Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...

Page created by Tyrone Silva
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
Season 2021
Sponsorship Opportunities

A proud history - An exciting future
          GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
Get behind the grand ‘ol green and white in 2021

Senior coaching team for season 2021
L-R Football - Simon Maddox and Andrew Walker. Netball - Steph Vick and Belinda Lees.
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
2021 – We look forward with optimism
                                                                                                                                                                                       Community Partners.

What an interesting year 2020 was on so many levels.         cover our costs this year. Where possible, can we all         that we are strong, sustainable and successful for a long
With so much optimism around our club we were well           please support our sponsors because we need                   time to come.
prepared early in the year to have a great year as a club.   to support those who support us.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Major Sponsors.
                                                                                                                           We look forward to continuing to work with our loyal
For our U/18’s, U/17’s, U/16’s & U/15’s to only be able to   We believe we are really well placed from a netball and       sponsors and we welcome prospective new sponsors
play one GV game was disappointing but one was better        football perspective with the reappointment of the majority   who join un for what is sure to be a very exciting
than none and we found that we have a very bright future     of our 2020 coaches and the recommitment of a very            2021 season.
moving forward based on the talent that was on display       high percentage of our 2020 playing group.
when we played Shepparton Bears.                                                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                             Even though there was minimal activity on the courts and      Ash Byrne,
I would like to sincerely thank all of our sponsors.         oval, as a committee we have been working hard off the        President - Echuca Football Netball Club
Many had very difficult times during the year and we look    ground with our preparations for 2021 and beyond and
forward to them bouncing back as well as they can.           we are really pleased with the new committee members
                                                             who are coming on board to help.
We sincerely thank those who have been able to
continue with their support which has enabled us to          We have been focussing on our club structures to ensure

Support for our sponsor businesses
Hopefully, with the uncertainties of 2020 behind us,we       provide a sizeable marketing niche in which to promote        review the packages in this brochure which summarises
can look forward to some stability in the year ahead         your business. While local promotion and community            our sponsor partnerships. However, should your needs
with community sport resuming normal proceedings.            involvement may be your priority, your exposure also          be somewhat different we are confident we can tailor a
                                                             extends across the Goulburn Valley from Echuca to             package to suit your budget/requirements.
As such, we proudly present to both existing & potential     Mansfield.
sponsors, the 2021 Sponsorship packages booklet.                                                                           Please feel free to contact any member of our Mar-
Our club has adopted the mantra “Support those who           In recent years we have introduced our Sponsor                keting Team to discuss how we can build a lasting &
support us”, & this message to our members has never         Directory promoting greater awareness among                   successful partnership.
been more pertinent as our business partners recover         players & supporters of our sponsor services.                 Welcome aboard for 2021.
from 2020.
                                                             We have also revamped the EFNC website                        David Wilson
The Echuca Football Netball Club has grown to be             providing greater sponsor recognition, and along with         Chair- EFNC Marketing Sub Committee
a large community sports club providing a healthy,           increasing social media exposure we continue to
family friendly environment for some 450+ men,women          pursue new initiatives for sponsor promotion.
and youngsters (including Auskickers) to play sport.
Along with their families and supporters, we can             As a current or potential sponsor,we encourage you to
                                                                                                                                                                                          Media Partners

ECHUCA FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB INC. 2020 MARKETING COMMITTEE. Please contact the following people on our Marketing Team for further information.
David Wilson 0418 575 635              Ash Byrne 0438 802 358		             Geoff Kelly 0419 009 837		               Dean Brooks 0407 167 888
Dave Connally 0418991714               Neil Corbett 0418 597 262		          Mick Devlin 0418584029
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
A proud history - An exciting future.   Photo courtesy of Riverine Herald
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
Henry Hopwood Platinum Package
Energetic and resilient, founder of Echuca in 1853, Henry Hopwood’s vision and passion put Echuca on the map.

$6000 (includes G.S.T)
1. Ten single memberships: This entitles entry to all home games of the Echuca Football Netball Club, at Victoria Park, during season 2021.
2. Six invites to our Annual Sponsors’ Lunch: Enjoy gourmet catering and refreshments, along with fellow Sponsors, while watching the game at Victoria Park..
3. Two Rags to Riches tickets. Chance to win big prizes in our annual “all inclusive” event.
4. Promotion and Advertising includes:
   * Prime Ground Signage: This also includes the summer cricket season for 12 months exposure at Victoria Park Oval. (production of sign and any updates at sponsor’s expense.)
   * Prominent advertisement in Sponsor Business Directory, distributed to all EFNC players and members and cirulated throughout Echuca CBD.
   * Display your business logo (with link to your website) on the homepage of EFNC’s newly created website.
   * Inclusion on Club Power Point Presentation promoting your business at major Club functions and at home games.
   * Recognition in Club’s Annual Report.
5. Sponsor of the week Promotion: You will be allocated a week leading up to a home game when your business will be given promotion priority, and an invitation to attend our
Thursday training tea, and additional entry tickets to the game (for your clients).
A special opportunity to promote your business within the Club, via EFNC social media and the GVL Weekender. Please discuss your options with the Marketing Team.
6. Sponsorship of Echuca’s Junior, Women’s Football and Netball Clubs.

