets and Tap Shoes
Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference Theatre - Pine to Prairie Conference
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