Page created by Howard Murphy

                                      Pre-recorded Content Viewing Dates            Live Login Viewing Dates

                                      Thursday 15th October – Hepatic      Thursday 22nd October – Hepatic
                                      Friday 23 October – Pancreatic
                                                                           Thursday 29th October – Pancreatic
                                      Friday 30 October – Biliary
                                                                           Thursday 5th November – Biliary
                                                                           Saturday 7th November - Fellows’ Weekend

                                           2:30pm – 5:30pm AEDT
                                           4:30pm – 7:30pm NZDT
On behalf of the Australian and New Zealand                   We are looking forward to the submitted research
Hepatobiliary Association, it is my pleasure to invite you    presentations, and for the first-time video abstracts.
to participate in our annual virtual meeting that will be
held on the 22nd, 29th of October, and 5th of November        We will be facilitating chat rooms and networking
this year 2020.                                               opportunities, and there will be a sponsored breakout
                                                              session and an ANZHPBA hosted discussion room on
The meeting will be focusing on technical aspects in each     each of the live virtual days.
of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary surgery spread over 3
weeks. We have developed an exciting program that we          The meeting’s content will be available for registrants to
will allow our fraternity to share and learn from our         view throughout the weeks of the meeting and for 3
national experts.                                             months after. Attendance of the meeting will be eligible
                                                              for CPD points.
The program will deliver a full academic content similar to
that of a regular conference. Each week will focus on one     We look forward to seeing you all virtually in what we
aspect of HPB and will be delivered in a unique self-paced    promise to be a unique and exciting program.
style in order to facilitate maximum opportunity to
review the entirety of the program. Each week will
                                                              On behalf of ANZHPBA
culminate with a live session on the advertised dates
where we will discuss the material presented buy our          Mohammed Ballal
experts and a live technical video session.                   Program Convenor

We have also facilitated a virtual environment to engage
with our industry sponsors and partners. This will allow us   Co-Convenors
to review new developments from industry in the field of      Mayank Bhandari - Hepatic Week
HPB. Our partners would also be able to deliver their         Laurence Webber - Pancreatic Week
information material to you avoiding conflict of missing      Mandivavarira Maundura - Biliary Week
sessions and presentations.
In light of the unprecedented changes altering how we communicate in today’s world, our state-of-the-art virtual meeting technology will allow attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers
to connect in a secure space to present, showcase, learn, network and discuss business online. As we leverage off innovative ways to social distance, the convenience of online technology
connects people from anywhere in the world, on any device. While easing the burden for travel, time and financial constraints, virtual events have the capacity to attract a larger number of
attendees compared to a traditional meeting. Last year’s traditional ANZHPBA Meeting had 143 registered delegates attend onsite.


Reduced Sponsorship Cost         Reach a Wider Audience          Extended Viewing                Timeline/Agenda                 Meeting Hub          Exhibitor Room          Live Sessions

    No travel expenses.            Easy online accessibility      The virtual meeting              A live agenda of                A timeslot is       A virtual space     Speaker presentations
    No spend for stand            opens the meeting up to       can be revisited anytime         sessions, workshops            dedicated to meet     where exhibitors     with attendees being
   builds, print materials         a world wide audience.       for a three month period           and sponsorship            attendees, exchange       can showcase         able to contribute
        and freight.                                              after the live dates.           advertisements on            contact details and    their services and    with live polling and
                                                                                                one easy view screen.              talk business.     products online.            Q & A.