Payment Installation Options: 10 equal payments of $600 from January through to October as a direct debit structure. Echuca Football & Netball Club Incorporated BSB 013 620 ACC 2847 05407

Fun facts...
Echucafnc Facebook: More than 2,500 followers. Average: 2,200 views per day, 15,400 views per week or 780,000 views per annum
Echuca FNC Instagram: 1380 Followers and growing
Formed in 1876 EFC played against sides such as Cummeragunja, and the Sandhill Tigers.
Season 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities - A proud history - An exciting future GVL Champion Club 2018 & 2019 - Echuca Football Netball ...
A proud history - An exciting future.   Photo courtesy of Riverine Herald
James Maiden Diamond Package
Establishing a punt accross the Murray River in 1845, James Maiden is reguarded as the founder of Moama town.

$3000 (includes G.S.T)
1. Six single memberships: This entitles entry to all home games of the Echuca Football Netball Club, at Victoria Park, during season 2021.
2. Four invites to our Annual Sponsors’ Lunch: Enjoy gourmet catering and refreshments along with fellow Sponsors while watching the game at Victoria Park.
3. Two Rags to Riches tickets: Chance to win big prizes in our annual event.
4. Promotion and Advertising includes:
   * Prime Ground Signage: 12 months exposure at Victoria Park oval. (production of sign and any updates at sponsor’s expense)
   * Promotion in Sponsor Business Directory, distributed to all EFNC players and members and cirulated throughout Echuca CBD.
   * Display your business logo (with link to your website) in the Sponsor section of the EFNC’s newly created website
   * Inclusion on Power Point Presentation: Promoting your business at major Club functions and at home games
   * Recognition in Club’s Annual Report
5. Sponsorship of Echuca’s Junior, Women’s Football and Netball Clubs

Payment Installation Options: 10 equal payments of $300 from January through to October as a direct debit structure. Echuca Football & Netball Club Incorporated BSB 013 620 ACC 2847 05407

Justice James Shackell Gold Package
James Shackell - inaugural president of The Echuca Football Club in 1876. Mayor of Echuca on numerous occasions and Victorian Parliamentarian. (Seat of Rodney 1883-1892)

$2000 (includes G.S.T.)
1. Four single memberships: This entitles entry to all home games of the Echuca Football Netball Club, at Victoria Park, during season 2021.
2. Three invites to our Annual Sponsors’ Lunch: Enjoy gourmet catering and refreshments along with fellow Sponsors while watching the game at Victoria Park.
3. One Rags to Riches ticket: Chance to win big prizes in our Annual event.
4. Promotion and Advertising
   * Fence Signage:12 months exposure at Victoria Park oval. (production of sign and any updates at sponsor’s expense)
   * Listing in Sponsor Business Directory, distributed to all EFNC players and members and cirulated throughout Echuca CBD
   * Listing in Sponsor section of EFNC newly created website
   * Inclusion on Power Point Presentation: Promoting your business at major Club functions and at home games
   * Recognition in Club’s Annual Report
5. Sponsorship of Echuca’s Junior, Women’s Football and Netball Clubs

Payment Installation Options: 5 equal payments of $400 from February through to June as a direct debit structure. Echuca Football & Netball Club Incorporated BSB 013 620 ACC 2847 05407
A proud history - An exciting future.   Photo courtesy of Riverine Herald
William Kemp Silver Package
Willian Kemp - inaugural captain and committeeman of The Echuca Football Club in 1876.

$1000 (includes G.S.T)
1. Three single memberships: This entitles entry to all home games of the Echuca Football Netball Club, at Victoria Park, during season 2021.
2. Two invites to our Annual Sponsors’ Lunch: Enjoy gourmet catering and refreshments along with fellow Sponsors while watching the game at Victoria Park..
3. Promotion and Advertising
   * Fence Signage:12 months exposure at Victoria Park oval. (production of sign and any updates at sponsor’s expense)
   * Listing in Sponsor Business Directory, distributed to all EFNC players and members and cirulated throughout Echuca CBD
   * Listing in Sponsor section of EFNC newly created website
   * Inclusion on Power Point Presentation: Promoting your business at major Club functions and at home games
   * Recognition in Club’s Annual Report
4. Sponsorship of Echuca’s Junior, Women’s Football and Netball Clubs

* Payment Installation Options: 5 equal payments of $200 from February through to June as a direct debit structure. Echuca Football & Netball Club Incorporated BSB 013 620 ACC 2847 05407

Len Wigraft Bronze Package
Len Wigcraft - Fitzroy Football Club Hall of fame member, Len coached Echuca Football Club to its first premiership in 1928.