                                                                           The sessions on the pre-recorded dates are available for self-paced
                                                                           viewing up to one week before the live login dates. The pre-recorded
                                                                           sessions need to be viewed before you login for the live virtual meeting
                                                                           dates. Any questions about the presentation can be posted via the
                                                                           portal in order for chairs to discuss during the live session.
SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS                                          SPONSOR OF THE “PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD”
                                                             (ONE OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE)
All prices include GST
                                                             At the time of this sponsorship prospectus being released, delegates are submitting their abstracts for e-posters,
                                                             e-videos and e-presentations (short 3mins). From the e-presentations, there will be six selected for a 10 minute
                                                             ‘Best Paper Presentation’ in the program over the three days. The delegates will vote for the best from each of
                                                             these four categories: e-Posters, e-Videos, e-Presentations, Best Paper Presentations. Each e-winner will receive a
                                                             prize being a $250 gift voucher from an educational publication supplier in their field of speciality. The best paper
                                                             presentation winner will receive a complimentary registration to the 2021 ANZHPBA Meeting, worth $650.
  SPONSOR PACKAGE A                                          • The sponsor will have naming rights for the People’s Choice Awards.
  • One EXHIBITION STAND PACKAGE.                            • Advertising space on the page where the e-Posters, e-Videos and e-Presentations are viewed.
  • One VIRTUAL SATCHEL Insert.                              • The President will acknowledge the sponsor when he announces the people’s choice winners of each category,
  • One SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT.                                 during the closing remarks in the meeting program.

                                                                                                      $1000                                                            $1000
                                                  $1,200     SPONSOR BANNER
  SPONSOR PACKAGE B                                          ADVERTISEMENT (ONLY 5 AVAILABLE)                                 1.5 MINUTE ADVERTISEMENT
  • One VIRTUAL SATCHEL Insert.                              Rotating every few seconds and positioned at the                 Two available on each of the live dates, run prior to
  • One SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT.                               top of the timeline for all themed pre-recorded and              the afternoon session of Prime Time Industry Technical
                                                             live sessions. Click here to visualise.                          Presentations (60 minutes).

  VIRTUAL EXHIBITION                                                                                   $850                                                             $500
  STAND PACKAGE                                              VIRTUAL SATCHEL INSERT                                           ADVERTISEMENT
  Refer to next page for VIRTUAL STAND EXHIBITION package.                                                                    One SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT
                                                             Refer to next page for VIRTUAL SATCHEL INSERT.
                                                                                                                              Refer to next page for Sponsored Advertisement.

  SPONSORED SESSION                               $1,500
                                                                                                       $250                                                             $150
  (ONLY THREE AVAILABLE)                                     INDIVIDUAL SPONSOR                                                INDIVIDUAL SPONSOR
  Have the opportunity to be aligned with a world renowned   REGISTRATION - 1                                                  REGISTRATION - 2
  speaker. See description on next page. Your SPONSORED      Full registration, plus have behind the scene access
  SESSION will be promoted with your logo on the timeline.                                                                      Full registration.
                                                             to be live in your exhibition stand.
                                                                                                World renowned speakers will present for 15 minutes in your sponsored session. Prof Iain
                                                                                                Cameron will present on the “Hepatic” live date. Prof Cameron is the lead of HPB service

                                                                                                in Nottingham and an executive member of AUGIS UK. His presentation will discuss
                                                                                                delivery of HPB service during COVID-19, a UK experience. Prof Paula Ghaneh will present
• A Virtual Exhibition stand branded with your logo (refer to the video link below to see all   on the “Pancreatic” live date. Prof Ghaneh is Senior Lecturer (Clin) Molecular and Clinical
 the features). Open for 45 minutes before and after the 3-hour meeting, and for 20 minutes     Cancer Medicine, University of Liverpool. Her presentation will be based on the ESPAC
 during the concurrent ‘open discussion and catering break’ session on each of the 3 days.      trial. A speaker for the “Biliary” live date is still being finalised.

                                                                                                SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENT
• Your logo, company profile and overview of your products in the main exhibition area for
 delegates to click on and enter your stand.
                                                                                                Between every presentation in the program timeline on the pre-recorded viewing dates,
• Two Registrations for your representatives to be live and present in your Exhibition Stand,
                                                                                                there will be a 30 second advertisement opportunity for sponsors to showcase themselves.
 to interact with delegates (these registrations also include access to the whole virtual
                                                                                                This could be a still advertisement or it could be a 30 second video showcasing your product
                                                                                                or service.
• Up to five brochures and/or videos that you can upload for delegates to access in your
  exhibition stand.

• Connect with delegates Face to Face in the Meeting Hub section of your exhibition stand
 and where you may have a live discussion or wish to perform a live demonstration on your
 product. And, you have the option to record your live discussion.

• A delegate list of all consenting attendees who registered and signed into the virtual
 meeting, provided post-event.