$750 (includes G.S.T.)
1. Two Single Memberships: This entitles entry to all home games of the Echuca Football Netball Club, at Victoria Park, during season 2021.
2. One invite to our Annual Sponsors’ Lunch: Enjoy gourmet catering and refreshments along with fellow sponsors while watching the game at Victoria Park.
3. Promotion and Advertising
   * Fence Signage:12 months exposure at Victoria Park oval. (production of sign and any updates at sponsor’s expense)
   * Listing in Sponsor Business Directory, distributed to all EFNC players and members and cirulated throughout Echuca CBD
   * Listing in Sponsor section of EFNC newly created website
   * Inclusion on Power Point Presentation: Promoting your business at major Club functions and at home games
   * Recognition in Club’s Annual Report
4. Sponsorship of Echuca’s Junior, Women’s Football and Netball Clubs

Payment Installation Options: 5 equal payments of $150 from February through to June as a direct debit structure. Echuca Football & Netball Club Incorporated BSB 013 620 ACC 2847 05407

Fun facts...
In the last 145 years Echuca Football Club has played more than 7250 games of competitive football across all grades.
A proud history - An exciting future.
                                        Photo courtesy of Riverine Herald
2021 Sponsorship Pledge.
Sponsor Name:............................................................................................................................................................................................................

E-mail address:............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Mob. Ph. No:...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Business Ph. No:.........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Best Contact Person:...................................................................................................................................................................................................

Do you have a company/business logo? ❏ YES ❏ NO (If YES, can you send in jpeg format to

I would like to talk to a representative of the Sponsorship/Marketing Committee about my/our company’s sponsorship package. ❏ YES ❏ NO

I would like to sponsor to the following level for season 2021:
❏ Platinum ❏ Diamond ❏ Gold ❏ Silver ❏ Bronze

I would like to pay my sponsorship via:
❏ EFT ❏ Cheque ❏ Direct Debit

❏ I will not be updating my existing sign at Victoria Park.

Echuca Football & Netball Club Inc.
BSB 013 620
ACC 2847 05407
P.O. Box 317 Echuca Victoria, 3564.
The Grand Old Green and White - Murray Bombers.        VFL / AFL Representatives from Echuca:
Affiliated with the Goulburn Valley Football League    P. O’Brien (Carlton)
since 1974, after a long and successful history with   K. O’Neil (Richmond)
the Bendigo Football League.                           K. Christie (Melbourne)
                                                       K. Betson (Richmond)
GVL Honour Roll                                        N. O’Brien (Carlton)
Senior Premiers: 1977, 1979, 1997, 2001, 2002          G. Rosenow (Geelong)
Reserves Premiers: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978,             G. Landy (Geelong / Richmond)
1995, 1996, 2007                                       D. Cameron (Geelong / Brisbane Bears)
Thirds Premiers: 1976, 1994, 2008, 2018, 2019          M. Rolfe (Richmond)
GVFL Champion Club: 1976, 1977, 1994, 1995,            A. Thomson (Sydney Swans)
1996, 1997, 2018, 2019                                 A. Preston (Geelong / Richmond / Footscray)
Senior Grand Finals: 11 occasions                      A. Walker (Carlton) – 2003 Selected No 2 in AFL Draft
Senior Finals Series: 26 seasons                       P. Brown (Geelong)
                                                       D. Whyman (Kangaroos) - 2006
Morrison Medal Winners:                                D. Connors (Richmond) – 2006
       B.A. Kennaugh (1986)                            E. Connors (St Kilda) - 2007
       S.F. Eishold (1995)                             J. Williams (Hawthorn) – 2010
       S. Orr (1997)                                   O. Wines (Port Adelaide) - 2012
       C. Sholl (2001)                                 B. Kemp (Carlton) - 2019
       R. Archard (2003)
       C. Durie (2006)                                 NETBALL HISTORY
       K. Height (2010)                                In 1981 Echuca joined the competition when netball
       S. Buckley (2016 & 2017)                        was introduced into the Goulburn Valley Football League.
                                                       A Grade Premiers: 1984, 1996, 2018
VFL / AFL Players to Coach Echuca:                     B Grade Premiers: 1984, 1986, 2013, 2015
        L. Wigraft (1928)                              B Reserve Premiers: 1996, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008
        B. Randall (1947-1950)                         Under 17 Premiers: 2018
        J. Clarke (1952)
        W. Serong (1963-1964)                          Wellman Family Medal:
        J. Knox (1967-1968)                                   Jenny Hillier (1987)
        G.F. Arthur (1969-1974)                               Penny Reinehr (1995)
        M.M. Demaine (1975)                                   Sharon Elliot (2001)
        J. Berry (1985-1987)                           B Grade League Best & Fairest:
        C. Smith (1988)                                       Jody Floyd (1993)
        S. Eishold (1994-1998)                         B Reserve League Best & Fairest:
        K. Sheldon (2000-2001)                                Jackie Welch (2003)
        A. Byrne (2002-2004)                           Under 17 League Best & Fairest:
        A. Walker (2017-2021)                                 Angela Slattery (2012)

                                                       A proud history - An exciting future.
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