  Click here for Explainer Video
                                                                                                VIRTUAL SATCHEL INSERT
                                                                                                A Virtual Satchel will be sent to every delegate before the virtual meeting dates. Sponsors
                                                                                                may have one promotional brochure or video to be included as an insert. Video should be
                                                                                                no longer than 30 seconds.
                     VIRTUAL MEETING - ANZHPBA 2020
SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION APPLICATION                                                                                 All prices listed in the sponsorship prospectus are in AUD and include GST.

                                                                                                                  1. A completed booking form is required to confirm and allocate
                                                                                                                     sponsorship. Upon receipt of the completed online booking form, the
                                                                                                                     Conference Organiser will confirm sponsorship in writing, send the
                         Click here to appy for sponsorship                                                          exhibitor briefing notes and forward a tax invoice for payment.

                                                                                                                  2. Sponsorship acceptance will be allocated on a ‘first come’ basis. Payment

Once you formally apply for sponsorship, you will receive a tax invoice along with instructions, specifications      does not have to accompany the booking form.
and deadlines for advertisements. You will also be sent a link to the exhibition portal where you can upload         The full amount and is due before 30 days from date of invoice.
      content, and register your people who will be live and present in your virtual exhibition stand.               Sponsorship/ Virtual Exhibitors shall not be displayed until all monies
                                                                                                                     owing are paid in full.

                                                                                                                  3. Acceptance of sponsorship and virtual exhibition offers is at the discretion
                                                                                                                     of the Organising Committee.

                                                                                                                  4. Cancellation Policy: At least one months’ notice of sponsorship

                                SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS                                                                  cancellation, in writing, is required for confirmed sponsorship. Therefore,
                                All prices include GST                                                               cancellations made before 15th September 2020 will be refunded (less a
                                                                                                                     10% cancellation administration fee) Cancellations made any time after
                                $3,000 - Sponsor Package A
                                                                                                                     the time frame of one months’ notice will incur a 50% cancellation fee.
                                $1,200 - Sponsor Package B
                                $1,750 - Virtual Exhibition Stand                                                 5. In the event of cancellation or postponement of the virtual conference due
                                $1,500 - Sponsor Session
                                                                                                                     to circumstances beyond ANZHPBA’s or the Conference Organiser’s
                                $1,400 - Sponsor of People’s Choice Award
                                $1,000 - Sponsor Banner Advertisement                                                reasonable control, ANZHPBA or the Conference Organiser cannot be
                                $1,000 - 1.5 Minute Advertisement                                                    held responsible for any cost, damage or expense which may be incurred
                                $850    - Virtual Satchel Insert                                                     by sponsors/exhibitors as a consequence of the event being postponed or
                                $500    - Sponsor Advert
                                $250    - Individual Sponsor Registraion -1
                                $150    - Individual Sponsor Registration - 2
                                                                                                                  6. In the event of cancellation of the virtual conference, the maximum liability
                                                                                                                     of ANZHPBA or the Conference Organiser is limited to a refund of the
                                   PURCHASE ONLINE
                                                                                                                     sponsorship fee with no additional liability, or any other costs or expenses

                                                                                                                  7. The Conference Organiser may shorten or lengthen the duration of the
                                                                                                                     virtual conference and alter the hours during which the virtual exhibition is

                                                                                                                  8. The Conference Organiser will not be liable and makes no guarantee of

                               Jennifer Reeves                           Mob: 0412 624 030                           the number of visitors to the virtual exhibition. Equally the Conference
                               Event Manager                             Email: jennifer.reeves@e-kiddna.com.au      Organiser will not be accountable for the level of commercial activity
                               e-Kiddna Event Management                 www.e-kiddna.com.au

                                                                                                                  9. All invoices must be paid before the commencement of the virtual
                                  www.anzhpba.org/virtualmeeting2020                                                 meeting dates, otherwise online access will not be granted.

                     The browser of choice to access the hyperlinks contained within the Sponsorship Prospectus is CHROME.
                     For those experiencing difficulty, please copy and paste the links below into your browser.

        Explainer Video    https://vimeo.com/444847193/048342784e

Sponsor Application Link   https://ekiddna.eventsair.com/SponsorshipPortal/Account/Log-
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